Anna Sedokova in which group she sang before. Anna Sedokova

Full biography Anna Sedokova - singer, actress, TV presenter. Photos and details of the personal life of the star

Biography of Anna Sedokova

Singer Anna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Anna's mother immediately sent her to a music school and a dance ensemble. Anna graduated with a gold medal high school and with honors in music - in the piano class. After school, Anna studied at the university as an actor and learned the basics of working as a presenter on TV. During her studies, Anna worked as a model, and then as the host of several Ukrainian television shows.

Star Trek

In 2002, with a successful casting at VIA GRU, musical career Anna Sedokova. The spectacular red-haired singer quickly took the place of the leader of the group in the trio. Under her, VIA GRA together achieved immense popularity. It was at that time that such songs as “Attempt No. 5”, “Do not leave me, my love!”, “There is no more attraction”, “Ocean and Three Rivers” (with the participation of Valery Meladze) and others were released. In addition to pop art, Anna acts in films: the musical Cinderella (2002), the films New Year's Robbery (2003), Pregnant (2011), How Style Was Tempered (2013) and others. At this time, Anna appears on the covers of gloss, and for the sake of a photo shoot with her, Playboy refused full nudity, and even with Sedokova dressed, the issue was sold out in huge numbers.

Anna marries, ending her career as a singer, and after the breakup of the marriage, she begins a solo career. First, she releases the song "My Heart", then from 2006 to 2014 she performs such hits as "Bell" (2007), "Cold Heart" (with the participation of Dzhigan, 2010), "What I've Done" (2012), "Touch "(2014) and others.

In parallel with the work on Sedokova's songs, she acts as the host of the Ukrainian program "TV Star - Superstar", "New Songs about the Main" and "King of the Ring" on Channel One, participates in the show "Ice Age-2", speaking with figure skater Andrey Khvalko , and in the TV show "Two Stars" paired with Vadim Galygin. Since 2011, she has been hosting Project Podium on MTV Russia.

In 2010, Anna wrote the book The Art of Seduction after trying her hand at publishing. It is worth noting that the book was in great demand among the female audience.

During her pop career, Sedokova received the Soundtrack (2002, 2003), Stopudov Hit (2003), Golden Gramophone (2003) awards, and was also awarded RU.TV in the Best Clip of the Decade nomination ( 2009) and in the Sexiest Video nomination.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

Anna's first serious romance was with a football player from Belarus, Valentin Belkevich. They got married in 2004, but they did not live long in marriage - about two years. The reason for the divorce, according to Anna herself, was different views on life. From her first marriage, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Alina.

In 2011, Anna Sedokova accepted the marriage proposal of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. They had a daughter, Monica. However, the marriage did not last long, and a divorce followed two years later. Baby Monica lives now with her mother, then with her father.

Since 2014, Anna began a relationship with dancer Sergei Gumanyuk, who starred in her videos. A year later, their romance ended.

At the end of 2016, rumors appeared on the Web that Anna was pregnant. For a long time, the singer denied that she was expecting a baby, but in February 2017 she confirmed that she would soon become a mother for the third time. April 9, 2017 Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector. The artist keeps the name of the father of the child a secret.

29.12.2017 |

Anna Sedokova is a popular singer, presenter and actress. The girl gained numerous admirers while participating in the musical group VIA Gra. Now she performs solo and brings up three beautiful children.

Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

At the end of the winter of 2017, the singer shared with fans that she was pregnant for the third time. The father of the child is Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than the girl. He works in construction company his oligarch father.

For the first time, young people met on the set of Sedokova's video and began dating. In April, the singer gave birth to a son from Artem in America. It was difficult for her to give birth, she had to do a caesarean section, but pretty soon the woman's condition returned to normal.

Komarov also came to Los Angeles to see his child. Shortly after giving birth, Anna deleted pictures with a millionaire from her Instagram, and fans thought that the young people had broken up.

Children of Anna Sedokova: daughters and son

The singer has three children. All of them are from different fathers: the millionaire Komarov, the athlete Belkevich and the businessman Chernyavsky.

Sedokova's son

In April 2017, Anna had a third child - son Hector. The boy bears the name of his father - Artem Komarov, the owner of a large manufacturing company. The couple never formalized a formal relationship, and in the summer of 2017 it became known that the young people broke up.

