Kostya Tszyu: wife, children, personal life. Kostya Tszyu is building a palace for a new family How Kostya Tszyu lives now

Kostya Tszyu is one of the most famous world-class boxers of our time. He won a large number of victories both in the amateur arena and among professionals. At the beginning of the 2000s, the man began to educate the younger generation. He currently lives in Russian capital and trains future great champions using his own methods.

For almost twenty years, Konstantin lived happily with his wife Natalya. In 2011, he left the family without ceasing to take part in the fate of the three. In 2014, the boxer married again. Now he and his wife are raising a son and daughter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kostya Tszyu

At the global level, Konsti Tszyu’s star lit up back in the mid-80s. Three decades have passed since then. The boxer has not been in the ring for a long time. He trains young sports stars. Since 2011, the star has been working at. Numerous boxing fans are interested in everything that concerns a man, including the boxer’s height and age. It is difficult to determine how old Kostya Tszyu is, since he looks much younger than his biological age.

In 2019, the athlete will celebrate his 50th birthday. But from the looks of it, it’s hard to give him more than 40-45 years old.

Kostya Tszyu, whose photos in his youth and now are practically unchanged, pays attention to his diet. He trains for several hours every day in the gym. This allows him to be in good athletic shape, despite the end of his sports career.

The Boxer is always calm, focused and smiling. With a height of 170 cm, his body weight is 60 kg.

Biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu

Biography and personal life Kostya Tszyu contains a lot of interesting and informative information about the boxer.

The boy was born in the late 60s in the city of Serov, which is located next to Sverdlovsk. Now this is the city of Yekaterinburg. Father - Boris Timofeevich Tszyu was an employee of a local metallurgical plant. Mother, Valentina Vladimirovna Tszyu, worked in one of the city hospitals. Tszyu is not a pseudonym, as many boxing fans think, but real name, which he received from his grandfather, a purebred Korean. Kostya did not grow up alone. He has a younger sister, who was born several years later than him.

The boy was incredibly active from a young age. To guide him in the right direction, his dad took him to the sports section, where he began to learn to box. The boy’s first coach, to whom our hero is still incredibly grateful, was Vladimir Cherni.

In the mid-80s, Konstantin became the winner of the Championship Soviet Union among juniors. Next year he managed to repeat the success.

After receiving a school certificate, our hero became a student at the Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in his hometown. But a year later I decided to pick up the documents.

During the period of service in armed forces began to compete at various championships not only in his country, but also at the international level. He became the winner of the Goodwill Games, European and World Championships. In the early 90s, the young man moved to Australia, where Lewis began to train him.

Over the course of 30 years, the boxer became incredibly famous. He often won battles. Since 2009, the man began training the younger generation, developing a special technique.

Konstantin took part in various television programs. He starred with his son Nikita in advertising.

A few years ago, a number of funds mass media wrote about Tszyu’s health problems. He managed to prevent a heart attack by installing a stent. Then the athlete spent several months recovering on Lake Issyk-Kul.

From his youth, our hero was happy with a woman named Natalya. This union brought a lot of happiness to the athlete and gave him three children. In 2013, the couple officially divorced. The boxer soon married for the second time and became the father of another son and daughter.

Family and children of Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s family and children live in Australia and Russia. The athlete himself pays significant attention to children born in two marriages. He takes time to communicate with each of his offspring.

The world-class star is proud of his Korean roots, but calls himself a Russian person. The athlete's great-grandfather from Korea moved to China and then to Russian Federation, because here I met the love of my life. The man died shortly before Kostya was born; he is buried in Serov.

Dad was a metallurgical plant worker. It was thanks to Boris Timofeevich that Kostya began to practice boxing. The man is incredibly proud of his son's success.

Mom was a medical worker at one of the hospitals. She currently lives with her husband in the Moscow region. The parents' relocation was organized by Konstantin himself.

The athlete has a younger sister, Olga. She works in her hometown. The athlete always supported his sister. She is married and has two sons and a daughter.

Sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir

The sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir are the heirs of the great athlete. He communicates with each of his sons, dreaming that they will follow in his footsteps.

The first-born in the family appeared in mid-1994. They named him Timofey, although the guy himself prefers to be called Tim in the Australian manner. He considers Australia his homeland. Outwardly, Tim looks like his dad, as fans of the star have repeatedly said. The young man was educated at one of the best Australian universities. He performs in the boxing ring and dreams of repeating his father's success. So far, Tim is only 105th in the world rankings. He came to Russia and talked with his father.

Our hero named his second son Nikita. He boxed from a young age. But the boy is much more willing to play football. He dreams of becoming the best player in this sport at the Australian Championships. Kostya Tszyu and his son Nikita starred together in one of the commercials. Viewers noted the similarities between father and son. The guy smiles just like his star father.

The man's youngest son was born in his second marriage. They named him Vladimir. In one of his interviews, the boxer said that he named the boy in honor of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Volodya is still small. But he has already started playing sports, under the guidance of his dad. On his Instagram page, the star father himself posted a photo of a boy wearing boxing gloves.

Konstantin also established a good relationship with his stepson. He does not distinguish him from his own sons. Many journalists call the guy a man's son.

Kostya Tszyu’s daughters – Anastasia and Victoria

Kostya Tszyu’s daughters, Anastasia and Victoria, were born 14 years apart. The boxer himself is proud of his daughters and often talks about them.

Anastasia was born in the early 2000s. She became the boxer's third child. The girl lives in Australia with her mother and older brothers. She never came to Russia. Nastya is studying gymnastics and is making progress in this field. She recently won among her peers in her native Sydney.

Victoria became Konstantin's fifth child. He is incredibly proud of the baby and often posts pictures of her on his Instagram page. The girl is still small, so it’s too early to judge her future.

Kostya Tszyu's ex-wife - Natalya Anikina

The acquaintance with his future wife took place in his hometown. The girl was so beautiful that the guy immediately lost his head in love. He approached and immediately confessed his feelings. But Natasha decided it was a joke.

In 1993, the lovers got married. After this, the girl moved to her beloved in Australian Sydney. They lived happily for almost 20 years. The marriage produced two sons and a daughter. In 2011, Konstantin left the family. He says in his interviews that he simply felt that he could not live as before.

After the divorce, Kostya Tszyu’s ex-wife, Natalya Anikina, remained with the children in Australia, and the boxer moved to the Russian Federation, but for the sake of the children ex-spouses saved a good relationship.

Kostya Tszyu's wife - Tatyana Averina

After returning home, our hero lived alone for some time. Tanyusha appeared in his life by chance. Seeing the girl, the boxer fell in love immediately. He came over and started a conversation. Tatyana was not interested in boxing, so Tszyu did not recognize her.

The relationship developed quickly. The athlete also established a relationship with the son of his beloved from his first marriage. In 2014, the lovers officially registered their marriage and got married.

Kostya Tszyu’s wife, Tatyana Averina, gave her beloved a son and a daughter. She supports her beloved man in all his endeavors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s Instagram and Wikipedia are often viewed by admirers of the star’s talent who want to know the most detailed information about him.

The Wikipedia page allows you to find out how our hero became involved in boxing and who contributed to this. Below, year-by-year data on battles involving Konstantin is presented. On the page you can also find out about the awards received in different years. Almost no information is provided about Tszyu’s personal life.

You can learn about spouses and children from the Instagram page. The athlete himself talks about each of his offspring and posts a photo. On the page you can find out what the boxer is currently doing. He also posts videos from boxing classes here.

Konstantin Tszyu is a popular Russian boxer. He currently serves as a coach. Everyone knows about his sporting merits and his unsurpassed fights. But many of his fans are interested not only in Kostya’s sports life, but also in his personal life. We'll talk about her.

