Human activity in the steppes of Russia. Characteristics of the steppes of Russia The main types of economic activity in the steppe

These are the most unsuitable regions of Russia for the economy. The soil here is represented by permafrost and covered with ice. Therefore, neither animal husbandry nor crop production is possible here. There is only fishing here.

Rice. 1. The most unsuitable natural area for farming is the Arctic Desert

Tundra and forest tundra

Natural conditions are not much better than in polar deserts. Only indigenous people live in the tundra. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, reindeer herding. What changes did the person make here? The soil of these areas is rich in gas and oil. Therefore, they are actively mined here. This results in significant pollution. environment.

forest zone

This includes taiga, mixed and broadleaf forests. The climate is temperate, characterized cold winter and relatively warm summer. Due to the large number of forests, vegetation and animal world. Favorable conditions allow various species to thrive economic activity person. Built in these regions a large number of factories and plants. Here they are engaged in animal husbandry, agriculture, fishing, woodworking industry. This is one of the natural areas modified by man to the greatest extent.

Rice. 2. There is active deforestation in the world

Forest-steppes and steppes

These natural and economic zones are characterized by a warm climate and insufficient rainfall. The soil here is the most fertile, and the animal world is very diverse. Agriculture and animal husbandry flourish most of all in these regions. Various varieties of vegetables and fruits, cereals are grown here. Coal and iron ore are actively mined. This leads to a distortion of the relief and the destruction of some species of animals and plants.

Semi-deserts and deserts

It is not the most favorable conditions for human economic activity. The climate is hot and dry. The soil is desert, not fertile. The main type of economic activity in the deserts is animal husbandry. The population here breeds sheep, rams, horses. The need to graze animals leads to the final disappearance of vegetation.

Rice. 3. Livestock in the desert

Subtropics and tropics

This region has been the most affected by human activity. This is due to the fact that it was here that civilizations were born and the use of these areas has been going on for a very long time.


Explanatory note.

“… The beautiful landscape has
such a great educational
influence on the development of the young soul,
hard to compete with
influence of the teacher…”
K.D. Ushinsky

Students must understand the integrity of nature: man is not separate from nature, but is an integral part of it. Geography lessons should show that human culture is formed and developed in a certain geographical environment that influences them, directs them, and itself changes under their influence.

The lessons should help to connect the material and spiritual events in the life of mankind with a certain geographical situation and contribute to the humanization of geography. The formation of an environmentally educated person involves an incessant combination cognitive activity with emotional perception of nature. Therefore, the knowledge of nature will be more accessible and interesting if you use integration. In this lesson, when forming the image of the steppe, the knowledge gained in the lessons of literature, biology, visual arts, stories. Usage fiction, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists will help to direct the formation of artistic and figurative thinking, develop aesthetic taste, the ability to perceive and understand beauty. The integration of these subjects will contribute to a holistic perception of the topic being studied, will allow students to see the relationship between different disciplines, increase interest in the material being studied, and turn educational work into a process of creative knowledge.

In this lesson, it is advisable to apply a group form of work, which will ensure that the individual characteristics of students are taken into account, and will contribute to the formation of their skills of cooperation and communication. This lesson will require a preparatory period. The class must be divided into five groups - these are specialists in certain areas (climatologists, botanists, zoologists, soil scientists, ecologists). Each group will receive a task card for their mini-research. The result of the search activity of the group is evaluated by other groups (mutual control) using the method of color signal objects (red - excellent, green - good, yellow - satisfactory).

Checking the degree of assimilation of new material is carried out taking into account the level of preparedness of students in the class: both simple tasks and questions of an increased level are offered (make a chain of cause and effect relationships). The material of the lesson is designed for students with different forms of perception: visual and auditory.

The purpose of this work: description of the integrated geography lesson on the topic “Natural and economic zones of Russia. Steppes.”


  1. Study the literature on this topic.
  2. Use an integrative approach to conducting geography lessons.
  3. Apply group, individual and frontal form of work to increase the effectiveness of the lesson.
  4. Show the possibilities of geography lessons for educating students in love for the Motherland and patriotism.

Lesson outline.

  1. Formation of students' concept of the natural zone of the steppe.
  2. Improving the ability of students to compare maps and make a comprehensive description of natural areas.
  3. Formation of a feeling of love for the Motherland.


  1. Deepen knowledge about the patterns of placement of natural areas;
  2. Form an image of the steppe;
  3. To study the features of the components in the steppe zone;
  4. Assess the impact of human economic activity on the steppe;
  5. To form the ability to compare cards;
  6. Compile a comprehensive description of the natural zone;
  7. To form the ability to reflect on their activities;
  8. Engage students in the content educational material, to awaken a sense of patriotism, to see the beauty of Russian nature, to arouse the desire to preserve it.

Lesson type - integrated lesson.

Technologies - intragroup differentiation.

- partial search;
- visual and illustrative;
- verbal;
- practical.

Form of work - group, frontal, individual.

Equipment: physical map, map of natural areas of Russia, excerpts from works of art, paintings with steppe landscapes.

