Silicon period on earth trees. Once the trees were huge! What has happened since then? Silicon world and Eastern philosophy

Why don't trees grow as big now as they used to? What is the reason for this natural phenomenon? Let's figure it out together...

Sequoia is a giant long-lived tree. The age of some specimens reaches six thousand years, and the height is more than 110 m. But before the trees were such that California sequoias next to them they look like matches ...

Over ten thousand different types trees grows on the globe. Each of them has its own name. And only one of them bears the name of a person. This tree is a sequoia.

A bloody struggle was waged between the indigenous population of America and the white conquerors. terrible firearms the Indians could oppose strangers only with arrows and spears. But bondage is worse than death. So the legendary leader of the Iroquois Sekwa ​​spoke to his fellow tribesmen. He invented writing for his people, he took care of the education of the Indians, he also became the head of the soldiers united by him and led them into battle against the foreign invaders. Sequa died in one of the unequal battles. But the people resisted the outsiders for a long time. In honor of the freedom-loving Sequa, the Indians named the tallest, most hardy tree of their land.

The conquerors did everything possible to make the proud Indians forget their history, tried to erase from their memory the heroic legends and translations of the former independence. native land. That is why the mighty sequoia cut the eyes of the conquerors. After all, with its name, it reminded of the victorious leader Sekwe! Europeans began to rename the tree. At first they called it California pine. Then they came up with the name "Mammoth Tree". Both names did not stick. Later, English botanists, in honor of their commander Wellington, named the tree "wellingtonia". The Americans were indignant and called the tree "Washingtonia". Of course, none of these names became widespread, they were not recognized by the Indians. The proud name of Sekva remained inseparable from the hero tree.

Why did the debate around the name of the tree go on for so long? Because the sequoia is a truly unique tree. Its height is over one hundred and forty meters. In coverage, some trees reach twenty-six meters, the weight of such a trunk exceeds a thousand tons. Sequoia is a long-lived tree. The age of some specimens, according to scientists, reaches six thousand years. During the life of such a tree, the whole ancient, medieval and new story humanity. And they are ancient because they are not afraid of any dangers: they are so powerful that they can withstand any winds; their wood and bark contain tannins and other substances that protect against fungal decay and grinder beetles, and the thick bark does not burn even in a fire.

Ground fires are even beneficial for redwoods: they destroy competitors, help open buds, and create favorable conditions for young growth, which is bathed in sunlight and fertilized with nutritious ash. An adult tree can be struck by lightning - but, as a rule, this is not fatal. So the giants live century after century, getting older and bigger. Of course, there is one danger that lies in wait for large trees - deforestation. How many giant sequoias fell under the blows of axes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries!

Why did they cut down sequoia in America, because this is a whole treasure? It is believed that the forest was cut down for timber, but this is not true. The wood of the ancient giants turned out to be so fragile that when they hit the ground, the trunks often fell apart into pieces, and the surviving parts were not at all suitable for construction, and in fact it was possible to build from smaller specimens and other wood.

The fact is that old trees are an information store, a database, a hard disk, saying modern language. Everything that happens on the planet, the trees record in their information portal ... And apparently someone needed to block this access. Left a few smaller giants and formed national park.

The most interesting thing is that Sequoia Park is only a tiny part of those gigantic forests that existed approximately 7500 years ago. But there were stumps and more, and scattered all over the planet. These are the so-called "table" mountains, scientists all over the world call mountains with a flat, as if cut off top, the so-called "table". But some believe that these are not mountains, but fossils of ancient giant trees. The version is unpopular in the scientific world, but we know how conservative this "world" can be. But even with a cursory comparison, the similarity is guessed.

Few people know, but there is a museum of petrified ancient trees. This open-air museum is located in the state of Arizona, and is called Petrified Forest (petrified forest). The exhibits date back to the Triassic period. mesozoic era, i.e. about 225 million years ago. They are truly an amazing sight. The outer part of the tree trunk is familiar to our eyes, but inside the tree is semi-precious stones! Forest giants turned into precious layers, consisting of agate, jasper, carnelian, onyx and amethyst. Jasper gives a red tint, amethyst gives a purple hue, and the most unpredictable is agate, which produces all sorts of different colors.

Interestingly, these trees do not look broken, but sawn, and this happened before they hardened, and they are also small in relation to sequoias, some believe that these are branches of giant trees, since such small trees did not exist 225 million years ago. And those trees were so gigantic that California sequoias next to them look like a matchstick.

There are many mysteries. You just need to want to figure it out.

How giant sequoias were cut by hand

Silicon tree. Observation in the Ilmensky Reserve

The Japanese decided to cut down 50-meter cryptomeria

More detailed and varied information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at the Internet Conferences that are constantly held on the site "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and absolutely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

There are no forests on Earth! After reading such a statement, any sane person will say that the author has gone crazy and showers him with millions of photographs of the forest. But believe me, there is no forest in your photos. It's just another trick. We were simply made to think that this is a forest, but in fact it is just thirty-meter bushes. Such a statement may seem ridiculous. However, after reading this article, its title will no longer seem strange to you, as you will completely turn your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bforests upside down.

Let's start with a famous picture in which children see nine dolphins, and adults see two lovers. Agree, the difference is huge. Force yourself to find dolphins right now and see how difficult it is. It's funny, but in children the problem will be exactly the opposite.

Here is the first fact for you: the image is one, but we see it in completely different ways. Moreover, adults and children can not exchange perceptions with each other. And why? But because the eyes see as the matrix ordered them to, and not as the world really looks. Our eyes eventually became traitors, we were blinded in childhood. AND the world quite different from what we observe through the prism of habits and experience. By the age of thirty, the prism acquires the status of a guard of our mind, and after forty, without it, you can completely go crazy. Do you think this is an exaggeration? Take a look at the following photos.

