How to make protection from black magic. Energy Protection

Recently, there has been a renewed interest in witchcraft rituals of black magic.

In part, this interest is supported by companies and publishing houses that publish various brochures, books, magazines and other publications that promote black magic for their own material gain.

There is also a growing number of magicians, soothsayers and soothsayers who promise to improve your life.

However, neither one nor the other, attracting ordinary inhabitants to this dangerous world, almost never mention that the appeal to black magic cannot pass without a trace, that it will always have Negative consequences related to the life and health of you and your loved ones.

Very often, rituals performed during the performance of magical rites turn into mental disorders of the participants, mental and physical discomfort.

Often, negative spills over to the descendants of those who turned to magicians and fortune-tellers for help. Black magic rituals should never be used to satisfy immoral interests. This will definitely come back to you or your loved ones and you will be very sorry for your deeds.

Among ordinary people, there are many who are sure that damage or the evil eye has been directed at them. Such people run for help to fortune-tellers and magicians, who often, for the purpose of material gain, confirm the “rightness” of a frightened person and begin to perform rituals to remove damage and cleanse.

In principle, such rites are harmless if they are performed by at least an average sorcerer. But, in most cases, guesswork about the evil eye is just an assumption of suspicious people. Cases when witchcraft is directed at a person are still not as common as it seems to many of us.

There are several ways to protect yourself from the alleged influence of magicians and sorcerers. First of all, in order for the negative energy to not affect your consciousness, it is necessary that the aura surrounding you be impenetrable for this penetration. Strengthen your aura and make it stronger in your power. There are spiritual practices, the regular use of which will help you with this.

In order to protect yourself from third-party interference, you need to strengthen your aura.

Choose a time when no one can disturb you. Relax and imagine that your body is surrounded by bright blinding white light. Light comes from under your feet and covers you completely, completely enclosing you. All parts of your body are under the protection of this extraordinary light. Mentally turn to the light and send it your request for protection and protection from all sorts of dangers associated with exposure. evil forces. This white light is the protection of your soul.

Invoking and turning to the light should become your daily ritual. Every day you will become stronger and soon you will feel that you have become less receptive to the influence and impact that came from outside. Strengthening your protective aura is not as difficult an action as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is your confidence that you can handle it.

There are magical symbols that can reflect negativity and anger directed at you.

The five-pointed star and the six-pointed star (the seal of Solomon, which strengthens the soul) are considered the strongest and most effective. Two triangles of Solomon's seal, crossed among themselves, symbolize the eternal victory of Good over Evil.

Another powerful tool protection from evil influences is the cross. Choose for yourself the talisman closest to you. Listen to yourself, having understood which of the symbols suits you, take it and always carry it with you.

Among the plants there are also those that can protect your soul from negativity. First of all, it is rosemary. If you apply a few drops of rosemary oil to your body every morning, it will help strengthen your mental strength and protect you. you as a wall from ill-wishers.

The geranium familiar to us also possesses similar properties to drive away everything negative. You can prepare the oil yourself, which will have a powerful protective effect, in case damage or the evil eye is directed at you. To do this, mix equal parts of geranium, rosemary and cypress oil, and apply a few drops of the resulting essence daily on the body.

Many of us often use onions and garlic to help with colds. But these plants have the ability to fight not only with physical ailments, but also help the soul not to succumb to aggressive influence.

There is a proven folk method protection, which is applied at night. Two onions, cut into two equal parts, should be laid out in the four corners of the room where you sleep. During the night, they will not only absorb all the bad and harmful energy that came from outside, but will not allow new negative forces to penetrate you. In the morning, gather the onion halves together. But remember that you can not touch them with your hands.

The collected parts of the bulbs should be buried, but it is better to burn them in order to finally destroy the evil directed at you. Garlic scattered on the floor at night will also protect you from the otherworldly influence of evil forces. Waking up in the morning, as in the case of onions, garlic must be collected without touching it with your hands, buried or burned.

Signs that indicate that you are being influenced, that another person is trying to subdue your will are the following manifestations: you constantly think about a person who is unpleasant to you, no matter what you do, you can’t get rid of these thoughts at night you often have dreams or the same dream where this person is present, being in the same room with this person, you begin to feel discomfort and insecurity, at night or late in the evening you have an alarming feeling that someone is present in the room, you unexpectedly accepting the point of view of the person with whom you categorically disagree, you get the feeling that you are unable to resist someone else's influence.

