Occupation speech therapist sound l automation. Synopsis of individual correctional activity "Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences

Municipal state special (correctional) educational institution, pupils with handicapped health special (correctional) boarding school VIII species Poronaysk city.


Date: 01/27/12.

Speech therapist: Pisareva T.S.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson

Subject : Automation of sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences, text.



Correctional and educational:


Enrichment vocabulary on the topic "Transport";

Correctional and educational:

Type of occupation: consolidation

Equipment: Demo:computer; slides.


Vocabulary work:)

Form of organization: individual.

Methods and techniques

: verbal response,

Pedagogical technologies:

gaming technologies;

Computer techologies.


1. Organizing moment. (Mobilizing part of the lesson)

Hello Sergey! I invite you to determine what your mood is today. (Bad, good, excellent) "Smilies".

2. Introduction to the topic. These pictures will tell you the topic of the lesson. (Liner, pilot)

This is a Liner - an air mode of transport, ... .. Slide No. 3

What is the first sound in the word (Liner)

A pilot is a profession, a person who controls an airliner in the sky.

3. Post topic. Today we will continue working with sound (L).

Today we will go on a short trip on the liner.

Are you a pilot.

4. Preparation for the trip.

a) Motility for hands "Fist-rib-palm".

b) Articulatory gymnastics. (To make the tongue strong and clearly pronounce our sound, we will perform gymnastics for the tongue). (We perform exercises counting to five: the number of exercises is 5)

Exercises "Smile", "Shovel", "We will punish the naughty tongue", "Swing", "Cup". "Mushroom". Pronunciation of sound (L-L-L- repeatedly and abruptly; alternately in a whisper, quietly, loudly). “Steamboat is buzzing” -Y-Y-S (loudly, quietly, in a whisper)

c) Sound characteristic (L) - lips in a smile, teeth are drawn together, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper teeth. This is a consonant sound, solid.

b) Breathing exercises (puffing out the cheeks simultaneously and alternately).

5. Automation of sound (L) in syllables and words.

We fly over the mountains. Slide number 4

(pronunciation of syllables: la-lo-lu-ly; al-ol-ul-yl)

Each pilot must hear and recognize the sound of the aircraft well.

Game: "Controller". If you hear a sound (L), then raise the signal. L - green signal, no (L) - red signal.

Words (lamp, steering wheel, salon, pilot, rocket)

What words did you remember?

What words are not clear?

What word is missing?

We fly over the fields. Slide number 5. The game "The most attentive».

(lily of the valley, onion, squirrel, woodpecker,) remember how they are located. Now say them in the same order. Show the place of the sound in the word with a number.

Let's continue our journey. The game "Sprinklers". Slide #6. Sounds scattered in the sky, collect the scattered sounds and you get a word.

(o la b ko o) - cloud - say the word affectionately (cloud) and if there are a lot of them - clouds.)

(selection words - actions; sign).

What is the cloud doing in the sky? (floats) ; what color cloud (white)

6. Sound automation (L) in a sentence, small text. The task is the composition of a sentence from words: (work on the card - cloud, floats, white, sky, across) .- the number of words in the sentence. Repeat the offer.

We received a telegram.

L: I will read you a telegram, and if you hear the sound (L) “Catch him with your hand”

L: repeat after me.

Through the blue sky

On a white - white cloud

Our liner is sailing to the house,

Like in a soft boat.

Independent pronunciation. (2 times)


8. Bottom line. This is where our journey ended. What sound helped us to travel?

Let's check your mood. "Smiley".

Self-analysis of speech therapy classes.

Topic of the lesson : Automation of sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences, text.

When preparing the lesson, the following was taken into account: the characteristics of the student: age; logopedic conclusion: violations of sound pronunciation expressed by the insufficiency of all means of language with a predominance of the semantic side of speech according to the type “General underdevelopment of speech III level; health factor.

During the speech therapy session, the following

Target : to form practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify the correct pronunciation of the sound (L) in syllables, words, sentences;


Develop phonemic processes through exercises in determining the place of sound in words, consolidate skills sound analysis and synthesis;

Development of the grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Transport"

Develop mental operations.

Correctional and educational:

Raise interest in speech therapy classes through the use of gaming techniques.

Type of occupation: consolidation and systematization of acquired knowledge and skills.

Equipment: Demo:computer; slides.

Handout : green and red signals, cards.

Vocabulary work:activate words in speech (liner, pilot)

Form of organization: individual.