The singer immediately showed the child to the fans. He was not yet a year old, and he was already traveling with his mother and pleased her with his first successes. Anna idolizes her son and calls him the main man of her life. April 8, 2018, he turned 1 year old.

Daughter Monica

In 2011, in California, the former soloist of VIA Gra gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Monica. The girl's father is a successful businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (the second husband of the singer).

WITH early years the girl showed talent in music. She sings beautifully, plays instruments, takes part in her mother's concerts.

Now Monica is 6 years old, she studies in the United States, often meets with her father. The girl adores her older sister, trying to imitate her in everything.

The eldest daughter of the singer

From her first husband, Sedokova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. The girl was born in 2004, now she is 13 years old.

Father - Valentin Belkevich - left the family, Alina supported her mother in everything from an early age.

Now the girl is engaged in gymnastics, she also loves music. Plus, Alina maintains her own blog, about 50,000 people subscribe to her page.

Anna's eldest daughter is the face of the line fashion clothes, which is represented by her star mother.

Personal life and ex-husbands Sedokova

Anna was officially married 2 times. In addition, the singer met with the dancer Sergei Guman for a long time, gave birth to a son from businessman Artem Komarov. Now journalists and fans are sure that the girl is dating musician Anatoly Tsoi.

The singer's first husband

In 2004, Anna met the famous Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. Their relationship developed quite rapidly, and soon the singer married him and gave birth to a daughter. It was because of Valentina Sedokova that she left VIA Gro, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. The wedding ceremony was magnificent, the bride looked incredibly happy.

Anna was 10 years younger than her husband, for 2 years the lovers were fine, but then Valentine cheated on his wife, and she left him. In 2014, he died, and Sedokova could not recover for a long time, because she maintained friendly relations with her first husband.

Second marriage

In 2009, the influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky began courting the singer, who was madly in love with Anna at first sight. The girl began to constantly travel to America, because the Formula 1 manager lived in Los Angeles.

After 2 years, the lovers got married, and they had a daughter, Monica. Everyone around noted that young people look great together and predicted a happy marriage for them. However, after a year and a half, the couple decided to divorce. The reason for the divorce is unknown. There is an opinion that Anna's husband cheated on her with another soloist of VIA Gra.

Relations with Sergey Guman and Anatoly Tsoi

In 2013, on the set of the video, the singer met dancer Sergei Guman. They immediately began a relationship. The couple appeared together quite often, on Anna's page there are many photos with a young man.

In 2015, they broke up, but exactly a year later they decided to be together again.

The relationship was again short-lived, because soon Sedokova began dating the son of the oligarch Komarov. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown.

Now Sedokova often appears with the lead singer of the M-band Anatoly Tsoi. This summer, fans were discouraged by pictures from the girl's page, where the musician spends time with Anna and her son.

The singer does not comment on these relations, Anatoly also took a neutral side, neither confirming the information about a civil marriage nor denying it. They met each other at the music show "I want to Meladze."

Anna Sedokova now

2017 was a pretty busy year for the singer. She gave birth to a third child, broke up with his father and again decided to build her personal life with a young and talented musician.

Anna's career is developing no less rapidly. She records new songs, starred in videos, released several albums: the long-awaited for fans "On the Freedom" and a live album with songs from the live performance "Real".

Sedokova is a beautiful and talented woman who found her happiness in children. Her personal life is of interest to many fans, but she keeps the details a secret. Despite the fact that Anna is raising children alone, she manages to look great, make a successful career as a presenter and singer.

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova- Singer, actress, TV presenter. Former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra", its "golden composition".

Anna Sedokova was born in Kyiv on December 16, 1982. Anna's father is Vladimir Sedokov. Mother - Svetlana Sedokova, teacher of music and English. When Anya was 3 years old, her father left the family. Mom alone raised Anya and her older brother.

The girl has been dancing and music since early childhood. At the age of 6, Anya became a member of the folk ensemble of Ukraine "Svitanok", with whom she traveled almost half the world. Anna studied at the regular general education school, which she finished with a gold medal. With her, at the same time, the girl graduated from a music school, and also with excellent marks.

Simultaneously with her studies at school, a girl from the age of 14, in order to help her mother feed her family, was constantly looking for a part-time job. At the age of 15, she first tried herself as a model and quite successfully. However, this business did not last long. Anna left on her own for some reason.

