Horoscope for April from Virgo. Love horoscope for Virgo Woman

In April 2017, Virgos should somewhat reduce their ambitious claims to life. Without receiving proper gifts from fate, you risk turning into a grump who is annoyed by everything: the bright sun, the smiles on the faces of your family, and even your own mirror reflection. Instead of grumbling endlessly, you should understand a very important idea - it’s not fate that should give you gifts, it’s you who should earn them! Agree, it makes no sense to check your bank account over and over again without getting up from the couch and doing nothing to make your account balance increase significantly. In general, a miracle will not happen in April, and in order to possess the treasured benefits you will have to work very hard (or be lazy, and then endlessly grumble that you so wanted to get rich, but once again you did not get rich).

By the way, in mid-spring 2017, not only finances will cause you great dissatisfaction. You won’t like the way your personal life is developing (more precisely, you will be annoyed by the lack of this long-awaited development). You will watch with dissatisfaction as your regular partner does the same hairstyle day after day, drives a car monotonously, is in no hurry to diversify your diet with new dishes, and is in no hurry to change his wardrobe (as well as his established habits). When you hint to him that your marriage has become too monotonous, you are destined to receive an angry response: “Leave if I don’t suit you!” In fact, your significant other will be absolutely right, because any changes in a couple need to be worked on. That is, if you are not satisfied with some aspect, do not grumble, but look for ways to correct it without displeasing your life partner. Are you unhappy with your diet? Well, go to culinary arts courses, and then introduce these culinary experiments into your family life. This is an example that proves that if you want to change something big, start with yourself, then your partner will not remain aloof from innovations.

Virgos who have not yet gotten married will watch with great envy how the lives of their family friends develop. Just a month ago, you perceived your loneliness as a reason for pride and an opportunity to tell everyone and everything “no one limits my freedom!” In April, you will only dream that a person will appear in your life, for whom you would give up alcoholic Friday parties, and boring fishing, and a heated dinner. However, in this matter you will simply grumble dissatisfiedly without taking any concrete action! Of course, how can you build love without getting up from the couch (you will try to do this using social networks, but don’t dare to have a real meeting with your virtual interlocutor, assuming that this personal meeting will completely disappoint you).

In the meantime, your irritation will only grow, and the events that will happen in the middle of this spring in your career will only intensify your dissatisfaction. At your place of work, a situation will arise (and more than one) during which you will have to prove your professionalism and willingness to work hard. You will decide that there is no need for you to prove these things (they say, you have already proven everything). Oh, how wrong you would be to think so! Your colleagues will judge differently. They will work hard to win the "best employee" title, and the winner of this exciting competition will receive a big reward (the new position you've been dreaming about for months). This way you will receive a rather harsh lesson on how not to behave in a team (you cannot consider yourself better than others, you cannot refuse to fight for career success, you cannot demand gifts of fate without making the slightest effort towards them).

Attention, the Virgo horoscope for the month of April 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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For Virgo, April 2017 promises to be quite favorable. You will be able to create a balance of tenderness, sensuality and friendship, the three components that bring happiness in love. However, you shouldn't relax completely. Better think about what you need to change to feel happier.

The personal life of representatives of the Virgo sign will be eventful, bringing positive emotions. Moreover, the stars give you the opportunity to get rid of old problems. If you recently had a quarrel with a loved one or close friend, you can make peace and then celebrate the end of the conflict together.

The planet of love, Venus, continues to travel in a retrograde (reverse) direction until April 16, 2017, emphasizing the theme of love and romance. Your lover will become your guiding light, and your interests will revolve around relationships. Your attention is drawn to the psychology of your significant other. You will analyze the deepest and most complex layers of relationships, identifying fears, intrusive thoughts, fantasies or frustrations. All this will be beneficial and help harmonize the love relationship.

In April 2017, Virgo has a great interest in mysteries, unraveling secrets and hidden facets of emotions. At the same time, you keep your feet firmly on the ground and view relationships from a practical and financial perspective.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for April 2017

First of all, this spring month is interesting from a financial point of view. Generous Jupiter is in Virgo’s house of money, and now its influence is emphasized by aspects of the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus. On the one hand, this is a sign of good luck. On the other hand, you may be tempted to spend more than usual. To use planetary energies to your advantage, you should not be careless in financial matters.

The month is good for raising funds and searching for sources of financing. The period of Venus retrograde (until April 16) is favorable for investing in jewelry and resale of art objects. In addition, cooperation with foreign partners, travel, and research promises to be profitable.

The stars offer good chances to improve your financial situation and advance your career, but concrete steps must be taken. Remember that inaction will not lead to results.


