Osho Dynamic Meditations. Meditation Techniques

Dynamic meditation lasts one hour and goes in five stages. It can be done alone, but the energy will be stronger if it is done in a group. This is an individual experience, so you should not pay attention to your surroundings and keep your eyes closed, preferably with an eye patch. It is best to do this on an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Osho Dynamic Meditation. The first stage is 10 minutes.

Breathe chaotically through your nose, concentrating on the exhalation. The body will take care of the inhalation. Do this as quickly and as completely as possible - and then even harder until you literally become the breath itself. Use your body's natural movements as an energy boost. Feel it rise, but do not let it go during the whole first stage.

Osho Dynamic Meditation. The second stage is 10 minutes.

Explode! Let everything that needs to be splashed out. Get completely crazy, yell, shout, jump, shake, dance, sing, laugh, "throw yourself out." Don't hold anything in reserve, move your whole body. A little action often helps get you started. Never let the mind interfere with what is happening. Be total.

Osho Dynamic Meditation. The third stage is 10 minutes.

Jump with your hands up, shout the mantra “Hu! Hu! Hu! ” as deep as possible. Each time you land on your whole foot, let the sound strike deep into your sex center. Give everything you have, exhaust yourself completely.

Osho Dynamic Meditation. The fourth stage is 15 minutes.

Stop! Freeze where you are and in the position you are in at that moment. Do not dispose of the body in any way. Coughing, moving, anything will dissipate the flow of energy and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Osho Dynamic Meditation. Fifth stage - 15 minutes.

Celebrate and rejoice, with music and dance, expressing your gratitude for everything. Carry your happiness through the whole day.

If your place for meditation does not allow you to make noise, you can do it quietly: instead of making sounds, direct the catharsis in the second stage exclusively to bodily movements. In the third stage, the sound “Hu” can be struck by mentally reciting it, and the fifth stage can become an expressive dance.

One day two dogs were watching people doing Dynamic Meditation, and I heard one of them say to the other:

When I do this, my master gives me deworming pills..

Someone said that the meditations we do here are like pure madness. They are. And they are for a purpose. This is madness with a method, it is chosen consciously.

Remember, you cannot go crazy on your own. Madness must settle in you. Only then can you go crazy. If you go mad of your own accord, that is a different matter. Basically, you are in control, and he who can control even his madness will never go mad!

Osho talks about some of the reactions that can occur in the body as a result of a deep catharsis in Dynamic Meditation.

If you feel pain, be attentive to it, do nothing. Attention is a great sword - it cuts through everything. You are just attentive to the pain.

For example, you sit silently in the last stage of meditation, not moving, and you feel many problems in your body. You feel that your leg is numb, that your arm itches, you feel that goosebumps run through your body. You have looked many times - and there are no goosebumps. Something is wrong inside, not outside. What should you do? You feel that the leg is numb - be careful, give it all your attention. Do you feel your hand itches? Don't scratch. It won't help. Just pay attention to it. Don't even open your eyes, just be mindful inwardly and just wait and watch. After a few seconds, the desire to scratch will disappear. Whatever happens - even if you feel pain, some pain in the stomach or in the head. This is because in meditation the whole body changes. It changes its chemistry. New things start to happen and the whole body is in chaos.

Sometimes you will feel your stomach, because in the stomach you have repressed many emotions, and they are all contained there. Sometimes you will feel something like nausea, vomiting. Sometimes you will feel some pain in your head, because meditation is a change in the internal structure of your brain. When you go through meditation you are really in chaos. Soon everything will be settled. But there will be a time when everything will go haywire.

So what do you do? Just see the pain in the head, watch it. Be an observer. Just forget that you are the doer, and little by little everything will calm down and calm down so beautifully and gloriously that you cannot believe until you know it. Not only the pain will disappear from the head, because the energy that creates pain, if you watch, disappears – the same energy becomes pleasure. The energy is the same.

Pain and pleasure are two dimensions of the same energy. If you can remain silently seated and mindful of all distractions, all distractions disappear. And when all distractions have disappeared, you will suddenly become aware that the whole body has disappeared.

