Ilya Reznik could not hold back his tears, remembering his difficult childhood and the betrayal of his own mother. Ilya Reznik: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo How old is Irina Romanova

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Biography, life story of Reznik Ilya Rakhmielevich


Ilya Reznik was born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad, into a simple family of political emigrants. His parents were naive internationalists who came from Denmark, from Copenhagen, to Soviet Union. Siege childhood, evacuation to the Urals along the Road of Life through Ladoga, death of his father from wounds in the hospital, then he was only 6 years old. Upon the family's return from evacuation, Ilya's mother got married and left for Riga, leaving Ilya Reznik to fend for himself.

The abandoned boy was adopted by his father's elderly foster parents, essentially strangers, but very good people. It turns out that it was the grandparents who raised the grandson. He did not grow up as a hooligan boy, although he started smoking in the third grade.

The boys of the post-war period all grew up romantic, they had secret musketeer societies, and their favorite game was Cossack robbers. Ilya Reznik succeeded everywhere: he attended the club of young entertainers at the Palace of Pioneers, did ballroom dancing, gymnastics, and ran in the “Skillful Hands” club. And in the fourth grade, Reznik really wanted to enter the Nakhimov School, so that he could later become an admiral! And after the seventh, he got ready for the artillery.


Somehow, just seeing a friend off to the theater, Ilya Reznik became inspired to become an actor and also followed in his footsteps. True, he tried to enroll for four years in a row, but they didn’t accept him. But the dream of a theater had already sunk deep into the soul of Ilya Reznik: his half-starved childhood and youth could not dislodge it from the young man’s heart.

Before entering, the future poet managed to work hard. When there was no money, he rowed a boat at night for 2 rubles 50 kopecks in the St. Petersburg Culture Park, and he had bloody calluses on his hands. The young man worked as an electrician at a metal factory, as a laboratory assistant in medical institute, stage worker at the theater. Anything has happened...

And finally, with the light hand of Irakli Andronikov, who blessed him, he nevertheless conquered the acting department of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema.



After graduating from university, Ilya Reznik worked in the troupe of the V.F. Theater. Komissarzhevskaya. He got roles big and small, interesting and not very interesting. The entire period of studenthood and the first years in the theater is always working on words, writing songs for student and theater performances, writing reprises, participating in all theatrical skits. This is a constant search for oneself and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved...

It was at this time that the song “Cinderella” appeared - the first song of Ilya Reznik. Having flown around the entire Soviet Union, it brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided to future fate. He felt strength, calling and relevance. Ilya Reznik left the theater and began to engage in song poetry professionally.

Ilya Reznik never had the so-called cronyism and support. He always made his way on his own, although it took a lot of strength and nerves. Especially in St. Petersburg, where he was not a member of the composers' union. And even when there was the first author’s concert, when he had already acquired some “wings”, a poster was not allowed. They were forbidden to write “the author’s concert of Ilya Reznik,” and they simply wrote “Variety concert with the participation of Irina Ponarovskaya, Edita Piekha.” Those were the times...

Children's books

Ilya Reznik first became a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. In 1969, the poet’s first book for children, “Tyapa Doesn’t Want to Be a Clown,” was published in Riga. 50 years later, he wrote children's poems with the line that he came up with at the age of six, “Uncle Fedya ate a bear.” Poems and fairy tales, funny fables and instructive stories, very musical in rhythm, filled with gentle humor, love and tenderness for young readers, were written in the best traditions of Russian children's classical literature. IN last years Reznik’s books from the series “The Cuckoo”, “The Fidget Named Luka”, and the collection of poems and fairy tales “Here!” were released. The following books were published in the “Small Country” series: “ Forest Tales", "Cow from Komarovo", "Sperm Whale".

The great Sergei Mikhalkov, a classic of children's literature, highly appreciated the work of Ilya Reznik: “If I were asked to name the names of poets whose work is organically connected with music and at the same time can exist separately, I would name only three names: Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Ilya Reznik."

In 1999, Reznik became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. He is the author of the books: “Monologues of the Singer”, “Two Over the City”, “Favorites”. Then the poet wrote 600 quatrains, and there were also epigrams. The editors printed twenty manuscripts and distributed them to the Focus group: a sailor, a homeless person, a doctor, an academician, and so on, and they said: “Cross out everything you don’t like.” They crossed out 268 quatrains, that is, not all. So another, “strong” book came out, for which the poet will never be ashamed; it passed all the tests. In 2000, Ilya Reznik opened his own publishing house - “Ilya Reznik Library”. Now Ilya Reznik even writes prayers and commandments - he has been blessed with spiritual poetry.