Kostya Tszyu

Tszyu was married to Natalya for 20 years. But in 2013, the boxer filed for divorce from his wife. So the 44-year-old athlete became an eligible bachelor. For a long time nothing was known about the reasons for the divorce. But soon information appeared about the athlete’s new lover. It turned out that even before the divorce he met with Tatyana Averina. Moreover, the spouses went their separate ways long before the official divorce.

Kostya Tszyu with ex-wife Natalia

Kostya Tszyu with his ex-wife Natalya and children

Back in 2005, a misunderstanding arose between the spouses. Konstantin was going through a difficult period in his life, he needed support loved one. But Natalya, instead of helping her husband by being next to him, chose a different path - she decided to leave her husband alone and go to work. Tszyu regarded this act as indifference. Since then, tense relationships began to develop in the family.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

But Natalya still does not understand and does not accept her guilt. Yes, she never liked her husband’s hobby; she dreamed that he would end his career as soon as possible. But all this was done for the sake of family, children and a quiet life. By the way, Kostya and Natasha have three children. After the divorce, the boxer left all his property to them.

As mentioned earlier, Konstantin has been dating another woman, Tatyana, for a long time. Natalya found out about her husband’s new lover almost immediately; you can’t hide anything from a woman. And Kostya himself did not want to lie to his wife.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

The boxer met Averina in 2006 at another party. Tatyana is 10 years younger than Kostya and has a child from her first marriage. As for the marriage of two lovers, there is no question of this. The boxer no longer wants to sign. He agrees to live together, have children and be a full-fledged family, but without a stamp.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

Kostya Tszyu is a legend of Russian and world boxing, an absolute world champion among professionals. This title was awarded to the Russian by three world boxing associations. Boxing, says Tszyu, shaped him as a person, his attitude towards others and gave him other blessings in life. In the same time cruel world Sports taught me not to trust seemingly sincere smiles, empty words and contracts. Kostya is familiar with betrayal and disappointment.

“But I don’t want to change myself, I don’t want to get to the level where the majority is. I don't want to go down."

Now the athlete who left his career is promoting ideals healthy image life, does not like giving interviews and attending social events. The public will recognize the champion in any case, no matter how Konstantin hides his conspicuous hairstyle under hats and hides behind dark glasses.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Tszyu was born on September 19, 1969 in a small provincial Russian town called Serov, in Sverdlovsk region. His parents were ordinary people who had nothing to do with professional sports. Father Boris Timofeevich worked the lion's share of his life at metallurgical enterprises, and his mother worked as a nurse. The boxer inherited the surname from his grandfather, a Korean by nationality, who came to the Soviet Union from China at the beginning of the 20th century.

As a child, Kostya grew up cocky and active. In order to direct the child’s fountain-like energy into a fruitful direction, Boris in 1979 took his son to the boxing section at the local youth sports school. Then I realized that I had made the right choice. The family was not against such initiatives.

After just 6 months of training in the gym, the lively 10-year-old boy began to defeat older guys in the ring. After 2 years, the coaches of the national junior team of the Soviet Union began to take an interest in the guy. This period is considered the beginning of professional sports biography Kostya Tszyu, who slowly but surely strived upward.

He won many regional and international fights and became a prize-winner of several tournaments. Enchanting victories alternated with defeats, but this only strengthened the guy’s spirit. In 1985, Tszyu received the title of champion of the RSFSR in his age category for young men. A little later, the boxer began to periodically appear in more mature tournaments.


In 1989, the guy managed to achieve serious success in the main age group. At this time, Tszyu won the championship belt at a tournament in the USSR and soon after that he triumphantly competed at the European Championship, where he also climbed to the highest step of the podium. Then followed a long series of significant victories.

In the period 1990-1991, the talented boxer won the title of champion of the Soviet Union twice in a row, and also received many gold medals based on the results of international competitions. In 1989, at the world boxing championship, which took place in the Russian capital, Kostya Tszyu managed to take third prize position in the group of athletes in the weight category up to 60 kg.

A year later, the champion also added gold medals from the Goodwill Games in Seattle. 1991 was no less impressive and bright in the athlete’s career. At this time, Kostya earned gold medals at the European and international championships.