Osho warned of the possibility of turning witnessing to pain into a form of bigotry. If the unpleasant physical symptoms - pain and nausea - do not disappear after 3 days of daily meditation, there is no need to be a masochist - ask for, medical care. This applies to all of Osho's meditation techniques. Enjoy!

Dynamic Meditation is the first and most famous method of active meditation developed by Osho. According to the doctor of philosophical sciences Nikolai Trofimchuk, this method of meditation is given a central place in the teachings of Osho.

Osho - who is he?

Osho is the guru of our time, spiritual leader, mystic teacher. He created his own system, combining religion and philosophy, designed to absorb the most important aspects of the teachings of other religions.

Osho preached the rejection of obsession with the material side of life, all his teachings are permeated with focus on the spiritual beginning of man. The point is not to withdraw from the everyday world into a hermitage, but to be immersed in the world without being tied to it with fetters that burden spiritual freedom. The main whales of Osho's teachings: lack of ego, life-affirming position, meditation. It is this triad that guarantees liberation and enlightenment. Osho's dynamic meditation helps to achieve this state.

Description of technology

Dynamic meditation, like other Osho meditations such as kundalini meditation and nataraj meditation, is an active meditation method in which physical activity plays a central role. The stages of physical activity naturally lead a person to a state of silence. Performed with closed or blindfolded eyes, it includes five stages, four of which are accompanied by music specially composed by Deuter.

In the first stage, the meditator breathes chaotically rapidly through the nose for ten minutes. The second ten minutes are reserved for catharsis. “Let everything that happens happen ... laugh, scream, jump, shake, whatever you feel, whatever you want to do - do it.” Then, for ten minutes, the participant jumps up and down with their arms raised, shouting "Hu!" every time he lands on the ground on the whole foot. In the fourth, silent stage, the meditator suddenly and completely stops, remaining perfectly still for fifteen minutes, watching everything that happens. The last stage of the meditation consists of fifteen minutes of celebration through dance.

Osho claims that dynamic meditation can be done by just about anyone. And that this technique is designed for modern man, since everything modern people subject to significant psychological pressure and carry a great psychological burden, catharsis is simply necessary to get rid of this burden. After the cleansing takes place, the person experiences significant relaxation.

Osho also points out that dynamic meditation is a technique to prepare for meditation:

“Dynamic meditation is just a preparation for real meditation. For meditation to be possible, certain conditions must be met. Don't think that breathing and catharsis is meditation. This is just an introduction, an introduction. Real meditation begins only when all activity, the activity of the body and mind, has ceased.

Osho's Dynamic Meditation - Seeming Contradictions

There are, of course, obvious contradictions and inconsistencies in the name, because meditation is a calm activity, and dynamics is an action, even an effort. But, in this paradox lies the essence of the methodology. Dynamic meditation involves duality, and only the mind is capable of duality, and by meditating, we go beyond all limits - the mind and duality. Real meditation is not just concentration and escape from reality - it is, first of all, observation. At first, only behind bodily processes, then behind the sensual sphere - thoughts, emotions and feelings, and then observation becomes holistic.

Why is this needed?

  1. Forget that meditation is only "sitting". Dynamic meditation was created by Osho specifically for a Western person who does not sit still and who needs to throw out everything that is in him and accumulates over the years.
  2. After reading huge volume, dedicated to Dynamic Meditation, where sannyasins asked Osho questions on the topic, and he patiently answered, I can say with confidence that each of the 5 stages is as important as the correct execution. No self-activity, if you want the effect that Osho promises. What are the effects? At a minimum, liberation from blocks, anger, resentment, self-acceptance, love for yourself and your neighbor, and much more.
  3. Dynamic meditation is a great way to lose weight.
  4. It is enough to do it 21 days in a row and never do it again. The effect achieved during this time may be enough. BUT: you should not think about the result, you should focus solely on the process and become an observer of everything that will happen to you.
  5. The day, started with Osho's Dynamic Meditation, passes on an energetic rise. You are less irritable, more flexible, attuned to yourself and environment. The meditative state persists throughout the day, or even longer, the internal antenna is tuned to the positive.

