Message about Sochi National Park. Sochi National Park: structure

The Meghri and Psou rivers limit a 70-kilometer coastal area, which is protected by the state - this is Sochi national park. The region is famous for its natural resources: subtropical climate, amazingly beautiful landscape, animals and flora(with its rarest representatives from the world’s Red Book).

Some animals can only be found here. Some plants are representatives of relict species that lived here in prehistoric times. Found here rare species flora and fauna have made the biosphere reserve an open-air museum. The local plants and fauna are valuable on a planetary scale.

In Sochi national park are busy not only with security natural resources, but also by popularizing them through the organization of long-term and short-term recreation for people, divided into zones with different security regimes. IN national reserve there is no room for excursions. Research work is carried out on its territory.

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History of creation

Sochi National Park and Mount Akhun are developing tourism infrastructure. The national park in Sochi was one of the first created in Russia. It was established in 1983 as a specially protected wildlife area.

The reserve and park arboretum were founded due to the beginning of disturbances of ecosystems created naturally over thousands of years. The preservation of the unique gene pool of relict flora, together with the recreational role of forests around the resort area, served as the start for the creation of the Sochi Federal State Budgetary Institution biosphere reserve. The area of ​​its mountain forests occupies more than 90% of the entire nature of the Black Sea reserve.

Not only the fauna of the Sochi National Park (unique of its kind), but also geo- and hydrological formations are world archaeological monuments. That is why the protected part of the park is nominated on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sochi Arboretum

The arboretum park and its created structure were assigned the following tasks:

  • on the preservation of historical and cultural heritage sites;
  • environmental education;
  • creating conditions for health tourism;
  • scientific activities in the field of nature conservation and its recreational use;
  • environmental monitoring;
  • protection of relict forests;
  • foreign cooperation;
  • increasing the resource potential of the Black Sea coast.

Sochi National Park and Mount Akhun claim to be the leading place in terms of the number of relict plant and animal species.


The tourist map will inform vacationers how to get to the beauty of the national park. There are regular bus routes and excursion flights with guides and a full tour of the main attractions.

Location in four resort areas between the Caucasian nature reserve And Black Sea coast convenient for tourists. Krasnaya Polyana provides them with its entire developed infrastructure.

Information about the national park is provided on a specially designed map, which allows you to know in advance where places of interest to tourists are located, and allows you to plan an excursion in the shortest possible time.

The Sochi Nature Reserve also has its own official website, containing a description of everything that can be seen in these protected areas. Mount Akhun is a popular visiting place, so you can book an excursion to it at all travel agencies.

What can you see

What interesting things can a tourist see?

Sochi National Park is literally dotted with mountain karst massifs that are thousands of years old.

The arboretum park is dissected by the waters of mountain rivers flowing towards the Black Sea and forming narrow canyons and gorges there.

Psaho Canyon

No description can replace the contemplation of the majestic waterfalls and mysterious caves that the arboretum park provides to its visitors.

They have at their disposal the sites of ancient people on the territory of historical monuments.

Animals and plants of the reserve

Part of the park is closed to tourists, being a protected area. Rare species of fauna live here in favorable conditions.

The leopards in the reserve feel great; they were brought from different parts of the planet and began to breed.

The bison population increases every year and numbers several hundred individuals.

In addition to the Red Book Caucasian otter, endangered species of fish are found in rivers and lakes.

The arboretum park is rich in unique plant species.

Valley saffron from the Iris family can be found in mountain meadows. Its wild representatives grow only in Asia Minor.

The aroma of relict Pitsunda pines (witnesses of the pre-glacial period), together with the smell of the sea, creates a unique aroma in the air of the park.

The richness of flora and fauna, together with the landscape and unique climate, make the park not only a place of recreation, but also a center for nature conservation, a kind of open-air museum.