At the end of school, Anna, without entering the budgetary department of the theater institute, enters the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, which, by the way, she graduated with honors and received the profession of "TV and radio announcer". In parallel with her studies at the institute, Sedokova works as a host in a nightclub. A little later, she was offered to host the O-TV Models program on the O-TV music channel, and after a short time, Anna became the host of the Rise morning show on the New Channel.

In 2002, Anna passes the casting and becomes the soloist of the popular female group VIA Gra. The group at that time achieved incredible popularity and success, and the composition of Nadezhda Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and Vera Brezhneva was named the “golden” composition of VIA Gra.

In 2004, Anna, having become pregnant, marries Dynamo Kyiv footballer Valentin Belkevich. Sedokova leaves the group, preferring to create a family. Anna gives birth to a daughter, Alina, but her marriage was not destined to last long.

In 2006, Sedokova divorced Belkevich and returned to the stage, starting a solo career. In the same year, under the pseudonym "Annabel", Anna releases a video for the song "My Heart". After a long break, her first appearance on the stage was marked by the Five Stars festival, which was held in Sochi. There Anna becomes the owner of the "People's Choice Award"
In the same year, Sedokova starred in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine, because 90% of the men surveyed wanted to see Anna Sedokova on the cover of this magazine.
At the end of 2006, Anna becomes the host of the New Songs about the Main program on Channel One.

In 2007, Anna Sedokova signed a contract with the record company "REAL Records", released a video clip for the song "The Best Girl", appeared with new songs on Russian and Ukrainian TV channels.

In 2008, Sedokova became a co-host of the Channel One show - "King of the Ring", and in parallel she works as the host of the Ukrainian project "TV Star - Superstar". The singer finds time to participate in the show "Ice Age-2" by Ilya Averbukh, where professional figure skater Andrey Khvalko becomes her partner. In the same year, 2008, Sedokova shoots a video clip “I'm Getting Used to”, starred in the Ukrainian television series “The Force of Attraction”. Sedokova's career is rapidly flying up. It is simply in great demand both in Russia and in Ukraine. In the 2008 rating "TOP 10 SEXY" from Radio Monte Carlo, Anna Sedokova was recognized as the sexiest Russian TV presenter. And "ELLE Style Awards" named Anna the most stylish TV presenter in Ukraine.

In 2009, Anna is a participant in the musical show "Two Stars", in which Vadim Galygin becomes her partner. In the same year, Anna's songs were released: "Selyavi" (later "Drama"), a duet with Djigan "Cold Heart". The singer also starred in the film "Moscow.RU", and Sedokova donated the fee received from the filming to charity.

In 2010, Anna tries her hand at writing. She releases her first book, called The Art of Seduction, which, by the way, is wildly popular and in demand among fans. In the same year, Sedokova takes part in a pair with Viktor Loginov in the show "Star + Star", the Ukrainian analogue of "Two Stars". In parallel, two video clips of the singer are released: "Cold Heart" and "Drama".

In October 2010, Sedokova presents a new show program in the fashionable Moscow club "Pacha" and announces the start of a large-scale concert tour in the cities of the CIS. In November, Anna takes part in the anniversary concert native group VIA Gra.

At the end of 2010, a video clip was shot for the song "Jealousy", however, due to a frank and rather scandalous plot with a hint of lesbian love, all the working material had to be urgently re-edited so that the TV channels agreed to take the video. At the same time, the video clip "I'm Getting Used" was released, jointly with the rap team "Karats".

At the end of 2010, the shooting of the full-length feature film "Pregnant" was completed, in which Anna got the main role. In this film, Sedokova's acting talent was also revealed. By the way, this film turned out to be a landmark in the fate of the singer. Already before the end of the filming of this film, Anna, who had been waiting for a child with her second husband for a long time, already knew that she was pregnant.

In 2011, Anna Sedokova became the host of the program "Women's Logic" on the Ukrainian ICTV channel. He also takes part in the second season of the Zvezda + Zvezda project. Anna continues to record songs and perform at concerts.

Only a couple of months after giving birth, Sedokova restores her health and figure, and starts working again. Already in the fall of 2011, she becomes the host of the reality show "Project Podium" on one of the Russian channels.

  • Very often her last name is written incorrectly - “Sedakova”, even in the video for the song “The Best Girl”, on the T-shirt in which the heroine sleeps, it says “Sedakova”.
  • Since 2010, she has been studying acting at Scott Sedita Acting Studios in West Hollywood (Los Angeles, California)
Anna Sedokova is a Ukrainian singer, a former member of the pop trio VIA Gra. Now he is confidently building a solo career.

