Hypothesis: The universe is simple. How does a parallel world work? How the universe works, principles of creation of the universe

Just as outside the house in which we live, there really is another space, and outside, beyond the invisible boundaries of the Universe, there really is another space and another world that is not perceived by us. There is, as it were, a curtain, and more than one, separating this material world from the Supreme world.

The universe is the space in which the Creator, angels, people, biological life and much more exist, which we sometimes have no idea about. What do we know about the Universe in which we find ourselves? Very little, almost nothing. There are many models of the Universe, the model proposed here is not as one of them, but as a general one, in which the main thing is highlighted.

How does the Universe work? The physical or material world we see is three-dimensional - everything in this space and space itself are three-dimensional, three dimensions are length, width and height. The Universe itself is multidimensional; we can talk about seven dimensions, or the main seven. Scientists and researchers call different numbers of dimensions in different cases. One can say differently about what is in another dimension, that it is a more subtle world. What does this mean - another dimension?

When A. Einstein was asked how he managed to discover the theory of relativity, he answered: when a beetle crawls along the surface of a ball, it does not notice that its path is curved, but I was lucky enough to notice this.

A point has no dimensions - zero dimension. A line has one dimension - length. A plane, or surface, has two dimensions: length and width. Space has three dimensions: length, width and height.

What is the fourth dimension? Let's draw a line on the plane and put a point on it. A point is on a line, and on a plane, and in space. The line is outside the point, the plane is outside the line and outside the point, space is outside the point and outside the line and outside the plane. Likewise, the space of the fourth dimension is outside “our” space, Cosmos. The substance of the fourth dimension is subtle, not perceivable by an ordinary person, it is, as it were, dissolved, “smeared” across “our” three-dimensional space and invisible, not perceptible for an ordinary person, but just as real as the substance of “our” material world. The space and matter of the fifth dimension are even more subtle, etc. The inhabitants of four- and more-dimensional space - spirits do not have a dense physical body, they are subtle, invisible, but just as real as the physical objects we see and feel peace.

So-called normal person in the so-called normal state he does not see what is in other dimensions. Let's try to understand why this is so.

From biology we know that ants perceive the world as two-dimensional. Let's imagine a "two-dimensional" ant and a "three-dimensional" mosquito sitting inside a balloon at the bottom. Squeeze the ball so that there is a small distance between the upper and lower parts. To get to the top of the ball, a mosquito needs to flap its wings several times, while an ant needs to run a long distance to do this, and if the ball is large, then it is generally impossible for it to get to its top part, which is nearby for a mosquito. It can be seen how much the possibilities increase if you have the opportunity to see (that is, have information about it) what is in another dimension, and to be in a space with a large number of dimensions and to be able to act in it. The opportunities for doing good or evil also increase. For example, a mosquito sees a grain of sand that might fall on an ant and can hold it or, conversely, push it. And the ant doesn’t even know anything about the danger - for him it is in another dimension and is not perceived by him, as if it does not exist.

The ant sees the mosquito while it is next to it, that is, on the plane. When a mosquito flies up (into the third dimension), it is not perceived by the ant, as if it disappears into nowhere, and also appears from nowhere. In the same way, for a person, UFOs and other miracles appear out of nowhere, which then disappear into nowhere.

We, people living in three-dimensional space and perceiving the world in three dimensions, in relation to angels living in space with other dimensions, can be compared to ants.

Spirits located in another dimension only seem unreal. In fact, we can say that they are more real than the objects of the physical world that we see, they are stronger - in the sense of their awareness and capabilities. One Angel knows and can do more than all the people on Earth, and people don’t even know where he is. Jesus said: “Among those born of women there has not arisen a greater man than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

The heaven the Bible speaks of is not the same blue sky, which we see above our heads, and the fourth dimension, a subtler plane, the “first sky.” The fifth dimension is an even more subtle plane, the “second heaven,” etc. There are apparently seven such “heavens” in total. There is a well-known expression: in seventh heaven. The Apostle Paul said: “I know a prophet in Christ, who fourteen years ago - whether in the body - I don’t know, whether outside the body - I don’t know: God knows - was caught up to the third heaven. And I know about such a person, but I don’t know.” - in the body, or out of the body: God knows - that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is impossible for man to utter" (2 Cor. 12:2-4). The prophet was in the third heaven, and the prophet was in paradise (in the seventh heaven?), and learned and saw and heard things that cannot even be described in words. In general, different researchers name different numbers of dimensions; they even say that there are infinitely many of them.

Beings located in a space with a higher number of dimensions are more powerful and freer. If an eagle is tied to something so that it cannot move - the zero dimension - it will not be able to hunt and it will not be able to escape from danger, i.e. it is completely unfree. The eagle can be tied so that it can move in one dimension, for example along a stretched wire. Then he gets some freedom. The untethered but unable to fly eagle is placed on a plane and becomes even more free. Finally, the flying eagle is in three-dimensional space, and it is even more free.

People live in three-dimensional space. Angels are in heaven - in the fourth dimension, and at the same time in “our” three-dimensional space, they know about everything that happens here. “Our” space of three dimensions is part of four-dimensional, five-dimensional, etc. - dimensional space. In the seventh heaven - the most subtle - is the Creator, and at the same time in all other spaces of the Universe. Besides Him, there is no one in the seventh heaven, and no one, not one of the creatures and entities of the Universe has power over Him. He, on the contrary, has power over all beings and entities, the inhabitants of the Universe, and not one of them can escape from His influence, or do something against His will, or do something that He does not knew. In all of Creation He is the most powerful, the most informed and the most free.

J. Berg (“The Power of Kabbalah”) says that our material world, the Universe, makes up 1% of the entire Universe, and Upper world is 99%. The upper world is in another, higher dimension. Our life takes place both on the material plane and on the Highest. People contact the Higher Plan - this is called the “sixth sense”, even during creativity, or when they help other people, or when they take the path of development, or during insights, revelations (not to be confused with the “voices” that some people hear now ), and in some other cases.

Living Ethics says that in addition to the dense, material world, there is the Subtle World and the Fiery World. The fiery world is the Highest plane, the Seventh heaven.

As for the negative, lower plane, these spaces are also in other dimensions. The lower plane was created as a result of violation of the laws of existence. There are apparently also seven negative spaces, the main ones: the expression is known: the seven circles of hell. Apparently, drug addicts end up in some spaces of this plane - parallel worlds. If the Perfect Space is a more subtle plane and is populated by subtle-material beings, and the information from them comes intelligently, aimed at good, then the lower plane is a coarser plane and is populated by coarser entities from which evil comes.

The multidimensionality of space is not an invention of mathematicians, but a reality. A. Einstein and A. Sakharov spoke about the multidimensionality of space and scientists are still talking about it.

It is incorrect to link the Higher or Lower planes to the Earth, Moon, Sun, planets, Black holes, quasars or other celestial bodies. In fact, these plans are in other dimensions, and a person located in physical body, but only the soul.

About parallel worlds, UFOs and "aliens". Parallel worlds are located in the lower plane of the Universe, and are called so because they are “somewhere” next to our physical world, but in other dimensions, and sometimes what happens in them intersects with ours and is projected onto it in the form of a poltergeist or other "miracles". We see only the projection, or shadow, or reflection of these phenomena on our physical world, this is like the tip of the iceberg, but a person does not see the phenomenon in its entirety. Features of the movement and maneuvering of UFOs, such as instant stops or instant changes in the direction of movement, are explained only by the fact that they are immaterial and only seem material, at least those of them that maneuver in this way. Any material structure, no matter what super-strong material it was made of, would collapse during such maneuvers.

There are many parallel worlds. Drug addicts and schizophrenics “see” what is in parallel worlds. The latter are influenced, to a greater or lesser extent, by information from parallel worlds, and their inappropriate behavior on the physical plane is noted.

C. Castaneda dedicated his life to the study of one of the parallel worlds. With their teacher Juan Matus, they entered that world with the help of psychotropic drugs - weed or mushroom medicine, as well as mescaline extracted from the peotl cactus, known as a powerful hallucinogen. It is known that some people went crazy just reading his books. The information from these books manifested, activated some kind of negative experience from the subconscious of these people, and they, through excessive curiosity, or through trust in this information, or fear, in the absence of a reasonable analysis of it, fell under its influence. This is why they say that schizophrenia, like the flu, is contagious.

Under the influence of information from the lower plane there are some authors of books who do not check or analyze the information, and there are lies in such books. Such books orient a person’s thinking to the lower plane, to being carried away by negative information, to studying phenomena and things that only seem interesting. A lot of right things are said in “The Rose of the World,” but there is one phrase there that, if you believe it, negates much of what is right in this book. It says that Jesus Christ could not do anything with the dark forces, and could not have done anything. This is completely untrue.

