Nadezhda Kadysheva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Husband of Nadezhda Kadysheva

The soloist of the folk ensemble "Golden Ring" Nadezhda Kadysheva is known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad. For more than thirty years, she has been giving fans her songs, for which she has been awarded high government awards and the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in the tiny steppe village of Stary Maklaush on the border of three regions: Tatarstan, Orenburg and Samara regions. Father, Nikita Mikhailovich, was a lineman, their house was located a few meters from the railway. Mother, Anna Andreevna, was engaged in housekeeping and raising four daughters (in addition to Nadia, the elders Vera and Maria and the youngest Lyuba grew up in the family).

The mother of our heroine was constantly ill, often depressed and cried a lot. When Nadia was ten years old, Anna once again ended up in the hospital and never returned home. The neighbors whispered that Anna Andreevna died because of the birth curse that was imposed on the women of her family, since the doctors could not establish the exact cause of death of a very young woman.

The father was terribly confused, left with four daughters in his arms. Six months later, he brought into the house a woman who became a stepmother for girls in the classical sense of the word. She had her own children, to whom she gave all the love and attention, and perceived her husband's daughters as an additional burden. The father asked not to argue with his new wife and call her mother, but the woman could not find a common language with his girls, just like they did with her.

Soon the older sisters left their father's house: Vera went to work in Moscow, Masha went to relatives to the north. The younger ones were assigned to an orphanage in Bugulma, where Nadya spent four years. The conditions in the boarding school were not bad, the educators and teachers were attentive to disadvantaged children and tried to replace their parents. It was all the more offensive to Nadia and Lyuba, whose father never came to visit his daughters, only occasionally wrote letters to them and secretly sent small sums from their stepmother.

The only outlet for Nadezhda was a singing circle, in which she signed up immediately upon arrival at the boarding school. Nature endowed her with a good voice and an absolute ear for music, besides, the girl had obvious artistic abilities. Nadezhda sang in the school choir, participated in amateur performances and did not miss a single concert. The teachers had no doubt that she would become an artist, and by the end of the eighth grade, Kadysheva herself had such a desire.

Returning to her native village, Nadia realized that they were not at all happy about her arrival. When a fourteen-year-old girl announced that she was going to Moscow to enter a music school, no one began to stop her.

Education and the first steps to success

With three rubles in her pocket, Nadezhda went to the capital and stayed with her older sister. The next day, she took the documents to the Mikhail Ipppolitov-Ivanov Music College, but failed at the first exam. The young entrant did not even know the notes, so the members admission committee advised her to study with a tutor and come back in a year.

Nadezhda, as the heroine of the cult Soviet film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, got a job at a cotton spinning mill, settled in a hostel, and in the evenings she was preparing for admission. But the next year, Nadezhda did not pass the competition and became a student only on the third attempt, having completed preparatory courses under the guidance of Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarasenko.

Already in her third year, Kadysheva began to perform at the Mosconcert as part of the quartet of the folk song "Rossiyanochka", which also included Ella Mamonova, Rimma Maslennikova and Nadezhda Krygina. The performances of the ensemble were held with great success - the girls toured a lot around the country, took part in music festivals and competitions.

After graduating from college, Nadezhda decided to get higher education and entered the Gnessin Institute. There, the young singer met her future husband and stage partner Alexander Kostyuk, who lived with her in the same hostel. In 1983, the lovers got married, and a year later their son Gregory was born.

Russian woman - Flea

At that time, young parents were actively building their careers, touring a lot and rarely being at home. Therefore, the boy had to be taken to his grandmother in Melitopol, where he lived until he was seven years old. The couple also saw each other infrequently, as they performed in different groups, and over time they began to move away from each other. Nadezhda loved her husband very much and did not want to lose him, so she suggested that Alexander organize a family ensemble. The man supported her idea, and in 1988 the Golden Ring musical group was created, performing in the genre of folk and pop songs.

"Gold ring"

The basis of the young team was the musicians of the Bylina ensemble, in which Alexander played various musical instruments. The soloist of this VIA was the young singer Alla Perfilova, now known under the stage name Valeria. Kostyuk took over the functions of the head and administrator of the Golden Ring, he also wrote music and played the button accordion and keyboards. Nadezhda was assigned the role of the first soloist, and the main feature of the new team was the original synthesis folk music and modern electronic instruments.

