The main specially protected area is. What is a specially protected natural area? National and natural parks

What specially protected areas are called nature reserves and sanctuaries?

There are 98 nature reserves in Russia, incl. 16 biosphere with a total area of ​​33 million hectares.

reserves- land and water areas seized in the prescribed manner from any economic use and properly guarded.

The reserves protect all natural objects inherent in the territory or water area, and all the relationships between them, the entire natural-territorial complex as a whole, a section of the natural landscape with all its components.

Often nature reserves are created to protect unique phenomena:

n mineral deposit - in the Ilmensky Reserve;

n Valley of Geysers - in Kamchatka;

n waterfowl colonies in the Astrakhan Reserve;

n relict flora - in the Pinezhsky Reserve.

Often nature reserves play the role of reserves for the protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants:

· The Kandalaksha Nature Reserve protects the nesting places of a valuable species of birds – eiders;

The Voronezh Nature Reserve played an important role in the conservation and restoration of the population beaver;

Barguzinsky, Kronotsky, Pechoro-Ilychsky - in the restoration of numbers sable.

Any economic activity is prohibited in the reserves:

u logging;

u collecting berries, mushrooms and mineral samples;

u haymaking and grazing;

u mining.

It is unacceptable for introduced plants and acclimatized animals to enter the territory of the reserve.

Each reserve has "Chronicle of Nature" , in which the course of phenological phenomena is recorded daily. These data allow us to judge:

n about sustainability and productivity natural biocenoses;

n to forecast the development of phenological phenomena, the number of animals.

In a number of reserves there are nurseries in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, studied and bred. rare species animals.

Here are some of the largest reserves in Russia:

Æ Kandalaksha Reserve (created in 1932). The main direction is the protection of eider colonies and other bird species.

Æ Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve (1935), elk guard.

Æ Barguzinsky Reserve (1916), sable protection.

Æ Reserve "Kivach" (1931).

Æ Lapland Reserve (1930), reindeer conservation.

Æ Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad" (1916), plant protection.

Æ Central Black Earth Reserve (1935), protection of steppe vegetation.

The territories with the most stringent nature protection regime in foreign countries are called reserves . In the reserves, not only is economic activity completely prohibited, but they are closed to sightseers and tourists.

Reserves- areas of the territory or water area where certain species of animals, plants or part of the natural complex are preserved for a number of years or constantly in certain seasons or all year round.

In reserves:

u it is allowed to use individual natural resources;

u hunting for certain species of animals is prohibited for several years until their numbers are restored;

u created to protect fish spawning grounds;

u training centers, centers for the education of students are being created.

The total number of reserves in Russia at the end of the 20th century. was 1519, of which federal significance – 71.

Zakazniks, unlike other systems of protected areas, are an extremely dynamic and mobile form of protection of natural objects.

What specially protected areas are called national (natural) parks and natural monuments?

National parks- these are areas of the territory (water area) allocated for the conservation of nature for aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural and educational purposes.

The boundaries of national parks usually pass along natural boundaries:

n mountain ranges;

n gorges.

The area of ​​the national park allows large herds of large animals to live on its territory:

elephants and antelopes;

bison and tigers.

The entire territory of the national park is divided into zones:

u reserved;

u demo;

u household.

National parks:

n ensure the preservation of unique landscapes; rare and valuable species of plants and animals;

n serve as a great place to relax;

n attract tourists;

n fully pay for maintenance costs and generate significant income.

National natural parks in Russia began to be created in the 80s, and in the mid-90s of the XX century. there were more than 20 of them, with a total area of ​​over 4 million hectares.

All National parks, with the exception of Losiny Ostrov and Pereslavsky, are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Forestry Service.

Monuments of nature- these are separate irreplaceable natural objects that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

Monuments of nature can be:

Æ waterfalls;

Æ geysers;

Æ sources;

Æ caves;

Æ geological outcrops;

Æ paleontological finds;

Æ groves of relic trees;

Æ individual trees of historical or aesthetic value.

Natural monuments include:

u Mammoth Cave (USA);

u Kungur Ice Cave (Russia, Urals);

u "Devil's Settlement" (Russia, Yekaterinburg);

u Mountain-bump, "Korsak-Bas" ("Fox Head") (Russia, Orenburg).

In a number of regions of Karelia, the protected monuments include dark bark birch .

Monuments of nature are not independent legal entities. Ensuring the regimes of use and protection established for them are assigned to the institutions on whose lands they are located. There are 29 natural monuments of federal significance in Russia, and they are mostly located on the European territory of the country.

What are the features of pollution and protection of recreational areas?

Recreational areas- These are areas of natural landscapes used for recreation and treatment of people.

The most typical violations of the sanitary and hygienic regime that cause pollution and depletion of the resort and medical zones of Russia are:

n the presence in zones I and II of sanitary protection of non-sewered industrial, agricultural and municipal facilities;

n Atmospheric air pollution from vehicle exhaust gases and emissions from industrial enterprises and municipal facilities;

n industrial felling of forests in the districts of sanitary protection;

n discharge of domestic and fecal waste into open water bodies;

n pollution of mineral waters and therapeutic mud by products of agricultural activities.

