The country is wide, my native conversation. Abstract of the educational activity “Wide is my native country” in the preparatory group

Abstract directly educational activities
in a preparatory group for school on the topic “My native country is wide.”
Author: Menshchikova Marina Aleksandrovna,
teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten in the village of Kedrovy"
Abstract compiled in 2016
Topic: “My native country is wide.”
Goal: to deepen and clarify children’s ideas about their Motherland - Russia.
Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge about Russia and its cities.
Familiarizing children with the peoples living in our country, with their customs, culture and traditions.
Consolidating children's knowledge about state symbols: the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia.
Developing the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.
Fostering love for the Motherland and civic and patriotic feelings.
Preliminary work: reading works about the Motherland; learning proverbs and sayings; examination of reproductions and illustrations on this topic.
GCD move.
- I want to start our lesson today with a riddle.
There is a huge house on earth under a blue roof,
The sun, rain and thunder, forest and sea surf live in it.
Birds and flowers live in it, the cheerful sound of a stream,
You and all your friends live in that bright house.
- What is this riddle about?
- What is the Motherland?
Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland.
- What is the name of our country?
- Our country is Russia, adults call it the Russian Federation.
- What was our Motherland called in the old days?
- What is our Motherland?
Our Motherland is huge, big, mighty, strong, great, invincible, rich, beloved.
The teacher posts the card Russian Federation. Reads a poem:
How great is my country!
How wide are its expanses!
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, and steppe, and mountains!
My country has spread
From north to south!
When it's spring in one region,
In the other there is snow and blizzard.
And a train through my country
From border to border
In no less than ten days,
And it will barely get home.
- Guys, here is a map of the Russian Federation. It depicts our Motherland Russia.
(Show the borders, call the children if desired, ask them to show Russia).
- You can cross Russia by train in a week, fly around by plane in one day. When it is morning in the west, it is already evening in the east. This is how big our country is, stretching over many thousands of kilometers.
- Guys, the map is depicted in different colors.
- What does blue mean?
- These are seas, oceans, rivers, i.e. water.
- But the land is painted in different colors: yellow, brown, green.
- Our country has many forests, rivers, seas, and mountains.
Low mobility game: “The sea is agitated.”
The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
The marine figure freezes in place.
The players freeze, depicting “sea” figures. The presenter approaches any player, touches him with his hand - the player depicts who exactly he is showing. The presenter's task is to guess what kind of figure this is.
- Our Motherland is very rich, but in order for this wealth to increase and be preserved, we must, of course, protect our nature.
- Listen to a poem about our Motherland.
1 child.
Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.
Tatyana Bokova
- Our homeland begins with the room in which you live, with dad, mom and all members of your family, with your apartment, your house, yard, street.
- What is the name of the village in which you and I live?
- Listen to a poem about our village.
2nd child:
Our village
I live in a village like this
Where are the pines, poplars,
Where are the beautiful girls?
This is my homeland!
Our village is the best
Each of the guys knows.
We are told about this in every group
They say in kindergarten.
We are proud that Kedrovy was a military town.
Our glorious veterans
We will not let you down in anything!
M. Menshchikova
- Is our village big or small?
- Indeed, our village is small. Previously, in our village there was military unit, military families lived in it. And now in our village, as in other settlements, ordinary peaceful people live.
- There are many big cities in our country. What cities do you know? (Show individual cities on map).
- Name the most important city of our Motherland.
- The main city is called the capital. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. (Show on the map).
3. child:
Moscow is Red Square,
Moscow is the Kremlin tower,
Moscow is the heart of Russia,
Which loves you!
- People of different nationalities live in our country - these are Russians and Chuvashs, Bashkirs and Udmurts, Ossetians and Buryats, Tuvinians and Khakassians, Evenks, Chukchis and many other peoples. Each nation has its own traditions, customs, and culture. Each nation prepares its own national dishes, sews and wears national clothes, and sings its own songs. Each people of Russia has its own national language. But the state language of Russia is Russian. Russian is the language they teach in school, TV shows are broadcast, and laws are passed.
- Who knows who is the president of our country... (V.V. Putin).
- Every country on earth, every state has its own symbols.
-Name them? Why do we need them?
- Today we will talk to you again about our anthem, coat of arms and flag.
- The anthem is the most important music in our country.
- How should we listen to the Russian anthem? (standing)
- Our anthem was written by composer Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov.
(Russian anthem plays).
-When do they play the anthem? (at special events, competitions)
- The Russian flag has a rectangular shape and consists of three horizontal stripes: the top stripe is white, like pure snow, the middle stripe is blue, like a clear sky, and the bottom stripe is red, like the sun at dawn.
4. child:
The three stripes of the flag are not without reason:
White stripe - peace and purity,
The blue stripe is the color of heaven,
Decorated domes, joy, miracles,
Red stripe - the exploits of soldiers,
That they keep their homeland from their enemies.
He is a great country's most important sign -
Our valiant tricolor Russian flag!
- Each color carries a certain meaning. White color- peace and purity. Blue is the color of the sky and signifies loyalty and truth. Red color is fire and courage (courage), the color of strength.
- Where can you see flags or flags?
- On buildings, for example, the city administration. On holidays, houses and streets are decorated. Flags can be seen on ships, planes, in the hands of soldiers and athletes. If there is a flag on a plane or ship, it will help you find out what country they are from. During major sporting events, e.g. Olympic Games, you can find out athletes from which countries will participate in these competitions. During the award ceremony, the flag of the winning country is raised high, high above the stadium. At this time, we feel proud of our athletes, of our Motherland. Defending the honor of the flag means defending the honor of your homeland.
- What is another name for flags? (banner, panel, tricolor).
Game "Gather at the Banner".
The guys are divided into three teams. While the music is playing, they run, as soon as the music stops, they each gather at their own banner. (The captain holds the banner.) The game is played several times.
- Now find the coat of arms of our country? (images of coats of arms are shown, children find the coat of arms of Russia)
5. child:
Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud,
He is Russia's free spirit.
- State symbols are business card each country, providing insight into national values, priorities and policies. The three main attributes of symbolism are the coat of arms, anthem and flag. In addition, many countries also have a symbol of an animal, bird or plant.
In our country, the symbols are the birch tree, the bear, and the matryoshka doll.
Listen to the song “At My Russia,” which talks about the symbol of our Motherland - the birch tree.
The song is performed to a soundtrack.
- In my songs, works of art, in their paintings, poets, writers, composers, artists glorify our Motherland - Russia, its vastness, beauty. - The future of our country depends on you guys, on how you study at school, what profession you choose, how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.
- What did we talk about today?
- What do you remember most?
- What did you like?