This is a table mountain formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze, about 200 million years ago. Say it can't be? Not at all. However, we will return to this lawn later, but for now let's remember how, walking through the forest, we come across old thick trees, and sometimes even take pictures with them, trying to grab the immense trunk.

But really old trees are a rarity. They are all registered and protected as a natural monument. The network even raised a fuss: why, they say, all the forests, even in Siberia, are not older than 200 years? Where have the giants gone? And they make the right noise. However, this issue must be approached from the other side - from the side of the Earth's poles.

The fact is that even Soviet biologists discovered a certain oddity: an unnatural amount of water has accumulated at the poles in the form of ice and snow, and an unnatural amount of carbon dioxide has been dissolved in the waters of the oceans. Such a huge concentration clearly proves the existence of a global fire in the past. With simple calculations, scientists have deduced a figure that says that quite recently there was a fire that destroyed 99.9% of the Earth's biosphere.

As you know, living cells mainly consist of water, so the snow caps of the poles are nothing more than water released from burnt organisms, which migrated to the poles in a gaseous state and then condensed in the form of precipitation. Now think about the figure of 99.9%. It turns out that everything that now grows, crawls, flies, swims and runs around the Earth is 20 thousand times smaller in volume than it was before the fire.

To visualize this, compare a loaf of bread with a trucker's truck - just the ratio of volumes is 1:20000.

But then there was a problem. Biologists divided this figure by the area of ​​all continents combined and they did not succeed - there was not enough space on land. The theory has cracked at the seams, but there is no getting away from the snow at the poles - a fact is a fact, and it needs to be placed on land.

As always, insight came suddenly. It turned out that the stereotype of thinking was to blame for everything, because the usual thirty-meter-high forest settled like a virus in the heads of biologists and prevented a quick solution to this question. If the plants do not fit in breadth, then they must be placed up. And everything immediately fell into place.

In the new theory, a hypothetical forest of unthinkable height was quickly drawn. And soon there were also such photos.

This is footage of California redwood cuttings from the 1880s to the 1920s. Just imagine how many years it takes to grow a tree to such a size. And then people came with saws and axes and...

There is such a rule in the proportions of trees: the diameter of a stump is approximately three times the height of a lumberjack, that is, (1.75m x 3) x 20 = 105 m. Just think about it. You enter the forest, the height of which is not the usual 30 meters, but 100. Here are the fairy forests that people love to describe in folk tales and draw in cartoons.

If someone believes that the forest was cut down solely because of the wood, then we hasten to dispel your assumptions. The fact is that old trees are an information store, a database, a hard disk, in modern terms. Everything that happens on the planet, the trees record in their information portal. It is enough for a person with good sensors to enter such a forest and easily read any information about the past by simply touching the tree trunk. And what strength flows into us through touch ...

It is not known for what reason, but they decided to leave a few redwoods alive, and even fenced them off and called them a reserve.

Let's sum up the intermediate result. Since the remains of a giant forest have been found, therefore, the theory of the gigantic forests of the past is proved, and the homeless snow of the poles has taken its place in the mosaic. It seems to be everything. The topic can be closed, but not everything is so simple ...

Too many myths and legends tell us about the transformation of people, animals and plants into stone. Take, for example, the book "Legends of Crimea", in which, whatever the story, the living body turns into stone. Here, as it were, everything converges, because paleontologists from all over the world dig up fossils of animals and plants not only in the Crimea, but throughout the planet. There are so many of them that the museums of the world are simply littered with petrified plants, amphibians, etc.

There are plants, animals too, but where are the trees? The ancient sequoias of California do not fit here, since they are definitely made of carbon, which means they did not catch the silicon era. Why you ask? Well, firstly, they were chopped and sawn with a standard tool. Second, pay attention to the growth rings that indicate the change of seasons. Do not forget that while the Solar was shining, there was no change of day and night, summer and winter.

It turns out that these old giants in the photo are not related to the silicon era. So where did the flint trees go, or at least their remnants? You will not believe, but they were found. And not just anywhere, but all in the same North America. And to be precise - in Arizona. It is there that the open-air museum operates - Petrified forest national park. Representing a desert with petrified trees scattered across it. Today, anyone can visit this museum. In this park, the fossils are not simple - they are unique. And if turtles and frogs turned into gray-white cobblestones, then the local trees turned into semi-precious stones.

Let's summarize:
- all our forests are young and do not grow above 30 meters;
- the remains of the fairy forest were preserved in the form of American sequoias, and thus biologists were able to explain the polar snow;
- Fossils from the Silicon Age have been found, including gemstone trees.

Now everything seems to fit together. Or not? There remains one more unresolved question. How did the frog become fossilized, instead of simply rotting away, as any organic body should? This is how Wikipedia explains it: "... The process of petrification occurs underground, when the body is buried under precipitation, but does not deteriorate due to lack of oxygen ...".

It turns out that some disaster, for example, a volcanic eruption, a tsunami, or a clay rain that instantly covered some amphibian or mammoth with sedimentary rocks so that air bacteria would not decompose the remains. In other words, in order for the body to petrify, it must be filled up and well tamped. According to scientists, there was an organic tissue, but it became silicon dioxide, that is, SiO₂. However, in practice, as you know, only the following can happen to a walled body: it can dry out, as happens with insects, or it can rot. There is no third. In this case, the carbon body under no circumstances will turn into stone.

