Sochi National Reserve. Animals of the Sochi National Park

Sochi national park is one of the very first parks that were created in the country. The park is located in the north-west of the Greater Caucasus. It was created in 1983 with the aim of restoring and preserving natural complexes and sites of high scientific, recreational and environmental value. The total area of ​​the park is about 194 thousand hectares.

In total, on the territory of Sochi national park 40 streams and rivers flow through the area, the longest of which are Psou, Shakhe, and Mzymta. There are many waterfalls and canyons along the streams and rivers. Also in the park there are interesting karst formations - the famous Akhunsky and Vorontsovsky caves.

The national park has widespread forests dominated by eastern beech, whose silver-gray trunks reach a height of 50 m. About a quarter of the forested area is occupied by oak plantations; they are located mainly on the warm and dry southern slopes of the mountains. Only in the Caucasus does chestnut (European), which is a relict species, grow under natural conditions. Boxwood plantings look very picturesque. Moss gives the forest an unusually fantastic appearance of a real green kingdom.

Animal world Sochi National Park has more than 70 species of animals, including brown bear, lynx, deer, European and Caucasian roe deer, otter, marten and many others. Valuable and rare species animals and plants are listed in the International Red Book.

A large number of tourist routes pass through the park, some of them have a long and interesting story. They include visits to the Orekhovsky and Agursky waterfalls, Vorontsovsky caves, Mount Akhun, Khostinsky and Akhshtyrsky canyons and many others.

Sochi National Park is a wonderful place for ecotourism, and all this thanks to the unique climatic conditions country, landscape and biological diversity, uniqueness of natural objects.

Sochi National Park was formed by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 214 of May 5, 1983 in order to preserve unique natural complexes Black Sea coast Caucasus, their use for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes.

The national park is located on the territory of Greater Sochi: from the borders with the Tuapse region, between the mouths of the Shepsi and Magri rivers in the northwest to the borders with Abkhazia in the southeast and from the Black Sea coast to the watershed line of the Main Caucasus Range. Most of the park's territory is occupied by mountains, dissected by river valleys. The foothill zone occupies a narrow strip along the Black Sea. About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the park.

History of the park

Before October revolution Around 1896, Sochi was the center of a large district of the Black Sea province, the borders of which largely coincided with the borders of modern Bolshoi Sochi. In terms of total area, it was an even larger administrative entity than the modern city (more than 4,000 square miles).
It included part of the territory of modern Abkhazia, the areas of Pilenkovo, Khristoforovo, to Gagra, which were withdrawn from the Sochi region in the late 20s and early 30s.

Sochi forestry was organized in 1870. Initially, it included the territories of the Sochi and partly Velyaminovsky (now Tuapse district) departments of the Black Sea District.
Administratively, it was subordinate to the Department of State Property in Yekaterinodar. The forestry consisted of a department and nine state-owned dachas: Adlerskaya, Muravyovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Tsarskaya, Kubanskaya, Golovinskaya, Lazarevskaya, Makopsinskaya and Velyaminovskaya.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the forestry included only five dachas: Golovinskaya (33,940 dessiatines), Kubanskaya (3,236 dessiatines), Tsarskaya (4,220 dessiatines), Adlerskaya (25,797 dessiatines) and Muravyovskaya (85,186 dessiatines). The total area is 152,379 acres. The convenient forest area was 133,256 acres.

By 1915, due to the transition to private ownership and economic development of the coast, the territory of part of the land served by the forestry decreased to 114,745 dessiatines (forest area - 77,612 dessiatines).
The main functions of the forestry were: land surveying of state lands, their description, sale and lease. In addition, the forestry carried out various measures to protect the forest, issued permits for hunting, trapping birds and animals, was engaged in logging and timber sales, supervised the colonization of the entire coast, and organized settlements.

Forestry was a highly profitable institution, and its income was constantly increasing. They arose both from the use of forest resources, and from the leasing of land, fines, own economic activities, and the issuance of various permits.

The forestry also incurred significant expenses for various needs and economic activity. But mainly expenses fell on paying salaries, maintaining the forest guard and the forester’s office. The forestry department was engaged in repairing forest paths, clearing forests, planting seedlings, and uprooting.

In 1907, at the Muravyovskaya Dacha (which included Krasnaya Polyana), selective logging was carried out on 151 acres. For reforestation work, the forestry had its own nursery. Seeds of valuable tree species were collected for him. In 1905 alone, 94? pound of seeds.

At Muravyovskaya Dacha, forest fire suppression was clearly organized. For this purpose, local residents were involved and bonuses were paid. For example, for extinguishing a fire on October 28-29, 1916 in the forest at Muravyovskaya Dacha, 26 peasants were paid a bonus of 3 rubles each.

