Trees donors and vampires: how to determine. Donor Trees and Vampire Trees: How to Restore Energy Balance Vampire Trees by Zodiac Signs

Known from ancient times donor trees and vampires. They affect a person in different ways, and accordingly, over the years, people have developed their own attitude towards such trees. Almost always, people treated trees as animated beings and often poured out their soul before them, told about their hardships and life difficulties.

And these trees helped: they cleansed the soul, relieved pain, dispelled melancholy. Today, no one needs to prove that a long stay in the forest has a beneficial therapeutic effect on a person, which in its effect far exceeds any medicine.

This is especially noticeable in the spring, when after the awakening of nature, a person in the forest, inhaling the healing aroma and getting a good mood and a charge of vivacity, forgets about his troubles and stresses. Nowadays, the attitude towards donor trees and vampires is somewhat different than before. If earlier it was believed that a plant has a soul, today this concept is called energy.

If trees can accumulate in themselves space energy and give it into space, then these trees are donors. Donor trees include oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, mountain ash.

Trees, depending on their status as a donor or vampire, react differently to humans. The indicator can be a thin strip of foil sandwiched between the thumb and forefinger. If you slowly approach the tree with it and at the same time the free end of the foil is pulled towards the tree - this is a vampire plant, and if it repels from the tree - this is a donor.

Oak is a plant that activates blood circulation and helps in stressful situations. With its powerful energy, oak improves clarity and power of thought. You need to gather your thoughts and think well - stay near the oak. They say that in the old days before the battle, Russian soldiers went to the oak grove to strengthen their spirit and gain strength there.

Pine relieves mental stress and soothes. To normalize metabolism, get rid of cough and runny nose, sometimes it is enough to take a walk through the pine forest. Pine charges a person with heavy energy, so getting energy from a pine is subjecting yourself to heavy loads.

Acacia energy is especially useful for women, it gives a person cheerfulness and freshness.
Maple is valuable for its effect in the alleys, where it creates a chain of creative powerful energy.
Birch promotes air ionization. Exists folk remedy from cervical osteochondrosis. To get rid of it, you need to put a thick birch branch wrapped in a soft cloth under your neck at night.

Vampire trees take away negative energy from a person, remove waste energy. Such trees are also called biovampires. The strongest of them are aspen and poplar (almost 95 percent of people they have a suction effect).

Weaker vampire trees include bird cherry, willow, spruce, and chestnut. Poplar has a double effect on people. He is actively taking environment negative energy. However, people suffer from it with a headache, under whose windows it grows.

Aspen takes black energy. In villages, people still put an aspen log under their heads if they suffer from a headache. In general, aspen is an amazing tree, helping a person, it has a detrimental effect on microbes. It is no coincidence that aspen branches are put in cabbage so that it does not peroxide. For the same reason, cellars and well log cabins are made from aspen.

To receive energy from a donor tree, you need to approach it and raise your palm. If heat emanates from it (especially if it happens at sunrise), then this tree is a donor. They approach him from the south side, stand with their backs to the tree, hug him with their lowered arms. Close your eyes, relax and replenish your energy reserve. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.

You can plant on your site, some of them are able to produce horticultural crops and at the same time exert their healing energy effect.

Video - "Trees".

Among all plants, trees are the champions in terms of the amount of energy. Moreover, people and trees living in the same area understand each other better at the energy level. So, for the majority of the inhabitants of central Russia, birch, oak, mountain ash, poplar, pine, ash, aspen, linden, willow, etc. act as "doctors". This does not mean that exotic trees do not affect the Russian people, it is just that sometimes it is more difficult to find a “common language” with them.

Before resorting to the help of any of the trees, it is necessary to understand whether it has sufficient power to provide this help. In the thicket of the forest, where the trees stand as a solid wall, you should not look for a "doctor". Trees with a powerful energy reserve grow separately - in an open area, a clearing, where there are no trees of the same species nearby. As a rule, the energy of such a tree can be felt at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Some healing trees feed a person with energy - donor trees, some take away its excess - vampire trees. Some may act in both roles. Therefore, the choice of a suitable tree and the method of treatment depend on the nature of the disease and the personal qualities of the patient: character, age, gender, etc.

