What is made from broken glass in industry? Where and how cullet is received - price per ton and per kilogram, terms of delivery

Glass production imperfect and capable of leaving behind a lot of waste consisting of defective glass products and cullet. But this material has a unique feature, which is its ability to be endlessly recyclable, which makes it ideal for production. Glass recycling is especially relevant today, as the industry is developing every day. This is a rather labor-intensive process that involves various methods of glass processing. These methods require huge energy costs, without which production cannot do without, because you can’t just throw cullet into a landfill, because the decomposition period of the material ranges from 500 to 1000 years. Discarded broken bottle with its appearance it will be able to remind more than one generation of the carelessness of its ancestors.

What is cullet and glass waste?

Cullet- these are fragments of glass products that are formed during the production of glass containers at a factory, or after use in everyday life. Waste is divided into two types:

  1. The first implies pieces of cullet from 10 to 50 millimeters. In this case, it is allowed to contain pieces of glass waste of the 1st grade no more than 1% of the total mass in a batch of glass waste of the 1st grade, and no more than 5% of pieces larger than 50 mm.
  2. The second grade is not standardized by any size, only by the weight of pieces up to 2 kg.

Also according to GOST Russian Federation Cullet is divided into brands according to color:

  • colorless transparent (BS);
  • semi-white tare (PST);
  • semi-white sheet (PSL);
  • green (GS);
  • KS (brown).

For different types of cullet, the following content of colored glass types is standardized:

  • in the first grade of cullet of the PST, BS, PSL brands, the content of other types of GL and KS is allowed to be no more than 0.5%, for the second grade - no more than 4%;
  • for the first grade of ZS and KS brands, the content of types PST, BS, PSL is allowed to be no more than 10 percent, for the second grade no more than 20;
  • for the content of combat grades GS in the KS and, conversely, for the first grade the content is allowed to be no more than 7%, and for the second - no more than 15 percent.

Additionally, in cullet GOST allows the content of impurities of reinforced glass, triplex, metal, mirrors, porcelain, concrete, brick, slag, sand in the range from 0.2% to 5% depending on the component.

Nowadays, glass cullet is used not only for flat glass recycling. It is also used to produce a wide range of materials for which the original purity of glass is no longer so important. One of the main directions is the production of glass containers (jars, bottles). For them the requirements for chemical composition The original raw materials are not as rigid as, for example, laboratory glass. Glass powder makes an equally significant contribution to the production of various foam materials used in construction for thermal insulation and sound insulation of walls. Construction in general is one of the main consumers of glass waste, because they are used to produce various types of concrete, roofing materials, marble, and floor tiles. Also, relatively recently, a special promising asphalt composition was developed, which includes up to 60% ground glass cullet.

Technology and equipment for glass processing

Recently, due to the growth in the production of drinks and other food products using glass containers, there has been an increase in the volume of waste glass. The gradual increase in prices for raw materials and production is forcing us to increasingly turn to processing.

Glass recycling and cullet recycling includes the following actions:

  • glass waste collection;
  • transportation to the processing plant;
  • waste treatment, consisting of several stages of separation, cleaning from impurities and washing;
  • re-processing, including crushing cullet, grinding into small pieces, and packaging the resulting glass powder for further use.

Recycling broken glass is the most profitable action compared to the disposal of other solids household waste(MSW). Extensive experience in collection and processing technology has already been accumulated abroad. To receive used glass products, special containers have been installed throughout the entire area of ​​the settlement. In large cities, specialized enterprises collect waste glass; in some cases, these same enterprises are manufacturers of glass products. In this case, equipment for processing broken glass is immediately installed at the factory.

