Strong metal and weak wood compatibility. Elements according to Feng Shui five elements - fire, water, earth, wood, metal

Compatibility in love and marriage

The building of life is built of bricks - the elements. For an astrologer, they are, in particular, important indicators of a person's health and well-being. Each person has his own dominant element. And if it is correctly defined, then we get not only an excellent tool for improving health, but also the opportunity to find out whether this or that union will be happy.

One of the ways to determine the compatibility of people is based on the interaction of the elements, on the cycles of generation and destruction. At the same time, one should not forget at least two important points. Firstly, the element determines the emotional state and manifestations of your energy, but is amenable to influence and adjustment. In addition, any combination of elements makes it possible to achieve harmony in relationships. To achieve this, it is necessary to correctly use the forces of the elements.

Water Tree

This is a very good combination. The union between such partners over time becomes even stronger and more harmonious. Water helps Wood express itself and Wood gives Water a sense of stability. Intuitively, trust and sexual harmony arise, since both elements have some sexual coldness and therefore feel comfortable together. Honesty and tact of partners allow an intuitive spiritual connection to form between them.

If problems suddenly arise in partnerships, the corrective actions of the elements of Metal and Fire can help. To do this, you can use feng shui tools associated with these elements: metal objects, white interior details, candles, mirrors, as much light as possible.


Fire people are very energetic and full of optimism. The union between them turns out to be long and lasting, since one partner constantly draws strength from the other, and they never get tired of each other. Partners inflame each other, strive for constant changes in everything, including in sexual games, and in them everyone strives to achieve physical superiority.

To mitigate the element of Fire, the element of Earth is required. Favorable mutual massage, as well as incense. Next to the bed, you can put a bowl of fruit, and hang a picture in a black frame on the walls. Bed linen is best used soft tissue, dim colors. If you need to introduce an element of novelty into your relationship, then use the elements of Metal and Wood.


This is very harmonious combination. It can be described as optimism and caution. Partners are excellent at fueling each other's desires and stimulating the love game, which is facilitated by the imagination of Fire and the sensuality of the Earth.

A favorable element - the Tree - will help to improve relations between partners. This couple is recommended to undress slowly, it is better to make love in the air, but not in the water. You can hang landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the bedroom. Help and houseplants with unusual texture.

In some cases, the element that creates Fire, i.e. Metal, can help. For this, all the attributes of Metal are suitable: metal objects and talismans, as well as the colors of this element.


A positive combination, the relationship between partners in such an alliance is deep and meets high standards, although outwardly they may seem boring to someone. Partners perfectly feel the needs of each other and know how to give pleasure. They create love, but they need an impulse. Indulging in strong manifestations of possessive instincts can develop jealousy. However, if the partners manage to show goodwill and love, then they will definitely find a way out of this situation.

The energies of Fire and Water will help stimulate relationships. But remember that the mirrors that activate the energy of Fire should not reflect you as you sleep.


Such an alliance would probably be more acceptable in business relations.

Combining creativity with common sense and practicality often produces very good business results.

Earth needs stability and care, while Water needs romance and sensual fantasies. This can lead to constant misunderstanding and mutual recriminations. Therefore, partners should learn to understand each other's needs and not hurt each other mentally.

To improve and harmonize relations, they should keep objects of the Metal elements in the house. The element of Fire can also help, that is, a lot of light.


The union has a good future if both partners learn to treat each other with understanding and patience, and do not build their relationship only on the pursuit of personal freedom. Such a couple is also characterized by excellent sexual relations.

The combination of these elements encourages both to new undertakings of an intellectual and creative nature. Ways to help strengthen the relationship: the corners of the furniture in the bedroom should be rounded, and the lights in the bedroom should always be dimmed.

But so that feelings do not cool down, you need to add a little Fire from time to time: cover yourself with a red blanket and light red candles in the bedroom.


