God takes away sinners. Why death takes the most dear and beloved people

This question is asked by everyone who has lost loved one: child, husband, mother, father, sister. It is impossible to find an answer, but you need to gain strength and live on, because those who leave their loved ones forever do not want them to constantly cry and reopen their wound.

Where does the soul of a loved one go after death?

At whatever age a loved one leaves, you need to understand that he went to better world to eternal life, to God. After physical death, life does not end, the soul finds peace and tranquility.

The expression “God takes only the best” can often be heard after the death of a person, as well as complaints that only good and good people leave, while scoundrels, scoundrels and murderers live. In fact, everyone dies, but when a loved one leaves forever, the ground leaves from under his feet, and it is impossible to live after his death.

After a loss, many people think not only about what happens to a loved one after death, but also about their feelings and experiences. Life…

Geronda, one mother lost her child nine years ago. Now she asks you to pray that she would see him at least in a dream and be comforted.

And how old was the child? Was he small? It matters. If the child was small and if the mother is in such a state that when he appears, she will not lose her peace of mind, then he will appear to her. The reason that the child is not, is in itself.

Geronda, can a child appear not to his mother, who asks about it, but to someone else?

How can it not! After all, God arranges everything in accordance [with our benefit]. When they tell me that a young man has died, I grieve, but I grieve as a human being. Indeed, by examining things more deeply, we will see that the more mature a person becomes, the more he needs to fight and the more sins he accumulates. Especially the people of this world: the longer they live, the more - with their cares, injustices and the like - they worsen their condition, instead of ...

Why do old people live and young people die? Concerning the fact that people die young, many of us have heard or have ourselves uttered the following bewilderment: “Why do old people live and young people die?” Here is what the holy fathers answer to these words.

Anthony Optinsky (Letters to various persons): “We cannot comprehend why the young die prematurely, and the old man is already bored with life itself and groans from impotence every now and then, but does not die. The Lord God, however, is all-wise, philanthropic and unknown to all of us and each one who arranges and bestows what is useful. For example, if one's days are preserved until very old age, he does good; if someone's life is interrupted in youth or infancy, then he is even more beneficent. The Holy Church assures us of the truth of these words in the troparion for the dead, saying to the Lord: “with the depth of wisdom, build all things lovingly, and give what is useful to all, the One Doer” ... According to this argument, we must leave or, at least, moderate our sorrow, so that did not have…

so many young people are leaving now... there are simply no words. this is how a person lives, makes plans for the future, and then life once - and ends abruptly ..
Well, let's start with the fact that a guy with whom we talked very often died recently. not live, but on the Internet. he is just the soul of the company (believe me, I know), the leader, he was always cheerful, purposeful, everyone envied him. and then a friend told me that he is no more. not at all believable. jumped from the 8th floor, because of a quarrel with a girl. this is how life ended.
the second ... my boyfriend's classmate went out of town in the winter. and disappeared. no one could find him, the police searched for two days and stopped everything. and a month later they found him dead in a snowdrift, frozen.
third. the most painful. The boyfriend of a former classmate died. 19 year old boy. died yesterday .. a week ago I dived in the river and ran into something .. broke my cervical vertebrae. lay unconscious in intensive care. once only came to his senses, and a few days later he died.
like this.. why for…

We met once by chance in the midst of a poplar blizzard
Close in the recent past, the former two girlfriends.
The first was called Life, the second - Death was called from birth:
Fashionista-Life - in a beautiful dress, Death - in strict attire.

This question is asked by everyone who has lost a loved one: a child, husband, mother, father, sister. It is impossible to find an answer, but you need to gain strength and live on, because those who leave their loved ones forever do not want them to constantly cry and reopen their wound.

Where does the soul of a loved one go after death?

At whatever age a loved one leaves, you need to understand that he went to a better world, to eternal life, to God. After physical death, life does not end, the soul finds peace and tranquility.

The expression “God takes only the best” can often be heard after the death of a person, as well as complaints that only good and good people leave, and scoundrels, scoundrels live on. In fact, everyone dies, but when a loved one leaves forever, the ground leaves from under his feet, and it is impossible to live after his death.

After a loss, many people think not only about what happens to a loved one after death, but also about their feelings and experiences. Life stops, becomes gray and faceless. A person who has lost a loved one turns into a shadow, stops making plans for the future, eats, drinks, lives only in memories, and the question of why death takes the most dear and beloved people does not leave for a minute.

How do you get over the death of a loved one?