I. Preparatory stage.

In the previous lesson, the class is divided into 5 groups - climatologists, botanists, zoologists,

Soil scientists, ecologists. Each group is given a card - a task. (Annex 1)..

One student (at his request) is given the task - to prepare a message

“The Image of the Steppes in the Works of Russian Artists”.

II. Organization of activities in the classroom.

1. Organizational moment.

The topic of the lesson and the objectives of the lesson are called. Students write the topic in their notebook. Epigraph on the board.

Oh, you, my wide steppe
Steppe, yes steppe - expanse edges.
All your paths are paths
It is difficult for the sun to get around in a day
Russian folk song

Introductory speech of the teacher about the natural change of the forest zone by forest-steppe and steppe. Since there is almost no forest-steppe left due to plowing, we will talk about the steppe. Our lesson will be integrated, in order to compile a comprehensive description of the steppe zone, you will use the knowledge acquired in the lessons of literature, fine arts, biology and history.

According to what plan do we study the natural area? (The points of the plan are called.)

In what sequence does the natural zones change in Russia from north to south?

2. Creating an image of the steppe.

1) Each student receives an excerpt from A.P. Chekhov "Steppe".

Suggested keywords:
wide, endless, wide, mixed herbs,
monotonous, stuffy and dull, sultry, many birds and insects.

In the course of a frontal conversation, we summarize - What is the main feature of the steppes?


2) Before you lies a poem by Surkov I.Z. What are the keywords that depict the steppe here?

A poem is read.

You go, you go - the steppe and the sky,
They definitely have no end
And stands above the steppe,
Silence is mute.

Unbearable heat
The air is so full
How noisy the grass is thick
Only the ear hears

You go, you go - the steppe and the sky
Steppe, all steppe, like the sea ...
And involuntarily upset
In such space

FROM. Surkov

3) Frontal conversation: And in what other works that you studied did you come across a description of the steppe?

Gogol "Taras Bulba".
Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow".
Fet, Tyutchev.

4) Not only writers and poets, but also artists sang of the steppe ... Uskov Dima prepared messages “The Image of the Steppe in the Works of Russian Artists”.

Student presentation with a prepared message.

5) For many Russian writers, poets, artists, the steppe evoked a feeling of delight, admiration and became a source of inspiration.

Why do Russian writers and artists love the steppe so much?

With its expanses, it reflects the essence of the Russian character.

The famous Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky proved that nature influences not only the form of economy, but also the psychology of the people inhabiting the territory. She builds characters.

What, in your opinion, features of the Russian national character were formed under the influence of the steppe expanses?

The breadth of the soul, liberty, prowess, endurance, swiftness, intolerance.

Why are the villages in the forest zone small, and in the steppes settlements-villages - reach several thousand people?

In the steppe, a flat plain stretches to the very horizon, which seems to have no end and edge. One feels lost in this infinite space. But here is black soil and this is an excess of products. Perhaps that is why people were accommodated in thousands of villages - villages along the banks of the rivers, and the rivers lead to the seas. and these are trade routes.

3. Work on the map (frontal conversation).

– Using a map of natural areas, determine geographical position steppe zones?
- What subjects of the Russian Federation are located within this zone?
– What major cities are located in the steppe zone?

4. Organization of class work in groups to identify the characteristics of the steppes.

Each group in turn presents the results of their search activities, formulates theses, which all students write down in a table.

To evaluate the work of the group, mutual control is carried out using the method of color signal objects (red color - excellent, green - good, yellow - satisfactory).

III. Checking the assimilation of new material.

Checking the assimilation of new material is carried out taking into account the level differentiation 1. During the quiz “Troubles from the barrel” aimed at checking the assimilation of the main content at three levels:

  • at the level of perception. comprehension and memorization;
  • at the level of applying knowledge according to the model;
  • at the level of application of knowledge in a new situation.

The quiz is competitive in nature between groups. Evaluation is carried out as a result of mutual control using the method of color signal objects (red - excellent, green - good, yellow - satisfactory). The result is added to the already existing group work results.

2. In the process of drawing up a causal chain and performing test tasks.

Task for leaders in groups: Make a causal chain from the following statements:

A) Vegetation is annual grasses;
B) Located in the south of Russia;
C) the main granary of the country;
D) Animals - rodents, insects, ungulates, birds;
E) Soils - chernozems;
E) Winter is cold, summer is hot, moisture is insufficient.

(Control is carried out by the teacher on a five-point system.)

Task for other group members: complete test tasks on the topic “Steppes”.

(The work is done by students individually on answer sheets. Assessment is carried out in the course of self-control - comparing their answers with the standard on the board.)

IV. Summing up the lesson.

1. Answers to the teacher's questions (frontal work).

Teacher: What new did you learn in the lesson?
What did you like about the lesson?

V. Homework.

For all students: § 35, mark the steppe zone on the contour map.

Individual: find additional material about the reserves of the steppe zone.

Annex 2.

Appendix 3.


A modern lesson is a lesson when a student can say :

“I myself, under the guidance of a teacher, acquire and assimilate new knowledge, research the facts myself and draw conclusions.”