To the heights of excellence

The first international success came to Ilya Reznik for the song “Apple Trees in Bloom” to the music of Evgeny Martynov, performed by the composer. Then new awards: for the song “Elegy” to the music of Feltsman, performed by Alexander Gradsky, for the song “Prayer” by Zhurbin, performed by Irina Ponarovskaya.

So, step by step, year after year, the poet rose to the heights of skill and popularity. There is, perhaps, not a single serious performer on the Russian stage whose repertoire does not include songs based on the poems of Ilya Reznik. His work represents an entire song era of the late 20th century. Suffice it to name the main songs that became hits: “Maestro” and “It’s not evening yet”, “Antique clock” and “Starry summer”, “Crane” and “Charlie”, “Edith Piaf” and “Verooka”, “Without me for you, my beloved...", "Carlson", "Grandmother Next to Grandfather", "Serve Russia"...

In addition to songs, the poet wrote many poems, several scripts, and plays. His unique mystery opera “Black Bridle on a White Mare” was staged on the stage of the Film Actor’s Theatre. And what script did he write for “Olympic Moscow” for the Leningrad Music Hall?! Or the amazing fairy tale-musical “Little Country”! Ilya Reznik went even further in his work; the poet created his own theater, the first premiere of which was the musical play “The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia.” Then there were successful tours of the theater in the USA, and at home in Russia Ilya Reznik’s author’s Vernissages on the stage of the Rossiya concert hall became traditional.

Collaboration with Alla Pugacheva

To the provocative question: “Ilya Rakhmielevich, have you ever fallen in love with the singers for whom you wrote songs?”, there is always a calm and firm answer: “No. And in singers too. Although it is impossible to write good songs without falling in love with the performers. I consider all of them members of my family. Alla Pugacheva is like a sister to me. Vladimir Presnyakov, Laima Vaikule - like relatives..."

What stands apart in the creative biography of Ilya Reznik is his long-term collaboration with Alla Pugacheva, for whom he wrote best songs, which became hits for many years. From the very beginning there was a spark between them. But creative, not sexual, they have developed friendly relations. The poet always knew about her novels, Pugacheva told him about everything. Of course, there were quarrels, resentments, and pauses in relationships.

Once upon a time, it was Pugacheva who insisted that Reznik and his wife move to Moscow. The singer sheltered the poet’s family with her. For nine months they lived with Pugacheva. During this time of joint creativity, many good songs were born. Including “Without me, my beloved, the earth is small, like an island!” The poet wrote songs for the singer’s original program “Monologues of the Singer,” which brought resounding popularity. These are “Maestro”, “Antique Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”.

“For me, the hero of my time is Alla Pugacheva. I love her very much, and she remains a real person, despite her hyperpopularity, despite popular adoration. She is a hero for me and a true comrade who will always support, and I am glad that I have such a friend,” Ilya Reznik always says sincerely.


Unfortunately, Ilya Reznik did not leave a big mark in cinema. For the first time, Ilya Reznik appeared in the role of a songwriter in the credits of the film “The Adventures of Prince Florizel”, filmed in a parody-ironic genre based on the stories of Robert Stevenson “The Suicide Club” and “The Rajah’s Diamond”, together with such famous actors: Oleg Dahl, Donatas Banionis , Igor Dmitriev, Lyubov Polishchuk.

Director Naum Ardashnikov shot the film revue “I came and I say” based on documentary material about the popular singer and actress Alla Pugacheva, who played main role. Here Ilya Reznik authored the script and performed the role of Ilya Reznik himself. The film featured songs based on poems by Bella Akhmadulina, Boris Vakhnyuk, Alla Pugacheva, and, of course, Ilya Reznik. And in 2004, another film “Diamonds for Juliet” was released with the participation of Ilya Reznik.

Personal life

Ilya Reznik met his wife Munira, a choreographer and dancer, in Tashkent, while recording a program for the group “Sado” with Aziza and Mila Ramanidi... Still, an oriental woman has her own special charm. “The main thing in a woman, first of all, is femininity! And also affection, obedience, respect for a man. These traits eastern woman I'm very attracted. But I don’t like emancipated natures. In my opinion, it is difficult to expect tenderness from an independent, business-minded woman doing business,” states Ilya Reznik confidently.

