Powerful practices for raising energy. Daily morning practice "Energy Makeup"

Today I wanted to share with you an interesting morning practice "Energy Makeup". It gives strength, fills you with energy and brings femininity and mystery to your image.

Surely, you do not like the morning and the ringing of the alarm clock, and so you want to sleep, at least 5 minutes, but you have to get up to put yourself in order and go on business.

And at this moment, you can bring light into your state, make a small “energy makeover”.

To do this, you need, when you wake up, linger for a few minutes and do not suffer from the fact that you do not want to get up. And imagine that a magical silvery rain is pouring down on you from above, which nourishes and cleanses every cell of your body. It fills you with life-giving energy.

Your skin has woken up, acquired a beautiful and healthy look, it just glows from the inside.

Then, after the rain, imagine the rays of the sun that gently touch you, they gently kiss and stroke you, giving your skin an almost invisible tan. These rays warm you in their arms, giving you naturalness and femininity.

Now I think you have awakened and filled with the life-giving energy of water and the sun.

Next, we need to dress up, imagine a cloud above you, it glows with a magical pink light and shimmers with different colors in the light. You stretch out your hands to him, and, as it were, draw him to you, and gently and carefully put on yourself. Distribute it throughout your body, let its energy fill every part of you.

Feel the power of fullness and at the same time lightness from this light energy.

And now the final touch.

Imagine your favorite flower, each one will be different. And turn into it. You can also choose a flower depending on what role you will play.

If you want to become a unique and perfect queen, imagine a rose.

If you want a gentle girl, imagine a lily.

The main thing is to feel your condition and then pick up a flower for yourself, like your outfit.

Fill yourself with the qualities of the flower and let your body radiate its light and fragrance. This is an alluring state that will attract people to you.

Now you can get up and go to the bath. When you wash or take a shower, remember your magic rain. You will apply makeup, remember the rays of the sun and their tenderness. And also during the day, remember your flower, which you have become.

I hope you enjoyed this morning practice "Energy Makeup".

People, when comparing old age and youth, immediately think of wrinkles and a flabby body. However, Tibetans believe that the main difference lies in the way of thinking and thinking. A person who constantly thinks about the bad and expects the worst, quickly finds old age. After all nervous system is in constant tension, as a result, nerve cells are burned, and, as you know, they are not restored, old age comes and negative attitude to life in general.

In order to preserve youth as long as possible, it is worth knowing how to restore vital energy, feel happy and energetic again, and this does not depend on age, the main thing is to believe that this is possible. Then the environment will believe and see the changes in the person. If you make a little effort and perform the necessary relaxation exercises, you can restore lost strength and replenish energy levels.

If a person learns to relax, then he can strengthen physical body and rejuvenate.

Taoist medicine to restore vitality is in direct proportion to physical activity and exercise. Exercise is fundamentally different from how most perceive sports.

Qi is the internal energy of a person. It is she who plays the most important role in martial arts. Chinese styles take this energy and try to increase it. Qi energy is inside every person. Therefore, everything should be done to collect energy, accumulate and preserve. It can make a person more flexible, softer, gain moral strength and firmness of character. Taoist practices energy transformations warn against investing force during exercise.

Qi is located in the navel, it has the qualities that water and wind have. It is necessary to accumulate it, then there is a connection of the mass. With the practice for female energy, you can do amazing things that can surprise anyone.

Most effective method to accumulate Qi energy is to perform a certain exercise. You need to choose a quiet and calm room, turn off the lights and stay completely alone. For about 15 minutes, you need to do the following:

You should choose the most comfortable position of the body and relax as much as possible. You need to breathe slowly, inhale through your mouth, and exhale through your nose. The main thing is to make sure that everything happens silently. The left palm should cover the right ear for five minutes. Then you should change the ear and hand. You need to constantly monitor your breathing and relax. After that, it is worth covering both ears with your hands, crosswise, and also sit for five minutes.

This method works really well. Within two weeks, you can notice that the tongue has become more solid, the hands covering the ears will become cool during contact, the body will become light and airy, there will be a feeling that a person can fly and soar in the air.

The whole body will become flexible, the movements will be quick, but this will happen after a while.

The main thing is to do the exercise daily to get quick result. You also need to constantly relax to the maximum, the body will begin to recover, acquire unprecedented power, and the psyche will become stronger and more restrained.

During times of stress and bad mood, the human body is in great need of recovery. A woman with a lack of energy is not able to enjoy life, love her husband and raise children. Taoist practices of accumulating female energy will help you quickly recover and restore balance.