This lesson is one of the options aimed not at simple memorization, but at the intellectual activity of students. Lesson type - integrated. The integration of subjects contributes to a holistic perception of the topic being studied, allows students to see the relationship between different disciplines, increases interest in learning, broadens their horizons. The use of fiction in this lesson contributed to the development of artistic taste. The use of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists made it possible to direct the lesson to the formation of artistic and figurative thinking, the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to perceive, understand and love beauty. Using the knowledge of biology, conclusions were drawn about the adaptation of plants and animals in the steppe zone and food chains were drawn up. In this lesson, a group form of work was used in combination with work on creative tasks. Each group (“climatologists”, “biologists”, “zoologists”, “soil scientists”, “ecologists”) worked on their own creative task. Separate fragments of the lesson were prepared by students in the form of a multimedia presentation. The experience of organizing a group form of activity is relevant and promising - modern education requires the school, and therefore the teacher, to preserve the mental and physical health of children, support their initiative, independence, preserve the optimistic self-esteem with which the child comes to school, form his skills of cooperation and communication. When preparing groups, individual characteristics of students were taken into account. The tasks were offered both orally and in writing, which made it possible to involve students with different forms of perception as much as possible. The preparation of groups was based on the technology of intra-group differentiation - students received tasks of different levels of complexity. This technology was also used to test the assimilation of new material. In this lesson, the ability to reflect on their activities was formed. To assess the effectiveness of the lesson, self-control and mutual control were used. The idea of ​​raising patriotism, turning to the father's heritage, respect and pride in the land on which you live runs like a red thread through the entire content of the lesson.

The forest-steppe is a natural zone, which is characterized by the alternation of forest and steppe. Accordingly, both the flora and fauna of the designated zones alternate. From here it is easy to see that this territory got its name precisely because of this feature.

The definition of "forest-steppe" came into wide use not so long ago: after the publication of Dokuchaev's works. Prior to this, the term "pre-steppe" was popular (it was introduced by Beketov).

The geographical position of the forest-steppes of Russia

Considering Eurasia, we can say that this natural zone extends from the Carpathian ridge (the territory of Europe) and ending with the Altai Territory, passing through the lands of Ukraine and, in part, through the territories of Kazakhstan and Russia.

There are isolated forest-steppe zones, for example, in the intermountain depressions of Siberia, in Mongolia, on Far East and in Northeast China. You should know that, for example, North America also has a forest-steppe zone.

In Russia, the forest-steppe zone is located mainly in the south, in the southern part of the Urals, in the Altai Territory. The border of the forest-steppe in Russian Federation designated by such cities as Kursk and Ryazan, since behind them the forest zone already begins.

Forest-steppe - a characteristic of the natural zone

The description of this natural area includes information about the relief, climate, basic soils, flora and fauna.


The relief of the forest-steppe is flat, with small lowlands and slight slopes. There are beams and ravines. Sometimes the monotony of the forest-steppe is broken by hollows and mounds.

A characteristic feature of this territory are steppe saucers - hollows of a rounded shape.


Here dominates the most best type soil - black soil. Due to the different composition of the flora, carbonates and negative moisture balance, these soils are manifested here.

It is worth noting: the forest-steppe is characterized by a fast and abundant humus-accumulative process, so here the most high performance humus content.

Also in the forest-steppe there are such types of soils:

  • sulfur forest soils;
  • dark gray forest soils;
  • podzolized chernozems;
  • leached chernozems;
  • typical chernozems;
  • chernozems are medium humus.

Soil composition changes as you move from north to south.

Climate and climate zone

This area is characterized by a rather warm and dry climate: the so-called frost-free period lasts from 105 to 165 days.

The most heat for the forest-steppe - this is plus forty degrees (in the shade), and low - minus thirty-six degrees, but this is rare.

Most often it is dominated by moderate temperatures Therefore, this type of climate is called temperate continental. Annual amount precipitation is approximately equal to the amount of evaporated moisture.


There is a wide variety of flora in the forest-steppe zone. Deciduous forests predominate (the most common tree is oak), there are also many types of grasses and shrubs here, and in Western Siberia there are also many birch trees.

The special climatic conditions of the forest-steppe have a positive effect on vegetation.


It can be said that both steppe and forest fauna live in the forest-steppe, and the diversity of animals changes as you move from south to north.

Typical inhabitants of the forest-steppe:

  • earth hare;
  • jerboa;
  • marmot;
  • bobak;
  • ferret;
  • rodents;
  • bustard;
  • fox;
  • wolf;
  • squirrel;
  • black grouse and others.

Birds in the forest-steppe:

  • stork;
  • hawk;
  • eagle;
  • partridge;
  • lark;
  • thrush;
  • woodpecker and others.

Ecological problems of the forest-steppe

Unfortunately, today more and more trees are being cut down, and steppes are being plowed up, which leads to the disappearance of a unique flora forest-steppe.

The main negative factors contributing to the emergence of environmental problems in the forest-steppe zone:

  • plowing land in the steppes;
  • grazing;
  • deforestation;
  • fires.

This leads to the depletion of the soil and the extinction of the flora, which leads to the fact that the animals also die.

