Addition and subtraction senior group. Synopsis of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

Target: Form an idea of ​​addition.


Give an idea of ​​how groups of objects are combined when added;

acquaint with the "+" sign;

consolidate knowledge of the properties of objects;

Clarify spatial relationships: on, above, below.

Materials for the lesson: mimio project, sets of geometric shapes for each child (2 sets: 2 rectangles, 3 circles), packages, workbooks are drawn.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys, today in the lesson we will talk about such a mathematical action - addition. And to make it more clear to us, let's play a game with you called "In the vegetable store" (during this game, children form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200baddition as a combination of groups of objects).

Masha and Misha went with their mother to a vegetable store. Masha asked me to buy 2 cucumbers for her, and Misha asked me to buy 3 tomatoes for him. Mom bought Masha 2 cucumbers, then bought Misha 3 tomatoes (on the Mimio board, the teacher puts the vegetables into bags for the children). After shopping, mother and children went home. In the yard, the guys met friends and asked their mother for permission to play with them, and they put the purchased vegetables in their mother's bag. What word can replace the word "folded"? (put together, combined, etc.).

The actions that Masha and Misha performed are called addition in mathematics. See what vegetables are in a common large bag? What was learned as a result of addition? (2 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes - 5 vegetables in total).

Guys, in front of you are models of "bags" and geometric figures, cards with the sign "+" and "=". Put 2 rectangles in the first bag, and 3 circles in the second (all actions are duplicated on the mimio board). And so, we check:

What is in the first bag? (two rectangles)

What is in the second bag? (three circles).

Put all these figures in a common large bag. What happened? (2 rectangles and 3 circles).

What have we done with the shapes? (collected, folded, combined into a common large bag). Quite right, we combined both parts - the first and second bag - into one whole (sum).

Guys, but to show addition, it is not necessary to pour all the figures together - you can put a “+” sign between the parts (terms). (children lay out the + sign and figures). We got two sums, are they equal? What sign can we put between them? (sign "=").

Well done guys, let's have a little rest, and then we will continue our lesson.

Fizminutka "Vegetables"

Together we will dig a bed.
Let's put everything in order:
Here are the carrots
And here is the cabbage.
When ripe, it will be delicious!

Potatoes, onions grow here,
Heals seven ailments!
Watering the garden from a watering can
And sit down on the bench.

Let's continue, look, the family of hedgehogs was getting ready for winter. A hedgehog with a hedgehog went for mushrooms. We met in a forest clearing and look who found how many mushrooms.

The hedgehog found two boletus, and the hedgehog 3 boletus. And they put them in their pantry, so as not to starve in the winter.

Count how many mushrooms our hedgehogs have (five).

Name the first part, the second part, the whole from the picture (skmk).

The hedgehogs decided to go back to the forest for mushrooms. Who found what this time? (the hedgehog found three boletus, and the hedgehog 2 boletus) and again they put the mushrooms in a common pantry. Name the first part, the second part, the whole (sum). Draw mushrooms in bags.

What interesting things did you notice? (the parts have changed places, but the whole has not changed).

Guys, what else could hedgehogs stock up on? (they pick forest apples). Let's imagine that our hedgehogs, the next day, went in search of wild apples. How many times did they have to go for apples? (twice).

See how many and what kind of apples did the hedgehog bring for the first time? And the hedgehog?

And how many and what kind of apples did the hedgehog bring for the second time? And the hedgehog?

(One child completes the task at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks).

See what do you notice? (the parts have changed places, the whole has not changed).

Well done. Let's look at the pictures. Not only hedgehogs live in the forest clearing, you can meet other animals and various insects there, and what beautiful flowers and trees! Which of you was in the forest in the summer?

Consider the first picture, it seems to me that someone is superfluous here. Who do you think? (depending on the choice of the attribute by which the extra item is excluded, a generalized name is given)

Consider the second picture, what is superfluous on it? (Depending on the choice of the attribute by which the extra item is excluded, a generalized name is given. It is important that children justify their choice).

Guys, let's see, at the bottom of the page, who is crying there? The ant got lost. There are so many paths in the forest, let's help him find his way home.

Well done guys, and at home with mom or dad, draw lanterns for our ant so that he doesn’t get lost anymore, and color them, and make geometric paths below.