Serious results at the competition attracted considerable interest from Australian coach Johnny Lewis to the athlete from the Soviet Union, who soon convinced the boxer to move to the Green Continent. Behind that Tszyu offered to officially become an Australian citizen, which he readily agreed to. After this, the boxer began performing at regular exhibition fights all over the planet.

During his professional career, the boxer nicknamed Thunder from Australia (Thunder from Down Under) was considered one of the strongest athletes in the world in the weight category up to 63.5 kg (Tszyu’s height is 170 cm).

From time to time, Costa managed to defeat famous fighters Juan Laporte, Jesse Leija, Zab Judah and others. These striking victories were the precursors to incredible fame and global recognition in the boxing world. Tszyu became a star in Australia and native Russia.

In total, Kostya entered the ring 282 times, scoring 270 victories. For such impressive performance, in 2011 the boxer was inducted into the International Fighting Hall of Fame.

It is noteworthy that on the same day, along with Tszyu, Hollywood actor and Mexican champion Julio Cesar Chavez received a similar honor. Konstantin defeated the latter in the 200 in the title fight for the junior welterweight championship.

The most famous fight of the Russian boxer took place in 2001 in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA). The fight in the junior welterweight between the WBA/WBC champion, 32-year-old Kostya Tszyu and the IBF champion, 24-year-old Zab Judah, was remembered by the audience, because the favorite sensationally lost. This fight between Tszyu and his student is considered one of the most interesting in the history of boxing.

The American began the meeting assertively. In the first round, Tszyu was constantly inferior to his opponent. It seemed that Judah would soon demonstrate his skills, and the age difference would also affect him, but this did not happen. In the 2nd round, the absolute world champion began to “pressure” his opponent from the first seconds, trying to throw a left uppercut. In turn, Kostya intended to stop the agile enemy, limiting his freedom of action in close combat. 8 seconds before the gong, Judah missed a powerful right cross to the head and fell to the canvas, earning a knockout.

Fight Kostya Tszyu and Zaba Judah

There was no clean knockout, but after Zab quickly stood up, he was severely sidetracked and fell a second time. “Chicken Dance” - that’s what journalists will call it physical state American boxer after a powerful blow from the “Russian Australian”.

Jay Neidi, the referee of the fight, decided to stop the fight. Such judicial arbitration infuriated the US boxer. Zab Judah attacked Neidi, declaring that he was ready to continue the fight, but the meeting was still stopped.

The judge's decision is still being discussed by experts. A clean knockout did not take place, but the fall of the American, as well as his condition after the blow inflicted by Kostya, influenced the referee. Judah demanded a rematch, but the meeting was never organized, and Tszyu ended his professional career altogether.

In June 2005, a fight took place against Briton Ricky Hatton in Manchester. This fight was decisive in the career of the Russian-Australian boxer.

Fight Kostya Tszyu and Ricky Hatton

Hatton, having defeated Tszyu by technical knockout, took the IBF junior welterweight world boxing title. Tszyu refused to participate in the final round, and the coaching staff threw in the white towel. Later, the athlete said that every fight took place on the verge of life and death. But that time Kostya was not ready to die. And then the Russian did not find the motivation to return to the ring.

The Briton refused a rematch, citing preparations for a confrontation with the WBC world champion.

After the end of his professional career, Kostya Tszyu began to train the younger generation. A special training scheme was developed for the wards, which allowed them to effectively confront their opponents in the ring. The most memorable students of the Russian athlete were boxers and Khabib Allahverdiev.

At the same time, Tszyu conducted master classes for young athletes. Using his personal funds, Konstantin opened sports schools throughout Russia, motivating this decision with the desire to help expand and popularize sports in home country. There is a Boxing Academy in Yekaterinburg, named after the champion.

In 2010, Kostya Tszyu became the head of the editorial staff of the country's debut electronic publication Fight Magazine, which reveals various aspects of martial arts.