The poet Ilya Reznik took care of the continuation of his family... He has many children! Son Maxim is a journalist. Many saw him in the program “Sharks of the Feather”. Daughter Alice is already an adult. And Arturchik is still very small. He has a great imagination, he is a very active child. It is quite difficult with him, because he requires a lot of attention to his person. Most likely, his father’s creative genes were passed on to him more than anyone else...

Having an Eastern spouse, it is easy to be spoiled when it comes to food. Ilya Reznik loves fried bread, Armenian scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese, potato pancakes with mushroom sauce. In principle, he likes simple dishes. And at the same time, somewhere at a banquet he is not averse to enjoying delicious food. Likes to drink after a hard day at work, but always with good company! If there is at least one person sitting at the table whom he does not like, the poet will not take a single gram into his mouth! The aura probably repels him.

But Ilya Reznik is friends with those with whom he works. True, sometimes money quarrels people - how much evil is because of money! He has neither money nor a car. But the poet is closer to the people! In honor of Ilya Reznik, a personalized star plate was installed on the Square of Stars, and in the constellation Orion there is even a star “Ilya Reznik”.

Titles, awards

Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Knight of the Order of Honor.

The poet Arsenyev said that Reznik writes in gold on marble. Millions of people know songs based on his poems. But Ilya Rakhmielevich, as he himself says, had no fairy tales in his childhood...

After the family returned from evacuation, Ilya’s mother got married and left him. The boy was adopted by the elderly foster parents of his father, who died. “My grandfather and grandmother were emigrants, they barely spoke Russian,” recalls Reznik. “I kept coming up with a biography for myself that my dad was an intelligence officer.”


  • You are doing a lot of charity work now. Are you happy that you can give someone joy?

Certainly. This is a lifestyle, its meaning, it is not discussed. We even have all the dogs and cats selected. Mishka Reznik Schnauzer, such a breed. Sonechka the foundling, Cherry, who was born in the subway. We all have a difficult fate, including our parents, that is, us. (Laughs.) We held charity events in the Moscow Kremlin eight times. Each time, six thousand pupils of orphanages, boarding schools and shelters, cadets, children of deceased employees of various law enforcement agencies came. We have a three-hour concert, I print six thousand new books and release the same number of CDs with new songs, and we give them to the children. My wife Irochka is involved in all this; she is the general director and chairman of the organizing committee.

  • Was there any response?

First of all, we ourselves have a feeling of satisfaction. The teachers say that the children look forward to this concert every year. We have a boarding school in Ruza and a school in the village of Kolyubakino; we send buses there at our own expense to bring children. The Kremlin is a holiday for them. The talented girl Anya Shitova from Ruza was given the opportunity to perform on the main stage of Russia as a laureate of my “Small Country” competition.

  • I read that in the 4th grade you dreamed of being an admiral.

No, not an admiral, but a cadet at the Nakhimov School. Because then I lived in St. Petersburg, saw the cadets of this school and I really liked their uniform.

  • What do you remember from your childhood?

I have a friend from childhood, Eric, who often flies from Chicago. We have been friends since we were four years old. For the first two years of the war we lived in besieged St. Petersburg. The siren sounded and we hid under tables in kindergarten. I remember my grandmother taking me home from kindergarten in winter. A crumb of bread fell and I was looking for it. I even wrote a song “Children of War.” In 1942 we were transported across Ladoga to the mainland, we went to Sverdlovsk. Mom worked there at the mill, we lived on its territory. From our room we could see the entrance. Women who worked at the flour mill hid flour in their bras and socks so they could bake pancakes for their children at home. When leaving, the guards undressed them and shook out these few grams of flour onto the ground.

In general, I was raised by the Palace of Pioneers. I was in all the clubs there - soft toys, mechanical toys, swimming, gymnastics, and youth clubs. An article and photo even appeared in the newspaper with the caption: “Ilyusha Reznik in the school area.” And then everything came in handy a little later. True, there were some oddities. I remember the gymnastics coach asked me to do pull-ups, but I couldn’t. He said: “Why are you hanging like a muslin young lady?” And I left. I'm not much of a gymnast, but I'm a good swimmer.