Instructions for Osho Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic Meditation lasts one hour and consists of five stages. You can do it on your own, but in a group it is much stronger. This is an individual experience, so pay no attention to those around you and keep your eyes closed during the entire meditation, preferably using a bandage. It is best to do the meditation on an empty stomach and in loose, comfortable clothing.

Breathing - First stage: 10 minutes

Breathe chaotically through your nose, always concentrating on the exhalation. The body will take care of the inhalation. Breathing should penetrate deeply into the lungs. Breathe as fast as possible, remembering to keep your breath deep. Do this as fast and as hard as you can - and then even harder until you literally become the breath itself. Use natural body movements to help the energy rise. Feel it rise, but do not let it out during the entire first stage.

Catharsis - Stage Two: 10 minutes

Explode! Throw out everything that breaks out. Become absolutely crazy. Scream, scream, jump, cry, shake, dance, sing, laugh, express all that is. Don't hold back, move with your whole body. Help yourself get started. Never let the mind interfere with what is happening. Be total.

Cooperate with your body. Listen to what it wants to express, and express it totally. Amplify what is rising and pour it out to the fullest.

XY - Third stage: 10 minutes

Jump with your hands up while chanting the mantra “Hu! Hu! Hu!" as deep as possible. Each time you lower your entire foot, let the sound strike deep into your sex center. Put everything you have into it, exhaust yourself completely.

Stup – Stage Four: 15 minutes

Stop! Freeze where you are and in the position you are in at that moment. Don't change your body position. Coughing, movement - everything will disrupt the flow of energy, and the effort will be in vain. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Dance - Fifth Stage: 15 minutes

Celebrate through dance, express gratitude for everything. Be happy all day.

Questions to OSHO: What is Dynamic Meditation?

Osho's answer:

  • The first thing to understand about Dynamic Meditation is that it is a method of creating a situation with tension in which meditation can occur. If your whole being is completely tense, the only option left for you is to relax. Ordinarily one cannot simply relax, but if your whole being is at the peak of total tension, then the second step comes automatically, spontaneously: silence is created.
  • The first three stages of this technique are arranged in a special order in order to reach the ultimate tension at all levels of your being. The first level is yours physical body. Above it is the prana sharir, the vital body - your second body, the etheric body. Above it is the third, astral body.
  • Your vital body takes the breath as food. A change in the usual norm of oxygen will necessarily lead to the fact that the vital body will also change. Deep, rapid breathing for ten minutes in the first stage of the technique is meant to change the entire chemistry of your vital body.
  • Breathing should be both deep and fast - as deep as possible and as fast as possible. If you cannot do both at the same time, then let your breathing be fast. Rapid breathing acts like a kind of hammer on your vital body, and something dormant begins to wake up: the reservoir of your energies opens up. Breathing becomes like an electrical current that spreads throughout your nervous system. Therefore, you must carry out the first step as frantically and intensely as possible.
  • The second step will not only be a stage of letting go, but also a stage of positive cooperation. You have to cooperate with your body, because body language is the symbolic language that, as usual, has been lost. If your body wants to dance, you usually don't feel the message. Therefore, if a slight tendency to dance appears in the second stage, cooperate with it; only then can you understand your body language.
  • In the second step, just become the body, be completely one with it, identify with it – just as you became the breath in the first step. The moment your activity reaches its maximum, a new fresh feeling will flow into you. Something will be broken: you will see your body as something separate from you; you will simply become a witness of the body. You should not try to become an observer. You just have to identify with the body completely and let it do whatever it wants and move where it wants to go.
  • The third stage is reached as a result of the first two stages. In the first stage, the body's electricity - or you can call it Kundalini - is awakened. It starts spinning and moving. Only in this case does a complete release occur with the body, not earlier. Only when the inner movement has begun is there a possibility for outer movements.
  • When in the second stage the catharsis reaches its peak, the limit, then the third ten-minute stage begins. Begin vigorously shouting the Sufi mantra "Hu!" "Hu!" "Hu!" The energy that was awakened through the breath and expressed through catharsis now begins to move inward and upward; the mantra redirects it. Previously the energy was moving down and out; now it starts to move inward and upward. Keep hitting the sound "Hoo!" "Hu!" "Hu!" inwards until your whole being becomes sound. Completely exhaust yourself; only then can the fourth stage, the stage of meditation, happen.
  • The fourth stage is nothing but silence and waiting. If during the first three stages you moved totally, completely, leaving nothing behind, then in the fourth stage you will automatically fall into deep relaxation. The body is emaciated; all repressions are thrown out, all thoughts are thrown out. Now relaxation comes spontaneously - you don't have to do anything for it to happen. This is the beginning of meditation. A situation has been created: you are not here. Now meditation can happen. You are open, waiting, accepting. And what is happening is happening.

