Romania resorts. Open left menu Black Sea coast of Romania

For the tourist fraternity, Romania is of interest both as the birthplace of a well-known literary or historical character - Count Dracula, and as an opportunity to actively relax at inexpensive, but well-equipped ski resorts. And yet the sea of ​​Romania and its sandy beaches are no less attractive option for spending a vacation or summer holidays.

Geographical details

When asked which sea washes Romania, not everyone will answer correctly the first time, without looking at a geographic atlas. It turns out that in the country of medieval castles and the vampires that come with them by default, there are wonderful resorts located in the black sea ​​coast. East End The country has access to the Black Sea, where large port cities are located.

Vacation by the sea

The beach season starts in Romania at the end of May, and the climate of this part of the country is reminiscent of the Crimean: summers here are quite hot and dry, and you can sunbathe and swim quite comfortably until the middle and even the end of October. The water temperature at the height of the season reaches +25 degrees, and at the beginning and end of the summer holidays, thermometers show +22 degrees in the sea.
The beaches on the Romanian sea coast are sandy and quite wide. The gentle entrance into the water and the absence of sudden changes in depth make beach holiday ideal for insecure swimmers and families with children. And the resorts of Romania allow those who suffer from joint diseases or gynecological diseases to improve their health. On the Romanian seashore there are lakes with healing mud and hospitals are open for those suffering from healing and rejuvenation.

The most popular seaside resorts in Romania

  • Jupiter is famous for its green forests, almost adjacent to the wide sandy beach.
  • Neptune-Olympus is a luxurious resort where you can successfully combine beach idleness with active sports activities.
  • Mamaia is the oldest Romanian resort with a wide range of hotels and other accommodation options.
  • Saturn – boasts therapeutic mud centers in many hotels and the most reasonable prices for hotel rooms.
  • Mangalia is famous for its healing mineral springs, the waters of which form the basis of the treatment programs of the local health resorts.

And when asked what kind of seas are in Romania, tourists who have visited the hospitable country unanimously answer: seas of cordiality and good mood, which make you want to return to Romania!

Holidays and treatment in Romania have always been of interest to Russians. The reason is that in this country there is a large number of interesting sights, many of which are protected by UNESCO. A trip to Romania is guaranteed to bring a lot of positive impressions to lovers of architecture and passive recreation on the Black Sea coast. Holidays in Romania 2018, all-inclusive prices at sea and reviews in the article will help you plan your route.

A trip to Romania will bring a lot of positive impressions to lovers of architecture and passive recreation on the Black Sea coast

What to see in Romania in summer?

There are so many attractions and iconic places in Romania that even in a few weeks you will not be able to see them all even in passing. Among the most popular are castles, palaces, fortresses, churches, and monasteries. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting places that Russians should visit in the summer, namely:

  1. The Alba Iulia fortress is one of the most ancient and valuable from a historical point of view. Archaeologists still find many interesting artifacts on the territory of the fortress, since its walls were erected back in 1730. The fortress is located on the territory of the Romanian city of Alba Iulia, which existed hundreds of years ago. That is why the excursion program is too rich to visit all the interesting places in one day.
  2. Bran Castle is well known far beyond the borders of Romania, because according to legend, vampires and Count Dracula himself lived here. The castle is shrouded in a certain mystery and sometimes a chill will run through a tourist’s skin as he moves among the ancient buildings. The advantage of this attraction is that everything has been preserved in its original form, and this is no less than 600 years of history. There are many intricate labyrinths in the castle, so it will be difficult for a traveler to do without the help of a guide.
  3. The National Museum of Art is a place in Romania that every visitor to the country should visit. It is located in the former residence of all the Romanian kings, so it is still distinguished by luxury and pomp. The museum houses a large collection of paintings by both Romanian and famous European artists. Among the museum exhibits there are expensive icons and sculptures.

In summer, tourists come mainly to relax by the sea, and this is not surprising, because the beaches of the Black Sea are well equipped and clean. On the coast you can have a great time just relaxing or being active aquatic species sports or entertainment.

In summer, tourists come to Romania mainly for seaside holidays

Holidays and treatment in Romania 2018, prices s

Romania is famous for its healing mineral springs. Patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal, digestive, kidney and musculoskeletal systems come here for treatment. Prices for holidays and treatment are acceptable for Russians. There are more than 160 resort places in Romania, but the most popular of them are:

  • Baile-Olanesti;
  • Slanik;
  • Covasna;
  • Sovata;
  • Beile-Tushnad.

All resorts are located in picturesque areas, and some are in the Carpathians, therefore surrounded on all sides by high mountains. This is exactly what the Slanic-Moldova resort is like. This is one of the most favorite places of Russians. You can get here from the capital by train Moscow - Sofia, but you need to get off in the neighboring city of Bacau, located an hour away by car from the resort.

