Why is a Capricorn man not suitable for a Libra girl? What does a Capricorn man need to know about a Libra woman?

Representatives of these zodiac signs have a difficult relationship. They have different life positions, values ​​and morals. The Libra woman is a sociable, open and cheerful person. She is gentle and romantic. The Capricorn man is a stubborn and straightforward person. He tends to focus on personal needs and feelings. To find family happiness, partners should adapt to each other's characters.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The Libra woman and the Capricorn man are an ambiguous and contradictory union. At the beginning of the relationship, mutual understanding and trust are established between these people. A fragile and sensual partner captivates a man. The lady is impressed by the determination and patience of the gentleman. But after a while, partners begin to irritate and reproach each other.

The main cause of disagreement is the struggle for leadership. Both partners try to become the main one in the relationship and refuse to give in to the other half. The struggle for leadership often turns into open confrontation and ends in separation. After a breakup, partners unleash streams of mutual insults and accumulated grievances at each other.

For a happy relationship between a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, material security is important. The partner has high financial requirements. When her partner is unable to meet her needs, she becomes aggressive and makes claims.

The best prospects for a happy, long-lasting marriage are those whose relationship is based on a business arrangement. In such a family, spouses jointly solve problems that arise, give in to each other and find a compromise. Partners improve themselves. The Libra woman becomes more reasonable and decisive, and the Capricorn man becomes more sensual and soft.

Sexual compatibility

At the beginning of a relationship, representatives of these zodiac signs are attracted to each other. They receive mutual pleasure from sex. Over time, the sophisticated and sensual Libra woman begins to lack romance, passion and elements of play in bed. The Capricorn man seems too practical and rude to her. She perceives her partner’s attempts to get closer together coldly. Misunderstanding leads to detachment and broken relationships.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Representatives of these zodiac signs are compatible in the business sphere. The working union of such people achieves success. Partners note each other’s business abilities and professional qualities. They get along well in the work area. The Libra woman has high intellectual and creative potential. She completes tasks quickly and efficiently. The Capricorn man is hardworking and neat. Such a business alliance can be ruined by the straightforwardness and criticality of the partner. A sentimental lady is sensitive to comments addressed to her.

Compatibility in friendship

A Libra woman and a Capricorn man rarely become strong friends. Due to the dissimilarity of characters and temperaments, it is difficult for them to achieve trust and mutual understanding. Such people become friends if they have a common profession, interests or goals.

A love relationship between a Capricorn woman and a Libra man is a common thing, these two often pay attention to each other. She likes his gallantry and intelligence, he falls for her image of a perfect lady, refined, without flaws. The courtship period can drag on for years: he loves old-fashioned dates - long, tender, innocent, she generally prefers not to rush anywhere and waits for her to be shown the deep seriousness of her intentions. Their love will be beautiful, like in a movie. The Capricorn woman and the Libra man have every chance of building an ideal (well, almost) relationship, which, however, will give off some chill (the merit of the Capricorn woman).

Sex between representatives of the sign Capricorn and Libra will not be very passionate, but definitely tender and beautiful. Perhaps slow. Both of them are in no hurry (the Libra man generally waits for a decisive step from his partner), they love to enjoy every moment. The Capricorn woman will make sure that sex between them takes place at all - she can plan anything, and the Libra man will give everything a beautiful form - he is a famous esthete.

Family and marriage

The Libra man strives to always have a faithful and reliable partner nearby; he does not imagine himself outside of the union. The Capricorn woman is literally obsessed with the desire to have stable soil under her feet. Therefore, marriage is a good chance for both to finally find what they so passionately want. In the family of a Capricorn woman and a Libra man there will be a lot of order - on the one hand, and romance - on the other. The first, as you might guess, she will bring, the second he will provide. Perhaps they will never want to have children: they will feel so good together, in this closed little world where they understand each other so well.

Of course they can be friends. No one will understand a Capricorn woman like a Libra man: he will be able to support her without words, so that she does not feel embarrassed because someone has penetrated her soul. He is diplomatic and gentle - exactly what she often lacks. She will find a way to support his confidence when he rushes around, not daring to make the right choice. The Capricorn woman will help the Libra man to act wisely, without pushing or pointing - like a true friend.