Representatives of your sign are not in the best physical shape, so you need to save your strength. Mercury, Virgo's celestial ruler, goes retrograde on April 10, 2017, so you may feel a lack of energy.

It is recommended to focus on priorities, get enough rest and avoid health risks. Take even minor symptoms of illness very seriously. For greater psychological comfort, try meditation.

Count money more carefully when you have common financial affairs with friends, as well as with colleagues and business partners.

The stars say that April 2017 promises many Virgos changes in their personal lives. New feelings and passions cause slight dizziness and a desire to change something in your affairs of the heart. Many representatives of the Virgo sign will be able to achieve long-awaited events on the love front in April. For some representatives of this zodiac sign, such events will be new novels, weddings and declarations of feelings, for others - a long-planned break in an outdated relationship.

Lonely Virgos in April should be especially attentive to obvious manifestations of sympathy from unknown people. This month there is a risk of running into a dishonest person. Virgos should perceive all new acquaintances in April primarily as an opportunity for friendly communication. A slight detachment and an outside perspective will help Virgos determine a person’s sincerity and avoid trouble. However, the love horoscope does not advise representatives of the Virgo sign to go to extremes: it is likely that an acquaintance in April could become fateful and develop into a long, tender relationship.

Virgos who are in a stable relationship can look at their chosen one with different eyes. Many couples who are not yet married will decide to officially register their relationship. For representatives of the Virgo sign, connected by family ties, this month will help find ways to solve existing problems in relationships. All the efforts made by Virgos during this period to strengthen marital relations will not go unnoticed and will bear good fruit in the future.

Love horoscope for Virgo woman for April 2017

Single girls born under the sign of Virgo will not be too keen on urgently establishing their personal life. In April 2017, girls’ moods will not be subject to emotional outbursts, so from the outside it may mistakenly seem that Virgos are not interested in relationships at the moment. It’s just that representatives of this zodiac sign will approach the possibility of meeting and meeting new people with a cool head, not allowing illusions and emotions to dull common sense.

Virgos who have a stable relationship will receive support and care from their partner in April. The development of such relationships in this spring month will go quite smoothly for girls. Many Virgo women will be able to relax and feel a reliable male shoulder next to them. April of this year for many married Virgos can become a period of stability and manifestation of mutual love.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to finally put an end to their burdensome relationships. Virgo women are capable of initiating an overdue breakup, which will bring relief to both parties. This breakup will not cause long worries and unpleasant emotions. In this case, the love horoscope recommends that Virgos take their time looking for a new relationship.

Love horoscope for a Virgo man for April 2017

Single men born under the sign of Virgo will not be determined to change their status in April. Dating with representatives of the opposite sex will be more for the sake of sporting interest than with an eye to a stable future. In April, a Virgo man will be able to turn the heads of girls by flirting in rare cases. However, if he is interested in communication, then the relationship that ensues may well become fateful. Couples with a Virgo man formed during this period will have a passionate and sensual relationship.

Virgos will constantly be in the spotlight, says the horoscope for April 2019. Virgo will become a kind of irritant. Management and colleagues may experience a wide variety of feelings towards them - envy, love, jealous, and blame, but the main thing is that their attention will be constantly focused on her.


The most interesting thing is that for such heightened interest, Virgo will not have to do anything special in April. And it absolutely does not matter whether Virgo has real preconditions for someone’s indignation or delight, someone’s envy or someone’s resentment - those around him will unconsciously try to unravel the secret of his real or imaginary success.

The horoscope for April 2019 strongly recommends that Virgos take advantage of this favorable feature and try to captivate those around them with their projects, instill enthusiasm, and offer joint participation in a common cause. The magical attractiveness of Virgos will force many to take on faith everything that the representative of the sign says, believe in his lucky star and follow him without looking. Even if Virgo herself is not very sure of the chosen direction.


To prevent clouds of hostility and discord from hanging over Virgo's family relationships, they need to learn to control their emotions. Jealousy is the Achilles heel of many Virgos, and in April 2019 it will often subjugate the Virgo's mind with its power. Virgos should learn to trust their partner in marriage more, because, as time has shown, all your conflict situations due to jealousy have turned out to be groundless.

In April, Virgos will face quite significant financial expenses. Finances can be used to educate children, purchase real estate, or treat family members. Try to be philosophical about these expenses, and you will very soon restore your financial balance.

Mid-spring will delight many representatives of the sign with communication with friends both at the table and in the lap of nature. Do not forget that the Yellow Earth Pig, the patron of the year, is a cordial and hospitable host, and if a meeting with friends is planned on your territory, then make every effort to ensure that it is held at the highest level.