Technologies for processing glass waste are not lagging behind in development from the technology for manufacturing finished products from glass. Glass processing equipment is often bulky and expensive, so only wealthy companies can afford it. Recycling lines for these raw materials typically include:

  • automated systems for sorting broken glass by color, which are able to distinguish shades thanks to modern optoelectronic systems;
  • containers for sorted broken glass;
  • the area where the combat warehouse is located for future use;
  • systems for washing glass from dirt and adhered paper;
  • various filter sieves;
  • electromagnetic and air systems that screen out metal elements (lids, packaging) from glass containers;
  • crushers various types and sizes capable of grinding glass fragments to a powder state;
  • conveyor belt system;
  • computer control center that monitors and controls the processing process;
  • packaging lines for shipment of finished glass powder for further production.

Recycling broken glass is a process for which certain safety requirements are put forward. The area where the processing plant is located should be located far beyond the residential area, because modern production of this type is not capable of meeting acceptable noise standards. Requirements for fencing the area and providing special clothing for employees must also be observed.

Glass recycling

One of the developed areas in the proper disposal of this material is recycling glass directly at the glass manufacturing plant, or in a special room.

This glass processing technology consists of several stages. As an example, we give the sequence of the processing cycle of ordinary glass bottles:

  1. At the first stage from broken glass and defective products are separated from all materials not made of glass. After this, everything is ground into crushed glass and the remaining metal lids are separated using a magnet. And various vacuum processes separate plastic parts and paper.
  2. This waste is then sent for bottle re-production. Silica, soda and lime are used to make glass products, but more than 30% of these raw materials can be replaced with broken glass. All this is mixed and at temperatures above 1500 degrees Celsius it turns back into a glass mass.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and blown back into new bottles, which after some processing take on a finished form and are ready to serve again as a container for liquids on a store shelf.

The quality of a recycled bottle is in no way inferior to an analogue made 100% from fresh raw materials. In this case, the broken glass melts at a lower temperature than the glass charge. This allows you to save energy on waste melting. One bottle made from rejected waste can save enough energy from melting down to burn a 100-watt light bulb for four hours.

The main advantages of such processing are:

  1. Saving energy required for production. Every 10% of waste used from the total mass of raw materials reduces energy consumption by 2-3%.
  2. No non-recyclable waste: glass is a 100% recyclable material, and the recycling process is a completely closed cycle.
  3. Reducing harmful emissions from production. According to statistics, emissions of sulfur dioxide fall by 10 percent, nitrogen oxides by 4%, and the number of microparticles decreases by 8%.
  4. Saving space in landfills. Every year for specially designated land sending tens of thousands of tons of both whole and broken glass products for further recycling in the future. Timely conversion cycle saves space and cash for the maintenance of such land.

Glass recycling uses only high-tech equipment, because the products that will be manufactured with its help require glass that has high quality and the required chemical and mechanical characteristics.

Automotive glass recycling

Automotive glass processing stands apart from the rest of the technology for processing glass products. Conventional recycling lines are designed for the recycling and re-production of window glass and other products made from single-layer material. Windshields (sometimes side and rear) automobile windows are made using triplex technology and are multilayer, firmly bonded with polyvinyl butyral film. These are high-security products that, when broken, do not fall apart, but crumble into many small pieces and remain attached to the film, allowing a person to avoid injury. In this regard, it is not possible to use standard glass recycling technologies for such double-glazed windows.

Nowadays, recycling of such glass has become great importance, and many developed countries are engaged in it. The number of cars is growing rapidly every year, and each middle-class car consumes about 30 kilograms of laminated glass. For example, in Germany about 20-30 thousand tons of triplex glass are recycled every year.

Recycling multilayer material, produced using triplex technology, is labor intensive and provides lower recycled volumes per day than what conventional glass recycling and cullet recycling provides. It consists of the following algorithm with an efficiency of about 8 tons of glass per hour:

  1. At the first stage, sorted broken triplex glass undergoes a preliminary crushing procedure using a multi-roll installation, due to which the rigid structure of the glass is disrupted and it is crushed without separating the fragments.
  2. Next, the resulting cullet is stored for temporary storage, during which the adhesive film is partially separated, which simplifies further processing.
  3. The subsequent operation consists of re-crushing through another multi-roll crusher.
  4. This is followed by manual sorting of the cullet for final crushing and screening with magnetic separation.
  5. Lightweight film fragments are removed by aspiration.
  6. Optical separation is carried out.