The number of people seeking to relax among forests and meadows, on the banks of rivers and lakes, is constantly growing. Excessively high density of recreants often leads to:

destruction of the soil cover;

vegetation disturbance;

Deterioration of living conditions and decrease in the number of animals;

pollution environment;

destruction and degradation of landscapes.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the maximum allowable load of vacationers on specific landscapes and, in accordance with this, regulate the flow of vacationers. Another direction is regulation of the behavior of vacationers and tourists . The main educational and coercive measures are as follows [Armand, 1969]:

u The need for cultural behavior in the bosom of nature should be brought up in a person with early childhood;

u Attention to the study of environmental issues should be strengthened in schools, excursion and tourism organizations;

u Highly frequented recreational areas require dedicated personnel:

u u Æ protection of order;

u u Æ fire brigade;

u u Æ medical staff;

u u Æ garbage collectors.

u Accessible areas must be subject to particularly strict access control.

u The ethics of behavior in the bosom of nature must become an integral part of the moral responsibility of every person.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", specially protected natural areas- plots of land, water surface and airspace above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance are located.

At the same time, when establishing one or another type of specially protected natural areas, it is planned to satisfy certain public interests. Let us consider them in relation to certain types of such territories. In accordance with Art. 2 of the Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", taking into account the peculiarities of the regime of these territories and the status of environmental institutions located on them, the following types of these territories are distinguished.

a) State natural reserves, including biospheric ones. Specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, subsoil, vegetation and animal world) on the territory of the reserve have environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as samples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of conservation of the genetic fund of flora and fauna. State natural reserves are nature protection, scientific research and environmental education institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

State natural biosphere reserves are created for the purpose of conducting scientific research, environmental monitoring, as well as testing and implementing methods of rational nature management that do not destroy the environment and do not deplete biological resources.

The following tasks are assigned to state natural reserves:

Implementation of the protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected areas in their natural state natural complexes and objects;

Organization and conduct of scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of Nature;

Implementation of environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system;

environmental education;

Participation in the state environmental review of projects and layouts for economic and other facilities;

Assistance in the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection.

b) National parks. They are nature protection, environmental education and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

National parks are entrusted with the following main tasks:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects;

Preservation of historical and cultural objects;

Environmental education of the population;

Creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

Development and implementation scientific methods nature conservation and environmental education;

Implementation of environmental monitoring;

Restoration of disturbed natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects.

c) Natural parks. These are nature protection recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the subjects Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant ecological and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental protection, educational and recreational purposes. The following tasks are assigned to natural parks:

Preservation of the natural environment, natural landscapes;

Creation of conditions for recreation (including mass recreation) and preservation of recreational resources;

Development and implementation effective methods nature protection and maintaining the ecological balance in the conditions of recreational use of territories natural parks.

d) State natural reserves - territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes and their components and maintaining the ecological balance. State natural reserves can have a different profile, including being: complex (landscape), intended for the conservation and restoration of natural complexes (natural landscapes);

Biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including species valuable in economic, scientific and cultural terms;

Paleontological, intended for the conservation of fossil objects;

Hydrological (marsh, lake, river, marine) designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems;

Geological, designed to preserve valuable objects and complexes inanimate nature,

e) Monuments of nature - unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin.

f) Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are nature protection institutions, the tasks
which include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve diversity and enrich flora, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities.

g) Therapeutic areas and health resorts. These may include territories (water areas) suitable for organizing the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as recreation for the population and possessing natural healing resources (mineral waters, therapeutic mud, brine of estuaries and lakes, healing climate, beaches, parts of water areas and inland seas, other natural objects and conditions). Medical and health-improving areas and resorts are allocated for the purpose of their rational use and ensuring the preservation of their natural healing resources and health-improving properties.

In conditions when environmental pollution became an obstacle to the normal life of people, a mass movement of the public began in defense of the environment, most economically developed and some developing countries began to carry out state environmental policy, environmental policy. Environmental laws have been adopted, systems of fines have been developed, spending on nature protection has been increased, long-term programs have been drawn up, special services environmental protection or other similar state bodies.

A special place in the state environmental policy is the creation of specially protected natural areas and water areas.

Natural specially protected territories and water areas- these are natural complexes and objects excluded in whole or in part from economic use in order to preserve them, as well as because of their special scientific, educational, aesthetic, historical and recreational value.

Specially protected natural areas include; state natural reserves, including biospheric ones; state nature reserves; National parks; natural parks; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; health-improving areas and resorts. Natural monuments are also subject to protection, as well as rare, endangered species of animals and plants listed in.

All territories and objects under special protection of the state are divided into three types:

  • administrative(military and defense facilities, sensitive areas of internal affairs bodies, suburban areas);
  • historical and cultural(monuments of history, culture, architecture, landscape art, historical and cultural reserves, etc.);
  • natural.

In addition, in our country, 35 national parks, as well as more than 12,000 natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and other areas under protection at the federal or regional levels, are classified as specially protected natural areas.


nature reserves- these are natural complexes specially protected by law (land, subsoil, water, flora and fauna), which are completely and forever excluded from any economic use. Reserves are the highest category of protected areas, they serve as standards for the natural environment.

The first reserve was the Barguzinsky Reserve on Baikal, established in 1917, two months after the adoption on November 12 (October 30, old style), 1916, of Russia's first law on reserves "On the establishment of rules for hunting reserves."

home distinguishing feature nature reserve is the presence of a sign of "reserve", meaning, in accordance with explanatory dictionary Russian language inviolable, forbidden, cherished. Today, in accordance with Art. 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" and in connection with the increased social significance of protected areas and natural and climatic features, they establish more stringent standards for maximum permissible harmful emissions.
actions on the natural environment. On the territory of the reserves, economic, recreational and other activities that are contrary to the principles of conservation or cause harm to the natural environment are prohibited: the construction of industrial and agricultural enterprises, the exploration and extraction of minerals, logging, collection of plants, grazing, hunting, fishing, the use of pesticides and pesticides (even near protected areas), aircraft flying below 2000 m, all forms of tourism and recreation for the population, etc.