This is a good combination, since both partners have respect for each other and sexual attraction. Slow, careful nurturing of the senses and intensity of contact can create a sense of physical perfection, a mutual sense of security based on mutual understanding and trust.

Fire improves relationships, this element strengthens the Earth and makes Metal more flexible. These are red candles, linen, curtains, but in moderation. It is good to listen to music together. It is good to hang a mirror so that it reflects the morning sun on the bed. You can put a piece of amber on the windowsill.

To harmonize feelings, you can add the energy of Water, use jade, blue-green and pure blue colors in the interior.


Successful union. Relationships develop very vigorously, as both partners are able to be guided by intuition and feelings. Such a union can spiritually enrich both partners, each has something to learn from the other. From Metal, Water can learn not to succumb to other people's influence, and Metal from Water - greater flexibility and the ability to adapt to the environment.

To harmonize feelings between these elements, you can add the energies of the Tree and the Earth, or directly strengthen the elements themselves. It can be romantic meetings at dusk and at night, a bed with a canopy made of light weave, plants with straight stems. Partner Metal should sleep on the left side of the bed.


Such a couple may experience difficulties due to the opposite of the partners' life values. This leads to frequent ups and downs in relationships. If the Tree is very sociable and sociable, then the Metal likes to be alone. But they are both united by a sense of deep responsibility. Therefore, if each of the partners can understand the point of view of the other and agree to compromise, then their relationship will improve.

To regulate emotions, it is recommended to use the element of Water, make love in the bath, in the shower, on the bed with the head to the south. In the bedroom, it is good to use black elements. You also need an element that enhances and gives energy to both: this is the element of the Earth.

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Ancient Chinese elemental teachings define the gender compatibility of Metal and Wood: Metal destroys wood in the cycle of destruction of the elements, and although it can arouse passion in the open and bewitching nature of wood, its qualities will always represent hidden threat for a partner.

Compatibility Metal Wood in love and sex according to the horoscope

With such opposite values ​​in life - metal requires independence and is full of ambitious aspirations, and wood is prone to open communication and freedom of self-expression - their relationship can be a series of disagreements and mutual misunderstanding, reservations and restraint towards each other. However, on the physical plane, relationships can be very fruitful if each partner learns to respect the other's point of view and expresses a willingness to go his half way to agreement.

Unfortunately, metal people need constant self-affirmation, and wood prefers to avoid conflicts. It takes two to tango, and this dance, even in a short time, often turns into flamenco, where metal blazes with anger, and wood behaves coldly and aloofly.

Any polarity of the elements creates great friction, and the compatibility between wood and metal can be broken by metal's desire for sexual diversity and wood's need for easy, half-detached carnal love.

The interior of the house, favorable for the compatibility of the elements

Keep your bedroom window open when you enjoy the intimacy of home. This creates spirals of beneficial energy in the wood-metal relationship. If possible, position the bed so that the headboard faces north. If not, intensify the influence of the water element in the interior - shades of blue or inky black in contrast with hot hues of fire, such as hot pink (fuchsia) or burgundy (geranium). The presence of water is especially important for compatibility and better communication and an even flow of energy between you.

Harmony intimate life Metal Wood

Make love in the shower or bath more often. It inspires metal's erotic fantasies and satisfies wood's need for detachment from its surroundings. Wood likes to experiment, and metal is more prone to conventions, so try to find a middle ground - for example, enjoy love by candlelight, in an atmosphere of subtle aromas. Use citrus-scented incense and red or black candles to accentuate sexual energy. Warm up your emotions with fire - sunbathe in nature or place a carnelian figurine on a table by the bed.

Mirrors are an invaluable tool for improving compatibility between wood and metal. If possible, get a double-sided mirror and orient it so that one side reflects light from the south side and the other from the north.

Simplicity is the key to successful communication, so use soft fabric bedspreads and velvet pillows. A silk nightgown will certainly be pleasant for wood and will warm up the erotic fantasies of metal. As a sign of the dynamism of your passion, draw a green dragon over the door frame.

