Animals of the Middle Urals presentation. Geography presentation "animal world of the southern Urals"


Borisov Agromechanical College


Methodical development lesson on the topic

"Tilted Prism Volume"


mathematics teacher

Usenko Olga Alexandrovna

2015-2016 academic year

Lesson type : lesson learning new material.

Lesson Objectives :

    Tutorial: continue the systematic study of polyhedra, in the course of solving problems of finding the volume of an inclined prism.

    Developing: development of inductive and deductive thinking skills.

    Educational: instilling active learning activities, formation of skills of independent search and selection of information. Creating conditions for research activities students, demonstration of methods of such activity

Forms of work in the lesson : collective, oral, written.

Equipment : multimedia projector, computer, presentation, models of oblique prisms made by students.

Lesson structure :

    Organizational moment, staging homework

    Repetition of the studied material and preparation for the assimilation of new material

    Checking homework, flowing into the study of new material

    Primary fastening

    Application of the studied material in real life

    Organization of the process of mastering knowledge in the course of practical work

    Results of work, reflection


Lesson topic “Tilted prism volume”

    Organizational moment, setting homework.

Our task today is to find out how to find the volume of an inclined prism?

Write down homework No. 678, 679, 680 according to L.S. Atanasyan's textbook (the solution of these problems needs to be completed, you have already found the heights of the prisms, now find their volume)

    Repetition of the studied material and preparation for the assimilation of new material.

We start the lesson with oral problem solving in order to repeat everything that is necessary for mastering new material.

    Checking homework, flowing into the study of new material.

a) At home, you were given a problem - how to find the volume of an inclined prism, if we know that the volume of a straight prism is equal to the product of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base and the height. To do this, we divided into 4 creative groups. The first and second groups had to find a practical way out of this situation. They have a word.

The students of the first group made models of two prisms. One of them is straight and the other is inclined, but the heights and bases of these prisms are equal. Sugar was poured into a straight prism, which was poured into an inclined prism and it was concluded that their volumes are equal.

b) Students of the second group used the idea of ​​the equal size of equally composed polyhedra. With the help of a model, they demonstrated this idea.

c) Now let's approach this question from a theoretical point of view. The derivation of the volume formula was prepared for us by the third group.

We write the conclusions in a notebook.

    Primary fastening .

Now we know what formula can be used to find the volume of an inclined prism, let's go back to problem number 7 from oral work and find the volume of this prism. What do you need to know? What quantities are unknown? What other data is needed? Find the volume if the sides of the base are 10 m, 10 m and 12 m. (Write down the solution in a notebook)

    Application of the studied material in real life.

Are there oblique prisms around us? How important is the task of finding their volume? The fourth group answered this question.

Accompanying text for the presentation (appendix). Conclusion: not often, not much, but there is. This is probably the design of the future, judging by what we have seen now on the slides.

    Organization of the process of mastering knowledge in the course of practical work.

Now take your models. Your task is to find the volume of your tilted prism by taking the necessary measurements. Remember that an element that can be calculated by knowing others does not have to be found in a practical way, it must be found by calculation.

    Results of work, reflection .

One or two students who completed the task give a report on the work done.

From the proposed phrases, choose one and complete it:

    I enjoyed today's lesson because...

    The lesson was not interesting because...

    It was not just...

    Now I know…

    I managed…

    I was surprised...

    Lesson taught me for life...

    I will try…

    I wanted…

    I have been doing assignments...

Grading. Summing up, drawing conclusions.


We never thought about how many oblique prisms we have in our lives. If you look around, it suddenly becomes clear that in modern architecture they are a kind of trend.. (slide 1)

So, for example, the piles of a house, which we usually do not pay attention to, are in the form of an inclined prism.(slide 2 )

Prisms also help in design: be it draft design(slide 3) or computer modeling of buildings.(slide 4)

Today, often, following the canons of abstractionism, office buildings are built fragmentarily in the form of an inclined prism.(slide 5 ), hotels and extra-class hotels are being designed(slide 6,7,8)

One of the first skyscrapers in the form of an inclined prism appeared in

San Francisco(slide 9)

Unusual buildings with fragments of inclined prisms famous Japanese major corporations(slide 10) and Las Vegas casinos(11 slide)

As well as Australian shopping centers, close to the trends of constructivism(12 slide)

The same inclined prism is observed in the forms of the famous New York skyscrapers, where the concepts of constructivism differ significantly from the usual Soviet high-rise buildings.. (13 slide)

Of course, famous fashion houses, such as, for example, Giorgio Armani, cannot help but stand out with their forms.(14 slide) , where again we observe fragments of an inclined prism. But American architects do not stop at ordinary skyscrapers, but are developing new forms, which also involve inclined prisms, in the center of New York.

