How to use both hemispheres of the brain. Brain development: useful tips and exercises

Most of the people who read this article are right-handed, a small part of the audience are left-handed, and a very small proportion are ambidexters. An ambidextrous is a person who is able to control two of his hands at the same time equally.

According to statistics, approximately 1% of children are born with ambidexterity. However, this ability can be developed independently in adulthood.

Previously, it was believed that ambidexterity is a diagnosis, and educators sought to eliminate the defect. Now, on the contrary, some consciously develop the ability to use two hands. Indeed, in fact, this phenomenon has many advantages that make such people special.

Ambidextrous Facts

  • Ambidextrous make decisions faster.
  • Such people can easily multitask.
  • The IQ level of ambidexters is higher than that of left-handers and right-handers.
  • Among the famous and most outstanding ambidexters are Leonardo da Vinci, Jimi Hendrix and Maria Sharapova.
  • Ambidexterity can be congenital (1% of children) or acquired, developed independently.
  • Ambidextrous hyperactives.
  • Ambidextrous can write the same word or draw the same figure with both hands at the same time.

Ambidextrous: pros and cons

Man's right hand governs left hemisphere brain, and left - right. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, analysis and calculations, and the right - for emotions, sensuality and intuition. Thus, right-handers are more successful in logic, and left-handers in feelings.

Ambidexter is a person who has the abilities of both left-handers and right-handers at the same time, since both hemispheres of his brain are equally developed.

Ambidextrous can become excellent musicians and athletes. So, the possession of a musical instrument with both hands at once equally deftly allows you to master it faster, including performing it on highest level the most complex techniques of the game. Possession of a sports simulator with both hands equally strong will allow you to overtake rivals, for example, you can easily play tennis by changing your left and right hands and hit the same hard with a racket.

The talented guitarist Jimi Hendrix was ambidextrous. The artist, encyclopedist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous.

If the leading hand is damaged in an ordinary person (for example, a fracture), then he loses his capacity in everyday life, while an abidextrous can easily replace one hand with another.

Ambidextrous is a person who is prone to quick impulsive decision-making, as they are able to analyze events as objectively as possible. This is an important quality in critical situations.

Such people can see the world both from the logical and sensual side at the same time. Therefore, they see their surroundings more in bright colors than left-handers or right-handers.

Ambidexterity also shows shortcomings in a person's life. Thus, abmbidekrst children who enter school are likely to be subject to pressure from educators who will seek to retrain them to be right-handed. Emotionally it will be hard for the child.

Children with this feature often suffer from hyperreactivity and attention deficit disorder. This negatively affects their learning. Therefore, one might get the impression that the ambidexter is a mentally deficient child. However, this is not the case, the IQ level of such people is higher than that of left-handers or right-handers, as they absorb material faster.

Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova is an ambidexter. Czechoslovakian and American tennis player Martina Navratilova is ambidextrous.

Experiencing difficult experiences, people with one dominant hemisphere are able to switch and be distracted from unpleasant thoughts, doing work that requires logical attention. Ambidextrous, however, will not be able to do this and will simultaneously experience emotions about their experience and analyze it logically. They will not be able to switch to another matter until they forget their experience. This can negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Some experts believe that ambidexters are prone to schizophrenia and have more headaches.

Famous Ambidextrous

Ambidextrous are special people, with a specific mindset, and among them there are many well-known outstanding personalities who have made a great contribution to the development of all mankind.

For example, Leonardo da Vinci, a well-known encyclopedic scientist, artist and inventor who created the Mona Lisa and designed the aircraft long before it appeared.

Famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix, who could play the guitar both left-handed and right-handed.

Tennis champions Maria Sharapova and Martina Navratilova would not have become such outstanding athletes without ambidexterity.

In addition, well-known ambiekstars are actor Tom Cruise, singer Mireille Mathieu, writer and author of the dictionary Vladimir Dal.

Test for ambidexterity

If you are an ambidexter, then you probably already knew about this for a long time. However, it will be interesting for everyone to check it out. There is one simple test.