Work and business

A business union between a Capricorn woman and a Libra man can be very successful. She is focused on results at any cost, and he makes sure that the price is not too high and that no animal is harmed. The Libra man will be a faithful partner in business, he will be able to select a team and provide a pleasant atmosphere in which the Capricorn woman can develop to the maximum. The strategy will be on her - he will think through every move that she approves. The Libra man understands how to achieve what the Capricorn woman wants, and he uses mainly human resources. He knows a lot about relationships, so he will definitely find someone who has the skills and abilities necessary for their common cause.

Libra Man – Capricorn Woman, what will this union bring: happiness through changing oneself or a relationship full of mutual grievances and reproaches? How to connect together the naughty air in the person of the Libra man and the solid element of the earth, which gave birth to the Capricorn woman? He is charming, always surrounded by people and ready for change, she is secretive and openly afraid of newfangled trends; but both are far-sighted and smart, calculating and logical. Will a Libra man and a Capricorn woman be able to direct their minds towards achieving common goals, or will the flow of life take them in opposite directions?

The Libra man admires the Capricorn woman’s determination; her assertiveness and efficiency impresses him. He feels the strength and almost “male grip” that indecisive Libra so often lacks. In addition, the Capricorn woman is always a mystery to him: behind her classic, strict beauty and external emotional coldness, a hurricane of passions rages; her reluctance to be seen is combined with the desire to rule. The Libra man often has no idea about the true plans and ambitions of his beloved. He is sometimes frightened by the incredible tenacity of the Capricorn woman, with which she moves towards her cherished goal. The Libra man is not always able to understand that this is not just a stubborn character, but the meaning of Capricorn’s life. A woman born in this constellation always strives for leadership, be it a career, position in society or in the family.

The Libra man doesn't mind at all if his lover succeeds; he is even flattered by the love of a strong woman. But will he have the strength and patience to be a support for the Capricorn woman on her difficult path of climbing to the top, because this requires considerable restrictions from Libra, which men of this sign are rarely able to endure.

The Capricorn woman craves power, but carefully hides it. Even those closest to Capricorn are unaware of her true intentions, and even less so, her colleagues do not see competition in this discreetly dressed, timid, at first glance, woman. But Capricorn is able to surprise everyone by showing her true self when others are not expecting it at all. Her chosen one, a Libra man, is often confused by this character trait. He becomes confused and sometimes feels deceived. This can become the cornerstone of their relationship, because Libra cannot stand injustice, especially from close people. In addition, like any other man, Libra is afraid of being deceived: honor, dignity and the opinion of society are not an empty phrase for him. Here he is even capable of revenge, which the Capricorn woman does not expect from him at all.

In the modern business world, it is not easy for a woman to prove her competitiveness, especially for a Capricorn woman. Her reluctance to act openly, her inability to pretend and be content with little often becomes an obstacle to success. But still, the Capricorn woman is not so easy to lead off her chosen path; she will go to the end. Is the Libra man able to understand and support her? After all, he is used to getting around obstacles, using his charm and ability to make the right contacts.

She achieves everything solely through her perseverance and hard work. Of course, not all Capricorn women manage to make a career, and then, as if trying to rehabilitate themselves, she can plunge headlong into building ideal family relationships. In this case, the Capricorn woman’s household will experience life under her vigilant control: she will not create scandals, but her strong grip and sharp gaze will be felt everywhere. The Libra man, feeling the shackles, will most likely try to free himself; in rare cases, he may come to terms with and adapt to the current state of affairs.

A Capricorn woman who has not achieved success in her career herself can devote all her strength to ensuring that her husband takes a certain position in society. If she sets such a goal, then making the necessary contacts and organizing a dinner party at home for her husband’s colleagues will not be difficult for her. But the end must justify the means: the Capricorn woman’s chosen one is obliged to appreciate her work, otherwise he should beware of the anger of this stubborn woman. The Capricorn wife is smart enough and values ​​her time, so she will not waste it on a lazy and unpromising man. Libra should try not to disappoint his chosen one, otherwise at one point, not seeing further prospects in the development of the relationship, the Capricorn woman will begin to look for a replacement for him. And if she decides to leave, then the Libra man will not be able to return her.