In Romania you can have a great time in winter at one of the ski resorts

The resort of Slanic-Moldova is filled with tourists both in summer and winter. Thanks to the mountains, there is something to do here even during the cold season. The climate of the area is very mild, because the area is protected by mountains. You can safely come here with your whole family, with children and enjoy clean air, get healthier by taking mineral water. Many boarding houses and sanatoriums are ready to accept guests with both modest incomes and wealthy Russians.

Video about summer holidays in Romania:

Video about holidays in Romania in winter at a ski resort:

Would you like to go on holiday to Romania in 2018? All-inclusive prices at sea are affordable for most Russians, because a huge number of hotels, inns and hotel complexes make it possible to choose where to stay. Many Russians come to Romania in winter too. Skiing, snowboarding, and sledding are incredibly popular, so feel free to go on vacation with the whole family.

It is only 245 km long. If you wish, you can drive along it in a couple of hours, starting from the Chilia Canal in the north and stopping in the fishing village of Vama Veche in the south. And if we flew over this coast at bird's eye height, we would be able to admire the almost continuous chain resorts and beaches, whose infrastructure is not inferior to the best “beach” places in the world. It seems that there are all the attributes of the modern tourism industry for a comfortable holidays in Romania:

  • excellent restaurants and trendy nightclubs;
  • excellent hotels, terraces, bars and cafes;
  • huge water parks, swimming pools and dolphinariums;
  • recreation parks and much more.

True, this Romanian ointment has its own fly in the ointment: five-star hotels here, of course, there is, but not everywhere. The main hotel base is buildings built in the 70-80s and the service system in them is very different from the all-inclusive standard that is common today. And yet, sea holiday in Romania annually chosen by hundreds of thousands of tourists, for whom the sun, sea, and active entertainment are the main “core” of the vacation program.

Besides, Black Sea Romania- a generally recognized “health resort of Europe”. The British, French and Germans, patients with nervous, pulmonary, gynecological, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, began to come en masse to local balneological centers. And people from all over the planet bring their old age to the famous clinic of Anna Aslan, who developed the anti-aging drug “Gerovital” in the middle of the last century, as if to a spring of living water.

Holidays in Romania high-quality and inexpensive, memorable for its beautiful views, the gentle Black Sea, interesting culture, extensive excursion programs, unusual cuisine and wines.

If you hear the expression “Romanian Riviera”, know that we are talking about 245 km of beach Romania, a sandy strip pressed against the Black Sea.

Climate of the Black Sea coast of Romania

Holidays on the Black Sea in Romania mean being at the mercy of a temperate continental climate. Summers here are warm and winters are mild.

The average temperature in mid-summer is +22°C, in winter - about 0°C. 396 mm of precipitation falls per year. The swimming season on the Romanian shores begins at last days May in the south or from the first week of July in the north. You can swim until the end of September - beginning of October. The sun shines on the sea resorts in Romania about 2300 hours.

As for nature, for tourists accustomed to the lush subtropical vegetation of the southern coast of Crimea or the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, the semi-steppe and semi-mountainous landscapes of the “Romanian Riviera” may at first seem nondescript and monotonous. But the Black Sea here is just as charming, there is no less warmth and sun, beaches no worse, and the fertile soil of Dobruja generously gives grapes, fruits and vegetables. Human intervention compensates for what nature has skimped on: almost everyone resorts You can find artificial parks, gardens and forest plantations.

Sights of Romania

Holidays in Romania on Black Sea- an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with numerous natural and historical monuments:

  • fortresses, mosques, lighthouses, statues, a huge aquarium;
  • caves, ruins of ancient buildings, Lake Techirghiol(Romanian “Dead Sea”);
  • an ancient casino in an openwork rococo style, churches and cathedrals, museums, Byzantine basilicas.

Health improvement and treatment in Romania

Balneological resorts Romanian Black Sea region are located all along the coast, but the most important of them are located in the resorts.

Holidays in Romania by the sea with children- not the most popular travel destination, although the Black Sea coast of Romania is not much smaller than that of its southern neighbor Bulgaria. This is primarily due to the lack of convenient direct flights. You can get to the sea resorts of Romania by train from Bucharest (where there are flights and the Moscow-Sofia train) or from Minsk (there is a Minsk-Constanza train).

Therefore, if you are going to be there from May to October, be sure to check out the local beaches. Black Sea resorts will organize a real vacation for your family with excursions, outings and, of course, entertainment. Many of the older locals speak some Russian, since Romania was a socialist republic.
You can book hotels in coastal cities either through travel agencies (by purchasing vouchers) or on your own - many of them are already presented on major booking sites (for example, on - enter Romania in the search and choose hotels in cities by the sea).