With the manifestation of such sensations, you should think about whether this person applies the rituals and techniques of the rites of black magic to you. Remember everything about this person, you may have heard in a conversation that he believes in otherworldly forces or is interested in the sciences of supernatural forces.

Ordinary chicken eggs are often used by magicians and sorcerers during sessions of black magic. There is a simple explanation for this. Chicken eggs are able to absorb negative and negative energy.

There is a simple way to protect yourself from the penetration of otherworldly forces into your aura..

To do this, take a fresh egg, wash it under cold water. Water must be flowing. Wipe it off with a clean cloth or rag. On a clean egg, carefully so as not to break it, write your name with a soft graphite pencil and place it at the head of the bed on which you sleep. The egg should be placed at the same level as your head. You can place it on your bedside table, armchair or table. The main thing - on the same level with your head during sleep. In this place, the egg should lie for one week. After seven days, take the egg in which the negative energy invested in your head has accumulated, take it to the toilet, break it there and pour it into the toilet, not forgetting to flush the water. If it happens that the egg breaks or cracks earlier, you will need to repeat the entire cleaning procedure from the beginning. The egg has a unique ability to intercept, absorb and extinguish negative energy directed at you by ill-wishers.

The flowers that are in the house, both live and freshly cut, have a positive effect on your peace of mind and protect from the effects of otherworldly forces. They not only stop and absorb negative energy, but also radiate positive.

Roses and carnations do very well with these, especially white color. Cyclamen is also considered a very "strong" plant that can protect you from bad influences. It is recommended to place it in the bedroom and in those places where the inhabitants of the house like to relax.

Even from the stories of our grandmothers and folk tales, we know that the fern is a magical plant that helps to cope with evil spells. The same applies to ivy. An exotic palm plant for us, decorative species of which are presented in a variety of pots, themselves share with us the energy that strengthens the spirit and renews spiritual strength.

Petals must be from seven flowers. They can also be thrown as a whole, without disassembling into petals. Water and carnation flowers combined with white color will purify your thoughts, soul, help strengthen your aura. After the procedure, you should collect the petals and throw them away so that the negative energy concentrated in them does not remain in your home. If you have a garden plot, a garden or a vegetable garden, go outside barefoot early in the morning. Walk on the grass covered morning dew. You will be nourished morning energy the rising sun and the awakening earth. This simple technique will strengthen both physical and mental strength.

Remember that if your thoughts and intentions are pure and selfless, you cannot be harmed by a person with evil intentions. There is a famous saying of Gautama Buddha: a fool who does evil to a good, pure and sinless person - the evil he does will return to him, like dust thrown against the wind ".

Therefore, try to stop yourself when you feel anger or envy towards someone around you. Remember that your aura is shining, that you are surrounded by light and goodness. Be pure and sincere in your thoughts.

If you are a believer, then most likely it will be very difficult for a sorcerer directing his influence on you to cope with his task. Faith helps us regardless of whether we are aware of attempts to influence us from the outside in order to break our spirit or not. A person who is sincere and pure in his faith, pious and righteous, is not subject to the influence of sorcerers and magicians, no otherworldly forces can penetrate the protection created by God.

The first help in all situations when a person is upset, insecure or broken is always the words of prayer. Christians in such cases always turn to the Lord's Prayer from the Twenty-third and Ninety-first Psalms. These prayers help protect and cope with any troubles and misfortunes.

If you understand that you are being affected by witchcraft, you should never turn to black magic to strike back. Your actions will only exacerbate and complicate the situation. Pray for your ill-wisher, sympathize with him, think that he does this not because he sincerely wishes you harm, but because he himself is unhappy, because something is not working out in his own life. Pray for his soul to find its way to Light and Goodness.

There is one simple way to deal with possible interference in your life by otherworldly magical or witchcraft influences.

Gotta get through fast flowing water. It can be a shallow river or stream, the main thing is that the current carries away the negative that you immerse in it by going into the water. The water current has special properties - it is able to neutralize the connection between the ill-wisher and the victim to whom the spell is directed.

Very effectively helps to repel the negative impact of the attacker and direct contact. To do this, looking directly into the eyes of the ill-wisher, very clearly and confidently say: "You have no power over me!". If you do not have the opportunity to meet this person, repeat these words mentally to yourself.

The main thing is that you must be sure that you are right. If it seems to you that someone is trying to subdue you to their will, even if you are not completely convinced of this, limit your communication with this person. if a person persists, let him know that no matter what he has in mind, he will not be able to achieve his goals at the expense of you.

Such a direct response, but not negative, but protective, will direct the action of evil forces against the offender himself.