Methods and techniques : verbal, practical, demonstration; game situation; game exercises.

Forms, methods and means of learning effectiveness: verbal response,

individual survey, card work.

Pedagogical technologies:

gaming technologies;

health-saving technologies;

Computer techologies.

Characteristics of the child: a student of grade 3; age - 10 years is trained according to the program MSKOSHI-8 of a kind. Logopedic conclusion: violations of oral speech expressed by the inferiority of all means of language with a predominance of inferiority of the semantic side of speech according to the type "General underdevelopment of speech III level". (st.f. Dysarthria - the group of whistling, hissing - interdental pronunciation was violated; sound (L) - was absent in speech); direct open bite.

Attends speech therapy classes from grade 1

The work traced the complexity and interconnection of the tasks set using a variety of methods and modern technologies.

The lesson followed the structure of an individual lesson on the correction of sound pronunciation

Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Breathing exercises

Work on sound pronunciation (in syllables, words, sentences, text)

Phonemic perception

mental processes

In the lesson, various analyzers were used to fix the sound:





I think that a good psychological atmosphere was established at the lesson, because there was an organized start of the lesson. There was a connection between the content of the lesson and the interests of the child.

Corrective orientation of the lesson: special exercises were selected for the development of higher mental functions of the child. (“Extra Word”; “The Most Attentive”, “Rassypushki”). Enrichment of the dictionary with plural nouns, diminutive suffix; compiling a simple common sentence; enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Transport"; regular reinforcement of reading skills. The development of coherent speech in increasing complexity.

I believe that the tasks set have been achieved.


Target: automation of sound L in words and sentences.


Correctional and educational: to consolidate knowledge of the articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound L, to consolidate the ability to form the plural of a noun, to consolidate the ability to select objects by analogy, to improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Correction-developing: develop the articulatory apparatus,speech breathing, voice, visual perception, thinking, fine motor skills,

Correctional and educational: Cultivate perseveranceinterest in further work against the background of successfully completed tasks.

Equipment: a card with an apple tree with syllables, a camomile, a pencil, a ball, a card with windows, for automating the sound L in the middle of a word, a card for automating the sound L in a phrase.


    Organizing time.

L : Hello, Igor! I am very glad to see you today so vigorous, beautiful and cheerful.

    Facial muscle massage and mimic gymnastics.

L: Let's loosen up a little

"Surprises" - raise your eyebrows.
"Amazing" - raise your eyebrows, open your mouth.
"Smiles" - smile, showing teeth, and with your mouth closed.
"Frowns" - furrow your eyebrows.
"Serdilki" - frown your eyebrows, puff out your cheeks.
"Sorrowful" - frown your eyebrows, lower the tips of your mouth down

    Breath work .

    Exercise "Hedgehog". Head turn left and right. Simultaneously with each turn, take a short, noisy breath through the nose (like a hedgehog). Exhalation is soft, involuntary through open lips.Repeat 4-6 times.

    Lips "pipe". Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the abdomen and intercostal muscles. Fold your lips into a tube, sharply draw in air, fill your lungs to capacity. Make a swallowing movement. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale the air through your nose smoothly and slowly.Repeat 4-6 times.

    Articulation gymnastics.

L: To pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully, let's start the lesson with articulatory gymnastics.

    Smile. Smile, show closed teeth. Hold the lips in this position until the count is 5-10. Then return the lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times

    Swing. Smile, open your mouth. To account"one-two" alternately rest against the tongueeither upper or lower teeth. lowerthe lower jaw is immobile.

    Painter . Smile, open your mouth. wide constroking the palate with a sniff of the tongue from the teeth to the mountainslu. Lower jaw shouldn't move.

    We clean the upper teeth. Smile, open your mouth. cumlump of the tongue to “clean” the upper teeth withthe inside, moving the tongueright left.

    "Steamboat hums." Smile, bite the tip of the tongue and pronounce the sound "Y" for a long time. At the same time, a solid "L" sound is heard.


Open the mouth, stick out the tongue far forward, strain and make it narrow. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, then remove by the lower teeth, do not close your mouth, repeat 5-10 times.

    "Delicious jam"

Put a wide tongue on the lower lip, and then lick the upper lip from top to bottom, removing the tongue by the upper teeth. Don't move your jaw.

    Lesson topic message.

L: Let's remember what sound we worked with in the last lesson?

AND: With sound L.