We are almost done with our classes, and I would like to test how well you navigate in space, to be sure that you do not get lost like an ant.

Performing a task for orientation in space (under, on, over).

Well done boys. Assignments at the bottom of the page, also take at home.

And so, guys, where have we been together with hedgehogs today? (in the forest). What actions did we perform with vegetables, mushrooms, apples, geometric shapes? (We folded them. Which sign shows that we combined different parts into a whole? ("+") Show with your fingers. This concludes our lesson, thanks for the work.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The summary of the GCD is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The form of carrying out - travel helps to realize educational, developing, corrective and educational tasks. Nepos...

Purpose: - To acquaint children with Mother's Day. To lead the children to the fact that we will prepare for this wonderful holiday as a group, that in order to please our mother, we must learn st ...

Synopsis of GCD on OO Cognitive development, which includes cognitive research activities ...

Elena Galimullina
"Addition". Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the form of a game

Subject: Addition

Type classes: intellectual and developing.

View classes: formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Conduct form: a game.

Integration of educational regions: "knowledge", "communication", « Physical Culture» , "socialization", "work", "artistic creativity".


1. Form an idea of ​​addition how to combine groups of objects, about recording sign addition«+» ;

2. Train the ability to identify and name the properties of an object, the ability to compare objects by properties;

3. Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, logical abilities, communication skills.


Learning tasks:

1. motivate children to be included in gaming activities;

2. to update the idea of ​​the whole and its parts, the relationship between them, the ability to make a whole out of parts;

3. update ideas about action addition of groups of objects;

4. clarify children's idea of ​​​​action sign addition«+» ;

5. form notion of commutative property additions;

6. consolidate ideas about action additions and its notation with the sign «+» .

Development tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.

Contribute formation mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Cultivate interest in math lessons.

Methods and materials:

Practical: game, physical minute, drawing (draw and color, actions with posters.

Visual: looking at a poster, using illustrations.

verbal: teacher's story, conversation, dialogue, indication, questions.

Game: use of surprise moments.

Encouragement, analysis classes.

Material and equipment:

Posters, pencils, workbooks.

Lesson progress:

1. Entry into the game situation.

The teacher puts the children at the tables and tells that today we will play. To do this, we need to split into teams: 1st row is one team, 2nd row is the second team.

So, guys, this morning on the table I found a letter that is addressed to the children of the older group. Let's open it up and see what's inside. Oh, there's a letter. I wonder who it's from? Let's read it and everything will become clear to us. Dear guys, this is a letter from the girl Tanya and the boy Vanya, they ask us to help them.

Guys, can we help Tanya and Vanya? (Yes)

That's what happened to them, mom asked Tanya and Vanya to go with her to the forest for mushrooms. While mom was getting ready, Tanya and Vanya started a game of tag.

Do you think the kids did the right thing? (No)

Why do you think so? (because you shouldn't play mobile games at home) games)

1st task:

The teacher says that during games Tanya and Vanya dropped their mother's favorite vase and broke it.

Let's fix this, guys.

How can I do that? (you can glue the vase)

Would you like to help Tanya and Vanya glue the vase together? (Yes)

The teacher says that the vase has broken into 2 parts, and offers the children make a vase in 2 pieces. One person from each team must stack one vase.

After the children complete the task, the teacher asks question:

How many pieces was the vase broken into? (for 2 parts)

What did you do to make the vase whole? (We put together parts)

What is larger - a whole vase or any part of it? (a whole vase is larger than any part of it)

The teacher says that after the children glued the vase, Tanya and Vanya went to the forest with their mother. Tanya found 3 mushrooms in the forest, and Vanya found 2 mushrooms. Before going home, Tanya and Vanya decided put mushrooms in mother's bag.

The teacher puts the mushrooms in the third bag and brings total: parts (points to small bags) folded united, united into a whole (points to the big bag).

2nd task:

How many mushrooms did Tanya find?

A child comes out of team 1 and attaches 3 mushrooms to a small bag.

How many mushrooms did Vanya find?

A child comes out of the second team and attaches 2 mushrooms to another small bag.

What did Tanya and Vanya do then? (put everything in my mother's bag)

The teacher clarifies: find parts folded into one.