Economic activity in the forest-steppes and steppes

The main industries and occupations of the population:

  1. This is the "breadbasket" of Russia: thanks to favorable conditions for agricultural production, sunflower, sugar beet, fruit and berry crops are grown here. But due to the high degree of plowing, the use of new arable land on the territory of the Russian Plain has been stopped.
  2. In comparison with the steppe, the forest-steppe land contains the richest mineral resources: iron ores, oil, coal, oil shale, gas, phosphorites and more.
  3. Many inhabitants of the forest-steppe are engaged in sheep and poultry farming, which distinguishes this zone as developed in the dairy and meat industry.
  4. Breeding yaks, goats.

In addition to the main activities, this climate zone people are engaged in fishing, hunting, breeding camels, goats, yaks and horses.

An interesting feature of this zone is the presence of both powerful forests and a developed grass cover, which creates a unique terrain.

Plants in the steppe regions of this natural zone can easily tolerate both high humidity and drought.


Forest steppe is an important geographical area: in this territory there are the main reserves of many minerals, thanks to the most fertile soils, irreplaceable crops grow here. This territory is one of the main producers of meat, milk and wool.

How is the use of the steppe by man, you will learn from this article.

Human use of the steppe

What is a steppe?

Steppe- This is a natural zone, which is located in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Earth. Its main feature is the almost complete absence of woody vegetation. This is due to the low amount of precipitation, usually 250-500 mm per year. As a rule, steppes are located in the interior regions of the continents, since their formation took place under the influence of a strong continental climate. The steppes occupy vast expanses North America and Eurasia eastern part South American subtropical zone (here they are called pampas), the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

Steppe zone: human use

The economic use of the steppe takes place in the most active way. The zone contains the most important areas of agriculture in the world. Its soils are the most fertile on the planet. Among them are the chernozems of the steppes Southern Siberia And of Eastern Europe, Brown Soils Of America. The only problem that farmers face is the lack of moisture, the inability to winter period to grow plants. The steppe is an excellent area for growing agricultural crops: corn, wheat, sunflowers, as well as eggplants and fruits.

The possibility of using the resources of the steppe by man consists in the development of mineral deposits. The salt lakes of Ulzhay, Ebeyty and the Medet group are rich in reserves of therapeutic mud, mineral salts, and brine. They are actively used in health resorts of the region for balneological purposes. Steppe lakes produce millions of tons of salt per year. This is table salt, soda, Glauber's salt (mirabilite). Lake silt is used to make medicines for the treatment of nervous and skin diseases, bone tuberculosis and rheumatism.

Private-lease agricultural enterprise "Mazharka" operates in the zone of risky farming - in the northern steppe subzone Ukrainian steppe, in the Kegichevsky district of the Kharkiv region. Since the founding of the enterprise (2002), Vladimir Valenko has been in charge, and the chief agronomist is Alexander Samoylyuk, who has 35 years of experience in his specialty.

The land fund of agriculture is about 2000 hectares, the machine and tractor park is equipped with modern equipment, including tractors, seeders, a silage harvester, a self-propelled sprayer and tillage units. The crop rotation structure includes sunflower (300 ha), corn + sunflower (450 ha), barley (200 ha), annual grasses (300 ha), sorghum-sudanese and sugar hybrids (350 ha), as well as wheat and perennial fodder grasses. "Mazharka" is a powerful diversified farm, therefore, in addition to growing field crops (grain and industrial), they also keep more than a thousand head of cattle, there are sheep and horses.

In agriculture, only Hi-tech and despite the difficult and unpredictable conditions of a typical Steppe, today the Mazharka Private Private Joint-Stock Company is one of the leaders in the region in terms of production indicators. In particular, the yield of corn for grain last year was more than 71 centners per hectare (by the way, drought-resistant hybrids of the Artezian line were adopted here), barley - about 33 centners, sunflower - at least 30 centners per hectare (oilseeds are grown on the farm according to traditional and Express Sun technologies). In agriculture, they completely switched to energy-saving processing technology and abandoned the use of traditional plowing - only deep loosening up to 35 cm, disking. In this way, the soil structure is preserved and moisture is accumulated.

Due attention is paid in agriculture to the protection of crops: despite various limiting factors, protective treatments of crops are carried out in a timely manner and in the required volumes. If necessary, in case of non-standard situations, additional chemical treatments are also performed.