The Libra man, as a representative of airy poetry, often gets bored with the constancy and predictability of his chosen one. After all, the Capricorn woman is a rather down-to-earth nature, loving traditions, accustomed to setting clear boundaries in relationships and judgments, this is her essence. The Libra man, on the contrary, often does not have a common opinion on the same issue. This confuses, even irritates the Capricorn woman. She begins to think that he is lying or simply laughing at her. But if Capricorn tries to change his partner, he will make a fatal mistake. An “airy” man cannot be forced to do anything, his views and judgments cannot be limited, or he can be restrained by force. Any such attempt will cause the opposite reaction.

A Capricorn woman who dreams of the devoted love of a Libra man must show wisdom and patience. She shouldn't accuse him of all sorts of sins, even if he is actually guilty. The Libra man cannot stand pressure; it is easier for him to escape from problems than to begin to understand them. The Capricorn woman can take part of the blame for his actions upon herself; this technique will most likely work with Libra, and a sense of justice will awaken in him, which is the main component of the character of this zodiac sign. Don’t forget that the Libra man is an esthete. He may not tell you that he doesn't like the color of your dress, but it will definitely affect his mood. Be feminine and your Libra man will not be able to resist true beauty and charm. Become a muse for him, tender and mysterious; but don't keep him at a distance - this may offend Libra.

It is quite difficult for a proud Capricorn woman to adapt to the changeable and capricious character of a Libra man, but if she finds the right string in his heart and chooses the right line of behavior, then he will not disappoint her. A Libra man in love captivates with his lightness and romance. He can be a rather tender and sentimental lover, and the proud heart of the Capricorn woman, like an impregnable fortress, will surrender without a fight.

Sometimes it is difficult for a Libra man to understand his Capricorn lover, since he constantly analyzes and tries to reason logically, and this is not what the Capricorn woman needs. After all, despite the restraining influence of Saturn, she constantly struggles with her ambitions and passions. She needs to be helped to liberate herself, to reveal the power of her beauty, which Libra, who is under the auspices of the planet of love itself - Venus, can easily cope with. The Capricorn woman is afraid of being rejected, as this would trample her self-esteem; Libra must convince his beloved of his loyalty to her.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a Libra man to deal with changes in mood. Attacks of melancholy, sudden outbursts of anger, or, conversely, causeless fun frighten the Capricorn woman. Her mood is not capable of changing so quickly, and if she is offended, it will be for a long time. They should avoid mutual accusations and showdowns over trifles.

The union of a Capricorn woman and a Libra man, these seemingly two different principles, can be extremely interesting and fruitful if it withstands the sharp turns of fate and the test of time. They need to become one so that their joint journey along the river of life lasts as long as possible. And then, despite all the obstacles encountered along the way, in the end, the Capricorn woman and the Libra man will be able to sail into a quiet haven of shared happiness.

To be honest, in the first moments of meeting a Libra woman may form a rather unpleasant impression of a man like Capricorn: she will never be able to help but notice his coldness, stateliness, narcissism and disregard for other people’s opinions. He lives as he considers right, with perseverance and fearlessness he moves towards his own goal. Such a man is a typical conservative whose opinion simply cannot be shaken. According to Libra, this list does not end with all these imperfections - he has many more. Only a woman like Libra tends to have an exaggerated sense of justice, trying to be objective and consistent in everything. Where there are minuses, there must also be pluses, she believes - something needs to be put on the other side of the scale in order to make a verdict. For this reason, she begins to look for merit in her chosen one. Most likely, the first thing she will notice is his good manners and reliability: he may well be old-fashioned, which does not deprive him of his charm. In addition, he is confident and reasonable. For Libra, it may be a pleasant discovery that he also has an excellent sense of humor - she will only find out about this a little later. True, then she will no longer need to announce the verdict to Capricorn, weighing all the pros and cons - after all, she has already fallen head over heels in love with her chosen one.

