Quotes about rich people. Quotes about business and success of great people: a course for prosperity

A combination of luck and cynical calculation, talent and the ability to take advantage of the status of a protégé, business intuition, painstaking work that shapes personality - it is quite difficult to formulate the secret of successful people in a few phrases. But you can leave it to them to describe the milestones on the path to wealth and triumph.

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“Success is a crappy teacher. It provokes sensible people to think that they cannot lose.” Bill Gates.

“You know, if you manage to overcome cancer, all other tasks immediately become trivial.” David Koch.

“My father taught me that constant self-development and experimentation are the most important things in life. This is something you should always stick to - try to learn something new." Robson Walton.

“Once you understand that errors in judgment and assessment of the environment are part of the human essence, getting into trouble ceases to be something shameful. Provided there is an opportunity to improve.” George Soros.

“Live to do what you want, to leave your mark - if you believe in the importance and rightness of your choices - The best way live the right life." Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve's widow.

“For me, America is a country where if you have something to offer the world, success is guaranteed.” Tadashi Yanai.

“Vision is perhaps our greatest strength. Imagination and representation are the living power that has helped ensure the continuity of wisdom through the centuries and gives us a chance to see the future. And even look into the unknown.” Li KaShing.

“I don’t like paying taxes. But I prefer to sleep with a clear conscience.” Leonardo Del Vecchio.

“If you change the world, you work on important things. And inspiration wakes you up in the morning.” Larry Page.

“I would rather enjoy a good hunt than a comfortable life after a glorious victory.” Carl Icahn.

“Strive for the company of those superior to you. Focus on such people as guiding beacons and then you will drift in the right direction.” Warren Buffett.

“Between your business and your life there is an immutable conflict, an eternal struggle between chaos and peace. It is impossible to choose one side, but you still have the chance to use the influence of each to find the key to success.” Phil Knight.

“Like other constraints, frugality drives innovation. If you're confined to a rigid box, you have to create your own way out." Jeff Bezos.

“In a sense, our struggle never ends because we never get absolutely everything we want. And life has taught me that giving up right away is very stupid, since almost nothing succeeds on the first try.” Mukesh Ambani.

“One of my most important responsibilities is to manage my assets wisely. So that they generate new values.” Alice Walton.

“Do not link your personal interests with the development of your business structure.” Wang Jianlin.

“When you encounter something new, you have two options: embrace and lead the innovation, or become a fast, active follower. Otherwise, you will be a copycat, following the trend.” Charlie Ergen.

“The biggest risk is being afraid to take risks. In a world that is changing so rapidly, there is only one strategy for guaranteed failure: don’t take risks.” Mark Zuckerberg.

Whether you're planning for retirement or about to start new business, financial literacy will be useful to you in any case. The richest people on the planet - from Warren Buffett to Richard Branson - started small but became successful thanks to the ability to manage their money.

Let's learn from the professionals. We present you quotes about money from millionaires and billionaires.

Some quotes about money from millionaires and billionaires

Alexey Zenkov

Robert Kiyosaki, American businessman and investor:

“It’s not about how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how effectively it works for you, and how many generations after you can use it.”

Mark Cuban, American entrepreneur and investor, owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team:

“It doesn’t matter how you live, what car you drive or what clothes you wear. The more you think about the price, the harder it becomes for you to focus on your goals. How less money you spend on life, the more options you have.”

Warren Buffett, the world's largest investor:

“Never become dependent on a single source of income. Invest to create a second source.”

Dave Ramsey, entrepreneur and author of Show Me the Money! A Complete Guide to Business Management for the Entrepreneur Leader:

“The essence of financial well-being is not buying different things. It's about learning to spend less on life than you earn, and investing the rest. Without this you will not win."

Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist:

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Photo: Getty

“To be successful, sometimes you have to take big risks.”

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple:

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; This can only be done by looking back. So you need to trust that the facts will connect in the future. You need to believe in something - in your strength, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This way of looking at things has never let me down, and thanks to this I have achieved everything in my life.”

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin:

Photo: Carlo Allegri for The Washington Post

“You shouldn’t go into business just for the money. If that's your main goal, you'd better do something else."

1. Warren Buffett, CEO Berkshire Hathaway: “Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.”

2. Carlos Slim Helu, CEO Telmex, America Movil, Grupo Carso: “If you depend on the opinions of others, you are dead.”

3. Ted Turner founder CNN: “I just like it when people say I can’t do something. Nothing else makes me feel as good because my whole life people have told me I couldn't do what I did."

4. Paul Getty, founder Getty Oil Company: “If you can count your money, you don’t have a billion dollars.”

5. Ingvar Kamprad, founder IKEA: “A person makes no mistakes only when he sleeps.”

6.Richard Branson, head Virgin Group: “We are going where no one has gone before. There is no role model, nothing to copy. That’s what makes it so exciting.”

7. Oprah Winfrey, CEO Oprah Winfrey Network: “You become what you believe in. Your current position in life is based exactly on what you believed in all the time.”