With strong excitement, stress, great grief, headaches, inflammatory processes and similar diseases, it is necessary to get rid of negative energy. To do this, it is recommended to approach the corresponding tree from the north side, lean against the trunk with your back, lower your hands down, direct your palms or attach them to the trunk and ask the tree to save you from your misfortune. If headaches torment - touch the tree with the back of the head, temple or forehead (depending on what hurts), if there are inflammatory diseases - touch the tree with an inflamed organ (or its projection on the surface of the body). If, approaching the tree, you feel increased pain or discomfort, then the vampire tree does not want to make contact with you. Seek another healer tree.

With painful weakness, lack of energy, you need to approach the corresponding tree from the south side, facing it, touch it with your palms raised to the level of the heart. Then you should touch the trunk with your forehead and mentally ask the tree to give you strength to overcome the disease. After that (if there are no unpleasant sensations), you can hug the tree and cling to it with your whole body. The duration of the session is 3-8 minutes.

A healthy person can also resort to the help of healing trees. In this case it doesn't have of great importance from which side to approach them. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing "your" tree. To do this, you can be guided by the astrological information about plants described above, as well as information about the relationships between various organs, zodiac signs and planets, given in.


Despite its apparent fragility, birch is a very strong and energetically generous tree. Even a young birch will willingly share its healing energy with a person. At the same time, it acts gently, without pressure, so you can stay under a birch for quite a long time (which cannot be said about other donor trees). Birch has a very good effect on the health of women and children, it improves the skin, improves mood, and helps soften various hardenings.


With weakness, fatigue, apathy, unwillingness or fear to take any measures to prevent harm or improve own life, indecision and inertia, seek help from a hornbeam. This hard donor will willingly give you the strength to overcome various difficulties, relieve fears. But do not resort to his help too often and stay close to him for too long (no more than 5-10 minutes


This tree relieves a person of excess negative energy, relieves irritation, treats inflammatory diseases, and gives peace of mind.


Most fruit trees are soft donors. This is especially true for horticultural crops. But for energy replenishment, it is better to turn to a wild pear. You can stay under the pear for a long time.


Cheerfulness of spirit and body, clarity of thought and strength of health gives communication with one of the most powerful donor trees - oak. Oak simultaneously has a calming effect (if a person fusses and is nervous over trifles), and a tonic (if a person does not have enough strength to fight the disease). But not every person is useful for "oak" energy: for people who are soft, not prone to aggression, for many women and children, as well as for those who have low blood pressure, the influence of oak may seem too intense. Cold, cruel, authoritarian people should also not abuse the energy supply of this tree.


With soft spruce paws, spruce takes away all negative emotions from you, calms, relieves stress and irritation. Lean a sore spot against the trunk of a spruce or attach a spruce cone - the pain will decrease or pass. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time or often wake up from nightmares, stand in the evening for 3-5 minutes under the might- [whose spruce - your sleep will be deep and calm.


Willow - very strong tree-a vampire. She belongs to the female trees, so she is more willing to help women than men. But women also need to turn to her for help at exceptional moments of life: for example, a willow will calm the heartache from the loss of a loved one better than any other tree, reconcile with reality in the event of a tragedy. Moreover, willow will not only heal spiritual wounds, remove resentment, but also inspire hope for the future. But you should not come to the willow to cry about troubles at work, because the willow is an emotional tree and in this case it can aggravate your feelings. It is not recommended to stay under the willow for a long time, in difficult periods of life it is better to pay her visits every day for 3-8 minutes.


Cedar is a very powerful donor tree. It gives cheerfulness, good mood, strength and determination, perfectly helps to cope with depression, overwork, including mental. Strengthens the immune system and gives strength to overcome various infectious diseases.


Maple helps a person get rid of negative energy, but he does not take it away (as vampire trees do), but contributes to its transformation in the person himself, that is, gives him the strength to transform negative influences into positive ones. At the same time, researchers believe that only common maple (holly) has such a feature.

Most often, the hazelnut acts as a vampire tree. It neutralizes negative energy, relieves fear, anxiety, nervousness. But sometimes hazel behaves like a soft donor. Hazel acts selectively - if you feel increased pain, dizziness, weakness, leave immediately and look for another healer.



This conifer tree turns yellow and sheds needles for the winter, like foliage. Its energy impact on a person is also dual. With an excess of negative energies, she takes them away, like a vampire tree, and with a lack, she feeds the needy, like a donor tree. At the same time, both taking and supplying energy, larch acts gently, without pressure. Therefore, when establishing contact with this amazing tree You can use it for help in various life situations and treat diseases of any nature.