Compatibility of elements: Wood - Metal

These are two antagonistic elements. Like an iron ax designed to chop down trees, the metal man tries to chop down the wood element partner and mold him into the shape the metal chooses. He is opposed by the independent spirit of the tree - this is an obvious source of conflict. Metal claims leadership in such relationships and perceives the intellectual resistance of the tree as a sign of weakness, and, accordingly, a threat to the stability of relations. Metal does not feel confident, so at times it goes too far. Then there is a danger that he will begin to criticize the favorite activities of the tree, his friends and relatives.

Metal and wood enjoy different ways select friends and maintain relationships with them. Metal is guided by the principle of competition, choosing friends from among those like it: with the same competitive spirit. The tree, on the other hand, prefers people with an exotic and radical lifestyle, it does not care how successful and wealthy they are. As a rule, friends of the tree represent a cross section of society: comedians, magicians, actors, musicians, theoretical physicists, writers. Metal does not see the benefit in impractical activities, and therefore sharply criticizes the friends of the tree.

Can such a couple exist? Yes, for several reasons. A person rarely belongs entirely to one element. A man of the elements of metal interspersed with the elements of earth or wood is able to find a common language with a partner of the elements of wood. In addition, the shape of the palm changes over the years, even if it is the slowest of processes. To change the elements, a person will have to make incredible efforts. Nevertheless, if we notice the negative traits of our character and begin to actively transform them, then over time the shape of the palm will begin to change. Metal has a sharp, contemplative mind, so when he sees that some of his habits are counterproductive, he has the strength to get rid of them. In both the personal and business realms, metal is concerned with profit and will do everything in its power to get it.

Another argument in favor of such an alliance is the tolerance and flexibility of the tree. It has to be like this or it will break. Imagine a tree swaying in a strong wind. If the tree cannot withstand its pressure, it will collapse to the ground. This is why wood element people are jacks of all trades, they want to learn every subject and are flexible enough to adapt to new circumstances, even if not the best. Because of this quality, "practical" people see them as absent-minded and undisciplined individuals.

Sometimes we wonder how such different partners come together? However, this happens all the time. A wood/metal couple needs to find a seed of compatibility and grow a beautiful flower out of it.

The main problem can be considered that wood and metal have different attitudes towards sexual intercourse. Metal sees it as a natural function, for him it is the same as eating or taking a shower, while wood sees sex as a metaphor for relationships with a partner. If sex is great and both bring pleasure, then the relationship is developing in the right direction. Not perceiving sexual intercourse as a barometer, metal draws attention to finances, children and far-reaching plans: do the partner’s opinion and his own agree on these issues? The tree treats sex as a vaccine against all sorts of disagreements. When a partner starts to get nervous, sex is the first thing that comes to the mind of a person of the wood element.

Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Metal and Water: Sparks of mutual jealousy often slip in these relationships, and they can explode if you do not pay due attention to the partner's changing feelings.

Compatibility in love and sex according to the horoscope

Although both metal and water instinctively feel the direction of their life path, they do it perfectly. different ways. Water is romantic and sensitive to every change of mood, and metal perfectly understands the environment on an intuitive level. But the metal prefers to control the movement of the flow, while the water moves with the flow. Feel the difference?

Water for metal is perhaps the best partner in sexual adventures and journeys into the unknown. The metal should be "included" in the work and acutely feel every second intimacy. Emotionally, he may seem cold, but the water captures his cherished desires and brings them to the surface.

In fact, people of the water cannot be called deep-sea divers: their light and ephemeral qualities are more akin to mermaids and mermen, who live in the water, but can easily breathe rarefied air.

Fluctuating water needs, especially in bed, can interfere with compatibility and conflict with metal's zealous, impetuous nature. However, it is precisely this delightful inconsistency in the manifestation of sexual feelings that becomes an irresistible temptation for him.