Other Great Guru Meditations

Osho created many meditation techniques, and they are all suitable for modern man.

We list just a few of them:

  • Kundalini meditation (active movements to release great energy, four stages).
  • Nataraj (dance, three stages).
  • Chakra breathing (active meditation, in which deep breathing has a very effective positive effect on the chakras).
  • Mandala (refers to catharsis techniques).
  • Aum (social meditation technique, contains 12 stages, lasts two and a half hours).
  • Nadabrama (refers to the old Tibetan techniques, Osho gave his recommendations to her).
  • Golden flower (performed in the morning, between sleep and wakefulness, in bed).
  • Heart (on the heart chakra).
  • Third eye (meditation helps to open your subtle energies).
  • In addition, the dynamic meditation of Swami Dashi, a student of Osho, is now known.

What to remember?

  1. The more you practice Osho's dynamic meditation, the more you will feel the expansion of consciousness, its purification, freedom from complexes, enslavement. You will realize your nature as a spiritual being, regain the harmony of existence, heal from many problems without getting stuck in them.
  2. Meditation should never be an effort, it should be joy and liberation.
  3. The dynamic meditation practice can be done every day. The concept of harm is incompatible with practice, meditation brings great benefits to both the spirit and the body.
  4. The practice is accessible to everyone, does not require special equipment, and can be done at any time of the day, although it is believed that it is best to do it at dawn.
  5. And lastly, it is better to meditate in the morning, when the process of sleep is already over, the night has ended, all nature has come to life and the warm rays of the newly risen sun warm your eyelashes. Meditation forces you to be alert, to be a watcher, to be a witness. It is said that it is very easy to get lost, but not with the help of Dynamic Meditation. When you breathe evenly, you forget about it, in no case forget that you are an observer, be crazy, breathe chaotically and watch, watch, watch!

Dynamic Meditation is the first and most famous method of active meditation developed by Osho. According to the doctor of philosophical sciences Nikolai Trofimchuk, this method of meditation is given a central place in the teachings of Osho.

Osho - who is he?

Osho is the guru of our time, spiritual leader, mystic teacher. He created his own system, combining religion and philosophy, designed to absorb the most important aspects of the teachings of other religions.

Osho preached the rejection of obsession with the material side of life, all his teachings are permeated with focus on the spiritual beginning of man. The point is not to withdraw from the everyday world into a hermitage, but to be immersed in the world without being tied to it with fetters that burden spiritual freedom. The main whales of Osho's teachings: lack of ego, life-affirming position, meditation. It is this triad that guarantees liberation and enlightenment. Osho's dynamic meditation helps to achieve this state.

Description of technology

Dynamic meditation, like other Osho meditations such as kundalini meditation and nataraj meditation, is an active meditation method in which physical activity plays a central role. The stages of physical activity naturally lead a person to a state of silence. Performed with closed or blindfolded eyes, it includes five stages, four of which are accompanied by music specially composed by Deuter.

In the first stage, the meditator breathes chaotically rapidly through the nose for ten minutes. The second ten minutes are reserved for catharsis. “Let everything that happens happen ... laugh, scream, jump, shake, whatever you feel, whatever you want to do - do it.” Then, for ten minutes, the participant jumps up and down with their arms raised, shouting "Hu!" every time he lands on the ground on the whole foot. In the fourth, silent stage, the meditator suddenly and completely stops, remaining perfectly still for fifteen minutes, watching everything that happens. The last stage of the meditation consists of fifteen minutes of celebration through dance.