Take a look at the image below. If the figure of a girl rotates clockwise, then your left hemisphere is leading and you are right-handed. If the figure rotates counterclockwise, then, accordingly, your right hemisphere is active and you are left-handed. If you can easily switch the rotation of the figure in one direction or the other in your head (not in your imagination, but actually see the rotation in both directions), then you are an abambidexter.

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Depending on which leg and arm of the girl you imagine closer, the figure will rotate in one direction or another. You can see it better in the illustration below.

How to be Ambidextrous

Initially, all children can control both hands well at the same time. But in the course of education, most often the right one becomes the leading one. Accordingly, the ability to control the left hand remains forgotten in a person for life. But it is there, and it can be remembered.

Many athletes and musicians deliberately develop this quality in themselves in order to be better professionally. As mentioned above, an ambidexter is a person who can surpass others in some physical skills.

In order to become ambidexterous, you should gradually shift the functions of the right hand to the left (if you are right-handed, and if you are left-handed, then vice versa). For example, hold a spoon during a meal, hang a bag on the other shoulder while walking, hold a spoon while eating.

To achieve ambidexterity, you also need to practice writing with both hands at the same time. Take paper and pens in both hands and start writing the same words with your left and right hand. The direction and slope of the text does not matter, the main thing is that you get letters. It won't work right away, but it can be developed.

Below you can see ambidexters being written with both hands.

The development of ambidexterity takes a considerable amount of time. At the same time, a person will feel not only changes in the possession of hands, but also in a psycho-emotional state, so his brain will also change.

The brain is the most important and complex part of the central nervous system. With its help, all processes associated with thinking and evaluating information received from external environment. The brain has two hemispheres - left and right, each of which is responsible for certain processes. The work of both hemispheres must be harmonious and coordinated so that a person can adequately carry out all types of life activity.

The principles of operation of both hemispheres are still under study, but so far the world is dominated by the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry. The essence of the theory is that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right - for creativity. And although many experiments have shown that each hemisphere is responsible to some extent for both aspects of thinking, the theory still continues to exist, being on this moment leading.

What are the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left hemisphere of the brain dominates in such areas:

  • Coordination of movements of the right side of the body;
  • Control of speech, reading, writing, recognition and understanding of mathematical symbols, as well as remembering names, dates;
  • Logical analysis of facts obtained from outside;
  • Only a literal understanding of concepts;
  • Stages in the processing of any information received;
  • All mathematical manipulations;
  • Orientation in time and feeling of one's own body;
  • The concept of one's own "I" and its isolation from the environment;
  • The predominance of introversion in character;
  • Logical, symbolic and sequential thinking.

You can check which hemisphere is more developed by analyzing how vividly the above qualities are realized in Everyday life. The following techniques will also help with determining the dominant hemisphere:

  • If, when interlacing the fingers, the thumb of the right hand is on top, then the left hemisphere dominates and vice versa;
  • With handclaps, the hand that is on top is coordinated by the opposite hemisphere;
  • When crossing the arms on the shoulders, the dominance of the left hemisphere is evidenced by the right hand lying on top.

In newborns, the work of the right hemisphere of the brain predominates. After speech and other skills actively begin to develop, the left hemisphere turns on. Due to the educational system and social structure, the vast majority of children eventually begin to dominate the left hemisphere, eclipsing the right.

It has been experimentally proven that left-handers have the dominance of the right hemisphere. However, parents, so that their child does not differ from others, try to retrain him. Doing this is highly undesirable, since the consequences can be unpleasant, manifesting themselves in various disorders of the brain.

What is dangerous damage to the left hemisphere of the brain?

With any damage to the left hemisphere of the brain, violations, disappearances or deformations of its function are noted. Possible occurrence of such pathological conditions:

  • Violation of the ability to generalize the received data;
  • Violation of the ability to build logical chains;
  • Various lesions of the speech apparatus (misunderstanding of speech, loss of the ability to speak, and others);
  • The defeat of the written analyzer (misunderstanding of what is written during the perception of oral speech or the inability to write in normal speech);
  • Combined lesions of speech and writing;
  • Disorientation in time;
  • Impaired ability to build in correct sequence tasks that need to be completed to achieve a goal;
  • The inability to draw conclusions from the facts.