The death of a loved one is a crisis to be overcome. Through trials, we become stronger and grow spiritually. After parting with a loved one, you need to gradually get out of depression, learn to live not with memories, but with the future and believe that the best is yet to come.

At first, you won’t be able to live without memories and tears; this is a normal reaction after a loss. But this period should not be allowed to be too long. A person goes to another world, when his time comes, nothing can be returned. With constant memories, you keep the soul of a loved one nearby, it is tormented, tormented and cannot find eternal peace.

You can not forget loved ones who have gone to another world, but you need to change your way of life, tasks and goals. Observe yourself, analyze your behavior, in no case close yourself off from the outside world, share your emotions and experiences, find people who need your help.

Why does death take loved ones? How to deal with it and move on? Where do they go and why is this happening? Everyone must answer these questions and learn to live again without relatives and loved ones.

Why do old people live and young people die? Concerning the fact that people die young, many of us have heard or have ourselves uttered the following bewilderment: “Why do old people live and young people die?” Here is what the holy fathers answer to these words.

Anthony Optinsky (Letters to various persons): “We cannot comprehend why the young die prematurely, and the old man is already bored with life itself and groans from impotence every now and then, but does not die. The Lord God, however, is all-wise, philanthropic and unknown to all of us and each one who arranges and bestows what is useful. For example, if one's days are preserved until very old age, he does good; if someone's life is interrupted in youth or infancy, then he is even more beneficent. The Holy Church assures us of the truth of these words in the troparion for the dead, saying to the Lord: “with the depth of wisdom, build all of humanity, and give what is useful to everyone, the One Doer” ... According to this argument, we must leave or, at least, moderate our sorrow so that it would not be imputed to us as a complaint against God that He supposedly does not treat us humanely.

Macarius of Optina (Letters, 3, 277): “each of us must die; but when, only God knows. And in this there is God's predestination when someone should die. If someone dies, at whatever age, in youth, or in old age, or in middle age, then it is appointed for him by God; then you need to be calm about this, only reconcile your conscience with repentance and good faith. No matter how long we live, we all must die; who dies young, then one must assume that God so pleases.

Ep. Germogen Dobronravin (Consolation in the death of those close to the heart): “What is said about babies, the same should almost be said about youthful age. If God takes young men to Himself, then, apparently, He takes them in good time: it is clear that they are already ripe enough for eternity, and the Lord takes them, “lest malice change his mind or flattery deceive his soul” (Wisdom 4, 11); and if they are not yet ripe, then they would be incomparably worse for heaven if they remained longer on earth.

Dmitry Rostovsky (Word of remembrance of I.S. Griboyedov...): “Scripture explains why the fate of God sometimes determines death young man. “He has been passed away,” it says, “he has been taken away, so that malice does not change his mind, or deceit does not deceive his soul” (Wisdom 4, 10-11). We will also add the following to this: he dies so that he no longer sees the wickedness of this world, “lying in evil” (1 John 5, 19), so as not to be burdened with the troubles of the present many-poor times, so as not to be overwhelmed like a ship , sea ​​waves- worldly sorrows. Paisius Holy Mountain ( Family life, part 6): “…having explored things more deeply, we will see that the older a person becomes, the more he needs to fight and the more sins he accumulates. Especially the people of this world: the longer they live, the more - by their cares, injustices and the like - they worsen their condition instead of improving it. Therefore, the person whom God takes out of this life in childhood or youth gains more than it loses. (Question) Geronda, why does God allow so many young people to die? (Answer) No one has yet signed a contract with God about when he should die. God takes each person at the most appropriate moment of his life, takes him in a special, only suitable way for him - so as to save his soul. If God sees that a person will become better, He leaves him to live. However, seeing that the person will become worse, He takes him away to save him. And others - those who lead a sinful life, but have a disposition to do good, He takes to Himself before they have time to do this good. God does this because He knows that these people would do good if given the opportunity to do so. That is, God does not care what he says to them: "Do not labor: even that good disposition that you have is enough." And someone else - very good, God takes to Himself, because in Paradise flower buds are also needed.
2. The following common bewilderment: "But the young man has not yet seen anything in life and has not experienced pleasure."