Exercise 1 - Earth Power

It is recommended to practice this technique on wooden floor or earth. Sit comfortably and relax as much as possible. Then you need to bend your knees and start shifting from one foot to the other, as if stomping. This must be done for two minutes, and then stop and seem to take root. You should become even and straight, breathe freely and calmly. Then you need to slightly forward the coccyx and rise on your toes, and then quickly stand on your heels. You need to feel the force of the push with your whole body, otherwise nothing will work. This helps women get rid of the negativity and send it to the ground.

Exercise 2 - the power of Water

Women's Taoist energy practices help to acquire never-before-seen pep and calmness. You need to make wave movements with your hands, feet and body, the main thing is that everything happens gently and slowly, not to strain. A woman becomes softer, she begins to feel her feminine and becomes more attractive to the opposite sex.

Exercise 3 - the power of the Wind

You need to take a comfortable position and relax. Then shake the body very vigorously for several minutes. Then you should raise your hands and shake them as much as you can. A woman, thanks to this exercise, feels like a single whole with the Universe, eliminates negative and negative experiences, receives positive emotions and strength.

Exercise 4 - the power of Fire

You need to do the exercise at home, all alone. You should make a sharp movement with any part of the body. At the same time, it is worth pronouncing some sound very loudly. The main thing is to think about pleasant and good, smile and rejoice. After that, you need to start performing hand movements, as if a person is collecting something from the ground. Positive energy will not keep you waiting long, it will instantly manifest itself and the girl will feel it with her whole body. A woman is freed from negativity, evil and envy, becomes calm and happy.

Exercise 5 - Reconnecting with the Universe

You need to get into a comfortable position, and then start rotating around yourself. You should calm down and realize that in the Universe there is a place for any person. A woman begins to feel harmony and gets rid of irritation.

If you constantly restore the energy level, you can become a real magnet for the opposite sex. Taoist practices develop femininity and attractiveness. You need to constantly smile, relax and think only about the positive. It is then that the face acquires radiance and happiness, and those around them constantly feel it.

Many of us yoga practitioners are past the point where simple explanations of the physical aspect of the practice would suffice. We are looking for more than instructions on what angle to place the foot or how high to raise the arm in this or that asana. We are looking for more deep knowledge and new discoveries - something that could help us learn new things about yoga practice and about ourselves.

We feel that there is something invisible to the eye, but constantly affecting our condition, health, mood, and even the quality of our practice - Energy.

1. Set the Intent

When you begin your practice, stand in Tadasana or sit in any comfortable position and decide what you will dedicate to today's session. You must clearly know for what purpose and why you practice, and set the Intention for this practice.

Keep Intention in the background of consciousness throughout the session. Breathe in energy and strength for its realization, breathe out the obstacles and blocks that stand in the way of the realization of this Intention in life.

Using Intention, you program your consciousness, and the energy that is generated in the body during yoga practice is not spent unconsciously on strengthening existing imbalances and destructive thought patterns, but is directed towards achieving the goals you need - clearing blocks, improving the physical body, achieving a certain state of mind, the activation of a particular chakra.

2. Practice at different times of the day

According to the knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine, a person has 12 paired energy meridians, through which energy circulates in the body. Energy passes from one meridian to another every 2 hours, making a full circle of circulation in 24 hours. At the moment of the greatest activity of the meridian, the impact on it is most effective.

If there is a chronic lack of energy in the channel, you can tone this channel by practicing during this period and using tonic asanas. Calming, balancing asanas are used if there is an excess of energy in it. However, if you doubt the correctness of the practice or the asanas you have chosen, with an excess of energy in the meridian, it is better not to practice at all at this time of day.

The energy circulation starts from the lung meridian, the maximum activity of which is at 3-5 am, then the energy is sent to the large intestine meridian at 5-7 am, followed by the stomach 7-9, spleen 9-11, heart 11-13, small intestine 13-15, bladder 15-17, kidneys 17-19, pericardium 19-21, three heaters 21-23, gallbladder 23-1, liver 1-3. Having done a full circle in 24 hours, the energy again returns to the meridian of the lungs at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Practicing yoga at the same time for a long period of time can unnecessarily tone the meridian, which is currently active. Whereas the practice of yoga at different times of the day allows you to work out different meridians and heal different internal organs corresponding to these meridians.

3. Once you begin your practice, don't interrupt it.

With the correct practice of yoga, a person increases the energy density of his inner and outer space and creates an increased concentration of the energy field inside and around him. Interrupting the practice and leaving the place of its completion breaks and reduces this concentration, which also reduces the cumulative energy effect of yoga practice.

4. Face the Sun

From an energy point of view, the most optimal orientation of the body in space during yoga practice is facing the Sun, that is, in the morning - towards the East, in the afternoon and evening - towards the West. However, it is not recommended to practice when the Sun is at its zenith - at this time, the solar, Yang energy is at its peak, and its excess can negatively affect the body (except for a situation where a person has a clear and chronic lack of this energy).