In 1989, the team began to perform concerts from the Smolensk Regional Philharmonic. Perestroika and subsequent collapse Soviet Union did not reflect well on creative life countries. The impoverished population had no time for concerts, the philharmonic society switched to self-financing and were unable to support emerging artists. But abroad, interest in everything Russian and folk has grown thanks to the flow of emigrants that poured in from the post-Soviet space.

A selection of the first clips of the "Golden Ring"

Little known at home, the team successfully toured Japan, the USA, South America and countries Western Europe. The Japanese especially fell in love with the work of the "Golden Ring" - the ensemble visited the Land of the Rising Sun six times and was awarded the honorary title of a classical folk group.

The songs of the "Golden Ring" were copied from cassette to cassette and thus ended up on the territory of the former USSR. So Kadysheva became popular in her country, and soon the team began to gather full houses. In 1995, the ensemble signed a contract with the recording studio "Soyuz" and released the album "Am I to blame", which sold out in record time with a huge circulation. In the same year, the collection "A Flowing Brook" saw the light of day, which topped the list of the best-selling albums of the country's largest record company for ten weeks.

Golden Ring - Flowing Brook (2014)

The title song "The Stream Flows" became a major hit and calling card collective, later in the repertoire of the ensemble appeared such popularly beloved songs as “The Wide River”, “The Sorceress”, “I Enter Love”, “Give, Birch”, “Ah, my fate, fate ...” and many others.

It is interesting that all these compositions are not folk - the music for them was written by Alexander Kostyuk, the words were written by Pyotr Chernyaev, Evgeny Muravyov, Vladimir Stepanov and other modern songwriters.

Family curse of Nadezhda Kadysheva

The singer suffered from a severe form of depression for almost ten years, which nearly ruined her life. Moreover, Nadezhda was not the only one in the family who suffered from such a complex mental illness - her grandmother, mother and younger sister Lyuba were subject to depression. All these women passed away before reaching the age of forty. In the village it was believed that this was due to a family curse.

At the age of thirty, Nadezhda, for no reason, began to feel the signs of a mysterious illness, which gradually turned her life into hell. At the peak of her creative career, the artist lost interest in the stage, she was annoyed by her beloved husband and even her only son, Grigory. She began to rapidly gain weight, stopped taking care of herself and went on stage in a kokoshnik so as not to put her hair in order. Visits to doctors did not give much result, and strong psychotropic drugs prescribed by doctors began to cause addiction and dependence.

She was saved by the love and devotion of her husband Alexander, who was there for all these difficult years, supported the woman she loved and did not let her completely lose interest in life. In order to switch himself and distract his wife from gloomy thoughts, he began to build a theater, which soon became their main outlet. By that time, Nadezhda had already successfully crossed the forty-year milestone, which caused genuine mystical horror in her. The singer forever parted with her fears and gloomy thoughts and thanks God and her beloved husband for the miraculous healing.

Personal life of Nadezhda Kadysheva

Nadezhda first saw Alexander Kostyuk in the Gnesinka student dormitory and immediately fell in love with him without a memory. A handsome, stately third-year student also liked the slender first-year girl with mischievous eyes, although at first they were connected only by friendship. For four years, Nadia and Sasha looked closely at each other, until in 1983 they decided to start a family.

Soon Nadezhda became pregnant and was even going to have an abortion, but her husband categorically insisted on the birth of a child. On May 27, 1984, their first-born Grisha was born, who followed in his parental footsteps and now works as the concert director of the Golden Ring.

Until the age of seven, the boy lived with his grandmother in Mariupol, while his parents toured the world and built a career. When they got their own housing, they moved their son to Moscow and took up his upbringing.

Now Grigory is already a father himself, together with his wife Anzhelika, the niece of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Alexei Biryukov, they are raising baby Alexei (2015). Grigory organizes concerts of the Golden Ring.

Nadezhda Kadysheva now

In 2015, the Golden Ring ensemble celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its creative activity. The collective celebrated this solid date with a large-scale concert, which took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. In addition to the heroes of the occasion, Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Turetsky Choir, Valeria, Dmitry Malikov and other Russian pop stars took part in it. By the anniversary of Kadyshev and the Golden Ring came up with a solid baggage of two dozen studio albums and collections from concerts.