L: Right. Today wewe will continue to work with the sound L, but we will learn to pronounce it not only in words, but also in sentences.

    Refine articulation of sound. Isolated pronunciation and subsequent characterization.

L: And let's remember what characteristic we gave this sound?

AND: The sound L is consonant, solid, sonorous.

L: When we pronounce the L soundlips open - Teeth open - The tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth. The air stream goes along the sides of the tongue - The voice rings (hand on the throat) Repeat L-l-l-l-l.

AND: L-l-l-l-l

    Introduction of sound into syllables, words.

L: I want to treat you with delicious and ripe apples. But there are ripe and unripe apples on the apple tree. So that you are not mistaken, I collected only ripe apples, I signed them. Read the syllables on the apples. Unripe apples are those on which the syllable AL is written. Circle them with a green pencil and add leaves to them, let them ripen. Circle the ripe apples (with the rest of the syllables) with a yellow pencil and draw arrows from them inbasket.

    Automation of sound L at the beginning of a word.

L: Well done, you picked all the ripe apples. Now look at the table in front of you is a camomile. You need to pluck the petals with the image of objects in the name of which there is a sound L.

(Pictures on chamomile: Swallow, vase, pencil, shovel, bow, mittens, watch, lily of the valley)

    Automation sound L at the end of the word. Ball game.

L: And now, I propose to play ball. I will throw the ball to you and say the word in plural and you will have to say singular. For example, candy-candy.

L: Tables-

AND: Table.

L: Injections-

AND: Injection.

L: Floors-

AND: Floor.

L: Halls-

AND: Hall.

L: Cases-

AND: Pencil case.

L: Goals-

AND: Goal.

L: Glasses-

AND: Wineglass.


You and I have done a good job, let's get some rest and warm up.

One - get up, get up
Two - bend, unbend
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.
Four feet wider.
Five - wave your hands
Six - sit quietly at the table.

    Automation of the L sound in the middle of a word.

L: Now let's play. You need to name the pictures drawn in the windows, and then pick up the missing picture by analogy and draw an arrow from it into an empty window.

    Automation of sound L in phrases.

L: The next exercise is called "Riddles". Your job is to find out what I'm talking about. I will name the first word, and you must choose the second suitable one, and then name the entire phrase in full.

L: Full..

AND: Bottle. Full vial.

L: Funny..

AND: Soldier. Cheerful soldier.

L: Broken..

AND: Dump truck. Broken dump truck.

L: Silk..

AND: Blouse. Silk blouse.

L: Warm..

AND: Sheepskin coat. Warm sheepskin coat.

L: Ripe..

AND : Strawberry. Ripe strawberries.

    Automation of sound L in sentences.

L: Well done, you very cleverly coped with the task, but there is one more, the last one. I decided to amuse you and came up with funny suggestions. Listen carefully and correct the mistakes.

L: Salad ate Mila.

AND: Mila ate a salad.

L: Paul fell into a chair.

AND: The chair fell on the table.

L: Football went to dad.

AND: Dad went to football.

L: The palms washed Klava.

AND: Klava washed her hands.

L: Onion weeded Mila.

AND: Mila chopped onions.

    Summing up the lesson.

L: Our lesson has come to an end. I want to congratulate you, you did a very good job today. Tell me, please, what sound did we fix today?

AND: Sound L.

L : What task did you like the most?

AND : (answers)

L : Good luck, you can go.

Synopsis of a speech therapy (individual) lesson

Lesson duration: 20 minutes

Topic: "Automation [L]"

Type of lesson: to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities

Target: automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences.



Fixing the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.

Formation of the skill of agreeing the numeral with the noun;


Development of holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic hearing;

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary;

Strengthening the skill of sound analysis and synthesis;


Education of independence, interest in the lesson.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for articulation gymnastics, pictures depicting flowers (lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phloxes); pictures depicting birds: nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale; split picture with the image of Stella "; a set of subject pictures: bast shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a new guest in class. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

Above the flower she buzzes,

It flies so fast to the hive,

I gave my honey to the honeycombs;

What do I call her? ... (bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. named Stella. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from them. She flew in to listen to you pronounce the sound [L] and play different games with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

But first, let's do exercises for the tongue. And "funny pictures" will help you with this. Look at them and do the same.


Put the tongue with a spatula

And hold on a little.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it under the account.


I pull my tongue with a needle.

Don't come! I'll prick!


