Kovalchuk gave birth to a daughter. Julia Kovalchuk told how her daughter is growing

October 12, 2017 Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov became parents for the first time - they had a daughter Amelia. The star couple in every possible way protects the girl from excessive attention. Kovalchuk and Chumakov still haven't shown what their daughter looks like. In the microblogs of the spouses, only occasionally flashes of footage on which you can see the silhouette of a girl. So, yesterday, 36-year-old Yulia shared a rare photo with Amelia on her microblog on Instagram. The singer showed how much their daughter has grown with Chumakov lately. And Kovalchuk did it in an unusual way: she photographed the shadow of a girl on the sand.

“The only thing really important in this life. ”- touchingly signed the singer published in the microblog on Instagram (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given hereinafter unchanged. - Note. ed.). In the comments under the photo fans star couple began to admire how quickly Amelia was growing. Julia noted that the girl is already 1 year and 5 months old, but in the published picture, her daughter seems taller than she really is.

Yulia Kovalchuk showed a rare photo with her grown daughter

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov have not yet shown what their daughter looks like, artists sometimes share stories about how Amelia grows and which parent she looks more like. So, according to the star father, the girl is more like him: she was born a burning brunette with dark eyes. “Some features sometimes slip: once - Julia. Sometimes it will turn - just me. Part of Yulin's nose, part is mine. What a beautiful symbiosis. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes, probably, will definitely be brown, ”said the singer.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov with their daughter

Recall that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov have been married since 2013. Many were interested in why Alexei and Yulia were in no hurry with the children. There were rumors that the singer had health problems, but in the Secret to a Million program, Chumakov denied these speculations. He said that they did not have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child.

By the way, having learned about Yulia's pregnancy, the artists decided not to tell anyone about the upcoming replenishment in their family. The star couple was afraid possible complications. As a result, Julia calmly spent nine months before her daughter was born, and five months after giving birth, Kovalchuk showed her followers a figure in a bikini. Around the same time, Yulia and Alexei declassified the name of their daughter, which they carefully concealed for six months.

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child: latest news 2018, photo

Name Julia Kovalchuk

Date of Birth 11/12/1982 (aged 37)

Place of Birth Volzhsky

Zodiac sign Scorpion

By Chinese horoscope Dog

Activity singer, TV presenter

Today, on the Internet, mainly in in social networks, one topic was touched upon: Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth! Indeed, this event is long-awaited and very pleasant not only for young parents, but also for all fans of the singer. Yulia Kovalchuk, together with her husband Alexei Chumakov, recently admitted that for several years they have had to listen to the fact that they still have not thought about procreation, because the years have long allowed them to become parents. They said that they always had their own point of view, and even the opinion of their favorite fans did not interest them.

When to give birth or adopt a baby is a personal matter for each person, and outside opinion is not taken into account here at all. Julia and her husband always picked the right moment to give birth to a child. Her pregnancy was caused by a great desire to become loved and loving parents, and not constant gossip and reproaches from fans. They did not want to live for someone, to adapt to the wishes of other people, they did not listen to advice. And now came the exciting and long this moment- Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child in 2017. There is no official confirmation yet, but all fans are sincerely sure that Yulia wanted her last photo let everyone know that she has already managed to become a happy mother.

Did Yulia Kovalchuk give birth?

Since the singer never advertised her relationship, and even more so until the last time she hid her pregnancy, no one knew about the exact date of her birth. Today, there are a lot of comments on the network with the words: "Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a child." Fans have always watched the singer very carefully, wishing her in the comments a quick and less painful birth, as well as healthy baby. Julia probably reads all this, but does not react in any way, which further panics the fans.

Julia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov

Today, Yulia Kovalchuk added a photo in white underwear, which does not show the stomach. And immediately, comments with congratulations for the singer immediately “fell down”. Julia wrote under the photo that she just loves trying on new underwear, and that this has nothing to do with childbirth. Who gave birth to Yulia Kovalchuk and when, it is difficult to determine from the photo. But all the fans hope that soon the singer will post on her page that their assumptions were correct. Fans claim that they are insanely happy for Yulia and Alexei, and want to believe that she really has already become a mother.

Some subscribers confidently declare that Julia gave birth to a girl. They substantiate their assumptions by the fact that at the time of pregnancy, the singer changed her facial features, became even more tender and feminine. Also, experienced mothers could not help but notice the shape of the abdomen. She fully corresponded to the fact that Yulia carries a charming daughter inside herself. Journalists are not distracted from their work for a minute, they want to prove with facts that the fans' assumptions were correct. It remains only to wait for the appearance of the photo on Instagram of the singer with the child.