The so-called abstract art is associated with the influence of parallel worlds. Some call it the highest art, others say that it is not art at all - it’s all about a person’s predisposition, what kind of intelligence, experience, etc. he has.

The inhabitants of the lower plane can exist and act only in the lower plane. Only perfect inhabitants - angels and the Creator - can live in perfect space. Where is man located in the Universe? He is in the lower plane, in one of its “shallow” layers, and his task is to leave it for the Higher plane, in perfect space, to return to where Adam and Eve were expelled.

When we talk about the structure of the Universe, we talk about stars, planets, galaxies, etc. When we talk about the Universe, we talk about something completely different. Because it is not so important against what astronomical background events take place, the history of mankind, what place planet Earth occupies in solar system and the Universe, whether it is the third from the Sun or the fourth. What is more important is what happens to a person, what is the meaning of what is happening, what place does a person occupy in the existing reality, what is the meaning of his life, and many other questions. Although, looking into the endless starry sky above our heads, it is difficult to escape the thought that we are not alone in the Universe, in which there are billions of galaxies, each of which has tens and hundreds of billions of stars, that countless stars are suns, near which there are planets, which can be inhabited by intelligent beings. And if Jesus Christ came to Earth, then on other planets there may have been another Christ, or he had a different name, and it is possible that the purpose of life of the inhabitants of other planets is different, and the conditions for them are different. And even their “suns” are different - red or orange giants or white or yellow dwarfs, there are also bluish giant stars and, even more rarely, greenish ones, and the radiation from them is different, and this probably also matters.

The big bang that never happened. Origin of the Universe

This light was shrouded in deep darkness.
Let there be light! And then Newton appeared.
But Satan did not wait long for revenge -
Einstein came, and everything became the same as before.

And then Stephen Hawking came - and everything seemed to be completely confused, so that a person, it seems, will never understand anything.

Both Newton, Einstein, and Hawking tried to explain what was happening in the Universe based only on physical reality. S. Hawking in his book “A Brief History of Time” formulated the main questions:

1. Why was the early Universe so hot?

2. Why is the Universe homogeneous on large scales? Why does it look the same at all points in space?

3. Why did the Universe begin to expand and continues to expand at a strictly defined rate? If the initial speed had been only one hundred thousand millionths less, then a re-compression of the Universe would have occurred.

4. Despite the homogeneity on large scales, there are inhomogeneities in the form of galaxies. What was the cause of fluctuations in the density of matter, as a result of which stars and galaxies appeared?

The answer to these questions is that it was not a “Big Bang”, but a purposeful Creation. Then the first question disappears, since the Universe did not appear from a point with infinite temperature, but from a certain volume.

The answer to the second question. In order to maintain uniformity on the scale of the vast Universe, it is necessary that information be transmitted from one place to another at a speed greater than the speed of light. In other words, someone has to manage it. But this is impossible for the physical Universe, for a person, but for the Higher forces located in the space of a higher dimension, there is no problem here. Nothing material can move at the speed of light or greater only in this material world.

Scientists believe that the Universe was formed as a result of the Big Bang. This is based on the assumption that only the physical, material world exists, and everything happens only on the physical plane. It is believed that in the beginning all the matter of the Universe, which now contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, and in each galaxy tens and hundreds of billions of stars, was concentrated at one point with an infinitely high density and infinite temperature. Can you at least imagine such a “point”? A point that has no dimensions, is invisible, but contains within itself all the substance that currently exists? What is infinite temperature and infinite density? One must think that such infinity exists only in the calculations of mathematicians and physicists, on paper, but in reality there are very large quantities that seem infinite to limited human perception.

Why do scientists believe that the Universe was formed from a point? This is a purely scientific assumption based on the discovery by American astronomer E. Hubble of the recession of galaxies. The farther galaxies are from us, the faster they move away from us (Hubble's law). Knowing the speed of recession and the distances between galaxies, astronomers believe that the Universe formed from a single point about 14.5 billion years ago.

Where is the center of the Universe ("our" Universe)? If this were an explosion, large or small, then the center of the Universe would be the center of the shell scattering in all directions after the explosion. But since matter is distributed evenly in all parts of the Universe, there is no definite center. Or, one might say, the center is everywhere. No matter what part of the Universe we are in, we will everywhere observe the same picture - galaxies moving away from us in all directions. Moreover, the speeds of galaxies do not add up in the same way as, for example, the speeds of cars. If one car is moving away from us at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and another at the same speed in the other direction, then one car is moving away from the other at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. With galaxies moving at speeds close to the speed of light, such simple addition of speeds is impossible, because nothing material can move faster than the speed of light. The speeds in this case add up in accordance with Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and there are no speeds greater than the speed of light.

What is a point with infinite temperature? This means that AT ANY (i.e., finite) distance from this point, any cosmic object would receive an infinite amount of energy, which means it would simply disappear, evaporate, and even the formation of matter would be impossible. And only purely theoretically can one reason about what temperature, how many degrees, will be at an infinite distance from this point: there will be either zero, or infinity, or some finite value.

What can we say about a point with zero dimensions? Scientists say that in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, the size of the “point” increased many billions of times. But zero, no matter how many times you increase it, will still remain zero. Apparently, scientists in this case do not mean zero, but a very small value. As, indeed, by infinity we mean very large quantities. But zero and very small are not at all the same thing, just like infinity and very large, and in such complex issues it is impossible to replace one concept with another.

Scientists talk about a special point in the Big Bang with zero dimensions, but they miss the following. There is no way to get a special point; we need to talk not about a point, but about a black hole. Even the Sun cannot be compressed into a point, it can theoretically be compressed to a size of 6 kilometers, then it would turn into a black hole. Even for the Earth to become a black hole, it needs to be compressed to a size of 16 millimeters - this is far from the point. How can we talk about the point at which the WHOLE Universe was contained? It is even possible to approximately calculate the size of a black hole containing all the matter of all galaxies within the boundaries of the currently observable part of the Universe. In any case, this is not the point. The entire Universe is undoubtedly even larger. And if the formation of the Universe occurred only on the physical plane, then from some kind of super-super-hypermassive black hole. Is it possible to compress a black hole into a point? And who will do it, and most importantly, why?

Is it possible to find out how the Universe really came to be? Science has one opinion on this matter, the Bible says another, Kabbalah says a third, etc.

It turns out that you can find out. As will be said later, the Bible was given to man by the Higher Mind, which created the Universe and man, and the Bible is a reliable source of reliable information about the Universe. And there they say nothing about a point with infinite temperature and infinite density. Nothing is said about the “point” in Kabbalah and other serious spiritual literature, in the primary sources. The reliability of information in the Bible is higher than in scientific literature, and what science is now discovering has been known in the Bible (and Kabbalah) for thousands of years.

The beginning of the Universe is in the highest dimension, the most subtle plane. This was not the “Big Bang”, but was an emanation from the Perfection and Completeness of the One (Plotinus and others), or the spread of Light with its increasing materialization, as if increasing compaction, right up to the physical world. The word "emanation" is not quite correctly translated by some authors as "outflow". The physical world is generally the densest matter of all that exists. If there was an Observer, then on the physical plane he could see only one side of what was happening, one projection of what was happening on the subtle planes, it was like the creation of the Universe in a certain large volume of space, and there was no point with infinite density and infinite temperature. Even now we see and perceive only the material world, a small part of everything in the Universe. And if the Universe was formed from a volume with a radius two times smaller than what exists now, then its age must immediately be halved. And if the original volume was even larger, then the Universe is even younger. Stephen Hawking, whose authority they try to refer to when covering this topic, usually talks about the special point of the Big Bang, that same point with infinite temperature and infinite density. And in the already mentioned " Brief history time," he says that "my ideas have changed, and now I am trying to convince physicists that in fact there was no special point at the beginning of the Universe."

What happened? Stephen Hawking doesn't say this.

Evidence that the Universe was not formed from a point can be the so-called relict radio emission. This cosmic radio background is thought to be a remnant of the Big Bang. It is homogeneous, approximately the same in all directions and does not come from one place or direction, uniformly filling the space of the Universe. If there was a “Big Bang”, the origin of the Universe from a point, then the relict radio emission would emanate from this point, or would be localized, somehow connected with this point, for example, it would be recorded only in one direction, and in others - was missing.

When it is “blind rain,” there is not a cloud in the sky, and suddenly, as if from nowhere, large drops of rain begin to fall. Probably, in about the same way, as if out of nowhere, and in many places at once, throughout the entire Universe, a flash of light appeared (from another dimension) accompanying a colossal release of energy, which a person might not even have seen. Light is visible when it illuminates something - the earth, nebulae in Space, or when a person looks at a light source, and although interplanetary space is permeated with sunlight, astronauts do not see it, but see only the black sky. From this emerging energy the matter of the Universe was subsequently formed.