5. Practice on your own

Try to practice on your own more often. Practicing in a group under the instruction of a teacher can be informational and useful, but from a spiritual point of view, for the individual evolution of a person, a deep understanding of oneself and yoga, as well as true growth in practice, comes from the experience that we gain during independent practice.

This is also justified from an energy point of view - during energy practices, the human energy field is open to outside influences and is most vulnerable, and at the same time it is actively cleansed and gets rid of various energy toxins, throwing them out of it. Energy interaction with strangers in this case is not always useful. Group practice of asanas and group pranayama can have a negative impact both on you and on other people.

6. Manage Energy with Attention

Where attention goes, energy goes there.

For an energy-balanced practice, use either the Equal Attention technique - while in the asana, distribute attention all over the body at the same time, from the tips of the toes to the top of the head, evenly - so that none of the body parts "stand out" from this volume, nor "fall out". " out of him. In this case, the energy in the body is distributed evenly and harmoniously.

Either direct your attention to those parts of the body that you want to activate and fill with energy, and take your attention away from areas that are tense and hyperactive due to your physical and energy characteristics or habits in practice.

Conscious control over attention allows you to reduce the level of energy in the place where there is an excess of it, and increase it where it is lacking, and thus balance the energy state.

7. Watch your breath

If attention indicates the direction of energy, where to move it, then breathing produces the movement itself. Confused, tense, unbalanced breathing creates a chaotic flow (movement) of energy in the body, which leads to its blocking and overstrain of various body systems.

Breathing in this case can act as an indicator of the correctness of energy work in the asana. If the breath in the asana gets confused, excessively quickens or involuntarily lingers, this is an indicator that the body is not physically accessible to you yet and it does not make sense to stay in the asana longer, you should “slow down” and exit the asana, otherwise negative consequences are possible.

A positive energy effect is possible only with controlled, relaxed and even breathing. Watch your breath during practice and use it as an indicator that allows you to understand, to the nearest second, when to leave the asana. With time and practice, you will be able to stay in position longer without compromising evenness of breathing. But do not force things, master complex and new body positions slowly and gradually. This will not only protect you from physical injury, but will also help you make sure that your practice remains energetically correct and benefits you.

8. Look for an energy-comfortable body position

The physical anatomy of each person is different. Each of us has different distinctive features the structure of the skeleton, the state of muscles and ligaments, therefore, focusing on an external, ideally built asana from a physical point of view is not always correct. Quite often, a position of the body that benefits one person cripples another.

Therefore, in yoga practice, rely more on energy anatomy than on physical one, that is, it is worth focusing on finding the most energetically correct way to perform this asana for yourself.

An energetically correct asana is an asana in which you have found balance, both external and internal, a pose in which you feel physically strong and at the same time relaxed, energetically even and full. In which you feel good, and do not experience pain and discomfort. The posture that you could meditate in is such a harmonious position to be in. “Stiram Sukham Asanam,” said the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, which means: “The posture of yoga is that which is convenient and comfortable.” And he was right.

If, while in the asana, you feel emotional overexcitation, internal tension, excessive euphoria - such a practice will not bring you the positive results that Yoga can give - peace in the soul, body and mind. A yoga pose is one that is comfortable and comfortable.

9. Don't lose sight of the periphery of the body

Often during practice, as in life, our attention automatically focuses on the center of our body. This is how nature intended. From the point of view of evolution, this is the most justified, as it allows us to "follow" the most vital organs. However, for this reason, most people can notice a significant weakening and dissipation of the energy field at its periphery. To fix this, during practice, make sure that the tips of your fingers and toes do not “fall out” of your attention. Fill them with attention and energy. This will strengthen and strengthen the energy field and you will feel more whole, full and energized.

10. Keep your tongue closed

During practice, keep the tip of the tongue closed in the upper palate, behind the teeth - this action connects the two most important energy meridians.

The first meridian, which is called the Functional, or Yin channel, starts at the lowest point of the trunk, located in the perineum, and runs along the front surface of the body, ending at the tip of the tongue.

The second meridian is called the Governor or Yang channel. It also begins in the perineum, runs along the back of the body, rising to the top of the head, and ends in the upper palate. At the moment the tongue touches the sky, these two channels are energetically connected, and form vicious circle. Energy stops flowing from the body, it accumulates, circulating inside the body in a circle, which greatly enhances the energy effect of the practice.

11. Energize weak side body

Our body is not symmetrical. Most people are aware that either the left or right side of the body (or some part of it) is stronger, more developed, more flexible and more open than the other. This creates an energy imbalance between the right and left sides of the body and the activity of the energy channels that are in them.