Sochi National Park is one of the very first parks that were created in the country. The park is located in the north-west of the Greater Caucasus. It was created in 1983 with the goal of restoring and preserving natural complexes and objects of high scientific, recreational and environmental value. The total area of ​​the park is about 194 thousand hectares.

In total, 40 streams and rivers flow through the territory of the Sochi National Park, the longest of which are Psou, Shakhe, and Mzymta. There are many waterfalls and canyons along the streams and rivers. Also in the park there are interesting karst formations - the famous Akhunsky and Vorontsovsky caves.

The national park has widespread forests dominated by eastern beech, whose silver-gray trunks reach a height of 50 m. About a quarter of the forested area is occupied by oak plantations, they are located mainly on the warm and dry southern slopes of the mountains. Only in the Caucasus does chestnut (European), which is a relict species, grow under natural conditions. Boxwood plantings look very picturesque. Moss gives the forest an unusually fantastic appearance of a real green kingdom.

Animal world Sochi National Park has more than 70 species of animals, including brown bear, lynx, deer, European and Caucasian roe deer, otter, marten and many others. Valuable and rare species of animals and plants are listed in the International Red Book.

The territory of the park is a large number of tourist routes, some of them have a long and interesting story. They include visits to the Orekhovsky and Agursky waterfalls, Vorontsovsky caves, Mount Akhun, Khostinsky and Akhshtyrsky canyons and many others.

Sochi National Park is a wonderful place for ecotourism, and all this thanks to the unique climatic conditions country, landscape and biological diversity, uniqueness of natural objects.

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In 1870 it was organized Sochi forestry. Initially, it included the lands of the Sochi and, to some extent, Velyaminovsky departments, in the Black Sea district. If we talk about the administrative side, the Sochi forestry was subordinate to the Department of State Property in the city of Yekaterinodar.

The forestry included management and nine state-owned dachas: Muravyovskaya, Golovinskaya, Tsarskaya, Adlerskaya, Lazarevskaya, Kubanskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Velyaminovskaya and Makopsinskaya.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the forestry included only five dachas: Kubanskaya, Adlerskaya, Muravyovskaya, Tsarskaya and Golovinskaya. Their total area amounted to 152,379 dessiatines. The size of the convenient forest area was equal to 133,256 acres.

In 1915, due to the transition to private ownership and economic development of the coast, the territories served by the forestry decreased - from now on they amounted to 114,745 acres. The main goals of the forestry included the following: land surveying, as well as their description, leasing and sale.

In addition to the above-mentioned functions, the forestry was involved in organizing various measures to protect the forest, selling forests and logging, issuing permits for trapping animals and birds, hunting, and supervised the organization of settlements and colonization of the entire coast.

In 1983, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 5, 1983 No. 2146, the Sochi State Natural National Steam j. The main task of the park was the following: to preserve and restore natural complexes, having special historical, economic, aesthetic value and use them for scientific, recreational, cultural and educational purposes.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 1995 No. 990, as well as by order of the General Director of the Sochi State Natural National Park dated November 15, 1995 No. 158, the park was renamed to.

Climate, relief and general information of Sochi National Park

, with a total area of ​​1,937.37 km², is located in the northwest Greater Caucasus, on a slope near the Black Sea. There are mountains in the protected area, as a result of which the local terrain is highly dissected.

Total within territorial limits Sochi Park About 40 streams and rivers flow through the area, the longest among them being Shakhe, Psou, Mzymta. There are a considerable number of canyons and waterfalls on streams and rivers: Orekhovsky waterfall is located on the right tributary of the Sochi River, at the confluence of the Bezumenki stream and Bezymianny - on the Psou River. In the park you can see interesting karst formations: the famous Akhunsky and Vorontsovsky caves.

The park is dominated by subtropical climate, which is characterized by hot summers and mild warm winter. average temperature air depends on altitude and will change as you move from north to south. On the northern part of the coast, the average daily temperature in January is about +5ºС, and in July reaches +23ºС. At the Circassian Pass, the height of which is equal to 2000 meters - -5ºС and +12ºС.