It is often impossible to restore lost abilities completely. In some situations, it is not possible to achieve even a minimal improvement in a particular area of ​​​​damage. Of particular importance in this situation are left-handers, whose center of speech, like some others, is in the right hemisphere.

The fact that the center of speech is located in the frontal lobes of the left hemisphere was proved in the middle of the 19th century. After that, almost immediately it became clear that the predominance of the left hand in writing is closely related to the center of speech in the right hemisphere. In 1861, the concept of "motor aphasia" was formulated, which implies understanding of speech, but the inability to speak. This condition appeared after the destruction of certain zones in the left hemisphere. In 1874, "sensory aphasia" was discovered, which is characterized by the ability to speak, but the inability to understand speech. The phenomenality of these disorders is that in left-handers, these zones are most often located in the right hemisphere.

Exercises for the development of the brain

During the development of children, parents should monitor the harmony of both hemispheres. Ultimately, almost everyone, with the exception of left-handers, will be left-brain dominant. Therefore, exercises for the development of the left hemisphere are not relevant. In addition, the child will receive sufficient development of logic and consistency in educational institutions. However, for left-handers, it will be useful to perform some exercises designed specifically for the left hemisphere.

Basic exercises:

  • Daily solution of several problems, preferably a mathematical profile with a logical component;
  • Solving crossword puzzles (for children there are also special puzzles, riddles, etc.);
  • Perform as many movements as possible with the right half of the body (only for left-handers).

Much more important are exercises aimed at improving the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Development methods include:

  • A very simple exercise consists in simultaneously stroking yourself with your right hand on your stomach and tapping yourself with your left hand on your head. At first, you should do it slowly, carefully monitoring the movements of each hand, and then gradually accelerate.
  • The next exercise also requires hand work. Putting them in front of him, a person should draw a square in the air with one, and the second, for example, a star. At the same time, as soon as he notices progress, that is, it becomes easier to perform the exercise, you should change hands.
  • A more difficult coordination exercise is to hold the tip of the nose with one hand, while holding the opposite ear with the other. The training technique is that the hands need to be changed as quickly as possible.
  • Depending on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed, you should try to do the usual things with the opposite hand, such as brushing your teeth or eating.
  • Dance classes, in particular tango, help develop both hemispheres at the same time.
  • Also useful exercise is to draw the same drawing with both hands at the same time. Moreover, the images should be mirrored.

For normal life, the harmonious development of both hemispheres of the brain is important, each of which will be activated in a certain, suitable situation. Excessive dominance of the left hemisphere blocks the path to creativity and creativity. Excessive activity of the right - makes a person uncollected, too scattered.

The human brain needs constant development, but each of its hemispheres needs a special approach. The left and right hemispheres are responsible for different skills, habits and feelings. In addition, each of them serves the opposite side of the human body: the right - the left, and the left - the right.

The development of this or that part of the brain determines your skills. For example, excessive sensitivity indicates the dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, and logic - the left. Is it possible to develop the right hemisphere of the brain specifically by resorting to training and exercises? Of course yes.

Right hemisphere of the brain - features

Before you engage in the development of the right hemisphere, you need to understand what it is responsible for. You should know that these are, first of all, emotions, intuition and creativity of human thinking.

With the active development of the right hemisphere, people are able to see the world as a whole, without splitting the picture into elements. So there is an improved perception of images and symbols, rather than alphanumeric values. Perhaps the main advantage is the ability to do several things at the same time and think about each of them equally, without ignoring the details. If we summarize the functionality of the right hemisphere of the human brain, then we can call it in one word - creative.

How can you develop the right hemisphere?

To date, exercises for the development of the right hemisphere, incl. lots of games. Note that this is not so much physical exercise how much technique on motor skills, perception and pace. Some exercises may require tools.