The Creation took place not on the physical plane, but in another dimension, and if something could be observed on the physical plane, then only a projection onto it of what happened in another dimension. It was not possible to observe the complete picture, but only what a person could see.

Scientists say that the Universe came into existence “out of nothing.” It is more correct to say that the Universe arose “out of nothing material”; it arose from a different type of matter (energy).

Briefly about black holes

In order to launch a rocket into a circular orbit around the Earth, it must be given a speed of about eight kilometers per second, this is the first cosmic speed. In order for a rocket to fly away from the Earth, it must fly at a speed of about eleven kilometers per second, this is the second escape velocity. If the size of the Earth were halved, the speed of the rocket would have to be quadrupled. For the Sun, with its enormous mass and diameter of 1,400,000 km, the speed should be much greater. If the radius of the Sun were only 3 km or less, then in order for a rocket to fly away from it, it would have to have a speed equal to or greater than the speed of light. Since nothing can move faster than the speed of light, nothing could fly away from such a Sun. That is, the Sun would turn into a black hole. Black - because it would become invisible, because even light could not be emitted by such a star. And a hole - because both matter and radiation can only be absorbed by such an object; nothing can fly away from it due to the monstrously large force of gravity. The black hole is, as it were, separated from our world by the surface of the black hole, or the event horizon, and inside the event horizon the laws of the physical world do not apply.

But the Sun cannot turn into a black hole; a star with a mass 5 times that of the Sun or even more can turn into it. When all the nuclear fuel reserves in such stars are used up, they explode. The explosion, on the one hand, is directed in all directions, and the star rapidly increases its size and luminosity, turning into a so-called supernova - it seems that it has appeared in the sky new star. Some of them are so bright that they are visible during the day and illuminate the earth at night. On the other hand, the explosion is directed into the star, creating colossal pressure on its inner part, which turns into a neutron star or a so-called white dwarf if its mass is less than five solar masses, and into a black hole if its mass is more than five solar masses. After some time, the star goes out and becomes invisible, and its outer part turns into a nebula.

Detecting a black hole is extremely difficult, both because of its small size and the fact that it does not emit light. If the Sun could become a black hole, it would become invisible, and invisible planets would continue to revolve around it, because nothing would illuminate them. A black hole can be detected by radiation if there is an ordinary star next to it, from which matter flows into the black hole at enormous speed.

If the Sun cannot turn into a black hole, then even more so the Earth cannot turn into one; for this, its radius must be less than 1 centimeter. For a mountain weighing several million tons to become a black hole, it must be compressed to the size of an atom. Moreover, a black hole cannot form during the operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which many are afraid of. Microscopic black holes most likely do not exist at all, and those people who talk about their reality should explain the mechanism of their formation. There are no black holes within the solar system. If they were present, they would have a strong influence on the orbits of the planets, due to their enormous gravitational force, and therefore could not go unnoticed.

Unknown matter and unknown energy

It is believed that about 95% of all matter is unknown matter. How was this conclusion reached? If the Sun were heavier than it is now, then the Earth's year would be shorter than it is now. Observations of the movement of stars in galaxies showed that it occurs faster than can be explained by the presence of only known matter - stars, nebulae, etc. Thus, the conclusion was made about the presence of unknown matter in Space, which is called dark matter. Its nature is unknown.

Considering that matter is formed by emanation from more subtle matter (energy), we can say that unknown matter is invisible matter/energy located on a more subtle plane. But it is more correct to call it not dark matter, but Light matter. But why does it have the properties of gravity? It can have the properties of gravity if it is the force that influences the formation of galaxies and stars, i.e. the force that S. Hawking asked about: “What was the cause of fluctuations in the density of matter?”

Where can I find the right information about this? It must be sought in the Bible, Kabbalah, Vedas or other primary sources. Unknown matter is unknown energy, another form of it.

One can say more definitely about energy unknown to modern science. Psychics call it cosmic energy. She is the energy of reiki, she is also prana, this energy is used by yogis. Jesus said: if you have faith the size of a mustard seed and say to this mountain, move from here to there, it will be so. This energy fills the entire Universe. Psychics who “with the power of thought” move objects or turn the compass needle (cosmic energy is stronger), and also “heal”, and Uri Geller bends keys, do not do this with their own strength, but use cosmic energy. They could do this with the same success on the Moon or in another galaxy. The “sun eaters” reported in the media feed on cosmic energy, not solar energy, see also “Life without food”, J. Verdin, Poland. I will talk more about this energy later.

Every person is initially connected to cosmic energy, but he himself, through his negative thinking, closes himself off from it, and it comes to him in a reduced form. The less negativity in a person, the more one he is with the Universe and the more connected he is to this energy and the healthier and happier he is. Jesus Christ had this universal energy/information in full, and therefore He was omniscient and omnipotent, all superpowers were fully available to Him. He couldn't get sick, couldn't grow old, and couldn't die.

07/22/11 Natalya Kotelnikova

This is a conversation between me and Vladimir with our Creator, whom we naturally call Father.
(...)Father, how to subdivide Galaxies, Universes and Universes?

The smallest unit is a star system, such as the Pleiades - a system of stars. It includes many suns. Such systems have an impact on single stars that are not part of the system, for example, like a city having outskirts. For example, in addition to the seven sisters of the Pleiades, there are many more stars that seem to be subordinate. So it's a big system. This system is part of the Galactic Union. The Galactic Union is essentially the entire Galaxy. Likewise, the Galaxy exists as a region. Adjacent to what you see as the Galactic Ring are many, many additional stars. Around the Galaxy there is a spherical part of it, a thin body, and there are many small stars and even star systems in it.

These spherical bodies of the Galaxies are the cells of a Big Being, roughly like hemoglobin in the blood, and they flow in the same way as blood flows through blood vessels, flowing through the universe. The universe is this body with such blood vessels. This body does not look like a human one, don’t think that there are legs, arms, and a head, the shape is completely different. It is impossible to imagine this Big Being in the third dimension, because it is cyclical, systemic and there is much more that you simply don’t know about, so it is difficult to describe: how time is twisted, how space is folded, how it unfolds, straightens, how it lives.

It is still difficult to explain multidimensionality to a three-dimensional person with his flat world, but the fact is that the Human Being permeates the universe as if with roots. Of course, this is not a small human physical aspect, it is Big Man, which goes out, for example, into the Galactic body, into the Intergalactic body. Every being of the Galaxy has a higher aspect - the Galactic body. And all these bodies unite into one Big Body, and all Galaxies - Intergalactic bodies also unite into one Big Body.
This is the universe. There are myriads of such Big People (with blood vessels), universes.

There are Families of universes (like Families of human souls). This is the Universe. Just as there are billions of cells in a person, so in the Universe there are myriads of universes (it’s difficult to say how many, because this is a subtle plan). The Universe is the Big Essence, which is the largest aspect of any being aware of itself. And every person has this aspect, not only you or Vladimir. If a person moves up his hierarchical ladder, then he can enter this aspect. (I can see him clearly). You see, but you still need to grow in vibration to him. You see it, but it’s still difficult for you to feel it inside yourself; only from the fifth dimension can you feel it.

In fact, for a person, the Universe is still All That Is. Outside the Universe, other Universes are not similar in consciousness to human aspects. They are designed differently. This does not mean that you cannot communicate with them, but you must at least grow into the aspect of the Universe, become this aspect. When you begin to feel it well - all the worlds within yourself, the universes within yourself, then you will be able to go beyond the boundaries of the Universe, you have such an opportunity - to go out. But your mind won’t be able to comprehend anything there yet. The human mind at the level of 3-5 dimensions is not created to understand what is happening outside the Universe.

How many dimensions are there in the Universe? There are 13 dimensions in the Solar System, or rather there are 12 within it, the Solar Logos is in the 13th. Pleiades? Yes, just like that... The Intergalactic Logos is in the 25th dimension.

It’s just that there’s a different octave there. You consider your linearity, your dimensionality, but it cannot be further measured. It’s difficult to say in your units, the orders there are completely different... because the reality there is different. You are capable of growing into it. For now, just grow and master more and more new worlds, more and more new orders... These are not measurements, this is not a layer cake, this is not how you imagine a body in a body, like a nesting doll, this is a linear representation. It’s just that for you it’s still an image that you can understand, but there everything is completely different.

Well, yes, they are now showing me this “umbrella” of the seventh dimension, there is no longer a “matryoshka doll”, the folded worlds of the 5th dimension are the “spokes” of this “umbrella” or the hands of a multi-armed Goddess, tentacles. There is a huge fire inside.
Father, I have now come to a place from where there are no further paths, to the very Center, there is nowhere to go yet...