There is one more question in this whole story. How did the tree turn into semi-precious stones? But more about that later, but for now, let's note a few points:

1. According to the official version, all these trees burned down during a volcanic eruption about 225 million years ago. At the same time, the wood not only did not turn into ashes and did not rot, but, contrary to all the laws of physics, chemistry and biology, turned into gems. But that's not all. Please note that the trees are not broken, but cut down. Who did it and how? This is a question to which there is no answer yet. It is possible that this museum is just a staging, and all the trees were transported from another place and carefully laid out.

2. There are no growth rings on the cuts of these trees. And this once again proves that while the Solar was shining, there was no change of summer and winter on the planet.

3. Since the theory of turning wood into gems does not stand up to criticism, a logical question arises: why was this whole spectacle staged with trees of silicon lifeform brought, sawn, and then laid out across the desert? Interest Ask… But now is not about that. Let's move on to the most important thing. Notice how small these silicon trees are. They are completely incomparable with the same California sequoias. Why? Everything is very simple. These are not trees, but branches of gigantic silicon-era trees. The trees themselves are so huge that American redwoods next to them are like a match next to a baobab. And while the tourists open their mouths, marveling at the gems, no one pays attention to the background, from which these beautiful branches are designed to distract.

And here it is appropriate to recall the lines from Yesenin's poem:

"Face to face. Can't see faces.
Big things are seen from a distance.

And now let's return to the familiar photograph of the lawn, and once again take a closer look at it. What do we see? Still a stump in daisies?

Or a table mountain formed from a magmatic melt raised from the depths of the Earth about 200 million years ago? Still have doubts? Then let's look at these pictures.

Before us is the mountain "Devil's Tower" in Wyoming, USA. This is a table mountain formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the earth and froze, about 200 million years ago. That's what Wikipedia says. However, there is another opinion. And according to him, this is not a mountain, but a stump from a giant tree of a silicon life form.

Now let's take a closer look at this mountain. And once again we read the lines from Wikipedia: "The Devil's Tower was formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze in the form of elegant columns." Wow, what a smart magmatic melt. It just took it and froze in the form of ideal hexagonal columns that grew 300 meters up.

Why hexagonal? Yes, because the Universe builds its masterpieces in this form. No two snowflakes are the same, but they are all perfectly hexagonal. The bees, too, without knowing mathematics, correctly determined that a regular hexagon has the smallest perimeter among the figures. equal area, which means that such a form can be filled out as efficiently as possible. Building honeycombs, the bees instinctively try to make them as roomy as possible, while using as little wax as possible. The hexagonal shape is the most economical and efficient shape for honeycomb construction.

The stump fibers, like the fibers of the flax stem, have a hexagonal shape, which strictly retains its geometry along the entire length of the trunk. At the same time, note that the stump fibers are more strict in their proportions than the scheme from the botany textbook. The fibers are indistinguishable from each other. They seem to be calibrated not only along the entire length, but also relative to each other. The feeling that this is a bunch of hexagonal reinforcement after leaving the rolling mill. The fibers are not attached to each other, as they loosely flake off and fall in hexagonal fragments as the stone is eroded. Each stump fiber is covered with a thin sheath. Just like fascia - a connective tissue sheath that forms cases for muscle fibers. As you can see, the petrified shell, in contact with winds and moisture, cracks, peels off and crumbles, and this is direct evidence that the stump fibers consist of at least two different components nested in each other. The fibers do not go vertically into the ground. They gradually bend to smoothly transform into root system just like any tree should. And it turns out that the official version of the accidental hardening of the lava is falling apart, since there are too many facts that indicate that this is the stump of a giant silicon tree.

Now, let's estimate the height of the tree that this stump once was. To do this, we use the previously given formula, where the diameter of the stump is approximately equal to 1/20 of the height of the entire tree. So, the diameter of our stump is 300 m at the base. We multiply 300 by 20, and we get the height of the tree - 6 km in height.

Having dealt with one stump, you can move on to others. Did you think he was the only one? Let me introduce to you the Giant's Path in Ireland.

And again hexagonal pillars. Which, according to our theory, are the same giant stump, but almost not protruding from the ground. The tree grew right on the seashore. The path of the Giant has 40 thousand pillars of this geometry. And this miracle of nature was declared a national reserve. According to Wikipedia, "The Giant's Road (Giant's Path) is a natural monument of about 40 thousand interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption."

Volcanic eruptions? Let's leave this quote without comment, but rather look at this masterpiece of geometry once again.

Now let's turn to another comparison. And if we compared the Devil's Tower with a plant stem, then the Giant's Path can be compared with real frozen lava.

First, let's look at the process of a volcanic eruption.

And now for the movement of lava.

And finally, how this lava solidifies.

Now let's compare these photos with the pictures of "Devil's Tower" and "Trail of the Giants".

Agree, there are few similarities. However, the "Devil's Tower" and "The Path of the Giants" are not the only representatives of giant flint trees on Earth. There are so many of them that official science even gave them a special name - basalt rocks.

According to WakeUpHuman, salt lakes are sludge ponds. And in general, we can agree with this, but not with regards to this lake. As previously mentioned, a honeycomb is an attribute that is unique to living organisms, whether it is the possession of a queen bee, the structure of snowflakes, or plant fibers. But, as we see with our own eyes, Salar de Uyuni is not just a giant layer of salt. It is a silicon life form living being that was barbarously scraped out with buckets. What does it mean?

In short, the earth was literally scraped by graders giant size. They have scraped off the top layer of all continents, just as road builders scrape off old asphalt with their car. Only the height of the layer is several hundred meters. note that coastline The lake has the shape of a semicircle and it is not alone - it was a rotary excavator. Pavel Ulyanov (WakeUpHuman) has covered this topic well in his works. Last year he made a discovery that changed the view of the anatomy of volcanoes, rivers, quarries, heaps, seas, lakes, etc.

Well, the theoretical part is over, and now we can move on to the proofs. But first, let's go back to the very first stump and pay attention to one oddity.