Role-playing games for the harmony of intimate life Metal Water

Play vamp woman and male male. Wear exotic lingerie or erotic clothing—anything to relieve tension and soften the mood swings of this unusual relationship. Make sure that the metal sleeps on the left and the water on the right.

The water can fall into a deep sleep before the metal decides it's time for another round of lovemaking. Don't forget, metal is very sexy. Compatibility Metal Water can lead to unpredictable behavior both in and out of bed, so make it more secretive and mysterious. Make love in unusual places, and you will soon find that you have the most incredible ideas - because water is smart and insightful, and metal is very inventive.

The interior of the house, favorable for the compatibility of the elements Metal Water

Night time and darkness - that's the most erotic atmosphere for this couple. Make sure that the bed and bedroom furniture do not have sharp corners that interfere with the free flow of qi. Use muted shades - pistachio, peppermint and almond blossoms, sage green or incredible cornflower blue.

In bed you need flowing fabrics, veils and silks, and on the windowsill you need plants that are directed upwards, and not creeping along the ground. Strong lines of tall cacti or fast growing rubber plants are ideal. Plant energy helps you focus on developing your sexuality instead of static visions and fantasies. Creeping plants lower your energy level: they disturb nervous and sensitive water and have a depressing effect on metal.

Sometimes it is necessary to compensate for the lack of elements of wood and earth with simple things like fossils, wooden figurines or ceramic jugs. For good compatibility of the elements, a coverlet made of fabric with a "broken" pattern, which, as it was believed in ancient China, promotes the manifestation of sexuality in men.

And finally, put an azurite tile next to your bed to get rid of old memories that darken your soul or weigh on your heart.

Any horoscope considers the compatibility of people, and this can be discussed endlessly.

Feng Shui Compatibility

Any horoscope considers the compatibility of people, and this can be discussed endlessly. Why do we feel easy and pleasant with some people, while for others, for unknown reasons, there is an inexplicable disgust? Why are some people lucky enough to find a life partner from school, while others have to live with a partner who is incompatible in any sense of the word? I would like to solve this riddle.

Feng Shui offers the ancient art of creating harmonious relationships. But Chinese astrology is a very complex science, and in this section we will talk about the compatibility of people according to the basic principles of the elements, only in general terms. There is a way to determine compatibility according to the principle of the interaction of five elements. Of course, we are drawn to people whose elements are on either side of ours in the cycle of generation. Possible problems to be expected from people whose elements are adjacent to ours in the cycle of destruction.

Fire: 1997, 1996, 1987, 1986, 1977, 1976, 1967, 1966, 1957, 1956, 1947, 1946;

Tree: 1995, 1994, 1985, 1984, 1975, 1974, 1965, 1964, 1955, 1954, 1945, 1944;

Water: 1993, 1992, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1963, 1962, 1953, 1952, 1943, 1942;

Metal: 1991, 1990, 1981, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1961, 1960, 1951, 1950, 1941, 1940;

Earth: 1989, 1988, 1979, 1978, 1969, 1968, 1959, 1958, 1949, 1948.

In the table below, find your year of birth and the year of your partner's birth. Determine the elements to which you belong. Study the description of the types of relationships for various interactions of elements.

Fire and Fire

A person whose element is fire is full of optimism and enthusiasm. The Fire-Fire pair is a strong union. Representatives of fire can induce to better people of the same element, due to which the union is characterized by the duration of the relationship, since neither partner experiences oppression or fatigue from the other.

Fire and Earth

Fire and Metal

Fire is able to melt metal, and this complicates the relationship of partners belonging to these elements. The representative of the metal will insist on his own, which will inevitably lead to disaster. Fire has a depressing effect on metal. Each of the elements is prone to perseverance, so the partners will be fundamentally attuned to each other. What is positive is that both partners have a sense of humor that helps them overcome problems. This couple is recommended to put an object symbolizing the earth in the house in order to reduce the negative impact of the combination of fire and metal.