Among all the vampire trees, aspen is rightfully considered the strongest. If you have plugs in your energy channels, aspen will clear them better than any other tree. Bruises, inflammation, irritation, toothache, insomnia from overexcitation - aspen treats all this.


Mountain ash refers to vampire trees. It acts more gently than poplar and aspen, so under the mountain ash it is especially useful to relieve tension after the bustle of the working day or take a break from household chores. This tree has a very favorable effect on those who suffer from neurosis and other mental disorders. The chokeberry has the same mild calming effect. But the latter can, if necessary, nourish the calm energy of those who need it. Aronia (chokeberry) belongs to the group of vampire donors.


Pine belongs to the type of hard donors. It sends a powerful charge of energy to a person, speeds up the metabolism, but not every person needs the energy impact of such a force. People with a weak heart should not turn to a pine tree for help.


This tree ranks second (after aspen) in removing negative energy. Like aspen, poplar relieves headache and toothache, nervous tension, and anxiety. But it should be borne in mind that the poplars growing within the city and near the roads already bear a heavy burden of processing negative energy. Therefore, it is better to be treated with poplars growing far from the bustle of people.

bird cherry

Bird cherry refers to vampire trees. Especially well it helps with various inflammatory diseases, bruises, tumors, congestion.

Apple tree

This tree, like many others fruit trees, is a soft donor. The action of the apple tree is selective, most willingly it helps women to preserve youth and beauty, gives strength to cope with family and domestic problems. The energy of a wild apple tree is stronger than a garden one, therefore, with serious nervous disorders, it is better to contact a forest healer.

Want to know how to choose a tree according to your zodiac sign, and what kind of vegetation you need to stay away from? Do you want to learn how to understand the "music of the forest" and manage the flora at your own discretion, like the magi and druids? In this case, Belshazzar invites you to a virtual walk - join us!

Choosing a tree according to the horoscope

Aries. Optimistic and restless Aries can be recommended conifers - in particular, spruce or pine. Linden or alder would also be a good choice. A short tactile contact with the linden trunk will help to make up for the lack of strength. Representatives are suitable for stand-alone trees, isolated from the rest of the vegetation.

Taurus. Thoughtful people can use poplar if they need to get rid of accumulated irritation or aggression. This tree has the ability to absorb negative energy. To gain new strength, Taurus women should hug a walnut. Chestnut will help Taurus men to recharge their batteries.

Twins. If you choose a tree for this zodiac sign, then you need to pay attention to the apple tree and maple. The soft action of the apple tree helps to preserve youth and beauty, as well as get rid of family troubles. Maple transforms the accumulated negative energy into positive creative potential.

Cancer. Representatives of this zodiac sign are recommended contact with alder, elm and willow. If for other people the willow is a vampire tree, then for this it is the best helper that can heal spiritual wounds. However, it is better not to apply long visits to willow - the optimal contact time is 5..7 minutes.

a lion. Elm or cypress will become your faithful companion in the world of flora. Feeling apathy headache, severe stress? To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to find one of the listed trees, hug it and stand with your eyes closed for several minutes. Oak can be used for energy replenishment.

Virgo. Alder, plum or hazel is suitable for this zodiac sign. Also, Virgo can use the apple tree during its fruiting period. In relation to the hazel behaves like a soft donor, relieving depression, fear and insecurity. It effectively neutralizes the accumulated unfavorable energy.

Scales. Sociable, but a little melancholic, can be fed by linden or birch. Despite the apparent fragility, birch is a very strong tree in terms of energy. Even a short contact with birch will help you improve your mood and get rid of minor diseases lurking in the body.

Scorpion. best friend prudent will be hawthorn, pine, chestnut or wild rose. If representatives of this zodiac sign need to get rid of neurosis or accumulated tension, then they should look for mountain ash. This tree, which has a reputation as a vampire, will come in handy. It will absorb negative energy.

Sagittarius. If your zodiac sign is, then you can be recommended a short contact with a cedar or a hornbeam. Such a simple "ritual" will have a general strengthening effect on your physical and spiritual strength. The hornbeam will help get rid of weakness, apathy and unwillingness to take action to resolve difficult situations.

Capricorn. The ideal tree for the zodiac sign is fir, birch or beech. To find your "doctor", you need to find a free-standing tree, around which there is no a large number vegetation. Approach it and touch the trunk with your left hand. If you feel warm, this means that the tree has accepted you and is ready for an energy exchange.