Pregnancy Kovalchuk

Yulia Kovalchuk never liked to talk about her personal life, she gladly devoted her fans to all working moments, shared her creativity, but she always believed that her personal life concerns only her and her husband. That is why fans learned about Yulia's pregnancy shortly before the birth itself. Today on the Internet you can see amazing news - Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child. For some inactive fans, this news was really shocking, because if you didn’t personally follow the life of Kovalchuk and her husband, it would be difficult to find out about the pregnancy.

Pregnant Julia Kovalchuk

Even from the first months of pregnancy, when the singer diligently concealed her position, she was sure that these 9 months would be the happiest, simplest and most memorable for her. Kovalchuk was in good health, and even went on stage until the moment when her position could be hidden under the outfits. Her cheerfulness, her husband's love and her favorite work were enough to feel confident, not to be afraid of complications and other problems.

Julia all the time tried to hide her position under wide outfits, she did not show photos in which her belly was visible to the naked eye. And for a certain time she managed to hide everything, if not for attentive and curious journalists. They added a photo of 2017 with a belly, where it is clear that Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant.

Julia and her husband on the cover of a magazine

It no longer made sense to hide your position, because journalists would still be able to expose the singer after going to secular parties. Even in the fifth month, the singer confidently went on stage, but tried to hide her position behind wide pants and blouses. And it is worth noting that she succeeded, because the fans found out about the pregnancy quite recently.

Rest Kovalchuk during pregnancy

Throughout her pregnancy, the singer rested and worked, she felt the strength to travel abroad, go on stage and give fans her work. Shortly before giving birth, the singer added a photo to her Instagram page, in which she drinks champagne from a glass. Under the photo, Julia wrote: "Kayfushechki." This photo shocked all her fans, they quickly began to write comments with questions about the singer's pregnancy.

On the eve of the birth, the girl revealed the secret about her pregnancy

The singer felt great, and could afford to relax with a glass of champagne in the late pregnancy. Nothing threatened her health and the health of the baby, because she regularly examined the doctor, took care of her health, nourished the body with all the necessary vitamins to maintain the normal development of the baby.

The last months of Yulia Kovalchuk's pregnancy

As already mentioned, the singer's pregnancy passed without any problems and deviations. Julia could afford to travel, despite the fact that after the sixth month of pregnancy, doctors categorically forbid flights. Despite this, until the ninth month, Kovalchuk and her husband were in Spain. She is madly in love with this country, the singer noted many advantages for herself, namely:

Julia and her husband on vacation in Spain

  • beautiful architecture and the opportunity to enjoy pleasant air;
  • professional doctors, to whom Yulia was ready to entrust herself and the baby during childbirth;
  • quiet and peaceful rest outside noisy Moscow;
  • the opportunity to forget about all the working moments and calmly prepare for childbirth.

Julia added a photo on her Instagram where she is standing on the seashore, enjoying sea ​​waves And clean air. She wrote on her page that she was very careful about her position, which is why she left dirty Moscow to find herself in a real fairy tale, gather her thoughts and prepare for childbirth. Her husband is not visible in the photo, so the subscribers suggested that Alexei had a lot of work in Russia, and he could not leave Moscow for a holiday in Spain. There were also suggestions that the birth of the singer will take place there.

The stars have their own home in Spain, where they were going to live after giving birth. Yulia Kovalchuk and Aleksey Chumakov have been expecting a baby for several years, so they always wanted them to have comfortable living conditions, peace and quiet during childbirth and immediately after them, allowing them to enjoy replenishment in the family. Until the last moment, they planned to give birth to a baby in Spain, but then they decided to return to Moscow.

Y. Kovalchuk with his mother

In order not to leave their wife with a newborn child, they together decided to return to the capital. She did not tell anyone in which maternity hospital the singer would give birth. Even curious and professional journalists failed to declassify this moment.

Marriage of Yulia Kovalchuk

Fans have been watching the married couple of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov for several years, and only after so many years did the singer decide to give her husband a child. It is worth noting that the couple has been together for 10 years, and their marriage began only in 2013. For many fans, the couple of Yulia and Alexei is considered an example of love and understanding.

There has already been a lot of gossip on the network that their marriage is on the verge of parting, but this, fortunately, is not the case.

Celebrity wedding photos

Yulia and Alexei have been married for 5 years, and it is difficult to call their family inferior. Everyone knows that the star has little time for personal life, for them work comes first. But this family has its own views on life and priorities. They are ready to be exemplary parents, spend time with their baby and family, pay more attention to him. All fans are convinced that this is how it will be.

