Another Russian star is drinking himself beyond recognition. They cut it off here, sewed it on there: our stars, which cannot be recognized in old photos. Other reasons for the depression of “poor Nastya”

After the incredible success of actress Elena Korikova in the series “Poor Nastya,” many rumors began to circulate about her, the latest of which was that the woman began to abuse alcohol. Elena Korikova has really changed, as evidenced by her photos from 2017; alcohol makes itself felt and affects the actress’s appearance. Success came into the actress’s life very quickly, and after the popular series she was offered many roles, not only in cinema, but also in the theater.

But most of all they talked about the personal life of the 45-year-old actress, because she always tried not to talk about her novels. Lena was silent, and the journalists began to speak for her. And the media did not always tell the same truth. She was credited with many novels, literally every few months, but at one point even the yellow press fell silent. This happened when a woman gave her heart to actor Sergei Astakhov. They say that it was after breaking up with him that Elena Korikova is unrecognizable in the 2017 photo, because she began to abuse alcohol after their romance ended.

Lena has always been very pretty and men have always fallen at her feet, starting from school. When she was a student, she dated a guy from her group, Dmitry Roshchin, and the couple had a son in the future. But Dima was not ready for serious relationship both the child and the acting couple separated.

Then the writer Dmitry Lipskerov became Korikova’s husband, but it didn’t take long for the girl to fall in love with cameraman Maxim Osadchy. Later, Danila Strakhov, Andrei Malakhov, Igor Herts and other equally famous men were considered her suitors. Most of which fell at the time when the series “Poor Nastya” was filmed.

Elena Korikova and Daniil Strakhov in the series “Poor Nastya”

Journalists unanimously insisted that the actress herself was breaking off her relationship because she was constantly interested in someone new. They said that the girl wanted someone worthy, but with her inflated demands, this was never found, of course, until she met Sergei Astakhov.

Fatal affair with Sergei Astakhov

After the actress began to be noticed more and more often with Astakhov, there was no doubt that the couple was having an affair. For a long time, the lovers did not want to comment on this matter, until everything became obvious. Then they both confessed. Friends say that Lena and Sergei had great love, and no one could even imagine that the couple would separate.

Already in 2013 ex-lovers began to appear separately on the red carpet. No one knew about the reason for the breakup, but judging by the fact that Astakhov quickly found a replacement for the actress, it was clear who abandoned whom.

The actress retreated into herself after the breakup and has not yet appeared in public with other gentlemen. She has spent the last few years in deep depression, and this is evidenced even by the change in her appearance.

Elena Korikova in the photo of 2017 is simply unrecognizable, and evil tongues say that this is all due to alcohol and the actress’s unhealthy lifestyle.

Astakhov continued to change his partners, and remained silent about why he and “poor Nastya” broke up, but after several years, they began to say that it was obvious that Astakhov had left Korikova.

Rumors of depression

When Elena stopped leading her social media, began to appear in public less and less and stopped playing in films, it became obvious that the woman was depressed, and it dragged on for several years. One could assume that the actress simply decided to retire and live away from the noise, but the assumption was refuted by the facts. And this happened when the photos from 2017 hit the media, and rumors about alcohol abuse and rumors about depression itself were immediately confirmed.

Friends and colleagues of the actress said that the woman had a very hard time breaking up with Sergei. The actress did not want to play, did not communicate with anyone and became a loner.

Later, an anonymous person from Korikova’s inner circle said that the woman began to drink a lot. And there was a case when, due to her unpresentable appearance, the performance had to be canceled.

After all, looking at the actress, no one recognized her pretty face or her former beauty. And in this form it definitely could not have been released on stage and shown to fans.

Do not forget that the actress has envious people, and they can simply slander the actress. Since her other theater colleagues gave frank interview about these rumors. Alexander Pashutin said that Lena still works in the theater as usual. He said that in all the time he had known the actress, he had never noticed her drinking too much. Yes, the woman is going through a difficult period in her life, but she is going through it quite well.

Elena Korikova's 45th birthday

A few months ago, the actress celebrated her birthday. Although, if you say she celebrated, it’s said loudly, because the woman didn’t even throw a party on such a big date. The media were preparing for the holiday and were waiting for the actress to appear, but it never happened, and again this moment gave reason to think about why the actress decided not to celebrate her birthday.

Friends of the actress said that Elena simply decided not to celebrate the holiday, since this is the passing of time and 45 is not at all a reason to rejoice.