Aquarius. To give strength and help him look at the world with new eyes is capable of poplar or linden. The best time for energy metabolism is considered to be late spring. Poplar relieves stress and anxiety. But in order to find a powerful donor, it is advisable to go to a sparsely populated place.

Fish. A suitable tree for will be yew, larch, viburnum or honeysuckle. Larch will give strength in difficult life situations. Honeysuckle endows representatives of the Pisces sign with the energy of good luck. Yew and viburnum will help to utilize negative energy and will have a beneficial effect on well-being.

Solitary trees (that is, those that grow alone) have the strongest energy. People can feel the energy that comes from such plants at a distance of up to 2 meters from them. There are donor trees and consumer trees.

Bioenergetics are advised to find a suitable plant and recover with it. You can try to approach different trees and listen to your feelings. When you feel light in your soul, your mood improves - this means that a green friend is right for you. The plant must be of the correct form and in a healthy state. Pay attention to the foliage - it should not be eaten by various pests, also take a closer look at the trunk. If it is with layers or formations, then it is better to choose another plant.

donor trees

Green friends that have a significant amount of bioenergy and are able to quickly restore it are called donor trees. Such plants enable a person to use their amazing abilities, but for this you need to get their consent.

It is believed that such "donors" should be approached from the south. First you need to touch them with your forehead, then hug them with your palms at head level, then press against the tree with your whole body. The north side works differently - it removes excess energy and relieves stress. In this case, you need to stand with your back to the trunk, hugging it with your hands, which are lowered down. After such a "recharge" do not waste energy, do not fuss.

It is believed that the greatest bioenergy has oak. This plant symbolizes significant vitality and wisdom. Wood gives energy to long time and provides assistance to everyone: creative people, scientists.

The next plant that is special for a Russian person is birch. This tree prefers sincere people. Best of all, it makes contact with the fair sex and children, it is able to console and please them. It is better to contact her at dawn. Such a plant is able to relieve fatigue and remove negativity from stress, it can restore harmony in the soul. And the birch that grows near the house will drive away bad dreams.

A tree with energy that makes a person smart is Linden. Communication with her brings joy and has a great effect on children. Contact with linden should be in the afternoon, in summer time. It is important that the weather is warm and dry.

Help people, and especially those who live in cities, can Rowan. She helps everyone without exception. But patronizes most beautiful half population: the mountain ash can awaken their dormant sexuality in them. Suitable for contact during flowering and berry formation.

The next plant ash, has a strong energy. He is very good at helping people associated with art or sports. The best time for contact is after noon, before sunset. He is able to help a person understand his purpose. Also, in some cases, he is able to awaken the talent for clairvoyance and help to know the future. However, the ash tree is ready to help only those who sincerely want knowledge.

another plant, maple, is energy neutral. It absorbs a variety of negative emotions and does not demand anything in return. Maple is suitable for people with various diseases and is considered the best way to deal with stress. But it is important to approach him without evil thoughts, without negative emotions towards your neighbors. If your body is exhausted, then you need to approach the tree from the north.

Coniferous trees are energetically strong

For example, a pine tree can bring a human biofield back to normal. It is believed that the strongest pines- these are those that grow separately on sunny slopes. This tree improves immunity and helps to cope with depression. The plant is best suited for men. It will help you make an important decision. But communication will be beneficial only after noon.

A tree with special energy is cedar. It gives a sense of fulfillment to lonely people and people who are disappointed. The best time for contact is in the evening, before sunset.

Spruce also has significant energy, however, it is quite specific. Wood is creative and inspiring. A plant can be compared to music that captures a person. In addition, spruce symbolizes the holiday. The most suitable time for communication is from 22 to 1 am. The tree is a source of joy and success.

For weak people who often get sick, energy is great firs. It has a positive effect on children and people of age.

Bring to a state of calm and find peace of mind under the power of energy larches.

Quite energetically strong is and juniper. He is able to restore. You can contact him at any time.

Energy consuming trees

These trees help people a lot. They absorb both positive and negative energy. These plants contribute to the cleansing of energy channels, due to which the level of stress decreases and various diseases go away. And this means that donor trees are able to improve both mental and physical well-being.

During "communication" with the tree, it is not necessary to visualize the process of drawing out all the negativity, clearing the energy channels, as in this case there is a risk of energy loss and the onset of a worse state. You just need to be aware that you are influenced by consumer trees. But it is not advisable to be near such a plant for more than 20 minutes.