Attached files

Kiryanova Olga Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "DS No. 368, Chelyabinsk"
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Name of material: summary of direct educational activities
Subject: My native country is wide
Publication date: 02.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Kiryanova Olga Vasilievna

teacher Teacher speech therapist
Nikolaenko Lidiya Petrovna
MBDOU "DS No. 368, Chelyabinsk"

organized educational activities on

patriotic education in the preparatory school group

"My native country is wide"
Preschool age is the main stage in the life of a child’s personality development. At this time, children’s first ideas about society are formed, social feelings are formed, including a sense of patriotism. To cultivate love for the Motherland, you need to teach a child to be responsible. Before a person empathizes with the troubles and problems of the Motherland, he must acquire the experience of empathy as a human feeling. A child's world begins with his family. He recognizes himself as a member of a family society, begins to empathize with family problems, or splashes out feelings of joy and pride in his loved ones. The child’s world gradually expands, he gets acquainted with the people around him, with the city, the region where he was born and lives. Love for nature, where a child lives, is one of the manifestations of patriotism. We, teachers, form in children general idea about the country, its folk culture, wealth and strength. We teach to love and appreciate the harmony of life. Realize personal involvement in the life of the Motherland. Thus, a patriotic feeling does not arise in children on its own. This is the result of long, focused education. Preschool educational institutions designed to develop in children
first ideas about the world around us, attitude to reality and give the opportunity to feel with early years a citizen of his Fatherland.
: education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, formation of moral values ​​among older preschoolers.
Expand children's knowledge about Russia, develop a sense of pride in their Motherland and people. Consolidate knowledge about the nature of Russia. Develop the idea that Russia is a multinational country. Train children in the correct use of prepositions: in, on, under. Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence with a preposition. Continue to teach children to classify objects according to different criteria; develop coherent speech; logical thinking, attention. To strengthen in children the ability to correctly form adjectives with singular and plural nouns. To give children basic knowledge about human rights, to cultivate high moral feelings, humanism, tolerance, tolerance.
multimedia equipment, laptop, globe, schemes of prepositions on, in, under, a picture with trees of the Southern Urals, pictures with animals, pictures for the game "The Fourth Wheel".
Vocabulary work:
tundra, northern lights, steppes, taiga, Crimea peninsula, Russians, yaranga.
Progress of the lesson
: The teacher brings the globe into the group room.
Educator: Guys, which of you can name what this is? Children's answers. Educator: yes, that’s right, this is a globe - a model of planet Earth. Name who lives on the planet Earth? Children's answers. The child reads a poem by Erio Marioni, which he memorized in advance. Our home is ours, ours common Home- The land where you and I live! Just look around there is a river, there is a green meadow! You can’t get through the dense forest, but somewhere there’s a mountain of snow. And somewhere it’s hot even in winter. We can’t count all the miracles. They have one name: Forests and mountains and seas - Everything is called Earth! Educator: Guys, have you ever thought about how huge our Earth is? Are there many countries on Earth? Is the climate the same on Earth? What countries do you know? Children's answers. Educator: There are many on our planet different countries. Different people live everywhere, with different traditions and cultures, they differ in skin color and clothing. But this does not prevent all nations from understanding and respecting each other.
Today we will look deep into our country - Russia. Let's learn something new and interesting about Russia. Who can show Russia on the globe? Our country has an amazing, beautiful and sonorous name, Russia. What are the people living in Russia called? Children's answers. Educator: Look guys, our country is the largest in the world. It is located in two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. You and I know a lot of cities that are located in Russia. But the country is not only cities, rivers, seas and forests. A country is, first of all, people. Our country is strong due to the friendship of different peoples. People of different nationalities live in our country: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, etc., each nation speaks its own language, has its own traditions and culture. The official language of Russia is Russian, it is taught in schools and universities. Guys, in our group there are children of different nationalities and this does not at all prevent us from being friendly and kind. Our country stretches from the far north to the south. Educator: Guys, what ocean washes our territory from the north. Children's answers. Educator: And the land that is washed by the seas is the Arctic. Let's find the Arctic territory on the globe. (Children show; the teacher corrects the answer if necessary). The North Pole is the center of the Arctic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean and the adjacent lands are called the Arctic - this is the snow-white kingdom of snow, cold and ice. Here the tundra stretches for many kilometers. How many of you can tell what tundra is? Children's answers. Tundra slide show. Educator: What animals live in the tundra? (children's answers).
Slide show.
Speech therapist:
Guys, we will play the game “One - many with a ball.” I will throw the ball and name one animal of the tundra, and you return the ball back and name the animals plural; for example: polar wolf - polar wolves. Reindeer - reindeer, fluffy arctic fox - fluffy arctic foxes, polar owl - polar owls, nimble lemming - nimble lemmings, ptarmigan - white partridges, polar wolf - polar wolves, fast mink - fast minks, cute stoat - cute stoats. Educator: What peoples live in the Far North? (children's answers are accompanied by a slide show). What is the name of these people's home? The dwelling of people is called yaranga. What is the main occupation of these people? (children's answers are accompanied by slides) In the North there is the most beautiful sight - the northern lights. In the night sky, shimmering with different colors, sparkling arcs of blue-green lights interspersed with red and pink light up. Sometimes you can observe long flickering stripes, as if from space a giant cascade of light is covering the Earth. (slide show) Educator: Guys, if we move down, we see that the sparse vegetation is replaced by coniferous forests - this is the taiga. What can you tell us about the taiga? What trees grow in the taiga? (Children's answers). Slide show.
Speech therapist
: Guys, you want to play the game “Top Four with Trees.” I show the pictures together, we call them, you highlight the extra item and explain your choice in a complete sentence. (spruce - pine - fir - birch; spruce - pine - birch - palm; linden - pine - birch - larch) Children's answers. Educator: What animals live in the taiga? (Children's answers are accompanied by a slide show).
Educator: Taiga takes turns mixed forest. Look at the different trees that grow in the forest. Name them. (children's answers). These trees are very familiar to us; they grow in central Russia. And this is where you and I live. What is the name of our region? (children's answers are accompanied by slides). What trees grow in the Urals? (children's answers). What animals live in these forests? (children's answers)
Speech therapist:
Guys, we depicted the forest of our area on the poster. Southern Urals, and what is missing in this forest? (children's answers). Do you want to populate the forest with animals? On the table in a box there are pictures with animals, and in another box there are diagrams of prepositions. You need to choose an animal that lives in the forest of the Southern Urals and place it on the poster according to the scheme of your preposition. Make a sentence about where your animal is located. (Children choose from all the animals only those that live in the Urals and place them on Velcro according to the preposition scheme, make up a sentence: Bear in the den. Hare on a stump, etc.)
Speech therapist
: What a beautiful forest we have. Next time we will populate it with insects and flowers. Educator: What is the Ural famous for all over the world? Children's answers. Educator: What nationality do people live in the Urals? Children's answers. Educator: I suggest you rest.
"We are walking through the Urals." Children pronounce words in chorus, accompanying them with movements. We are walking through the Urals (marching), we are singing a song loudly (shaking our heads left and right, singing: la-la).
We walk down the street (marching), lifting our legs straight (pulling the toes of each leg). Take a step - one, two, Wave your arms - three, four. Turn your head (in any direction), arms up and legs wider. Let's jump high together and run easily. Educator: Our journey around Russia continues. Further on, there are fewer trees, and steppes begin. The steppes stretch for many kilometers. The vegetation in the steppes is very sparse, and the wind blows often. What plants grow in the steppes? (Children's answers). What animals live in the steppes? (Children's answers are accompanied by slides). Educator: But now we’ve reached our southern seas. What are their names? (Children's answers: Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov). The weather here is always warm, winters are mild, summers are hot and long. What kind of trees grow in the south of Russia? (children's answers: cypress, acacia, magnolia, etc.). Educator: And this, guys, is the Crimean peninsula. It once belonged to Ukraine, and now the inhabitants of Crimea are Russians. Today this peninsula is a favorite vacation spot for Russians. This is the southernmost point of our country. Educator: our journey through Russia has come to an end. Which places in Russia have we visited? Children's answers. Educator: Yes, today we learned how huge and diverse our Motherland is. People say: “A Russian man cannot live without his homeland.” The homeland is what unites all people living in one country. We all love our Russia. And when you become adults, you will be able to do a lot of useful things for Russia, so that our country becomes even more beautiful and better. People,
Those who love their country and strive to glorify it are called patriots. References: “My Country” by Andreeva V.F. 2005 “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children” Votokhina A.I., Dmitnirenko Z.S. 2013 “Our Home is the Southern Urals” is a program for the education and development of preschool children. Babunova E.S. 2014 “Nature of Russia” Kolpakova O. 2012