  • Do you yourself notice how often they say: “Reznik’s song, and not a song based on Reznik’s poems”? Your poetry itself carries music.

You know, for some reason it turns out that when great poets pass away, journalists remember not his poems and poems, but his songs. If a poet has popular songs, then the people know him, but if not, then, unfortunately, he is not so widely known. By the way, they call me a composer. It's no secret that many composers have famous songs based only on my poems. They work with talented poets, but it’s as if they exist in two parallel worlds- music separately, poetry separately. For example, when I listen to the compositions of Raymond Pauls, I fill them with meaning, which he may not even be aware of.

I was raised by the Palace of Pioneers. I was in all the clubs - toys, swimming, and youth clubs

  • You write a lot for young performers. Aren't you afraid to give them your brainchild?

I wrote “Cinderella” to Senchina when she was 19 years old. And she has been singing it for 42 years. “Little Country” has been performed by Natasha Koroleva for many years. Not long ago, at some event, she said: “I want to raise a toast to Ilya Reznik - he is my breadwinner. Because two songs - “Small Country” and “Summer of Castanets” - feed me all my life.” From few people will you get such recognition.

Tyapa doesn't want to be a clown

This was the name of his first children's book, published in 1969. For children he wrote works “Porridge-Dunyasha”, “Fidget named Luka”, “Here!”...

In 2000, the publishing house “Library of Ilya Reznik” was opened. A whole series of books for children has been published, including “King Arthur”, “Why are there golden clouds in the blue sky?”, “The Cow from Komarovo”, “Forest Tales”. Naturally, Reznik writes not only for the little ones. He is the author of “Singer’s Monologues”, “Two Over the City”, “Alla Pugacheva and Others”, “My Life is a Carnival”, “A Man”.

The history of the creation of the book “Prayers” is very interesting. “I recorded them God knows where,” says Reznik. “A month later I started looking for them and didn’t find a single line.” And my memory is full of holes. My friend, artist Igor Kamenev, called me and asked why I was upset. “Do you remember I called one night and read poetry? There’s nothing left!” And then Igor says to me: “You know, I’ve never recorded telephone conversations in my life, but here I don’t know why I pressed the answering machine function.” It was a miracle. And he became the designer of this book. Patriarch Alexy wrote the introductory speech, and the monks stitched 300 copies by hand.”

  • How does the creative process happen, do you sit down and write right away?

First of all, I don’t sit down, I lie down. (Laughs.) The muse comes at night, and I turn on the light and transfer the poems to paper, then turn off the light bulb. Then I edit, but rarely. For example, a performer is uncomfortable singing the letter “u”; he would like to have an “a” at the end. The song genre is very difficult. You can count the masters who know this specificity on one hand: Leonid Derbenev, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Shaferan...

  • Were you friends with them?

No, they didn’t consider me a poet. Zhenya Krylatov told me: “I was in Ruza, at the House of Creativity, and Derbenev arrived. And asks: “Zhen, who do you work with?” - “With Ilya Reznik.” So he started throwing stools at him! Apparently, Derbenev was talented, but very angry and envious. Such a character.

  • You have such acting skills, rich texture. Didn't you get any offers to act?

I'm not interested in this now. I starred in Prince Florizel, playing a paralyzed bandit in a wheelchair. And that was by chance, because Zhenya Tatarsky suggested that I write songs for Lenochka Nightingale and asked: “Do you want to play a paralyzed bandit?” I say: “Come on!” And everyone, oddly enough, remembered this Checkered. When I was young, I dreamed of acting, but they didn’t take me anywhere, but now they offer me, but I feel sorry for my time to sit and wait for 12 hours for someone to film you in some two-minute scene.

  • But a creative person, as a rule, is talented in everything.

I returned to the theater when I wrote “A Black Bridle for a White Mare” to the music of Sherling. It was 1977. Now he worked with the brilliant Italian composer Riccardo Cocciante, author of the famous La belle from Notre dame de Paris, author of “The Little Prince”, “Romeo and Juliet”. Riccardo had several poets suggested to him that he tried to work with, but it didn’t work out. He looked for me for two years. And we met by the will of God. This is a modern opera, a theme from history Russian state. I wrote 40 scenes, choruses and arias. Everything is ready, now we will determine in which city and in which theater we will stage the premiere.


  • It seems to me that the genre of the song itself is akin to the genre of the musical.