Since the company opened economic activity in the steppe, the agronomist has to think carefully about the structure of crop rotations in order to provide the farm with decent harvests and maintain the fertility of the land, which still has a high supply of humus (5-6%), in addition, humus obtained from its own production facilities is applied to the fields every seven years . Features of economic activity in the steppe zone are that the rainless period often exceeds 100 days. But even under such conditions, the farm manages to obtain a corn crop of 245 centners per hectare (for silage) and 380 centners per hectare (for silage) of American sorghum. By the way, last year we had to re-sow winter wheat with sorghum-Sudanese hybrid Ute BMR. Despite the fact that the first rain was expected in June, 330 c/ha of silage was collected. This year, after harvesting winter wheat, the enterprise plans to sow the sorghum-Sudanese hybrid Koso, which is capable of rapid growth of green mass. And the leaders are ready for a bold experiment, which involves the overseeding of sorghum-Sudanese sorghum in the existing crops of winter barley. After discussing all the possible risks, they are sure that there is none. the best option than this one. Barley is sown on an area of ​​200 hectares. Sorghum is planned to be oversowed across rows of barley with a seeding rate of 200,000 germinating seeds per hectare and a row spacing of 70 cm. Subsequently, after mowing the barley, sorghum will continue to grow. In general, in 2019, sorghum crops on the farm will amount to 350 hectares, of which 250 hectares are sorghum-Sudanese hybrids (Ute CMP and Koso) and 100 hectares are sugar hybrids (Mohawk and G1990). The juicy, racemeless hybrid of sorghum G1990 will improve the ensiling of corn, which, in case of heat and drought, loses the moisture of the green mass. Before sowing, sorghum seeds are inoculated with BioArsenal, which is poured into the seed tanks of the seeder along with the seeds.

BioArsenal is a universal inoculant containing fungi Beauveria bassiana, strain mg301 (gha), Beauveria bassiana, strain mg302 (db-1) and bacteria Azospirillum spp. - mg401, Azotobacter spp. - mg402 as well as vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and other biologically active substances. Thanks to the inoculation of seeds, mineral nutrition, resistance to diseases and soil pests are improved, and also, which is important for the Steppe zone, drought resistance and heat resistance of plants.

To avoid repeated frosts, it is planned to start sowing silage sorghum in the first ten days of May, and sorghum-Sudanese hybrids - after harvesting winter wheat. The agronomist noted that sugar sorghum loves aphids because it is juicy and sweet, but silage sorghum of American selection from DP "Reilin" is resistant to aphids. That is why in the past 2018 there was no need to carry out insecticidal treatments against aphids.

Have a great harvest!

G. Lutsko, expert on agronomic issues, DP "Reilin"

ODiplom // State Medical University // 04/01/2014

Influence natural conditions And natural resources on the territorial organization of society.

Natural factors have played and continue to play a crucial role in the life and development of human society.

The concept of "natural factors" usually includes the following categories: natural conditions, natural resources, sustainability of landscapes and the ecological situation, which we will consider further mainly from the standpoint of management science.

Natural conditions are understood as a set of the most important natural characteristics of the territory, reflecting the main features of the components of the natural environment or local natural phenomena.

Natural conditions directly affect the life and economic activity of the population. On them depend: the resettlement of the population, the development and distribution of productive forces, their specialization. They determine the cost and, consequently, the competitiveness of manufactured products, which is especially important for countries with a significant spread of extreme natural features, including Russia.

Among the components of the natural environment, as a rule, climate, geological environment, surface and ground waters, soils, biota, and landscapes are considered as characteristics of natural conditions.

An additional, but very important characteristic of natural conditions is the prevalence of local natural phenomena - adverse and dangerous natural phenomena, which include natural disasters and natural foci of infections.

Climatic features areas are manifested primarily in the ratio of heat and moisture.

The amount of heat required to complete the vegetation cycle (growth period) is called the biological sum of temperatures. Thermal resources determine the energy of plant growth.

As the world's largest country in terms of territory (about 17 million sq. km), Russia is characterized by a significant variety of climatic conditions. At the same time, it should be emphasized that Russia as a whole is the northernmost and coldest country in the world, which affects its economy, economy, many aspects of the life of the population and politics. The consequence of climatic conditions is permafrost, which covers an area equal to almost 10 million square meters. km.

The specifics of permafrost must be taken into account when creating engineering structures: pipelines, bridges, railways and roads, power lines and other infrastructure facilities.

Hydration manifests itself primarily in the form precipitation, is the second most important climatic factor. It is necessary for the entire period of plant life. The lack of moisture leads to a sharp decrease in yield. To identify the conditions for moistening a particular territory, they operate with indicators of the amount of precipitation and the magnitude of possible evaporation. In Russia, territories with excessive moisture predominate; excess of precipitation over evaporation.

The most important factors in the formation of the natural specificity of the region are the relief and geological structure. Influencing all components of the natural environment, the relief contributes to the emergence of differences in landscapes and at the same time is itself affected by natural zonality And altitudinal zonality. Engineering-geological conditions of the area reflect the composition, structure and dynamics of the upper horizons of the earth's crust in connection with the economic (engineering) activities of man. On the basis of engineering and geological studies, the most favorable places for the placement of various types of economic facilities are determined, calculations of the stability of rocks during construction work, processing of banks after filling reservoirs, stability of dams are carried out, requirements for the construction of structures in permafrost conditions are determined, excessive moisture surfaces in seismic, karst, landslide areas, etc. Accounting for mining and geological conditions is vital in all areas of economic activity, but especially in urban planning, transport and hydraulic engineering construction.

For agriculture and a number of other sectors of the economy essential have soil conditions. Soil is a special natural body formed as a result of the transformation of the surface layer of the earth's crust under the influence of water, air and biota and combines the properties of living and inanimate nature. The value properties of the soil are reflected in its fertility - the ability to provide plants with digestible nutrients and moisture and create conditions for harvesting.