Therefore, during practice, try to use the weaker side of the body more often and more actively - start moving with a weak leg, hold the asana longer, or do more approaches to the weak side of the body. This will equalize the physical and energetic differences between the right and left sides of the body, balance the right and left hemisphere brain and harmonizes female and male manifestations of character.

12. Keep your back straight and your spine straight

Wherever possible and appropriate, try to keep your spine straight, in line with your pelvis and crown.

The main energy channel Sushumna runs along the spine. The more even the spine, the higher the capacity of Sushumna, the better man feels physically, psychologically and energetically. With a hunched back and a stooped spine, it is difficult, or even impossible, to meditate and feel comfortable, confident and dignified - the main energy channel is partially blocked, the energy flow in it slows down and the person's condition noticeably worsens.

For good energy well-being, energy-correct yoga practice and successful meditation, it is very important that the crown, neck and spine are in one straight line (with the exception of backbend asanas and asanas with a rounded back). Also, be careful not to twist your lower back in backbends, do not twist your neck back, do not overextend your knees, and do not overexert your muscles. All these actions block the flow of energy in the body.

For good energy well-being, it would be nice to apply the “flat back” rule not only on the mat, but also in Everyday life. However, most of us make the same mistake with the phrase “straighten your back” - pull your shoulders back and try to keep them there with an effort. At the same time, the neck, shoulders and entire back are strained, the person quickly gets tired and can no longer hold his posture. To fix this, we again need to work with Attention.

Direct Attention not to the shoulders and back, but to the inner edges of the shoulder blades. Keep your attention on these edges and mentally feed them forward, inside the back. Shoulders, neck and back muscles remain relaxed.

In parallel with this, mentally direct the atlas (the first cervical vertebra at the base of the skull) and the back of the head up to Heaven. Feel how your spine is being built, your posture is straightening and your internal state is leveling.

13. Don't Neglect Savasana

A practitioner who has not yet mastered or neglects Savasana is easily recognizable by an agitated state, an unbalanced energy, mood swings, or an intermittently overwhelming state of emptiness or depression - for all those signs that teachers unfamiliar with yoga energy sometimes call "normal cleansing processes", but which are undoubtedly not normal, but rather signs incorrect practice and the lack of "energy-informational rest", which is Shavasana.

Shavasana restores and calms the energy system and all chakras after increased activity and increased throughput, eliminates “energy irregularities”, erases fuzzy energy-geometric “patterns” and stresses that may have formed during energetically and physiologically incorrect movements and positions.

During Shavasana, all the energy gained during the practice, the motor-motor connections laid down, the new neural pathways that have developed during the practice, all the information received by the body is processed, stabilized and registered in the energy system in the most efficient and organic way. It relaxes the mind, relieves excitement, calms and balances mental processes and immerses in a relaxed, meditative state. Savasana is more of a state of consciousness than a position of the physical body. The state of consciousness that should complete any serious and successful yogic practice.

Nina Mel is a yoga and meditation teacher, psychologist, writer, and author of the book Yoga Energy.

Starting your day right, with good health and a great mood is the key to productive working hours and a great evening.

The qigong complex will help you tune in to the upcoming day, as well as give your body strength and vigor, your morning will begin with a surge of positive vibrations qi. These classes will prepare the spirit and body for the events of the new day, strengthen the mind, give the opportunity to focus, concentrate on the most important.

Qigong: morning ritual

The Chinese are well aware that how you start your morning affects your entire day. If in the morning you woke up not in good health and not in a good mood, then this will also affect the day ahead of you, making it gloomy, full of stress, setbacks and failures.

Negative emotions will be multiplied by your own mind, will gain strength throughout the day, and in the evening it will inevitably result in negative experiences. Night sleep for this reason it will be restless and disturbing, and the new morning, naturally, will again turn out to be not very kind. It turns out a vicious circle.

Morning qigong exercises will help break this cycle, interrupt a series of failures and get rid of the feeling of powerlessness, the inability to influence the events taking place around. To feel full of strength after each morning awakening, with the desire to work, move actively, generate new ideas - all this is possible thanks to Eastern spiritual practice.

  • Qigong will invigorate not only your physical body, but also your spirit;
  • Practice will strengthen the immune system, make you healthier and stronger;
  • Thanks to the classes, stress resistance, mental stability will increase;
  • Qigong will give a powerful influx of both internal forces and a tangible surge of physical ones;
  • Exercises normalize arterial pressure, will give the muscles a tone;
  • By saturating the blood with oxygen, classes thereby increase the level of intelligence;
  • For working people, qigong will have a positive impact on career success.

Daily exercise can get rid of a lot of physical illness associated with a passive or sedentary lifestyle. So, qigong will restore full blood flow in the pelvic area, improve reproductive system, will help to avoid the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lower body and legs (it will help with swelling), prevent varicose veins, and eliminate back pain.