Depending on the quality of the triplex processing technology, the fate of the cullet is subsequently determined. Often, such glass cannot be completely cleared of small pieces of film, which is why it cannot be used in subsequent processing for the production of float glass and other glass containers. Therefore, a product of this type is sent for conversion into various thermal insulation materials (glass wool), paint additives and other other products.

To summarize, we can say that glass recycling is an important sector in the industry. For those wishing to get a closer look at it, the World of Glass exhibition will be held in the near future, which will take place in June at the Expocentre exhibition complex.

Reception of glass in Moscow

Reuse of glass containers

Currently, for supporters of careful waste management, the most pressing questions are: where and how to hand over glass in Moscow? Branches for its purchase can be found in companies involved in the collection of secondary resources. Each enterprise has its own tariffs, but on average they range from 50 to 80 kopecks per bottle. Unlike other types of recyclable materials, glass containers are accepted without any minimum quantity restrictions. Beer containers without chips or visible dirt are most highly valued. Other types of glass packaging suitable for recycling are marked GL70 on the bottom. Therefore, before you bring your mayonnaise container for sale, make sure it is labeled as recyclable.

Recycling of cullet

We often have to deal with the problem of recycling broken glass, which, by the way, is also a secondary raw material. And while handing over a few broken bottles is not difficult for most people, getting rid of large quantity such waste is much more problematic. The purchase of glass can be carried out by organizations that purchase glass containers, but more often this is the specialization of other companies. They have at their disposal a fleet of vehicles and the necessary equipment for the safe removal of containers. It is important to know that prices for broken glass depend on its type, color and size, so it is better to check in advance the rates at which your waste will be accepted. You should also remember that handing it over yourself may be unsafe, and it may be more advisable to use waste removal specialists to visit the place where they accumulate.

How profitable can glass recycling be as a business? The topic of safe waste disposal in Russia is currently very pressing. The demand for environmentally friendly recycling of used resources is growing steadily. Read our article about what you need to start working in this area, how much financial investment is required and how quickly it will pay off.

Relevance of stack processing business

Currently, the recycling of glass and other non-degradable waste is an important and pressing topic. On Russian market There are very few modern waste recycling companies using advanced technologies.

Nevertheless, glass recycling is very important for protection environment . This material does not decompose naturally (more precisely, it decomposes in more than 1 thousand years), shards of broken glass are dangerous for people and animals, and the soil spoiled by them loses fertility.

The relevance of glass recycling is added by this fact - this material can be reused, and the process of its recycling is virtually waste-free. Moreover, recycling glass allows you to save other materials used in primary production - sand, limestone, soda.

At the same time, you can save gas and electricity. Successful application experience recycled glass showed the fact that gas consumption in production was saved by up to 30%.

In Europe, about 90% of all glass is currently recycled, and in Russia - less than 20%.

Waste processing industry in Russia

However, if recycling and recycling glass is so profitable and useful, Why is this business in Russia so poorly developed? The point is the current situation in the entire waste processing industry - it is not developed as a whole, and lags significantly behind the world level.

Moscow, Moscow region and others major Russian cities are already faced with an acute problem of landfills. This problem can only be solved by introducing innovations, the main one of which is recycling, recycling and reuse waste.

Recycling cullet is beneficial to society, nature and the state, which means that in the coming decades it will reach a new qualitative level. Modern businessmen have a chance to occupy a profitable niche, while there is virtually no competition in the market.