Sochi National Park and its vegetation

Most of the territories Sochi National Park occupy forests dominated by oriental beech. The silver-gray trunks of these trees reach a height of 50 meters! About a quarter of the area covered by forest is occupied by oak plantations. These territories are located mainly on warm and dry southern mountain slopes. Only in the Caucasus can one admire the common (European) chestnut in natural conditions, which is one of the relict species. The boxwood plantings are incredibly picturesque.

Like the entire Caucasus, this territory is rich in valuable and very rare species. IN Red Data Book of the Russian Federation included Caucasian lily, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Caucasian kandyk, Ophrys aquiferous, Lipsky tulip, common fig, as well as different kinds orchids such as orchis purpurea and many others.

Sochi National Park and its fauna

The national park is inhabited by typical representatives alpine And mountain forest Caucasian fauna. In total, the park is home to about 70 species of mammals. On the territory of the alpine meadows you can meet Severtsov's West Caucasian tur, chamois, Caucasian red deer, snow vole, and Promethean mouse. Birds include snowcock, Caucasian black grouse, pipit, griffon vulture warbler and others.

The characteristic inhabitants of the forest belt are Brown bear, roe deer, wolf, wild boar, forest cat, fox, squirrel, brown hare, marten, badger, lynx. The most valuable and rare species are included in the International Red Book, among them: the Caucasian viper, the Aesculapian snake, and the Caucasian cross.

Goals and objectives

To the main goals that it is designed to fulfill , include the following:

  1. Preserve natural complexes, unique and reference natural areas and objects.
  2. Preserve valuable historical and cultural objects.
  3. Environmentally educate the population.
  4. Create conditions for health-improving holiday in natural natural conditions, as well as for regulated tourism.
  5. Develop and implement scientific methods, which will contribute to the conservation unique complexes nature in conditions of recreational use.
  6. Carry out environmental monitoring.
  7. Restore damaged natural, as well as cultural and historical complexes and objects.
  8. Develop scientific, technical, information and cultural cooperation with protected areas of Russia, with foreign countries, other enterprises, institutions and organizations in accordance with the tasks and goals of the national park.
  9. Protect, protect and reproduce forests, guided by the principles of conservation of biological diversity forest ecosystems, sustainable forest management, increasing the resource and environmental potential of the forests of the Sochi National Park.

A visit to the Sochi National Park is an excellent option for those who do not intend to spend their entire vacation by the sea. On the one hand, this is also communication with living nature, on the other hand, it is a diverse leisure from hiking or horseback riding to rock climbing. Today in our review we will tell you about the main attractions of the park, what to look for, what is definitely worth seeing, how to get there, where to start. You can visit Sochi National Park either independently or with a tour. Which option is more convenient for you is up to you to decide; it depends on your individual characteristics and wishes. During our review, we will tell you both about independent ways to get there and about interesting excursions that are held in these places.

Sochi National Park: structure

Sochi National Park is one of the first national parks on Russian territory. The park extends from the borders of the Tuapse region to the borders of Abkhazia, there is a place for tropical forests, snow-capped peaks, rivers, waterfalls, canyons and gorges, caves and historical monuments. The territory of Sochi National Park consists of 3 large groups- Lazarevskaya, Central and Adlerskaya, which in turn are divided into 15 forest districts. Throughout most of the park there are tourist routes, following which you can visit the main attractions of the place.

Sochi National Park: attractions

Sochi National Park consists of many natural and man-made attractions; we will tell you about some of them that are most popular among tourists and travelers.

Mount Akhun is located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi, and is very popular among tourists thanks to the observation tower and observation deck located on the top of Mount Bolshoi Akhun (height just over 600 m). The observation tower on the mountain was built at the beginning of the 20th century and is made in the Romanesque style. IN good weather It offers stunning views all the way to Pitsunda. During the “high” season there are always a lot of tourists here; this is one of the most popular places in the Sochi National Park.