Firstly, this is what people usually say, who themselves perceive life as a pleasure and do not think about the constantly multiplying sins. To such people the fathers explain the following. Basil the Great (Letters, p. 292 (300)): “And if (the lad) died before his time, before he enjoyed life, before he came to the measure of age, before he became known to people and left the succession of the clan, then (as I assure myself) this is not an increase in sorrow, but a consolation in the grief that has befallen. This order of God binds us to thanksgiving that he did not leave orphans on earth, that he did not leave his widow wife, who would either give herself over to prolonged grief, or marry another husband and neglect her former children. And if the life of this lad did not continue in this world, then would anyone be so imprudent as not to recognize this as the greatest of blessings? For a continued stay here is an opportunity for a greater knowledge of evils. He did not yet do evil, did not plot intrigues to his neighbor, did not reach the point of having to join the fellowship of the evil ones, did not interfere in everything that happens worse in courts, did not fall under the necessity of sin, did not know either lies, or ingratitude, or covetousness, or voluptuousness , nor carnal passions, which are usually born in the souls of self-willed ones; he departed from us without branding our souls with a single stain, but the pure moved to a better lot. It was not the earth that hid the beloved from us, but heaven received him.”

Secondly, it should be noted that, as a rule, pictures are drawn in our imagination about the happy worldly life of our children, and this reinforces our misperception of death.

Macarius of Optinsky (Letters, 5, 89): “... does it matter - she would have died and lived for many years; but how many storms, sorrows and vicissitudes of life would she experience? The weeping did not feel sorry for her in this respect, and in their imagination a prospectus happy life; and that very rarely happens."

Alexey V. Fomin - Non-random "accidents"

or the will of God.

“I had a good friend of a young man. He was always kind to those around him. Kind, sympathetic - the soul of the company. He read a lot, showed great promise ... He had a job that was more like a vocation than just a job, beautiful girl, many friends. In the future, he could very well become a good priest. And then he died. An accident is a sudden death. We couldn't believe he was dead. They didn't want to believe. It was painful, embarrassing and scary. Nothing could be done, it was too late to promise someone for his life. The guy was buried and buried. It's been about two years now, and we're still wondering: why him? Why so early? He could do so much…”
This is a non-fictional story. Similar tragedies happen in the lives of many of us. And every time we ask: why so early? Why exactly him? Why does God take so early good people?!
It must be remembered that the Lord loves and cares for every person: “Are not two sparrows sold for an assarium? And not one of them will fall to the ground without the will of your Father; but even the hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:29-30). Nothing in this world will happen without His will or permission. Yes, there is evil in the world. But God is not the cause. People themselves, freely preferred earthly lusts, refusing the fullness of divine love. Evil is allowed in this world, because otherwise, people would have to be chained and completely immobilized. But not only at the hands of villains die good people. Death in disasters natural disasters, epidemics and other natural disasters are no easier than death from the knives of bandits. But we cannot blame God for this either - the cause of the cataclysms, again, is the fall of the first people. At the moment of man's renunciation of God, the whole world changed. Scripture says, "Death entered the world through the envy of the devil." (Wis 2:24)
But why does God allow such terrible evil? Why can't we save our loved ones? We must believe that the Lord is not inactive, but is watching over us at every moment of our lives. Especially when we suffer, endure misfortune and sorrow. The “lengthy catechism” of St. Philaret (Drozdov) defines the Providence of God as “the unceasing action of the omnipotence, wisdom and goodness of God, by which God preserves the being and strength of creatures, directs them to good goals, helps every good, and stops evil that arises through distance from good, or corrects and reverts to good consequences.
This is very important words. All the evil that the Lord allows into this world, He “turns to good consequences”! All! Including death.
We are afraid of death because we cannot test experimentally what is beyond it. Many miracles and testimonies, unfortunately, do not convince us that a person's life does not end beyond death. His personality remains and is preserved by God in anticipation of the coming day of Resurrection. The death test of faith is the most serious test at the end of the life of almost every person. Do not be afraid of imaginary oblivion, but continue to believe that you are about to meet the Creator Himself...
We hate death because the person after it disappears from our life. We can no longer meet with him, talk, do something together ... But in our grief, we must not forget the words Holy Scripture: "Pious men are raptured from the earth, and no one thinks that a righteous man is raptured from evil." (Isaiah 57:1). Sometimes, the Lord, through the death of the body, saves a person from sins that kill the eternal soul.
There is an answer to the question "why?". And we must find the courage to accept it. The great starey of the 19th century, Saint Ambrose Optinsky said: “The Lord is patient. He only ends the life of a person when he sees him ready for the transition to eternity, or when he sees no hope for his correction. This opinion is confirmed by many other holy ascetics.
At the moment of tragedy, we need to find strength in ourselves and remember why a person comes to this world? What is its purpose? What is its purpose? According to Orthodox faith the purpose of human life is deification. The maximum spiritual approach to the God who created it. In maxim - connection with Him. A person climbs into the best moment of his life, when his fate will be the most favorable, or the least painful. Sometimes, this happens after some kind of spiritual inner choice, which we may not even be aware of, communicating with him in last days his life.
It is not for us to judge for which of these two reasons our loved one died. It is not given to us to know what was actually hidden in the soul of a person behind his pious (or not so) deeds and deeds. But there are some things we can and must do.
At the moment of loss, we acquire one of two states. Either this is inconsolable grief, or this is a state of spiritual catharsis, described in an amazing form by the late bard Alexander Nepomniachtchi, in the song "Roads of Freedom":