Conspiracies against black magic will help you protect yourself from the influence of negative energies inherent in such destructive actions as a directed strike by a black magician or sorcerer.

It should be remembered that black magic is most often aimed not at roughly “breaking” a person, but at finding a weakness in him, a “hole” and already taking advantage of it. But if you own at least one protective conspiracy, then you will not be afraid of black magic, since conspiracies just cover up such “gaps”.

Black magic conspiracy 1

I’ll get up early, servant of God, early, early, wash myself with God’s dew, go out of the gate into the gate, out of the gate into the open field. And in the open field there is a white church, and seventy-seven candles, seventy-seven fires of God are burning in it. Seventy-seven candles burn out all the terrible and fierce deeds in the life of a servant of God (name), those seventy-seven candles burn out dashing and demonic deeds from the life of a servant of God (name), those seventy-seven candles burn out all conspiracies, damage, slander and whispers from life servant of God (name). May the Lord and his angels protect the servant of God (name) from the sorcerer and sorceress, from the sorcerer and sorceress, from the young and the old, from every lesson and the evil eye, from every unclean and evil person, from everything dark and black magic. And just as no one can move the white church from its place, and just as no one can overcome the word of God, so no one can alter my words, speak, whisper, and the Lord and the power of angels will guarantee me that, and black magic does not matter to me. My conspiracy is strong and powerful and the power in it is seventy-seven candles, God and angels. In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. From now on, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Black magic conspiracy 2

As the sun rises above the earth, so the power of God rises in me, overshadows with its grace, fills me with its power. I will go, the servant of God (name) in the wide world. And wherever I step, the witch will retreat from me, her evil eyes will scatter to the sides, her damage will scatter to the sides, all kinds of evil deeds, objectionable to God and saints, will scatter to the sides of her. May they curse the witch herself and her evil eye, and her corruption, and all her unclean deeds. And it will never touch me, the servant of God (name), the witch and her evil eye, and her damage and her unclean deeds. The power of God is with me, the grace of God is in me, all the saints and saints are with me, the sign of the cross is with me, so black magic will disappear and will not take me. And just as no one can drink all the oceans, and just as no one can extinguish all the stars, so no one can talk to anyone about my plot, whisper it, change it, and send black magic on me, don’t throw it. And for every black magician - trouble, death and oblivion, and for every dark deed of black magic - weakness and impotence. Strength and power to my words. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From now on, forever and ever. Amen.

Signs of a magical attack can be: any physical, psycho-emotional deviations for no particular reason. In order to protect in repelling a blow in the same magic, quite powerful techniques have been developed that have been practiced for more than one century, and therefore these are effective and relevant techniques of magical defense today. When using protective magic, it is not recommended to engage in a ritual with "poor health."

Most magical activities should not take place without certain security measures. It should be remembered about the law of Karma or the causal relationship "what a man sows, that he will also reap." Wouldn't have thrown a boomerang. When a magical attack occurs, it is not so easy to determine from whom the attack is coming - accordingly, the chances of effective neutralization are reduced. But one can definitely say that best method protection against all attempts at negative magical and psycho-energetic influence is to have strong mental and physical health, more or less pure karma and a high spiritual level (this is the best protection in Magic).

Protection in Magic directly depends on the Karma of a person. It is one thing when a blow goes to an idle, lazy and insecure person who, in his affairs and duties towards many people, is a debtor, and quite another when the energy sent collides with a self-confident person full of self-respect for good reason. Quite, aggression can turn against the attacker. Magic Protection- Protection from impacts Protection is the methods and means of protection from various kinds mental attack, aggression: evil eye, damage, involtation (conspiracies for illness or death), from zombies, coding, etc. adverse effects on humans.

Protection is usually in the form of magical actions and means: amulets, prayers, conspiracies. It is believed that the egregor to which a person belongs also serves as his protection in extreme situations, especially if you mentally turn to him for help.

The best and most reliable protection against psychic attacks and influences in esotericism is the purity of the soul, thoughts, the degree of spirituality and consciousness of the person himself. Like sticks to like, so if a person was able to remove all negative emotions and thoughts from his soul, then he is protected better than any amulets and magical actions.

Usually evil sticks to those who still carry it in their souls. The emanations of evil, which failed to break through the bright aura of a highly spiritual person, automatically return to the one who sent them and strike him.

Protection Energy Cocoon

Sit in a comfortable position, put your right foot on your left, join your hands. Then mentally (you can help with circular movements of the head), starting from the soles, gradually rising up in a spiral, create rotating circular energy flows around you, narrow them above your head until the “cocoon” is completely closed. Energy flows must be dense. The movement of energy should be directed clockwise.