Golden ring - I'm not a witch at all

A special pride of Nadezhda and her husband is their own Theater of Folk Music and Song "Golden Ring", built in 2005 on the site of the former Moscow cinema "Estafeta". In the foyer there is an exhibition of Nadezhda's stage costumes, which she began collecting in her early youth. The construction of the theater helped the singer cope with a severe form of depression that poisoned her life for many years.

In 2019, Kadysheva celebrated her sixtieth birthday, but she is not going to leave the stage and rest on her laurels. The singer's tour schedule is tightly scheduled for the year ahead, but there was time to participate in the celebrations dedicated to the centenary of the legendary Ippolitovka. IN different years graduates of one of the oldest music schools in Russia were

Not so long ago, 3 " natural disasters”: the first is a grandiose repair, the anniversary of the hostess of the house, separation from the parents of his son Gregory. - their only son.

On 180 square meters, the famous Italian master Onofrio Yuculano performed, by the way, very expensive, so Nadezhda should not like him, but he should like them. And both sides failed. The house began to look chic.

The family was delighted with the latest technical find. The designer suggested placing the plasma behind the painting. It came out just great!

Six months later, the interior big apartment changed so radically that the returning stars native home did not know at all. Nadezhda did not want to leave her dressing room with huge doors made of mirrors at all.

From the old interior there was a massive grandfather clock, two rare chests of drawers. The last Onofrio painted well with gold leaf.

The bedroom resembles the queen's apartments, however, Kadysheva is the queen of the stage.

The kitchen always smells of fresh coffee. The artist prepares it for the family when the tour schedule allows you to take a break.

Even in the sports room, where there is also a shower, it is laid out of olive, and even with onyx inserts.

In the rest of the rooms there are silk wallpapers with a cord, exclusive wall paintings, expensive curtains, furniture that costs a lot of money, as it was made by Italian craftsmen according to the designer's project.

Nadezhda Kadysheva, the soloist of the Golden Ring, is known in Russia and abroad. Artists sing along to songs, they are sung in companies, they are loved because they are close to the people. But the singer's career has not always been cloudless.

Nadezhda is the third daughter, and there are four daughters in the Kadyshev family. The girl was born on June 1, 1959 in a simple Soviet family. Father worked as a foreman railway The mother was in charge of raising the children. At first, the Kadyshevs lived in Gorki, and then moved to Stary Maklush. Money was sorely lacking, but the Kadyshevs lived happily. At home, Nadezhda and her sisters arranged a theater in which she portrayed a ballerina or a singer. Relatives gathered for impromptu performances.

When Nadia was 10 years old, her mother passed away. Six months later, my father married again - life began with a strict stepmother. The older sister could not stand it and went to work in the city, the middle one moved to relatives, and Nadia and her younger Lyuba were brought up in a boarding school. There it began musical biography singers. The girl became interested in music. Nadia performed at all concerts and holidays, participated in amateur performances. After graduating from the boarding school, Nadezhda moved to the Moscow region, where her sister lived, got a job at a factory, but did not give up amateur performances.

Soon Nadia decided to enter a music school, but the first attempt did not work out. Then the girl went to the preparatory department in order to enter for sure next year. And so it happened. Then Nadezhda decided that the school was not enough for the singer - she needed to enter the Gnessin Institute. No sooner said than done.


The solo career of the singer began in 1988, largely thanks to her husband Alexander Kostyuk. The young man organized the Golden Ring Russian song ensemble, in which Nadezhda Kadysheva was supposed to sing. Before that, the girl had already performed in the musical group "Rossiyanochka". The basis of the ensemble was the musicians of the Bylina collective, who still student years led by Alexander. The basis for the new VIA was the Smolensk State Philharmonic. Kostyuk immediately set about restoring the authentic instruments, which he played in the arrangements of the songs.

Ironically, the group performed more often and collected full houses abroad, and not in Russia. Abroad, the Golden Ring also recorded albums. National music enjoyed great success in the West and artists' earnings were higher than in their homeland. The musicians visited dozens of foreign countries, including the USA, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Bolivia and Japan. In Asia, the band's performances were especially loved by the audience.