And the woman’s enemies again began to say that she simply did not want to appear with such appearance on people. Indeed, after the release of the 2017 photo of Elena Korikova, her appearance could be safely identified with the amount of alcohol she drank. It is not without reason that they say that the abuse of such drinks is strongly reflected on the face of women.

Other reasons for “poor Nastya’s” depression

Yes, the most important rumors about Korikova’s disappearance from screens and social events are stories about her alcohol abuse due to separation from her loved one. They say that the actress still cannot recover from what happened, and therefore she drowns her suffering with wine. But other conversations began to circulate. They say that Lena began to drink because she had lost her former glory.

After success fell on her after the series “Poor Nastya,” Korikova climbed to the pedestal and put on the crown. At that time, she was invited to many new projects, she appeared in all glossy publications, and even starred in music videos. But gradually the series, as well as its actors, began to be forgotten and was replaced by a new generation of young and beautiful actresses.

Evil detractors say that the woman simply could not stand the competition. She had more glory than before, but the ambitious Lena simply could not come to terms with it.

Hence the depression and the sea of ​​alcohol in which she drowned her personal grief. And that's why she didn't want to celebrate her birthday.

Elena Korikova herself does not comment on what happened to her. She doesn't appear anywhere and is difficult to meet to ask a few questions about her life or her work. Some say the woman is fine, others say she’s not. And Korikova does not give confirmation or refutation, therefore, how to speak, figure out for yourself what journalists are actively doing.

But still, the 2017 photos of Elena Korikova give great reason to think about her friendship with alcohol. One can only hope that all the rumors turn out to be untrue and the actress will delight her fans with new roles for a long time to come.

Which of these famous compatriots benefited from such dramatic changes? And to whom did the plastic surgeon do a “disservice”?

Ekaterina Varnava

Over the past few years, Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Varnava has noticeably transformed: the artist lost weight, changed her hairstyle, and began wearing colored lenses. However, fans suspect that Barnabas also resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon. The long nose, which Catherine herself called the “imperial nose,” became more neat and graceful, the cheekbones became clearer and more expressive, and the lips noticeably “grew up.”

Lera Kudryavtseva

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is called “a girl without age” in the crowd. The star herself does not hide that for the sake of youth and beauty she is ready to undergo the most painful procedures. And even though Lera herself does not talk about plastic surgery, the changes in appearance are difficult not to notice. Kudryavtseva changed the shape of her nose, enlarged her breasts a couple of sizes, and had contour plastic surgery on her cheekbones and lips. And a perfectly smooth face without a hint of wrinkles speaks for itself - with Lera’s beauty injections on first name terms.

Elena Korikova

The star of the series “Poor Nastya” Elena Korikova has long been considered one of the most attractive actresses in Russian cinema. Latest pictures the actresses shocked fans: a changed eye shape, a swollen face, “swimming” lips... Most likely, these changes appeared as a result of unsuccessful plastic surgery.

Victoria Lopyreva

The winner of the Miss Russia 2003 contest, model Victoria Lopyreva, has clearly worked on her appearance. Photos of the girl before and after plastic surgery speak for themselves: Victoria’s nose has become more elegant and straight, her lips have become plump, and her cheekbones have become sharp.

Alena Shishkova

In the popularity of the model and ex-lover Timati, successful plastic surgery. Alena Shishkova “adjusted” her appearance to modern beauty standards and practically ceased to look like her former self. Rhinoplasty, cheekbone contouring, lip augmentation... The naturalness of Shishkova’s breasts is also in question: according to rumors, Alena “pumped up” her bust twice - before and after giving birth.

Anna Sedokova

Ex-member of the VIA Gra group, singer Anna Sedokova never comments on rumors about plastic surgery that changed her appearance. Fans are sure that Anna has repeatedly gone under the plastic surgeon’s knife. According to rumors, the girl enlarged her breasts, changed the shape of her nose and regularly “pumps up” her lips.

Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana Loboda’s incredible size lips speak for themselves. Former soloist of VIA Gra - clear example that the best is the enemy of the good. Today, Svetlana’s already rather large mouth looks simply huge, and her too prominent cheekbones look unnatural. The singer, of course, denies surgical intervention, claiming that all this beauty is a generous gift from nature.