Protection Triple Retribution

Take a candle, a thread 70 cm long, lamp oil, sand, a sharp knife. Mentally draw a magic circle around you, you can use chalk. Take a knife and on the bottom of the candle write the name of your offender, aggressor, or come up with a figurative name for him. Holding the candle in your hands, breathe on it three times, exhaling all the negative impact from yourself.
Then tie a thread around the candle, and start wrapping it around the candle counterclockwise, imagining that you are surrounded by a huge protective cocoon in the form of an egg.

Winding the thread, constantly repeat the spell:
Three times three, as you sowed,
The fruits are ripe, collect them,
For good and for evil, for praise and blasphemy,
Let God decide your fate!

The thread must be wound from the bottom up, in a spiral, trying not to leave free space on the candle. Tie a knot at the top. Take lamp oil, saturate a candle with it, pour sand into a saucer, strengthen the candle and set it on fire. Mentally think that along with the candles, all the negativity directed at you burns out.

Protection Witch bottle

Take glass bottle, fill it up to half with sharp objects: pins, needles, broken glass, fill it all with a mixture of water and salt and cork the bottle tightly.

Read the plot three times:
“I am walking across an open field, seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, evil, unsociable.
Go you, demons with half-spirits, to dashing people.
Keep them on a leash so that I am safe and sound from them along the way and the road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, on land and on water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble.
My plot is long, and my words are strong.

Find a secluded place and bury the bottle to a depth of more than 40 cm. Very effective protection, lasts for 5-7 years.

Salt will cleanse your home

In order to cleanse your home of unwanted energy and vibrations, you should sprinkle some sea salt in every corner of every room in your home.

This ritual is very good to use if you have moved to a new place of residence, since sea salt effectively neutralizes the energy and vibrations of the former owners of the house or apartment.
You can also use this ritual after a quarrel or some other unpleasant event has occurred in your home.

Smoke your house with sage smoke

White sage is traditionally used to cleanse the space, neutralize negative energy.

If you want to cleanse your home of unwanted energy and negative vibrations, set fire to a bunch of sage (you can use essential oil sage and a special aroma lamp).

The smoke of burning sage will gradually spread throughout your house and cleanse it of unwanted vibrations for you, neutralize negative energy.

Sweep negative energy out of your home

Many mistakenly believe that a witch only needs a broom to fly on it. The true purpose of the magic broom is cleansing, freeing the house from unwanted,
negative and destructive energy and its preparation for magical rituals.

For these purposes, with the same success, you can use a regular broom, which you sweep every day. However, if you have the desire and time, you can make your own magic broom. To do this, you will need straw, twigs, or any other natural material available.

Now, every time before you perform any magical ritual, sweep, in the literal sense of the word, the air in the space of the dwelling where you are going to perform it.

Atam getting rid of bad energy in the house

The athame, or magical dagger, is used primarily as a tool to purify, eliminate, and neutralize negative vibrations and energies.

You can perform this ritual as soon as you move into a new home, after a strong quarrel in the house, during a period of trouble and failure, before another magical ritual or in those periods of life when you feel that you need to clear your living space.

Pick up your athame, stretch your arms out in front of you and start swinging your dagger as if you were cutting a path through the bush through the forest.
“Cutting your way through,” repeat the following phrase:
“Now this place is cleared of negative, harmful and destructive energy” and imagine that as you “cut through” dark cloud negative energy, the space around you is lit up with a bright white light.

become invisible

You will need:
black candle; a round piece of black matter (silk is best);
fern seeds; a piece of obsidian, black tourmaline or smoky quartz crystal; black rope, lace or thread.

As a result of this ritual, of course, you will not become invisible, just if you want, others will not see you. This ritual is performed on the night when new Moon You will need fern seeds collected on the day of the summer solstice before midnight. Collect them every year so that you always have them on hand just in case.

Light a candle. Place the seeds along with the mineral on the black cloth. Tie it with rope, seven knots. When tying a knot, say out loud or mentally: “I am free to go wherever I want. Magic spells will protect me. No one will see me."

Let the candle burn to the end, or extinguish it after ten minutes. Looking at the fire, imagine that you are wrapped in a dark veil and therefore, when you go about your business, no one sees you.