8. Steve Jobs, founder Apple: “You can’t just ask customers what they need, because by the time you do that, they will want something new.”

9. Sam Walton, founder Walmart: “We all work together, this is our secret”

10. Aristotle Onassis, Greek shipowner: “The whole secret of business is to know something that no one else knows.”

11. Andrew Carnegie, founder Carnegie Steel: “The older I got, the less I paid attention to what people said. I was just watching what they were doing."

Hello, dear readers! Nowadays they write a lot about rich people and their success stories. In this article you will get acquainted with quotes from rich people. So, especially for blog readers Successful People, quotes from rich people.

“Failure is also success if we learn something from it” © Malcolm Forbes

“He who does expects success. Those who “try” expect that something will interfere with them. Half the effort does not give half the result, but zero result.” © Bodo Schäfer


“Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely” © Henry Ford

“90% of rich people started out with empty or almost empty pockets. On average, every self-made millionaire has gone bankrupt three times.” © Brian Tracy

"If you haven't planned how you will become rich,
then most likely you plan to be poor.
You just don't know it.
Most people plan to be poor
They just don’t think about posing the question this way.” © Robert Kiyosaki

“Money doesn’t bring happiness. I now have 50 million, and I’m just as happy as when I had 48 million.” © Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Leave at any time and create your own business - and it’s never too late to return to Harvard!” © Bill Gates


“Money does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee material freedom.” © Roman Abramovich

"Any" Good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back." © Donald Trump

“Whoever works all day has no time to earn money” © John Rockefeller

“Successful people tend to view problems as temporary, while unsuccessful people view even the smallest problems as never-ending troubles.” © Anthony Robbins

“The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up.” © Richard Branson

“There is only one thing that a person can completely control - this is his own attitude towards life” © Napoleon Hill

“If you haven't planned how you will become rich, then most likely you are planning to be poor. You just don't know it. Most people plan to be poor, they just don’t think about it this way.” © Robert Kiyosaki

“The only obstacle on the way to our tomorrow’s achievements is our doubts today” © Franklin Roosevelt


“It is impossible to find yourself - you can only create yourself” © Johnny Depp

Your attitude towards money can greatly influence whether you get rich or not. Why not take inspiration from those who have already succeeded? Business Insider provides quotes from self-made billionaires. Perhaps these thoughts will change the way you look at business, investing and success.

15 quotes from billionaires that will change the way you think about money

Alexey Zenkov

Here's what else they can say about money richest people planet, from investor Warren Buffett to technology mogul Jeff Bezos.

“I never set myself the goal of just creating a company. Many people mistakenly think that I don't care about things like profit, income and everything else. But to me, “being more than just a company” also means creating something that truly changes the world around us,” Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.

Photo: Robert Galbraith/Reuters

“When a small company grows to the size of eBay, this phenomenon has a multiplier effect. This leads to the emergence of new small companies that create intellectual capital, products and services,” Meg Whitman, CEO, Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

“I'll tell you how to get rich. Close the doors. Be afraid when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett, President and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images

“Few people in the world manage to build a business like the one we created. I think it would be wrong to trade that for short-term gain,” Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snap Inc., on refusing to sell his company to Facebook.

“I was able to achieve such financial success because my goal was never, not for one minute, money,” - Oprah Winfrey, business tycoon.

Photo: Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images

“And I believe that the more money people have in their hands, the more they will spend. If they don't spend, they will invest. Investment is another way to create jobs. The money ends up in mutual funds or other types of banks, which can then make loans, and that's what we need to do,” Michael Bloomberg, CEO of Bloomberg LP.

“If money were our goal, we would have sold the company long ago and been relaxing on the beach,” Larry Page, co-founder of Google and CEO of Alphabet Inc.

Photo: Kimberly White/Getty Images

“I think frugality drives innovation as much as other constraints. There are only a few ways to get out of a tight box, and one of them is to invent your own way to do it,” Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

“Everyone constantly hears the phrase that money can’t buy happiness. But somewhere inside me I always thought that money could make you at least a little happier. In fact, this is not so,” Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and president of Alphabet Inc.

Photo: Steve Jennings/Getty Images

“Today it is very easy to make money. It is much more difficult to earn long-term wealth and at the same time be responsible to society by improving the world,” Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Group.

Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images

“Money allows you to become even more of who you already are,” Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx.

“I’m a little tight-fisted, but so what? I look at how much money I'm going to spend on myself and wonder if IKEA customers can spend the same... I could fly first class all the time, but there's no point in spending money just because you have too much. If there is such a skill as leadership, it is to give good example. I did this for all IKEA employees,” - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA.

“Financial markets tend to behave unpredictably... The idea that you can predict future developments directly contradicts my vision of the market,” George Soros, investor and president of Soros Fund Management.

“I believe you need to understand the economics of a business before you create a strategy, and you need to understand the strategy before you create a structure. If you do these things in the wrong order, you are likely to fail." - Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Inc.

Photo: Jack Plunkett/AP for Dell

“I never dreamed of getting rich. It never crossed my mind. Instead, my main motivation was to achieve something,” Sheldon Adelson, President and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation.