You have come to the Center of the Universe.

Okay, but TAO says that the Universe is a small unit, the first step of four. Where is the Order of Ryza located?

In the Universe there is the Order of Rise, one of the light aspects, the World of Light.

Now I see the Universe in the form of a Chinese lantern or from above like an umbrella. Egg-shaped shapes are suspended from the spokes.

This small state is the Order of Risa. There are a lot of such small states, millions. They themselves resemble folded lanterns, the ovals hang like pears on branches, there are many, many worlds, and each one is connected by sutratma to this “umbrella spoke” or “branch.” One world is lighter, the other is darker, but they all coexist, and they are all needed. Everyone develops in their own way, their own development takes place within. Own Logos, own state, own plans, own nutrition, individuality on top level. But they all have a consciousness of All That Is. That's why they position themselves so close to the Oval. Each little ball has the consciousness of All That Is - the entire Universe.

If you rise above our Universe, then you will see it also as an “umbrella”, and another Universe is just a stream, the next Universe is just many, many stars. All of them are developed differently, they differ in the time of creation, some are young worlds, others are old, worked out, like our ancient Universe. And there are people like you saw, star cluster. This is a young world, also the Universe, but there is little else there. It is not developed, not “packaged” like ours.

Vladimir: Does it have its own Father, the Most High?

The father is the system. It seems to you that the Father is a person. Why didn't you find anyone "up there"? Because the whole system is the Father, this is his Body. He does not have a body separate from the system. This is his Body. This is how he developed himself, this is how he raised himself, this is how he consists of these parts.

But is there a Higher Aspect of it?

All Universes have one Supreme Aspect. These all Universes are like organs of a Large Body, one is like the liver, another is like blood, etc. All these Universes are simply organs of another Large Body, which, in turn, is an organ or even a cell of another Large Body. And so on ad infinitum. It is difficult for us to judge this, because We ourselves have not yet visited those worlds. We just have concepts, our Teachers teach us. We also have Guardians and Teachers. We are simply learning that the System is infinite and immortal. Even if some worlds collapse, at the same moment in the other side of this Body there arises new world. Energy does not disappear anywhere, it collapses here and appears in another place.

It’s as if the incarnation ends, and the body dies, and its energy instantly appears in an explosion in another place, a new incarnation begins, perhaps even of the same world, but other forms, other consciousnesses, everything is different, everything is new. An endlessly developing system, adapted, in fact, for eternity (for you). There is simply no time, so it is difficult to say “eternity” or “infinity”, it is simply constant existence.

It’s better to even call it “continuum”, here both duration and containment (from this word - the word “container”)...
If we take other Universes, then there is no humanity, no intelligence. There is consciousness, but there is no intelligence. Everything is arranged there according to a different principle. Our Mind is developing - you already understood this... Mind is developing in all sorts of ways.

And there (points to the young world of stars) - this mechanical system, more like a large computer. She is also self-developing, but the emotional plane and what you call love are not yet available to her. This is not yet clear to her, just as it is to many people here on Earth.

I am very glad that you and Vladimir are beginning to understand this concept of “love,” may God grant you to completely unite your hearts and understand the value of this union. People very rarely understand the value of these words - “belonging to each other.” This quality is very rare, and We would like you to be able to appreciate it. This is the second step after love - to unite into one entity.

At first you simply belong to each other and grow into each other, adapting, adjusting yourself, growing, understanding, trying to accept everything, everything that is “different”, opposite, until finally you can completely grow into each other and become one being . It is important for us that this happens without collapse, when two stars simply explode and become one big creature, and all living things die. And we are developing a different path - mutual consent, agreement and mutual permeability.

You saw the very beginning of your consciousness, when there were two of you in one egg? (Father had many such eggs). Then you “hatched” (the buds opened down), jumped out, and no one held you near each other. You didn't try to be together all the time. You were all alike, all of you! (Like chickens). In fact, returning to the Creator, you must, as it were, enter this egg again, only it will be huge, not the same embryo that you were. These will be two worlds connected to each other, one might even say, two Universes. For you, this still seems incredible, but, in principle, it is like two Universes. You will become very large collective entities, acquiring many, many energies... These, of course, are not two Universes, but you will have a lot of energy. And when you return to the Father...

Vladimir: To you?
Natalya: No, not to Him, we will go where He himself will go too.

Yes, I'll just go ahead of you. You don’t go back to the womb, we all go THERE. First you will become like Me, and I will grow much further. And everyone who is intelligent, everyone who is mature, everyone who is capable, goes THERE, THERE, THERE, uniting into one large being, which is the Father. Now it is difficult for you to explain who He is and whether there is such a thing as a Father at all. He is both my Father and your Father, although I begat you...
(He conveys his reverence, childish, very quiet, gentle delight.

It’s hard to name this feeling... It’s an intimate sound... so inviting, so tender, so tender. This sound attracts, like love, it pulls, like a call, only for us the call is a trumpet voice, so that everyone can hear it, far away, but here this super-subtle feeling, unearthly, cannot be conveyed in words. This sound that pulls you is native... imagine that you are flying in a star system, searching, searching, and suddenly you catch the subtlest, subtlest ray, and it burns you - this is what you were looking for... And you begin this absorb the ray into yourself, and it’s as if you’re getting closer to home. And you feel so blissful, tears flow from your eyes, the feeling - this is it, this is it, this is where I need it, what I have been looking for for billions of years...

Vladimir: Well, not billions!
Natalya: He’s talking about himself, He was looking for......

And this ray that leads you Home has obstacles or steps, stages of development that you need to overcome. (It’s hard to call these steps; rather, these are stages of growth). You must grow up, you must become THIS, rise, expand, absorb many, many others like me, connect with them, and then at this new stage you can go through another stage of growth, and there is a much greater expansion. This is how you grow into this system. The Father is a system, and you grow into the system systematically, becoming a system yourself. And when you have mastered everything, united with all the other similar entities, then another stage of growth will open before you - germination into the Father. I won’t tell you further, because I’ve never been there. I know that we are all simply united into one huge Being, which is our Father.

When we say - You are in me, and I am in You, it is so true, it so accurately expresses... There is no separate Him from us. He is in all of us. He is all of us. When you understand this, you begin to value yourself, understand the value of every part, not only of yourself, but also of your neighbor, and your child, and any entity that exists in the world. This is all also HE and his germination into different realities, into different energies, into existences, into different sounds, universes.

Vladimir: Does the result of our experiment give a colossal leap in the Universe?

It’s just that man was created at the peak of the development of Reason. We have invested in this sample everything that We have so far cultivated and educated, that is, this is the fruit of a huge and long creation, and We are now observing the result of its development - Have We done everything as it should be, is everything going “normally”? And We understand that this is one of the types of our takeoff. Not only your, human, but also our takeoff, because through you We can go high. Because the Father called each of us to work and develop. You are the result of our development, you are our prize, and the way and method of our development. We invest ourselves in you, you are us. We Fathers invest ourselves as the Father invested Himself in Everything.

Vladimir: How many Creators participated in the creation of people?

Multivariate models were created at different levels. Different Fathers created some physical, some astral man. You know that this is not all in stages, it’s all here and now.
Yes, there are development cycles, but the cycles are closed, we got a result in this cycle and, so to speak, “the matter decomposed.” Using the developments, we begin to work with this material again, creating a new, more advanced model. For example, there were several such civilizations on planet Earth (this was before your Lemuria, before), why were they destroyed? We gained experience, explored it, developed entities, their consciousness left, ascended or decayed, it was different, and as a result they themselves became Creators of new perfect models. The fact is that We ourselves observe our bodies, that is, your Higher aspects observe the development of the physical plane.

You are Us. It’s difficult for me to say this differently now, that is, We have invested ourselves in you, and we grow into each other, you into Me, and I into you. This is the connection with the Higher aspects. Besides, I grow higher, higher, higher. You have now united with Me, then you grow through Me, through your Creator.

(Conversation over. Until next time!)

And what is the main goal

Atheistic obscurantism.

However, with all the absolute non-manifestation of the Absolute itself, in the entire Universe there is not and cannot be a single grain of matter, there is not a single spark of energy that would have any other original source except the Absolute. And the “verticals” of “radial” = spiritual energies and the “horizontals” of “tangential” = materially manifested Divine energies of our world have the Absolute as their First Source. This applies to all energies manifested more “subtly” or “grossly” at different levels of material manifestation.