Left - right, left - right,

My tongue slips slyly:

Like a clock pendulum

He is ready to swing.


I'm swinging on the swings.

I fly up and go down.

"Steamboat hums"

small steamboat,

But he is brave!

He is not afraid of the waves

He hums merrily: "Y-Y-Y."

" Smile"

Our Tanya is a mischievous one,

Pulls lips to ears.

Look at me -

I am now a frog!

"Delicious jam"

Damn we ate with pleasure -

Soaked in jam.

To remove the jam from the lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

3. Automation of sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing along with her too.

la la la la la la

lu-lu-lu oo-oo-oo

ly-ly-ly ly-ly-ly

lo-lo-lo olo-olo-olo

4. Automation of sound [L] in words.

The bee invites you to learn how to compose poetry. Think of a rhyming word and repeat the entire poem. Do not forget to clearly and correctly pronounce [L].

La-la-la, delicious honey carries ... (bee).

Lu-lu-lu, we saw ... (a bee).

Ly-ly-ly, we got scared ... (bees).

5. Finger gymnastics.


Small house on the Christmas tree

Home for bees, but where are the bees?

Gotta knock on the house

One two three four five.

I knock, knock on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

They suddenly began to fly:

One two three four five!

One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “tree”, the child looks into the “hive”.

Clenches his fists. Knocks fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (the bees fly.)

6. Formation of the skill of sound analysis.

How many flowers grow on the lawn. Stella flies from one flower to another and does not know which ones to choose in order to collect flower juice. Let's help her choose those flowers that have the sound [L] in their names.

(lily of the valley, rose, iris, bluebell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox).

7. Physical Minute.

The bee is a little tired. Let's take a break with her.

Here is the bee charger.

Do it in order.

Get up quickly and smile.

Higher, stretch higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders

Pick up and drop.

Turn left, turn right

Touch your hands with your knees.

8. The game "Where the sound is hidden."

Stella brought a beautiful box with her. Look what's in it. Yes, there are a lot of pictures, in the name of which each object has hidden the sound [L]. Determine the place of sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.

(Sand shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat).

9. The game "Count".

Look how many birds have flown to the lawn! Let's count them. And tell me: which birds are more, and which are fewer.

(nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale).

10. Automation of sound [L] in sentences.

Stella decided to make you laugh and came up with funny sentences. Listen carefully and correct the mistakes.

Salad ate Mila.

The sleigh is carrying Slava.

Paul fell into a chair.

Football went to dad.

Spatula took Lola.

The palms washed Klava.

The doll bought Lusha.

Onion weeded Mila.

Alla put on a white scarf.

11. Development of fine motor skills.

Look, if you collect this picture, you get a portrait of Stella. Let's collect it and give it to the bee. (The child collects a split picture).

Well done! Stella is very pleased.

12. The result of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to the bee. It's time for her to go home to her bluebell lawn. What game did you like the most?


private lesson in sound pronunciation


sound L in syllables and

in words

Target: pronounce the sound correctly and clearly L in syllables and words.



  1. To form the concept of "consonant sound", to clarify the features of the articulation of sound L ;
  2. To form the skills of forming past tense verbs;
  3. Strengthen the skills to use them. noun in the genitive form.


  1. Automate Sound L in syllables and words.


  1. Develop articulation and fine motor skills;
  2. Develop phonemic perception, auditory control;
  3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.


  1. Cultivate self-control over speech, the ability to listen to speech

Speech therapist.

Methodical methods:

  1. game motivation;
  2. imitative-performing and speech exercises;
  3. games;
  4. encouragement.

Materials and equipment:

Mila doll, ball, sound position cards L in a word

subject pictures: glass, ball, chalk, ball, pencil case, fork, cup, pencil.

Preliminary work:

  1. Formation of articulation skills and skills necessary for the correct pronunciation of sound L .
  2. Practicing fine motor skills.
  3. Working out of basic sounds.
  4. Sound staging L .

Subsequent work:

Sound automation L in pure phrases, in phrases, in coherent speech.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Prepared for the job. Listen to me carefully, try to do all the tasks correctly.

II. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: We will do exercises for the tongue so that it moves well and correctly, clearly pronounces sounds and words.

Repetition of articulation exercises:

for lips: alternation "Fence" - "Tube";

for language: “A cup”, “Delicious jam”, “The steamer is buzzing”.

The child does exercises according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Do what you call it without mistakes.