Ritual for protection from magic

This protective ritual will help ward off the aggression of ill-wishers.
Materials: a small piece of white chalk, altarpieces (+ compass).

for Saturday - the spirits of Saturn: tobacco (incense), dope, mimosa or black candle;
for Tuesday - the spirits of Mars: red pepper (can be ground), cloves (incense or flowers) or a red candle.

Time: sunset, night.
Ritual progress:

1. Place on the altar (or a special place allotted for a while for the altar) the symbols of the four Elements:

incense (incense) in the East,
a red candle in the South,
stone in the West and
a bowl of water - in the North.

2. Announce the purpose of the ritual (protection from...).
3. Place the Magic Circle.
4. Call on the spirits of the Elements and the spirits of the day of the week to help you (the spirits of Saturn, if you do the ritual on Saturday / the spirits of Mars, if you do the ritual on Tuesday), and turn to them with a request, once again announcing the purpose of your ritual.
5. Take a piece of chalk, bless it with the Elements and ask to endow it with Strength. To do this, clockwise, starting with the Element of Air in the East at the smoking incense, say:
“Oh, powerful spirits of Air, spirits of Saturn (or Mars, if you do the ceremony on Tuesday), come and consecrate this chalk! Give him strength to protect me!”
Then over the candle flame in the South:
“Oh, powerful spirits of Fire, spirits..., come and consecrate this chalk! Give him strength to protect me!”
Do the same with the rest of the Elements.
6. After that, draw a circle around you with chalk and read the following spell of protection 9 times, keeping your enemy in your thoughts:

"I'm on this side
You are on that
You shouldn't scream
For me, be silent.
Your mouth is closed
Your thoughts are surrounded by silence,
Stand like a dumb
You are silent with me
Don't scream for me.
Let it be so."

(If you have a lot of such ill-wishers, then read 9 times for each.)
7. Thank the spirits for their help and make a sacrifice with gratitude (if it is incense or a candle, leave them to burn out to the end).
8. Close the Magic Circle.
9. Clear the place, dismantle the altar.
This ritual helps to pacify enemies, but it does not remove the causes of quarrels and enmity.

Is it possible to protect yourself from magical influences on your own? What rituals and items are the most effective?

The negative magical effect has many manifestations: the evil eye, damage or curse. However, any kind is aimed at bringing problems to a person in any field of activity, therefore the question of “how to protect yourself from negativity” is considered relevant at all times.

A person can receive a share of negative energy absolutely anywhere, even in public transport where full of evil, dissatisfied own life of people. So get under bad influence maybe a person who has not done anything wrong to another.

Any person is endowed with a biofield, which is the preservation of life's positive potential. Destroying it, through negative energy, a person, a discord appears in interpersonal relationships.

"Strong magicians" argue that each person has his own specific reaction to the negative imposed. Someone can seriously suffer even from, and someone cannot be overcome even by the most experienced sorcerer or witch.

Nested ring method

As a rule, the elderly and children are the main target for negative energy, because they have very strong energy data and often become attractive to dark forces. The question of whether belief or denial of a person somehow affects side effects, is quite logical. However, a person is able to suffer from negativity, regardless of their own ideas. Exist effective ways increase resistance to negative impacts. Each person can do it on their own, without performing magical rites. But it is worth remembering that it is unlikely this way will help in the fight against an experienced black magician, although from the usual evil eye, this is an effective defense option.

The easiest way to protect yourself from negativity is to use a closure frame. When a person in the process of communication feels like he is not at ease, he needs to cross his arms and legs. Such a posture will help not only protect yourself from negativity, but also evil eye. It is also an effective option in the fight against people who love to feed their own strength at the expense of the energy of other people. The so-called "ring" has an equally strong effect. To do this, it is necessary to form a ring by closing the index fingers. In this case, the remaining fingers should overlap.

To use the nested ring method, you need to connect the index and thumb, depicting a ring. We put it on one palm, and cover the top with the other. Periodically change hands and repeat the process. If everything is done correctly, then often a person begins to feel how the space around him narrows to a certain extent. This is a good sign, since the person is under the protection of a powerful field.

Items and charms for protection

Despite all the inner strength of a person, it is recommended to consolidate the result with the help of magic items or amulets. To do this, it is not necessary to contact an experienced specialist, since you can make it yourself. There are many optimal options for every taste and color:

1. It is necessary to tie a cross with a woolen red thread - two branches of mountain ash crosswise. It helps a lot with protection in the house, if it was visited by a person with bad thoughts.

2. To get rid of negativity on the threshold, in the hallway or hall next to the mirror, you need to place a small broom from St. John's wort.