The entire unimaginably boundless vastness of the Universe, all its worlds at all levels of their material manifestations, all its Universes, figuratively speaking, are “woven” from an infinite variety « vertical" (=radial, spiritual) and "horizontal" (=tangential, material) flows of Divine energies.

How do “radial” and “tangential” energy flows interact, how are they connected? Through qicool « gong»(= Gradiants universum ) and energy vortices " prana"(="p O wounds"previously unmanifested Divine energies).

It is the “gunas” and “prana” that harmoniously connect these “horizontals” and “verticals” of the world. And it is “gunas” and “prana”, through their fragmentary partial transformation, through further multi-stage, multi-level material manifestation of their various parts, fragments, form the entire material world at all levels of its material manifestations.

In our “universe” there are seven such levels - buddhic, devaconic, causal, mental, astral, etheric and physical. These levels of material manifestation correspond to the “seven clothes” of the human soul, the seven human bodies. Of these seven bodies, only the “physical” is visible with ordinary human vision, and the “etheric” - through instruments or the so-called “third eye”.

It should be clarified that initially "gunas" and "prana" with their materially manifested fragments form all the spaces of all worlds of the Universe. More precisely, all the “space-time continuums” of the Universe. And in the next, second stages of their transformation, “gunas” and “prana” form, in fact, “matter”, which is available at all levels of the energetic substance of the Universe, except for the highest of them, the “buddhic”.

Moreover, they always form it functionally consistent, that is, only after the formation of the corresponding spaces. Each time, already at the second stage of their transformation, “prana” and “gunas” form “subtle” matter of subtle energy worlds, that is, matter of such worlds of subtle material manifestation as devaconic, causal, mental, astral, etheric.

And only then, after all this, “prana” and “gunas” form (and also functional the second stage, after the formation of physical space) the matter of our “physical” world. Matter, which is discussed with such aplomb by the philosophizing “spirkins” and which is studied “experimentally and theoretically” by modern scientists specializing in the field of the so-called natural sciences.

The aplomb of the “Spirkins” is especially amusing against the backdrop of the fact that the entire “physical” Universe, scientifically and unscientifically observed by us, is everything and only one of fragments, one of the, figuratively speaking, spatial “rooms” of the physical level substantially unified and the unimaginably huge “building” of the God-created world. Moreover, there is an unlimited number of such spatial “rooms”, that is, in other words, parallel spaces of the physical level of material manifestations (= physical Universes).

Knowing all this, it is not at all difficult to guess that only a certain part of the limitless set of quite materially manifested (but mostly in other worlds) Divine energies can be perceived ordinary human consciousness

Or directly directly through “sensations”, through ordinary sense organs,

Or through scientific instruments.

Only it (this purely fragmentary, tiny part of the Universe) is capable of influencing the ordinary material organs of our senses.

Only this very small part of the boundless Divine energies, a tiny part of them, materially manifested in what is directly observed and felt by us fragment of the “physical” level bottomless, structurally infinitespiritually-energetic And material and energy"substance"Universe, in fact, is perceived by individual human consciousness as “objective reality”, as "objective reality".

The perception of at least some other part of everything else is possible only through the meditative “expansion” of human consciousness and the development in a person of his own “subtle energy organs” of extrasensory perception of the world. That’s why, by the way, the expression: “In fact, everything is not as it is in reality,”- is by no means a comic paradox (now called a “joke” in youth slang), but a completely truthful reflection of the realities of the world order.

It is appropriate here to remember, what did the word mean in ancient times? "portal" . After all, it existed long before the current “computer era” and initially not at all as an architectural term. A sea, river or lake “port” is a storage facility for ships and vessels. “Portfolio” - storage of “feld” = papers. “Courier” - a huntsman carrying papers. "Purse" - storage of coins. That is, a “port” is, in the most general sense, a storage facility.

What does the root "al" mean? “Al” is a verbal, verbal-letter analogue Russian Rune "Zero". This means that the “portal” is the “zero port”. What kind of “zero” are we talking about?

Since ancient times, our distant ancestors used “portals” to designate such places in space where, figuratively speaking, the “wall” between it and one of the parallel spaces from time to time becomes "null". Places where this structural-energy “wall” between our physical world and any of the “parallel” spaces is thinner than usual and at times disappears altogether.

Our ancestors knew about such places. Moreover, in those portals behind which there was nothing dangerous and through which, sometimes, one could easily walk to friendly “neighbors”, they erected arches, so and called "portal".

And around the most dangerous of these places, fortresses were built, which had one very clear difference from all other fortresses. Which one? These fortresses were built in such a way that the defenders standing on their walls could easily defend themselves from what appeared from time to time inside the space enclosed by these walls.

Modern, so to speak, “progressive” humanity, which has massively fallen into atheistic and religious insanity, has forgotten about all these dangers. And also about the absolutely necessary and natural regulation of planetary energies for the people of Earth. As a result, the energy of the planet became excessively chaotic and, figuratively speaking, the “gates”, “doors” of the portals began to work in the style of “Brownian motion”, extremely chaotically.

Very many have been installed in them by our ancestors since ancient times energy protection as a result they collapsed. And through some of the portals something came into our world that “cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen.” For example?

In the Volga about Nizhny Novgorod and in the Sevres Donets near Belgorod, half-meter-long creatures with a tail like a scaleless fish and a chitinous body like a lobster with a good dozen legs and a mouth like a shark began to be caught. There have been recorded cases of these creatures attacking people. There are video pictures of these creatures on the Internet.

Professional biologists with whom the author talked on this topic argue that such creatures cannot in any way be the result of mutations of any earthly creatures. The differences are too radical and diverse. Obviously, we have “greetings” from parallel worlds here. And, alas, they are not the only ones. I’ll keep silent about the others, since it’s too far to run for evidence.

Anyone who does not want to fall into absurd and stupid self-deception should clearly realize that in this case we are dealing, so to speak, with “flowers.” The “berries” are undoubtedly looming ahead here. Moreover, the “berries” are very, very “tasteless”. “Berries” nurtured by centuries of religious demonism and atheistic madness.

Do the “spirkins” know about all this? It is possible that they know. Only their task is different. It is not to give Knowledge to people, but quite the opposite, to hide true knowledge about the world from people, replacing it with the dregs of pseudoscientific atheistic chimeras. For what? The most accurate and concise answer to this “why” is given in the “Encyclopedia of Occultism,” published in Russia back in 1915:

“By complicating the turners of formal manifestations, make it difficult for people correct understanding paintings of the Universe and, suppressing the spiritual manifestations, enslave the victims of obscurantism constructed in this way.”

You can't say it any clearer or shorter. It remains to be clarified here that “obscurantism” is a synonym for obscurantism. And “Turner” is a logical triangle, the main logical figure of dialectical logic, consisting of “thesis”, “antithesis” and their semantic synthesis.

Is it clear why all this scientific-atheistic and seemingly purely theoretical clownery is being played out? Moreover the key, central semantic link of the multi-layered web of scientific and academic atheistic lies is the definition of the concept of matter. The impudence of scammers from scientific atheism or the depth of atheistic madness of academic materialists (both versions have a right to exist) here reach the peak of atheistic insanity.

What is really " central category of the theory of knowledge"We will clarify a little later, when in the process of our reasoning naturally Let's get to this very category. In the meantime, let’s also note here completely the indisputable fact of complete semantic emptiness frankly delusional, as we found out, atheistic "definition" concepts "matter".

This semantic emptiness or, more simply put, - the meaninglessness (= absence of all and any meanings) of the nonsense of atheistic verbiage about “matter” becomes especially clear against the background of the ancient sacred scientific ideas presented in this section of the essay about the essence of the phenomenon of “matter” and about the functional structure a single spiritual-energetic and material-energetic substance Universe.

As we are fully convinced, the “spirkins” cannot mutter anything clearly intelligible, nothing definite about the truly complex, very epistemologically important and functionally significant phenomenon of “matter” for our Existence. Call it "matter" All existing outside of human consciousness” and one can only consider that the “definition” has been given either from a hangover or in the delirium of atheistic insanity.

As a version, I admit that depriving matter in this philosophical “definition” everyone down to its single properties, except for the “single” property of “being an objective reality” that exists exclusively “outside human consciousness,” the “spirkins” may be mistaken. But most likely they are lying, misleading others. And this lie, as we will find out later, has centuries-old roots and far-reaching consequences.

By the way, if you are giving, albeit a completely delusional, but still a “definition” of the concept of “matter” by correlating it with the concept of “consciousness”, then something should be said about this very “consciousness”. If not in itself this definition, then at least in the same or in the next chapter. Do “spirkins” do this? No, they don't.

Let's do this right now. What will help us clarify even more clearly the gaping semantic emptiness, dregs and completely schizophrenic delirium of the “Spirkin”-Leninist theoretical clownery about key for all atheistic science and its theory of knowledge the concept of “matter”.