(15 slide) , as well as in elite areas like Manhattan and Beverly Hills(16 slide)

The same can be said about New York offices.(17 slide)

Inclined prisms are actively used today by designers. Like, for example, a high-tech fireplace"(18 slide)

They also give rise to the formation of such styles as neoplasticism.(19 slide)

It is distinguished by an abundance of large prismatic forms.(20 slide)

Modern Japanese skyscrapers with helipads also resemble inclined prisms in shape..(21 slides)

And the modern avant-garde very skillfully combines prisms and black glass(22 slide)

The famous building in Prague in the form of a glass also allows you to see the inclined prisms in our lives.(23 slide)

Inclined prisms have found their place everywhere: in the design of skateboarding sites(24 slide) , and in the construction of cozy Austrian hotels(25 slide), and in the buildings of trendy nightclubs(26 slide)

They are used even in numerous China and the construction of its modest centers(27 slide)

And, of course, where we can directly see the elements of an inclined prism, this is in the buildings of our Russian casinos(28 slide)

Thus, we can conclude that all the same, inclined prisms have a place in our lives, and not the least.

Lesson plan Calculating volumes of bodies using a definite integral Calculating volumes of bodies using a definite integral Calculating volumes of bodies using a definite integral Calculating volumes of bodies using a definite integral Volume of a truncated pyramid Volume of a truncated pyramid Volume of a truncated pyramid Volume of a truncated pyramid Volume of a cone Volume of a cone Volume of a cone Volume of a cone Volume of a truncated cone Volume of a truncated cone Volume of a truncated cone Volume of a truncated cone Questions for reinforcing Questions for reinforcing Questions for reinforcing

Calculation of body volumes The approximate value of the volume of the body is equal to the sum of the volumes of direct prisms, the bases of which are equal to the areas of the sections of the body of height equal to i = x i - x i - 1 x i – x i – 1 a x i-1 x i b α β S(x i) The segment is divided into n parts

The volume of a pyramid The volume of a triangular pyramid is equal to one third of the product of the area of ​​the base and the height Theorem: The volume of the triangular pyramid is equal to one third of the product of the area of ​​the base and the height or a certain integral of the base area in the interval from 0 to h B C O A M h

slide 2

Participants Children senior group"Gnomes", their parents and teachers Location MDOU - kindergarten combined type No. 19 "Smile", Yuzhnouralsk.

slide 3

Purpose Development of children's cognitive activity and erudition in the field of knowledge about nature. Tasks Development of creative initiative, purposefulness in children in the process of finding answers to the question; Development of curiosity; Raising a sense of belonging and the inseparability of the existence of man and nature; Raising children to love native land and its natural wealth.

slide 4

Fundamental question. Do we need wild animals? Problem question. How do wild animals prepare for winter? We are growing. we grow, we grow! We will learn everything about the world, We will not offend the insects, We will not destroy the nests of the birds, We will save the anthill, We will not stir up the stream.

slide 5

System web for the project "What animals of the Urals change their coats for the winter"

slide 6

Distribution of activities by project stages

Slide 8

We played the game: "Merry Zoo" We learned what sounds animals make and where they live. They played board games, role-playing games, dramatization games. Created food chains. Drawn animals. Vova R. Yana Sh. Polina S.

Slide 9

Learned. The animals of the Urals are moose, Brown bear, wolves, lynx, wild boars, foxes, hares, roe deer, hedgehogs, squirrels, mouse-like rodents. That all animals molt with the onset of cold weather. Shedding in animals is a gradual change of wool. Instead of summer wool, a new one grows in autumn - thick, fluffy. But some change the color of their fur coat in order to disguise themselves to become invisible, these are such as: Hare - hare - in summer, brown-gray, and in winter - white, Squirrel - reddish in summer and gray in winter, Ermine - brown in summer, white in winter Weasel is yellow-brown in summer and pure white in winter. Roe deer are red in summer and gray in winter. Squirrel Roe deer ermine Arctic fox Weasel hare

Slide 10

Preparing for winter, animals behave differently. Squirrel, makes stocks. Dries mushrooms, berries, collects nuts, acorns, cones. Others arrange and insulate the dwelling: a bear - a den, a squirrel - a hollow, a hedgehog - a mink, a fox - a hole. (dry leaves, moss, feathers, wool). They hibernate - a bear, a hedgehog, fatten up. Wild boar, elk, hare, wolf, fox find food in the forest all year round. They read Trutneva’s poem “Squirrel” They made riddles: Why are there mushrooms on the Christmas tree. Are they sitting on knots? Like a squirrel, I shed a fur coat Not in a basket, not on a shelf, I change gray to white. Not in the moss, not under the leaf - I'll hide under the bush, By the trunk and among the branches. I will sit down under a pine tree, they are not worn on knots. see, the beast does not recognize me Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, bruises, forest. Fat mushrooms - And I eat in the frozen winter Not in dry autumn grass, berries, bark. And put on bitches! Who arranged them so cleverly? We played games in search and cognitive Who cleared rubbish from mushrooms? character: Why do foxes and squirrels have such fluffy tails? Why do rabbits have such long sharp teeth? Can the forest be called home? Wild animals take care of themselves. Lada P. Yana Sh. Anya N.