At the end of communication with the tree, it is imperative to replenish the bioenergy resources in some way. When a donor tree is nearby, you can use its help, and when not, try rhythmic breathing, for example. Otherwise, get ready for a deterioration in well-being.

Aspen. You have to be sincere with this tree. Aspen should be trusted and then in return you will get a cure for a headache and removal of damage. The plant can be contacted with the diseased part of your body. If you lean it against a tree, the pain should stop. A good time to communicate with aspen is in the afternoon, in cool weather.

In second place in terms of energy consumption is poplar. It is active around the clock and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Notice how insignificant many troubles become after contact with willow. She is indifferent to the problems of good and evil. Willow belongs only to nature and is subject to the laws of balance and justice. An excellent time to contact her is in the evening, a period, before sunset. Willow is great for children and people of age.

Another consumer (even though it becomes a donor tree during the flowering period) is chestnut. He copes with internal unrest. The right time for communication is early morning, sunrise period.

Don't forget about useful properties plants. Therefore, each leaf or branch damaged by us is the harm that we inflict on our friend.

In the case when there is not enough bioenergy inside a person, he needs to go to a forest or a park area and start communicating with a suitable tree, greet him and tell him about his problems. It is necessary that the plant becomes a real friend for you. Once you have problems, you can share them with the tree. And it, in turn, will give you its energy.

If you get sick, then you first need to go "on a visit" to a plant that has negative energy, so you will gain strength and energy. Your mood and well-being will also improve.

Is the tree suitable at the moment

In order to understand whether this tree is “your” you should choose a plant that you like, rub the foil with your hand and go up to it. If she stretches to the tree, this will mean that the plant really suits you, and if the foil sticks to your hand - now best time for contact with a green friend.

In some cases, it may be that a suitable plant refuses to share bioenergy. But this can be explained by a lack of it in the tree itself, or simply by a lack of desire to share with you due to the fact that such energy does not suit you. The impact on people can be explained by the fact that plants, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, also create bioenergy that people feel around them. Experts came to the conclusion that there are donor trees and vampire trees. The first is to transform the negative into positive energy. Near them, sadness disappears faster, mood rises, physical pain stops. But the trees, which are energy vampires, absorb positive energy. Therefore, next to them, you can feel weakness or fatigue. These plants have a negative effect on physical state of people. In addition, headaches may appear near them.

For some reason it is assumed that vampire trees, these are plants harmful to humans, but donor trees bring only benefits. It's not like that at all! There are no bad plants, there are only people who do not know how to communicate with them!

In ours, we told you about what dendrotherapy is, how plants have an energy effect on us, we examined general rules interaction with plants at the energy level. And here we want to tell in which cases they can help us different kinds trees, whether the tree is donor, vampire, or phenomenal.


This fragile-looking and beloved symbol of our country is powerful energy donor. You can get a healing charge of positive energy even from a young birch. She will willingly and gently affect a person, so you can interact with her for quite a long time, which cannot be said about other donors. flora.

Best of all, it improves the mood of women and children, improves the properties of the skin and promotes the resorption of various kinds of hardening.

  • Birch will not help from 3 to 4 in the morning. Feel free to communicate with her from 5 to 9 in the morning.


Same powerful donor, but hard enough. Therefore, you can and should apply for his help with apathy, fatigue, inertia, unwillingness to change anything in your life for all that it does not suit you, indecision, but not often and not for long.

  • The interaction session should not exceed 10 minutes.

Like most fruit relatives, the pear is soft donor under which you can sit for a long time. But to recharge with positive, look for a wild pear, its energy is more powerful than that of cultural, garden relatives.


If you feel overwhelmed negative energy, you are tormented by inflammatory processes in the body, you often experience irritation - seek help from a walnut. Get rid of the disease and gain peace.


This one of the most majestic representatives of the plant world has at least powerful energy of the donor tree. Oak embodies vigor of both the spirit and the body, it gives clarity to thoughts, and health - a fortress. It is this effect that people, especially men, get after communicating with this tree.

But not only that. He will calm you down when you are fussing and nervous for no reason, he will give you strength to overcome various diseases acting as a tonic.

But if you are a soft, non-aggressive person, you have, this tree does not suit you. Close contact with oak and children is not recommended. However, if you are distinguished by cruelty, coldness and an authoritarian style of behavior, do not abuse the oak energy.

  • Unlike most trees, oak is best interacted with between 9 pm and 3 am.But in the daytime from 15:00 to 17:00 this tree is at rest.