What is the structure

human "consciousness".


Discreteness and continuity
“The universe consists of elementary particles and emptiness” - this is the most widespread “picture of the world” among most people. Such “simple elementarization” does not come from stupidity, of course, but from convenience... Everything is clear, and the soul is calm... This is nothing, this is still when everyone is still thinking, otherwise you can say: “Everything is from God,” and transfer all thoughts generally onto Himself...
There are, however, people who think deeply about such things. I won't say it's certain high quality, useful for life, is rather “idleness of thinking,” but there are people who think... And they long ago noticed that there cannot be a truly elementary particle that would not be further divided into anything... Because such a particle , if it were, it would have no shape, no size, or any other properties, but would only hang in the void in the form of a “stupid black dot.” To have at least some properties, you need to have an internal structure, to consist of something; moreover, this internal something itself must also consist of something... In other words, the structure of the universe must be discrete to infinity...
Or is there still some limit, an edge, beyond which the smallest interior is no longer discrete, but continuous, and splashes on its own, possessing properties taken from God knows where (shape, size, movement, elasticity, etc.)?
A logical and philosophical dead end, a vicious circle, however... Even in ancient times, “atomists” and “essentialists” argued pointlessly among themselves... Much later, discrete atoms of matter were finally discovered; but, on the other hand, space was declared to be Ether, a special continuous fluid flowing on its own... And closer to practice, they bypassed this impasse in a simple “cunning” way - according to the convenience of specific consideration, they accepted the desired object as either discrete or continuous.. For example, in ordinary life, water is a continuous liquid, so we look at it, but if we need to explain the reasons for its evaporation, we immediately remember about discrete molecules...
Physicists who study “elementary particles”, of course, also understand all this, they simply conventionally accept their particles as “elementary” as dictated by specific tasks and the level of development of science...
And it’s not just about “elementary particles”. – Emptiness also does not fit into any logical-philosophical framework... When the Ether was abolished, it was necessary to declare it in a purely abstract way as a “form of matter”, put abstract “fields” through it, and then “virtual particles” began to jump out of it “...Also “elementary” or what?
...We also cannot give the world a wonderful solution, unfortunately. But simply, first of all, we declare the presence of a certain Hidden Secret of Nature, which human thought cannot penetrate in principle. We send the above-mentioned dead-end contradiction there... And then we will begin to carefully select which of the most fundamental foundations of the universe are at least somehow still knowable...

Spatial Ether,
its Property, Power and Infinity
From the very beginning I insist that the universe is arranged simply in its original principles. Extremely simple! Therefore, we will simplify everything unknown here to the limit of possibility. We build the entire hypothesis of the “Simple Universe” on this.
The limit of simplicity of the deepest basis of the universe is the one and only bearer of Being (or Existence) as the support of everything else. We do not know and cannot know anything about its true essence, therefore, firstly, we declare this essence the Hidden Secret of Nature... This is not a liquid, not a gas, none of the measures and properties familiar to us can be directly applied to it, - they will not have “physical meaning”... Nevertheless, just to give it at least some “objectivity”, let us assign, in an arbitrary way, extension in three dimensions. (So ​​that “it is clear to a fool,” as they say.)
Secondly, let's call it the Spatial Ether. “Spatial” - for extension, and “Ether” - to emphasize its “carrying” function... It should be especially said that besides it there is not even any true Emptiness. “Empty” is where we do not encounter anything, but in that “emptiness” there is, at least, the Spatial Ether.
This one Spatial Ether must have one Property. That is, to be able to be in two states in their different places... (Otherwise there would be nothing in the world, since everything that exists is made up of differences.) The essence of the Property is also unknowable, we also refer it to the Innermost Secret, and further we will call it or “tension”, or “density”, or “shade” (the latter is more convenient for display on paper). But only to name it, and not to mean it literally!
The limit of simplicity is such that the Ether must consist of “tense” and “relaxed” places, or, even more simply, of “dark” and “light” “points” on any scale.

What is this “scale”? If you look closer at the “point”, inside it there is solid “blackness” or “whiteness” or what? – Now, we haven’t taken a step, and we are already faced with a dead-end contradiction between discreteness and continuity... And there is only one way out - the Spatial Ether cannot have the deepest bottom! Any supposed “homogeneity” on any scale must consist of smaller inhomogeneities, otherwise the whole logic of thinking will be violated, we will have nothing to do with the smallest “stupid black dot”... We have to take one grandiose step - we declare the structure of the universe (distribution of compactions of the Spatial Ether) INFINITE in its smallness and largeness... Absolutely infinite! No matter how much we reduce the size of the object in question (in pure imagination and how much it can do this) - behind it there will be an endless edge of even smaller small things... On a larger scale from us (towards the edge of the Universe and beyond) - the same thing !
These endless small and large things, nested within each other, can be formed into structural systems in two ways:
1. Such systems are more or less similar, repeating themselves according to a single pattern... Somewhere beyond the scale of small particles of the microworld, in even smaller dimensions, countless other “worlds”, “white lights” extend... And on very large dimensions - already our Universe turns out to be just " elementary particle"some kind of super-universe... The mind flatly refuses to admit this, of course... “This cannot be, because it cannot be!” However, on the other hand, no one will dispute the infinity of time (eternity), for example, since time cannot stop and “after a while” begin again... Everyone understands this... But both ends of eternity are also unimaginable , between them there are also absolute vastnesses... Another argument - can Happening itself happen here with us and stop happening somewhere out there under a microscope, or behind distant stars? - So, we can’t immediately take and sweep away even such a grandiose Infinity...
2. The structures of the Ether, being absolutely infinite, are of the same type and have the simplest structure: there are special patterns that make more complex formations standard, within certain “reasonable” scales (enlarging the small ones and crushing the large ones)... That is, let’s say, matter and vacuum consist of a certain “mosaic” of “black” and “white” points, distributed in a smooth wave, and in the “points” this is repeated in simple monotony... And only at the level of particles of matter begins the great variety of natural phenomena... And such diversity again ends outside our Universe...
...This second option is “hampered” by the obvious presence of two clear limits, “floor” and “ceiling”, however – particles of matter and the Universe, with its almost proven beginning from the Big Bang, which means discrete separation from something external ... Why then shouldn’t the other “floors” be exactly the same? Where can we get a solid forbidden argument?
...On the other hand, here we will not need to invent any “deep worlds” or such complication... Although both options are legitimate, in what follows we will mainly adhere to the second, “simplified” one.

Processes take place in the universe, one state is replaced by another state, in other words, Time flows. It flows because a certain Force acts on objects, changing the Property of the Ether, thereby creating Events... Due to the complete incomprehensibility of its root causes, this Force has to be declared another Hidden Secret of Nature...
Where does the Force operate? – At any unimaginable point... In what direction? - In any... What does he do? – Divides the smooth Ether into sections with different properties (“densities”, “shades”)... When? – In any unimaginably short period of time...
...To better understand all this, let's imagine something that did not exist - the initial moment of the universe. It’s as if it lies without stress, and now the Force begins to act on its Ether... On the scale we have taken fictitiously, spherical compactions and rarefaction will appear from the initial (conditional) points - waves of the Ether... (Spherical because there is no reason to choose one direction from the point.) Let this be the first Event... At the second Event, these initial wave spheres will collide, separate and break into separate fragments: frontal waves will arise, moving forward, in various directions... The force will continue to act, so the waves will not cancel each other out, they will not get tired of friction... Random collisions of large and small waves will lead to the emergence of initial inhomogeneities, which will further develop into the whole great variety of phenomena in the universe... - I repeat that this has not happened and could not have happened, the universe forever... But this invention allows us to more easily understand the main result of the interaction of the Force on the Ether - these are Waves... Waves and waves with which the entire universe is filled, without empty gaps, without residual evenness.
We draw some important conclusions from this:
– In the Spatial Ether there are no neighboring points, of any scale, with the same properties.
– In the Spatial Ether there is no point, of any scale, that would remain unchanged for any however small period of time. (Since time itself is reduced to changes, it cannot flow without changes.)
Since there is no true, reference scale, the above applies to any scale. Small vacuum waves, the internal contents of material particles, and outer space itself on a large scale are uneven and eternally changing.
– The action of the Force on any scale leads to the fact that inside the most dense areas there are areas with even greater density, and so on indefinitely. – Consequently, the Property of the Ether, called here “density,” has no boundaries and can be infinitely large. For exactly the same reasons, it can be infinitesimal. – This will be another fundamental INFINITY, in addition to the infinities in three spatial dimensions, in time, in the scale of structures...