Fire and Water

Fire and Wood

Earth and Earth

A successful combination, since both partners strive for compliance at their very best. high level considering each other's needs. Such relationships look a little boring, but in reality they are full of depth, strength and passion. From which side to expect problems - precisely from the stubbornness of the parties. But if they show mutual love and patience, temporary difficulties will be successfully overcome.

Earth and Metal

Earth and Water

Earth and Tree

Metal and Metal

A successful union, since both parties on an intuitive level perfectly understand each other. They will have peculiar light and black stripes, but here everything is possible for the sake of joint happiness. Their relationship may appear shallow in the eyes of others. This is due to the tendency of fire people to stick to their path. But the partners get along well, their relationship is strong and durable.

Metal and Water

Metal and Wood

Water and Water

Water and Wood

Tree and Tree


Why do we feel easy and pleasant with some people, while for others, for unknown reasons, there is an inexplicable disgust? Why are some people lucky enough to find a life partner from school, while others have to live with a partner who is incompatible in any sense of the word? I would like to solve this riddle. Feng Shui offers the ancient art of creating harmonious relationships. But Chinese astrology is a very complex science, and in this section we will talk about the compatibility of people according to the basic principles of the elements, only in general terms. There is a way to determine compatibility according to the principle of the interaction of five elements. Of course, we are drawn to people whose elements are on either side of ours in the cycle of generation. Possible problems should be expected from people whose elements are located next to ours in the cycle of destruction.

Fire: 1997, 1996, 1987, 1986, 1977, 1976, 1967, 1966, 1957, 1956, 1947, 1946;

Tree: 1995, 1994, 1985, 1984, 1975, 1974, 1965, 1964, 1955, 1954, 1945, 1944;

Water: 1993, 1992, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1963, 1962, 1953, 1952, 1943, 1942;

Metal: 1991, 1990, 1981, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1961, 1960, 1951, 1950, 1941, 1940;

Earth: 1989, 1988, 1979, 1978, 1969, 1968, 1959, 1958, 1949, 1948.

In the table below, find your year of birth and the year of your partner's birth. Determine the elements to which you belong. Study the description of the types of relationships in the various interactions of the elements. Fire and Fire A person whose element is fire is full of optimism and enthusiasm. The Fire-Fire pair is a strong union. Representatives of fire can inspire people of the same element to the better, thanks to which the union is characterized by a long relationship, since neither partner experiences oppression or fatigue from the other.

Fire and Earth

This is a very harmonious combination in which partners mutually stimulate and excite each other. Fire is imaginative, while earth is deeply sensual. Together they are successful in all areas of life.

Fire and Metal

Fire is able to melt metal, and this complicates the relationship of partners belonging to these elements. The representative of the metal will insist on his own, which will inevitably lead to disaster. Fire has a depressing effect on metal. prone to perseverance, so the partners will be fundamentally attuned to each other. What is positive is that both partners have a sense of humor that helps them overcome problems. This couple is recommended to put an object symbolizing the earth in the house in order to reduce the negative impact of the combination of fire and metal.

Fire and Water

This combination is not favorable, since water extinguishes fire. But water brings a creative perspective to the situation and complements the energy and enterprise of fire. The element of fire, in turn, is able to inspire a partner belonging to the element of water. Despite the high communicative qualities of each of the partners, it will be difficult for them to exchange the most intimate feelings. Such couples may be advised to have an object in the house that symbolizes the element of wood in order to balance Negative consequences interactions of fire and water.

Fire and Wood

The combination of elements harmonizes well. The representative of the tree brings stability to the relationship with the impulsive representative of fire. The vigor and enthusiasm of fire can induce the representatives of the tree to high achievements, more significant than those that he could achieve on his own. Each of the partners is an optimist, new ideas are acceptable to both of them.