Protected zones are created around the territory of the reserve, within which activities that adversely affect the reserve regime are prohibited.

A natural complex can be either a typical landscape of the corresponding region, or, conversely, rare for a particular area. The significance of the reserve also lies in the fact that it is a nature protection research institution, which aims to preserve and study the natural course of natural processes and phenomena in typical and unique systems.

31 Russian nature reserves have the status biospheric, i.e., it is part of the international network of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring. Their main difference from other reserves is the presence in the territories adjacent to them of biospheric polygons, where limited nature management is carried out (mainly traditional for the region, as well as tourism and other types of recreational activities).

The concept of a biosphere reserve was developed in 1974. working group UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program. Two years later, the formation of their World Wide Web began, which today supports the exchange of information, experience and specialists between 440 reserves of the planet. They were created in 97 countries and preserve areas of slightly disturbed ecosystems of most biogeographic places on the Earth on an area of ​​at least 300 million hectares.

The first biosphere reserves in the USSR appeared in 1977. They were created on the basis of existing reserves - Prioksko-Terrasny, Caucasian, Askania-Nova (Ukraine), Repeteksky (Turkmenistan) and a number of others.

Biosphere reserves are considered as self-regulating natural systems. Therefore, they should be large enough and ecologically isolated from neighboring ecosystems and anthropogenic influence. As a rule, they include globally unique ecosystems and landscapes (for example, with the presence of rare and endangered the globe species of animals and plants), which are of particular scientific and natural value.

The scheme of biosphere reserves is as follows: in the center - protected core(absolutely protected area), around which stands out buffer zone, whose function is to reduce the negative impact economic activity to the natural complex of the reserve, and behind it goes buffer polygon- a zone of ordinary, but strictly rational, economic use of the territory in the interests of scientific and applied research on the profile of the reserve. The main task of biosphere reserves is to provide long-term comparative studies of ecosystems, participation in global monitoring of the natural environment. Biosphere reserves also include 5 national parks in Russia.


nature reserves- these are natural complexes designed to preserve or reproduce some types of natural resources in combination with a limited and coordinated use of other natural resources. According to the terminology of normative acts of the 20s of the XX century. These are "incomplete reserves".

Reserves organize when, in order to achieve the goal, it is enough to limit or prohibit the use of only some resources. An example is the reserves-reserves of medicinal plants - nature protection areas with a regime that prevents the depletion of stocks of certain types of medicinal plants. The collection of medicinal plants in the reserves is allowed only under strict control, within the limits that do not violate their reproduction.

Among the reserves, the most significant in terms of number and area are hunting reserves. Their task is the long-term reservation and protection of the habitats of some valuable animals. The regime of reserves provides not only a ban on hunting, but also restrictions on certain types of economic activities that can harm protected species of animals.

National and natural parks

National and natural parks- these are specially protected natural complexes withdrawn from economic use, which are important as typical or rare landscapes, the habitat of communities of wild plants and animals, places of recreation, tourism, excursions, and education of the population. National natural park - enough large territory where nature protection is combined with recreation. It consists of one or more ecological systems or natural landscapes of high aesthetic value, little or no altered by human activity, where plants, animals and landscapes are protected. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, national natural parks are formed for the purpose of protecting nature (for example, traditional places of residence of the small peoples of the North) in combination with environmental education the population, the organization of its recreation, the development of tourism.

The entire territory of the national (natural) park is divided into several zones, each of which has its own legal regime. Most often there are four zones: protected, custom, recreational and economic. The central reserved core of the national (natural) park functions as a nature reserve. It serves as the natural laboratory of the park for the implementation of environmental monitoring tasks. The custom regime zone is organized according to the principles of a nature reserve. Recreational zones are intended for tourism, visitors' recreation, placement of service facilities, information services, etc. The economic zone is usually external to those listed. According to the accepted international classification national park, unlike the natural one, is characterized by the predominance of environmental tasks over recreational ones.

In the USA in 1872 the first world-famous Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) was created. In total, more than two thousand national parks operate in the world today, among them such as the High Tatras (Czech Republic), Kaziranga (India), the already mentioned Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon (USA), Tsavo (Africa) and many others. For foreign countries, this form of nature conservation is traditional.

In the USSR, the functions of national parks were initially assigned to nature reserves. The first ones were created in 1983 - "Sochi" on the Black Sea coast and "Elk Island" in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Monuments of nature

Term "monument of nature" was first applied in 1819 by the German naturalist A. Humboldt (1769-1859). Individual unique natural objects and natural complexes that have relict, scientific, historical, ecological and educational significance and are in need of special state protection are declared natural monuments. Natural monuments include reference areas of untouched nature, geological outcrops, unique landforms, individual objects of animate and inanimate nature - waterfalls, geysers, caves, paleontological objects, individual long-lived trees, etc.

In our country and in the world, several thousand natural monuments, mostly specific objects, have been identified. Among them are the Khosta yew-boxwood grove (Krasnodar Territory), rocky outcrops on the banks of the Don with relic vegetation (Lipetsk Region), individual boulders and many others.