Under the biota in the natural sciences understand the historically established set of living organisms that live on any large territory, i.e. fauna and flora of this area. The characteristic of the natural conditions of the area also includes an assessment of vegetation and wildlife.

In Russia, the main types of vegetation include tundra, forest, meadow and steppe. Among various types vegetation a special place belongs to the forest. Their ecological and economic value is high, as well as their unique environment-forming role on the planet.

Natural conditions affect almost all aspects Everyday life population, features of its work, rest and life, people's health and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions. The total assessment of natural conditions is determined by the level of their comfort for a person. To measure it, up to 30 parameters are used (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind regime, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.)

According to the level of comfort, there are:

1. extreme territories (polar regions, alpine regions of high latitudes, etc.);

2. uncomfortable territories - areas with harsh natural conditions, unsuitable for life of non-indigenous, unadapted population; subdivided into cold humid ( arctic deserts, tundra), arid territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as mountainous areas;

3. hypercomfortable territories - areas with limited favorable natural conditions for the resettlement population; subdivided into boreal (forests of the temperate zone) and semiarid (steppes of the temperate zone);

4. precomfortable territories - areas with minor deviations from the natural optimum for the formation of a permanent population;

5. comfortable territories - areas with almost ideal conditions external environment for the life of the population; characteristic of the southern part of the temperate zone, in Russia they are represented by small areas.

Natural conditions are of paramount importance for those industries National economy that operate outdoors. These are agriculture, forestry and water management. Almost all types of construction are in great dependence on natural conditions. The natural parameters of the territory have a significant impact on the organization of urban utilities.

In the north and in other regions with extreme natural conditions, there is a need to create special technical equipment adapted to these conditions, for example, with an increased margin of safety.

A specific form of natural conditions are inherently unfavorable and dangerous phenomena nature (NOA) or natural disasters

Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes and storms, tornadoes, typhoons, landslides, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, forest and peat fires are among the most common and at the same time dangerous for humans. Typical examples of adverse natural phenomena are droughts, frosts, severe frosts, thunderstorms, heavy or prolonged rains, hail and some others.

Vital in many cases, protection from NOA inevitably leads to a significant increase in the cost of building and maintaining cities and communications; technologies adapted to increased loads or capable of preventing dangerous impacts.

Natural resources are represented by those elements of the natural environment that can be used in the process material production at this stage in the development of society. They are used to obtain industrial and food raw materials, electricity generation, etc.

As the basis of any production, they are divided into:

1. subsoil resources (these include all types of mineral raw materials and fuel);

2. biological, land and water resources;

3. resources of the World Ocean;

4. recreational resources.

On the basis of exhaustibility, natural resources are divided into exhaustible and inexhaustible.

Exhaustible resources are divided into non-renewable and renewable. Inexhaustible natural resources include water, climatic and space resources, the resources of the World Ocean.

Mineral resources remain an indispensable basis for the development of any society. According to the nature of industrial and sectoral use, they are divided into three large groups:

- fuel or combustible - liquid fuel(oil), gaseous (usable gas), solid (coal, oil shale, peat), nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium). These are the main sources of energy for most types of transport, thermal and nuclear power plants, blast furnaces. All of them, except for nuclear fuel, are used in the chemical industry;

- metal ore - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare, precious metals, rare and rare earth metals. They form the basis for the development of modern engineering;

- non-metallic - mining and chemical raw materials (asbestos, graphite,

- mica, talc), building materials (clays, sands, limestones),

— agrochemical raw materials (sulphur, salts, phosphorites, and apatites), etc.

The economic-geographical assessment of mineral resources is a complex concept and includes three types of assessments.

It includes: a quantitative assessment of individual resources (for example, coal in tons, gas, wood in cubic meters, etc.), its value increases as the exploration of the resource increases and decreases j as it is exploited; technological, technical (reveals the suitability of resources for economic purposes, their condition and knowledge, the degree of exploration and availability) and cost (in monetary terms).

The total value of explored and estimated mineral resources is 28.6 (or 30.0) trillion US dollars, of which one third is gas (32.2%), 23.3 is coal, 15.7 is oil, and the forecast potential is at 140.2 trillion US dollars (structure: 79.5% - solid fuel, 6.9 - gas, 6.5 - oil).

The natural resource potential of Russia is distributed unevenly across the territory. The main and most promising sources of natural wealth are located mainly in the East and North of the country and are removed from the developed areas at very considerable distances. The eastern regions account for 90% of the reserves of all fuel resources, more than 80% of hydropower, a high proportion of non-ferrous and rare metal ores.

Nature has a huge impact on human economic activity. Climatic features, relief, inland waters, permafrost, soils largely predetermine the specialization of agriculture. Natural conditions influence the development of many industries (mining, forestry, hydropower, etc.).

Human economic activity

For non-traditional types of energy - wind, tidal, geothermal, solar, the natural factor is generally decisive. The natural specificity of the territory affects the features of construction, the development of transport and the resort economy.

To prove this, let us cite as an example the types of human agricultural activities in the tundra and steppe zone.