Weber says, “Until I write the central aria, I don’t write the entire musical. After all, in the same musical Cats there is nothing but the aria of this old retired cat. The rest is all practical. And Cocciante is very generous with catchy melodies, he and I are similar in terms of generosity.

  • Probably inspiration with some feelings. What does love mean in your life?

Love is an inexplicable feeling. This is my wife, the house we rent, the garden. Our beloved three dogs and three cats. Everything that pleases the soul. And all this dictates my poems to me.

  • Does kindness help you in your life?

No. The good ones carry water. (Laughs.) It’s just that in order not to be disappointed, you have to not be enchanted. But in reality it’s not like that: you become enchanted by the performer, because if you are not enchanted, you won’t write anything. And he receives the material and disappoints you with his behavior, performance, and statements. “This song is mothballs,” and he has been feeding on it for 20 years. But I’m not one of those who says: “I’m not vindictive, but I’m very angry, and I have a good memory.” I am kind, and my memory is full of holes. It happens that I meet one of the offenders. And they say to me: “Do you remember when he did something mean to you?” - “And I forgot.” You know, my wife Ira and I have a lot in common. We are absolutely, as they say, devoid of the envy gene.

  • Are there any favorites among your songs?

Probably the last ones are always my favorite. Now I have written three songs with Pauls for Aziza. We have been working with her for a long time. Once upon a time in the late 70s there was an ensemble “Sado” in Tashkent, and I wrote a whole program for them, and with Raymond. Then we created a lot of oriental songs. I myself lived in Tashkent, and involuntarily became imbued with the East. He even wrote a whole series of poems. And, I think, we wrote four masterpieces for Elena Vaenga. She will probably perform them next year.

  • When did you realize that fame had arrived?

This happened in 8Tm or 82nd. I had a concert in Sochi, in the evening I went to a restaurant, and there the orchestra was playing “Starry Summer”, then “Crane”, but when they sang “Crane” eight times, and “Starry Summer” nine times, I thought I was going crazy . I would have run away before, but the service there was very slow. And that's when I realized that I had become famous. (Laughs.)

I fucking love this life, however, this truth is not news, but I will repeat it again. Excuse me for my indiscretion

  • Born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg;
  • From 1965 to 1972 - artist of the Theater. Vera Komissarzhevskaya;
  • In 1969 he wrote his first song, “Cinderella”;
  • In 1991 he created the Ilya Reznik Theater. Premiere of the musical play “The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia”;
  • In 1998, he was declared a 22-time laureate of the television competition “Song of the Year”;
  • People's Artist of Russia (2003).

Ilya Reznik is a People's Artist of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, a well-known songwriter, a member of the Academy of Arts and the winner of several orders and prizes. Born in 1938 in the city of Leningrad.

He survived the Leningrad blockade with his paternal grandparents, who later adopted him. His father died after being wounded in 1944, and his mother, after her second marriage, lived until her death in Israel, where Reznik has a brother and two twin sisters (on his mother’s side).

In the early 60s he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Music and Cinema. He worked in the theater for seven years, while writing poetry. In 1972 he left the theater and devoted all his energy to poetry. Three years after that, he was awarded the Golden Lyre, and three more years later the first premiere of his mystery opera took place.

He is the author of lyrics for many popular pop performers. For eighteen years, starting in 1972, he collaborated with Alla Pugacheva, and during this period she performed the most popular compositions. In the early 90s, he lived in America for two years, but decided to return to Russia. From 2006 to 2009 he took part in the show “Two Stars” as a representative of the jury.

Personal life

The composer's first wife was Regina, director of the pop theater. Their marriage lasted from the early 60s to the late 70s. In 1969, their son Maxim was born and daughter Alice in 1976.

In 1981, an illegitimate son, Evgeniy, was born. Today he lives in Odessa.

The second time Ilya married Munira Argumbayeva, but the marriage was short-lived. The couple had a son, Arthur, in 1989.

The third wife was the director of her own musical theater, Irina Romanova, who in her youth was a master of sports in athletics.

House of Ilya Reznik

Ilya Rakhmielevich has an apartment in the center of Moscow, and his own country house no, for many years he has preferred to rent housing in the Moscow region. A three-story mansion with a red roof is located in the village of Tagankovo, Odintsovo district. Nearby is the dacha of Muslim Magomayev.