Childhood and family

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Her parents moved to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk. Change Russian city into Ukrainian the Sedokovs were forced complex relationships between the families of Anna's parents. As Anya Sedokova recalls, the situation with dad and mom was standard:

“My mother's parents, grandfather-photographer, grandmother-radiologist, lived, one might say, poorly. And my father, on the contrary, had a very wealthy family. My paternal grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed the future marriage of their son. And then dad and mom decided to run away to distant lands, to Kyiv.

When the future artist was three years old, her father left the family. The singer's mother was left alone with two children - little Anya and eldest son Maxim. However, for some time Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk, after which her father took her. The girl did not live long with her dad, as a result she stayed with her mother, who taught English language and music and almost round knocks disappeared at work to provide for two children.

Almost from the cradle, Anya Sedokova began to study music and dance. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. Simultaneously with general education, she also graduated from a music school. For the first time, the future celebrity took the stage as a member of the Svitanok folk ensemble. As part of this dance group, Anya toured half the world.

The childhood of the future star was difficult. They lived in a disadvantaged area near Lake Raduzhnoye. In Kyiv, her mother had no relatives, and so that the girl would not be bored at home alone, she was enrolled in various circles. Embroidery and athletics were added to the dances and music mentioned above. “In a word, I didn’t have a childhood as such,” Anna admits. She was not loved at school: she was not a beauty, and many were afraid to be friends with the teacher's daughter.

First steps to fame

From the age of 16, Anna Sedokova was constantly looking for part-time jobs. A minor girl tried herself as a model, organizer and host of parties in nightclubs, sang in restaurants, earning $ 25 per evening - a lot of money at that time.

The girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, graduated from the university with a degree in television and radio announcer. During her studies, Anna continued to sing in clubs and restaurants, returning home at 4 in the morning, and in the morning she ran to couples.

Success came to Anna Sedokova when she worked on the O-TV channel. In just a year, the girl rose from a simple participant in live broadcasts to a permanent presenter.

"VIA Gra"

The glory of the girl brought participation in the pop group of Konstantin Meladze "VIA Gra". The girl went through a tough selection at the castings - out of 200 applicants they chose her. However, the girl did not stay in the trio for a long time and after skyrocketing up, together with VIA Groy, returned to television, becoming the co-host of Maxim Nelipa in the Rise! on the New Channel. She combined this work with her studies at the university. Working days did not prevent Anya from getting a red diploma.

The VIA Gra group appeared in Sedokova's life again in 2002. She replaced Nadezhda Meikher, who left the team due to pregnancy. For two years, the girl as part of a sexy team, one of the members of which at that time was the famous Vera Brezhneva, recorded songs such as “Stop Stop Stop”, “Kill My Friend "," Don't leave me, my love", "There is no more attraction", "Third Ocean". In addition to performing songs, Anya was engaged in staging the group's performances and directing.

VIA Gra - Biology

Thanks to her spectacular external data, Anya became a regular guest of glossy magazines .. Only for her sake, the Russian "Playboy" organized a photo shoot without a complete "nude". This issue with a dressed Sedokova on the cover broke all sales records.

Solo career

At the peak of her popularity in the VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with Dynamo football player Valery Belkevich. Having made a choice in favor of family happiness, she left the group. Immediately after her departure from the team, Anya starred for a glossy magazine for men Maxim. The photo shoot turned out to be more than spicy - the girl was in her fourth month of pregnancy.

After VIA Gra, the singer begins a solo career. In April 2006, a girl under the pseudonym Annabel releases a video for the song "My Heart". And for the first time, after a break, Anna Sedokova takes the stage in September of the same year at the Five Stars festival in Sochi. There, the singer becomes the owner of the "People's Choice Award". Before the new year 2007, Sedokova is casting and becomes the host of the program on Channel One "New songs about the main thing."

Anna Sedokova and MONATIK - Hush

A little later, Anna signed a contract with the record company Real Records and released a video for the song "The Best Girl". Solo career began to gain momentum, the release of the first album had already been announced, but due to personal reasons (read about them below), Anna took a creative time-out.