In the tundra zone, located in the subarctic climatic zone, where the average July temperature barely reaches + 8 ° C and the entire territory is covered with permafrost with an abundance of swamps and absolutely infertile waterlogged and frozen tundra-gley soils, crop production in open field impossible.

The most important branches of agricultural specialization here are the traditional occupations of the inhabitants of the Far North - reindeer herding, hunting and fishing.

In the steppe zone, located in the southern regions of the temperate climate zone, where the average July temperatures are + 22°С, with insufficient moisture, fertile black earth soils, crop production becomes the leading branch of agricultural specialization.

Agriculture here is a developed and diversified form of activity. In the steppe zone, wheat, corn, sugar beet, sunflower, essential oil crops are grown, vegetable growing, melon growing, horticulture and partly viticulture are developed.

Among the branches of animal husbandry, dairy and meat and meat and dairy cattle breeding, horse breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding and poultry farming have been developed here.

Nature has an impact on human economic activity.

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With the advent and improvement of man, the evolutionary processes of the biosphere have undergone a significant change. At the dawn of its appearance, man had a predominantly local impact on the environment. This was expressed, first of all, in meeting the minimum needs for food and housing.

Ancient hunters, with a decrease in the number of game animals, moved to hunt in other places. Ancient farmers and pastoralists, if the soil was depleted or there was less food, they developed new lands. At the same time, the population of the planet was small. Almost completely absent any industrial production. A small amount of waste and pollution generated at that time as a result of human activities did not pose a danger.

Everything could be utilized due to the destructive function of living matter.

The growth of the world's population, the successful development of animal husbandry, agriculture and scientific and technological progress determined the further development of mankind.

More than 7 billion people now live on Earth, by 2030

this number will grow to 10 billion, and by 2050 - up to 12.5 billion people. Providing the population of the Earth with food and energy resources is already an acute problem. Today, about 70% of the world's population lives in countries where there is a constant shortage of food. Non-renewable natural resources are declining catastrophically.

For example, according to scientists' forecasts, humanity will use up all the reserves of metals over the next 200 years.

The economic activity of man present stage increasingly demonstrates negative examples of the impact on the biosphere. These include: environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, land desertification, soil erosion. Natural communities are also violated, forests are cut down, rare species plants and animals.

Environmental pollution

Environmental pollution- the entry into the environment of new, uncharacteristic for it solid, liquid and gaseous substances or the excess of their natural level in the environment, which has a negative impact on the biosphere.

Air pollution

Clean air is essential for the life of all living organisms.

In many countries, the problem of maintaining its purity is a state priority. The main cause of air pollution is the combustion of fossil fuels. Of course, he still plays a leading role in providing energy to all sectors of the economy. To date, the vegetation of the planet is no longer able to fully assimilate the combustion products of liquid and solid fuels.

Carbon oxides (CO and CO2) released into the atmosphere as a result of fuel combustion are the cause of the greenhouse effect.

Sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), formed as a result of the combustion of fuel containing sulfur, interact in the atmosphere with water vapor. The end products of such a reaction are solutions of sulfurous (H2SO3) and sulfuric (H2SO4) acids.

These acids fall on the surface of the earth with precipitation, cause acidification of the soil, and lead to human diseases. The most affected by acid rain forest ecosystems, especially conifers. They have the destruction of chlorophyll, the underdevelopment of pollen grains, the drying and falling off of the needles.

Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), being exposed to ultraviolet rays, are involved in the formation of free radicals in the atmosphere.

Nitrogen oxides lead to the development in humans and animals of a number of pathological conditions. These gases, for example, irritate Airways cause pulmonary edema, etc.

Chlorine compounds make a significant contribution to the destruction of the planet's ozone layer.

For example, one free chlorine radical can destroy up to 100,000 ozone molecules, which is the cause of the formation of ozone holes in the atmosphere.

The causes of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere are accidents at nuclear power plants (for example, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986).

Testing also contributes to this process. nuclear weapons and improper disposal of nuclear waste. Radioactive particles that enter the atmosphere are dispersed over long distances, polluting the soil, air, and water bodies.

Transport should also be mentioned as a source of air pollution. The exhaust gases of internal combustion engines contain a wide range of contaminants.

Among them are oxides of carbon and nitrogen, soot, as well as heavy metals and compounds that have a carcinogenic effect.

Hydrosphere pollution

deficit fresh water- global ecological problem. Along with the consumption and shortage of water, the growing pollution of the hydrosphere is a concern.

The main cause of water pollution is the direct discharge of industrial waste and municipal wastewater into aquatic ecosystems.

In this case, with chemicals in aquatic environment biological contaminants (for example, pathogenic bacteria) also enter.

When heated wastewater is discharged, physical (thermal) pollution of the hydrosphere occurs. Such discharges reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, increase the toxicity of impurities and often lead to slaughter (death of aquatic organisms).

Soil pollution

In connection with human economic activity, chemical substances that disrupt soil-forming processes and reduce fertility.

Soil pollution occurs with excessive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. Together with organic fertilizers(manure) biological contaminants can penetrate the soil.