Legs, backs and seat Left palm vertically up.

Here's a chair for you. A cam is attached to its lower part.

The table has four legs, Left hand in the fist, on top of the fist

Top cover, like a palm. palm goes down.

3. Communication of the purpose of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Mila doll came to our lesson. Today, together with her, we will repeat syllables and words with sound L .

4. Acoustic-articulatory image of sound.

Speech therapist : Recall when we make a sound L, what do sponges do?

They smile.

Speech therapist : What does the tongue do?

It rises by the upper teeth to the tubercles (if the tooth articulation is being worked out). Or:

The tip of the tongue is pressed between the teeth.

Speech therapist: Let's describe the sound L .

Sound L consonant, voiced, firm.

5. Syllabic gymnastics.

The child reproduces a series of syllables after a speech therapist, accompanying the pronunciation with finger gymnastics “Fingers say hello” (the fingers of the leading hand alternately touch the thumb).

al-ol yal-el al-ol-ul-il

ol-st el-yul st-il-al-ol

st-il yul-yol il-ul-ol-al

6. Pronunciation of words for a speech therapist.

Ball, small, shaft, hall, gave, chair, chalk, sat down, sang, goal, shaft, floor, was, washed, whined, chalked, led, donkey, goat, beat, drank, pitchfork, glass, pencil case, injection, football.

7. Game for the development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Raise the flag if you hear a sound in a word L .

Words: shovel, machine, saw, bucket, hammer, scoop, needle, scissors, awl,

Broom, brush.

8. Selection of pictures for a given sound.

Game "Choose and name".

Speech therapist: Mila went to the store. Help Mila buy things that have a sound in their name L.

Subject Pictures:glass, ball, chalk, ball, pencil case, pencil, chair.

Speech therapist: Well done, you made the right choice. Mila is happy.

9. The game "What's gone?". Their use. noun in R.p.

The pictures selected in the previous game are put on a type-setting canvas. The child remembers them, closes his eyes, the speech therapist removes one picture.

Speech therapist: See what's missing?

Child: No ... (noun in the genitive form).

10. Physical education.

Speech therapist: I will show and name what I do, and you repeat my actions, and tell me what you did.

Speech therapist: Child:

I get up. I wake up.

I put up a chair. I set up a chair.

I raise my hand. I raised my hand.

I'm jumping. I jumped.

I sit down on a chair. I sat down on a chair.

I take a pen. I took the pen.

I write. I wrote.

11. The game "Many - one"(with a ball).

Speech therapist: Change the word, remember the sound L at the end of a word.

Speech therapist: Child:

tables - table

injection - injections

floors - floor

halls - hall

pencil cases - pencil case

goals - goal

goblets - glass

woodpeckers - woodpecker

12. Determination of the position of the sound L in the word.

Speech therapist: Where is the sound hidden in the word L (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word). Working with audio line.

Words: hall, lamp, baby, shop, shelf, prick.

III. Outcome of the lesson and evaluation of the child's activity.

Speech therapist: Our lesson is over. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? You did well today. Mila also liked the way you said you completed tasks.

Alevtina Bobova
Summary of the individual lesson "Automation of the sound L in syllables, words"



1. Activation sound in speech;

2. Automation of sound in syllables, words.


1. Development of phonemic perception;

2. Development of breathing;

3. Development of fine motor skills;

4. Development of visual acuity and analytical and synthetic activities.

5. Development of visual functions.

6. Development of the grammatical structure of speech.


Paper sail, subject pictures, colored sticks, mirror.

Plan classes.

Organizing time.

1. Articulation gymnastics:

lip exercises:

"smile" (count up to 10)

"pipe" (count up to 10)

alternation "smile"-"pipe" (up to 5 times)

tongue exercises:

"Let's brush our teeth"


"Cat laps milk"

"Turkey - talker"

2. Breathing exercises:

"Let's set sail"

"Let's sing"

3. Determining the position of the organs of articulation when sound L.

4. Feature sound L.

5. Phonemic development hearing: recognition sound against the background of a syllable and a word. A game "Catch sound» .

Build a boat out of counting sticks.

7. Pronunciation syllabary.

10. Agreement of a noun with a numeral.


Course progress.

Organizing time.