If you look closely at this photo, you can see that the top of this mountain is flat. What does this tell us? Everything is simple. The tree was cut down. It is clear that this statement immediately raises a number of questions. Who drank? For what? What did they drink? We will answer these questions later, because for now they fade into the background. Now we are interested in something else - this sawn stump is not the only one on the planet. Here are others. Scientists have dubbed such mountains Tabletops, because their tops are as flat as a table.


Cape Town:




And now, let's remember how our conversation began. We thought we saw forests and walked in them. So what if they are 30 meters tall? Does it happen differently? We are accustomed to such forests, we do not need others. Then it turned out that in the USA the old forest, which is depicted in fairy tales, has been preserved - giant hundred-meter sequoias. It is these giants that fantasy draws when we hear the phrase Fairy Forest. On the sequoias of California, our imagination puts an end (the prism forces). Otherwise, the fuses of the mind will simply blow out, since the size of the Devil's Tower indicates a tree of six kilometers in height. But then it turned out completely that the Devil's Tower is only a young shoot compared to other specimens found on the planet. For example, a mountain in Cape Town (Africa) has a plateau diameter of 3 km. Therefore, multiplying by 20, we get an African tree 60 km high. This is ten times higher than the Devil's Tower. Of course, our mind refuses to see a stump in the Cape Town mountain. Try to at least imagine how big the branches of such a tree were? Only one such branch could easily fit a whole sleeping area with shopping centers, schools and parks. It doesn't fit in your head, right? It is difficult to imagine this, because the bodyguard prism of our mind distorts the world around us very much. And we have already talked about this before. Ask any person to point to the trees in the right photo and they will immediately point to greenery. Without noticing that these miserable bushes (in which he sees trees) cannot even be called bushes. In this comparison, the green looks more like moss than like a forest.

Now it becomes clear why it is difficult for us to find dolphins in the picture. But let's not focus on this and look more broadly. Imagine if instead of dolphins and stumps we see lovers and mountains, then what a giant curtain is fenced off from us by the true appearance of the surrounding world. And you will involuntarily wonder why the Apocalypse is literally translated as the opening of the curtain...

Now do you understand why, at the beginning of the chapter, we started talking about the prism implanted by the matrix, through which we look at the world and, as it turned out, we see nothing? And perhaps everything around is arranged differently, and has nothing to do with what we see. And the current state of society can be called a real dream, and the saddest thing is that it is not in a figurative sense of the word.

You probably noticed that the giant stumps were called trees in the text, not trees. What is the difference? In the old and new style? Nothing like this. "Tree" is the true name of those giants. It is from the word "tree" that the word "antiquity" comes. In other words, antiquity is the period of time when trees grew. When they say in antiquity, they mean 7.5 thousand years ago or even earlier. And now it becomes clear that the miserable thirty-meter bushes cannot be called trees, so their ancestors diluted with an additional letter “e” and it turned out to be a “tree”.

Now let's ask one more question. If we assume that the entire surface of the planet was once covered with giant vegetation, then where did the rest of the mega-forest go?

The fact is that mesas are only a few of the best trees that have been chosen for sawing. The rest of the single forest of the planet was simply laid down by the blast wave. We examined stumps with a flat area, but did anyone see a tree that was not cut down, but a broken one? Let's take an example to remind you.

These were carbon stumps.

Now try to find the differences.

And now let's take a sober look at the highest stumps of the planet, broken by the impact of the blast wave. Before you is Everest.

And it turns out that there are no rocks on the planet. And this is all the fragments of huge trees. And you can review at least a million photographs, but apart from the remains of the silicon world, we will not see anything. Well, as official science explains the origin of the rocks, you probably already guessed it.

And it becomes clear why we are so fascinated by the rocks. Why the most elite real estate is located among the rocks. And the most environmentally friendly material for housing construction is rock fragments. This is because, although the rocks are dead, they continue to radiate a powerful energy of life.

And now important point. It is important to learn to clearly distinguish rocks from mountains. These are completely different concepts. The rock consists of a single piece of torn stone, with fragments of fibers characteristically protruding towards the sky.

But the mountain is just a pile of loose waste brought by giant dump trucks. Her hallmark- an almost ideal cone shape, as befits a bulk structure. Sometimes the waste begins to react between its layers, and the mountain turns into a volcano, spewing lava.

Go ahead. So, from the plane you can clearly see that absolutely all the rocks of our planet are the remains of the silicon world. But is it all fallen trees? No, not everything. A lot of rocks belong to petrified animals and people. Lovers of the Crimea are now the first to guess about it. But this topic is vast and we will talk about it next time.

It should also be noted that not all trees have honeycomb fibers, like "Devil's Tower" or "Giant's Path", for example. Many of the rocks that we have just talked about have a lamellar or spongy structure like mushrooms. As the liver differs from the lung, so the silicon world of antiquity was so diverse that most species and subspecies are simply not able to identify and imagine.

And now let's imagine the nature of the film "Avatar", only multiplied in its diversity by a million times. All this bloomed and smelled until the bad guys arrived. First they cut down a few best trees to use them as biofuel for the generator to change the temperature and atmospheric pressure inside the planet. And this was the beginning of the end... Following the climate change, all the flora turned to stone, unlike the fauna, which still somehow escaped in shelters. So, the vegetation no longer showed signs of life, and before the silicon organisms lost their elasticity, the planet was covered with carpet bombardment. The blast wave knocked down everything that had roots. Let's look at this visually using the example of the carbon tree we are used to.

As you can see, the stump is approximately 5-10% of the volume of wood that breaks. And this is what a fallen forest looks like from the supposedly Tunguska meteorite.