From monument trees especially famous are the oak in Yasnaya Polyana, the plane tree "Seven Brothers" near Ashgabat, the fused trunks of which can clasp 10 people, as well as giant sequoias in the famous Yosemite Valley (USA), whose age exceeds 3 thousand years, and the height is 90 m. In California, there is also the oldest tree in the world - the sequoia, whose age is estimated at about 4650 years.

Other specially protected natural areas

Museums-reserves. These include historical and memorial, literary museums, estate museums, open-air museums, etc. Museums and reserves are of great historical and cultural value. Among the world-famous museum-reserves are Yasnaya Polyana, Polenovo, Kizhi, Vladimir-Suzdal, Abramtsevo, Kuskovo, and, of course, the Moscow Kremlin and the museums of St. Petersburg. Strictly speaking, they belong to the group of historical and cultural specially protected areas, but in most of them the natural component plays an important role.

Dendrological parks and botanical sa dy: their tasks include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the plant world, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities.

Therapeutic areas and resorts allocated in territories (water areas) suitable for organizing the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as for recreation of the population and possessing natural healing resources (mineral waters, therapeutic mud, therapeutic climate, beaches, etc.).

Ecological resort region- a relatively new form of specially protected areas, which appeared in 1994 in connection with the formation of a specially protected ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, nature resorts are extremely sensitive to pollution. On the territory of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody there are more than 40 industrial enterprises. Their emissions are a serious problem for the region.

Our planet is becoming more and more subject to anthropogenic influence over time. The number of cities is increasing, their area is expanding. The consumption of natural resources and the economic use of the planet are growing. To maintain the balance of the biosphere, a rich variety of animate and inanimate nature is necessary. And the richer nature is, the more sustainable ecosystem.

Why is the creation of protected areas important?

Under the influence of the human factor, some components of ecosystems may be lost. This leads to a weakening of the stability of the system of nature. For example, northern areas show us more vulnerability than tropical areas. A small number of animal and plant species must be protected with particular care. With the extinction of one species, the main food object of another representative of the animal kingdom may completely disappear.

In connection with the understanding of the need to care for the biosphere, people have taken steps to conserve and even restore natural resources. Of course, there is no way to restore the completely lost view. But mankind is able to return the former number of dying species.

In order for the diversity and beauty of the nature of our planet to be preserved for many years, the states have created specially protected natural areas (SPNA). These are territorial areas and water areas where the economic activity of people is mostly prohibited. In some of these areas, work is underway to increase the number of endangered species of organisms in order to preserve the planet's gene pool. For this, it is often necessary to restore biotopes changed by human activity.

Conservation of nature in the world

The area of ​​specially protected natural areas in the world began to grow especially rapidly since the 1960s. Under the influence of anthropogenic pressure, nature began to collapse at a rapid pace, which forced responsible people to take more active actions. The greatest success in the creation of protected areas has been achieved North America, especially the USA. A system of protected areas has been developed in Australia, Canada, Germany, and China. Russian indicators in last years catch up with global numbers. Thus, in terms of area, protected areas occupy 11% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The global indicator is 15%. More than 12,000 objects are classified as specially protected natural areas in our country. This is when taking into account all the protected areas of various values. 217 objects are classified as specially protected natural areas of federal significance. The state continues to expand existing protected areas and create new protected areas.

History of protected areas in Russia

Since ancient times, people have guarded lands that were considered sacred. This was due to the belief of the people in legends and the performance of rituals in certain areas.

In the era of feudalism, many territories belonging to the nobility remained almost unchanged, since there was a ban on hunting and sometimes visiting other people's possessions.

At the end of the nineteenth century, reserves were created in Russia. These were private properties. State began to appear in the twentieth century. The Barguzinsky nature reserve was organized first (1916). National parks appeared in the second half of the last century. Programs for their arrangement are borrowed from the West.

On this moment in all regions of Russia there are protected areas, if not of federal, then of regional significance.

Types of protected areas in Russia

Specially protected natural areas include areas earth's surface where human activity is at least somewhat prohibited. In some areas of work is completely prohibited, in others tourism or recreation is allowed. Depending on the possibility of using natural resources and types of work within the object, all protected areas are classified into the following categories:

  1. Reserves. Any change in nature is prohibited. Here, fallen trees are not removed, and they do not contribute to the restoration of the number of species by artificial means. In the reserve, everything flows in its natural course. Only local residents can afford to use natural resources to the extent specified by law.
  2. National parks. The area has areas with access for the public. In the national park, you can enjoy the virgin nature or conduct your own scientific research to anyone who wants to carefully follow the hiking trails without changing the appearance of the park.
  3. natural parks. At such facilities, working groups strive to fully preserve nature in terms of human access.
  4. Reserves also belong to specially protected natural areas. They are organized with the aim not only to preserve ecosystems, but also to restore the already lost wealth by artificial means. Landscapes, species of animals and plants are being restored. Geological objects or territories that have in their bowels objects of the past that have survived to this day can be protected. Sometimes excavations are not carried out immediately, archaeologists are waiting for the time when new data from untouched sites will be needed.
  5. Lands of specially protected natural areas include natural monuments. These are small territories or water areas with valuable components. Objects are both natural and man-made. Ancient parks or groups of rocks can also be protected areas.
  6. The lands of specially protected natural areas also include arboretums and botanical gardens. In these territorial areas, workers collect plant collections. These works are carried out in order to preserve the gene pool of the plant world. It is possible to transplant plants from parks and gardens to any corner of the planet.

Not only land areas, but also water areas can be classified as specially protected natural areas. Water basins store no less wealth of living and non-living natural resources.

