Belly dancing lessons to open the chakras. How to open the sexual chakra, which is responsible for health and intimate life? Exercise “Bird of the Sun”

Feeling the fullness of life and enjoying any action is a sign of developed Svadhisthana.

They will help to harmoniously reveal it, as well as get rid of the negativity accumulated over past lives.

General information about Svadhisthana

Second chakra in energy system humans play an important role. It is located in the navel area, namely three to four centimeters below it, just above the pubic bone.

When Svadhisthana is revealed, it indicates that a person has moved to a new level of development.

  • There is an opinion that in our era of Kali Yuga, Kundalini is in the first chakra in a dormant state (which is why it needs to be awakened by various practices).
  • And in the previous era, Kundalini was in the second chakra, when people were more conscious and developed in the spiritual sense.

What does meditation on the 2nd chakra give?

It should be noted that by working on this chakra, we can clear our karma, our mistakes made in past lives. And if karma is simply stored in Muladhara, then in Svadhisthana it can be changed and reached a new level of development.

It is no coincidence that the color of the second chakra is orange, the color of fire. It symbolizes purification. Svadhisthana is responsible for a person’s sensual pleasures, for the opportunity to experience life to the fullest. Highest value Svadhisthana is for women, since it is they who have the chakra tied to the organ - the uterus.

Meditation on Svadhisthana is an opportunity to reveal yourself at a new level, as well as gain knowledge that is not available in the usual state.

That is why you should work with it carefully and it is better to move forward carefully.

A simple meditation on the second chakra to open it

Now let's look at a few of the simplest meditations that are suitable for beginners who have just set out on the path of knowledge. As you know, many techniques involve the ability to visualize clearly and realistically. Therefore, tune in to this in advance and concentrate.

Women's meditation for Svadhisthana

Since the second chakra is sensual and feminine, its opening is very important for girls. Its fullness will help you give love to others (this means not only sex), be beautiful and feminine, and also keep your emotions (positive and negative) in balance.

The latter is very important for women, because they have a much larger emotional spectrum than men. Sometimes emotions are very difficult to experience and get rid of them as well. Therefore, by constantly practicing meditation, after some time you can significantly change your life.

  1. Take a comfortable position. It’s good if there is silence or light meditative music around you (sounds of water, for example).
  2. You should know that the second chakra is a vortex of orange energy that rotates clockwise. Imagine this whirlwind in the area of ​​Svadhisthana. Its size is no larger than a fist.
  3. Now imagine that all the emotions from your body are attracted to this vortex. They can be good or bad, it doesn't matter. A signal that all emotions have gathered there will be the disappearance of tension from the body and the appearance of relief.
  4. Next you need to get rid of the negativity. Just imagine that during the rotation of the vortex, all the dirty energy flies out of it, but the clean energy remains. It is very similar to the operation of a washing machine while spinning clothes. This state must be maintained for about five to fifteen minutes. During this time, you can remember negative emotions, consciously throwing them away.
  5. After cleaning, change the functioning of the chakra to absorb positive energy.
  6. Since the element of Svadhisthana is water, a reservoir, lake or waterfall can become a source of pure energy (preferably with fresh water). Imagine that water gives you its qualities, you are imbued with perseverance, beauty, invulnerability, energy, femininity and all the qualities that are inherent in this element.

After some time of practice, tension arises in the lower abdomen, and a surge of strength is also felt. Remember this state. The time of such meditation is about half an hour, no more is needed.

Meditation for Svadhisthana that is suitable for everyone

This method of meditation can be used by everyone. It is better to perform it in the lotus position, but if you cannot, then take any one that is convenient for you.

How to do a second chakra meditation

  1. Take several deep breaths in and out, which should be the same in length (at first you can count the duration).
  2. After some time of such breathing, you should no longer have a pause in breathing, it should be continuous.
  3. Continue breathing at the same rhythm, you should be able to do this without any problems.
  4. Next, imagine a bright orange ball of energy in the area just below your navel. Feel the warmth in that place.