And now imagine the volume of a fallen tree, let it be 100 km high. Imagine how much stone should lie next to such a stump?

So where did it all go? But this question was answered by Pavel Ulyanov. After the explosion, all living things collapsed, and then, with the help of technology, several hundred meters of the upper stone layer were removed from all continents. This is how all the deserts were formed, and in that barbaric period the expression "career growth" appeared.

In the photo, the Bagger 288 is the largest bucket wheel excavator in the world today. Imagine if we have such a technique today, what was the level of technology of the aliens who managed trees 100 km high. And this is how this rotary excavator works. It crawls on tracks parallel to the quarry wall. A huge disk with buckets scrapes the rock, leaving a concave wall of stone.

Geologists call such career developments a miracle of nature. Like this cliff in Australia.

But let's go further. Everything that fell on the surface of the planet was cleaned off by mega-machines, so we got only surviving stone stumps (rocks) from the silicon era. This is especially noticeable in the Aryan zone, as it is just a tasty morsel due to the unusual composition of the soil.

The composition of those rocks turned out to be not from the usual silicon dioxide (SiO₂), but from semi-precious stones. Now you understand why they organized a park of petrified trees and scattered logs with gems there?

That's right, to divert attention from real artifacts - giant stumps in the background. And here the question arises ... Why did the stumps remain intact? The answer to this question, unfortunately, is no. But there is a guess. It is possible that the stumps are a kind of stopper for some energy flows beating from the Earth, and which for some reason cannot be opened. Let's take a look at the photo.

What prevented the demolition of the stumps? After all, it is technologically more difficult to hew them from four sides, but the stumps were just hewn.

Anticipating the question of how to determine which stone was alive and which was not, we give the answer: in the silicon world there were no stones at all. And absolutely any cobblestone that can only be found on Earth is a chipped piece from some organic organism of the silicon era. But if all the silicon flora and fauna were taken away, where did such a huge amount of stone go? Maybe he was taken out of the Earth? No, no one took anything. The stone was needed inside the planet for the construction of the century. And what can be built from this amount of stone? Bases? Fortresses? Cities? Let's think more globally. After all, in order to understand the intentions of the Gods, you need to think like the Gods. And the fairy tale about Kolobok will help us in this.

There lived an old man and an old woman. The old man once said to the old woman: - Go, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom of the bottom, if you can scrape up flour for a bun.

The old woman took a wing, scraped the box, broomed the bottom of the barrel, and scraped two handfuls of flour. She kneaded flour on sour cream, cooked a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

Recently, another version of this tale was discovered, more like the truth, as it explains who the Gingerbread Man is.

Tarkh Perunovich asked Jiva - create a bun. And she scratched at Svarog's barrels, scoured the devil's barns and molded a bun, and put it on the window of the Hall of Rada. And the bun shone, and rolled along the Perunov Way. But he did not roll for long, rolled into the Hall of the Boar, bit off the side of the bun, but not the whole bit off, but a crumb. The bun rolled on and rolled to the Swan's Hall, and the Swan pecked off a piece. In the Hall of the Raven - Raven pecked off a piece. In the palace of the Bear - the Bear crushed the kolobok. The wolf in his Hall gnawed almost half of the kolobok, and when the kolobok reached the Hall of the Fox, the Fox ate it.

This tale is a figurative description of the Ancestors' astronomical observation of the movement of the month across the sky, from full moon to full moon. In the Halls of Tarkh and Jiva, on the Svarog Circle, a full moon occurs, and after the Hall of the Fox, a new moon occurs.

So, as the second version of the tale shows, Gingerbread Man is the Moon. This is so convincing and logical that there is no doubt, isn't it? But there is one more hidden moment in this story ... What kind of barrels did the grandmother scrape? And for the very things that WakeUpHuman writes about.

These are the tools that the “grandmother” Jiva scraped through the bottom of the barrel. And the bottom barrels are the scraped-off continents of our planet.

And now the hostess is chilling her Kolobok on the windowsill. But there is one problem. The moon is about the size of an average city, plus it's hollow, and the stone has been scraped off from all over the planet! Where did the lion's share of the stone go? Everything is very simple. If anyone knows how glass is made, they know that the basis of glass is molten silicon dioxide. The same silicon dioxide (SiO₂) that rocks are made of. And why such a gigantic volume of glass? And to build a giant shell and name it...

"Alien Tower" V. B. Ivanov

The possibility of silicon life is recognized even by official scientists. Silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. The most commonly encountered silicon compound is its SiO2-silica. In nature, it forms the mineral quartz and its varieties: rock crystal, amethyst, agate, opal, jasper, chalcedony, carnelian. Silicon dioxide is also sand. The second type of natural silicon compounds are silicates. These include granite, clay, mica.

Why silicon can be the basis of life?

Silicon forms branched compounds like hydrocarbons, that is, silicon is a source of diversity. Silicon powder burns in oxygen, that is, silicon is a source of energy. Based on the semiconductor properties of silicon, microcircuits and, accordingly, computers were created - that is, silicon can be the basis of the mind.

Could there have been silicon life on our planet in the past?

She could very well.

Trunks and branches of stone trees were found. Some of them are precious. The finds are numerous all over the world. In some places there are so many trees that it can only be called a forest. Stone trees have preserved the structure of wood.

There are fossil stone bones of animals, including those made of precious stones. The finds preserved the structure of the bone. In the opal jaw of the animal, teeth and tooth sockets are structured.

Many mountains resemble the stumps of huge stone trees.

In the steppes lie in in large numbers stone shells - ammonites.

In general, there are many examples of fossil silicon creatures. If someone is satisfied with the official explanation of the process of replacing carbon with silicon in fossil finds due to the irrigation of a tree or bone with mineral water with further transformation into a precious stone, do not read further this article.