Osho claims that dynamic meditation can be done by just about anyone. And that this technique was developed for a modern person, since all modern people are subjected to significant psychological pressure and carry a great psychological burden, catharsis is simply necessary to get rid of this burden. After the cleansing takes place, the person experiences significant relaxation.

Osho also points out that dynamic meditation is a technique to prepare for meditation:

“Dynamic meditation is just a preparation for real meditation. For meditation to be possible, certain conditions must be met. Don't think that breathing and catharsis is meditation. This is just an introduction, an introduction. Real meditation begins only when all activity, the activity of the body and mind, has ceased.

Osho's Dynamic Meditation - Seeming Contradictions

There are, of course, obvious contradictions and inconsistencies in the name, because meditation is a calm activity, and dynamics is an action, even an effort. But, in this paradox lies the essence of the methodology. Dynamic meditation involves duality, and only the mind is capable of duality, and by meditating, we go beyond all limits - the mind and duality. Real meditation is not just concentration and escape from reality - it is, first of all, observation. At first, only behind bodily processes, then behind the sensual sphere - thoughts, emotions and feelings, and then observation becomes holistic.

Why is this needed?

  1. Forget that meditation is only "sitting". Dynamic meditation was created by Osho specifically for a Western person who does not sit still and who needs to throw out everything that is in him and accumulates over the years.
  2. After reading a huge volume on Dynamic Meditation, where sannyasins asked Osho questions on the topic, and he patiently answered, I can say with confidence that each of the 5 stages is as important as the correct execution. No self-activity, if you want the effect that Osho promises. What are the effects? At a minimum, liberation from blocks, anger, resentment, self-acceptance, love for yourself and your neighbor, and much more.
  3. Dynamic meditation is a great way to lose weight.
  4. It is enough to do it 21 days in a row and never do it again. The effect achieved during this time may be enough. BUT: you should not think about the result, you should focus solely on the process and become an observer of everything that will happen to you.
  5. The day, started with Osho's Dynamic Meditation, passes on an energetic rise. You are less irritable, more flexible, attuned to yourself and the environment. The meditative state persists throughout the day, or even longer, the internal antenna is tuned to the positive.

Instructions for Osho Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic Meditation lasts one hour and consists of five stages. You can do it on your own, but in a group it is much stronger. This is an individual experience, so pay no attention to those around you and keep your eyes closed during the entire meditation, preferably using a bandage. It is best to do the meditation on an empty stomach and in loose, comfortable clothing.

Breathing - First stage: 10 minutes

Breathe chaotically through your nose, always concentrating on the exhalation. The body will take care of the inhalation. Breathing should penetrate deeply into the lungs. Breathe as fast as possible, remembering to keep your breath deep. Do this as fast and as hard as you can - and then even harder until you literally become the breath itself. Use natural body movements to help the energy rise. Feel it rise, but do not let it out during the entire first stage.

Catharsis - Stage Two: 10 minutes

Explode! Throw out everything that breaks out. Become absolutely crazy. Scream, scream, jump, cry, shake, dance, sing, laugh, express all that is. Don't hold back, move with your whole body. Help yourself get started. Never let the mind interfere with what is happening. Be total.

Cooperate with your body. Listen to what it wants to express, and express it totally. Amplify what is rising and pour it out to the fullest.

XY - Third stage: 10 minutes

Jump with your hands up while chanting the mantra “Hu! Hu! Hu!" as deep as possible. Each time you lower your entire foot, let the sound strike deep into your sex center. Put everything you have into it, exhaust yourself completely.

Stup – Stage Four: 15 minutes

Stop! Freeze where you are and in the position you are in at that moment. Don't change your body position. Coughing, movement - everything will disrupt the flow of energy, and the effort will be in vain. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Dance - Fifth Stage: 15 minutes

Celebrate through dance, express gratitude for everything. Be happy all day.

Questions to OSHO: What is Dynamic Meditation?