Game "One - many"

Speech therapist:
Guys, we will play the game “One - many with a ball.” I will throw the ball and name one animal of the tundra, and you return the ball back and name the animals in the plural; for example: (polar wolf - polar wolves) reindeer - reindeer, fluffy arctic fox - fluffy arctic foxes, polar owl - polar owls, nimble lemming - nimble lemmings, white partridge - white partridges, polar wolf - polar wolves, fast mink - fast minks , cute stoat - cute stoats.
Speech therapist:
Guys, we depicted on the poster
our forest

areas of the Southern Urals
, and what is missing in this forest? (children's answers). Do you want to populate the forest with animals? On the table in a box there are pictures with animals, and in another box there is a diagram of a preposition. You need to choose an animal that lives in the forest of the Southern Urals and place it on the newspaper according to the scheme of your preposition. Make a sentence about where your animal is located. (Children choose from all the animals only those that live in the Urals and place them on Velcro according to the preposition scheme, make up a sentence: A bear in a den. A hare on a stump, etc.) Speech therapist: what a beautiful forest we have. Next time we will populate it with insects and flowers.

Organization: MBDOU DS KV No. 134 “Fairy Tale”

Locality: Irkutsk region, Bratsk

Target: Formation of the concept of Motherland among preschoolers, expansion of ideas about their city, the cities of the Irkutsk region


  1. To strengthen children's understanding of the meaning of the coat of arms as a symbol of a city or country.
  2. Continue to teach children to “read” the symbolism of the coat of arms, to independently characterize the city, its main “profession,” natural resources and history.
  3. Foster a sense of pride in the country, respect for its inhabitants, and interest in history.


  • “Border pillar” with a set of coats of arms (A4 format) of the cities: Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirsky, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk
  • A set of small cards with images of the coat of arms of the cities discussed in the lesson
  • A set of small cards (with Velcro on back side) depicting different cities of Russia with an environmental focus of the picture
  • Geographic map of Russia
  • Panels with images of coats of arms of different cities

GCD move

Guys, I know that you really love to travel. And many of you have been to different cities of Russia. What cities have you been to? (children's answers)

Today I offer you another journey. This is a journey through our huge country of Russia! But we will begin our journey first through the cities of our Siberian region. Our Siberia is so huge that a train journey can last several days. But I suggest you make our trip with the help of your imagination. What could be faster and more amazing than our imagination?