The rest of peace, and the living cannot live without pain,
Without chamomile field, to the battle of crossed swords
And, of course, we cannot live without love, like the earth without salt.
Each death - your death - so become stronger
And purer than the morning dew from the grass that is mowed at dawn,
And more transparent than streams from countries that only children dream of,
Nameless soldier, what with the last grenade
He no longer waited for help, he simply remembered God ...

The death of a loved one, if we do not lock ourselves inside, can give us an impetus to the realization of eternity. If we share with a person at some point his experience of death, then we are freed from many unnecessary deeds, domestic quarrels and insults seem to us to be something completely insignificant. Useless pastime at the computer and TV - really empty and stupid. We begin to appreciate life. But this state is given to us for a reason. Our duty is to repay the deceased for what he gave even in his death, through our joint love he gave an invaluable lesson in the true meanings and values ​​​​of life. Therefore, our task is to direct all our strength to pray for his soul in the first days after his death, and throughout his life, every day, as much as possible, to pray for the salvation of his soul.
We have no right to such important points our lives emotionally unstick and forget about everything and everyone in our selfish self-pity. Let us pray for our neighbors and keep in mind the wise admonition: “Rejecting and distracting our minds from earthly unreasonable addictions, the Lord, as a true Physician, healing our soul, often rejects our desires and lusts, often turns them into sorrow and sorrow, so that we have sought from the Lord God immortal and eternal consolations that will never be taken away from us. For all this - earthly - exists for a small hour, for a short time, and that - heavenly - has to remain forever and ever, having no end.


Registration number 0417051 issued for the work: RELIGIOUS ARTICLES. PART 21 WHY DOES GOD TAKE VIRTUE PEOPLE EARLY?

In fact, death, the early departure of a person from life, cannot under any circumstances be called injustice or even punishment of a person or many people. No matter how death looks, everyone must understand very well that there is no and cannot be an accident in this, even if it was a plane crash, even if it was the result of military operations, even if it was an earthquake or a tsunami. God plans for everything and everyone before birth, and never a single person can escape his fate, no matter what it looks like. Nothing is and cannot be accidental, absurd, unfair, for everything is the Plan of God and therefore the unshakable Law and Holy. It is on this that life rests, it is from here that God develops a person, and in due time gives everyone only what he needs to be given, because not every continuation of life can be favorable for a person, and not all conditions in a given life can guide a person along ways of his own material and spiritual development; and only God Knows where a person's surrounding conditions and close people become an obstacle in his personal path of material and spiritual development, and only God Knows at what stage life should be interrupted and a person transferred to new conditions, to a new environment, to give him new opportunities or new way.

It should also never be said that God takes the best. This is a very, very big delusion, and if a person manifests himself not badly from a material point of view, then this is by no means his merit; but everything where he shows certain qualities, efforts, understanding, all this is given to him only by God, and only God really knows how much this person is sinful and virtuous before God and what qualities he actually possesses, and what means it must be rid of certain qualities; and sometimes the way of life and the conditions in which a person finds himself are by no means favorable for a person to continue his development and acquire those qualities that can raise him to a higher level of material and spiritual development. Very often such a prosperous, respected person, not a bad family man, bringing good to everyone and caring for virtuous qualities, if placed in a slightly different situation, then where all his qualities, as it were, of a high order will go, only God knows. Therefore, interrupting life, because it should have been interrupted according to God's Plan for a person, a person will certainly receive a birth after a not very long period where it is more favorable for him; when he dies or leaves the body for one reason or another, it can be understood that his future mother and father are already ready to accept him as their child, and circumstances allow him to enter the family that, with its wealth or not, the qualities of parents, their intelligence and general level development, those material opportunities that exist and that God will give, to everyone in themselves, as well as to all relatives, are ready to accept this child and invest in him those standards of upbringing, those qualities, those manifestations of oneself that are much more important for this soul and which he will very soon be raised to a higher level of material and spiritual development both through the capabilities of his parents, and through their qualities, and through their way of life and the foundations of the family, and through those deeds that God will give him in the new life.