Osho's answer:

  • The first thing to understand about Dynamic Meditation is that it is a method of creating a situation with tension in which meditation can occur. If your whole being is completely tense, the only option left for you is to relax. Ordinarily one cannot simply relax, but if your whole being is at the peak of total tension, then the second step comes automatically, spontaneously: silence is created.
  • The first three stages of this technique are arranged in a special order in order to reach the ultimate tension at all levels of your being. The first level is your physical body. Above it is the prana sharir, the vital body - your second body, the etheric body. Above it is the third, astral body.
  • Your vital body takes the breath as food. A change in the usual norm of oxygen will necessarily lead to the fact that the vital body will also change. Deep, rapid breathing for ten minutes in the first stage of the technique is meant to change the entire chemistry of your vital body.
  • Breathing should be both deep and fast - as deep as possible and as fast as possible. If you cannot do both at the same time, then let your breathing be fast. Rapid breathing acts like a kind of hammer on your vital body, and something dormant begins to wake up: the reservoir of your energies opens up. Breathing becomes like an electrical current flowing throughout your nervous system. Therefore, you must carry out the first step as frantically and intensely as possible.
  • The second step will not only be a stage of letting go, but also a stage of positive cooperation. You have to cooperate with your body, because body language is the symbolic language that, as usual, has been lost. If your body wants to dance, you usually don't feel the message. Therefore, if a slight tendency to dance appears in the second stage, cooperate with it; only then can you understand your body language.
  • In the second step, just become the body, be completely one with it, identify with it – just as you became the breath in the first step. The moment your activity reaches its maximum, a new fresh feeling will flow into you. Something will be broken: you will see your body as something separate from you; you will simply become a witness of the body. You should not try to become an observer. You just have to identify with the body completely and let it do whatever it wants and move where it wants to go.
  • The third stage is reached as a result of the first two stages. In the first stage, the body's electricity - or you can call it Kundalini - is awakened. It starts spinning and moving. Only in this case does a complete release occur with the body, not earlier. Only when the inner movement has begun is there a possibility for outer movements.
  • When in the second stage the catharsis reaches its peak, the limit, then the third ten-minute stage begins. Begin vigorously shouting the Sufi mantra "Hu!" "Hu!" "Hu!" The energy that was awakened through the breath and expressed through catharsis now begins to move inward and upward; the mantra redirects it. Previously the energy was moving down and out; now it starts to move inward and upward. Keep hitting the sound "Hoo!" "Hu!" "Hu!" inwards until your whole being becomes sound. Completely exhaust yourself; only then can the fourth stage, the stage of meditation, happen.
  • The fourth stage is nothing but silence and waiting. If during the first three stages you moved totally, completely, leaving nothing behind, then in the fourth stage you will automatically fall into deep relaxation. The body is emaciated; all repressions are thrown out, all thoughts are thrown out. Now relaxation comes spontaneously - you don't have to do anything for it to happen. This is the beginning of meditation. A situation has been created: you are not here. Now meditation can happen. You are open, waiting, accepting. And what is happening is happening.

Other Great Guru Meditations

Osho created many meditation techniques, and they are all suitable for modern man.

We list just a few of them:

  • Kundalini meditation (active movements to release great energy, four stages).
  • Nataraj (dance, three stages).
  • Chakra breathing (active meditation, in which deep breathing has a very effective positive effect on the chakras).
  • Mandala (refers to catharsis techniques).
  • Aum (social meditation technique, contains 12 stages, lasts two and a half hours).
  • Nadabrama (refers to the old Tibetan techniques, Osho gave his recommendations to her).
  • Golden flower (performed in the morning, between sleep and wakefulness, in bed).
  • Heart (on the heart chakra).
  • Third eye (meditation helps to open your subtle energies).
  • In addition, the dynamic meditation of Swami Dashi, a student of Osho, is now known.

What to remember?

  1. The more you practice Osho's dynamic meditation, the more you will feel the expansion of consciousness, its purification, freedom from complexes, enslavement. You will realize your nature as a spiritual being, regain the harmony of existence, heal from many problems without getting stuck in them.
  2. Meditation should never be an effort, it should be joy and liberation.
  3. The dynamic meditation practice can be done every day. The concept of harm is incompatible with practice, meditation brings great benefits to both the spirit and the body.
  4. The practice is accessible to everyone, does not require special equipment, and can be done at any time of the day, although it is believed that it is best to do it at dawn.
  5. And lastly, it is better to meditate in the morning, when the process of sleep is already over, the night has ended, all nature has come to life and the warm rays of the newly risen sun warm your eyelashes. Meditation forces you to be alert, to be a watcher, to be a witness. It is said that it is very easy to get lost, but not with the help of Dynamic Meditation. When you breathe evenly, you forget about it, in no case forget that you are an observer, be crazy, breathe chaotically and watch, watch, watch!