The Capricorn man, in turn, from the first seconds of meeting him is captivated by the intelligence, flexibility and incomprehensibility of the Libra woman. Oh, how much charm, sophistication and radiance she has - he simply cannot help but like such a nymph! All the same, you shouldn’t expect such a man to rush headlong to the registry office to take wedding vows. Capricorns generally do not tend to force events in any way - until he explores all the characteristics of the character and personality of his beloved, the horned one will not make hasty decisions. It’s a pity that this couple is patronized by different planets: Venus and Saturn, and they are far from being on friendly terms. Saturn is stern, cold and reasonable, while Venus is full of romance, sensuality and dreaminess. If the union of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman still persists, we can say for sure that both partners overcame incredibly difficult trials and were able to get along with each other in the name of this great love.

At that moment, when the candy-bouquet period has long ended, and the grinding-in stage is already asking for further steps to enter a more serious stage, Capricorn and Libra decide to get married. Yes, their life will be happy, but don’t think that it will be simple. Both Libra and Capricorn are Cardinal signs, which means they must always feel like leaders. In a family, in general, it is somehow difficult to endlessly pull the blanket over oneself, and there cannot be two leaders, but in the case of Capricorn the situation becomes much more complicated. God forbid that one of their partners bends the other to their advantage. The fact is that Libras are extremely freedom-loving; they simply cannot live under someone’s yoke and constant pressure. It is generally difficult to imagine a Capricorn man under the heel of a Libra lady: he will become a pathetic loser, forgetting about his strength and power, losing his own dignity. In order for their union not to turn into torture for both, it is necessary to compromise, where Libra uses all her flexibility to adapt to her lover. This does not mean that Capricorn is more suited to a golden throne with a scepter and an orb - it’s just that, due to his character, it will be more difficult for him to adapt to someone.

Even if the stars in their horoscopes contribute to harmony in these relationships, the Libra woman will still be irritated by the excessive self-confidence of her companion. You shouldn’t expect love messages and calls from such a man because he’s simply bored. Instead, he will begin to constantly repeat that everything will be exactly as he said. The Capricorn man, in turn, is inclined to get angry because of Libra’s careless (in his opinion) attitude towards money - after all, she loves to buy something luxurious or spend money on entertainment. Such a woman is not endowed with determination, but constantly believes in the best, which will also make the horned one irritated. Although, being together, Capricorn and Libra can allow themselves to reach any heights they may wish - what else can you expect from the union of two Cardinal signs of the Zodiac?

This union cannot be called simple for either party. Libra Woman from the very first minutes strives for romance and lightness, while Capricorn Man prefers cold calculation and practicality. But, as you know, opposites attract, and mutual interest is clear proof of this.

Libra woman and Capricorn man – the beginning of a relationship

Sensitive at first meeting Libra Woman will notice that Capricorn Man– a slightly self-obsessed egoist. But, thanks to her innate objectivity and sense of justice, she will find a replacement for any of his shortcomings with a good quality (even if slightly exaggerated, and sometimes even invented). So, is he old-fashioned? No, he is a sophisticated and gallant gentleman. Too cold and stubborn? Not at all, it’s determination and excellent strong-willed qualities. Moreover, he is handsome and not without a sense of humor. Libra Woman Capricorn instantly captivates with his alluring playfulness and freedom-loving disposition. She is sophisticated, gentle and charming. Yes, he fell in love, but he needs to carefully think over and calculate everything, take a closer look. And this is not surprising, because, in his understanding, only if you are economical, faithful and patient, and also have good manners and an excellent sense of style, will you have the opportunity to become his chosen one. It is also worth taking into account the fact that the seriousness of Capricorn’s intentions directly depends on his age.

Mutual self-development. Partners will be able to exchange each other’s missing qualities and grow noticeably as individuals. For example, Capricorn Man will be able not to once again hide his sincerity behind a serious mask, but Libra Woman will learn from her lover to be thorough, to understand herself better and not to make empty promises.