Qigong is a morning practice that is indispensable for any office worker or employee who spends most of the day at the table.

Morning qigong complex

A feature of qigong is that it must be performed even before you get out of bed. Thus, the morning complex begins while lying in bed.

  • First, pay attention to your mood. Without opening your eyes, lie comfortably on your back, straighten your legs, put your hands on your chest with your palms.
  • Think about what makes you happy. It could be your deepest dream, some positive memory, wish, or something that makes you feel warm inside. Focus on it, mentally focus on these positive thoughts and emotions that this event (or memory) evokes in you.
  • Then visualize your warm feelings: imagine that all this positive energy is in your chest area, under your palms. Give this energy a warm tone, such as yellow or orange.
  • Feel the energy ball under your palms, you can imagine that you have a kind of living energy ball or ball in your chest, from which you can draw sparkling threads. Breathe evenly and calmly, inhale and exhale smoothly, do not strain the muscles of the body, you should be completely relaxed.
  • Without opening your eyes and without taking your palms off the surface of the body, slowly begin to move them up to your shoulders, then slide them along your sides downwards, and then transfer both palms to your stomach, to its lower region.

Repeat these movements for five minutes, each time imagining before your inner eye how invisible life-giving threads of energy stretch from your energy ball after your palms. qi.

Thus, you will fill your three main energy points in the body with living power. qi, consciously distributing it through the main energy channels of your body.

After you are done, exhale and open your eyes. Take both of your hands, raise them to chest level, and then rub the nails of your right hand against your left, thereby activating additional vibrations of living energy. Already at this stage, you will feel a pleasant calm, bordering on euphoria - this is the so-called "feeling of qi". It occurs every time with a powerful influx of this miraculous energy into the human body.

In addition, at this moment your blood pressure and emotional state will normalize, you will receive a dose of living energy, and your physical body will get stronger and tune in for the coming day.

Get out of bed slowly, don't rush, don't sudden movements. Morning fuss, running around and haste - all this negatively affects not only our well-being, but also our future mood. A feeling of irritability, a "nervous platoon" arises, which later results in a bad mood. Therefore, it is better to wake up a little early in order to be able to leave your bed in a great mood and without too much fuss.

First, sit in your bed, straighten your legs, hang them out of bed. Slowly move your shoulders back and forth several times, straightening chest and filling the lungs with oxygen. At the same time, while inhaling, take your shoulders forward, and as you exhale, back.

After that, rub your open palms against each other a little, and then, as it were, comb your hair three times with them in front, from your face, back to the back of your head. This will activate your mind and intellect, command your brain to wake up and tune in to conscious processes.

After that, lift from the bed to your feet. The next step is a simple morning qigong workout, although it is much more reminiscent of smooth relaxing actions than classic morning exercises.

Qigong morning practice 40 minutes

Exercise #1

  1. Stand up straight, while making sure that your back is straight and even, but not tense. The whole body also does not experience tension, it is relaxed. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms along the body, clench your fists (but without excessive effort!).
  2. Take a smooth breath, then bend your right arm at the elbow, resting it on your waist. The fist is clenched, looking forward and straight, the thumb is turned up, lies on top of the others.
  3. Now gently turn to the left side, but the right leg remains straight, use only the left. Bend it slightly at the knee and take it to the left. At the same time, the body turns after the leg, the bent arm makes a leisurely lunge forward, the fist is unclenched.
  4. Exhale, then again clench your fist, bend your arm at the elbow and bring it back to your body, then straighten it and lower it down. The legs and body at the same time return to their original position. Repeat this exercise on the other side. Do ten times.
  5. Don't rush, but don't be too slow either. It is important that your breathing remains natural while doing this. Inhale as you turn, exhale as you return to the starting position.

This exercise will give you a sense of harmony and balance your mental system, develop the ability to withstand negative emotions and anger, and at the same time strengthen the joints of the legs and arms.

Exercise #2

  1. Stand up straight, feet together, the body does not experience tension. Breathing is even and direct. Place your hands on your knees.
  2. Gently do a shallow squat down, while your legs are bent at the knees at the same time, your hands are resting your palms on your kneecaps. Left hand- on the left knee, right - on the right. Make sure that your legs stay together, do not spread them apart.
  3. The back remains straight, but the body moves forward slightly (to maintain balance). While inhaling, you perform this smooth squat, while exhaling, you straighten up, returning to the starting position.
  4. Make sure that the depth of your bent knees is correct - your thigh and floor level should be parallel at the bottom of the position. The feet are motionless throughout the session, they do not move, the heels and socks do not come off the floor.
  5. Do this exercise at an average pace ten times.