Types of protected areas in Kazakhstan

The legislation of Kazakhstan has introduced its own types of protected areas, which are most suitable for the organization of this state.

The specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan include:

  1. Reserves.
  2. National parks.
  3. Reserves.
  4. Reserves.
  5. Protected areas.
  6. Monuments of nature.
  7. Zoological parks.
  8. botanical gardens.

Reserves belong to the protected areas of Kazakhstan. In such areas, natural resources are maintained and restored, as well as objects of history are protected and restored.

Protected areas belong to the category of specially protected natural areas. Such areas are nature reserves, national parks and reserves. Nature is protected here by various organized services.

Zoos in Kazakhstan are also classified as specially protected natural areas. Because in zoological parks, not only common, but also small animals listed in the Red Book are preserved and reproduced.

Levels of significance of protected areas

The federal law on protected areas states that all nature reserves and national parks are of federal importance, that is, they are taken care of by federal authorities. Reserves and national parks are of great importance for the conservation of the nature of the entire state.

natural parks. Such specially protected natural areas are objects of regional significance. That is, the authorities of the republics and regions of the Russian Federation organize order at the facility.

Preserves, natural monuments, arboretums and botanical gardens can be of both national importance and importance within a republic or region.

Specially protected natural areas of local importance include the territories of sanatoriums, as well as resorts. These areas are owned by municipalities. They are managed by local government organizations.

Differences between arboretums and botanical gardens

Arboretum parks are among specially protected natural areas. Small plant species, especially tree species, have been collected here and continue to be delivered to the site. underway scientific work. Plants can move outside the park to beautify buildings and streets.

Botanical gardens have huge collections of plants. It conducts research in the field of botany and gardening. Botanical gardens have their own library and laboratories. Gathering his herbarium.

National park zones

National parks are among specially protected natural areas. They have the most complex structure among the protected areas. The territory is divided into zones for the careful use of resources while preserving nature in its entirety.

  1. Protected area. The strictest attitude to the ecosystem on the site. Any use of nature by man is prohibited. Only the security service can cross the site to maintain order.
  2. Specially protected. It is possible to visit by pass. It is necessary to know the rules of conduct in the territory.
  3. Tourist. There are tourist routes on the territory.
  4. Sports and recreation area.
  5. Zones with historical objects located on them. Cultural values ​​are being protected.
  6. Visitor service area. Visitors get acquainted with the rules of the national park, consumer services are provided, and there is an opportunity to spend the night.
  7. Area for park workers. Work is underway that requires the operation of the facility.

For example, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park has 4 working zones: protected area, regulated use zone, recreational zone, economic zone. At the same time, in the recreation zone, visitors not only relax, but also get acquainted with the national park. There are hiking trails here.

Protected area of ​​protected area

Most protected areas have a buffer zone, which can be visited subject to the rules of conduct at the border of the protected object. The buffer zone performs the function of ensuring the limitation of anthropogenic impact on protected areas. It is not wide and can be, for example, a meadow strip between a virgin forest of a protected area and a highway.

The largest protected area

Greenland National Park is the largest protected area in the world: more than nine hundred thousand square kilometers. The national park occupies more than a third of the island. The facility was founded in 1974. Almost immediately it became a biosphere reserve. This means that the value of the ecosystem is so high that its conservation is required to maintain the balance of the entire biosphere. In recent years, 27 people have been living in the park. These are the facility workers. IN summer period a small number of visitors arrive.

The territory is inhabited by musk oxen (about 40% of the total livestock in the world), polar bears, walruses and some other mammals. There are also birds nesting on the island. The vegetation is represented by lichens, mosses and dwarf trees.

northern nature must be carefully preserved, realizing its vulnerability.

Selous Reserve

The large Selous Protected Area is located in Tanzania. Area - 54,600 sq. km. Founded in 1905 as a hunting reserve. The fauna and flora are typical of the African savannah and have a rich species composition.

Serengeti National Park

In the same state of Tanzania, the very popular Serengeti National Park is located. It is known for its migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra. Submissive to instinct, mammals go south in the fall, and north in the spring. The number of animals exceeds one million heads. They cover about 3 thousand kilometers. It is interesting to observe the process of crossing rivers by herbivores. They know that the waters are fraught with danger in the form of crocodiles.

Great Arctic Reserve

The largest protected area in Russia is Bolshoy Arctic reserve. It is a set of isolated territories (islands, archipelagos and the mainland), and also includes part of the Kara Sea. The area of ​​the reserve is 42 thousand km2. Guarded here different kinds organisms, including polar bears listed in the Red Book. The migration route of these mammals passes through the territory.

marine reserve

In the Ross Sea organized marine reserve. It is just as necessary to protect the water area as well as the mainland biotopes. In the Ross Sea, penguins, whales and shrimps are especially protected.

There are already 200 thousand specially protected natural areas in the world. As well as about 15 thousand marine areas. It is planned to increase both the area and the number of protected areas. This is necessary to maintain the health of the biosphere - the living shell of the Earth. The population of the planet is growing, and the volume of economic use of resources is also increasing. This means that it is necessary to increase the scale of nature protection, without which human life is unthinkable.

In the system of environmental protection measures, the most important direction is the withdrawal from economic use of certain territories and water areas or the restriction of economic activity on them. These measures are designed to contribute to the conservation of ecosystems and biota species in a state closest to natural, the conservation of the gene pool of plants and animals, as well as landscapes - as standards of nature, for scientific and educational purposes.