The teacher tells that in order to show addition, it is not necessary to pour the parts together - you can put an icon between the parts, which indicates that the parts are folded.

Which icon shows which parts folded(+)

3rd task:

Now guys, let's get some rest.

Get up from the tables.

We are waiting for a physical minute!

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower

Left, turn right

Touch the floor with the handles

Sit, get up, sit down, get up

And they jumped in place.

4th task:

Tanya ate 4 small apples, and then one large apple. Vanya ate one big apple, and then 4 small apples. But it seemed to Tanya that Vanya ate more apples and they quarreled. Guys, let's help Tanya and Vanya, and count how many apples each of them ate, for this we need to solve an example and attach as many apples as they ate.

1. 4 apples + 1 apple = 5 apples,

2. 1 apple + 4 apples = 5 apples.

So, they ate 5 apples each and they have nothing to quarrel about. Now they have reconciled and thank you guys for your help.

Conclusion: if at addition swap the parts, the whole does not change.

5th task:

This time, Tanya and Vanya were reading a book and saw that the author of the book had made a mistake.

Can you guys fix the bug? (Yes)

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

On the poster, a group of pictures, determine who or what is superfluous?

1. chicken

2. bell

Well done guys, you did great.

6th task:

And I read the following exercise:

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

On the poster, a group of pictures must be given a common name for these pictures. Tanya and Vanya find it difficult, help them guys.

1. insects

2. trees

Well done guys, you got the job done.

7th task:

Let's see what next task Tanya and Vanya have prepared for us?

The teacher invites one person from each team and explains the task.

The next task is called: "Draw and color".

Well done, this task did not cause any difficulties for you either.

Guys, you have completed all the tasks. Tanya and Vanya are very grateful to you for your help. Guys, did you like our class?

Today all the children worked well, but they were especially active...

And Tanya and Vanya, in gratitude to you for your help, left this chest. Shall we look into it?

Look, these are sweet treats!

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution № 216

"Kindergarten of a combined type"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of mathematical abilities

in the senior group

"Cinderella's Slipper"

Prepared by:


Yurochkina Tatyana Nikolaevna


Target: consolidation of mathematical knowledge and skills.


Educational: to consolidate the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, examples for addition and subtraction, examples for comparing numbers, ability to solve problems, ordinal and inverse series of numbers;

developing: develop logical thinking, memory, imagination;

educational: to cultivate a desire to help in difficult times, a sense of experience.

Material:easel, magnetic numbers, selection of tasks, board, chalk, marker, ball, hand-drawn Cinderella, 6 envelopes with tasks, geometric shapes.

Lesson progress:


Let's play silent:

Everyone stopped talking

The children have become silent.

We took water in our mouths

And they told everyone to freeze!

One two three four five,

From now on, be silent!

Knock on the door.

A painted Cinderella appears in one shoe. Cinderella explains that she has lost one shoe and begs you to find the second shoe.

Children, help Cinderella?

Children: Yes.

Cinderella: to find the shoe, you need to pass the test. You are ready?

Children: Yes.

Cinderella: You will find the slipper when you complete all the tasks in the envelopes. All envelopes are numbered, they must be taken in order of the digital series, starting with the number 1. And I will sit, because it is very inconvenient to walk in one shoe.

Cinderella sits down.

Educator: I ask everyone to sit at the tables. And so, with what number do we take the envelope?

Children: with the number 1.

Exercise 1:

Look at the easel and you will see that the numbers are messed up. They need to be arranged in order from 1 to 10. And arranged in reverse order from 10 to 1.

Well done boys! We have completed one task.

Educator: what envelope shall we take next?

Children: with the number 2.

Task 2:

I lost a number in the digital row, help me find it.

Rows of numbers are laid out on the board in advance, with a missing number, but closed with colored sheets. The sheets are removed and the children complete the task.

Well done! And with the second task we coped.

Which envelope will we take next?

Children: with the number 3.

Task 3:

Solve fun puzzles.

Amazing! We did it!

What is the next envelope we take?

Children: with the number 4.

Task 4:

Remember the days of the week, the seasons, and the months of the year.

Educator: I ask everyone to stand in a circle, I will throw the ball to you and ask a question, and you answer.

How many days in a week?

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

How many seasons?

Name the seasons.

How many months are there in each season?

How many months in a year?