If all your attempts at meditation ended in a nervous breakdown, then this is because you can’t pacify your consciousness and control your thoughts. We invite you to try one of the most famous meditations of the Osho school - dynamic.

Possibilities of Osho's Dynamic Meditation

The popularity of this technique, developed by the famous spiritual mentor of the last century Osho Rajneesh, lies in the fact that it allows you to achieve amazing results: prevent or alleviate depression, cope with insomnia, improve energy circulation and correct aura defects. Inner clamps and blockages, rooted in the distant past, disappear. At the same time, Osho's dynamic meditation does not require special training and is well suited for those who fail.

Stages of Osho's Dynamic Meditation

Osho Dynamic Meditation can be done on your own, but is most effective when working in a group. Although the founder of the practice, Osho Rajneesh, left this world in 1990, his followers and students continue to teach the technique to everyone. One of the most famous practitioners today, who regularly conducts seminars on dynamic meditations, is Osho's student, Wit Mano.

Let's find out how Osho's dynamic meditation works. It is divided into five stages:

Surrender to the feeling of joy and lightness of being.

In total, Osho Dynamic Meditation will take you about an hour. During this time, keep your eyes closed. It is better if you meditate on an empty stomach. Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict breathing or movement. You can perform Osho's dynamic meditation both to music (Tibetan, oriental motifs, the sound of rain, etc.) and in silence, and for the best effect, take a full course of meditations - 21 days. During this time, the cellular memory of resentment and anger will go away.

The modern world is based on endless movement. Constant fuss, traffic jams, offices and work. As a result, poor health, constant depression, which affects our friends and loved ones. Was my salvation osho meditation(also known as dynamic meditation).

The essence of the process lies in the dynamic movement of your body, actions. This practice more than once aroused interest in the media and was studied by scientists, who in turn confirmed repeated cases medicinal properties meditation.

Osho meditation - the practical side

Coming home from work, I locked myself in a room and turned on specially designed music for dynamic meditation. The very essence of the process is as follows: you can lie down on the bed, or sit comfortably in a chair. Breathe through your nose for the first ten minutes. Try to turn off the internal dialogue, calm down and get ready for the next stage. The second ten minutes are devoted to complete madness - "catharsis". This term implies the following - you begin to act giving complete freedom to your body and desires. It can be meaningless screams, jumping, running or laughing. You must completely discharge, express and cleanse yourself of stress, negativity and bad emotions that have accumulated in you during your stay in society. After, you need to get up and do a few jumps for 4-8 minutes. When your foot hits the floor, you should shout the word “HOO!”. And so every time your foot lands on the ground. Further, osho meditation implies an absolutely peaceful state. You have to stop completely, watching everything that happens. By personal experience I will say, at this stage, the feelings are simply incredible! You feel as if you were born again, everything around you “floats”, you feel lightness and peace. Osho meditation ends at the final stage - celebration through dance. Personally, I just danced as I please. Based on the results that I received in the course of intensive studies for one month, I gave the practice the following name - meditation for success.

Meditation for success is the result

It is important to understand that one should not expect the arrival of a "miracle" after the first two or three sessions. As I said above, my experience of dynamic meditation gave the first results in the course of one month of meditations. Specifically, my circulatory system has significantly improved (before, the veins bulged out, due to high pressure) now my hands feel much better. A strange feature, but I began to ignore all the dissatisfaction of the authorities or other problems at work. Dynamic Meditation completely eliminated my anxiety about the upcoming difficulties, hard life and similar problems of modern man. It is very important to choose special music for meditation - enter into search engine"Deuter's music" is specifically written for these practices. As you understand, "meditation for success" does not require special knowledge or devices. Hurry up to try it yourself!