Earth and Earth

A successful combination, as both partners strive for compliance at the highest level, taking into account all the needs of each other. Such relationships look a little boring, but in reality they are full of depth, strength and passion. From which side to expect problems - precisely from the stubbornness of the parties. But if they show mutual love and patience, temporary difficulties will be successfully overcome.

Earth and Metal

An excellent union, as in it the parties support and respect each other, admire each other. The metal element has natural patience, which is so necessary in dealing with the inert earth element, which slowly makes decisions. In this combination, the metal offers the earth vast and fascinating vistas. The earth feeds the financial aspirations of the metal, which will establish a strong financial well-being of the partnership.

Earth and Water

The union is characterized by particular difficulties, as partners exert emotional pressure on each other. Earth brings stability to this union, which water lacks, but her stubbornness can cause endless discontent of the more receptive water. Partners can be successful in business, because the creative initiative of water, combined with the practical foundations of the earth, inevitably leads to victory. It doesn’t hurt for a couple to put metal elements in the house that balance potential conflicts.

Earth and Tree

The tree dries the earth, because of which the union may be unfavorable. Earth is characterized by stability, conservatism, caution, and the tree has progressiveness, expansiveness and sociability. As soon as they direct mutual efforts to benefit each other, instead of arming themselves against each other, the union will be successful, provided that each of them opens his feelings to a partner. The couple is encouraged to establish the element of fire in order to compensate for the negative consequences in communication.

Metal and Metal

A successful union, since both parties on an intuitive level perfectly understand each other. They will have peculiar light and, but here everything is possible for the sake of joint happiness. Their relationship may appear shallow in the eyes of others. This is due to the tendency of fire people to stick to their path. But the partners get along well, their relationship is strong and durable.

Metal and Water

This alliance is quite successful, given the mutual support of the parties. Each of the partners acts on the basis of intuition and feelings, they are able to interact on a subconscious level. Metal invites water not to be influenced by others. Water contributes to the active manifestation of the feelings of the metal, together with it he confidently agrees to go with the flow, easily letting go of the past.

Metal and Wood

Difficulties in relationships are not excluded in a couple: each strives to lead and insists that he understands better what to do. The element of wood is a sociable person, and the metal copes well with loneliness, which is negatively perceived by the representative of the tree, who is prone to daily intensive communication. Each of them has a high sense of responsibility. Wood will get along with anyone and will adapt to the privacy of metal. Metal will be disappointed by wood's tendency to perfect everything. If the metal retreats a little and allows the ideas of the tree to come to life, peace will reign in these relations, only the parties must be ready for frequent compromises.

Water and Water

Such relationships sometimes seem ideal. Both partners feel kinship at a deep level and subconsciously seek to meet the needs of a partner. This union strengthens the decisiveness of the parties, relations will not suffer from external influences. Each partner feeds on strength and confidence, thanks to the support of the other.

Water and Wood

A very good combination: water is a favorable element for a tree, thanks to water the tree grows and flourishes. Wood gives the water a sense of stability and indicates life goals. Water opens up a sense of compassion to the tree, promotes the self-expression of the wood element. The tree strengthens the water, which is so changeable in its moods. Partners show honesty, tact and empathy towards each other. Their relationship grows stronger and better.

Tree and Tree

The relationship in this pair is very harmonious, the partners are active, active, they like to test their abilities in different areas. By combining these elements, their positive qualities increase. Each of them, in addition to many of their own hobbies, will have a sufficient number of interests in common with the interests of a partner. Sometimes it may seem that they exhaust each other, but each of the partners realizes himself in full in the other. Both are trusting, patient, always ready to support a partner.

Of course, these short descriptions unable to shed light on the compatibility of people in more detail. To consider compatibility in more detail, you will need horoscopes of partners. Chinese astrology is an art that cannot be learned in passing. What is described here, most likely, resembles an analysis of the compatibility of people according to a Western horoscope.