So, let's begin the journey. Our first stop is very close to our Bratsk. Let's close our eyes for a minute (children close their eyes). Let's imagine a corner of the Siberian land. There are dense forests, majestic pines, mighty cedars, and a fast river. Listen to the sound of the river. Here we are. Open your eyes. Look who's meeting us? (Siberian toy)

Hello children. Are you visiting us or passing through?

We travel through the cities of our harsh region. Your city is the first on our way. Tell us about your city Ust-Ilimsk.

Here is our coat of arms. It will help you learn a lot about our city. Look carefully, what is shown on it? (the teacher asks leading questions if necessary: ​​“Who is depicted on the coat of arms? What is the city famous for?” (Sibiryachek supplements the children’s answers: talks about the city of Ust-Ilimsk, about its history)

Thank you, Sibiryachek, for your hospitality and for your interesting story.

And I want to give you a small image of the city of Ust-Ilimsk as a souvenir. You can attach it to your card.

The children attach the coat of arms to the map, and Sibiryachek leaves.

Well, you and I are setting off on our further journey. In our fantasies, we can ride on anything. What, for example, can you take on a trip along the Angara River? (children's answers, children move according to the chosen transport)

So, We arrived (sailed) to the city of Usolye. Look at the city's coat of arms. What does it depict? What do you think can be said about the city of Usolye? (children's stories, adding a teacher: what is the city famous for, what are the main professions of the city of Usolye, what is the history of the city)

Let's mark the city of Usolye on our map and go on a journey. What will we go on? (music plays, children move in accordance with the chosen transport)

Attention! We are approaching some city. Stop! Let's look at the coat of arms of this city. What does it depict? What profession do people need these tools? Right! And the city is called Angarsk. What do you think the residents of this city can do? Let's mark the city of Angarsk on the map.

Guys, have you noticed what the coats of arms of the cities we visited tell us about? (about the professions of people living in these cities)

But coats of arms can tell not only about professions. Look at the coats of arms of these unknown cities. What can they tell you? (the teacher displays panels with the coats of arms of cities, the main theme of which is nature)

These coats of arms tell us that the residents of these cities value very much, are proud of their nature and, of course, take care of it. And in these coats of arms you can see all the diversity of the nature of our country. There are a lot of such cities, many of them may still be unknown to you. Let's place them on the map in those areas where they could be located. (children independently choose a small card - the city’s coat of arms and attach it to the map)

Now let's continue our journey. Where will we go next? (the teacher chooses the bus)

Traveling by bus is interesting, and so that the journey does not seem long, you can while away the time with a good conversation.

1. How many of you know what shape the coat of arms most often comes in? (shield shape)

2. Who was the first to decide to decorate shields and why? (knights were the first to draw on shields, so that during a battle one could distinguish “friends” from “strangers” by the drawing

3. When the knightly army captured the city, how did they show that there were now new masters in the city? (they hung their shield over the gate and threw away the old one. By the shield over the gate it was always possible to determine who was the owner of the castle)

4. Why now, when there are no knights, do the coats of arms of cities continue to be drawn in the shape of a shield? (to show that the city is protected by the inhabitants, that the inhabitants are always ready to defend their city)

Well, while we were having an interesting conversation, we didn’t even notice that we had approached another city. This is the city of Irkutsk. Irkutsk is an ancient city, with rich history. Let's look at his coat of arms. What does it depict? What would that mean? (Sibiryachek appears)

Why are you standing so puzzled in front of the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk?

You see, the guys and I travel through cities and try to guess from the coats of arms what the city is famous for. There are cities that are famous for their workers, there are cities that are proud of their nature. We cannot guess what this coat of arms means.

The fact is that some Russian cities tried to tell the history of their city on their coat of arms. Tell you the history of the city of Irkutsk? (briefly tells the history of the city)

Yes, it was not easy for our ancestors. You always had to be prepared to defend your hometown. (attaches the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk to the map)


Well, our journey is coming to an end. It's time for us to return to our hometown.

But not only cities, but the whole country has a coat of arms. Who can tell what the Russian coat of arms looks like? (double-headed eagle)

The teacher attaches a double-headed eagle on the map of Russia

Why do you think the eagle was chosen as a symbol of Russia? (this is a fearless, proud, free bird. One of its heads looks to the east, the other to the west. So it vigilantly observes the vast expanses of our country. And the eagle also takes care of the chicks. Look how he spread his wings over all of Russia. How as if he wants to protect his cities, his citizens from all troubles and misfortunes)

Guys, look what an unusual map we have. It clearly shows what a glorious history our country has, how diverse its nature is, what wonderful people live in our country. And you and I are proud of our country and will do everything to preserve it, to make it even richer and stronger.


  1. Loginova L.V. Non-traditional forms of working with preschoolers on patriotic education. – M., 2006
  2. Coats of arms of the peoples of Russia. – M.: “Profizdat”, 2004.
  3. Klopkov V.A., Kruzhalov V.V. State symbols of Russia. – M.: LLC Publishing House. House "New Textbook", 2003
  4. Pryanikov V.G. International education of preschool children. – M., 1986
  5. Rabbi E.G. Coat of arms and flag of Russia: Introducing preschoolers and junior schoolchildren with state symbols. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.
  6. Silaev A.G. Origins of Russian heraldry. – M.: Grand Publishing and Trading House, 2008.



form elementary representations about the origin of the coat of arms of Starodub;

consolidate students’ ideas about their native land, the sights of their small homeland;


develop speech as a means of communication; activate and enrich lexicon on this topic.


cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the native land; to develop an interest in learning about one’s native land.


Demo: illustrations of city sights, a chest, a flannelgraph, an audio recording of the song “Favorite Starodub” and a melody from Mozert’s work.

Dispensing: oak leaf templates, Lego constructors, medals.