Your thoughts should flow calmly, you don’t need to focus on any one. Keep in mind that you should not feel discomfort during meditation, since the chakra is responsible for the sphere of pleasure and emotions, in this case it may simply go wrong. The practice should be done for ten minutes, gradually increasing the time to half an hour.

Practices for cleaning the chakra from negativity

The second chakra is closely connected with all fluids in the human body, therefore Svadhisthana meditation for its purification is associated with the visualization of water.

  1. So, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine a stream of water in front of you. For beginners, it is advisable to find a place where there is such flowing water In fact. Then just look at it for some time, periodically closing your eyes.
  2. After repeating the exercise several times, a stream of water will appear in front of your mind's eye very easily.
  3. Having visualized the water, feel the energy of the water, its strength.
  4. Then you need to give the stream an affectionate name. This will allow you to establish a personal connection with water. Enjoy the flow and thank it, and then imagine yourself entering it, feeling its flow.
  5. Next, you need to imagine how water flows through your entire body, while you need to clearly visualize the area of ​​​​Svadhisthana chakra, its cleansing. It should be noted that there can be several streams, and you can feel the flow of each and the harmony of all together at once.

This meditation is good because as a result of its practice, a person’s ideals change, negativity and all destructive qualities (suspicion, jealousy, anger, envy, etc.) are destroyed. Dreams can also change to lighter and more colorful ones.

Meditative Mindfulness for Unlocking and Harmonizing Svadhisthana

Mindfulness meditation is very useful for harmonizing the second chakra. For example, get into the habit of eating while focusing entirely on your sense of taste. Not on the expectation of an indescribable taste, but on what we have now.

Of course, to do this, you must like and enjoy each dish. While eating, nothing should distract you; it is better to eat in silence or turn on soft music.

The same pleasure can be obtained from anything else, for example, dancing, making love, singing, etc., your every movement can become conscious, and this is a life of meditation.

Attention! You should not specifically seek new pleasures, otherwise your chakra will not come into balance, but, on the contrary, will lose it. Just experience in a new way what you already have.

This meditation on the Svadhisthana chakra will allow you to paint the faded colors of life into very bright ones, as well as gain lost interest in life.

To summarize, it should be noted that a harmoniously opened second chakra is possible only after the opened Muladhara. Take this point into account when starting to meditate on the 2nd chakra. Remember that this is not just the opening of energy centers, but also spiritual work, as a result of which anything can come out, sometimes shocks are possible, since Svadhisthana stores karma. Set yourself up to survive this, then you can move on.

We bring to your attention a training called “The Energy of the 7 Chakras in Belly Dancing”, thanks to which you will learn to feel your body and dance sensually. Chakra flow in belly dancing involves combinations of various dances and meditations. This allows you to create an atmosphere of happiness and detachment. Your emotions and thoughts will be carried away into a world where confidence in yourself and your body reigns. You dance and use all the capabilities of your body without even thinking about it. This training is suitable for any age and skill level. Thanks to this lesson, you will look at this world, at belly dancing and your body differently. Don't miss the opportunity to learn something new with us!
You can take a closer look at the video training “The Energy of the 7 Chakras in Belly Dance” by visiting our website. Viewing is available online to all network users. We wish you to gain a good and positive charge of vivacity!

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Svadhisthana is usually associated with human sexual behavior. It's right. However, its second purpose is to awaken creativity. Unfortunately, constant stress, resentment, focus on one’s troubles and fears lead to the sacral chakra closing. And this, in turn, leads not only to problems in love and sex, but also to creative stagnation, loss of creativity.

Below are 4 exercises for opening Svadhisthana that will help improve your creative potential and enhance love magic.

Rock your hips

The advice may seem to relate only to sex and not to creativity. But since the sacral chakra is responsible for both sexual activity and creativity, don't be shy—swing your hips. And you will not only begin to have luck in love, but also in work, if for you it is connected with the manifestation of creativity.