3. Top entry door with reverse side it is necessary to stick a needle filled with woolen thread.

4. Thistle can be stored absolutely anywhere in the apartment. From his position, the effect will not decrease. It serves as the main assistant in the fight against negativity.

5. Under the rug, located in the hallway at the entrance, put a small sprig of wormwood.

Magic Defense Methods

There are other ways to protect yourself from negativity. Also in Ancient Rus', the villagers diligently built protection for themselves and their loved ones from negative impact surrounding. The main assistants in this matter were the most common peeled onions. Even if something bad could penetrate the dwelling, then the onion, thanks to its pulp, will quickly absorb it, preventing it from spreading to the people living in the house. To avoid diseases, failures in work and other areas of activity, it is necessary to clean three bulbs and place them in the apartment. We take a needle and thread a red thread into it. Then we pierce the bulb with this needle from the bottom up. We wrap the entire head of the bow with a thread and hang it like a talisman in a hidden place from the eyes of strangers. The bulbs should remain in this state for a week. Then they must be removed and put on a regular sheet of paper. Sprinkle each with salt, separately, wrapping in paper, and burn. The action of the rite is aimed at cleansing the living quarters from negative energy. Also, this method helps to form protection from the evil eye, damage or curse for the future.

Another technique can be used only if a person is endowed with the ability to sense objects at different distances. First of all, everyone, through their imagination, must mentally learn to touch the surrounding objects with their eyes. When the practice is mastered, you can begin to build the "egg". It is necessary to imagine that a cross is formed from several peas in a horizontal plane. If you mentally try to rotate it, you should get a hoop. The magical egg must be dense and durable, and its structure will be the same biofield that helps protect a person from negative influences.

The cross has more than just religious significance. It is important to remember that the closer the cross is to the body, the more reliable protection you can provide yourself. If the cross was purchased in the church, then only baptized person. Otherwise, you can call on yourself punishment from above and spoil your own karma. It is also recommended to read the prayer “Our Father” from time to time.

How to protect yourself from black magic.

How to protect yourself from black magic

It so happened that some people follow the path of Love and goodness, while others follow the path of evil. While some are learning to heal people, others are mastering the science of wrecking with the help of black magic. For some people, happiness is the healing of a person, for others - the joy of harming someone or bringing him to the grave. The possibilities of black magic are quite significant. The possibilities of black magicians should not be underestimated. And they are called so because they use only the power of evil. Black magic specialists, acting covertly and imperceptibly, have in their arsenal a large set of malicious capabilities.

From generation to generation, for centuries, passing on their knowledge, usually through the female line, they expanded their capabilities. There was a gradual accumulation of ways to harm people in every possible way, and some succeeded in their ability to do evil. Any person, without knowing it, can become a target of such influence. Therefore, knowledge on this topic will not be superfluous to anyone. For specialists in black magic, it is not difficult to cause illness, cast a love spell, and even destroy a person.

Such an influence itself is especially dangerous due to its secrecy and ignorance of a person, since the impact on him is in the energy plan. It is already known that disturbances in human energy then lead to physical consequences, since everything is closely interconnected. Performing various manipulations with his aura, adding essences and various energy formations, all spheres of his life are subsequently violated in him. That is why, in order to protect against black magic, one should know its real possibilities.

There is an opinion that if a person does not believe in black magic at all or considers himself invulnerable from it, then he is completely protected from such an impact. Considering this is nothing more than an illusion, and such an approach can be compared with the well-known ostrich maneuver. Such an opinion will not help at all in the case when such a specialist wants to harm this person.

Thus, people of darkness create incurable diseases, take away husbands from the family with love spells and simply bring a person to the grave. To do this, it is enough for them to have a photograph of a person or his thing. Enumerate all their various dirty tricks can be long enough. It seems to someone that taking a person to the grave or taking away someone else's husband with the help of a love spell is a pretty good decision. It may seem so only at first glance.

Short-term gains are followed by long-term consequences. For example, women doing a love spell on a man do not know how this affects his health. By planting a foreign energy formation in his aura, he then experiences various disturbances in certain zones. In any case, we are talking about a negative impact and, as a result, a person will have illnesses and life failures. By placing such a formation on the solar plexus chakra, it is easy to cause cancer of the esophagus and stomach. Usually those who make such an impact, then they themselves can no longer remove it. No one can hide from the long-term consequences, because for every action there is a reaction. You may not even pay this bill in this life, but it will certainly be presented.