Resorts of Romania

A good stopping place would be Mangalia resort, the southernmost coastal point of Romania. It is located near the remains of an ancient fortress, so there are several historical museums in the neighborhood. Be sure to visit their exhibitions with your children. There they will not only show ancient shards, but also tell a couple of beautiful myths and legends about Romanian heroes. And in the remaining time you can enjoy your leisure time - in Mangalia there are grounds for tennis and mini-football. The city's equestrian area will offer you horseback riding through natural natural park, and admire nature.
In mid-summer, resort guests catch several music festivals at once. All of them are accompanied by multi-day concerts, impromptu karaoke, dancing and parades near the beach. Kids always like such noisy holidays.
Mangalia is also known for having its own mineral springs.

Almost all resorts in the country have their own children's corners. For example, here resort "Saturn" There is not only a modern playground, but also separate swimming pools: for adults and children, with different depths and slides. Saturn even offers temporary nanny services. It’s like a children’s camp, there is a schedule for the kids. They are taken in groups to the beach, organized collective games and entertainment, staged performances in the evenings and gatherings around the fire.

Just north of the city of Mangalia borders the Black Sea, no less famous Romanian resort "Neptune". In addition to sports fields, a summer cinema and a village corner, this recreation center is equipped with its own pier. You can take your children on a small boat ride or go on a day-long boat cruise. For mothers, Neptune has excellent shopping opportunities. The nearest Romanian stores are open on weekdays and offer a huge range of goods, including nice gifts for your child.

A more expensive option is Romanian resort Mamaia, located near the large (including industrial) city of Constanta. Prices there for many services are higher, but the comfort of accommodation is also adequate. For kids, they have set up an interesting water park, which has a cable car, water slides and attractions. All these entertainments are just a couple of dozen steps from the waves of the sea. The beach itself is specially fenced for resort visitors. And along the shore there are shops where you can rent swimming equipment, hammocks, children's inflatable toys for playing on the water, and so on.

It is forbidden to bring animals on Romanian beaches, so the age-old entertainment for children at sea - taking photos with tame circus animals - will not be available. But many animators try to attract the attention of guests on their own. Your child can see mermaids, gods, pirates and famous cartoon characters on the Black Sea coast. At night there are often fireworks and fire shows.
A holiday at the seaside in Romania will be remembered by your whole family. After all, these are endless fairs, festivals, competitions, sports competitions and games in which guests of any age can participate.

When hearing about Romania, the first associations that arise for most people are related to the famous. But these places are famous not only for their beautiful legends, the seaside resorts of Romania are also very famous, and, importantly, they are also very useful. Are you interested in a seaside holiday in Romania? Then check out our article, in which we will tell you which sea is located in Romania and which resorts are considered the best.

Beach resorts in Romania

We think that since we have repeatedly mentioned the sea, now you don’t even ask the question: “is there a sea in Romania?” It is there, and not just just the sea, but the Black Sea, about which there are also a huge number of beautiful legends described in many myths. The Black Sea in Romania is also famous for the fact that there are no ebbs or flows, there are no sharks, and the salt level is very significantly reduced. Let's now move on to the Black Sea resorts themselves, located in Romania, and learn more about them.

Resort Mamaia. It has a fairly wide sandy beach that stretches along the coast for 8 km. There are a large number of hotels and inns on the territory of this resort, and there are also places where you can have fun for both adults and children. In addition, the specific location of the Mamaia resort on the isthmus creates the feeling that you are relaxing on an island.

Resort Venus. An excellent place for those who relax with children and also want to improve their health using natural remedies. Cozy lagoons with clean golden sand and warm clear water, bright greenery and tranquility - what is so necessary to modern man. And in order to sometimes remember the bustle world, cafes, restaurants, and, of course, night discos have been built here. By the way, prices at this resort are lower than at other places on the coast.

Now a little about treatment. At the Venus resort there is a mud bath that combines the benefits of mud from Lake Tegirghiol, as well as water from a hydrogen sulfide well located in Romania. And again a nice nuance regarding prices. The mud baths in Venus are similar in composition to similar establishments Dead Sea, only the cost is several times lower.

Resort Saturn. This resort is another place where you can improve your health with the help of Mother Nature. physical state. Sources from thermal waters- this is what attracts a huge number of tourists to the Saturn resort every year.

Resort Cap Aurora- the smallest of the resorts located on the Romanian Black Sea coast and intended for recreation. People come here to retire and hide from everyday life and bustle. But “small” does not mean gray and dull, there are entertainment and good hotels that will not let tourists feel like completely savages.

The famous resort Neptune famous for its beaches and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests that come close to the shore. Can you imagine how wonderful and clean the intoxicating air is there? Hotels located in Neptune are also very conveniently located in the thicket of the forest, so vacationers spend their nights here with a special atmosphere, and the vacation itself turns out to be more complete. Also at this resort, for those who want to devote time to their health, there is modern balneological and physiotherapeutic equipment, a base with