Virgo woman

Virgo Woman in April may be subject to severe criticism from her household due to excessive wastefulness. Moreover, and this was completely out of character for her before, significant sums will be spent specifically on her beloved self. The 1500th bottle of perfume, jewelry that is absolutely not in demand later, investments in hairstyle and appearance will not bring the desired pleasure, but will only complicate relationships with others.

To avoid aggravating the situation, when leaving home, take with you only the amount necessary for your planned purchases.

Virgo man

Like the fair half, stars predict unplanned expenses for Virgo men. The situation will be very unfavorable for representatives of the zodiac house who are fond of gambling. At this time, you need to take the tenth route around the card table or roulette; Fortune will turn away from you seriously and for a long time if you spend her favor in this way.

Many Virgo men have to solve some technical issues within the confines of their home. The same can apply to a vehicle. Most likely, they will have to carry out repairs on their favorite car themselves.

Virgo Child

The little Virgo will not cause any trouble to her parents in April 2019. On the contrary, she will become a constant source of joy for those closest to her. Most of them will display remarkable intellectual abilities, they will surprise with their rapid learning to read and write, their ability to observe everything that happens around them and draw thoughtful conclusions based on these observations. Try to ensure that the seeds of a little person’s self-development fall on fertile soil. Take the time to answer all your child’s questions.


April 2019 will be very calm for Virgo in all areas of life, including in terms of health! The Yellow Pig, the patron of the year, and the Moon, which holds the reins of fate for the representatives of the sign, endow Virgos with huge reserves of energy, high vitality and positive emotions. And Virgos will not tire of proving to everyone around them in April that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body.

Swimming, gym classes, swimming, running, dancing, yoga - whatever Virgo does, strengthening and tempering their body, they will get wonderful results that can exceed all their expectations. And everything that Virgo starts doing in April 2019 has every chance of quickly becoming a habit, and the representatives of the sign themselves will quickly acquire any useful skills in the chosen activity. The main thing to do is to take the first step and overcome the initial inertia and laziness.

Horoscope for April 2019, Virgo is jealous of her partner. Learn to trust!
The Virgo woman will face criticism for being too extravagant.
A Virgo man needs to beware of gambling.
Horoscope for May 2019, Virgo.

For people born under the sign of Virgo, April 2017 will be a fairly calm time, which, however, like the entire year of the Fire (Red) Rooster, will be filled with all sorts of events. But compared to other stages, April will not be as dynamic. The key patron of this sign, Mercury, will put you in a creative mood and will gravitate more towards theory than practice. There is nothing wrong with this, especially since now many signs will be subject to the same trends. This is a good time for planning and developing large-scale projects. However, if you feel that you are ready to act, if your “object of adoration” is at arm’s length and, according to all the rules, it is time to extend this very hand, then it is necessary to do this, despite any stellar tendencies. However, Mars, which has suddenly come over to your side, will help in resolving the most pressing conflicts, in particular family ones. You will be able to resolve many potential problems at the stage of their formation, and this is good, because it is easier to prevent any difficult situation than to “resolve it,” especially when it has already developed. This remark is true for all walks of life. At the same time, do not focus on pure communication, constant conversations and just establishing connections without obvious actions will have a negative impact on you due to the unfavorable location of Venus.

If we dwell in more detail on the work area, then it is fair to note that Virgo in April 2017 can quite realistically count on sudden bonuses from their star patrons. What is it about? That at a certain moment, when you are solving a particularly difficult problem, factors will suddenly appear that will turn everything in your favor. This does not mean that there is any point in getting into overtly critical positions when you are creating problems for yourself - you will also have to get out of it yourself. This is about something else, do not lose confidence in yourself, now you will have both the strength and means to emerge victorious from any fight. Those who do not work for themselves can focus on a promotion or a radical change of environment, which will be extremely useful and will most directly affect your performance. But Virgos, who have their own business, will skillfully combine moments of frantic dynamics and moments associated with complete calm, but (and this is important!) - not inaction. The main thing now is not to let despondency take over, not to give yourself the opportunity to become depressed or something like that. Venus can easily take advantage of such a weakness, and Neptune, another of your ill-wisher, will be nearby.

But in terms of personal relationships, no truly ambiguous situations are foreseen. In April 2017, Virgo is unlikely to find her destiny, in the sense that at the height of spring there is no need to “bet” on a serious relationship. It is likely that you will meet people who will change your life in the most dramatic way. There is also the possibility that circumstances will play into your hands and you will achieve what you want quite easily. But don’t rush to take your relationship to a “new level”; now the rush will be unnecessary. This also applies to family issues, let the situation develop on its own. And, keeping in mind the unfavorable position of Venus, there is no need to take on too much responsibility.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Virgo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Virgo sign:
