Alexey Shukin commissioner biography. The Komissar group and its creative path


added date: 13.03.2009

The “Commissar” project is, first of all, soloist Alexey Shchukin and lyricist and producer Valery Sokolov, the former administrator of Mirage. In 1989, Alexey was a DJ at the famous Orion venue in the capital. His responsibilities included not just turning on the music, but also selecting performers to entertain the audience.

Moreover, Alexey was so captivated by the action that he often sang along to some composition. Once upon a time, the group “Fairy”, created by the former vocalist of “Mirage” Svetlana Razina and Valery Sokolov, was singing on the set. It was then that a fateful meeting took place. Valery invited Alexey to the team. IN new project The former Bioconstructor keyboard player Leonid Velichkovsky, who collaborated with another singer who left Mirage, Natalya Gulkina, also entered.

Work went on for about six months on the debut single “You Will Leave.” The members of the group formulated for themselves - the composition will be a hit, which means the group will live. Otherwise nothing makes sense. The single became a hit in the fall of 1990. The group was invited to sing at concerts at the Olimpiysky.

The disc was presented in May 1991. It included six singles by Velichkovsky and one from the work of Valery Obodzinsky “You will say yes” (the composition is also known under another name - “Oriental Song”).

The debut tour took place in the first summer month. At the end of the year, the group was named laureate of the Star Rain television competition. What is the secret of success? Light, moving compositions about love. The extraordinary external data of Alexey Shchukin.

1993 - start of work on the next disc. However, the difficult economic situation delayed the release of the album for several years. True, fans of “Commissar” did not forget - and even in 1997 they gladly accepted the group, which had only eight new products in its arsenal.

In the nineties, Vadim Volodin, a popular producer who collaborated with Kar-Man, Russian Size, and Andrei Lityagin, the creator of Mirage, released a disc with remixes of the group’s singles. From 1995 to 1999, the group also made a living by performing in nightclubs. And in 2000, the musicians again wanted a big stage.

At the end of the 90s, there was no such discotheque, such a nightclub in Russia, where “ Well hello, how is life? How are you?" or " What a bastard you are!" Some may be surprised, but all the songs of the legendary group “Commissar” are exclusively about love. Even if they sound like the resentment and pain of a devoted person. The leader of the group, Alexei Shchukin, who got married a year ago, told our readers about the main shortcomings of women, whether it was easy for him to decide to tie the knot, and why he was forced to hide his age.

– Alexey, so, the global theme of your repertoire is love. Right?

- More than.

– But sometimes your songs actually contain cynical notes towards women. It seems that the lyrical hero of your songs perceives love as a burden and a lack of his soul...

- In no case! What burden? Love is an opportunity to continue life, it is an opportunity to have a good mood, it is health and in general it is... pleasant! And as for cynicism... What some consider misogyny is nothing more than the truth, spoken to the eyes, and not behind the eyes. The songs of the group “Commissar” can be called men's true stories, in which there is not an ounce of misogyny. It’s just that not all women belong to the category of “pussies”, “honeys”, and “bunnies”. But at the same time, men also love them. And they call them names that suit them better than “kitty” or “rabbit”. And if a woman is adequate and knows about her shortcomings, then she treats this quite normally. Many of our female listeners prefer a firm masculine position rather than complimentary noodles.

– Which, in your opinion, is the most important of women’s shortcomings?

– Probably excessive emancipation. I am for equal rights between men and women, but at the same time I would like a woman to remain a woman, and a man to remain a man. This is how nature intended. If a woman wants to be a man, that’s bad. After all, we love women not only for their beautiful eyes, legs and breasts, but also because they whine, because they whine, because they nag us, in the end! In general, personally, as a man who is properly oriented towards women, I don’t really like women who are masculine in every sense.

– Alexey, you got married last year. First?

- No. This is the second marriage. The first was the result of a youthful impulse, dictated by the need for a permanent sexual partner. No more. There was no global love. But there is a child from his first marriage. A wonderful, bright man.

– Was it easy to decide to tie the knot again?

- Easily. I'm not 20 years old anymore. Therefore, now this is already a completely conscious step, a desire to create that very unit of society, a desire to completely consciously continue one’s family, to make little people.

– By the way, there is no information about your age on the Internet. How old are you, Alexey? Forgive me, of course, for the insensitive question, but you’re not a woman, so you probably won’t be offended...

– I turned 47. The fact is that for some time I was bound by a certain contract, under the terms of which I had no right to talk about my age. I also still cannot tell you about the age of our musicians, because the terms of the contract still apply to them. Representatives of record companies believe that if we advertise our age, the number of our fans will noticeably thin out. They will say in disappointment: “ Oh-oh-oh, so they are already quite old guys, the same age as our parents!- and they will stop going to concerts.

- What stupidity!

- I think so too. Our audience is really young, and our age doesn’t bother anyone.

– What is the age difference between you and your wife?

– Nastya is 20 years younger than me.

– Is it true that she is your concert director?

- Exactly! But this does not mean that I force my wife to work for me: first she became our director, and then my wife. Now don’t deprive her of the job she’s doing!

– I heard that you had a rather unusual wedding?

– It was a wedding concert. Anastasia and I have a clear understanding in several positions. One of them is that we do not like feasts in the traditional sense of the word. When not very frank speeches are heard at a large table, cheap poems from postcards are read out. To avoid this creepy unnaturalness, we decided to turn the wedding into a concert. Those who wished could congratulate us, the rest simply sat and listened to others. And there was someone to listen to! We invited our friends - Sasha Aivazov, Kai Metov, the groups “Paints”, “Nancy”, “Russian Size”, Professor Libedinsky...

– Is it true that anyone could attend your wedding concert, even those you don’t know?

– Yes, you just had to buy an invitation card.

- How long did you walk?

“We started at eight in the evening and finished at six in the morning. Those who were tired could easily leave.

– Aren’t you tired yourself?

- Are you tired?! And what is it? When I'm tired, I'll end it all altogether.

– The arsenal includes four full-fledged numbered issues and seven collections and reissues. The new, fifth numbered album is ready and waiting in the wings for release.

– The group is 20 years old, but there are only five albums? Why?

“We believe that you need to sing about something that people cannot talk about to each other. And if people can do without it, then it’s better to remain silent.

– What needs to happen for a new song to become a hit, in your opinion? Should it touch the soul, or does it simply need to be aired more often?

“It just has to be a good song.” There must be high-quality music and high-quality text.

– Does the group itself have a favorite song in its repertoire?

– Our team has mastered quite a lot of songs, good and different. To say that each one was a success or a hit is simply lying, but one thing unites all the works together - our love for them. The viewer determines and calculates the leaders in demand and consumption. So, in each of our albums there are songs that were noted and loved more than others. I would like to believe that our songs give good feelings and certainly do not spoil the mood.

– Do you equally value fans of your work in different cities? Maybe somewhere in the vastness of Russia there are the most devoted listeners and spectators?

– To be honest, we do not divide our audience into South Ural, Sakhalin or Moscow. So it's hard to say...

– Then, finally, wish something like this to our readers, fans of your work!

“I want everyone to try to be happy.” They tried, because everyone tries to be rich, successful and beautiful, but they forget to be happy.

- Thank you!

Alexey Shchukin was born on October 4, 1965 in Moscow. Finished secondary school secondary school in Moscow, then studied at the Aviation Technical School and the Aviation Technological Institute. From 1984 to 1986 he served in the army in the air defense forces. Creative skills Alexey’s talents manifested themselves already in the ninth grade, he performed in a cultural center at his place of residence. Afterwards, whenever possible, he was involved in amateur performances both at the institute and in the army. After serving in the army, Alexey Shchukin had several creative groups. The time of “Commissar” came in 1989, it was then that the first song “You Will Leave” was recorded. However, despite this, the group members themselves consider 1991 to be the year the band was founded, when they first came out to perform on the big stage at the Olimpiyskiy as part of the “Sound Track”, released their first album “You Will Leave” and gave their first solo concert. The disc was presented in May 1991. It included six singles by Leonid Velichkovsky, who collaborated with another singer who left Mirage, Natalya Gulkina, and one from the work of Valery Obodzinsky. You'll say yes"(the composition is also known under another name - “Oriental Song”). The debut tour took place in the first summer month. At the end of the same year, the group was named laureate of the Star Rain television competition.

Natalya ZVEREVA, especially for Photo from the personal archive of A. Shchukin and the “Commissar” group

On July 11, the Novokuznetsk Employment Center will host the “Day open doors", timed to coincide with the City Day of Novokuznetsk.
04.07.2019 Central Control Center of Novokuznetsk Representatives of the tourism industry from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and cities came to the Kuzbass Tourism Forum Kemerovo region.
04.07.2019 A42.Ru The Ministry of Health records 23 main regions of Russia, where over 70% of new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are registered.
First Deputy Regional Prosecutor Vladimir Syrovatko approved the indictment in the case accusing a man of 12 counts of selling synthetic drugs on a large and especially large scale,
03.07.2019 Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo Region In Novokuznetsk, a court sentenced a native of Tajikistan living in Novokuznetsk for the murder of a man.
07/03/2019 A42.Ru

Russian doctors recommend that parents give preference to night flights if they are going on vacation with their children.
07/04/2019 Kemerovo newspaper A representative of the service organization contacted the Kirovsky police department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kemerovo. Kemerovo newspaper

At the end of the 90s, there was no such discotheque, such a nightclub in Russia, where “ Well hello, how is life? How are you?" or " What a bastard you are!" Some may be surprised, but all the songs of the legendary group “Commissar” are exclusively about love. Even if they sound like the resentment and pain of a devoted person. The leader of the group, Alexei Shchukin, who got married a year ago, told our readers about the main shortcomings of women, whether it was easy for him to decide to tie the knot, and why he was forced to hide his age.

– Alexey, so, the global theme of your repertoire is love. Right?

- More than.

– But sometimes your songs actually contain cynical notes towards women. It seems that the lyrical hero of your songs perceives love as a burden and a lack of his soul...

- In no case! What burden? Love is an opportunity to continue life, it is an opportunity to have a good mood, it is health and in general it is... pleasant! And as for cynicism... What some consider misogyny is nothing more than the truth, spoken to the eyes, and not behind the eyes. The songs of the group “Commissar” can be called men's true stories, in which there is not an ounce of misogyny. It’s just that not all women belong to the category of “pussies”, “honeys”, and “bunnies”. But at the same time, men also love them. And they call them names that suit them better than “kitty” or “rabbit”. And if a woman is adequate and knows about her shortcomings, then she treats this quite normally. Many of our female listeners prefer a firm masculine position rather than complimentary noodles.

– Which, in your opinion, is the most important of women’s shortcomings?

– Probably excessive emancipation. I am for equal rights between men and women, but at the same time I would like a woman to remain a woman, and a man to remain a man. This is how nature intended. If a woman wants to be a man, that’s bad. After all, we love women not only for their beautiful eyes, legs and breasts, but also because they whine, because they whine, because they nag us, in the end! In general, personally, as a man who is properly oriented towards women, I don’t really like women who are masculine in every sense.

– Alexey, you got married last year. First?

- No. This is the second marriage. The first was the result of a youthful impulse, dictated by the need for a permanent sexual partner. No more. There was no global love. But there is a child from his first marriage. A wonderful, bright man.

– Was it easy to decide to tie the knot again?

- Easily. I'm not 20 years old anymore. Therefore, now this is already a completely conscious step, a desire to create that very unit of society, a desire to completely consciously continue one’s family, to make little people.

– By the way, there is no information about your age on the Internet. How old are you, Alexey? Forgive me, of course, for the insensitive question, but you’re not a woman, so you probably won’t be offended...

– I turned 47. The fact is that for some time I was bound by a certain contract, under the terms of which I had no right to talk about my age. I also still cannot tell you about the age of our musicians, because the terms of the contract still apply to them. Representatives of record companies believe that if we advertise our age, the number of our fans will noticeably thin out. They will say in disappointment: “ Oh-oh-oh, so they are already quite old guys, the same age as our parents!- and they will stop going to concerts.

- What stupidity!

- I think so too. Our audience is really young, and our age doesn’t bother anyone.

– What is the age difference between you and your wife?

– Nastya is 20 years younger than me.

– Is it true that she is your concert director?

- Exactly! But this does not mean that I force my wife to work for me: first she became our director, and then my wife. Now don’t deprive her of the job she’s doing!

– I heard that you had a rather unusual wedding?

– It was a wedding concert. Anastasia and I have a clear understanding in several positions. One of them is that we do not like feasts in the traditional sense of the word. When not very frank speeches are heard at a large table, cheap poems from postcards are read out. To avoid this creepy unnaturalness, we decided to turn the wedding into a concert. Those who wished could congratulate us, the rest simply sat and listened to others. And there was someone to listen to! We invited our friends - Sasha Aivazov, Kai Metov, the groups “Paints”, “Nancy”, “Russian Size”, Professor Libedinsky...

– Is it true that anyone could attend your wedding concert, even those you don’t know?

– Yes, you just had to buy an invitation card.

- How long did you walk?

“We started at eight in the evening and finished at six in the morning. Those who were tired could easily leave.

– Aren’t you tired yourself?

- Are you tired?! And what is it? When I'm tired, I'll end it all altogether.

– The arsenal includes four full-fledged numbered issues and seven collections and reissues. The new, fifth numbered album is ready and waiting in the wings for release.

– The group is 20 years old, but there are only five albums? Why?

“We believe that you need to sing about something that people cannot talk about to each other. And if people can do without it, then it’s better to remain silent.

– What needs to happen for a new song to become a hit, in your opinion? Should it touch the soul, or does it simply need to be aired more often?

“It just has to be a good song.” There must be high-quality music and high-quality text.

– Does the group itself have a favorite song in its repertoire?

– Our team has mastered quite a lot of songs, good and different. To say that each one was a success or a hit is simply lying, but one thing unites all the works together - our love for them. The viewer determines and calculates the leaders in demand and consumption. So, in each of our albums there are songs that were noted and loved more than others. I would like to believe that our songs give good feelings and certainly do not spoil the mood.

– Do you equally value fans of your work in different cities? Maybe somewhere in the vastness of Russia there are the most devoted listeners and spectators?

– To be honest, we do not divide our audience into South Ural, Sakhalin or Moscow. So it's hard to say...

– Then, finally, wish something like this to our readers, fans of your work!

“I want everyone to try to be happy.” They tried, because everyone tries to be rich, successful and beautiful, but they forget to be happy.

- Thank you!

Alexey Shchukin was born on October 4, 1965 in Moscow. He graduated from secondary school in Moscow, then studied at an aviation technical school and the Aviation Technological Institute. From 1984 to 1986 he served in the army in the air defense forces. Alexey’s creative abilities manifested themselves already in the ninth grade, he performed in a cultural center at his place of residence. Afterwards, whenever possible, he was involved in amateur performances both at the institute and in the army. After serving in the army, Alexey Shchukin had several creative groups. The time of “Commissar” came in 1989, it was then that the first song “You Will Leave” was recorded. However, despite this, the group members themselves consider 1991 to be the year the band was founded, when they first came out to perform on the big stage at the Olimpiyskiy as part of the “Sound Track”, released their first album “You Will Leave” and gave their first solo concert. The disc was presented in May 1991. It included six singles by Leonid Velichkovsky, who collaborated with another singer who left Mirage, Natalya Gulkina, and one from the work of Valery Obodzinsky. You'll say yes"(the composition is also known under another name - “Oriental Song”). The debut tour took place in the first summer month. At the end of the same year, the group was named laureate of the Star Rain television competition.

Natalya ZVEREVA, especially for Photo from the personal archive of A. Shchukin and the “Commissar” group

On July 11, the Novokuznetsk Employment Center will host an “Open Day” dedicated to the City Day of Novokuznetsk.
04.07.2019 Central Control Center of Novokuznetsk Representatives of the tourism industry from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and cities of the Kemerovo region came to the Kuzbass Tourism Forum.
04.07.2019 A42.Ru The Ministry of Health records 23 main regions of Russia, where over 70% of new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are registered.
First Deputy Regional Prosecutor Vladimir Syrovatko approved the indictment in the case accusing a man of 12 counts of selling synthetic drugs on a large and especially large scale,
03.07.2019 Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo Region In Novokuznetsk, a court sentenced a native of Tajikistan living in Novokuznetsk for the murder of a man.
07/03/2019 A42.Ru

Russian doctors recommend that parents give preference to night flights if they are going on vacation with their children.
07/04/2019 Kemerovo newspaper A representative of the service organization contacted the Kirovsky police department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kemerovo. Kemerovo newspaper

, Techno, synth-pop, house, eurodance, pop-rock

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

"Commissioner"- Russian musical group.


The group "Commissar" (soloist Alexey Shchukin) appeared in the early 1990s. In 1991 he received the Ovation Award. In 1991-1993 actively tours, becomes a diploma winner of the Star Rain festival, a laureate of the Sound Track festival of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and receives a diploma from the Golden Key festival. Later in the mid-90s. The group is experiencing a creative crisis. In the 2000s. The Komissar group has released several albums and collections.



  • 1991 - Our time has come
  • 1997 - Remix
  • 1998 - Fleabag
  • 2000 - 2000
  • 2003 - Love is poison
  • 2013 - Kings


  • 2000 - New and Best 2000
  • 2001 - Star Collection
  • 2009 - Not pirated
  • 2010 - Grand Collection Commissioner
  • 2010 - Romance 2010

Write a review about the article "Commissioner (group)"



Excerpt characterizing the Commissioner (group)

Having said “well”!, he turned again, let go of his hands, took the bottle and brought it to his mouth, threw his head back and threw his free hand up for leverage. One of the footmen, who began to pick up the glass, stopped in a bent position, not taking his eyes off the window and Dolokhov’s back. Anatole stood straight, eyes open. The Englishman, his lips thrust forward, looked from the side. The one who stopped him ran to the corner of the room and lay down on the sofa facing the wall. Pierre covered his face, and a weak smile, forgotten, remained on his face, although it now expressed horror and fear. Everyone was silent. Pierre took his hands away from his eyes: Dolokhov was still sitting in the same position, only his head was bent back, so that the curly hair of the back of his head touched the collar of his shirt, and the hand with the bottle rose higher and higher, shuddering and making an effort. The bottle was apparently emptied and at the same time rose, bending its head. “What’s taking so long?” thought Pierre. It seemed to him that more than half an hour had passed. Suddenly Dolokhov made a backward movement with his back, and his hand trembled nervously; this shudder was enough to move the entire body sitting on the sloping slope. He shifted all over, and his hand and head trembled even more, making an effort. One hand rose to grab the window sill, but dropped again. Pierre closed his eyes again and told himself that he would never open them. Suddenly he felt that everything around him was moving. He looked: Dolokhov was standing on the windowsill, his face was pale and cheerful.
- Empty!
He threw the bottle to the Englishman, who deftly caught it. Dolokhov jumped from the window. He smelled strongly of rum.
- Great! Well done! So bet! Damn you completely! - they shouted from different sides.
The Englishman took out his wallet and counted out the money. Dolokhov frowned and was silent. Pierre jumped onto the window.
Gentlemen! Who wants to bet with me? “I’ll do the same,” he suddenly shouted. “And there’s no need for a bet, that’s what.” They told me to give him a bottle. I'll do it... tell me to give it.
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Other names

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Song languages

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Igor Smirnov
Alexey Shchukin
Vladislav Menshchikov
Anton Sergeev
Sergey Kazakovtsev


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Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


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Related projects

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

"Commissioner"- Russian musical group.


The group "Commissar" (soloist Alexey Shchukin) appeared in the early 1990s. In 1991 he received the Ovation Award. In 1991-1993 actively tours, becomes a diploma winner of the Star Rain festival, a laureate of the Sound Track festival of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and receives a diploma from the Golden Key festival. Later in the mid-90s. The group is experiencing a creative crisis. In the 2000s. The Komissar group has released several albums and collections.



  • 1991 - Our time has come
  • 1997 - Remix
  • 1998 - Fleabag
  • 2000 - 2000
  • 2003 - Love is poison
  • 2013 - Kings


  • 2000 - New and Best 2000
  • 2001 - Star Collection
  • 2009 - Not pirated
  • 2010 - Grand Collection Commissioner
  • 2010 - Romance 2010

Write a review about the article "Commissioner (group)"



Excerpt characterizing the Commissioner (group)

And so, from that same day, I began to notice that more and more often some unfamiliar moments and facts were opening up in my memory, which I could not have known in any way, and every day more and more of them appeared. I was a little tired of all this “influx” of unfamiliar information, which, in all likelihood, was simply too much for my child’s psyche at that time. But since it came from somewhere, then, in all likelihood, it was needed for something. And I accepted it all quite calmly, just as I always accepted everything unfamiliar that my strange and unpredictable fate brought me.
True, sometimes all this information manifested itself in a very funny form - I suddenly began to see very vivid images of places and people unfamiliar to me, as if taking part in it myself. “Normal” reality disappeared and I remained in some kind of “closed” world from everyone else, which only I could see. And so I could remain for a long time, standing in a “pillar” somewhere in the middle of the street, not seeing anything and not reacting to anything, until some frightened, compassionate “uncle or aunt” began to shake me, trying to somehow lead me to feel, and find out if everything is okay with me...
Despite my early age, I already (from my own bitter experience) understood perfectly well that everything that was constantly happening to me, for all “normal” people, according to their usual and customary standards, seemed absolutely abnormal (although regarding “ normality” I was ready to argue with anyone even then). Therefore, as soon as someone tried to help me in one of these “unusual” situations, I usually tried to convince them as quickly as possible that I was “absolutely fine” and that there was absolutely no need to worry about me. True, I was not always able to convince, and in such cases it ended with another call to my poor, “reinforced concrete-patient” mother, who after the call naturally came to pick me up...