With its soft but prickly paws, it the tree will take away all your negativity and irritation, soothe, helping to overcome stressful situations. Attach her bump to the sore spot, lean against the spruce trunk, the pain will go away. Do you suffer from insomnia and frequent nightmares?

  • Chat with spruce 5 minutes evening time get rid of sleep problems.

It is quite difficult to cuddle up to the spruce trunk without scratching on its needles, but you can do it at any time, it is always ready to help you.


This female vampire tree has great power. So turn to him for help. better for women, but only in exceptional cases. For example, willow can be asked to help ease heartache after a breakup or loss. loved one. Willow will allow you not only to come to terms with the unbearably difficult situation that has arisen and remove resentment, but also give you hope.

But if you feel like complaining about career failures, look for a less emotional tree. Otherwise, you may expect the opposite effect - an aggravation of mental torment. If you still decide to communicate with this tree, then do not delay communication, limit yourself to 4-8 minutes daily until you feel spiritual relief.

  • Willow will not respond to your requests from 2 to 3 in the morning, she will show extraordinary attentiveness in the evening, from 18 to 21 hours.


donor tree, our pride, giving health, both on the material and spiritual levels. The presence of cedar brings good mood, strength, vivacity and determination into our lives. The tree helps to cope with physical and mental overstrain. Cedar makes it easy to overcome viral infections, perfectly tones and strengthens the immune system. The perfect tree for energy recharging!

Bioenergetic maple is not classified as a vampire, but, nevertheless, this plant helps get rid of negative energy. With the help of maple, a person himself changes the pole of a negative charge to a positive one. But for this procedure, you should turn to Norway Maple. Only he has such abilities.

  • The dormant period of the maple lasts from 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning. Activity starts at 7 a.m. and lasts until 10 a.m..

This tree belongs to phenomenal plants. In some cases, the hazelnut behaves like a vampire, taking away nervous, restless states, fear and insecurity. In other cases, hazel may act as a soft donor. Therefore, if during interaction with this tree your pain intensifies, weakness appears and your head is spinning, leave and look for another green healer.


Kind, friendly soft donor, linden willingly shares its positive energy with people. After you give all your negativity to such a vampire as an aspen, go to the linden tree, it will give you exactly as much positive charge as you need to replenish your strength and energy.

  • Linden rests in the morning from 6 to 7. You should receive positive from this tree at night from 2 to 6.

Larch is a plant that can change the polarity of its energy charge. Therefore, one should approach larch with caution, sensitively listening to one's feelings. But you still need to communicate with her, because as a vampire, a tree will take on an overabundance of negative emotions, and as a donor, it can feed you with positive. And as a donor, and as a vampire, this representative of conifers acts very delicately and gently.

  • You can communicate with larch at any time, its energy is always active.


This vampire tree its phenomenal ability to absorb energy surpasses all its fellows. Not without reason there are aspen crosses on the graves of sorcerers, not without reason the corpse of a vampire should be pierced with an aspen stake so that he does not look for new victims among the living. By the way, if you are neither a sorcerer nor a vampire, then aspen can really help you in case of overexcitation, insomnia, irritation, toothache, inflammation, bruises. Only this tree is able to remove the blockages of energy channels.

  • Aspen is at rest for only an hour from 2 to 3 hours. The most active tree absorbs energy from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

This soft vampire helps to relieve tension after a hard day, get rid of such mental disorders as neurosis, but chokeberry, chokeberry, is a phenomenal plant, so it can also add positive energy to you.

  • The time of energy activity of pine is around the clock.

This a vampire although it is inferior in strength to aspen, it will nevertheless relieve you of anxiety, nervous strain and relieve toothache. Just do not ask for help from those poplars that grow within the city, they absorb an incredible amount of negativity even without you. Look for a poplar in the nearest forest for this.

  • Poplar goes into a state of rest at 4 am and sleeps until 5 am, it shows its activity in terms of energy in the afternoon from 3 pm to 6 pm.

This vampire plant will facilitate the course of various inflammations, contribute to the resorption of bruises and tumors, and relieve congestion.

The apple tree is almost no different from its fruit counterparts, this plant is very soft donor willing to help women. If you want to keep the vigor and beauty of the body for as long as possible, if you need the strength to easily overcome life problems, make friends with the apple tree.

But it will be better if you look for a wild apple tree for yourself, because its ability to calm during nervous breakdowns is much higher than that of varietal healers.