Name the months of the year.

I'm very glad we got the job done. I ask everyone to sit down.

And now we need to rest.

Let's do exercises "Hamster"

Homa, homa, hamster

Striped barrel.

Homa gets up early

Stroking the neck

rubs cheeks,

Homa sweeps the hut,

And goes to charge.

One, two, three, homa wants to become strong.

The next envelope with what number?

Children with number 5.

Task 5:

Divide into teams and lay out from geometric shapes: a little man and a train.

Children at the tables perform tasks.

You guys did the right job.

Task 6:

Solve examples for addition and subtraction. The condition, the educator will offer you examples himself.

The teacher writes examples on the board, the children solve them.


Task 7:

Solve inequalities. Put signs greater than, less than, equal to.

Amazing! We have completed the last task.

Now close your eyes. (slow, calm music sounds) Keep your eyes closed. A warm, sunny bunny will kiss you now. He will kiss someone on the cheek, kiss someone on the forehead or hand, and maybe on the lips. Feel how warm. Do you feel how a sunny, warm, affectionate bunny kisses you? Now open your eyes.

Cinderella is standing in two shoes. Children, you are so great, you passed all the tests and found your shoe. Thank you, and I have to go to the ball. Goodbye.



1. Look here

Say guys

How many corners

Any square?

(4 corners)


2. A puppy sits on the porch

Warms his fluffy side. Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

(How many puppies have become?) (2)


3. Five guys played football.

One was taken home.

He looks out the window, he thinks

How many are playing now. (4)


4. Five crows sat on the roof

Two more flew to them,

Answer quickly, boldly:

How many of them flew in?


5. The hen went out for a walk.

I took my chickens.

7 ran ahead

3 are left behind.

Their mother is worried

Count it guys

How many chickens were there? (10)


For Tanya and Vanya

Grandma baked cheesecakes.

Five with sweet curd

And with jam five later. comments powered by HyperComments

Anna Sakharova
Abstract of a lesson on the development of mathematical representations for children of the preparatory group "Subtraction"

Learning tasks:

1. Shape notion of subtraction as the removal of a part of a group of objects.

2. Introduce the sign «-» .

3. Expand representation about geometric shapes and their properties.

Development tasks:

1. Develop dialogic speech.

2. Develop attention, logical thinking, memory.

3. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity.

Educational tasks:

1. Build collaboration skills on lesson.

2. Formation of communication skills.

3. Continue building self-esteem skills.

Course progress.

Guys, look who came to us? Sign «-» he invites us to visit, to the country of Knowledge to the city Mathematics. Shall we go on a trip? Who lives there?

With one resident from this city, a minus sign, we will travel

What does he look like.? When a minus appears, what happens? everything decreases, decreases or disappears altogether.

Let's hold hands together

And we smile at each other.

We will shake hands

Warmth will run in a circle.

Guys, in the country of Knowledge, a flower will help us - a seven-flower.

1 petal

"Connect by dots"

If we complete the task correctly and quickly, we will find out where we can go. (on a rocket)

2 petal

"Make a remote control" (pencils and paper on tables)

Draw a circle in the middle.

In the upper left corner is a square.

There is a triangle in the upper right corner.

In the lower left corner is a rectangle.

In the lower right corner - an oval.


We are all ready to fly: there is a rocket, a control panel.

Get ready to launch the rocket. Team 1 of the girls counts up to 20, and Team 2 of the boys counts back from 20. (count direct and reverse)

3 petal

Stories in which minus is involved can also be written in numbers.

There were seven eggs on the table. The mouse ran, waved its tail, five eggs fell and broke. How many eggs are left on the table? (correct two)

And it's written like this

And now guys, I will write down examples, and you will come up with and come up with stories for them.

Children tell their stories (optional)

Name the neighbors of the number 8, 10, 15

Name previous number: to numbers 5, 9, 13

Name the next number: to numbers 4, 19, 11

Name single digits

Name two digit numbers

Well done, with this task bled. Well, what are we going next?

4 petal

Name flat geometric figures:

circle, square, triangle, rhombus, trapezium, oval, rectangle, octagon,

What 2 figures can be removed from this groups(Why)

Circle and oval - these figures do not have corners.

What other figures are superfluous? (triangle and octagon)


One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six is ​​a place to sit down again.