In 2008, the singer received an offer to become a co-host of the show "King of the Ring" on the First. In parallel with this, Anna manages to host the Ukrainian show "TV Star - Superstar". Anna Sedokova also finds time for Ilya Averbukh's project "Ice Age 2". Professional figure skater Andrei Khvalko was chosen as a partner in the skating rink for the artist. In the same 2008, Anya shot a video for the song “I Get Used to” and starred in the Ukrainian TV series “The Force of Attraction”.

"Ice Age": Anna Sedokova and Andrey Khvalko

Anya's career is going uphill by leaps and bounds and the girl is just like hot cakes on various shows. So, already in March 2009, Sedokova participated in the musical project of Channel One "Two Stars", where Vadim Galygin became her microphone partner. A few months later, Russian Radio presented Anna's new song "Selyavi" (later "Drama").

By the way, the singer herself and her music producer Dmitry Klimashenko became the author of the song. Some time later, Anna Sedokova pleased her fans with another hit - on Love Radio, the premiere of the composition "Frozen", which was recorded in a duet with Dzhigan, took place. In the same year, Anya's next success as an actress followed - the girl starred in the film "Moskva.RU", and gave the received fee to charity.

Other facets of talent

In March 2010, Anna will make her debut as a writer. The girl publishes the book "The Art of Seduction", which is in great demand among fans. In the same year, two clips of Anna Sedokova - "Drama" and "Cold Heart" are released simultaneously, and the girl performs in the Ukrainian analogue of the show "Two Stars" with a pair of Viktor Loginov. In October, the singer goes on a big tour of the cities of the CIS countries with a new show program.

After leaving VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova only once reunited with the group - in November 2010 at an anniversary concert in Ukraine. The girl, along with her former colleagues, sang several songs, while the audience met the singer with a standing ovation, as if they were just waiting for her release.

Anna Sedokova - Heart in bandages

At the end of 2010, Anna shot a video for the song "Jealousy", in which there is a rather frank plot and obvious hints of lesbian love. The working video and photo reports from the set caused a scandal, and the clip was urgently re-edited for broadcast on TV channels.

By the way, last year Anya consolidated her acting experience with a role in the comedy Pregnant, starring with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Mikhail Galustyan. In the film, the girl got the main role.

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host Russian version reality show "Project Podium", which premiered on October 8, 2011 on the MTV Russia channel. On January 31, 2012, the premiere of the song "Taxi" took place on the "First Popular Radio". On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song "What Have I Done?" took place, and in November - the premiere of the video for the song "Unsafe", sung together with Misha Krupin.

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show "The Seventh Race", an analogue of the "Battle of Psychics" project.

In 2014, a new show "I Want to Meladze" was released, where the participants competed for the opportunity to become members of the Meladze M-BAND group. Anna Sedokova was present among the mentors, but due to a conflict with her other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova nevertheless coped with her emotions and returned, and her team reached the final, losing to Sergey Lazarev.

In March 2016, the singer released her debut solo album Personal. The disc includes 10 songs. The lyrics of many songs are excerpts from Sedokova's personal diaries. All odd songs on the album were called "Day (number of the day) without you". The album was dedicated to the father who left their family and her ex-men.

Anna Sedokova - About you (2016)

2017 was marked by the release of the live album "Real" - 12 old and new songs recorded from a live performance.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

The first husband of Anna Sedokova was Dynamo footballer Valentin Belkevich. It was because of the relationship with this young man that the girl left the popular trio VIA Gra. In 2004, the singer gave birth to the athlete's daughter Alina.

After the birth of a child, information began to appear in the press about a crack in the marriage of celebrities. In 2006, Sedokova and Belkevich filed for divorce. The reason soon became clear - the footballer was cheating on his wife with a former mistress. For the next two years, Anna disappeared from media radars, then returned to duty.

In 2014, 41-year-old Valentin died due to a detached blood clot. Anna, who maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, was heartbroken. In 2019, she won a trial for an inheritance she fought with civil wife Belkevich.

Having recovered from the first divorce, the girl began to actively arrange her personal life. Anna met a successful businessman, Formula 1 manager Maxim Chernyavsky. A young man of Ukrainian origin lived in Los Angeles, where Anya often came with her daughter.

In February 2011, they got married. 5 months later, their daughter Monica was born in a California clinic.