Each of the exercises in the article will help develop the right hemisphere of the human brain. They can be used both individually and in combination. It is necessary to choose one or more of the most suitable for your lifestyle, which will not interfere with your daily activities. However, despite the exercise, there is important rule- effective development of the right hemisphere of the brain is possible only if the exercises are systematically performed.

The brain can be compared to muscles, the more you train, the faster their abilities grow. As soon as you forget about their needs, they weaken and even atrophy.

Presentation: "Commonwealth of the hemispheres of the human brain"

First steps in brain development

If there are difficulties with the choice of such activities, he advises visiting cultural events. For example, art exhibitions, folk art fairs, museums and more. Such places evoke various associations. So you can choose to draw or write short stories and miniatures.

It should be understood that the body and the brain are closely interconnected, in view of this, it will be most effective to influence the brain through the body. Remember that the right hemisphere affects the left side of the body and body.

In the event that you are used to writing with your right hand, then you should develop your left hand. For example, when playing a musical instrument, use the left side to play a simple melody. It will also be effective to replace hands in everyday activities. So when stirring sugar, you can change your hand from left to right and vice versa. It is necessary to bring these exercises to automatism. Of course, at first it will not be easy, however, you did not start writing in the first grade right away, as well as walking. If you practice like this every day, the result will not be long in coming.

Visualization - the beginning

This exercise for the development of the right hemisphere is not only useful, but also exciting.

It will be interesting for any generation, because we fantasize and dream, regardless of age.

  1. Visualization - close your eyes and imagine White list paper or background. Mentally print your name on it. Imagine that the color of the letters is green, then blue, and then red. You can also try changing the background color. The brighter the colors, the more effective.
  2. Auditory fantasies. To fully develop the right hemisphere, it is necessary to work with sound. Imagine that someone is calling you. Concentrate so that such a “vision” becomes clear. Try to identify who this voice belongs to. Maybe it's your grandmother or mother. The next step is to play the music in your head. The most effective is to remember your favorite song.
  3. Tactile sensations. Quite an interesting exercise in the sense of words. Take a comfortable body position, close your eyes and try to imagine your name. What is it? Cold and hard, like a stone, or affectionate and warm, like a beloved cat. Similarly, you can experiment with taste sensations and smell. It is important to try to present all visualized things in such a way that you can feel them with your senses.

Mirror Drawing for Brain Development

An excellent exercise that improves the efficiency of both hemispheres of the brain. Drawing, thus, involves both hemispheres, in fact, “pulling up” one of them, which is lagging behind in development. You will need paper and two pencils. Try to draw the same shapes with both hands at the same time. It can be rings, hearts, squares, anything. The main thing is that both the right and left hand must perform the same task at the same time.

Playing musical instruments is great for brain development, as both hemispheres are involved. This is a great workout that promotes rapid development.

Development through these exercises is very effective and the results are not long in coming. The only rule is consistency. By following these tips, you are guaranteed a developed, productive right brain.

How Mandala Affects the Brain

The mandala is a sacred pattern in Tibet and the Hindu religion. Contemplation of this picture can be called the first step with the work of the right hemisphere. You can draw a mandala or find it ready-made on the Internet.

Relax the body, starting from the tips of the toes and ending with the muscles of the face. Concentrate on the center of the pattern (3 minutes). After a while, you will notice that the drawing began to “play”, as in a kaleidoscope.

By the way, in Tibet, monks use mandala drawing as one of the most difficult practices. They collect patterns from colored grains. Such an occupation can last not a day or two, sometimes reaching up to several months. At the end of the drawing, the pattern is erased with one wave of the hand.

In 1975, the State of California presented the Distinguished Research Award to Paul Dennison. The scientist proposed through various exercises to involve those parts of the brain that are less active.

During testing, the following results were revealed:

  • Improved concentration, and the ability to remember more data in a short period of time.
  • Increased stress tolerance.
  • Adaptation to new conditions was easier and faster.
  • Emotional state control.
  • After various loads, the body recovered faster.
  • Development of creative potential.

Exercises with such results are relevant not only for the younger generation, but also for adults.

There are a lot of classes according to the “brain gym” method, consider the most popular ones.