There is everything you need for quality rest and work. On the territory there is a small garden with a variety of plantings, a relaxation area with a swing, and behind the fence a few steps from the house there is a magnificent lake.

The household responsibility lies entirely with the wife and their assistant Lyuba. The family brought furniture and personal belongings with them from their city apartment. The entire wall of the hall is covered with photographs of pop stars and top officials of the country. On one of the places of honor hangs a photograph of Alla Pugacheva, with whom he worked for many decades; they had quarrels and reconciliations, but the works of this couple always became hits.

One of the favorite places for the whole family is the living room. Here, in a place of honor, the “Bratislava Lyre” is installed, which the songwriter received in 1975. This is the first prize of this competition received by the USSR, and the owner is very proud of it.

Nearby there is a small sofa and a coffee table, and opposite there is a piano, on which Reznik often sings his favorite tunes. Standing on the piano a large number of awards and prizes. Also in the living room there is a large fireplace, trimmed with brick, next to which the owners like to relax on cold evenings.

The room is harmoniously connected to the dining room, which has a magnificent light table with chairs brought from Spain.

From here you can go to the kitchen, where there is also a second dining room, less luxurious, but creating coziness and warmth in the room. Kitchen wall facade in blue colors. Everything here is simple and aimed not at beauty, but at functionality.

The wooden staircase is hung with various paintings and photographs. On the second floor there is a small office with a desk and two open cabinets. One of which is filled with books, and the second contains orders and medals. Ilya Rakhmielevich does not use a computer; pen and paper are enough for him to work.

On this same level there is a gym with a variety of back and waist trainers, which both owners of the house use.

Under the roof on the third floor there is a second office in which the couple prepares concert programs; this room is equipped with a variety of equipment and office items.

The cottage has several bedrooms for the owners and their guests, and on the ground floor there is a swimming pool with a sauna. In total, the mansion has more than fifteen rooms.

According to CIAN, a cottage in the village of Tagankovo ​​can be purchased from 15 to 207 million rubles.

The Soviet songwriter was born in 1938 into a family of political emigrants who came to the Soviet Union in the early thirties from Denmark. His early biography coincided with the war, and little Ilya had to endure many difficult trials. He lived in besieged Leningrad for a whole year, and then his family was evacuated to the Urals. His father was seriously wounded in 1944 and died of his wounds in a Sverdlovsk military hospital, and his mother soon got married and left for Riga, leaving her son to the parents of her deceased husband, who soon officially adopted their grandson, and therefore Reznik bears the middle name not of his own father, but of his grandfather .

Already in school years Ilya began to dream about the theater stage, took up dancing, took part in amateur performances, and, having received a diploma of secondary education, applied to the Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinema. However, the attempt to enter the university was unsuccessful neither the first, nor the second, nor the third time, and only the fourth time Reznik successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student in the acting department, and all the time between admissions, he not only prepared, but also worked either as an electrician, or as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, or as a stage worker in a theater.

In the photo - Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbayeva

After graduation I started work history Ilya Reznik - he joined the troupe of the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya and then began to write poetry, compose reprises and songs for performances. The poet’s first great success came in 1969, when the song based on his poem “Cinderella,” which instantly became super popular, was performed by the young singer Lyudmila Senchina. In the same year, the first book of poems by Ilya Reznik for children was published.

Poetry began to occupy more and more space in the life of Ilya Rakhmielevich, and in 1972 he finally left the theater to devote himself to this type of literary activity. He very quickly found recognition, including among pop stars, for whom he began writing songs.

In the photo - Reznik and Irina Romanova

The beginning of Reznik’s poetic biography coincided with changes in his personal life. He always enjoyed enormous success with women, and for the first time he gave up his bachelor status by marrying a nineteen-year-old student named Regina, who in 1969 gave birth to the poet’s son Maxim, and seven years later a daughter Alice. However, children did not guarantee a long life family life- Reznik divorced Regina, while his son remained to live with him.

The second wife of Ilya Reznik was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. In 1989, she gave birth to Ilya Rakhmielevich’s son Arthur, with whom they left for the USA when Reznik was offered to work there under a contract. The health of the child of Munira and Ilya Reznik required that he remain in the States, naturally, with his mother, and Ilya Rakhmielevich returned to Russia.