This went on for five years, but in 1993 the Soyuz studio signed a contract with the Golden Ring. In the same year, they learned about Nadezhda Kadysheva in Russia and the CIS countries. The first album, which was distributed in the homeland, was called "Am I to blame." The collection includes folk and pseudo-folk tracks "Bird cherry sways under the window", "Suffering", "Ural mountain ash", "Where are you running, dear path".

The composition "A Stream Flows" instantly became a popular hit. The song was featured on their second album, which was released in 1995. The collection was in the top 10 best-selling discs in Russia for three months. Then the people picked up "Broad River", "Entering Love", "I'm not a sorceress", "Entangled happiness". For popular songs, the musicians began to create the first clips, which often got into the programs of local television stations dedicated to congratulations.

In 1999, Nadezhda Kadysheva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The singer also won the prestigious award from.

During her singing career, Nadezhda Kadysheva recorded 20 albums and collections from concerts. Some albums were re-released because they were very popular. Husband Alexander Grigoryevich wrote music for many compositions, and son Grigory is engaged in organizing concerts and solving administrative issues of the theater of his parents.

In 2015, Nadezhda Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble celebrated the 30th anniversary of their creative activity. The video of the anniversary concert has collected 3.8 million views on YouTube hosting.

Personal life

The personal life of the actress has developed happily. Nadezhda Nikitichna met her future husband Alexander Kostyuk when she studied at a music school. The girl noticed a fellow student in the student cafeteria and fell in love at first sight. Kadysheva found out that the chosen one was studying at the Institute. Gnesins and decided to go there in order to see Alexander more often. For four years, the girl suffered in silence, looking at the object of her own adoration. Nadezhda did not dare to confess her feelings.

Closer to graduation, the fate of the student was decided. Alexander Kostyuk unexpectedly approached Nadezhda and made an offer. Kadysheva agreed with joy, in 1983 the couple got married. Soon the young had a son, Gregory.

If there are happy marriages in creative environment, then the Kadyshev-Kostyuk tandem can definitely be attributed to them. Musicians work together, tour together, rest together and are happy together too.

Spouses are anxious about their own home. For a long time, the young lived in a rented apartment and were unpretentious in everyday life. Then she helped the musicians get their first apartment. Alexander and Nadezhda were happy, as they finally managed to transport their own son Grigory from his grandparents to Moscow.

Kadysheva and Kostyuk received a second apartment thanks to their special love for the music of the ensemble. For a long time, the couple lived on suitcases, not paying attention to the quality of repairs in the house. But it's time for a change. After 12 years, the artists turned the family home into royal apartments. The Italian designer Onofrio Yuculano helped them in this.

Nadezhda has two hobbies: collecting concert outfits and paintings. The singer says that she has over 100 costumes, rich and luxurious, because the singer does not recognize another style on stage. In the future, Nadezhda is going to open a museum in which these outfits will be exhibited. In life, Nadezhda Kadysheva dresses simply, and in everyday life she is unpretentious. Star disease passed the artist.

Nadezhda Kadysheva miraculously escaped death. At the age of 30, the artist was diagnosed with a tumor of the mammary glands. For two years the singer lived in anticipation of death, fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed. The second time, doctors saved the singer when she was 49 years old. The artist had an attack of acute tachycardia. Now Nadezhda Nikitichna is healthy.

Nadezhda Kadysheva now

In recent years, Nadezhda Kadysheva has rarely appeared on television. The singer plunged into the work of her own team, with whom she regularly goes on tour. Over time, the image of Nadezhda Kadysheva has changed, the artist dyed her hair blonde and makes spectacular hairstyles for performances.

When asked by journalists about plastic surgery, she says that she never thought of having an operation, since it is important for an artist to fully control facial expressions. The singer's husband is completely on the side of his wife. Judging by the photo, it is enough for Nadezhda Kadysheva to use skin care cosmetics, as the artist still retains her blooming appearance.

In November 2017, the Golden Ring visited the Days of Moscow in Beijing. The musicians gave a concert in Beijing's pedestrian zone - Wangfujing Street. Artists of the Podmoskovnye Evenings ensemble also took part in the concert. For four days, the Chinese managed to visit the ice show, eat gingerbread, bagels and bagels, and also try their hand at master classes in Khokhloma painting. Within the framework of the festival, round tables and friendly meetings were held between representatives of the Russian delegation and Chinese specialists in Russian studies, students and schoolchildren.