Preliminary work: Conversations about hometown; viewing photographs, illustrations of the city and attractions; creation of a mini-album “Starodub - my city” in the group; reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland, city tours (visits to cultural and memorable places); word games on the topic; role-playing games for children (“House of Culture”, “In the Hospital”, “Museum”, “Post Office”)

Progress of the lesson


Dear guys, I invite you to join the group.

Guys, this is an unusual morning when we have guests. Let's look at them with kind eyes, greet them and give them a kind smile. Take a seat. I bring to your attention a beautiful poem. Are you ready to listen?

Children: Yes


I love my city

I love my native land

And I'm glad that I live here

Where new discoveries await everyone

Our city is blooming

It's like he's alive

And let every guest know

About our native city.

Educator: What, guys, is the poem talking about? (about our native land, about our city, about our small homeland)

Educator: What do we call a small homeland?

Children: where I was born and raised, where our beloved parents live, where we took our first steps, where my brother is growing dear kindergarten.

Educator: You said everything correctly, the Small Motherland is the corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located.

Educator: Name our small homeland


Educator: What are the people of our city called?

Children: Starodub residents.

Educator: Guys, the city of Starodub is one of the oldest cities in the Bryansk region and our city is included in the list of the oldest cities in Russia. The history of Starodubshchina has its roots in the distant past. The name of the city, which became the center of the region, came from the oak forests that surrounded it in old times, and in particular, from the giant oak.

Children: my dad talked about oak.....etc.

Educator: It’s good that your close people tell you events from the history of the Starodub land. Our hometown has its own main symbol, the coat of arms.

Look what the historical coat of arms of our hometown looks like. (we look at the flannelgraph of the coat of arms)

Children: depicts an old fat oak tree, sad, it has oak leaves on the right, but not on the left.

Educator: The historical coat of arms of Starodub: “an old oak tree standing on green ground, a white field.”

Children :

Oak is a very strong, majestic tree, reminiscent of an epic hero in its qualities.

Oak symbolizes strength, power, strength, endurance, fortitude.

In ancient times, oak wreaths were awarded to the bravest warriors.

Oak is a long-lived tree.

A forest in which many oak trees grow is called an oak grove. Medicinal decoctions and tinctures are also made from oak bark.

The oak has a powerful trunk, a spreading crown, strong roots, and has acorns.

Educator: You guys are great, you know a lot of interesting things about oak.

Educator. Guys, I suggest you say kind and beautiful words about our hometown. Let us bring our mighty oak tree to life with words. Each of you speaks one at a time beautiful word about our city and hangs a leaf on the tree.

Children :

Cultural, city good people, sporty, beautiful, dear, green, big, small, kind, beloved, cute, city good people, Starodub-droplet of Russia.

Educator: I completely agree with you, our city of Starodub is the most wonderful, dearest corner to the heart.

Our oak turned out to be joyful and majestic.

Would you guys like to turn into oak trees for a minute? Let's try.

Physical exercise.

There is a green oak in the clearing,
He reached out to the sky with his crown.
(Stretching - arms up)

He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously.
(Stretching - arms to the sides)

And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms!

Educator: We did well. Guys, what is this under our oak tree? The chest is magical. Let's see what kind of surprise there is. Shall we try to open it?

(Yes. Children open and cannot open)

Educator: What to do? How to be?

To open the magic chest, we need to do something, what suggestions will there be? (tell a poem, complete a task, maybe talk about our hometown, our favorite places, or build buildings.)

Educator: Interesting offer. What would you like to build?

Children :

our favorite kindergarten, museum, sports complex.

You came up with a very good idea. (There are photographs of buildings on the tables.) Then I propose to divide into 3 groups:

Group 1 will go to the table where a sports complex is being built.

Group 2 will go to the table where our favorite kindergarten “Beryozka” is being built

Group 3 will go to the table where a local history museum is being built

(beloved Starodub music sounds)

(During the construction, the teacher provides assistance, advises, and observes the activities of the children (their interaction in joint construction, as agreed, distributes functions).

Educator: Time has come to an end.

Guys, let's see what you got.

Children :

(All the children come up to table 1 and tell what they have built, and so on to tables 2 and 3.)

Educator: How great it turned out, beautiful. I liked that you built and negotiated together. Each of you took part in the construction of your building.

Music is playing.

Educator: I am sure that this music was not played in vain. This is in our magic chest, maybe it opened?

Children: hurray, it opened, everything was done correctly.

Educator: This is a surprise from our oak tree, tree- kind words(pupils take medals for themselves)

What do we do with the cooled medals?

Children: I want to give it to you, mom, and I want to give it to the guests....

Educator: My good guys. I hope that today’s acquaintance with the coat of arms of Starodub was interesting and informative for you. Did you enjoy working out?

I suggest you do the d/z. draw your favorite place, your motherland. It's time to say goodbye to the guests. (Goodbye!)



directly educational activities
in the preparatory group

Topic: “My hometown Starodub”



to form elementary ideas about the origin of the coat of arms of the city of Starodub;

consolidate students’ ideas about their native land, the sights of their small homeland;


develop speech as a means of communication; activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic.


cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the native land; to develop an interest in learning about one’s native land.


Demo: illustrations of city sights, a chest, a flannelgraph, an audio recording of the song “Favorite Starodub” and a melody from Mozert’s work.

Dispensing: oak leaf templates, construction sets, medals.

Preliminary work:Conversations about your hometown; viewing photographs, illustrations of the city and attractions; creation of a mini-album “Starodub - my city” in the group; reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland, city tours (visits to cultural and memorable places); word games on the topic; role-playing games for children (“House of Culture”, “In the Hospital”, “Museum”, “Post Office”)

Progress of the lesson


Dear guys, I invite you to join the group.

Guys, this is an unusual morning when we have guests. Let's look at them with kind eyes, greet them and give them a kind smile. Take a seat. I bring to your attention a beautiful poem. Are you ready to listen?