The second marriage of Anna Sedokova lasted exactly two years. After parting, Anna accused ex-husband in treason with another former Viagra woman Santa Dimopoulos, although she denied her relationship with Chernyavsky: “I supported the Sedokov-Chernyavsky couple with all my heart, and I’m offended that now Anna says such things about me.”

The current communication between Sedokova and Chernyavsky cannot be called friendly. For the sake of their common daughter, they sometimes briefly "reunited", as happened on Monica's 4th birthday. However, later Chernyavsky limited her communication with the baby. After much discussion, Anna managed to agree that Monica would spend the summer with her, with the exception of three weeks, and the rest of the time she could visit her in California. Chernyavsky also insisted that Sedokova not post photos of their daughter on Instagram.

For about three years, Sedokova was in a close relationship with the dancer and choreographer Sergei Guman. The couple quarreled, reconciled, but in 2016 Anna put an end to the relationship, simply tired of the busy schedule of concerts, filming, flights and raising her daughters.

In April 2017, Anna Sedokova had a son, who received the exotic name Hector. The father of the child was the fiancé of the singer Artem Komarov (9 years younger than Anna). Alas, this union was also destined for a short life - in August 2017, fans learned about the breakup between Anna and Artem.

In September 2019, Internet users figured out the name of Anna Sedokova's new boyfriend from a beach photo from Turkey and were indignant. The singer's lover was the Latvian basketball player Janis Timma. The indignation was caused not by the fact that the guy was almost 9 years younger than Anna, but by the fact that he had a wife and a little son.

Sana Timma, the deceived wife of the athlete, made a statement in her hearts, calling Sedokova a "bitch" and saying that her husband, who was carried away by the singer, kicked her and her son out of the house. In response, Anna threatened Sanya with a lawsuit.

Anna Sedokova now

Now Anna Sedokova is torn between raising children and a solo career. Last on this moment studio album - "In the wild" (2017). The disc includes 12 tracks, including a duet with Artem Pivovarov.

In 2018, Anna appeared in Ida Galich's video for the song "Find You", and in 2019 she delighted fans with her own videos: the lyrical "Santa Barbara" and the provocative video "YAZHEMAT".

Anna Sedokova - YAZHEMAT

Anna Sedokova invited HELLO! to your home in Los Angeles, where it is always warm and sunny. Because, firstly, it is eternal summer in California, and secondly, her daughters Alina and Monica are always waiting for her here. You can read about how the shooting went in our backstage report.

Traveling a lot for the artist Anna Sedokova is a common thing. But there is a favorite flight in her life - Moscow - Los Angeles. After all, her children live in California - 9-year-old Alina and little Monica, who recently turned two and a half years old. Anna says she is used to living on two continents, a double life. In Russia and Ukraine, she works, tours, records new songs, shoots new videos, and in America she is just a mother.

Anna Sedokova with daughters Alina and Monika

Anna does not have her own home in America, and a photo session for HELLO! took place in a rented house, not far from the Hollywood hills.

“When I saw this house - spacious and bright, with a beautiful garden and a basketball court, I just fell in love,” says Anya. “Then I didn’t have money to pay the rent right away, but I wanted my children to live here so "I borrowed the necessary amount for the first installment from my friends. And although we will soon move to another, no less nice place, I am happy that my daughters lived here for almost two years." When Anna talks about children, everything changes, becomes soft, tender, quivering. It's not for nothing that fans call her "mother cat".

Anna, how did it happen that your children live in America?

I always wanted my girls to be just Alina and Monika, and not the daughters of the popular singer Anna Sedokova, so that they would have a full happy childhood. Therefore, we live in Los Angeles, where neither I nor my children need a security guard and a driver - I myself drive the children to school. And, of course, Los Angeles is one of the best cities in the world, where the sun shines all year round and average temperature plus 24 degrees. I am such a person that I cannot live without sun and warmth. Moreover, if suddenly we want to ride on skiing or a snowboard, then we get into the car, and in half an hour we are already at the top of a snowy mountain with steep and not very slopes. And if we go the other way, then in a maximum of forty minutes we will find ourselves on the shores of a beautiful ocean. You know, Los Angeles really is a place made for angels. This is where we live. Me and my angels.

And why is it bad to be the daughters of Anna Sedokova in Moscow or in your native Kyiv?

In Russia and Ukraine, I am a singer, TV presenter, actress, in a word, a person who attracts attention, and all my relatives and friends too. Where could we live without being bothered by this attention?