A rich and varied intimate life. Perhaps the most piquant and pleasant point of such a relationship is that these two will never get tired of finding and trying new places, positions and options for lovemaking.

Finding harmony. A serious approach to business and ease of decision-making - by alternating these two opposites, partners will be able to find an unexpected way out of problematic situations.

Nothing ordinary. This union will never become a habit for them; each time more and more new aspects of their life together will appear.

Complementing each other. Even if this union falls apart, both partners will emerge victorious. Capricorn Man with no one else will he gain so much experience in communicating in bed, and Libra Woman will be able to henceforth calmly approach the choice of the chosen one, and not rush headlong into the pool.

Strong and frequent conflicts of principles, which can lead to periodic showdowns, and ultimately to a break. To prevent this from happening, the parties must find a compromise and be able to negotiate among themselves.

Jealousy Capricorn men It is precisely the flirtatious and feminine Libra who can reach simply inadequate sizes and become completely unreasonable. They need to learn to better understand female psychology and not mistake Libra’s usual playful mood for frivolity and general accessibility.

Eternal fluctuations Libra Women make Capricorn nervous. The fact that she cannot decide between gentlemen for a long time and make a choice in favor of the selfish Capricorn greatly hurts his high self-esteem.

Disagreements about raising children. The conservative Capricorn Father will be quite sensitive to some stages of the child’s growing up, especially his daughter, and may not share the Libra Mother’s opinion on upbringing methods, since she, on the contrary, will try to develop coquetry and sophistication in her.

In this pair, each is willful and has leadership inclinations. For Libra Women the very thought of being subordinate to anyone is terrible, and Capricorn Man I’m not used to someone arguing with him, especially a woman. Every now and then, disagreements and reconciliations occur between them, stormy clarification of feelings. Often, none of them even understands why they are still together. These relationships are so complex and confusing. But, fortunately, this is exactly the case when reunification is possible even after a rather long separation, and it happens that even after many years this love can flare up with renewed vigor. In order to maintain warm feelings for as long as possible, everyone needs to take responsibility. If you are truly dear to each other, you will certainly find a common language and strive for harmony, although this is very difficult in this particular Zodiac combination.

Married couple

Even in the most favorable development of events, Libra Woman Capricorn's excessive stubbornness and self-confidence will strain him. Over time, a man will become enraged by Libra’s excessive wastefulness, her habit of spending money on what he thinks is meaningless pleasures and unplanned purchases.

Strong family unions between Libra and Capricorn are very rare. Success awaits the couple if the husband concentrates on obtaining material wealth, and the wife does not focus on finding spiritual intimacy with her loved one or on raising children.

True, in this case there is a danger of preserving the family only through the sacrifice of the Libra Woman.

Although Capricorn Man considered a good lover, like Libra Woman– very skillful in bed, their sexual relationship has two options. In the best of them, mutual attraction will grow with each new meeting. Partners undoubtedly attract each other with their mystery, because their sexuality is not revealed immediately, but the unsolved always attracts. For a Libra woman Capricorn may seem overly reserved at first, but this will even turn her on - the unsolved is always attractive. Almost the same thing will happen to Capricorn Man. Second scenario: loss of interest in having sex together due to unwillingness to understand your partner and give him what he wants. How everything turns out depends on the compatibility of other aspects of their horoscope, as well as on the partners themselves, on the strength of their love and desire to become happy no matter what.

Combination in friendship

Friendship between these signs occurs, but is quite rare. Due to the same circumstances as in love. The fact is that Capricorn Man considers Libra Women too flighty and frivolous, even for friendship. In the same time, Libra Women They never cease to be amazed at Capricorn’s stubbornness.

The sharp corners in these relationships are smoothed out precisely thanks to the softness of Libra. They value Capricorn as a reliable friend and good helper.

Tandem at work

Perhaps this is the most suitable area of ​​interaction for them. In a work environment Libra Woman And Capricorn Man they get along great. Especially if Capricorn is the boss (gives confidence and directs), and Libra is the “think tank” (shows competence and diligence). In such a tandem they will achieve success, their cooperation will become effective and fruitful.