Children: Yes


I love my city

I love my native land

And I'm glad that I live here

Where new discoveries await everyone

Our city is blooming

It's like he's alive

And let every guest know

About our native city.

Educator: What, guys, is the poem talking about? (about our native land, about our city, about our small homeland)

Educator: What do we call a small homeland?

Children : where I was born and raised, where our beloved parents live, where we took our first steps, where my brother is growing up... my own kindergarten.

Educator: You said everything correctly, the Small Motherland is the corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located.

Educator: Name our small homeland

Children: Starodub.

Educator: What are the people of our city called?

Children: Starodub residents.

Educator: Guys, the city of Starodub is one of the oldest cities in the Bryansk region and our city is included in the list of the oldest cities in Russia. The history of Starodubshchina has its roots in the distant past. The name of the city, which became the center of the region, came from the oak forests that surrounded it in ancient times, and in particular from the giant oak.

Children : my dad talked about oak.....etc.

Educator: It’s good that your close people tell you events from the history of the Starodub land. Our hometown has its own main symbol, the coat of arms.

Look what the historical coat of arms of our hometown looks like. (we look at the flannelgraph of the coat of arms)

Children: depicts an old fat oak tree, sad, it has oak leaves on the right, but not on the left.

Educator: The historical coat of arms of Starodub: “an old oak tree standing on green ground, a white field.”

Children :

Oak is a very strong, majestic tree, reminiscent of an epic hero in its qualities.

Oak symbolizes strength, power, strength, endurance, fortitude.

In ancient times, oak wreaths were awarded to the bravest warriors.

Oak is a long-lived tree.

A forest in which many oak trees grow is called an oak grove. Medicinal decoctions and tinctures are also made from oak bark.

The oak has a powerful trunk, a spreading crown, strong roots, and has acorns.

Educator: You guys are great, you know a lot of interesting things about oak.

A game. "Tree of kind beautiful words"

Educator. Guys, I suggest you say kind and beautiful words about our hometown. Let us bring our mighty oak tree to life with words. Each of you says one beautiful word about our city and hangs a leaf on the tree.

Children :

Cultural, a city of kind people, sporty, beautiful, dear, green, big, small, kind, beloved, dear, a city of good people, Starodub is a droplet of Russia.

Educator: I completely agree with you, our city of Starodub is the most wonderful, dearest corner to the heart.

Our oak turned out to be joyful and majestic.

Would you guys like to turn into oak trees for a minute? Let's try.

Physical exercise.

There is a green oak in the clearing,
He reached out to the sky with his crown.
(Stretching - arms up)

He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously.
(Stretching - arms to the sides)

And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms!

Educator: We did well. Guys, what is this under our oak tree? The chest is magical. Let's see what kind of surprise there is. Shall we try to open it?

(Yes. Children open and cannot open)

Educator: What to do? How to be?

To open the magic chest, we need to do something, what suggestions will there be? (tell a poem, complete a task, maybe talk about our hometown, our favorite places, or build buildings.)

Educator: Interesting offer. What would you like to build?

Children :

Our favorite kindergarten, museum, sports complex.

You came up with a very good idea. (There are photographs of buildings on the tables.) Then I propose to divide into 3 groups:

Group 1 will go to the table where a sports complex is being built.

Group 2 will go to the table where our favorite kindergarten “Beryozka” is being built

Group 3 will go to the table where a local history museum is being built

(beloved Starodub music sounds)

(During the construction, the teacher provides assistance, advises, and observes the activities of the children (their interaction in joint construction, as agreed, distributes functions).

Educator: Time has come to an end.

Guys, let's see what you got.

Children :

(All the children come up to table 1 and tell what they have built, and so on to tables 2 and 3.)

Educator: How great it turned out, beautiful. I liked that you built and negotiated together. Each of you took part in the construction of your building.

Music is playing.

Educator: I am sure that this music was not played in vain. This is in our magic chest, maybe it opened?

Children : hurray, it opened, everything was done correctly.

Educator: This is a surprise from our oak tree, the tree of kind words (pupils take medals for themselves)

What do we do with the cooled medals?

Children : I want to give it to you, mom, and I want to give it to the guests....

Educator: My good guys. I hope that today’s acquaintance with the coat of arms of Starodub was interesting and informative for you. Did you enjoy working out?

I suggest you do the d/z. draw your favorite place, your native land. It's time to say goodbye to the guests. (Goodbye!)

NOD “My native country is wide...”

Target: nurturing a sense of love, pride and patriotism for one’s country, small Motherland.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Communication, Physical Culture, Music, Reading fiction.


Consolidating children's knowledge about our country, our city, its attractions (“Cognition”);

Systematization of children’s knowledge about the symbols of the state (“Cognition”);

Cultivating a friendly attitude towards each other (“Socialization”);

Improve the ability to answer questions depending on the content, using accurate, expressive vocabulary (“Communication”);

Cultivate a love for the works of Russian poets (“Reading fiction”);

To cultivate a desire to perform a piece of music of a patriotic nature (“Music”);

Improve children's motor activity through active folk games (“Physical Education”);

- improve children's artistic and speech performance skills when reading poetry and proverbs (“Reading Fiction”);

To clarify children’s knowledge about the national symbols of the country - the birch tree, the matryoshka (“Cognition”);

- fix the names of Russian cities, names of rivers, folk crafts, holidays (“Cognition”);

To educate emotionally - a positive response to the beauty of Russian nature, the talent of the Russian people (“Cognition”);

Improve the ability to create a whole from parts through play activities (“Socialization”).

Types of children's activities:motor, play, communicative, productive; perception of fiction.

Methods and techniques: - practical




Preliminary work:

Learning poems by Russian poets about the Motherland, nature; songs, folk games, round dances; proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, work, friendship.

Reading works by Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature, city;

Examination of illustrations of books, atlases; paintings; postcards; flags, emblems of the country, city;

Listening to musical works of a patriotic nature;

City tours.