Anastasia Kvitko

Model Anastasia Kvitko is often called the “Russian Kim Kardashian.” The girl doesn’t like this comparison, because, unlike Kim, she “never went under a plastic surgeon’s knife.” Really? We look at old photos of Nastya, and the conclusions suggest themselves. A spectacular butt is the result of lipofilling of the buttocks, a thin waist is liposuction, lush breasts are mammoplasty, and a mandatory program: lips, cheekbones, nose.

Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich reacts very violently to any suspicions of plastic surgery. The tabloids have repeatedly written about the actress’s “grown” bust, new neat nose and seductive plump lips, claiming that this could not have happened without surgical intervention. Anna is adamant: on her blog she posted a photo collage of old and new photos. It was not possible to convince the fans: the differences are still obvious.

Oksana Samoilova

Ideal facial features, a chiseled figure, luxurious hair and glowing skin... Oksana Samoilova claims that she owes her appearance to Mother Nature, intensive training and healthy image life. But the youthful photographs of the girl found by bloggers speak for themselves: the plastic surgeon clearly had a hand on the celebrity’s nose, chest, lips and cheekbones.


In 2003, the series “Poor Nastya” was released on television screens. In this historical drama, which was broadcast in 34 countries around the world, main role played by little-known actress Elena Korikova. The viewer could not help but like the fragile figure of the 31-year-old artist (although her heroine was a very young lady of marriageable age), the graceful features of a truly angelic appearance. And what Elena Korikova looks like now and whether she has had plastic surgery can be seen in the photo from 2018.


The future star Elena Korikova was born in Tobolsk on April 12, 1972. Her parents, Yuri Alekseevich and Tatyana Korikov, divorced shortly after their daughter was born. The artist’s mother was a ballerina; due to her busy tour schedule, she did not have enough time for her child. Therefore, until the age of 8, Elena was raised by her grandparents in a village near Tobolsk. Then, together with her mother, the girl moves to.

Elena Korikova first became acquainted with acting while still studying at school - she attended the local theater-studio “Epos”. Her mother sewed her daughter’s costumes for her performances. One day in the Korikova newspaper there was an advertisement for the recruitment of actors for the city Drama Theater. The level of professionalism didn't matter. The girl somewhat questioned her talent, but she came to the selection and not in vain - she was selected. Thus began a new, creative page in the biography of Elena Korikova.

She continued writing it after graduating from school, successfully passing the entrance exams to VGIK and becoming a workshop of the famous Sergei Solovyov.

While still in her first year, Korikova received her first film role. Her heroine’s name was Masha, and the film that Anatoly Mateshko directed was called “Ha-bi-assy”.

During her studies at VGIK, Korikova had a lot of work. The first professional recognition came after the film “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”. For her participation, the actress received the Nika Award. His diploma work was participation in the play “The Seagull”, which was staged at the Sovremennik Theater. At all, professional biography Elena Korikova is closely connected with her personal life.

Personal life

Elena Korikova was officially married only once. The first husband's name was Dmitry Lipskerov, he is a writer. However, the marriage was short-lived. It is not known what caused the divorce - the difference in age (Dmitry is several years older than Elena) or in outlook on life. Some people close to the couple claim that quarrels and everyday problems are to blame

But even before the divorce, Korikova’s personal life was full of novels. One of them attracted the attention of the entire acting world of Russia. In the 90s, the actress met the son of her colleague Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Dmitry Roshchin. The couple was very beautiful. Having learned about his beloved’s pregnancy, Roshchin started talking about. However, Vasilyeva did everything to ensure that her son broke up with Korikova. Son Arseny was born after the separation, which prompted Roshchin not to acknowledge paternity. Later he was ordained a priest and got married.

But even children born in an official marriage did not force the man to recognize Arseny.

Korikova’s third beloved cameraman, director Maxim Osadchiy, was involved in raising Arseny. In 1998, they all left for Russia together. Here the actress became the face of the Jacques Dessange fashion house. A few years later the couple returns to Russia. The civil marriage of Korikova and Osadchy lasted 10 years.

    Do you like actress Elena Korikova?

The actress repeatedly left her husband, then returned. But, despite all attempts, the family could not be saved. Maybe the reason was that the couple did not have children together.

Some associate the separation of Korikova and Osadchy with the start of filming of the actress in “Poor Nastya” and the surge in popularity. Others say that the reason was a whirlwind romance with co-star Daniil Strakhov. However, the actors themselves denied any connection with each other.