  • 1990 - "Kalinka"
  • 1991 - Golden Ring
  • 1995 - "Am I to blame"
  • 1995 - "A stream flows"
  • 1997 - "Go away, grief"
  • 1998 - "Sweet Grove"
  • 1999 - "Why is this summer ..."
  • 2002 - “Give, birch”
  • 2003 - "Rain is crying"
  • 2004 - "Broad River"
  • 2006 - "My love"
  • 2007 - "Dedication to the Russian land"
  • 2009 - "And again love ..."
  • 2012 - “And the song is pouring ...”
  • 2013 - "The stars are shining"
  • 2014 - "You are near"
Original post Streltsov
The singer showed the apartment after renovation

Nadezhda Kadysheva with her husband

Recently, the family of Nadezhda Kadysheva and Alexander Kostyuk was hit by three "natural disasters" at once: a grand renovation, the 50th anniversary of the hostess of the house and the "departure from the nest" of 25-year-old Grigory, their only son.

As soon as one of them - the repair in the apartment - was over, the "new settlers" invited the correspondents of "7D" to visit. As soon as the elevator doors swing open on the desired floor, it became clear: the owners decided to renovate the dwelling from the hanger. Even the common hall is finished on a grand scale - there are luxurious tiles on the floor, and the fire shield is covered with a painting by Italian masters.

Living room
The development of the design of the apartment of 180 square meters, where the happy family spent 12 years, the couple entrusted the Italian designer Onofrio Yuculano, who was recommended to them by friends.

Living room

“It is important that we didn’t choose him, but, in fact, he chose us. When, through acquaintances, we arranged a meeting with Onofrio, we were terribly nervous, because we were warned: if we don’t pass face control and he doesn’t like us, the maestro will not take the job. He is a rich man and can afford to choose clients," says Alexander.

But it worked out. The Italian came to the National Theater of Folk Music and Song "Golden Ring" - the brainchild of Kadysheva and Kostyuk, talked with customers 2 about life "and soon presented a three-dimensional project in which their apartment looked like it looks today.

“Honestly, everything was so luxurious on the sketches that we doubted: is it possible to realize such magnificence? And although the estimate scared us a little, the contract was signed. After all, we were offered a dream house. The designer and I shook hands, gave the builders the keys and went to live in rented apartment", say the couple.

Six months later, and so much time was spent on repairs, the interiors of their homes changed so radically that the returning owners did not recognize their home - only a grandfather clock and two chests of drawers, which the Italian painted with gold leaf, remained from the old one.

Olive parquet with onyx inlays, silk wallpaper with a silk cord running along the contour, marble window sills, wall paintings, curtains worth a fortune, designer furniture brought from Yuculano's homeland and assembled by Italian workers.

“While the renovation was going on, we never looked here, we didn’t want to spoil the impression. And when we saw this royal chic, we experienced a real shock! For three days I refused to go anywhere at all - I lay on the sofa in the living room and admired it,” says Nadezhda .

Gym with shower


<Бывают и покруче обстановочки... Хозяевам нарвится - их дело. А вот как Надежда на сцену выходит и в чем - вот это уже кошмар!)))))

The actress never wanted to do plastic surgery. If someday she decides to go under the knife, although this is unlikely, she will lose her individuality, which plays a crucial role for an artist.

Hope in no case refuses cosmetics. She regularly makes masks at home, uses the best creams, and also maintains beauty not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Kadysheva adheres to proper nutrition: her diet includes a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, she does not prepare food for several days in advance, consuming only the freshest.

The singer looks younger than her age, according to most fans.

The singer admitted that she manages to do everything: take care of herself, her family, because she gets up very early.

The artist rarely appears on TV screens, all her strength is given to the Golden Ring ensemble and family. But on stage, the singer continues to actively perform for the sake of her beloved fans.

Most recently, the singer became the heroine of "You won't believe it!" and said that others are forcing her to do plastic surgery. “I believe that artists should not touch their faces! This is a tool, they need to work!” - confidently declared Nadezhda.

The main family and husband of Nadezhda Alexander Kostyuk support her in everything, including agreeing with the decision not to become a “victim of plastic surgery”.

If a person feels comfortable in his weight and is satisfied with his appearance, then the opinions of other people should not worry. We wish Nadezhda to always remain true to her principles.