The forestry department released part of the forest to the poor for free. In 1905, 0.3 cubic fathoms of forest and 36.4 cubic fathoms of firewood and brushwood were released. The forestry incurred large expenses for the maintenance of the large Khludovsky estate, which contained a large nursery, a garden, and a valuable park.

But in general, at the beginning of the 20th century, almost all of the forestry's expenses came from paying its employees. The number of forestry employees at that time was small compared to the area of ​​forests they served. In 1905, 11 forest guards (hunters) worked in the forestry.
In 1914, the number of guards increased - 12 guards and 3 foresters.

For many years at the beginning of the century, V. Tokarzhevsky-Karashevich served as a Sochi forester. The forester had his own office, and other employees reported to him. All coastal settlements were completely subordinated.
In addition to direct management of the forestry, he resolved issues of land allocation, construction, laying roads, supplying villages, their cleanliness, improvement, and economic development in them. Those. Almost all power was in his hands.

No one could engage in any economic activity or resolve any issues on the forestry lands (and it owned a significant part of the district territory) without the permission of the forester.
Before the revolution, foresters and rangers not only protected forest lands, but also carried out survey work. They determined areas where valuable tree species grew, identified mineral springs, and described everything unusual that they encountered in the forest.

The largest timber industry organization in the years Soviet power was the Sochi timber industry, created in 1930.

In 1976, on the basis of Order No. 501 of December 19, 1975 of the Krasnodar Regional Forestry Administration, the Sochi Experimental Forestry Enterprise was renamed the Sochi Experimental Forestry Association of the Krasnodar Regional Forestry Administration.

In 1978, on the basis of order of the Krasnodar Forestry Department No. 9 dated January 5, 1978, the association was disbanded and the Sochi mechanized forestry enterprise continued to function as an independent organization.

Mekhleskhoz existed until 1986.

Since May 1983, on the basis of the Sochi, Adler and Lazarevsky mechanized forestry enterprises, the Sochi State Natural National Park was created (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 5, 1983 No. 2146, Order of the Ministry of Forestry dated May 21, 1986 No. 1228 and Krasnodar Forestry Administration dated June 13, 1986 No. 396).
The main objectives of the National Park were: preservation and restoration of natural complexes of special economic, historical and aesthetic value and their use for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1995 No. 990 “On changing the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the law “On specially protected natural areas"And also on the basis of the order of the General Director of the Sochi State Natural National Park dated November 15, 1995 No. 158, the park was renamed the Sochi National Park.

Park Arboretum

The Arboretum in Sochi is a green treasury of the Russian subtropics, numbering more than 2000 exotic and rare plants, which were brought to the park from different parts of the world. In addition to the flora, the arboretum is proud of the rare animals and birds that live in it, as well as a cable car with impressive views of the mountains and sea that open at the top point of the arboretum.

Gark "Arboretum", founded in 1892 by S.N. Khudekov.

The Sochi Arboretum is a wonderful monument of landscape gardening art, a wonderful recreation area and an object of educational excursions for residents and guests of the resort city of Sochi, which contains more than 1,600 species, forms and varieties of woody plants from different parts of our planet.

In the early 60s of the last century total area The Arboretum has increased to 48 hectares. Ponds with cascades, a rose garden, and geographical sections were created, in which the flora of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean, Northern and South America, East Asia (Japan, China, Himalayas, Far East), Australia and New Zealand. For the convenience of visitors, a cable car began operating in 1978. From a bird's eye view you can clearly see the panorama of the entire park and the city.

The national park is assigned the following main tasks:

a) preservation of natural complexes, unique and standard natural sites and objects;

b) preservation of historical and cultural objects;

c) environmental education of the population; d) creation of conditions for regulated tourism, and health-improving holiday in natural conditions;

e) development and implementation scientific methods conservation of natural complexes in conditions of recreational use;

f) implementation of environmental monitoring;

g) restoration of damaged natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects;

h) development of scientific, technical, information and cultural cooperation with protected areas Russian Federation and foreign countries, other organizations, enterprises and institutions in accordance with the goals and objectives of the national park;

i) protection, protection and reproduction of forests, based on the principles of sustainable forest management and conservation of biological diversity forest ecosystems, increasing the ecological and resource potential of the forests of the national park.


In June 1998, the Museum of Nature was created on the basis of the Matsestinsky forestry.


Centers have been created on the basis of Golovinsky, Lazarevsky, Krasnopolyansky and Verkhnee-Sochinsky forest districts environmental education. At the beginning of 2005, there were more than 49 recreational facilities in the national park. 28 excursion routes are open, 10 parking lots are organized.