This direction of nature protection is implemented on the basis of the existing, legally fixed, network of protected natural areas (PAs). It contains a number of PNA categories of varying conservation importance. The number of these categories is increasing as a result of the development of forms of combining human economic and environmental activities, as well as due to the emergence of new negative consequences irrational exploitation of natural resources and major man-made disasters (for example, the establishment of a special recovery regime in the Polessky radiation-ecological reserve in and on the territory of the East Ural radioactive trace).

The most important sign of the difference between protected areas is the degree of exclusion of reserved areas from economic circulation. Categories of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are distinguished, which have the greatest spatial and temporal stability and therefore have highest value to save individual sections.

In Russia, the main legislative act regulating relations in the field of organization, protection and use of specially protected natural territories, is the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", in force since March 1995.

In accordance with this Law, specially protected natural areas are plots of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, health-improving significance, which are completely withdrawn by decisions of state authorities. or partially from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. Protected areas are classified as objects of national heritage.

In order to protect specially protected natural territories from adverse anthropogenic impacts, protected zones or districts with a regulated economic activity regime may be created on adjacent land and water areas. All protected areas are taken into account when developing territorial integrated schemes for nature protection, land management schemes and regional planning, projects for the economic development of territories.

The Russian system of main protected areas is quite close to the international classification of protected areas proposed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 1992. Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime of specially protected natural areas and the status of nature protection institutions located on them, the following categories of protected areas are distinguished:

  1. state nature reserves (including biospheric ones);
  2. National parks;
  3. natural parks;
  4. state nature reserves;
  5. monuments of nature;
  6. dendrological parks and botanical gardens;
  7. health-improving areas and resorts.

According to the current legislation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments may also establish other categories of specially protected natural areas (for example, green areas of settlements, urban forests, city parks, monuments of garden and park art, and others). Protected areas may have federal, regional or local significance.

The territories of state natural and national parks are classified as specially protected natural territories of federal significance. Territories of state reserves, natural monuments, dendrological parks and botanical gardens, as well as health-improving areas and resorts can be of both federal and local significance.

In Russia, state nature reserves, national parks, state nature reserves, natural monuments are of priority importance for the conservation of natural heritage and biological diversity. These categories are the most widespread and traditionally form the basis of the state network of specially protected natural areas.

A balance of protected areas with intensively exploited natural lands is possible only with an appropriate share of protected areas different categories in the total area sufficient to compensate for the loss of natural areas as a result of the irrational use of natural resources. This share should be much larger than at present. The more significantly the natural landscapes of a country (region, locality) are transformed, the greater should be the proportion of protected areas. The share of protected ecosystems (extensively exploited areas and protected areas) should be the highest in polar, tundra and, as well as in areas with. Foreign researchers recommend allocating 20-30% for protected areas, and 3-5% for protected areas - 3-5% of the total area. For Russia it is recognized optimal value in 5-6%.

The uniqueness and high degree of preservation of Russian protected areas make them an invaluable asset for all mankind. This is confirmed by the fact that a number of protected areas of various levels are included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.

State natural reserves

Reserves (according to the international classification - strict nature reserves) are zonal-representative areas of the biosphere forever withdrawn from the sphere of economic use, which have the properties of a natural standard and meet the tasks of biospheric monitoring.

In the territories of state nature reserves Protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna) of special environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance are completely withdrawn from economic use.

In accordance with the Law, state nature reserves are nature protection, research and environmental education institutions with the aim of preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

State natural reserves included in international system biosphere reserves for the implementation of global environmental monitoring, have the status of biosphere reserves.

The foundations of the modern network of state nature reserves were laid at the end of the 19th–20th centuries by the ideas of prominent natural scientists: V.V. , I.P. Borodin, G.F. Morozov, G.A. Kozhevnikov, V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and many others. The creation of nature reserves of national importance began in the then Russian Empire. In 1916, a regime of special protection of the Kedrovaya Pad tract was established and organizationally formalized in the current territory of the reserve of the same name. In the same year, the first nationwide reserve was created - Barguzinsky, on the shore, which is successfully functioning at the present time.

The network of state natural reserves is constantly expanding. Since 1992, 20 new reserves have been created, the territories of 11 and total area nature reserves in Russia increased by more than a third.

As of January 1, 2003, there were 100 state nature reserves in the Russian Federation with a total area of ​​33.231 million hectares, including terrestrial (with inland water bodies) - 27.046 million hectares, which is 1.58% of the entire territory of Russia. The main part (95) of state nature reserves are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources, 4 - in the system Russian Academy sciences, 1 - in the system of the Ministry of Education of Russia. The reserves are located in 66 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The system of Russian state nature reserves has wide international recognition. 21 reserves (highlighted on the map) have the international status of biosphere reserves (they have the appropriate UNESCO certificates), (Pechora-Ilychsky, Kronotsky, Baikalsky, Barguzinsky, Baikal-Lensky) are under the jurisdiction of the World Convention on the Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, 8 fall under the jurisdiction of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands international importance, 2 (Oksky and Teberdinsky) have diplomas of the Council of Europe.

In accordance with environmental legislation, state nature reserves are called upon to solve the following tasks:

a) implementation of the protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state;

b) organization and conduct of scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of Nature;

c) implementation of environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system, etc.

On the territories of state natural reserves, any activity that contradicts the listed tasks and the regime of their special protection is prohibited, i.e. disrupting the natural development of natural processes and threatening the state of natural complexes and objects. It is also prohibited to lease lands, waters and other natural resources of the territories of reserves.