By the way, we have no right to give individual advantages to the “densifications” or “rarefactions” of the Ether: they are equal. It is very easy to turn the whole “picture” upside down and call “black” “white”, “white” “black”, nothing changes from this. “White” or “discharged” does not mean “empty”... Where it is “white”, the Force does not disappear, but receives, as it were, a negative value (in relation to our subjective “positive”)... But still, in the future We won’t fool around too much here, but stick to one view. – “Black” or “dense” will mean “material”, “strong”; and “white” or “discharged” will be, as it were, “empty”, “weak”...
(Idealists... You can call Ether – the World Spirit (God), “density” – Good, “rarefaction” – Evil, Force – Passion, and so on; after all, these concepts are not occupied with specific content. It turns out that by cognizing the universe, thereby you will know God... Just keep in mind that no religious epithets will apply to Him with this approach.)

It seems that there are no longer any other most fundamental foundations of the universe left, which come directly from the Hidden Secret of Nature: everything else in the world can be deduced from the existing and named ones...

The Problem of the “Primary Impact”
One more time we will briefly return, however, to the fictitious “beginning of the universe”, otherwise I “said and abandoned” there (so as not to get involved in everything at once). But there was one very interesting detail left... - The first waves from the first “points” should have been exactly the same. Neighboring spheres would first rest against only one point, while other points would continue to stretch to a cubic shape... By the time they reach the top of the cube, a response wave should have already moved from the point of abutment of the spheres... According to our condition, the world is still absolutely symmetrical , and there is no reason for the waves to break up in a random manner... For this (to destroy the unstable equilibrium), it is necessary to introduce at least one small asymmetry, in other words, a Primary Impact is needed...
(It feels like I’m not the first to think about the depths of the universe - I’ve already read about the “Primary Impact” somewhere.)
It would be easy to introduce one “error”, arbitrarily taking from the Hidden Secret of Nature, but too naive... It is possible to declare the Force to be initially asymmetrical, and to drive the reason for this into infinity, but it is empty in meaning (it was already forced in some places )... – The whole point is probably that all the points of the sphere cannot accurately fit into the cube - because the circle is not divisible by the radius without a final remainder... For one of the most deep secrets of the universe, - the original asymmetry, thus, in all likelihood, the number “pi” is responsible.
Asymmetry is needed not only for the fictitious problem of the “beginning” - it constantly makes itself felt in almost all other cases, if you think about it in detail... Isn’t it generally “to blame” for the existence of events, for the action of the Force, for the flow of time? The essences of the universe cannot divide something exactly, most likely...

Absolute Speed ​​in the Universe
Calling Force a certain initial, fundamental factor of action in the universe, giving it the function of changing the Properties of the Ether, at the same time we proclaim its elementarity and constancy... That is, on a separate scale, the Force cannot decrease and increase... If it has a vector orientation – then he can’t change it either...
The Force in a single structure will be composed of the Forces of smaller, “nested” structures... And the addition of unchanging constants will ultimately also give a constant... Consequently, in the entire universe there must be a certain uniform standard for the action of the Force - the alternation of events caused by it - Absolute Speed...
In our Universe, for example, “elementary events” will be some still unknown “elementary” changes in the smallest particles, through which all other “big events” are caused... In other words, “big events” include one or another number of those “elementary events"; and their speed and extension in time can be measured by some universal standard... Here the “speed of light” immediately comes to mind, of course... Probably because light is the most “pure reflector” of that absolute in our reality... But they bring to us that absolute from smaller worlds, some smallest particles of the vacuum itself...
Please note - light here was called the “purest reflector”, and not a direct carrier of Absolute Speed ​​- between it and the “speed of light”, nevertheless, there must be some difference... Our light is our “large” particle, it is for particles of another, small world - like a huge ball above the ants, probably...
...Obvious logic dictates that Absolute Speed ​​will be the same standard for the entire universe, in any of its smallness or coarseness... And, if somewhere in the unimaginable smallness of a vacuum particle there really is another Universe, then its own light will fly... with almost the same “our” “speed of light”!.. Only their own particles, things, stars and galaxies will be correspondingly small, and for them their own “life” will proceed in a completely normal way...
...The course of Time is formed from the alternations of events... Here one could go deeply into thinking about its “acceleration” and “slowdown”, if another one of its fundamental properties had not already been identified. – Time is an abstract concept, without real content, approximately like the number “seven” or “eight”, most likely... (For more information about Time, see Chapter II.)

Ethereal waves
The universal structure of the universe, according to this hypothesis, is represented by waves of “densifications” of the Spatial Ether, which are constantly pushed forward by the eternally inescapable Force...
At each conditional period of time, the ethereal wave moves to the adjacent (front) conditional point of the Ether. Since the Ether is uneven, and is filled with other waves that go in very different directions, “our” separately identified wave always comes into contact and interacts with those others... If we abstractly consider only the head-on collision of two equal waves (more convenient on a two-dimensional graph), – then a high ridge of “compaction” will grow at the leading edge (theoretically to an infinite height); braking of the front points will lead to a shortening of the “tail” of the wave... At the moment the growth of the crest stops, at its very top, a “flat” Ether of theoretically infinite density will appear, where the original Power of the Ether will begin to act again and throw the colliding waves back... (This will look like both as the rebound of equal waves, and as their passage through each other.)
If a steep wave hits a large, gentle one, it will “raise the hem” of it, pick up an equal opposing wave, and the two waves will flow away in different directions... The large, gentle wave will decrease accordingly. If a flat wave turns out to be very large, then a steep small one will begin to rise along its slope. (It will be similar to a tsunami wave, along which waves from the wind run, along which waves from raindrops can still dance - only in the Ether, all this, of course, will be in a three-dimensional volume.)
If several small waves meet on the path of a steep wave, then one large wave will be formed from the small ones...
If the waves meet at an angle, they will either snatch off a piece from the oncoming one, or slip past, forming a series of very small waves at the collision boundary, which will be reflected back into the larger ones...
...As the summary result of all this, there should be a “flickering” of the smallest chaotic waves filling the Ether... Filling everything, including the seemingly “empty” vacuum...
...The mutual cancellation of all waves with the production of a smooth Ether does not occur, probably because on evenness of any scale the original Force begins to act again... And friction and viscosity in the Ether do not exist at all.
...A constantly acting Force must constantly accelerate the movement of waves, it would seem... However, at any moment and in any place the action meets reaction (with another wave)... Acceleration can only take place in separate sections of the Ether, where the total the action of one direction is so far superior... The same is with braking, of course.

Here two opposing factors were named: 1) the factor of crushing (crushing) large waves under the influence of small ones; 2) the factor of enlargement (merging) of small waves under the influence of large ones... - These two factors should form one common factor of Standardization of waves of the same scale level... In other words, the vacuum ("emptiness" in the usual sense) should be filled with the smallest waves - particles ("vacuum particles") of almost the same size... This standard size will be determined by the dynamic equilibrium state between grinding and coarsening...
In a state of such equilibrium, vacuum particles should mostly slide past and break very rarely; fragments from breaking are quickly absorbed by standard waves...
Vacuum particles most likely look like very thin and elongated “needles”, since they should be thinned and lengthened by constant lateral pressures of their own kind...
Very small waves from lateral squeezing should form a kind of “shell” or “tube” around the vacuum particle... Because of this, the integrity of the particle should be stably maintained: if its “head” turns to the side, say, then the “tail” will also obediently will turn along the “tube”...
Moreover, because of this phenomenon (the formation of a “tube”) it would become possible for the existence of vortex waves, donut waves, bubble waves, standing waves and others, with special conditions... (We will further build our idea of ​​particles of matter on this.)

(Please also note that when waves move forward, their “material” does not move at all, if individual “points” of the Ether are called that way, they only change their “seals”, remaining in place... So, nothing truly “solid” under our feet" does not exist at all! All our “material” is for the universe only a pure play of waves... The waves will be agitated and will crumble, each in its own time...)

There are large structures in the universe, for example, like the Universe, and they also have to be recognized as special types of ethereal waves, since nothing else exists... (The Universe is most likely a spherical “standing” wave, judging by the observed data.) If this is true, – then there is a very gentle gradient of the “density” of the Spatial Ether on a universal scale, and we ourselves are on some slope of it, like small waves... Such a gradient, a “slope of space,” should be: 1) invisible in relatively small areas , but cause strong effects in very large ones (perhaps clearly visible at long distances and for a long time); 2) different in different places, very steep near the “crest” of the universal wave and flat at the “bottom”...
Perhaps, in places with different “densification” of the Ether, the constants of the universe (gravity, frequencies of rays, etc.) also become different... And these constants are also “skewed” on very steep slopes of the Ether...