A visit to the Sochi National Park is an excellent option for those who do not intend to spend their entire vacation by the sea. On the one hand, this is also communication with wildlife, on the other hand, it is a variety of active recreation from walking or horseback riding to rock climbing. Today in our review we will tell you about the main attractions of the park, what to look for, what is definitely worth seeing, how to get there, where to start. You can visit Sochi National Park either independently or with a tour. Which option is more convenient for you is up to you to decide; it depends on your individual characteristics and wishes. During our review, we will tell you both about independent ways to get there and about interesting excursions that are held in these places.

Sochi National Park: structure

Sochi National Park is one of the first national parks on Russian territory. The park extends from the borders of the Tuapse region to the borders of Abkhazia, there is a place tropical forests, snow-capped peaks, rivers, waterfalls, canyons and gorges, caves and historical monuments. The territory of Sochi National Park consists of 3 large groups- Lazarevskaya, Central and Adlerskaya, which in turn are divided into 15 forest districts. Throughout most of the park there are tourist routes, following which you can visit the main attractions of the place.

Sochi National Park: attractions

Sochi National Park consists of many natural and man-made attractions; we will tell you about some of them that are most popular among tourists and travelers.

Mount Akhun is located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi, and is very popular among tourists thanks to the observation tower and observation deck located on the top of Mount Bolshoy Akhun (height just over 600 m). The observation tower on the mountain was built at the beginning of the 20th century and is made in the Romanesque style. IN good weather It offers stunning views all the way to Pitsunda. During the “high” season there are always a lot of tourists here; this is one of the most popular places in the Sochi National Park.

You can get there on your own to the Maly Akhun stop. Buses and minibuses go here from Adler and Central Sochi (105, 105с, 124с, 125, 125п, 125с). Next, walk along the standard ascent route. You can get there by car along the A-147 highway. But the most common option among tourists is organized bus excursions. An excursion to Mount Akhun is extremely common due to the popularity of the place, so you can book it at almost every local tourist office.

If you prefer to take care of excursions in advance, then similar excursions in this direction are offered. The advantage of these services is that any excursion can be selected and paid for online.

Sputnik8 offers a 5-hour excursion; the excursion includes guides and a tourist bus; the schedule of excursions and their cost can be found on the description page.

Tripster's private guide offers an excursion that includes a tour of the Agur waterfalls, Eagle Rocks and Mount Akhun. The tour is walking and individual. Duration – 4 hours.

Eagle Rocks

Eagle rocks are also located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi and stretch along the right bank of the Agura River near the Agur waterfalls. The shape of the rocks resembles an eagle’s head, they consist of limestone and sandstone, which is why the mountains received their second name “White Rocks”. The rocks are famous for their sheer cliffs and panoramic platforms, which offer views of the mountain peaks Caucasus Mountains(including the famous Sugar Loaf, Pseashkho, Chugush, etc.).

You can get to the rocks on your own. The route will look something like this: first you need to take a bus to the “Green Grove” or “Staraya Matsesta” stop, then walk to the main entrance (the walk will be uphill, lasting approximately 20-40 minutes, depending on your physical capabilities) . You can also cover this distance by car; there is a parking lot at the main entrance. Entrance to the territory is paid.

Tripster's private guide offers a personalized tour of the route. The excursion is walking (about 6 km), lasts from 4 to 5 hours, the price includes transfer from Adler, Central Sochi or Khosta.

Mount Fisht

Psaho Canyon

The Psakho canyons were formed near the river of the same name, and now the so-called “Psakho trail” operates here, which is considered one of the most picturesque among trekkers. Psaho canyons are divided into “wet” and “dry”. The “wet” canyon was formed by the stormy Psakho River, which either rapidly narrows or expands no less rapidly, forming seething streams and quiet calm backwaters. The “wet” canyon stretches for about 2 km. Along the route there are karst caves, waterfalls and natural pools.

The “dry” route lies nearby. It was formed during an earthquake, and since then there has been a deep canyon with grottoes in which stalactites are hidden. Both canyons are overgrown with boxwood, and in some places with dense tropical vines.

Getting here on your own is not easy. First you need to take bus number 131 to the village of Galitsino, then walk to the village of Lesnoye, to the left of which the Psakho trail starts.

Practical and eventful travels to you!

1983 is considered the year of birth of the Sochi National Park. This is one of the first parks in our country.

The total area of ​​the park is 194 thousand hectares. Thanks to the ideal climate, the rarity of many natural objects and pristine nature, the park has become ideal place For active rest and tourism.