At the same time, it is allowed to carry out measures aimed at preserving natural complexes in their natural state, restoring and preventing changes in their components as a result of anthropogenic impacts on the territories of reserves.

The territories of the so-called biospheric polygons can be attached to the territories of state natural biosphere reserves for conducting scientific research, environmental monitoring, as well as testing and implementing methods of rational nature management that do not destroy the natural environment and do not deplete biological resources. The protection of natural complexes and objects in the territories of state natural reserves is carried out by a special state inspection.

National parks

National parks (NPs), the next highest category of protected areas, are a special territorial form of nature protection at the federal level. They are considered as environmental institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. Therefore, they are used, along with environmental protection, for recreational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes.

All the world's diversity of national parks corresponds to a single international standard, enshrined in the decision General Assembly International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1969: “A national park is a relatively large area: 1) where one or more ecosystems are not significantly altered as a result of human exploitation and use, where animal and plant species, geomorphological sites and habitats constitute a scientific , educational and recreational interest or on which there are landscapes of amazing beauty; 2) on which the highest and competent authorities of the country have taken steps to prevent or eliminate all exploitation and use of its entire territory and to ensure the effective enforcement of the rules regarding the ecological and aesthetic features that led to its formation; 3) where visitors are allowed to enter with special permission for inspiration or educational, cultural and recreational purposes.”

The oldest national park in the world is (USA), created in 1872, i.e. almost 130 years ago. Since that time, the number of NPs on Earth has grown to 3,300.

In Russia, the first NPs - Losiny Ostrov and Sochi - were formed only in 1983. In a relatively short time, the number of Russian NPs reached 35, which is almost one third of the number of reserves, the system of which was formed over 80 years.

National parks include plots of land, its subsoil and water space with all the objects located within them, which are withdrawn from economic exploitation and transferred to the use of the national park (land and water areas of other land users may be included here).

The definition of NP is enshrined in the above-mentioned Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" (1995). National parks are nature protection, environmental education and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and which are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

The national parks of Russia are subordinated to a single governing body - the Ministry of Natural Resources (with the exception of Losiny Island, which is subordinate to the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

All NPs in Russia have a single list of main tasks: preservation of natural complexes, unique and standard natural sites and objects; restoration of disturbed natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects, etc.

In addition to the main tasks common to all NPs, each park, due to the specifics of its location, natural conditions and the history of the development of the territory, it also performs a number of additional functions. For example, NPs near large and / or popular tourist and recreational areas are designed to preserve a relatively slightly modified natural environment and historical and cultural objects from the impact of industry, forestry and / or Agriculture, as well as to prevent the degradation of ecosystems under the influence of mass recreation and tourism. Such tasks are solved by Losiny Ostrov, Nizhnyaya Kama, Russian North, and a number of other national parks.

The map "Specially Protected Natural Territories" shows that in some cases the territories of NPs and state reserves are in contact. Such NPs, to a certain extent, distract some of the visitors who wish to enter the territory of the reserve for purely recreational purposes. In national parks, they can find the necessary conditions for recreation and satisfy their cognitive needs.

For more successful fulfillment by the national park of many tasks, which sometimes may contradict each other, a differentiated protection regime is established on its territory, depending on natural, historical and other conditions. For this, functional zoning of the entire territory of the national park is carried out. In accordance with the Federal Law, up to 7 functional zones can be allocated in the national park. Some of them are basic, characteristic of all NPs without exception. These areas include:

  • reserved, within which any economic activity and recreational use of the territory are prohibited;
  • educational tourism, designed to organize environmental education and get acquainted with the sights of the national park. Sometimes this zone is combined with a recreational zone intended for recreation;
  • visitor service, designed to accommodate accommodation places, tent camps and other objects of tourist service, cultural, consumer and information services for visitors. Often it is combined with a zone of economic purpose, within which the economic activities necessary to ensure the functioning of national parks are carried out.

Along with these main ones, in many NPs there is a specially protected zone, which differs from the reserved one in that strictly regulated visits are allowed here. In some NPs, the zone of protection of historical and cultural objects is specially allocated if they are located compactly.

Along with the fact that each functional zone has its own regime for the protection and use of natural resources, there are types of economic activities that are prohibited throughout the territory of the NP. These are exploration and development; construction of main roads, pipelines, high-voltage lines and other communications; construction of economic and residential facilities not related to the activities of the NP; allocation of horticultural and summer cottages. In addition, final felling and passing felling are prohibited. It is forbidden to export objects of historical and cultural value from the territory of the parks.

If the NP is located in the area of ​​​​residence of the indigenous population, it is allowed to allocate special areas where traditional extensive, artisanal and. Related uses of natural resources are agreed with the administration of the park.

As already noted, when organizing a NP, the entire territory or part of it is withdrawn from the previous economic use and provided for the management of the park.

In each NP, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, scientific research is carried out. Their topics are very diverse: from the inventory of flora and fauna and environmental monitoring to specific problems of bioenergy, population ecology and etc.

Due to the high degree of preservation of natural complexes and their special value, as well as serious scientific research Russian NPs have received international recognition. Thus, the Yugyd Va National Park is included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List, the Vodlozersky National Park is included in the List of Biosphere Reserves of the planet.

A visit to the NP is carried out in the form of the so-called ecological tourism. It differs from the usual one by a system of interrelated tasks that are solved in the process of visiting a protected area: environmental education, raising the culture of the relationship between man and nature, cultivating a sense of personal responsibility for the fate of nature.