A song about the Motherland is playing. Children enter the hall to the music (boys with flags, girls with pigeons). They change lanes and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Dear guests, children, today we have gathered in this hall to sing the praises of our great power.

What does it mean: My homeland?

You ask. I will answer:

First the path is earth

Runs towards you.

Then the garden will beckon you

Each fragrant branch.

Then you will see an orderly row

Multi-storey houses.

Then the wheat fields

From edge to edge.

All this is your homeland,

Your native land.

The older and stronger you become,

The more in front of you

She's tempting ways

He will trustfully reveal.

Guys, I am holding a model of the earth in my hands. What is this?(globe). Look how much there is on our globe different countries. What countries do you know?(children's answers). But there is only one country on the globe, which we love, which we call our Motherland. What is the name of our country?(Russia).

That's right, you and I live in the largest and most beautiful country on Earth. Our country has an amazingly beautiful and sonorous name - Russia. No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It may be snowing at one end of the country, but the sun may be blazing hot at the other. To get from one end to the other by train you need to travel 7 days - a week, and by plane it takes almost a day - 24 hours.(World map slide)

What words can be said about the size of our country?(big, huge, majestic, immense, beautiful, strong).Look, it is highlighted on the map in a special color.

Many poets have written wonderful words about our great Motherland. I suggest you listen to them.

Child 1: Here it is, Russia is our country,

She is very, very big

Russia is our motherland, our home,

Where we live together with you.

Child 2: Growing up under the warm sun,

We live together, have fun,

Russia, dear, dear

Bloom and grow stronger every day!

Child 3: How many fabulous places Russia has!

Russia has countless cities.

Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,

But it won’t be more dear than here!

Child 4: Under the very sky there are mountain roads,

Below are fields, expanse, width.

Paths and paths run - roads...

These spaces are my homeland!

Presenter: Our Fatherland, our Motherland is Mother Russia. Why do we say Russia is our Fatherland?(our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial).Why is Russia our Motherland?(We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it. She fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, protects us and protects us from all enemies).

Children, what is the Motherland for each of you?(this is my home, my city, my family, my mother and I, my country).

Child 1: What do we call home?

The house where you and I live,

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom

Child 2: What do we call home?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside.

Child 3: What do we call Motherland?

We cherish everything that is in our hearts.

And under the blue-blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Children sing the song “What do we call Motherland?”

Presenter: And now, guys, we will lay out the words Motherland and Russia from letters(children work at easels).

Music sounds and Carlson enters the hall.

Carlson: Hello, kids! Girls and boys! There are so many of you! What are you doing here? Will there be jam? What about sweets? I was so out of breath when I flew to you!

Leading: Hello, hello, dear Carlson! Apparently you were flying from afar. You must be very tired?
Carlson: Of course you still ask! I live very far away, in another country, in a very big city, on the highest roof!
Leading: Dear Carlson, what is the name of the country in which you live? What is the main city of your country?
Carlson: But I don’t know the name of the country and the city! Why should I know? I live on the roof, from there I can see everything and everyone. I fly wherever I want. Do you know the name of your country?!
Leading: Of course, Carlson, our guys know the name of our country, and the name of the main city of the country! Really, guys?
Carlson: (asks the children)Somehow I don’t really believe it! Well, tell me what country do you live in?!(children's answers)
Leading: You see, I told you that our guys know everything!

Carlson: What is the main city of your country? (Slide of Moscow with the Kremlin)

Presenter: Guys, who will tell a poem about Moscow?

Child: Moscow is Red Square,

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,

Moscow is the heart of Russia,

Which loves you!.

Presenter: How is our state different from others?(size, language, customs, traditions, coat of arms, anthem, banknotes, national costumes, culture, flag).

Everything is correct. Each country, Carlson, has its own state symbols. These are the official insignia of the country from other countries. What children?(anthem, flag, coat of arms)

Carlson: And I have so many different pictures in my pocket (takes out flags of different countries). Find, guys, the flag of your country (children choose the flag of Russia from those proposed).(Slide with the Russian flag)

Presenter: Children, what does the Russian flag look like?? (This is a rectangular panel consisting of three stripes of different colors)What color are the stripes on our flag?(Children's answers)

Let's remember what these colors mean(white color - nobility, purity of soul, blue - honesty, fidelity, red - courage and generosity, courage, bravery).

Child: White color – birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

The colors of the Russian flag were not chosen by chance. These colors symbolize: the unity of the world, earth and sky. They are associated with popular ideas about beauty. These colors have long been considered the most beautiful in Rus' and were used to decorate festive clothing.

Didactic game “Make the flag of Russia.”

(Slide of the coat of arms of Russia)

Presenter: Guys, what do you know about the coat of arms of Russia? What does it show?(The coat of arms depicts a golden double-headed eagle, and on the eagle’s chest is the warrior St. George the Victorious).

Why is the eagle double-headed?(To see the whole of vast Russia: one head looks east, the other west).

What does the image of an eagle on the coat of arms mean?(the strength that our state is strong and invincible).

Indeed, we have a beautiful coat of arms. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil. The coat of arms is the emblem of the state. It is depicted on all seals, banknotes, both paper and metal, passports, and documents.

Child: Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

In order to remember what the coat of arms of our country looks like, let's divide into two teams and put together puzzles with the image of the coat of arms at speed.

Game "Collect the coat of arms of the country."

Presenter: Guys, what state symbol have we not talked about yet?(hymn)

What is an anthem?(This is the solemn, main song of the country).

When is the anthem played?(answers) Yes, guys, the anthem is performed on special, solemn occasions: when raising the flag, presenting awards, when welcoming foreign guests. And now we will listen to the anthem.

Let's remember how to listen to the anthem (standing, do not talk).Why do you guys think?(by this we express respect for our country).Let's listen to the excerpt and listen carefully to the wonderful, solemn words about Russia(recording starts, children listen while standing)

After the music ends, the host invites the children and guests to sit down.