Types of Recyclable Glass

There are two types of glass that can be recycled:

  1. Containers - cans, bottles and other containers. Containers are accepted at special points. Usually they try to reuse it without recycling - after washing and disinfection. Several decades ago there were a lot of glass collection points, but nowadays finding such a place can be a problem.
  2. Cullet - broken, damaged glass. Can be used after processing. Usually varies by color:
    • colorless;
    • semi-white tare;
    • semi-white leaf;
    • green;
    • brown.

Glass processing technology

How to recycle glass on an industrial scale and at home? Before we outline the list of equipment and costs, requirements for premises and employees, let’s look at what technologies for processing this type of waste currently exist.

At home

You can recycle and reuse unnecessary glass even at home. True, it is most likely that you will not be able to make a profit from such activities. But you can save a little on building materials by making “ceramic” tiles from recycled glass. Glass recycling at home goes like this:

  1. Grind waste and broken glass into pieces of similar size. The pieces should be small enough to color well.
  2. Add dyes and binders to the glass mass. For example, polyester resin is sold in hardware and building materials stores.
  3. The mixture is poured into pre-prepared tile molds.
  4. After hardening (time depends on the binding material, check the characteristics on the packaging), the tile is ready for use. You can use it to decorate a kitchen or bathroom.

You can recycle and reuse unnecessary glass even at home.

In industrial settings

Recycling glass on an industrial scale is somewhat more complicated. As a rule, waste glass at waste recycling plants is washed, sorted by type, and then crushed to a homogeneous powder. It can be reused in the future.

In some enterprises, grinding broken glass into powder is not the final phase- here it is used directly on site to produce new material or containers. This occurs by adding crushed powder to the initial raw materials (sand, limestone, soda) and melting it at a temperature of about 1500 degrees.

Most often, this happens in glass packaging factories. This is very good decision, allowing you to get rid of defective and broken containers without any losses. In addition, the quality of recycled glass is not inferior to primary glass, and its production requires significantly less resources and energy.

Glass processing plants in Russia operate in Leningrad, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Ivanovo, Kemerovo and some other regions and republics. However the need for recycling and processing of raw materials is much higher, That's why similar business- great idea.

What you need to purchase to organize glass recycling

Now let's consider the question, what equipment is needed to open your own glass processing plant.

Sorting equipment that separates broken raw materials into types, as well as containers for sorted broken glass.

  1. Washing machines. Clean glass from dirt and foreign materials, such as paper labels.
  2. Grinding equipment that processes cullet into powder.
  3. Sorting conveyor belt.
  4. Equipment for packaging finished powder.
  5. Melting furnaces, if the entrepreneur plans not to stop at the production of glass powder, but to produce secondary glass.

Prices for equipment vary significantly depending on whether the entrepreneur chooses domestic or foreign manufacturers, new or used equipment. On average, you can buy equipment for approximately 2 million rubles.

How to make a profit from glass recycling

What is the basis for the earnings of companies involved in the utilization and processing of raw materials? The source of income will be the sale of glass powder to other enterprises. The scope of application of such secondary material is very wide: the production of ceramics, bricks, glass concrete, paints and varnishes, liquid glass, cladding. The main thing in this case is to establish sales of glass powder to interested manufacturers by signing contracts with them.

The main thing is to establish sales of glass powder to interested manufacturers by signing contracts with them.

When will your financial investment pay off?

Another important question is When will the financial investment pay off? Considering their rather significant size of over two million (including equipment, rent, state registration) with an average profit of 300-500 thousand rubles per month, the funds will be returned in about a year and a half.

To speed up this process, it is necessary to actively conclude contracts with suppliers of raw materials and develop a network of broken glass collection points. It is also important to look for new sources of sales of recycled material. All these measures taken together will help you achieve net profit faster.

How does the government control glass recycling?

Before you start a business in the field of waste disposal and recycling of cullet, you need to know a few nuances. First, the company will need to be officially registered, most likely in the form of an LLC. Secondly, like all companies, the waste recycling plant will need permits from the sanitary and fire services.