Where other stars live. On Rublyovka, for example.

I do not like the glamorous life of the capitals, I am far from all this. Have you ever seen me get out of a Bentley with two security guards outside some cool club? By nature, all this is alien to me. I can’t live like this, I don’t want my children to be hostages of a situation in which their mother is a star. I myself come from a very simple family, I was raised by my grandmother and mother, who worked as a teacher. We didn't have any money, we were always saving up for something. I got my first Barbie doll when I was thirteen years old, and that must have been a Chinese fake. I remember how happy it was. And I want my children to enjoy such little things too. Recently, my daughter came up to me and asked: "Mommy, can I buy one game here? Please, please, I really, really need it." I said, "Of course you can. How much does it cost?" "16 dollars," Alya replied. I already have tears welling up. This is my victory! I realized that despite the fact that I can buy my daughter a game for much more money, she knows the value of things.

Daughter of Anna Sedokova Alina

How are your typical days in Los Angeles?

Oh, we have a crazy house here. (Laughs.) One of the girls is sure to sleep next to me, and at my feet there are also dogs - York Bulgakov and German long-haired shepherd Buffy. We wake up around seven in the morning on an alarm clock, barely, to admit, get up, because we go to bed later than we should, and we are going to school. Moni and Alya go to one educational complex, the youngest - in the kindergarten group, and Alina - already in the fourth grade. Despite the fact that they are sisters, my girls are very different. Alina is so serious, businesslike, approaches everything constructively, and Moni looks like an angel, in fact, she is still a Skoda and a terrible fashionista. First of all, waking up, the youngest runs to choose what to wear today. It's a whole show. (Laughs) In the end, we all dress up and go to breakfast. On the way to school - and we go about twenty minutes, half an hour - we sing, chat and play "three-liter jar". Do you know what it is?

- No, tell me!

This is a word game. You can name only those words that denote objects that can fit in a three-liter jar. That is, "needle", "pencil" and "apricot" are suitable, but "watermelon" is not, because even the smallest watermelon will not fit into a three-liter jar - we checked. (Laughs) Sometimes we listen to fairy tales or music. They are so funny dancing together in the back seat. The younger one copy the older one in an amusingly impossible way!

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

Do you have friendly daughters?

They adore each other. Monica's main authority in life is her older sister, she does not leave her a single step. This trifle is worn around the house shouting "Alya! Alya!" To show her sister the "concert". The eldest, of course, is not easy. Just a week ago, we all went together to Universal Park, a local amusement park. And they rode only on those carousels that Monica could ride by age. Then I noticed that Alina was a little upset. So today I'll pick her up from school early and go with her to the rides for the older kids, I'll pamper her. The younger ones, as a rule, are already loved and pampered by everyone, but the older ones get it, they make more demands on them.

Do your daughters go to a regular American school?

The girls go to a private but Russian school. I thought about transferring them to a public school, an ordinary American one, but did not dare. I was born and raised in Kyiv, and my grandmother still lives in Tomsk, in fact I am a Siberian. Two close Slavic cultures intertwined in me - Russian and Ukrainian. It is important for me that girls remember their roots, speak Russian and Ukrainian. I will directly fight for it. Alya knows English perfectly and sometimes even automatically starts talking to me in English. I stop her: "Stop, I don't understand." And she laughs: "Mom, well, you do, it's time for you to learn English." We agreed and now we are writing cross dictations - I am in English under the dictation of my daughter, she is in Russian and Ukrainian. Moni is just starting to speak, and speaks all languages ​​at once. (Laughs.) But we watch Russian cartoons "The Adventures of Funtik the Pig", "Prostokvashino", "Kid and Carlson". In general, everything that I myself grew up on.

Now you have spent a whole month with the girls, but you will soon return to work, fly to Kyiv. How do you plan your time, how many weeks, months a year do you work as a singer in Russia and the CIS, and how many as a mother in America?

I not only work as a singer, now I have launched my own clothing line and am actively involved in it. But a designer can work remotely, but an artist cannot. How many weeks a year do I spend with girls in America? I didn’t count, I can’t say that I live according to some kind of algorithm. I just work on tours, no days off. I plan everything in such a way that I completely free myself for a month or two between tours. Of course it's difficult. Reproaches are pouring in my address: “Here, he is building a career, recording songs, making videos, and the children are somewhere out there, in America, abandoned. How is that possible ?!” But I can say for sure that any working mom blames herself. Every time I get on a plane and fly away, I am overwhelmed with guilt towards the girls. But I understand that, firstly, if not me, then no one else will take care of them.