Carlson: Guys, tell me, where in Russia do you live?(in the city of Novokuibyshevsk).

(Hometown slide)

Presenter: Carlson, Russia is a huge country. There are many beautiful things in our country: extraordinary beautiful nature, wonderful people, many cities, villages, villages that have their own name. Now, Carlson, the guys will say a lot of kind words about their hometown. Listen to them.

Child 1: There is a small but nice city

Over the Volga, Russian river.

Years go by, but he is still young,

Our native Novokuibyshevsk.

Child 2: Every resident loves his city,

The people are good, hard working.

Oilman, chemist and builder

They live here as a friendly family.

Child 3: blocks go from the square

Well-maintained houses.

There is a lot on the map of the homeland

Such good cities.

Child 4: We decorate our city with love,

So that it is clean and comfortable.

After all, we are one family, a big family,

Let our beloved home become prettier.

Presenter: Carlson, do you want to know what our Motherland is famous for?

Carlson: Of course I want. Tell me guys.

Child 1: How big is my land

How wide are the spaces?

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains.

Child 2: my country has spread

From north to south: when it’s spring in one region,

In the other there is snow and blizzard.

(While reading the poem, landscapes of Russia are shown on the screen: forests, rivers, mountains).

Carlson: Guys, what other Russian cities do you know?(Kazan, Vladivostok, Moscow, Samara)

Presenter: Guys, what rivers do you know?(Lena, Moscow, Ob, Irtysh, Oka, Yenisei, Amur)Which one is the most long river in Russia?

What about the deepest lake in the world?

What is the highest mountain, who knows?(children's answers).

Carlson thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Presenter: Guys, we talked about the state symbols of Russia. Did you know that there are also folk symbols? Which?(slide on screen)

Many guests from different countries of the world come to our country. And many of them take our Russian souvenirs with them.

Look how beautiful this chest is. Your grandmothers stored dishes and folded clothes in it. Let's see what's in the chest? Here are various items made by Russian craftsmen. What do you see here?(wooden spoons, boards, nesting dolls, balalaika, accordion, samovar)Guests from all over the world love these items, and they always buy them as souvenirs of Russia. But most often, guys, guests take away a souvenir, which you name after guessing the riddle:

Friends of different heights

But they are “similar” to each other.

They all sit together, in friendship

And just one toy(Matryoshka)

Music sounds, Matryoshka enters.

Matryoshka: Hello guys, dear guests. Mother Russia is very famous for its beautiful matryoshka dolls. Guys, I heard you talked a lot about Russia. How many of you can name a tree that is a symbol of Russia?(birch).

(Slide on screen)

Matryoshka: When people talk about Russia, they most often remember the birch tree. Birch trees are the beauties of the Russian forest. Look how slender, thin they are, with long fragile branches. Birch is a symbol and pride of the Russian people.

But the beautiful birch tree quietly whispers: “Girls-friends, where are you? Come out for a walk, dance with me!”, the beautiful girls take handkerchiefs and dance around the birch tree.
The girls perform the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Matryoshka: They knew how to play in Rus'. And now I invite everyone to play Russian folkgame "Zarya - Zaryanitsa"to have fun and relax.

Children stand in a circle, hold a ribbon, and Dawn walks behind. Children walk in a circle and sing:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
One, two, don't be a crow,

And run like fire.

With the last words, the driver carefully touches the shoulder of one of the players. Both players run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn.

Presenter: Guys, on November 4, our country celebrated a holiday. Which one do you think?(National Unity Day).What does this holiday mean?(children's answers)

That's right, guys, Russia is strong only when it is united! That is why our country has such an important holiday.

What are the Russian holidays?

Russia - united, powerful, endless, hospitable - extends the hand of friendship and opens its arms to all peoples and neighbors, to everyone who wants to live peacefully on earth! Our country, guys, is multinational. Even in our city there live people of different nationalities. Which ones, name them together? Children of various nationalities also attend our kindergarten, but this does not prevent them from being true friends.

Children sing a song in various languages.

Presenter: Guys, we have already said that Russia is a very large, rich and beautiful country. And talented people live in Russia. And what do Russian people not know how to do? And invent fairy tales and sing beautiful songs and make various beautiful objects. The Russian people have composed many fairy tales, and they are interesting, both in their plot and in their beautiful expressive language.

What Russian folk tales do you know?(“Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, etc.).

Presenter: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. And now I propose to remember the proverbs and sayings about the Motherland that the Russian people have composed. Listen, matryoshka, what proverbs and sayings about the Motherland the children know.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

The Motherland teaches - Rodin helps out.

He who stands up for his homeland is a true hero.

A beloved homeland is like a dear mother.

If friendship is great, the homeland will be strong.

Motherland, be able to stand up for it.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Matryoshka: Well done, you remembered so many proverbs and sayings!

Presenter: One per person birth mother, he has one homeland. Her people love her deeply.

Our mother Russia

She will become strong as before.

The holiday is the day of patriotism,

Hail, proud fatherland!

Dance with rafts.

Matryoshka offers the game "Weave".

Child: Let the winds be prickly, the blizzards sweep,

Frosts over forty, harsh comfort,

But friendly, passionate people live here,

And you can gather a round dance from the nations.

Round dance of friendship.

Matryoshka says goodbye and leaves.

Presenter: The future of our country, Russia, largely depends on you guys, on how much you love your Motherland, and what good you can do for it when you become adults. While you are still small, you cannot do anything for Russia yet. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your friends and loved ones, don’t quarrel, Let’s look at each other, smile, and let’s not forget that you and I are Russians, a very wise, patient, kind people .
Let us all say together: “If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!”

Dear guys, in Rus' there is a very important custom: at fairs and holidays, treat yourself to tea, sweets, and gingerbread. This custom is still alive today.

(A samovar with gingerbread is brought into the hall. Guests and children are invited to tea).