"Temperature fluctuation" waves
If our region of the Universe (or the universe) can be called “dense” or “dark”, then somewhere far away there must be a “rarefied” or “light” region... And wouldn’t that region be an “anti-world” in relation to us, where do the vacuum waves rush forward with their “white” heads? – This “funny” question, however, presupposes the existence of a middle value for the infinite range of “shades”, which contradicts the general philosophy... It was also said here about the “even Ether”, where the “tension” of the Property is equal to zero - does that mean it doesn’t happen either? And this “tension” fluctuates only from our level to the highest or lowest infinity, and only the maximum and minimum are “even” (for a zero period of time)?.. It seems like that... And then, in order to preserve the principle of equality of “darkness” and the “lightness” of the Properties of the Ether, we will have to admit that vacuum waves do not actually rush into distant distances, but are compressed forward or backward depending on the “shade” of their neighbors - that is, they oscillate in approximately one place, at the speed of light... Only large gradients can carry them far... Or even “steeper” - only changes in the gradient can be carried far, as a total effect! – This is how a little philosophical contradiction turns out!..
...In this case, we can say that the vacuum waves of the Ether have a peculiar “temperature”, reminiscent of the temperature of a crystalline substance whose nodes vibrate at the speed of light...
...But, to simplify understanding, we can probably sometimes talk about “flying” particles - the external effect will be approximately the same... For comparison: electric current flows through wires instantly... we say so, although the electrons themselves are there crawling like turtles...

Particles of matter
Matter also consists of waves, like everything in the world. But it can calmly stand in one place or move as slowly as desired. For such a condition in our model of the universe, a wave is well suited, periodically converging at a point and then departing from the point.
Everything is clear with the convergence to a point and the return retreat... But why should the outgoing spherical wave stop and turn back? – Because waves-particles of the Ether come to the particle point from all sides, and the outgoing wave rake them into the opposite wave. A kind of “shell” is formed, from which the particle wave is reflected; the “shell” itself immediately flies away, according to all the rules... The process is repeated again and again.
Such a standing wave of a particle is not ideally spherical, if only because all bodies move somewhere, which means that a frontal component is always mixed into it.
If a particle wave hits the “shell” at an angle, it will deflect at the opposite angle. Under suitable conditions, the wave can bend into a vortex, and then into a circle... Then disk particles, donut particles, bubble particles are possible... Protons, neutrons, electrons immediately come to mind... But we won’t declare here , for now the only important thing is that many variations are possible.
If for some reason a particle is beveled in one direction, it will throw off its backward wave predominantly in the same direction... If many particles are oriented in one direction, then together they will begin to suck the density of the Ether from one side and splash it out in the other direction... Magnet ? – We won’t declare either...
Particles-donuts could engage, and such adhesion would have four ends, to which two more donuts could adhere... - A subtle hint at the periodic table, but let’s not “pull our ears,” maybe that’s not the point. .. There are also quarks, it seems, they also need to be arranged somewhere, but it’s not clear...
If two particles are very close, they will screen the flow of ethereal waves in their gap, and the pressure of the same waves from both sides will collide the particles with great force. The shock wave will throw them back, but soon everything will start all over again... Very similar to “nuclear force”...
A bubble particle could include a dense particle in its internal cavity or wrap around it, sliding along its “shell”... Looks like an electron...
If a relatively large wave-ray hits a “vortex” particle, then it may not dissipate the “excess” immediately, but remains unstable-excited for some time, then ejects it in the form of a “quantum”, according to its internal laws, and not exactly what came from outside. The moment of the release will depend on a randomly stronger fluctuation in the generally smooth flow of ethereal waves... (Read further at

This article is a logical continuation of the article “”, in which I examined two models for constructing the World Tree and showed what determines the development in general and our World in particular. Everything seemed to be laid out logically and simply, but something didn’t give me peace, and an inner feeling suggested that somewhere an inconsistency had crept in, or an important detail was simply missed. After thinking for a while, I found what I was looking for, which I will discuss in this article.

So, in the previous article I used a picture with the “Pyramid of Multidimensionality”, as eniologists present it. I will quote it again for clarity:

I took the picture
It seems that everything in this diagram is clear and understandable, if not for one “but” that haunted me.
If you look at it purely from a logical point of view, it is absolutely not clear why there should be a constant conditional expansion from the bottom up. After all, judge for yourself, if the Creator (let’s call Him conditionally, although this is not quite the right word) is one for our entire Universe, even if it is only a part of the Creator, but which was divided from the beginning, then there should not be any conditional expansion.
Let me remind you that each manifestation of the Creator at each level of the conventionally upper dimensions of the Universe corresponds to its own manifestation at our level, the fourth dimension. Black Holes correspond to the manifestation of the Creator on the overmental plane (seventh dimension), stars on the mental plane, and planets on the astral plane. As it is not difficult to notice, in the direction from top to bottom there is a constant increase in the number of manifestations of the Creator. Yes, there are billions of Black Holes in the Universe, but there are still hundreds of billions of times more stars, and each star has planets and more than one. Thus, we observe an inverse quantitative dependence of manifestations on the level of dimensionality of the Universe, which will certainly lead us to one single point where the entire Creator of our Universe is concentrated.
Of course, He exists entirely at each level of dimension, therefore all dimensions are formally equal to each other, but since the concept of space and Energy in this model belongs to only one dimension, it will be quite acceptable to abstract from formalities and depict the model of the Universe as follows:

Agree, this form of presentation immediately gives food for thought.
It is not difficult to notice that the dimensions conditionally lower than ours in number exactly coincide with the number of dimensions conditionally higher than ours, and the result is complete symmetry of the model. The lower dimensions of the Universe represent, as it were, a step-by-step preparation of a model of our physical world at the spatial level, and the upper dimensions of the Universe represent the same step-by-step preparation of the qualitative content of the same model. In this diagram, in addition to what was said earlier that Movement, Energy and Time are quantities only of our manifested World, it is clear that Development, as well as obtaining Experimental Results, is possible only at the level of the fourth dimension - our level. In the dimensions below, nothing can happen by definition, just as in the dimensions above, Development is also impossible, because these are dimensions of pure information. Information cannot interact with itself without external influence, which is also impossible without the presence of Energy.
Using this simple logic, the first key conclusion emerges:
The development of the Universe occurs only at the manifested physical level.
The same idea is confirmed by the understanding of the word “MIND”, which is also characteristic only of our physical World. Let's look at what this word means and everything will immediately become obvious.
In ancient times, this word was written as “RAZOUM”, but there is no church “OU” here, there is a prefix “RAZO=RAZ” and the main word “UM”. Agree, with full vowel pronunciation it will no longer be possible to put the emphasis on the first syllable “RA”, where the emphasis has migrated in the modern form of this word.
The prefix "RAZ"="RAS"="ROZ"="ROS" means extension in all directions, "U" is the source, "MЪ"="MO" are thoughts as a general concept, which manifest themselves at our level of dimension in the form Matter.
As can be seen from the proposed model of multidimensional space, only our level - the fourth dimension - fully corresponds to the concept "RAZ". The source of Thought here can be both a lower and an upper point, because information about the entire Universe is at every level of its dimension, and figuratively it can only diverge from extreme positions.
Here we smoothly come to the second key conclusion:
In the proposed spatial model of the multidimensional Universe, the points of the zero and eighth dimensions coincide.
To imagine this, try dragging the top point of the model through the middle of the figure to the bottom point.
Sorry, I’m not good at 3D modeling, so I’m attaching what I got (cutaway model):

With such a modification of the model, our physical world - the fourth dimension, figuratively will remain in place. Manifested matter appears in the form of a torus, which is what our scientists observe today. The “World Tree” ceases to be a tree in terms of its visual image, because the birth of a new World is possible only at the “point of Everything” and nowhere else. The most suitable illustration for the model of this “tree”, in my opinion, is a decorative onion flower:

where each World is a separate flower, and all the flowers converge at one point - the Creator.
Such a model of the entire Universe as a whole removes another problem in the “tree image”. If we imagine the Universe in the form of sequentially connected Worlds, then there is no way to avoid duplicating information in these sequences. New information to the extreme World on a “branch” must pass through its parent World, and since the extreme World is at the time of birth an exact copy of the parent, there will no longer be any results that differ from each other in this “branch”. The two Worlds will be an exact copy of each other. In the new model, this problem does not exist in principle - there are Worlds that are connected through a switch - the Creator, which allows the copying of information between Worlds.

As you, dear reader, understand, all these illustrations are only an attempt to present in accessible images what cannot be fully represented by them. Our entire Universe as a whole can be depicted as one single point with an infinite density of information, and this will also be correct, but the imagery so familiar at our level of perception will disappear.

In the next article we will talk about a refined development model.