How to do the exercise?

If you have ever seen how the indigenous people of Africa move in national dances, then this is exactly what they are - the correct movements for opening Svadhisthana. If you are a purely European person and don’t know how to twirl your butt in a dance, that’s okay. The dance of the savages can be successfully replaced with hula hoop classes.

Using Energy Healing Practices

The discovery of Swadhisthana is facilitated by healing practices such as Reiki or pranic healing. But if you are not ready to delve so deeply into the world of energy interactions, then you can do the following.

Place your hands on your lower abdomen (where your sacral chakra is) and imagine a warm orange light emanating from your hands and penetrating into your abdomen. Repeat several times throughout the day for a few minutes.

Wear orange stones

Wearing jewelry with orange stones is the easiest way to awaken the second chakra. Rings, bracelets and belt buckles with orange calcite are suitable, as well as ones that cannot be worn on a full moon. Moonstone is not orange, but it is associated with the Moon, and the Moon is associated with Svadhisthana.

Warm bath with salt

Taking a warm bath with sea or Himalayan salt after a hard day makes it possible not only to reveal the abilities of the second chakra, but also to rejuvenate it. It's very good to put orange stones in the water. This will give the water the necessary vibration.

As you can see, the exercises for opening Svadhistan are not difficult to perform. However, the result of working on the sacral chakra will not be truly good until the work of the root Maladhara chakra is normalized. And this is much more difficult.

When a dancer performs her dance, it is as if she is being filled natural forces. Bare feet take support from the ground, hands from the air, and whirling in dance becomes a symbol of the element of fire. Smooth movements of the abdomen, like gentle waves - the element of water. During a belly dance, a woman, being in complete harmony, accumulates internal energy and can transfer it to the world. This is a sensitive, emotional and men-fascinating dance. No other dance will so emphasize the femininity and beauty of your figure. It develops plasticity and grace in a woman, and will also help improve health.

The sexuality of a dancing woman lies in her exposed belly. Below the navel is the chakra responsible for sexual energy. The point of concentration of a person’s internal energy is the sexual chakra. The bare belly, and especially the navel, is a demonstration of sexual energy, which increases during the dance. The navel is the energetic entrance to the body and it opens the way to all the elements. Therefore, it is believed that the special sexuality of the dance performer lies precisely in the open belly. In this way, the woman expresses her sexual energy and, thanks to the dance movements, increases it during performance. Belly dancing is a special power over men! The sexual chakra is the center of all human emotions, as well as creativity and sexual energies.

The unusual rhythm of belly dance “shaking” is also of no small importance. During execution you receive physical activity on different muscle groups. In the process, beautiful posture and smooth gait are acquired. Moving gracefully, you will become the object of attention of men. Besides correct breathing will lead to improved oxygen saturation in the blood, which will have a beneficial effect on your health.

This dance has a special energy and it is, in its own way, a therapy of soul and body, a focus on accepting oneself, one’s soul. The enchanting oriental music that accompanies the performance is emotionally rich, just like the dance itself. Belly dancing contains all the emotions - joy and sadness, serenity and passion, love and separation.

So, belly dancing helps a woman become sexier. While dancing, you get a slim figure, flexible and graceful movements, an elastic tummy, which is pleasant and makes us more attractive in the eyes of men. The main thing is that in belly dancing the movements are not random, and they contribute to the opening of a woman’s sexual chakra.

It is impossible not to say that dance is also healthy. Belly dancing involves muscles that we rarely work in normal life. In dance there is a large release of energy, which leads to normalization of work internal organs. By practicing belly dancing you can achieve an attractive figure and lose weight. And note no diets. Energy exchange simply improves, you burn your extra calories. Belly dancing for a woman is the key to her beauty and health. During the dance, memories of pleasant emotions, fantasies of a happy and successful life can come true in the present.