Fans do not stop discussing the topic that supposedly Julia has already given birth to a baby, she simply hides this event, like her pregnancy. Journalists have also not been able to confirm the assumptions with facts at the moment, but they may well assume that Yulia will hide this for another month. a grand affair. Yulia's husband, Alexei Chumakov, also does not give out any information, his social network page never shows his personal life, which further confuses fans.

Julia's late pregnancy, what is the reason for this?

Since childhood, Yulia Kovalchuk was an energetic child who tried to achieve everything in life that he wanted. Being already a singer, for Yulia there was no limit to perfection. She put her career first, because she wanted to realize herself as a famous person as much as possible, and only then build her personal life. But, at the age of 24, Julia met her current husband, adding him to her life. Now, in addition to the beloved work, there was also a beloved man.

Julia is happily married to Alexei Chumakov

Since their career was quite eventful, the young family did not want to infringe on their baby in attention, give him up to nannies while spending time at work. And now, when Yulia is 34, and Alexei is 36 years old, they have already reached the heights in their careers, gained popularity, became famous and loved.

It's time to think about the most important thing - the birth of a child. Since Julia and Alexei are secretive personalities, and do not like to talk about their family relationships, to find out the truth about when they started thinking about having a baby is very difficult.

Julia Kovalchuk: photo

As soon as the information that Yulia was expecting a child became known, all the fans felt incredible joy for this family. This can be understood from numerous comments. It remains only to hope that Kovalchuk and Chumakov really became parents, and that Julia will soon confirm all the assumptions.

Fans are looking forward to a photo with a child, follow all the updates on social networks, hoping to be the first to know if Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth. Journalists, in turn, do not take their eyes off the singer, hoping to be the first to get exclusive news and bring it to the mass reader.

Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time

Last Friday, the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Julia Kovalchuk and singer Alexey Chumakov became parents for the first time. The 34-year-old actress, performer and presenter gave her 36-year-old husband a daughter.

Julia hid the pregnancy from her fans for several months. To direct questions from journalists, the singer evasively answered that every six months she was credited with either a quick replenishment in the family, or breast augmentation.

At the same time, the artist assured that even if the rumors were true, she would hide the pregnancy to the last. Only two weeks ago, Julia and Alexei officially confirmed the good news by publishing their photo shoot for OK magazine.

A post shared by Julia Kovalchuk (@juliakovalchuk) on Sep 27, 2017 at 11:36pm PDT

On Saturday, the singer shared on her Instagram a touching black-and-white photo of her baby's tiny heels. A young mother accompanied the photo with a comment:

“There are no words in the world ... there are no emotions that can describe this new feeling ... now it’s as if there is no time ... there is inexplicable love and addiction ... thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter” (author’s spelling and punctuation here and further saved. - Note ed.).

Yesterday, the happy father posted the same photo, calling the picture succinctly and succinctly: "Mine." To date, Yulia and Alexei have not told the public and the press the name of the baby.

A post shared by Alexey Chumakov (@alexchumakoff) on Oct 15, 2017 at 5:12am PDT

Fans of the star couple enthusiastically greeted the long-awaited news. The first photo of the baby gathered a lot of good wishes and happy comments:

"Congratulations! Health and peaceful dreams”, “May the angels of heaven protect your baby. Health to her. Parents of patience and wisdom”, “With newborn happiness!”, “Health to your family and endless love!”, “Happiness to you and all the best!”, “Let it grow sweet and happy. Long years to her. Show her this world from such a side that she always has a holiday in her soul. Health baby and mom!

Fans expressed the hope that Yulia will quickly recover and delight listeners with new hits.

A post shared by Julia Kovalchuk (@juliakovalchuk) on Sep 8, 2017 at 11:00am PDT

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov have been together for almost ten years. The couple got married four years ago. On October 1, the singer touchingly congratulated her husband on his anniversary:

“We have a lot of Ours and only our dates, which only we know about ... thank you, my love, that it’s been official for 4 years, and for almost 10 calendar years I don’t have time to get bored, I don’t get tired of loving and I don’t stop flying.”

According to media reports, Julia gave birth to a child in the most fashionable among Russian stars clinic "Mother and Child" in Lapino, on Rublevsky highway. The couple chose Russia for the birth of their daughter, because it was important for them to speak the same language with doctors. VIP deliveries in the Lapinsk clinic cost 900,000 rubles.

36 year old Julia Kovalchuk and 38 year old Alexey Chumakov- one of the most beautiful and harmonious pairs of our show business. The couple have been happily married for more than five years and have a daughter. Amelia who turned two in October. Alexey and Yulia carefully guard the peace of their family and rarely share details privacy. They do not show photos of their daughter in their blogs and very sparingly report information about her.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

However, Julia also rarely posts pictures with her parents on her personal blog. But yesterday, the singer shared a picture with mom and dad and admitted that walking around New Year's Moscow has long become a family tradition.