Sochi Park is located on the Black Sea slope of the Greater Caucasus, in its northwestern part. The terrain of the park is mainly mountainous and very broken.

There are many rivers and streams flowing throughout the National Park. There are about 40 of them in total. The most long river- Mzytma, followed by Shahe and Psou. Many waterfalls and canyons formed on the rivers. On the Psou River there is the largest waterfall, called Bezymyanny: its height is simply amazing - it’s as much as 72 meters!

On the Sochi River, on its right tributary, where the Bezumenka stream flows into, there is the Orekhovsky waterfall, 33 meters high. The famous karst caves – Vorontsovskaya and Akhunskaya – present an amazing picture.

Winter in the north of the reserve is always warm and mild. The temperature in January never drops below + 5 degrees Celsius. Summer in Sochi Park is hot, with temperatures of + 25 degrees Celsius. And already in the Circassian Pass (2000 m) the temperature is much lower: in winter – 5, in summer +12 degrees Celsius. And all this thanks to the subtropical climate, which creates a kind of order here.

Nature and animals of Sochi National Park

How can such a corner of the earth, with a wonderful climate, be deprived of flora and fauna? In no case! Therefore, the vegetation of the National Park is simply amazing in its diversity. Many plants are represented by rare species that are listed in the Red Book of Russia. IN large quantities Lipsky tulip, Caucasian lily, common fig, and Caucasian kandyk are found here.

The Caucasian viper is an inhabitant of Sochi Park.

Only in this park do luxurious trees grow, called sowing chestnuts. They grow in natural conditions and are considered a relict species. Eastern beech is very common in forests. This powerful and beautiful tree grows up to 50 meters, and its silver-gray trunks make the forest transparent and light. The slopes are dominated by dense oak plantations. They occupy a quarter of the entire forest area of ​​Sochi Park. The small, glossy, black-green foliage of boxwood gives the forest a whimsical appearance. The fluffy and gray beards of moss that hang from the branches of the trees make the forest a fantastic kingdom.

Brown bear: in Russia you can’t live without it!

The national park is inhabited by a huge number of mammals. These are Caucasian and European roe deer, lynx, deer, and about 70 other species of various animals. There are also rare species of animals that are included in the International Red Book: these are the Caucasian cross, the Caucasian viper, and the Aesculapian snake.

What should tourists and visitors to Sochi Park see?

Many tourist routes will show the beauty, majesty and uniqueness of the Sochi National Park. It is worth looking at the Orekhovsky and Angursky waterfalls, and visiting Mount Akhun.

Sochi National Park is often called the pearl of the area. Its territory occupies about 200 thousand hectares. The park area was created with the aim of preserving the unique nature and wildlife, and is vigilantly guarded by employees of 15 forestries.
More than 40 rivers and streams flow here, forming canyons and waterfalls. One of the most famous is the Walnut Waterfall on the Psou River. This attraction is often visited by tourists from different parts of the world.



Vegetable world

The vegetation of Sochi National Park is unique. Hundreds of different types of trees grow here. A large area is occupied by beech forests, oak groves, and European chestnut. You can endlessly admire the thickets of boxwood - a rare relict plant that is found only in the southern regions.
Many plants growing in the park are listed in the Red Book. They require careful treatment and are vigilantly guarded.

Animal world

Representatives of mountain forest and alpine fauna live in the Sochi National Park. Brown bears, roe deer, forest cats, wolves, martens, red deer, aurochs. The world of birds and reptiles is rich. Rare species of fish can be found in rivers.
The main objective of the park is to educate the population and promote respect for nature and endangered species of animals and birds. The disappearance of even one species of mammals or plants can cause serious disruptions in the food chain, which will lead to irreversible consequences.


Tourists visit the park to become closely acquainted with the flora and fauna. Walking on the slopes in the fresh air improves your health and allows you to enjoy the surrounding views. Popular events among visitors include stopping in the park for the night in tents, going down mountain streams, and riding along the slopes on horseback.
Excursion programs are suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday. Accompanied by a guide, the walk will be more informational. Travelers will learn many interesting, previously unknown facts about the Sochi park.
Forest districts are responsible for protecting the flora from trespassers, preventing fires and controlling pests. They monitor the cleanliness of the tourist routes and regularly look after 7 forest parks. Thanks to their efforts, today tourists have the opportunity to admire the plantations of hazelnuts, mimosa, and laurel.
A visit to the Sochi National Park will be a great way to broaden your horizons and learn more about the unique nature of the Krasnodar region. This walk will be remembered for a long time.

Location on the map