By practicing belly dancing, a woman opens up, believing in herself, in her strength, in her charm and attractiveness, she gains faith in herself. And no other dance will help achieve such results. My career is going up and everything is getting better in my personal life. And what man can resist such an attractive woman.

  1. makes the human body more viable, since an actively working chakra has a beneficial effect on the organs adjacent to it physical body, harmonizing their activities;
  2. raises the moral, ethical and spiritual level of a person. Moreover, the higher the chakra is located, the higher the moral, ethical and spiritual level a person achieves as a result of its opening;
  3. reveals psychic abilities (Siddhi powers). The type of these abilities depends on the presence of energy flows between certain chakras, that is, on the opening of certain chakras.

Opening the chakras- enough difficult process, requiring many months of training. In addition, caution is required when working on the chakras (an uncontrolled flow of energy between the chakras can damage them), so before you begin to open the chakras, you need to prepare yourself:

  • strengthen yourself physically and mentally;
  • learn to feel and regulate the movement of prana (energy) in the body.

To do this, you need to master Hatha yoga exercises. There are several ways to open the chakras: through pranayama breathing exercises, static and dynamic meditations and etc.

Opening the chakras through static meditation

Static meditation(an exercise that causes mental condition, in which a person is able to concentrate on anything of his own free will or not think about what might interfere with his this moment process of self-deepening) is one of the stages of progress towards the goal of higher yoga: the merging of the “I” with the Absolute. This goal is the ultimate goal in all types of higher yoga: in Raja yoga (achieving the highest goal through a set of exercises), in Karma yoga (achieving a goal through activity), in Zhnani yoga (achieving a goal through knowledge), in Bhakti yoga ( achieving the goal through love for the Absolute). The most popular technique for achieving the highest goal is through the methods of Raja Yoga.

In Raja Yoga, the practitioner, having mastered the first four steps of yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama), which are Hatha Yoga, and then, having mastered the fifth (Pratyahara) and sixth (Dharana) steps, begins to master the seventh step - meditation ( Dhiyana). The object of meditation can be chakras, images of deities (and sometimes objects). Pratyahara (disconnection of the mind from sensory perception), Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation) are parts of the same gradually deepening process. Moreover, these parts, with a sufficiently large amount of practice experience, do not have a clear boundary. For those who have so far acquired little experience in Raja Yoga, Pratyahara begins first, then Dharana begins, and only then Dhyana develops, the result of which can be Samadhi (a superconscious state in which the “I” merges with the Absolute).

Yogis claim that in the lower chakra - Muladharachakra (in the area of ​​​​the coccyx) there is energy in a compacted compressed form, which they call Kundalini Shakti and symbolically represented in the form of a snake coiled in three and a half turns. In the process of performing Samyama (the combination of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi), Kundalini Shakti rises up from chakra to chakra, opening them (when Kundalini Shakti rises to the highest chakra - Sahasrara and opens it, the state of Samadhi occurs).

Breathing exercises to open the chakras

Opening of the Muladharachakra

The yoga breathing exercise Sukh Purvak can be used to open the Muladhara Chakra. Sitting in any position for breathing exercises(diamond, half-lotus, lotus pose), straighten the spine (back, neck and head in one straight line). The index finger is on the forehead in the area of ​​the third eye, the thumb and middle fingers are on the wings of the right and left nostrils, respectively. During inhalation (at 4 beats of the pulse through the left nostril), we imagine that prana accumulates in the Ajnachakra through the breathing system. While holding your breath after inhaling (for 16 pulse beats), we direct prana from the Ajnachakra along the Ida channel (passing along the left side of the spine) and hit the Muladharachakra with this flow of energy. During exhalation (for 8 pulse beats through the right nostril), we direct prana from the Muladharachakra along the Pingalo channel (passing along the right side of the spine) from bottom to top to Ajnachakra. Then an inhalation is immediately taken (for 4 pulse beats through the right nostril) with the accumulation of prana in the Ajnachakra, while holding the breath after inhalation (for 16 pulse beats), prana is directed from Ajnachakra through the Pingalo channel and hits the Muladharachakra, while exhaling (for 8 pulse beats through the left nostril) prana is directed up the Ida channel from the Muladharachakra to the Ajnachakra. While holding your breath after inhaling, it is recommended to repeat the mantra “Lam”. This exercise awakens the Kundalini Shakti located in the Muladharachakra.