Suppose for ourselves that silicon life is a fact. And it predated carbon life on our planet. Then the next question is: what did she look like?

Like the carbon life form, the silicon life form must be structured from the simplest single-celled forms to evolutionarily (or divinely, whichever you prefer) complex and sentient forms. Complex life forms are made up of organs and tissues. Everything is like now. Rather naive are the notions of silicon life as a monolithic piece of granite endowed with the spirit of God. It's like a living puddle of oil or a living lump of coal.

The set of organs is universal for any creatures, both carbon and silicon. This control ( nervous system), nutrition, release of toxins, carcass (bones, etc.), protection from external environment(skin), reproduction, etc.

Animal tissues are made up of different cells and look different. Bone, muscular, epidermis, etc.

Tissues are made up of different substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. In tissues, there is a different content of various substances from carbon to metals.

All this visible to the eye the economy functions according to physical and chemical laws. The laws are common to a living organism, a computer, a car.

Let's go further: something happens and silicon life perishes. Carbon life thrives on its ruins none. A logical question: where are the bodies of dead silicon animals, plants, fish, etc.? Stumps and stone trees have already been mentioned. Suitable, but not enough quantity and variety. I would like to see a complex form of life, consisting of different organs and tissues. For example, like an animal. With the skin, with the muscles, with the liver, with the blood vessels and the heart.

So: the silicon giant died. Time has passed. What will we see?

Let's draw an analogy: a mammoth died. What will we find in many, many years? Usually the frame (bones), less often the skin, less often the muscles. The brain and parenchymal organs are extremely rare.

And now let's look for silicon frameworks in the surrounding world. They are scattered all over the world.

These are antique and colonial buildings!

I propose to pause and calmly analyze the difference between a certain building and a static organism such as a coral or fungus on a silicon basis.

Bricks, beams, blocks, ceilings are the structural units of the frame tissue such as the bones of modern animals or the shell of turtles. They are well preserved. Skin - walls with plaster. Sewerage is an excretory system. Heating pipes are the circulatory system. Fireplace system - food. The bell tower with a bell is the organ of speech or the vestibular apparatus. Metal fittings or wiring - the nervous system.

Under the roof was the brain. Recall the expression "the roof went." Brain rotted from time along with internal organs located in the interior. And all this dust in the form of clay covers antique and colonial buildings up to the first floor. Highlight structural unit(cell) of soft tissues is no longer possible.

In summary: structurally, any building corresponds to the functions of a living being. There is a frame, nutrition, excretion, etc. This will be confirmed by plumbers and chairmen of housing and communal services.

Any building materials and devices can be synthesized by a living organism. Iron and stone pipes, cables, roofing iron, glass, all these construction details are many times simpler than the devices of a living organism. Living organisms use any trace elements and their compounds available on the planet. And they synthesize devices of any purpose, complexity and composition. If only it was necessary.

Locks, lamps, electric shockers, aircraft, submarines. That is, pistils, stamens, fireflies, electric rays, birds, fish. It's all nature.

Any man-made device is not an exclusive creation of the engineer's brain, but is a copy of a natural device. And vice versa. Accordingly, the composition of roofing iron, the shape of a stable and spacious silicon structure in the form of a house, is not a monopoly of man. Solutions are universal for nature and for the engineer.

Antique buildings, they are silicon creatures, multiplied and then grew in the same way as modern plants and animals. Cells divided, differentiated into specialized tissues in the form of walls, roofs, ceilings, and reinforcement. And from embryos like dolmens they turned into St. Isaac's cathedrals.

I will not dwell on the physiology, including the methods of reproduction of silicon creatures, due to the complexity of the topic. There was a substance analogous to water in carbon life. For example, sulfuric acid. There were silicon analogs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There was an oxidizing agent like oxygen. For example, chlorine. There was a silicon Krebs cycle.

The picture turns out to be interesting, it looks like a mixture of Christian hell and the movie "Alien". All this life seethed under a certain, apparently high temperature. And it turned into monuments of ancient and colonial architecture.

Can you say that ancient buildings correspond to the physiological needs of man? Of course not.

More ancient (according to official history) such as pyramids or Greek temples generally do not correlate with people either in size or in function. Why did the ancient Greeks need them? For religious worship? Funny. No, it can be done if there is already a finished building. But to build these giant colossus with bare hands and in tunics?

Buildings for the unknown to modern science technological process? Also doubtful.

Later buildings, such as Colonial St. Petersburg, can be adapted for housing. But with the sizes of windows and doors, it was also not very good. They say they built for giants.

In Paris, St. Petersburg and other cities there are no distinct traces of its builders and the construction process from the design stage to delivery to the contractor. All these colonial buildings came out of nowhere. All these colonial buildings are located all over the world, including in places where there was no distinct industry at all.

The technology of working with granite is absolutely incomprehensible. More or less intelligible explanations are: alien superlasers from LAists or granite casting. Both are beyond the capabilities of modern civilization.

The structure of monolithic granite products is heterogeneous. Something like plaster from the same, but denser granite falls off monolithic columns. How the skin peels off. The Pillar of Alexandria looks like a composite through filters. Or maybe it's something like growth rings in the course of growth?

Antique and colonial buildings are the skeletons of dead silicon life form creatures. People settled in them. We studied the golden proportions of ancient creatures, engineering schemes. Later, the composition of the materials was dismantled. Learned how to make copies. This is how construction was born.

Naturally, not all old buildings are silicon creatures. The boundary is quite clear - there should not be a tree as load-bearing structures, floors. Well, wooden doors, window frames and the floor were brought into the already existing silicon frame quite comfortably.