Speech therapist. Hello Radmir! Guess riddle:

Before we ate it

Everyone had time to cry. (onion)

Look at the pictures and listen carefully sound is in all words? bow, acorn, skis. (with every word speech therapist posting a picture)

Child: L

Speech therapist: Right! Today you and I will pronounce sound L.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

But first, we will look at ourselves in the mirror and do exercises for lips:

"smile" (count up to 10)

"pipe" (count up to 10)

alternation "smile"-"pipe" (up to 5 times)

tongue exercises:

1. "Let's brush our teeth"(the mouth is open, the child drives the tip of the tongue along the upper teeth from the inside, first from side to side, then along the front incisors from top to bottom).



Target: learn to hold the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.

Under the account adult:

"1,2,3,4 - you can raise the sail" (the child holds the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth).

Under the account:

"1,2,3,4,5 - you can lower the sail" (tongue falls, mouth closes)

3."Cat laps milk".


We make lacquer movements under check:

"1,2,3,4,5 - we are like cats again".

After that we pronounce together:

"1,2,3,4,5 - we are like boys again".

4."Turkey - talker"

Target: develop the ability to bend the tip of the spread tongue up.

"Chat" wide spread tongue on the upper lip, as if stroking her: "BL - BL - BL"

2. Breathing exercises:

Speech therapist. And now let's send the ship to sail (we blow on a paper steamer, inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Well done! And now let's sing. Take a deep breath through your nose, mouth closed. On the exhale we sing I-I-I. Exhale through your mouth. First we sing quietly, then loudly. Then quietly, then loudly.

3. The position of the organs of articulation with sound L

Speech therapist: Now look in the mirror and hoot like steamer: l-l-l

(child speaks)

Speech therapist: What do our lips do?

Child: Lips in a smile.

Speech therapist: Is the mouth open or closed?

Child: The mouth is open, the distance between the upper and lower teeth is 1 finger.

Speech therapist Q: Where is the tip of the tongue?

Child: The tip of the tongue rests on the inside of the upper teeth.

Speech therapist: What kind of air do we get?

Child: Warm.

Speech therapist: Where does the air go?

Child: In the middle of the tongue.

Child: Yes, he lives.

Speech therapist: Well done!

4. Feature sound L

Speech therapist. Radmir, what sound l? Vowel or consonant?

(child : Sound L consonant)

Is he voiced or deaf?

(child : it is voiced)

Hard or soft?

(child : solid)

Now tell me the whole story sound Zh.

(child : sound L-consonant, voiced, hard)

5. Development of phonemic hearing

Speech therapist. Clap your hands when you hear syllable sound J.

la, yes, for, zhi, och, from, lo, uch, shu, ly, tsa, sa, ol.

Speech therapist. Hear word with sound L- raise the drawing of the sail, as if at this time the steamer is buzzing.


6. Exercise for the development of visual acuity and analytical and synthetic activity.

Build a boat out of colored sticks.

7. Pronunciation syllabary

Speech therapist. Repeat after me, follow me pronunciation:

Al-al-al - too small La-la-la - that's it!

Ol-ol-ol - wash the floor Lo-lo-lo - I'm warm

Ul-ul-ul - the wind blew Lu-lu-lu - on the floor

Il-il-il - mowed the grass Ly-ly-ly - my floors

El-el-el - white chalk

Well done!

8. Development of analysis and synthesis.

Speech therapist. In front of you, Radmir, the pictures are inverted. Flip the picture, name it and say where it is sound L: at first words, middle, end.

(acorn, eggplant, skier, table)

9. Exercise to relieve visual fatigue.

Speech therapist. And now we will set sail our boat. A wave in the sea will swing it to the right, then to the left, then raise it up, then lower it down. You keep a close eye on the boat so nothing happens to it, okay?

Performing an exercise:

Starting position - sitting.

1. 5 oscillatory eye movements along horizontal: right - left, then left - right.

2. 5 oscillatory eye movements along vertical: up - down and down - up.

3. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for 3-5 seconds.

10. Agreement of a noun with a numeral

Speech therapist. Let's look at this picture. What is this? Let's count. (The speech therapist lays out five numbers and a drawing of the table in front of the child)

Child. One table, two tables, three tables, four tables, five tables.

11. Formation of past tense verbs of the first person singular.

Speech therapist. Let's play a game "Jacking". I'll start, and you'll say it like you've already done it.

I get up - I got up. I write - …

I sit down - I ... I put - ...

I draw - ... I lift - ...

I'm falling -. I'm buying - …


Speech therapist. And so, Radmir, what sound did we say today? What did you do on lesson?


You are great today! Goodbye!