Symmetrical exercises

  1. Movements in parallel

When you walk, touch your left knee with your left hand, and your right knee with your right hand. You need to take 12 steps. It is necessary to ensure that the hands touch the knees alternately, without losing the rhythm. In this case, it is necessary to look at a drawing with two parallel lines, which should be at eye level.

  1. Infinity

Press your ear to your left shoulder, and left hand pull forward. Concentrate on your index finger and draw a horizontal figure eight sign. Draw from the center point up and to the left. Do this exercise eight times, and then repeat with the right side of the body.

  1. symmetrical pattern

Take a comfortable position of the body standing or sitting. At the same time, with your hands, draw the same, but with a mirror image, drawings. They can be drawn both on paper and in the air.

Asymmetrical exercises

  1. crossroads

The exercise is performed similarly to a symmetrical task. The difference is that you need to touch the opposite knee with your palms, i.e. left palm - right knee, and vice versa. Drawing for visual support - X.

  1. Gymnastics for fingers

Both hands clench into a fist. In one movement, straighten the index finger of the right hand and the thumb on the other. Then mirror straighten the index finger on the left hand and the thumb on the right. Return to starting position. Just? Increase the pace.

Another variation of this exercise is to throw out the other fingers at the same time. For example: on the left hand - the little finger, and on the right - the middle one. Then index plus nameless.

To complicate the task, you can add a circular or other movement to the alternation of fingers.

“The intuitive spirit is a sacred gift, the rational spirit is only a faithful servant. We have created a society that praises the servant, forgetting about the holy gift.
Albert Einstein

Some people are very good at drawing, but it is difficult for them to multiply, for example, eight by nine. Have you wondered why? Or why some people find it difficult to write even a page of an essay when they can easily solve difficult problems? It has to do with which part of the brain is dominant, left or right.

Our brain resembles a walnut kernel with two halves and a wrinkled surface.

It is known that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for rationality, analytics, and has a tendency to control the personality as a whole. The language of this hemisphere is linear, words are logically lined up in a chain based on reasonableness and validity. As a rule, lawyers, chemists, mathematicians and accountants are left-brain dominant, because these professions require logic and an analytical mindset.

The right hemisphere of the brain is the source of emotions, intuition, artistic sketches and creativity. It solves problems with premonitions and forecasts, looks for analogies in various structures, tends to react spontaneously, unpredictably. This hemisphere prefers equality over power. Mostly in musicians, actors and artists, the right hemisphere of the brain dominates, which is also responsible for the sense of rhythm, perception of color, image, etc.

All significant achievements come from the harmonious interaction of these two hemispheres and are the result of spiritual uplift. The solution to the problem occurs during a sudden intuitive breakthrough (right hemisphere dominance) preceded by intelligent logical data analysis (left hemisphere dominance).

At the end of this process, the left analytical hemisphere begins to analyze and balance all insights. Without the right hemisphere, there would be no brain useful ideas, without the left hemisphere - a practical explanation of the usefulness of such ideas.

The right hemisphere of the brain specializes in our security, which means protection, while the left hemisphere specializes in aggression and new challenges, which means attack. Both hemispheres can function both in harmony and in conflict.

People who are able to think and implement ideas only in a scientific way and are not at all aware of creative approaches to life live only with the left brain. People who emphasize only the right hemisphere of the brain live in their own unreal world. personal feelings and fantasies. But there are people who are balanced in this regard and have integrated the realities of both hemispheres. They live in the rational and emotional.

If one of the hemispheres is allowed to dominate, the other hemisphere becomes weak and passive. In such cases, a person solves his problems with only half of the brain. But the human brain is built in such a way that it works as a whole.

This knowledge existed in ancient Egypt and India. Sacred Geometry confirms that the ancient Egyptian mystics were taught two aspects of everything, corresponding to the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Today, scientists believe that the human brain has much more potential than is being used. Especially the right hemisphere of our brain has exceptional visual memory, powerful imagination and creativity. However, this potential remains unprocessed, inactive and unused in most people. For this reason, we must strive to develop our right brain and use its enormous potential and thus use both hemispheres of our brain in parallel.