Opening of the Svadhishthanachakra

The method of opening this chakra is similar to the method of opening the Muladharachakra. The difference is in the actions of holding your breath after inhaling. Here, while holding the breath after inhaling, we direct the energy along the Ida (or Pingalo) to the Muladharachakra, hit this chakra with energy, accompanied by the mantra “Lam”, then quickly transfer the prana through the central channel Sushumna to the Svadhishthanachakra, where we hold our breath for a few seconds, repeating all the time the mantra “You”, after which we return the prana to the Muladharachakra with the mental repetition of the mantra “Lam”.

Opening the Manipurachakra

The opening of the chakra is carried out in the same way as in the previous case, only by holding the breath after inhalation, another chakra is added, while holding the breath we direct the energy along the Ida (or Pingalo) to the Muladharachakra, hit this chakra with energy, accompanied by the mantra “Lam”, conduct prana at Svadhishthanachakra, pronouncing the mantra “You”; we conduct prana to the Manipurachakra, mentally pronouncing the mantra “Ram”; after this, we return the flow of energy to the Muladharachakra with the mental repetition of the mantra “Lam”.

Another exercise can be used to open the chakra. Having assumed a horizontal position, we slowly inhale, expanding the chest and drawing in the stomach. While holding your breath after inhaling, we transfer air from the chest cavity to the abdominal area (to the lower part of the lungs), and the chest should fall and the stomach should move forward. Then we return the air to the chest cavity again, drawing in the stomach and expanding chest. Repeat 3-5 times, then exhale. This exercise should be performed 3-5 times during the day, devoting 5-10 minutes to it daily.

Opening of the Anahatachakra

The impact on the Anahatachakra using the Ida, Pingalo and Sushumna channels is similar to the above impact on the Manipurachakra. While holding the breath after inhaling, we send pranic current along Ida (or Pingalo) to Muladharachakra, then through Sushumna - to Svadhishthanachakra, Manipurachakra and, finally, to Anahatachakra, repeating the mantra “Pam”. After a few seconds of focusing attention and concentrating energy in the Anahatachakra, we send energy to the Muladharachakra through the Manipurachakra and Svadhishthanachakra.

Another exercise for opening the chakra: take a full yogic breath and, while holding your breath, concentrate on the heart, listening to its beating and mentally seeing the work of the heart. Repeat the mantra “Pam” with every heartbeat, trying not to let your attention for a second be distracted from the desire to mentally see the heart. You can imagine a shiny point inside your heart and focus your attention on it. Then take a full yoga exhalation.

Opening of Vishudhachakra, Ajnachakra, Sahasrarachakra

To open these chakras, similarly to the previous exercises, we use the Ida, Pingalo and Sushumna channels. To open the Vishudhachakra, we send a pranic current while holding the breath after inhaling through Ida or Pingalo to the Muladharachakra, then through Sushumna we send a pranic current through all chakras from the bottom up up to the Vishudhachakra, where we concentrate our attention for a few seconds and repeat the mantra “Ham”. Then, through Sushumna, sequentially through the chakras, we lower the energy down to the Muladharachakra.

When opening the Ajnachakra, we bring the pranic current while holding the breath along Sushumna to the Ajnachakra, where we concentrate our attention for a few seconds, and then lower the pranic current down the chakras.

When opening the Sahasrarachakra, we conduct the pranic current while holding the breath along Sushumna through all the chakras to the Sahasrarachakra, where we concentrate our attention on it for several seconds, and then lower the flow of energy sequentially down the chakras.