Houses in colonial cities like St. Petersburg are all different. An absolute variety in terms of the size of the houses themselves, the height of the floors, the shape of the facade. At the same time, there is no gap between the houses on the streets, they stand wall to wall. In the general planning of cities there is a soft natural harmony. All this resembles a colony of living beings. Maybe like corals, or mushrooms. Cathedrals - well, just poured mushrooms.

Statues in ancient buildings

The statues are a late human remake stuffed into prehistoric skeletons. The statues are structureless. It is a monolithic array of material with an external shape copied from humans and nonhumans. And living beings are structural, as noted earlier. Also structural and finds of fossils. That is, in petrified trees, rings are visible on the cut. Found stone jaws with teeth and bones are inside the body. They themselves are a structural element.

Could silicon animals and silicon people be similar to modern ones. Undoubtedly. Finds of animal bones (including jaws) and tree trunks allegedly petrified to the state of precious stones confirm this probability.

I will return to holding a religious cult in ancient and colonial temples. You noticed that according to all the data previously, the effectiveness of all cults was significantly higher. Now, in my opinion, it has dropped to zero, except for self-zombie. Most likely, the matter is as follows. After the death of a silicon being, its ethereal, astral, etc. the shells leave the dead physical body not right away. Just like the carbon beings. The energy of these shells was used by the clergy for their rituals, settling inside the corpse. Now, apparently forty days by the standards of silicon life have passed. There is no more magic. I hope everyone goes to heaven.

When did the silicon era end?

Probably according to the calendar. Nonche 7525 year from the creation of the world. Can silicon cores last 7525 years? Why not? We didn't see them 7525 years ago. And accordingly we do not represent the original quality. Nothing bad has really happened in the last 200 years.

How long was the silicon era?

The silicon era is the crust of the earth. The earth's crust is made up of rocks, the main element of which is silicon. The thickness of the crust is 5-30 kilometers. And the silicon creatures accumulated these kilometers with their vital activity. Just as now carbonic beings are working on fertile soil. So far we have gained 3 meters. Feel the difference.

Sunset of the silicon age

When immersed in the soil of the silicon world, that is, the earth's crust, the temperature rises. The bowels of the earth are warming. At a depth of 10 kilometers, it is about 200 degrees. This must have been the climate in the silicon world. Accordingly, the materials had other physical and Chemical properties, than now. Over time, the crust thickened as a consequence of the accumulation of silicon biomass (soil). The surface moved away from the hot bowels of the earth and its temperature dropped. On this moment the heat from the interior of the earth does not reach the surface. The only source of heat is the sun. The global cooling of the surface of the earth's crust has made the conditions of existence for the silicon world unacceptable. The end of the silicon world has come. All died from the cold.

Where did the rest of the creatures go?

On the basis of silicon, nature synthesizes a bunch of precious and semi-precious stones. Flint life did just that. Highly organized silicon beings were made up of highly organized silicon in the form of gems. And common sand, granite and clay are building material, the basis of life.

After the end of the silicon world, precious and semi-precious raw materials (that is, the corpses of highly organized silicon creatures) were savagely looted. Remained unnecessary sand, granite and clay. Traces of robbery are everywhere. See the topic “Earth is a big quarry”.

Silicon world and Eastern philosophy

In Eastern religions, the process of the descent of spirit into matter is described. The embodied spirit passes through the world of stones, plants, animals, people through reincarnation and finally becomes a god. If you're lucky. There is something harmonious and fair in this. But I suspect that the world of stones is not modern cobblestones, but the world of silicon creatures. The planet was a large garden of living rocks. And the task of the silicon world was to create the foundation of life - the earth's crust with a mass of minerals.

The next world to emerge up the ladder of progress is the carbon world. And this is the world of plants. And it doesn't matter that according to the local classification modern science Plants are the biological kingdom of multicellular organisms whose cells contain chlorophyll. It does not matter that Vasya or John do not have the process of photosynthesis. Carbon life is the second step from the bottom on the path of development. In a global philosophical sense, we are all just plants. And the planet is a big plantation. The task of a plantation is to create biomass, to be food for animals and people. The fact that elusive creatures in every sense actively feed on us is an unpleasant, but quite realistic conspiracy idea.

Why are beings elusive, invisible? Because we are static, slow on a universal scale. We are plants. We do not have time to see the animals that eat us, coming from the next worlds in terms of development.

The so-called man is the main useful plant on the planet. It should be cultivated. But, judging by the state of affairs in the world, our planet-plantation was left without human owners, and is actively plundered by wild animals from higher worlds. Barbarians are everywhere, even among the gods.

The bark is gutted for many kilometers. The former level of the earth's crust is the peak of the Himalayas. normal people almost completely replaced by genetically modified ones, multiplied up to seven billion, and ethereal energy (gawah) is being downloaded from them. Under the guise of local and global wars, there is a literal consumption of people.

In general, may the savior-agronomist come!

What was the silicon world like? Probably less harmonious than ours. After all, we are the next step in development. The current state of affairs on the planet is not indicative. The planet is infected and seriously ill.

Can we get over the disease? It will be very difficult. I repeat, the entire basis of life, the wealth of the subsoil, the heritage of silicon creatures have been plundered to a depth of several kilometers. All gems and metals are selected. We've been left without a past. We are sitting on a pile of rubble in the middle of a flooded quarry.

Q: There are no forests older than 200-300 years in Russia. Those. there was a war global scope, as we understand ... What happened here?
A2: Some sort of shifting of layers of reality. As if the old plan was completely erased and destroyed, and a new one was pulled in.