Fans learned about another talent of the famous boxer. At the same time, Tszyu also often took part in various television programs, acting as a media person. The athlete appeared in the projects “Kostya Tszyu. To be the first", Dancing with the Stars, "Australia's Next Top Model" and others.

Kostya Tszyu is interested in the state of affairs in world boxing. In particular, in 2013, he called the boxer from Kazakhstan the best in the post-Soviet space in his category. The famous Russian has spoken positively about Golovkin more than once, commenting on his achievements in the professional ring.

Personal life

Tszyu's first wife, Natalya, worked as a hairdresser in Serov. The young people met in a city bar. They got married when Kostya was offered to move to Australia. From official data it is known that in a marriage that lasted 20 years, three children were born - sons Timofey and Nikita and daughter Anastasia.

Tim made his debut in the ring in 2016. By the fall of 2018, he had won 11 victories in 11 fights, 4 of which by knockout.

Kostya’s hobbies include music and Budha Bar, books on English language. Boxer is friends with and.

Kostya Tszyu now

Konstantin Tszyu is used to plowing. The boxer graduated from the Ural Federal University. The athlete also has his Ph.D. thesis ready, but there is not enough time to defend it. Kostya travels around the country giving master classes and motivational lectures. He became a TV presenter on the Domashny channel, in the show Culinary Duel. In Australia, Tszyu has published several books. In Russia, only an essay for children was published. The boxer rejects other offers from publishers, as he encountered attempts to deceive.

Kostya Tszyu is the author of several books

The creators of the show “Stars in the Ring,” according to Kostya, also did not pay for the idea.

“We slightly changed the structure, design - and forward, only under a different name. Unfortunately, this is often done on our television.”

The athlete continues training in the ring. After one sparring at the beginning of 2018, Kostya felt unwell. I turned to .

The teledoctor recommended doctors, and Tszyu underwent heart surgery. Before this, the man was diagnosed with problems with blood vessels - a blood clot had broken off due to high cholesterol. Tszyu made sure that the children also underwent examination.

Konstantin is the face of the company Concellence, which produces sportswear. Bright and stylish wardrobe items are sold in the online store. Kostya Tszyu Sports Academy LLC produces vitamin-fortified and energy drinks, mineral water, natural food products under the Gladio brand. The boxer invested $80 million in the project, according to Forbes.

Titles and awards

  • 1989, 1991 – gold medal at the European Championship
  • 1989 – bronze medal at the World Championships
  • 1991 – world championship gold medal
  • 1995 - IBF world champion
  • 1999 – WBC world champion
  • 2001 – absolute world champion in junior welterweight

Famous boxer Kostya Tszyu shared details of his marriage with his wife Tatyana and talked about his children.

The famous Russian boxer became the hero of the program “The Fate of a Man.”

In the show, Tszyu recalled the brightest moments of his career, talked about leaving sports, and also talked about his loved ones - his wife Tatyana and children.

For more than two years now, Kostya Tszyu has been happily married to Tatyana Averina. The couple has two children together, the youngest of whom was born last year. According to Tszyu, he loves spending time with his family. The boxer and his beloved Tatyana are raising two children together - son Alexander and daughter Victoria. Youngest child Konstantina was born in November 2016.

“I get great pleasure from being a dad. I have two small children. IN this moment I am very happy, I have a wonderful wife who is easy to be with. She did not marry the Kostya Tszyu brand, but simply me. In fact, it took some time: I was married, although we no longer lived together. It was very difficult. But she (Tatiana) was great, she believed that I loved her. These were not feigned feelings. Many believed that she was getting married only because of my fame. But that doesn't matter to her at all. I love her,” said Konstantin.

The boxer's parents also contacted the studio. Valentina and Boris Tszyu did not oppose their son’s decision to build a relationship with Tatyana.

“If Kostya chose her, then so be it. She loves Kostya, that’s the most important thing. She takes care of him, looks after him and the children. What else does a family need? The main thing is that there is mutual love,” noted the athlete’s mother.