Thirdly, to launch an enterprise you will need a waste processing license from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. All waste is divided into classes depending on the degree of danger. Glass belongs to hazard class 3, that is, moderately hazardous waste. In the same class there is scrap metal, construction garbage, machine and other oils, acids and alkalis.

Fourthly, it will be necessary detailed plan with a description of the technology for recycling and processing of cullet at the enterprise. It is better to develop it with the participation of relevant specialists, since this document will definitely be checked by regulatory authorities.

The cost of obtaining the entire set of necessary permits is approximately 180 thousand rubles. It is also worth considering that developing the technological process and obtaining some permits will take about 6 months.

How to choose a room

It would be more logical to locate such an enterprise in an industrial zone on the outskirts of the city. Assess how convenient the access roads are - will the delivery of raw materials to the workshops be comfortable? If the enterprise is located on the very outskirts, a quality solution would be to organize the delivery of employees to the enterprise by free buses.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 500 square meters - otherwise it will simply not be possible to ensure the correct placement of equipment and create comfortable workplaces. Please note that only about 100 square meters will be occupied by a warehouse for storing recycled powder. In addition to connecting to all communications, the room must be equipped with good exhaust hood.

In addition to connecting to all communications, the room must be equipped with good exhaust hood.

Where to get raw materials for processing

There are several main sources of obtaining materials for processing:

  1. Acceptance of glass and cullet for recycling. To do this, it is necessary to organize the collection of glass through a network of points throughout the city. People will donate small batches of raw materials and combat materials to them. Many people are ready to recycle glass, even for little money. For example, the price for 1 glass bottle varies from 10 kopecks to 2 rubles.
    Most often, broken glass is taken in kilograms and tons. Prices still remain low - from 5 to 19 rubles per kilogram, from 500 to 1900 rubles per ton, depending on the type of glass. Sorted raw materials usually cost a little more. Some companies offer free removal of glass over a certain weight.
  2. Conclude contracts for the supply of broken glass with factories and manufacturing enterprises. This option is much more profitable, since it virtually guarantees an uninterrupted and large-scale supply of materials for work.
    Please note that businesses are also interested in donating glass because they cannot store it on their premises and are forced to look for various recycling options. Find several permanent “suppliers” of the fight and be sure to sign an appropriate agreement with them.
  3. Sign a contract with municipal authorities cities or towns for the removal of glass waste from public landfills.


The raw material processing business is promising for several reasons. Competition in this industry in Russia is still quite low, so even a small start-up enterprise can take its place in the market. Also, this area is promising due to objective circumstances - the problem of environmentally friendly waste disposal and the use of secondary raw materials in our country is at the very initial stage of solution.

The problem of recycling cullet has now become one of the most pressing, and there are reasons for this.

Firstly, the production of glass products requires huge energy costs.

Secondly, cullet is one of the most difficult-to-dispose waste(along with steel, it can take decades to deteriorate) and causes significant environmental damage.

Considering the significant share of cullet in the total volume of solid waste - according to some estimates, it reaches 20% (according to the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Industrial Waste", up to 160,000 tons of cullet per year), there is a need to develop technologies for the use of glass waste.

Glass waste can be useful both in art and in everyday life

Technologies for using glass waste

Foam glass

The priority direction for using cullet (due to the content of silica, alkali oxides, Al2O3 and CaO) is to obtain autoclave and non-autoclave hardening binders.

The most promising direction in this area is production foam glass— a highly porous inorganic heat-insulating material obtained by sintering finely ground glass and a gas-forming agent. The raw material for its production can be either cullet or glass melt welded from quartz sand, limestone, soda and sodium sulfate. At the same time, the use of cullet, due to its low cost on the Russian market, leads to a significant reduction in the cost of production.

Foam glass finishing, foam glass products

Due to the fact that foam glass consists of almost 100% glass, it has a wide temperature range of application, is non-flammable, resistant to aggressive environments and does not shrink. Therefore, the scope of its application is quite wide: from industrial and civil construction to the nuclear industry.