You should see not only this life, but your path in eternity, where today's actions will definitely return with consequences tomorrow. While doing evil today, the specialist in black magic will still have to answer for his deeds, although this is a small consolation for those who suffered from it. Debts will have to be paid. Consequences follow a person's choice, and therefore it is so important not to make a mistake when walking along the path of life.

Naturally, people who have realized the likely danger want to protect themselves from black magic, and in the event of such an impact, cleanse themselves of it. In the case of such a negative influence, it is necessary to clear it of it as soon as possible. When all sorts of negative influences have not yet penetrated deeply into a person's energy, it is much easier to remove them.

If, for example, damage enters the head, it will be very difficult to remove it from there. Corruption is the habitation of an energy formation from a dark plane onto a person. Breaking through the aura, it clings to the physical body and gradually begins to penetrate into it. As you know, damage from the word spoil and this negative formation changes normal energies into negative ones. They then accumulate in the human body and cause physical disorders. Slowly creeping into the energy channels and chakras, damage completely blocks the movement of vital energy and negatively affects human tissues. With the hands, the corruption feels like a cold and prickly object, usually about the size of a large walnut.

The evil eye is very similar in energy structure to damage, but its negative power is much weaker and it is much smaller in size. However, even such a weak effect causes illness in humans. For example, the evil eye on the jaw will cause damage and loss of teeth, which suddenly crumble. It was the evil eye that caused the destruction of the teeth, which eventually penetrated into the jaw and exerted its harmful effect on them.

The variety of various harmful effects of black magic may even surprise the layman, but the main danger lies precisely in the secrecy of such influence. Black magicians can bring many misfortunes to people and they bring them every day. Doing their dirty work, usually at night, they rejoice when they see how a person suffers from illnesses and dies. Such an impact is not advertised, but is the cause of many incurable diseases and deaths. According to some reports, about 25 percent of deaths are associated with black magic. Even if it is only 10 percent, it will be quite comparable to the genocide of people.

On the physical plane, it will be diagnosed as a definite diagnosis and physical disorder, which will be unsuccessfully treated by doctors. Physicians, with their limited knowledge, will treat as they were taught, without thinking about the deeper cause of the disease. Possessing incomplete knowledge about a person, in cases of exposure to black magic, doctors will not be able to help a person. Although it is quite possible to see such an external negative impact in the photographs of the aura taken using the Kirlian method. In such pictures, distortions of the human energy field are clearly visible.

A specialist can also determine such a harmful effect. A similar problem exists and not being aware of it means not being ready for the possible influences of black magicians. In a particularly tragic situation are people who absolutely do not believe in such a harmful effect and therefore refuse the help of specialists. People, looking for a way out of their difficult situation, turn only to doctors, not realizing that they will not be able to heal them.

Unfortunately, even turning to various psychics, you will not always find the right solution to your problem. Such ''specialists'' find damage, love spells, etc. that do not exist in a person, and then allegedly remove them, of course, for a fee. Taking advantage of people's fears, having neither knowledge nor abilities, they simply earn money without helping them in any way. There are those who, even in a difficult case, will try to solve the problem of a person. Unfortunately, it is much easier to mess up than to fix everything later, but there is always a reaction to any action.

The main thing for a person who has become a target of black magic is to determine such an impact in time. By carefully listening to your inner feelings, it is possible to get the first alarm signal. Even a disease always has its own good reason, without which it will never come to a person. Where there is a negative impact of an energetic nature, it is also necessary to determine such impacts. Self-diagnosis with the help of hands is, perhaps, the best option for a person. In this case, you will no longer need to trust different specialists. In addition, it is quite difficult to assess the real possibilities of a psychic, because it is not easy even for a specialist. However, after spending a few days developing the sensitivity of the hands, it is possible for everyone to find the effects of black magic. Such influences always consist of negative energies. After a correct diagnosis, it becomes easy to find an antidote.

Unfortunately, now information on black magic has become much more accessible, where they even exchange experience. The spread of such destructive knowledge will only lead to an increase in negative impacts on people. So that for a person there is no surprise factor from the effects of black magic, he needs to diagnose their manifestations in time. Usually such a negative energy formation is located on the outer part of the body. By running a sensitive hand along the body and listening to your feelings, such negative effects can be detected. During diagnosis, special attention should be paid to the chakras and the head, as they are often the target of black magic.

Protection from black magic

Ways to counteract black magic are divided into preventive and neutralizing (cleansing). Preventive - this is when a person monitors the purity of his Soul in advance and is in high energies. A stable connection with God is one of the main factors of protection against such negative influences.