And at all, also, it is not a fact that a person in new family will be even more successful or richer, or will show virtuous qualities aimed at others, because there will be no repetition, but there will be what God again plans for a person, and this can be poverty, and ignorance, and the path of asceticism, and the path losses, and the path of overcoming. For God does not always develop a person with prosperity and prosperity, and success, and respect for other people, but also develops many necessary qualities through humiliation, and through asceticism, and through the fact that now others will show virtuous qualities to you, and ask you you will have to, and you will have to borrow and learn that a person can not always be attractive or virtuous, because he can be very needy and will in no way be respected among those who measure wealth, prestigious work and what a person has and what gives. God will give such a way, and here problems, and here suffering, and overcoming, and let such a person learn to be both humble and patient, and let, now having nothing, learn to give the latter, even though he will not always be handsome or attractive in face and figure, let it be with those parents who were disgusting to him in a past birth, because they are poor, unhappy, unfortunate. Now let her live among such people and prove herself in such a way, and not as a well-known and respected person who has always believed that she is virtuous, that she does a lot and respect for her is in the order of things, and never thanked God, and never saw that everything she does is given by God, and everything is the Will of God, and who never worshiped God in the proper measure. Therefore, God takes from society such successful, jaded, and such virtuous and fortunate, and gives them that path that is weaker, sadder, where there is need, and where there are obstacles at every step, and where a person with no less great effort never has anything in society. does not deserve and is buried very, very modestly.

Also, God takes away really not very old people who are actually glorified, and hardworking, and virtuous, and merciful, and full of many qualities. But even here, only karma works. There is nothing else and there can be nothing else. If a person leaves early, then it is not always necessary for him to live somewhat worse in the next life. Sometimes, just that education or that activity simply exhausted everything that can be given and in which a person can be developed, and therefore God gives him a new birth and simply new opportunities or a new business, or the fulfillment of those desires that were extremely problematic to fulfill in the past body.

Also, sometimes it is necessary to have a person who has proved himself in such a way, possessing many not bad qualities, who really tries and is not afraid of either poverty or humiliation, who in fact understands everything, does not slander, is hardworking, such a person who has shown himself this way, you just need to be directed to the religious path , and in this case, such a person, through death, so that time simply does not go in vain, is sent to a religious track or to a religious family, where from childhood he consolidates his qualities through religion and religious principles, following the instructions of adults and thus achieves those qualities, with which very soon God directs him to devotional service in the conditions of the material world, and after a while a person reaches that level of spiritual and material development and those qualities that bring him to the spiritual plane by the Will and Plan of God.

Therefore, one should never grieve very much for those who leave young, who were attractive in their qualities and way of life, but one should understand that everything is only the Will of God, and after a certain period the soul will certainly be born again in the material world, and in a new family, having new opportunities, and in new conditions will continue its path, and there will be no way for a person beyond his strength, but still the way he deserved from God; and one must also understand that one who leaves the body early can certainly be a long-liver in the next life. You also need to understand that the person who cannot come to terms with the departure of his relatives and who grieves very, very much for the dead or deceased, such a person can also be taken away by God over time, and God can certainly lead him in such a way that in his next life he will certainly be next to the one for whom he wept so long and inconsolably, and God can simply show by the example of this person, giving him a neighbor or close relative or just a stranger, what are the qualities of this person; and very often such very, very dear people in past births, in this one they can bring very, very great suffering to those who mourned them, showing both rudeness, and violence, and other qualities, it would by no means seem to this person in past births and not characteristic.
But God very, very often brings together in the new birth both mother and son, and wife and husband, and brother and sister, and friends in the new birth, and shows what this person really is. Far and very far from always a person in new conditions retains his virtuous qualities, because they become unprofitable or not very suitable for a given financial situation, or simply a person received some freedom to act as it seems right to him and no longer adheres to any material standards. Therefore, one should not particularly praise anyone, and even in honor of the tragically dead, no organizations or institutions should be named, for this is a great deception that can perpetuate even that person who is absolutely not pleasing to God, just as one should not reward a person posthumously only for the death of an event, for God alone knows how diligent, patriotic and aware of what he was doing here. But only for truly heroic deeds, where a person really understood what was threatening him, and at the cost of his life saved or protected or prevented.