The exercise will strengthen and improve the joints of your legs, as well as the back and lower back area, and restore a beautiful and correct posture. Normalizing blood flow in the lower torso and legs, the exercise is indispensable for people who lead a passive lifestyle or work at the office at the table.

Morning qigong exercises are an opportunity to feel vigorous, healthy and happy.

Exercise #3

  1. Stand up straight with your feet together. The palms of your hands are in the groin area, turned inside down (looking at the floor), while as if turned inside out - the fingers look at each other. The thumbs stick out from the rest, and the remaining ones are squeezed together.
  2. The back is straight, the arms are not tense. Be careful not to feel any discomfort or tension anywhere in your body.
  3. Inhale and gently raise both arms to the sides and up at the same time, raising your head after them. Reach the highest point on the sides of your head so that both raised palms are facing the inside towards the ceiling.
  4. You seem to be trying to hold the ceiling with your hands. But the palms are at a small distance from each other, the fingers of the left hand and the right hand do not touch each other.
  5. Gently lower your arms down to the sides, synchronously performing this movement and exhaling. Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise ten times.

This exercise will help strengthen physical health, it has a positive effect on overall well-being, gives vigor and strength, improves blood flow in the tissues. Great for circulation flow qi in the body, filling it with positive vibrations and eliminating energy stagnation.

Exercise number 4

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and cross, the right leg lies on top for men, for women the upper knee is left. The toes of the feet are located on the same line, but at the same time they look in different directions.
  2. Place your palms on your knees. Relax, do not strain your back or leg muscles. You should be comfortable in this starting position.
  3. Gently swing with the help of your pelvic muscles to the right side. Take a breath. Then swing, also using the pelvic muscles to the left side.
  4. Repeat the exercise ten times, so that you swing ten times in one direction and the other.

This exercise perfectly strengthens the weakened muscles of the pelvic floor, eliminates congestive and inflammatory processes that often occur as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, the exercise will give vigor to the body and a feeling of lightness in the legs, relieve swelling and swollen veins.

Exercise number 5

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your back, but do not strain. Hands are freely located along the body, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Inhale, and then cross your palms in the area slightly below the navel, laying thumbs up (they look at the ceiling).
  3. Slowly raise your joined hands to the chest area, bending them at the elbows. Hold your hands for a couple of seconds at the top point, and then exhale and lower your hands back to the abdomen without opening the hands.
  4. Repeat the exercise ten times. At the end, separate your hands, closing your eyes, and then rub your palms together. Open your eyes.

This exercise will give you strength, good mood and a powerful burst of motivation. generating energy qi at the most important points human body, the exercise will help distribute it to all internal organs from the pelvis to the neck, thereby having a pronounced physical effect.

The lesson is ideal for morning practices to get a positive energy charge for the whole coming day.

Exercise number 6

  1. Stand straight, feet together, arms hanging freely along the body, not tense.
  2. Inhale, and then, as it were, push both of your shoulders forward at the same time. At the same time, no other muscles of your body are involved, the back and head are motionless, the muscles of the face do not tense up.
  3. After that, lift your shoulders up as far as you can, exhale and lower them with an effort down, as if trying to go down only with your shoulders.
  4. Then take a new breath and push your shoulders back synchronously, then lift up and down again, exhaling.
  5. Repeat the exercise ten times.

This activity will develop the joints and ligaments of the back, especially the upper part of it, as well as strengthen the sternum and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and circulatory system. Due to the influx of oxygen into the lungs, you will experience an increase in the level of vigor and physical strength.

Remember that you need to practice in spacious clothes made of natural fabric. Your nightly pajamas are also ideal for this, because you can practice qigong without having to change clothes for practice.

After the class, you can have breakfast, as well as a cup of coffee or tea, but remember that in the first hours after qigong, you should avoid eating and drinking cold food, so eat only warm dishes. This will have an additional effect on your body after morning practice, and the food will break down faster in the stomach, being converted into energy.

If you do not sleep with the window open, and there is not enough air in the bedroom after a night's sleep, then it would be better to ventilate the room before starting classes. If the weather is nice warm outside, then you can exercise right on your balcony or in the garden.

Breakfast after qigong

Separately, it is worth mentioning the morning meal after qigong - this is extremely important if you want to maintain a cheerful mood and good health until the next morning. In many ways, it is breakfast that determines our future state, and in China they pay special attention to it, focusing on the following points:

  • Your morning meal must certainly contain some of the healthy cereals (buckwheat, rice, etc.);
  • Refuse harmful, fatty and fried foods in the morning, this will overload your body and digestive system;
  • Drink plenty of warm liquid after meals, but don't drink during breakfast itself;
  • After finishing your morning meal, you can eat something sweet - dessert will give your body additional easily digestible calories.