Unfortunately, it often happens that it is the charge of curse energy that pollutes the crown chakra. It is she who is both a receiver and a transmitter of energy. A person who does not have a stable energy channel with God turns out to be unprotected before black magic. Cleansing the crown chakra is one of the most important tasks for protecting oneself from such harmful influences. (See the article ‘’The practice of the healer’’)

The higher the internal frequency of energies, the stronger the aura will be in a person, which is his protective cocoon. However, when the channel with God is polluted, a person is deprived of such external energy assistance. If at the same time he also thinks negatively, then he will not have any protection from black magic at all. It is important to know that the inner energies of a person are determined by his Spirit. So it is said that a person has fallen in the Spirit or that he is in a depressed state of the Spirit. Such expressions indicate that a person has decreased the frequency of his energies.

A person can generate different energies and they directly depend on his feelings. It is possible to increase the frequency characteristics of the Spirit and one's internal energies only with the help of high feelings. It makes no sense to influence the Spirit in any other way, because it can only be influenced by feelings. The feeling of Love can raise the energies of the Spirit to this special vibration. In this case, a person will be maximally protected from black magic.

Thus, following the state of the Spirit and the purity of one's Soul, it is possible to create such a strong energy cocoon, which will be very difficult to break through. The higher the energy of a person, the more difficult it is for black magicians to introduce their negative formations into him. Knowing this, before exerting their harmful effect, they cause a scandal out of the blue, deliberately weakening the protection of a person. Sometimes they are just waiting for various troubles in the family and all in order to more successfully influence the chosen victim. That is why the best protection is the inner high energies of the Spirit, with a pure Soul. Darkness recedes only before light.

When such a harmful effect has already been made, it is important to determine its essence. Then you need to find an antidote and cleanse yourself of the influence of black magic. Many negative impacts are on the outside physical body and only with time penetrate into it. After finding them, they must be removed, for which different methods are used. For example, simple egg effectively removes damage and evil eye, as well as some other effects. To do this, you just need to roll the body with an egg.

In each case, a different antidote is used, for example, against a curse, special prayer. When a person is cursed at a meeting, he needs to close his chest chakra with his hand. In this case, the curse will not be able to penetrate the Soul of a person and his essence. It is through the chest chakra that the energy exchange between people takes place, which is the entry point. It is erroneously believed that for energy security a person should close the solar plexus. The soul of a person energetically communicates with the Souls through the chest chakra. The same handshake is an acquaintance of people at the energy level through the palm chakras.

In the arsenal of black magic there are various techniques for harming a person. There is even an option to kill him. In cases of deadly bindings on a person, it is possible with the help of the energy impact of the hands. In such cases, it is necessary to observe your energy security. Each approach has its strengths and weak sides. The main thing in cleansing is high dissolving energies. Prayer is one of the tools of purification, because only high energy can dissolve the negative. Rejection from within by one's own internal vibrations allows one to purify oneself from many foreign negative influences of black magic.

The reality is that among the most ordinary people there are and operate the servants of darkness. They do not at all strive to somehow stand out, but at the same time they are very active in their vile deeds. But there is no need to both underestimate and overestimate the power of black magic. Love is always stronger than any evil and this energy will dissolve any negativity. In an energy clash, evil always loses the vibrations of Love.

People involved in black magic are direct servants of the devil, and it is with his help that they multiply the power of their influence. The essence of a person is determined by his eternal Soul, while similar people destroyed it in the name of evil. They exchanged eternity for momentary gain, giving away a treasure for a dummy. Having renounced God and kinship with Him, they have destroyed their Soul, but this is their choice. Those who practice black magic are not people in the usual sense. You still need to match, in order to be called a man. Not every two-legged HUMAN ... One way or another, they are among us and you need to be familiar with their tricks and black possibilities.

In almost any village you can find such people who, out of their anger and envy, harm people. The general harm of such actions leads to a considerable number of deaths, diseases and other misfortunes for people. It is even strange that there are no laws and punishments for such crimes yet. It is all the more strange that almost every leader of the country has specialists who monitor their energy security.

Many people know about this problem, but measures are still not taken, and people get sick and die. Recognizing this problem at the state level, then you have to admit that the Soul is not an abstract concept, but quite real. Then the realization of their Divine origin will come to people, but that is why no one will go for it. In such cases, one’s own safety is the concern of the person himself and knowledge on this topic will not be superfluous at all here.

So that the servants of darkness could not harm the body - the repository of the Soul, it is necessary to monitor its purity. A pure Soul and a high Spirit of a person is the best defense against black magic.