Later, one could observe Korikova’s romance with a famous presenter. As it seemed to fans of the artist, Malakhov was too picturesque, although he beautifully looked after his beloved. Quite quickly the couple broke up.

There are rumors that Korikova had an affair with tennis player Marat Safin. They were also fueled by the actress herself, who repeatedly stated that she had met the one she had dreamed of all her life. But, despite this, the romance ended in separation.

Further, Korikova’s personal life was filled with love for Sergei Astakhov. The actors were together for about two years, but still broke up. Afterwards, Korikova was often noticed in the company of producer and director Sergei Chernykh.

Elena Korikova today

Popularity, numerous novels and attractive appearance made Korikova the subject of numerous rumors. This forced the actress to hide many of her photos from the public. However, the right action played a cruel joke on Korikova - the artist began to be suspected of what she was doing

Because of the artist’s secrecy, they began to say that Korikova had received “youth” injections and after one of them her face became so distorted that yesterday’s beauty turned into a monster. Moreover, the actress was accused of alcoholism. However, the way Elena Korikova looks now does not in any way confirm this information. Moreover, on her Instagram page in May 2018, the artist posted a photo of a court decision in a lawsuit against Express Newspaper. It was this publication that at one time published information that Korikova became an alcoholic.

If you carefully look at the photos from 2018 and later photographs, you will notice that Elena Korikova has now changed her natural platinum hair shade to a sophisticated red one. Tight-fitting clothing has given way to outfits that hide some age-related changes. There is a little less cosmetics, which is not surprising if you remember that the actress is already 46 years old - the makeup should be more sophisticated. The waist became not so thin, having acquired several extra pounds.

Korikova answers all questions about her slightly changed figure quite adequately - time is not under the control of any person and age, of course, takes its toll. However, according to her, she takes criticism calmly, perceiving it as a guideline for perfection.

Looking at the photos of 2018, many fans, and critics too, note that now Elena Korikova looks happier. Having abandoned her film career and completely switched to working in the theater, the artist was able to become herself. Today she plays a lot in the theater, tries out different roles.

Korikova was repeatedly asked whether she had undergone plastic surgery. But every time she assures that she will never decide to lie on the surgeon’s table.

Actress Elena Korikova was once predicted to have a dizzying career. Almost immediately, the fragile blonde forced men to delve into the plot twists and turns of soap operas and increased sales of perhydrol among Russian women. The girl’s angel-like face did not leave the blue screens around the clock - on some channels, Korikova, with her participation in love scenes of TV series, made housewives grab the heart, and on others, she drove the stronger sex crazy, smiling mysteriously in the videos of Krutoy, Pugacheva and Kirkorov. By the way, many oligarchs dreamed of causing her such a smile, with whom the actress was credited with having endless affairs. The release of the series “Poor Nastya”, where she played the main role, finally cemented the beauty in the top of Russian celebrities.

At the same time, film critics vied with each other about Korikova’s lack of acting talent. “There is nothing in her performance for which it is customary to glorify an actor. Apart from her lovely appearance, of course,” read reviews of Elena’s works. So, after the television epic “Poor Nastya” and several shows like “Circus with the Stars,” the actress’s name was not mentioned anywhere except for lists of “the sexiest women” and yellow headlines about Korikova’s personal life.

At some point, the artist even decided to change her image. Elena changed her blond curls to a bright image of a burning brunette. However, this measure did not prevent either the collapse of her career or repeated fiascoes in attempts to create women's happiness.

SUPER captured Elena Korikova on her 43rd birthday. After lunch, the actress took a taxi to a beauty salon, where she spent four hours preparing for the upcoming celebration. At the end of the day, even after the intervention of a professional, it was hardly possible to recognize the former blooming beauty in the aging actress: swollen eyelids, a dull look and a swollen face that had lost its clear outlines were little associated with the status of an all-Russian sex symbol that once belonged to her. The attention of passers-by was attracted only by the uncompromisingly short dress in frivolous sequins, which exposed her slender legs .

It was in this form that the birthday girl, in the company of her 22-year-old son Arseny, went first to the Robbie Williams concert, and then to a festive dinner at the Georgian restaurant “Saperavi”. On the way, Elena smoked non-stop and smiled selflessly into the camera of her mobile phone.

The woman did not dare to blow out the 43 candles on the cake to the enthusiastic applause of the guests, preferring an intimate feast in the company of friends, mostly male. During a modest dinner, the 90s star got carried away with sparkling wine and flirted with the guests until late into the night.