And secondly, God endowed me with abilities, gave me an excellent profession, doing which I bring people joy. And I myself rejoice when I go on stage and see halls packed to capacity, people who, under my songs, confess their love to each other, dance, kiss, cry with happiness. I love my job and I can't change it, it makes me happy. And happy children, as you know, can only grow up with happy parents. recently my eldest daughter suddenly looked at me and said: "Mom, I love you so much!" "Of course, I'm your mother," I answered her, "I take you to school every day." And Alina shook her head: "It's not so important. I love you because you are extraordinary, you are beautiful, you sing well, there are so many interesting things around you. You are a person." At such moments, I understand that, despite all my mistakes, despite the fact that I do not have the opportunity to be with them every day, the girls are proud of me. And to those who judge me, I would say this: I just don’t want one day, when the children grow up, to regret what I didn’t do in my life and reproach my own children: “I put my life on you, I gave up my dream for you ". And hear in response: "Did I ask you ?!"

Yes, many people forget that children grow up and leave.

And I understand it now. Literally on Sunday, Alya went to visit a friend with an overnight stay. Moni was taken away for the day by relatives. My children parted, and I was left completely alone and acutely felt that the children had their own lives, each had their own path.

Do you already imagine what kind of road your girls can have?

I think it's interesting. Monica is, of course, a copy of the character from the movie Problem Child. Every five minutes something drops, breaks, pours out, naughty, in a word. She is still bad at pronouncing words, but "thank you" and "please" always says, Moni is a kind girl. And Alya is already her mother's pride, she is seriously involved in tennis, makes progress in sports, goes to a dance school, plays the piano very well and sings, besides, she is an excellent student. I sometimes look at both of them and wonder. They are already so big and so cool. Not children, but works of art. I am so proud of them and, frankly, of myself - that I am their mother. I will always be there no matter what happens.

Are you a mom friend?

We have a ritual. Every night before bed, we share secrets in my room. Therefore, probably, yes, I am a mother-friend. You know, Osho has a brilliant saying: "If you teach children to obey themselves, then raise soldiers. They will grow up, they will obey others." Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to give children freedom, but at the same time control. Monya is now at a difficult age, and her favorite expression is "I won't." I did not know how to deal with it, but then I found a way. I stand, look at her and also say: "I won't, I won't, I won't." So we butt heads for a while, and then we laugh, and the girl does everything as it should. (Smiles.) And Alya is somewhat absent-minded, and sometimes she has to repeat the same thing several times, to concentrate her attention. I will not say that I am a good mother, because I never considered myself an ideal, exemplary girl, wife, mother. I made mistakes, I fell, but I got up. Always remained strong, purposeful, open and kind. And I bring up my children in the same way, showing that the main thing in life is love.

Who surrounds them with love while you are in Russia at work?

Tanya, my godmother. She is our guardian angel, a sorceress, like Cinderella's fairy godmother. I trust her like myself.

What about the girls' fathers? Do they communicate with their daughters?

A long time ago, I made a promise to myself and still keep it - no matter how my relationship with men develops, for our children they will always be the best dads in the world. The more people love a child, the better. Therefore, I do not prevent girls from communicating with their dads. I grew up without a father. One of my earliest vivid impressions childhood is a memory of how dad left. I stand on the threshold, hold on to the door, and dad removes my hand and, continuing to swear with mom, slams the door and leaves. Since then I have seen my father twice in my life. Maybe it was because of this episode that I did not develop relationships with men? I don't want this fate for my daughters.

You said your girls are works of art. Maybe you still need to give birth, since it turns out so well?

I totally agree. I look at them and understand that more is needed.

Are you ready to get married for the third time?

- (Smiling.) I will say this. I have indeed been married twice. And, probably, she could try to save both her first and second marriages. But I live by the truth. I felt bad - I left, let go. Because no matter how two people love their child, if they don't love each other, then you don't have to live together, you have to move on, look for your happiness. I made sure that I did the right thing, and now I am a happy mother, a successful singer, a business woman. And I also found the very person who supports me in everything, that strong shoulder on which I can lean. But I will talk about this in the next HELLO! interview.