In 2012, he decided to radically change his personal life and divorced Munira, with whom he had lived for almost a quarter of a century, although mostly away from his wife, who lived most of the time with her son in the United States. He took this step for the sake of another woman, Irina Romanova, whom he met in the company of mutual friends. Irina is twenty-seven years younger than the maestro, and immediately captivated him not only with her beauty, but also with her indescribable charisma. Having met, they exchanged phone numbers, and after some time a whirlwind romance broke out between them.

When the official wife of Ilya Reznik found out that his husband had another woman, she immediately flew to Russia and caused a loud scandal, calling Reznik a polygamist. But, to Munira’s great surprise, it turned out that she and Ilya Rakhmielevich were already divorced. She began a long legal process to have the divorce annulled, but apart from lengthy proceedings and mutual recriminations, the courts brought nothing. One of the programs “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to Reznik’s divorce, in which his second wife was a participant, and after this talk show, due to strong emotions, Reznik had a stroke.

In the end, everything was resolved, and Ilya Reznik was left alone, and after fourteen years of civil marriage he became the legal spouse of Irina Romanova. Irina is not only the wife of Ilya Rakhmielevich, but also works as the director of the theater named after him.

Once Alla Pugacheva called me in Los Angeles: “Where have you gone? What are you doing over there?" She, like everyone else, was sure that Reznik and I had divorced a long time ago: “Some woman walked next to Ilya, he introduced her as his director, and then announced: “This is my wife.” “We are still married! - I exclaimed. - For some reason I am being summoned to court. But where will I go? I don’t even have a place to stay in Moscow...” But Alla reassured me: “Don’t worry. Buy a ticket, we’ll figure something out...” When I received a telegram with the mysterious text: “You need to appear in court in Moscow as a defendant,” I immediately called Ilya’s son Maxim.

He didn’t know, but promised to find out from his father. Then he calls back: “Dad got very nervous when I asked: should you go to Moscow? He even yelled at me: “How do I know! Maybe it’s about pensions.” But after a while, Ilya still plucked up courage and conveyed through his son: “Let Munira sign the letter that she agrees to the divorce, I promise to send her money every month.” How unhuman this is!..

The first person who learned the whole truth about my current situation was Philip Kirkorov. He came to Los Angeles to shoot a video. During pauses between shots, I told him my story. About the fact that Ilya took me and my four-year-old son to America and left me there alone, that we did not get divorced and were not going to get divorced, that Ilya was deceiving me all this time...

Philip was shocked. And when he returned to Moscow, he told Alla everything...

My plane from Los Angeles lands in Moscow. The director of Alla Pugacheva meets me at the airport. I'm very worried: I have an appointment with a lawyer the next day. Suddenly in the evening a call: “Are you standing, Munira? Better sit down. You have been divorced for a long time." While I was applying for a foreign passport, I was late for the trial, and Ilya and I were divorced at his request. Without me…

All this time I lived in America in complete isolation! Often, when calling Ilya, I asked about our mutual friends, about Alla and Philip, he answered dryly: “They have their own life, I have mine. I don't communicate with them!


And besides, I have no friends, only work colleagues.” It’s strange... I didn’t recognize my Ilyusha. After all, she and Pugacheva were once very friends. Ilya constantly said: “Alla is my younger sister, I am her older brother.”

Then it turned out that many acquaintances asked Ilya for my American phone number, and he answered: they say that Munira is not feeling well and it is better not to bother her. Apparently, he was afraid that someone would reveal the secret: someone else had been living in his house for a long time...

At first, when I returned to Moscow, I lived in a hotel, then Philip invited me to his dacha. His aunt, who has a million worries - a child, a household, a home - surrounded me with warmth and attention. I lived there for two months. Thanks to Alla, I received a Russian passport, I now have registration and a roof over my head.

What Alla and Philip talked about when discussing my problem remains a secret to me. But soon they handed me the keys to the apartment: “You will live here until you get back on your feet.” Even if I leaf through Dahl’s entire dictionary, I won’t be able to find worthy words of gratitude to both of them...

And Ilya was offended: they say, Alla called me here on purpose. To spite him, you see! He even dropped the phrase somewhere: “They organized real persecution against me.” But Alla is only doing what my husband, with whom we lived for 25 years, should do...

It infuriates him that it is Alla who helps me, and he is trying to quarrel between us. Recently he even stated: “They were enemies.” On what basis could Alla and I be enemies?