It should be recalled that qigong should be practiced in the morning only in a good mood, with a positive mood and a feeling of deep peace. To do this, you need to start the practice while still in bed in order to form positive emotional attitudes even before you get out of bed. Therefore, follow the above list of exercises to achieve the maximum effect after Taoist practice.

If during the day you begin to experience anxiety or imbalance, and energy qi as if leaving your body, then:

  1. Just close your eyes, relaxing;
  2. Breathe calmly;
  3. And then rub your palms together first;
  4. Then - the nails of the right hand on the nails of the left.

This will return you to a good mood and clog the energy gap that could have formed as a result of some of your emotional upheavals or a violation of spiritual harmony.

On average, such daily oriental practice sessions last about forty minutes, and the effect after them persists until the next morning. You should regularly perform qigong: the morning after the exercises develops especially harmoniously, and the supply of energy and good mood is enough until the evening. No anxieties and stresses experienced during the day will affect your well-being and peace of mind, and therefore they will not deprive you of strength or faith in yourself.

Morning qigong for students and workers is the only opportunity to establish a productive regime for the coming day, so that you have enough time and energy for any tasks and deeds, and in the evening you are not bothered by a feeling of powerlessness and emptiness.

It would seem that in our time there are all conditions for quality rest. Choose what your heart desires: bars, cafes, beauty salons and spa centers. However, people are increasingly feeling tired and depressed. Why is this happening? Esotericists and psychologists answer this question as follows: because most types of modern recreation are not aimed at restoring energy, but at wasting it. How to restore your energy balance? What practices exist for this? We will talk about this in this article.

Before moving on to listing the methods of finding harmony, let's discuss what everyday little things affect our energy state. After all, it is with the little things that our path to health and integrity begins.

Energy Habits

1. Connect with nature more often

Scientists have long established that people who live in large cities without getting out have lower immunity. After all, no matter how far we have gone in our development from animals, we are still the children of Mother Earth. And we need its energy to maintain spiritual and mental health.

Walk in parks, squares for at least half an hour a day. It is better to walk alone, without a player or a book. Do not be distracted by anything other than observing the surrounding nature. If it is a warm season, take off your shoes and stand on the damp ground for a few minutes. Feed animals, birds in parks. By the way, communication with animals can also be attributed to a powerful energy practice. Every owner of a cat, dog or even aquarium fish knows how healing just watching pets can be.

2. Watch your diet

"Man is what he eats," said the ancients. We will not talk now about the medical benefits of a balanced diet. After all, eating in almost all cultures is also an important ritual that can fill us with spiritual powers. Eat mindfully, imagining how food strengthens you. Avoid regular meals in front of the TV or computer. Try to buy as many natural products grown in small farms as possible. Such fruits and vegetables are not only useful, but also have a “soul”, they are filled with the pure energy of the Earth. Try to eat as many seasonal fruits and vegetables as possible, grown in the area where you live.

3. Choose natural things

The focus on naturalness should concern not only food, but also cosmetics and fabrics. Of course, this does not mean that we should return to the past and completely abandon the benefits of civilization. At least a few things are enough, daily contact with which will be your channel of communication with nature. Maybe it will be your favorite pure linen home clothes or hand-brewed soap with the addition of natural essential oils.

4. Learn correct breathing

It is not for nothing that Eastern sages and yogis considered breathing exercises central to their practice. They argued that it is with the help of proper breathing that we are able to absorb the energy of the Universe. In India it was called prana, and in China it was called qi.

Great if you are already doing yoga and practicing some pranayama (breathing exercises). If not, learning how to breathe properly is not difficult at all. First, you need to try to breathe in your stomach, not your chest. It is breathing with the stomach that is considered the deepest, it provides the maximum flow of oxygen to our internal organs. Second, if you are at rest, your exhalation should be slightly longer than your inhalation. It calms the mind and clears the human energy field.

5. Work through your psychological traumas and blocks

Nothing harms a person so much as the restrictions that he himself sets for himself. Low self-esteem, resentment towards the opposite sex, pessimism are the barriers that do not allow vital energy to flow freely in our body. Psychologists have long noticed that chronic psychological problems are displayed on the bodily level, especially in muscle clamps. Fear "gets stuck" at the level of the neck and shoulders. Anger is in the jaws and hands. Self-doubt makes the legs give way, and the communication channel with the earth breaks.

Watch your psychological hygiene. Don't hold onto negative emotions. Or splash them out in a safe space (with friends, a psychologist, in a diary) or, if possible, protect yourself from negative stimuli. Minimize contact with so-called psychological vampires. Do not console yourself with hopes that they will change, even if they are your loved ones.

Energizing Techniques

In this part of the article we will talk about specific methods to replenish your energy potential. And we will start with one of the most powerful techniques, the so-called chakra meditation. It is suitable for both men and women.