As the map shows, NPs are distributed extremely unevenly across the territory of Russia. More than half of the NPs are concentrated in the European part of the country. In the regions of the Far North and Far East so far no NP has been created. In the vast Far East and Far North, the creation of new NPs is required and work on their design is being carried out very actively.

State natural reserves and monuments of nature

Sanctuaries were originally only a form of protection and their inhabitants. They were created for a certain period of time necessary to restore depleted hunting resources. To date, the range of their activities has been significantly expanded.

According to the Federal Law, state natural reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.

Depending on the specific tasks of protecting the natural environment and natural resources, state natural reserves can be landscape (complex), biological (botanical or zoological), hydrological (lake, river, sea), paleontological and geological.

Complex (landscape) reserves are intended for the conservation and restoration of natural complexes (natural landscapes) as a whole. Biological (botanical and zoological) are created to preserve and restore the abundance of rare and endangered species (subspecies, populations) of plants and animals, as well as economically, scientifically and culturally valuable ones. In order to preserve the places of finds and accumulations of remains or fossilized specimens of fossil animals and plants of particular scientific importance, paleontological reserves are being created. Hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea) reserves are designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems. To preserve valuable objects and complexes of inanimate nature (peat bogs, deposits of minerals and other minerals, remarkable landforms and landscape elements associated with them), geological reserves are created.

Territories (water areas) may be declared state nature reserves both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and proprietors of these sites.

On the territories of state nature reserves and their individual sections, any activity that is contrary to the goals of creating reserves or that harms natural complexes and their components is permanently or temporarily prohibited or restricted. In the territories of the reserves, where small ethnic communities live, the use of natural resources is allowed in forms that ensure the protection of the habitat and the preservation of their traditional way of life.

There are state nature reserves of federal and regional (local) significance. Reserves of federal significance are distinguished by a stricter protection regime, complexity, and an unlimited duration. They perform the functions of conservation, restoration and reproduction of natural resources, maintaining the overall ecological balance.

There are about 3,000 state nature reserves in the Russian Federation with a total area of ​​over 60 million hectares. As of January 1, 2002, there were 68 federal nature reserves with a total area of ​​13.2 million hectares. Among them is the largest state natural reserve - Franz Josef Land (within the archipelago of the same name) with a total area of ​​​​about 4.2 million hectares.

Although state nature reserves are a category of protected areas more than low level than nature reserves and national parks, their role in nature protection is very large, which is confirmed by giving them the status of international environmental organizations (19 federal and regional state nature reserves are under the jurisdiction of the Ramsar Convention).

Monuments of nature— unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. Depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other value of protected natural complexes and objects, natural monuments may have federal or regional significance.

World natural heritage sites are highlighted on the map. As of January 1, 2002, the UNESCO List of Natural Heritage Sites from the Russian Federation included 6 natural sites with a total area of ​​17 million hectares: Virgin forests of Komi, Lake Baikal, Volcanoes, Golden Mountains, Western Caucasus, Central Sikhote-Alin.

Virgin forests of Komi, the object includes the territories of the Yugyd Va National Park, the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve and the buffer zone between them, is the largest array of primary forests, with an area of ​​3.3 million hectares, of those remaining in Europe.

Lake Baikal, is a huge area, with an area of ​​3.15 million hectares, which makes this object one of the largest in the entire UNESCO List. This area includes unique lake with an island and smaller islands, as well as the entire natural immediate environment of Baikal within the boundaries of the 1st catchment area, which has the status of a “coastal protective strip”. About half of the entire area of ​​this strip is occupied by protected areas of the Baikal region (Barguzinsky, Baikalsky and Baikal-Lensky reserves, Pribaikalsky, Zabaikalsky and partially Tunkinsky national parks, Frolikhinsky and Kabansky reserves).

Volcanoes of Kamchatka- an object of the so-called cluster type, consisting of 5 separate territories with a total area of ​​3.9 million hectares. It includes the territories of the Kronotsky Reserve; Bystrinsky, Nalychevsky and South Kamchatsky; Southwestern tundra and South Kamchatka reserves. This is the only region in the world where such a number of active and extinct volcanoes, fumaroles (smoking fissures of volcanoes), geysers, thermal and mineral springs, mud volcanoes and boilers, hot lakes and lava flows are concentrated in a relatively small area.

Into the region Golden Mountains of Altai entered Altai Reserve; a three-kilometer security strip around; Katunsky Reserve; Belukha natural park, Ukok calm zone with faunal reserve regime. The total area of ​​the site is more than 1.6 million hectares. It is located at the junction of two large physical and geographical regions: Central Asia and Siberia and is characterized by a uniquely high biodiversity and landscape contrast from the nival-glacial belt. The region is of key importance in the conservation of many endemics, as well as endangered representatives of the animal world and, first of all, the snow leopard.

Western Caucasus is a territory (total area of ​​about 300 thousand hectares), unique both in terms of richness of natural objects and biodiversity, and in beauty. Among geographers, biologists and ecologists from all over the world, it is famous, first of all, for its mountain forests with a large participation of relict and endemic flora, as well as for the richness and diversity of fauna.

Central Sikhote-Alin- it includes the Sikhote-Alinsky reserve and the goral reserve. A number of neighboring territories of other protected areas may also become part of this object in the future.

To List world heritage included Curonian Spit National Park. This is a narrow sandy strip separating the Curonian Lagoon from its open water area. Despite the high landscape value of this site from scientific, environmental and aesthetic points of view, in 2000 it was included in the List as a cultural heritage site, not a natural one.