The world leader in the production of foam glass is the corporation Pittsburgh Corning (USA). Foam glass is also produced in China ( Lanzhou Pengfei Heat Preservation Co., Ltd.), Belarus ( OJSC "Gomelsteklo"), and more recently in Russia ( JSC "Penostal", Express-Stroyindustriya LLC, Penostek).

Binders based on cullet

The creation of binders based on cullet is carried out in MGSU. It has already been possible to obtain several new building materials based on this binder with high physical, mechanical and performance properties:

  • fine concrete(the share of cullet in the composition of the material reaches 95%) - is made by mineralizing the foam with cullet powder;
  • alkaline earth binder using alkaline sealers (the share of cullet is from 6.5% to 45%) - slag-glass binder of non-autoclave hardening.

These materials, as well as foam glass, have increased protective, anti-corrosion and other properties, their areas of application are industrial and civil construction, chemical, nuclear, food industries, etc. Now technologies for the production of these materials are being created at MGSU.

Decorative items

Research on the production of new materials from glass waste has also been carried out in MSUIE. Together with JSC "Ekovtormit" they developed technology and equipment to obtain microproducts(microptarics, microspheres, beaded balls), decorative cladding materials(facade, interior and paving slabs), coating highly filled compositions(glass tiles, paints and varnishes, anti-corrosion mastics) and cement mortars based on cullet. In particular, it is proposed anti-corrosion composition, in which micro-products from cullet are used as a filler for the bitumen base, intended for the treatment and restoration of underbody coatings and wheel arches of passenger cars, as well as for the protection of chemical and oil and gas equipment. Due to glass fillers, it increases hydrophobicity And adhesive ability, the impact strength and heat resistance of the coating increases, and the penetrating ability of the applied composition increases.

Interested in a glass recycling business? Then you may be interested in the information prepared by IAA Cleandex.

Industry problems

We see that materials made from waste glass have many advantages; tests have also shown that materials based on glass waste are not inferior, and in some cases even superior, in technological and functional properties to similar traditional materials. And the profitability of producing these materials is very high. The question arises: Why are there so few industries using these technologies? The answer is obvious - to organize the production of materials based on cullet, you need significant investment into specialized equipment. In addition, there are problems with raw materials- despite the large reserves and low cost of cullet in Russia, there are only a few enterprises involved in its collection and sale; accordingly, additional costs may be required for organization own glass waste collection.

The way out in this situation could be government support— organizing environmental funds for investing in such projects and reducing taxes for enterprises introducing new technologies for processing waste glass.

Currently, various products made from glass materials are in great demand. Technologies make it possible to produce a wide variety of objects of all colors and shapes, opening up wide opportunities for designers and artists. As before, the largest share of the glass products consumption market is made up of enterprises producing alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Manufacturers of tableware, metal-plastic windows, and the furniture industry are sources of constant and stable demand for glass.It is the presence of such a large number of potential consumers that makes the glass business attractive for investment.

Glass production in detail

If the amount of initial investment is small, then it is advisable to open the production of cullet - products obtained as a result of cleaning and crushing glass containers. This type of raw material is even more popular than finished products, since each consumer produces their own unique products - there are no templates and unified forms for a long time.

Advantages of a mini-plant over large-scale production

A mini-plant for processing glass containers has a number of advantages over large enterprises:

  • requires several times less capital investment;
  • fast payback period;
  • mobility – ease of equipment transportation and assembly;
  • the ability to modernize and expand the production line, thereby increasing the number of products manufactured;
  • does not require large industrial areas and staff.

When considering the possibility of producing glass products and recycling containers, you should consider some points:

  • processing has a simple technological cycle, and does not require much time and resources, but production, on the contrary, is a long, labor-intensive and resource-intensive process;
  • cullet is a universal raw material that can then be used in the manufacture of any product, and the glass production and processing business is usually narrowly focused, meeting the needs of a limited number of consumers, for example, only the production of bottles. In this case, expand the line oriented towards the new kind products will be a rather expensive project;
  • thanks to simple technology, recycling of cullet requires a minimum amount of equipment, therefore, lower capital investments, which quickly pay off and the business begins to generate net profit;
  • a glass packaging plant can be located in rented premises - this also reduces the initial investment.