B: They wanted to show us the trees. What exactly did they want to show us, what happened to the trees?
A1: It says the same thing - find old trees and find history.
O2: I ask the atlant to show the trees they had. And they seemed to be completely different. Those. every tree is conscious, every tree is consciousness, every tree is a vehicle. Such a hefty, light being, I would say ... And they were fully involved in the whole energy system. And there was an appropriate attitude towards them, they were taken care of, they were helped if there was a need. They interacted and communicated. And now…

Now, as they show me, the tree works at 10-20 percent. So gray, faded, there are no these luminous streams in it, as they were before. If earlier there was already such a spiral of light around it ... around this tree, around the trunk, now only the most central flow in the trunk is more or less working. And that's it. And they no longer store knowledge as they could before. They cannot carry out the energy work that they used to do.

Q: What happened? How did this happen? What made trees change their functionality, and people too? Is it just this vibrational descent that we have considered, or the quality of reality itself? Like there was HD reality, but we have analog reality?

A2: As I see it, after the decrease in vibrations and the collapse of several branches of reality in different places, people themselves began to gradually forget about their true essence ... And about their true functions. And they gradually ceased to interact with the trees, and with the sky, and in general with the whole environment. Those. plunged into a kind of primitivism. And when the tree does not receive nourishment, i.e., there is no one to interact with, then, in fact, why?

Q: Spirit comes out...
A2: It's not even that the spirit comes out, it's just that these functions themselves die off as they are no longer needed. Because no one uses them and they are not in demand, so they are gradually losing them. Here the chain was more likely from a person to a tree than vice versa.

Q: What happened to the forests anyway. Were they burned out? Was it a war, a cataclysm, a flood? Switching from a branch to a branch in which the old trees simply did not take root, or all together?
O1: I see it as a cataclysm, as a kind of explosion... Which is heard in different places, different hearths, acid rain… Because I merged my consciousness with one tree and climbed out there. And I see how this tree suffers from rains… that is, they die in physics, not just another branch of reality… I really see the impact on physics… I clearly see it as a kind of nuclear explosion. Moreover, nuclear explosions are not like in the 45th year, but many times stronger, of a different quality ... I'm not sure that these are nuclear explosions arranged by a civilization that lived on earth at that time. Perhaps it was like something from above ... I could be wrong.

What happened in the image of the artist. From here

Q: What flies in, what explodes? Rocket, fireball, meteorite...
O1: Like a charged ball of energy… With a certain program. This is not a rocket, not a car, nothing. This is energy charged for a certain work, and there are several such points where this energy has hit. Such points were not only in Europe. For some reason I'm drawn to South America like Argentina or something like that. North America too ... Somewhere in the north.

Q: What year is this?
A1: About 1800... Even a little earlier
O2: Early, yes...

Why in Siberia in the Chelyabinsk, Perm, Kirov regions, in Nizhny Novgorod and up to Moscow, there are no trees older than two hundred years? What happened two hundred years ago?

S: There was a geomagnetic cataclysm that overwrote the memory. The so-called terrestrial internal memory, the terrestrial memory of the Earth's matrix. Exactly what concerns plants, and by the way, some animals also disappeared. And this memory was referred, indeed, from Baikal to the Urals. This matrix was written inside the Earth, and a geomagnetic cataclysm occurred. Pole reversal events geomagnetic poles, but it crashed. At this moment, the connections between the magnetic points located on this territory and the plant community were rewritten. Therefore, after this rewriting, destruction occurred, and these plants left the planet, left with what they could not, they did not recover in their status after this short flash. Not even flashes, there, it turns out, there was some kind of geomagnetic such thing. The fields seemed to curl up, and then turned back, but at that moment there was a failure just in this territory. It didn't just happen here. In America, too, there were such short, but not at such a large distance flashes. And some of the plants also left, and some of the animals died a lot at that moment. And the animals were reborn by migration. The plants were unable to recover therefore. And the memory of the plant community remained. By the way, you can talk to anyone who is in this region, you can talk with plants and trees that are so old enough, and they themselves will directly tell what happened. It will be both colorful and useful. Plants show pictures, and give the opportunity to see these pictures.****

No wonder the word antiquity has a common root with a tree. Now there are not so many giants left that keep the history of the planet, mainly baobabs and sequoias in Africa, Tasmania and America, and on the rest of the planet, fry:

The rest were ruthlessly cut down not so long ago:

Can you imagine the height of these creatures? If today oaks grow on average 40-50 meters, and some sequoias reach 115 m * (almost a 40-story skyscraper!), Then these could easily reach 150-200 m!

Are such dimensions possible in today's atmospheric density?

* Hyperion is a copy of the evergreen sequoia (Sequoia sempervirens), growing in national park"Redwood" in northern California, USA. It is the tallest tree on earth. The height of Hyperion is (2015) 115.61 m, the diameter at chest level (1.4 m) is more than 4.84 meters. The estimated age is 700-800 years. Wiki

In the picture below, if we compare the thickness of the trunk with the height of people (even 170 cm each) and roughly estimate the diameter, it turns out at least 7 meters:

Today, a popular theory is circulating on the net that these are also trees. Moreover, the author claims that ALL the mountains of the world are the stumps of ancient plants:


Stone is a mineral form of life that can also grow. Here is a stone forest for you, for example:

Here are the growing trovants:

Even with flowers for exotic lovers:

There are many types of appearance and distribution of stone and mountains from it. In general, on Earth and in physical space, there are a lot of life forms - silicon, carbon, crystalline, plasma, field, etc. - about which we know nothing (well, as we know, but they are not very photogenic). Some of the mountains mentioned above have really grown, this is a normal process, which we will talk about later.

But to say that ALL the mountains of the world are the remains of silicon forests with branches and roots, leaves and buds, rings and bark ... Thank you

but, as I said, everyone believes in what is closer to him)

PS: about the holographic dome and the refraction of space above the earth has long been known: website / 386375.h tml