Perhaps this is a tradition new year holidays get out for a walk with the whole family) Firstly, it reminds me very much of our joint forays in childhood, although we went then either to the steppe or to the hill, but the main thing is the company)! And, secondly, now the capital is so beautiful that there is simply no point in traveling to Europe or anywhere else. In truth, the number of people on the streets makes me think that everyone is now coming to us in Moscow))

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Fans were delighted with the beautiful winter frame, showering the singer and her parents with compliments:

Julia, how you look like your mother😄 Cool family❤️

Yulechka. You are lovely. Take care of your relatives.

How wonderful!!!

By the way, this is not the first time that readers of Kovalchuk's personal blog note how much she looks like her mother, Svetlana Vasilievna. This is especially evident in the touching frame, which was published by the star last year on Mother's Day.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Recently, the artist opened the veil of secrecy and spoke about her daughter. According to the star mother, when she and her husband had a daughter, they felt just cosmic happiness. The baby completely turned their lives around. Most of all, Amelia loves to draw, and her favorite canvas is her parents' clothes. In addition, the baby loves to entertain her mother with songs and dances.

But she has no inclination for foreign languages ​​yet. Julia admitted that Amelia does not like it when they try to speak to her in some other language than Russian. The singer says that she and her husband do not set themselves the task of raising a bilingual child from their daughter and generally try not to burden the baby with any additional developmental activities. Kovalchuk is sure that when her daughter grows up a little, she herself will choose what will be really interesting to her.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

And recently, Kovalchuk said that their daughter and Alexei listen to fairy tales, which Yulia herself loved in her childhood - just like before, on records:

"Masha and Vitya vs. Wild Guitars" - this was my favorite audio fairy tale and not only before the New Year)) We create the mood for ourselves, in my opinion, I found a great way)!

Last Friday, the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Julia Kovalchuk and singer Alexey Chumakov became parents for the first time. The 34-year-old actress, performer and presenter gave her 36-year-old husband a daughter.

Julia hid the pregnancy from her fans for several months. To direct questions from journalists, the singer evasively answered that every six months she was credited with either a quick replenishment in the family, or breast augmentation.

At the same time, the artist assured that even if the rumors were true, she would hide the pregnancy to the last. Only two weeks ago, Julia and Alexei officially confirmed the good news by publishing their photo shoot for OK magazine.

A post shared by (@juliakovalchuk) on Sep 27, 2017 at 11:36pm PDT

On Saturday, the singer shared on her Instagram a touching black-and-white photo of her baby's tiny heels. A young mother accompanied the photo with a comment:

“There are no words in the world ... there are no emotions that can describe this new feeling ... now it’s as if there is no time ... there is inexplicable love and addiction ... thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter” (author’s spelling and punctuation here and further saved. - Note ed.).

Yesterday, the happy father posted the same photo, calling the picture succinctly and succinctly: "Mine." To date, Yulia and Alexei have not told the public and the press the name of the baby.

Fans of the star couple enthusiastically greeted the long-awaited news. The first photo of the baby gathered a lot of good wishes and happy comments:

"Congratulations! Health and peaceful dreams”, “May the angels of heaven protect your baby. Health to her. Parents of patience and wisdom”, “With newborn happiness!”, “Health to your family and endless love!”, “Happiness to you and all the best!”, “Let it grow sweet and happy. Long years to her. Show her this world from such a side that she always has a holiday in her soul. Health baby and mom!

Fans expressed the hope that Yulia will quickly recover and delight listeners with new hits.

On her Instagram page, Yulia Kovalchuk posted a photo of the baby's legs. Subscribers of the singer did not hide emotion.


In the caption to the picture, Kovalchuk shared her thoughts on the joys of motherhood. "...there are no words in the world...there are no emotions that can describe this new it seems there is no time...there is inexplicable love and addiction...thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter 🙏 (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.)," she wrote.

"Goosebumps", "Congratulations!!!", "Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! 💐🌺🌼🌹 Health to her and you!", "Congratulations!!! Health to your entire family and all the best!!!💐👌❤👼 👨‍👩‍👧", fans were clearly delighted with what happened.

Recall that the data that Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a daughter appeared on October 13. However, at that time she herself did not comment on this news. Her follow-up post on Instagram dispelled all doubts.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov secretly got married in Spain in May 2014, where they have their own apartments. The ceremony was attended only by the closest people. Interestingly, a couple of weeks before the wedding, the lovers asked the mayor of the city for permission to play music until three in the morning, and not until midnight, as is customary.