Kostya emphasized that he and Tatyana do not have of great importance material goods. “She's not a predator. You know, there are such women, I don’t know them,” he said.

Tszyu left almost everything that belonged to him to his ex-wife.

Konstantin said that he managed to make friends with Tatiana’s son from a previous relationship. Moreover, the athlete hired him: “We have a good relationship. I made him a partner in one of my businesses, he deals with gloves. He is 18 years old".

Timofey, the boxer's eldest heir who remained with his ex-wife, noted that he understands his father's decision.

“He is a grown boy, he came here and saw my relationship with Tatyana. He became wiser and smarter,” explained Konstantin. However, Timofey did not attend his parent’s wedding, which took place more than two years ago. In turn, Tszyu said that he did not organize a grand celebration on this occasion. At first, the lovers got married, and after the birth of their son in February, they celebrated an important event in a narrow circle.

Timofey Tszyu - son of Kostya Tszyu

“Before Sashka was born, I proposed... Regarding us, I listened to my heart. She was seven months pregnant. My family and I just got together and sat at home. We submitted an application and signed the name the next day. It was December 30,” the athlete shared.

Konstantin Tszyu. Man's destiny

Kostya Dzyu is a world-famous boxer and the idol of many sports fans. Despite the fact that the boxer’s sports career has already ended, the hype around his name does not subside. In addition to the facts from the biography of Kostya Ju, of course, many fans are also interested in the events of his personal life. And it is precisely in this area that global changes have recently taken place, which has caused a new wave of rumors and gossip. These changes are a divorce from wife of Kostya Ju Natalia And new love athlete. These events are actively discussed online, both individually and together.

In the photo - Kostya Dzyu with his wife Natalya

Kostya Dzyu met his future wife in a bar hometown Serova. At first, none of them thought about love, or about continuing the relationship. Both were satisfied with the way they lived before - they went to the skating rink and the pool together, Kostya often left for training camps and training sessions. However, when the question arose about traveling to Australia for work purposes, Kostya Dzyu did not want to go alone, but invited Natalya with him. It was there that the couple realized that they had certain feelings for each other. It was very difficult at first. Natalya voluntarily shouldered all household chores and problems, trying to give her husband as many opportunities for development as possible. Over time, Konstantin Dzyu’s wife received an education and took up own business. The couple had three children - sons Timofey and Nikita and daughter Nastya. The family outwardly seemed strong and happy, although in fact serious problems were brewing inside.

In the photo - Kostya Dzyu with his wife and children

As they say, in a divorce only one of the spouses cannot be to blame, both are always to blame. It’s just that someone’s guilt is more obvious and greater. This is what happened in this family. The active and businesslike wife herself did not notice how her ambitions took first place, which had previously been occupied by her husband. It was difficult for a man accustomed to living in the position of a king to come to terms with this state of affairs. The last straw was Kostya Ju’s loss in a fight with Ricky Hatton, after which he was forced to end his boxing career. As it turned out, he was not ready for this, and his wife, who, on the contrary, was glad that her husband would stop participating in battles, was unable to support her husband in time. Not feeling support from Natalya and not knowing what to do with himself in Australia, Kostya Dzyu returned to Russia, where he met beautiful girl named Tatyana Averina. Tatyana also knew that her husband was different, but for a long time she continued to hope for something. She did not believe that 20 years of marriage could be easily erased. However, at the end of 2013, Kostya Dzyu and his wife officially divorced.

In the photo - Kostya Dzyu and Tatyana Averina

The couple divorced peacefully and without mutual claims. Natalya hopes that for the sake of the children, who primarily need the attention of both parents, she and Kostya Ju will remain friends. Despite the severe depression that accompanied the woman during the difficult divorce process, she does not hold a grudge against her husband. Now everyone goes their own way. Kostya Dzyu continues to meet with Tatyana Averina and live in Russia (though he does not promise her marriage), and Tatyana and her children remained in Australia and wants to move to Dubai in the future. She does not rule out that someday she will be able to fall in love again and become happy. She wishes the same for her ex-husband.