Chakra Meditation

According to Indian beliefs, a chakra is an invisible little spindle that pumps energy. Each of the 7 energy centers, chakras, is associated with a specific area of ​​life. For example, we need the energy of the first chakra to maintain all vital activity, the desire to live, and the energy of the third chakra to motivate us to fight and succeed. By “pumping up” all 7 chakras in this meditation, you will feel ready for any accomplishments.

This meditation should be done lying down. Be sure to make sure that the spine is as straight as possible, elongated like a string. Turn on some nice relaxing music. Breathe at your normal pace for a few minutes, then take a couple of deep breaths in and out.

Focus on the first chakra, it is located at the very bottom of the abdomen, at the base of the spine. Think of it as a dark red spinning wheel. Imagine how dark red threads are wound onto this wheel from space. Say to yourself: "I exist!"

Go to the second chakra, it is located a little higher, between the genitals and the navel. She is an orange spindle with threads of the same color. Imagine how it spins, and the threads seem to appear from space. Say: "I want!"

The third chakra is at the level of the navel, near the solar plexus. Its color is yellow. Imagine how it is “pumped up” with yellow energy from the outside. Feel how faster and faster the “wheel” of the chakra is spinning. Say "I can!"

The fourth chakra is located in the heart. This is the green spindle responsible for our emotions and ability to love. Feel it inside you, imagine how it spins threads of a beautiful emerald color. Say: "I love!"

The fifth chakra is located in the throat area. It is responsible for our self-expression, realization, Creative skills. Her energy is blue. Think of it as a wheel or a ball. It absorbs the energy of a heavenly hue. Her motto is "I say!"

The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows, in the region of the so-called third eye. She gives us paranormal abilities enhances intuition. The color of this chakra is deep blue. Focus on the sensations in it. See a dark blue spinning wheel towards which the blue threads are striving. Say to yourself: "I see!"

The seventh chakra is at the crown. This is our connection with space, the most main source energy. It corresponds to purple. Feel a slight tingle in her area, imagine how a violet ray from space nourishes her. Confidently say: “I understand!”

Elemental Power Technique

This technique is also universal, that is, it is suitable for both men and women. The only thing is that women can stay a little longer at work with the female elements - Water and Earth, and men - pay more attention to Air and Fire.

Prepare in advance the symbols of the four elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. It is not necessary to take their actual substitutes, that is, raw earth for the Earth. You can also take wood, stones, natural minerals of green or brown color. Incense sticks or a lit aroma lamp are suitable as a symbol of Air. For Fire it is better to take a burning candle, and for Water - a glass or a bowl of water.

Take a burning candle in your hands. Look into its flame, imagine yourself to be it. You are a bold, bright, strong flame. Say: I invoke the power of Fire and unite with it! Stay 3-5 minutes in this state, imagining yourself as a flame.

Take a lit aroma stick or aroma lamp. Watch for smoke or steam. "Enter" it, imagine yourself to be it. You are freedom-loving, invulnerable, clean air. Say: I invoke the power of Air and unite with it! Stay in this image for several minutes.

It's time for the element of Water. Let there be a bowl of water in your hands, you can even dip your fingers into it. Imagine yourself as it, flexible, accepting, peaceful Water. Fill yourself with her power. Say: I invoke the power of Water and unite with it!

The last element is Earth. Pick up a stone, a tree or a handful of earth. Feel its strength, reliability. Imagine yourself to them. You are indestructible, like a strong rock. You are filled with the juices of life, like a fruitful tree or earth in the spring. Stay in this state for a few minutes. At the end, say: I call on the power of the Earth and connect with it!

Solar Breathing Technique

As mentioned above, breathing in itself is a powerful energy practice. We offer you the simplest, but at the same time very effective breathing technique. According to yoga beliefs, the right side of the body is associated with the Sun (a symbol of masculinity and activity), and the left side is associated with the Moon (a symbol of femininity and passivity). When we breathe through the right nostril, closing the left we are filled with energy. And when we close the right, breathing through the left, on the contrary, we relax.

At the beginning of this technique, we need to enter a peaceful state and purify ourselves. Close the right nostril with your finger, inhale through the left, hold your breath, now close the left and exhale through the right. Take 10 slow breaths in and out. Imagine how dark, negative energy leaves your body through the right nostril when you exhale. You breathe it out. And you inhale the crystal clear energy of blue color through the left nostril.

After cleansing, we proceed to a set of active energy. Close the left nostril, inhale through the right. Hold your breath, now close the right and exhale through the left. The energy you breathe in is red. Feel how you are filled with the energy of the Sun.

We have looked at three simple and effective techniques for gaining energy. The third can be done daily, preferably in the morning. The other two are once or twice a week.

Tatyana Kulinich for https: // site

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