Equipment and production technology

The manufacturing technology contains several stages:

Flat glass is more in demand and is also the easiest to produce. A novice entrepreneur should limit the range to sheet or window glass. Everything will need to be worked out technological stages, and manufacture products that meet certain requirements:

  • transparency – the final product must have a translucency in the range of 84–87%;
  • the presence of single point defects, such as gas bubbles, foreign inclusions, etc., is allowed;
  • strength - the final product must withstand loads of up to 250 MPa - this is achieved by proper hardening;
  • heat resistance – should be at the level of 1750 o C.

Necessary equipment:

  • raw material loading hopper;
  • transportation conveyor;
  • glass melting furnace;
  • cooling rollers;
  • conveyor belt for pulling the finished mass;
  • cutting table.

A mini-factory for the production of glass products can be purchased for an average of 200 thousand euros. The price will depend on power and performance. Russian company ZKM Steklo sells equipment that can produce up to 600 tons per day during continuous operation, consuming electricity up to 100 thousand megawatts per year and gas - up to 100 million m 3. The payback period when operating at full capacity will be about two years.

Glass cullet processing lines

The simplest, from the point of view of the technological cycle, is a mini-plant for the production of cullet. This is the best option if you have a limited budget. The mini-plant consists of the following units:

  • station for placement and temporary storage of broken glass and defective products:
  • loading and unloading machines;
  • conveyor belt for transportation;
  • electronic equipment for sorting raw materials by color;
  • water installations for cleaning the culls from contaminants;
  • electromagnetic equipment for determining metal particles in broken glass;
  • crushers for grinding broken glass into a fine powder;
  • packaging machines.

The cost of equipment for processing cullet produced at the domestic Tula Machines plant starts at 300 thousand rubles. Any set of equipment can be supplemented with elements that help expand the range of products, increase productivity and reduce the share of manual labor. Accordingly, along with the improvement, the cost will also increase.

On average, a mini-processing plant can process up to 500 tons of raw materials per hour. It is noteworthy that this is a waste-free production - absolutely the entire volume of raw materials is processed into powder. This is another advantage of such an enterprise.

Technological stages of cullet processing

All technological process It’s quite simple and comes down to a few basic steps:

To process glass, it is necessary to correctly approach the purchase of raw materials:

  • you can enter into agreements with industrial enterprises and accept defective products, scraps or scraps from them;
  • buy from the population by organizing collection points for bottles and glass containers;
  • Place specialized containers for glass waste near city trash cans.

Obtaining raw materials by any method, its average cost will be from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per ton.

Economic benefits and payback periods

Undoubtedly, the business of producing glass or cullet is quite profitable. There are not many competitors in the industry yet, and demand is consistently high. Therefore, if fully implemented, the payback period can be from 8 to 24 months, depending on the size of the initial capital investment.

Preliminary calculation of business payback period:

  • the cost of selling 1 ton of cullet is up to 3000 - this is twice the price of purchasing the raw materials;
  • two people per shift can operate the line;
  • productivity – up to 200 tons per shift. When working in two shifts of 8 hours each, up to 10,000 tons can be produced per month;
  • monthly sales revenue – 25,000,000 rubles;
  • current costs for the purchase of raw materials – 20,000,000 rubles;
  • other costs (wages, utility bills, rent of premises, maintenance of management personnel) – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • profit – 4,000,000 rubles;
  • capital costs for the purchase of equipment of such capacity are 5,000,000 rubles.

If 30% of profit per month is allocated to cover capital costs, the payback period will be 6 months.

Video: Thin-sheet glass production plant