5 petal

Six nuts mama pig

For carrying children in a basket.

Hedgehog met a pig

And gave me four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring the kids in a basket?

Three hares, five hedgehogs

How many kids are in the garden?

There were five pies in the bowl.

Lariska took two pies,

Another one got snatched by the pussy.

How much is left in the bowl?

6 petal

A challenge for ingenuity

How many ears do 3 mice have?

How many tails do 5 cats have?

How many heads do 4 cows have?

7 petal

Well, here is the last petal left. Listen to the riddle.

Day and night they go.

Never get tired.

Whisper monotonously to the beat:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Arrows, like a mustache.

Are called… (watch)

If you set the time correctly, then we will return to our group

Why does a person need a watch? Why do we need to know the time?

Take a clock and set it to 11 o'clock exactly.


And now let's do a countdown. (Count down from 5 to 1)

To land softly, let's say magical words:

Fly, fly rocket

To the west, to the east

Counting kilometers

arriving on time.

Here we are at home.

Did you enjoy the trip?

And what is this chest? Yes, this is a "-" sign sent you stickers for

completed tasks.

Related publications:

Abstract for a lesson on the development of elementary mathematical representations (20–25 minutes) (2nd year of study, 2nd quarter) Abstract for a lesson on the development of elementary mathematical representations (20-25 minutes) (2nd year of study, 2nd quarter) Topic: “The concepts of“ long.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in mathematics (formation of mathematical representations) for the senior group Goal: Learn to count to 8; fix the days of the week, the names of geometric shapes (oval, circle, triangle, rectangle, square) Software.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of elementary mathematical concepts for children of the 1st junior group. Summary of GCD on the development of elementary mathematical representations for children I junior group. Educational areas: "Cognition" "Communication".

Synopsis of the GCD on the development of elementary mathematical representations under the program "Development" in the preparatory group MADOU MO Nyagan "D / s No. 8 "Rosinka" Performer Chupina Zulfira Gabdullovna Synopsis of GCD on the development of elementary mathematical representations.

Synopsis of OOD on the development of mathematical representations for a speech therapy preparatory group Program objectives: Summarize the knowledge gained during the year. To consolidate the ability to compose arithmetic problems and write down their solution.

Synopsis on the development of elementary mathematical representations in the preparatory group. Development of logical thinking Goal: Continue measuring with a ruler. Develop logical thinking. Material: Picture cards; rulers; colored sticks.

Natalia Glebova
"Minus sign, subtraction." Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group

GCD Cognition in senior group

Subject « Minus sign, subtraction»

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity"


1. Introduce kids to the math minus sign, to form the ability to solve examples on subtraction.

2. Develop curiosity, coherent speech.

3. The ability to clearly and quickly answer the questions posed, to develop interest in mathematics.

4. Cultivate friendly relationships between children.

Course progress.

Guys today we will go to the country of Knowledge to the city Mathematics. As you already know, this city is home to various numbers, geometric shapes and mathematical signs. With one resident of this city, we are with you today let's get acquainted. Meet this is a MINUS sign. Here's what it looks like. When minus is getting smaller decreases or disappears altogether.

Minus likes to deny everything. Sometimes it is called negative sign. Compare affirmations and negations

This boy's name is Yegor - is this an affirmation or a denial

He is not Yegor - this is an affirmation or a denial

I like ice cream (statement)

I won't go for a walk (negation)

This is not an elephant (negation)

It's a giraffe (statement)

And now the girls will come up with any statement, and the boys will come up with a denial.

Guys, you noticed that denial always turns everything into the opposite.

Let's play with you. Name it in one word

Not fast (slow)

Unquiet (loud)

Unclean (filthy)

not stupid (smart)

Not angry (Kind)

Small (small)

Not heavy (easy)


One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in your seat.

Stories in which he participates minus can also be written in numbers.

There were seven eggs on the table. The mouse ran, waved its tail, five eggs fell and broke. How many eggs are left on the table? (correct two)

And it's written like this

And now guys, I will write down examples, and you will come up with and draw stories for them.

(work in pairs)

Children tell their stories (optional)

The teacher invites the children to tell what they learned new. Sums up, thanks the children for their work.


E. V. Solovyova. Mathematics and logic for preschoolers