You can get there on your own to the Maly Akhun stop. Buses and minibuses go here from Adler and Central Sochi (105, 105с, 124с, 125, 125п, 125с). Next, walk along the standard ascent route. You can get there by car along the A-147 highway. But the most common option among tourists is organized bus excursions. An excursion to Mount Akhun is extremely common due to the popularity of the place, so you can book it at almost every local tourist office.

If you prefer to take care of excursions in advance, then similar excursions in this direction are offered. The advantage of these services is that any excursion can be selected and paid for online.

Sputnik8 offers a 5-hour excursion; the excursion includes guides and a tourist bus; the schedule of excursions and their cost can be found on the description page.

Tripster's private guide offers an excursion that includes a tour of the Agur waterfalls, Eagle Rocks and Mount Akhun. The tour is walking and individual. Duration – 4 hours.

Eagle Rocks

Eagle rocks are also located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi and stretch along the right bank of the Agura River near the Agur waterfalls. The shape of the rocks resembles an eagle’s head, they consist of limestone and sandstone, which is why the mountains received their second name “White Rocks”. The rocks are famous for their sheer cliffs and panoramic platforms, which offer views of the mountain peaks Caucasus Mountains(including the famous Sugar Loaf, Pseashkho, Chugush, etc.).

You can get to the rocks on your own. The route will look something like this: first you need to take a bus to the “Green Grove” or “Staraya Matsesta” stop, then walk to the main entrance (the walk will be uphill, lasting approximately 20-40 minutes, depending on your physical capabilities) . You can also cover this distance by car; there is a parking lot at the main entrance. Entrance to the territory is paid.

Tripster's private guide offers a personalized tour of the route. The excursion is walking (about 6 km), lasts from 4 to 5 hours, the price includes transfer from Adler, Central Sochi or Khosta.

Mount Fisht

Psaho Canyon

The Psakho canyons were formed near the river of the same name, and now the so-called “Psakho trail” operates here, which is considered one of the most picturesque among trekkers. Psaho canyons are divided into “wet” and “dry”. The “wet” canyon was formed by the stormy Psakho River, which either rapidly narrows or expands no less rapidly, forming seething streams and quiet calm backwaters. The “wet” canyon stretches for about 2 km. Along the route there are karst caves, waterfalls and natural pools.

The “dry” route lies nearby. It was formed during an earthquake, and since then there has been a deep canyon with grottoes in which stalactites are hidden. Both canyons are overgrown with boxwood, and in some places with dense tropical vines.

Getting here on your own is not easy. First you need to take bus number 131 to the village of Galitsino, then walk to the village of Lesnoye, to the left of which the Psakho trail starts.

Practical and eventful travels to you!

Sochi National Park is a huge territory that was taken under state protection as one of the first in our country. Today you can also find impassable rainforests, and alluring snow-capped peaks, and mysterious caves, and rapid waterfalls. In general, this is a real paradise for lovers of natural beauty and those who want to diversify their lazy beach holiday.

There are a huge number of routes of varying difficulty across the territory of the national park. Some of them can be overcome on foot, others - on horseback, and some can only be conquered by rock climbers and mountaineers. In any case, no matter what option the guests choose, many interesting places and natural attractions will surely await them along the way.

One of the main ones, which has become business card not only the national park, but also the entire resort city of Sochi - Mount Akhun. It gained fame primarily due to the observation tower located at the top. The site offers simply stunning views of the surrounding area.

Another peak that is popular among tourists is Fisht. It is in her honor that one of the popular Olympic stadiums is named. The landscapes here are simply wonderful - green meadows, snow-capped peaks - many believe that this place is very similar to the Alps. Tourists living in Adler boarding houses with a swimming pool are attracted not only by the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also by the chance to get a dose of adrenaline by climbing using climbing equipment.