What human economic activity has changed the face of the steppes

Depletion of natural resources

Natural resources are people's means of subsistence, which are not created by their labor, but are found in nature.

Their main problem state of the art- reduction in the number of exhaustible and deterioration in the quality of inexhaustible natural resources. This is especially true for animal and plant resources.

Habitat destruction, environmental pollution, overuse of natural resources, poaching significantly reduce the species diversity of plants and animals.

During the existence of mankind, about 70% of forest land has been cut down and destroyed. This caused the extinction of plant species that lived in herbaceous and shrub layers. They could not exist in direct sunlight.

As a result of deforestation, the animal world has also changed. Animal species that were closely related to the tree layers either disappeared or migrated to other places.

It is believed that since 1600, as a result of human activity, about 250 animal species and 1000 plant species have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. About 1,000 animal species and 25,000 plant species are currently threatened with extinction.

Animal and plant resources are capable of constant renewal.

If the rate of their use does not exceed the rate of natural renewal, then these resources can exist for a very long time.

However, the speed of their renewal is different. Animal populations can recover in a few years. Forests grow in several decades. And soils that have lost their fertility restore it very slowly - over several millennia.

A very important resource problem of the planet is the preservation of the quality of fresh water.

As you know, the total water reserves on the planet are inexhaustible. However, fresh water accounts for only about 3% of the entire hydrosphere. Moreover, only 1% of fresh water is suitable for direct human consumption without prior purification. Approximately 1 billion people on Earth do not have constant access to fresh drinking water. Therefore, humanity should consider fresh water as an exhaustible natural resource. The problem of fresh water is aggravated every year due to the shallowing of rivers and lakes as a result of reclamation measures.

The consumption of water for the needs of agriculture and industry is increasing, water bodies are being polluted by industrial and household waste.

The lack of fresh water and its poor quality also affects people's health.

known to be the most dangerous infectious diseases(cholera, dysentery, etc.) occur in places where access to clean water is difficult.


desertification- a set of processes that lead to the loss natural community continuous vegetation cover with the impossibility of its restoration without human intervention.

The causes of desertification are mainly anthropogenic factors. This is deforestation, irrational use water resources when irrigating lands, etc. For example, excessive felling of woody mountain vegetation causes natural Disasters- Mudflows, landslides, snow avalanches.

Excessive pressure on pastures with an increase in livestock farming can also lead to desertification. Vegetation cover eaten by animals does not have time to recover, and
soil is subject to various types of erosion.

Soil erosion is the destruction of the fertile soil layer under the influence of wind and water.

Soil erosion occurs due to the mass inclusion of more and more new lands in active land use by man.

To the greatest extent, desertification is typical for areas with an arid climate (deserts, semi-deserts) - the countries of Africa and Asia (especially China).

Today this problem is international in nature.

Therefore, the UN adopted the International Convention to Combat Desertification, which was signed by almost 200 states.

The main consequences of human economic activity are environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and desertification of lands.

Preventing the destructive influence of the anthropogenic factor on the biosphere is today an important universal problem, in the solution of which every inhabitant of the Earth should participate.

Steppe- plain in temperate and subtropical zones overgrown with herbaceous vegetation.

The steppes play an important role in the life of nature in Russia. They are located in the south of the country, in particular, near the Black Sea and the Caucasus, as well as in the Ob valley and in Transbaikalia.

The soil is chernozem, lying most often on a layer of loess-like clays with a significant lime content.

This chernozem in the northern strip of the steppe reaches the greatest thickness and obesity, as it sometimes contains up to 16% of humus. To the south, the chernozem becomes poorer in humus, becomes lighter and turns into chestnut soils, and then completely disappears.

Steppe climate

In the steppe regions, the climate is temperate continental, winters are cold, sunny and snowy, and summers are hot and dry. average temperature January - -19 °C, July - +19 °C, with typical deviations up to -35 °C and +35 °C. The climate of the steppes is also characterized by a long frost-free period, high average annual and average monthly temperatures.

Human activity in the steppes

There is little precipitation here - from 300 to 450 mm.

Vegetable world

The vegetation consists mainly of grasses growing in small tufts, between which bare soil is visible. Most common different kinds feather grass, especially feather grass with silky white feathery awns. It often covers large areas. On very fat steppes, species of feather grass develop, differing in much larger sizes.

Smaller feather grass grows on dry barren steppes. After feather grass, the most important role is played by various species of the genus Tonkonog ( Koeleria). They are found everywhere in the steppe, but play a special role east of the Ural Mountains, some species are excellent food for sheep.

The stock of plant mass in the steppes is much less than in the forest zone.

See also: steppe plants

Animal world

Both in terms of species composition and some ecological features, the fauna of the steppe has much in common with the fauna of the desert.

Just like in the desert, the steppe is characterized by high aridity, only slightly less than in the desert. Animals are active in summer, mostly at night. Many of them are drought-resistant or active in spring, when there is still moisture left after winter. Of the ungulates, typical species are distinguished by sharp eyesight and the ability to quickly and long run; from rodents - building complex holes (ground squirrels, marmots, mole rats) and jumping species (jerboas).

Most of the birds fly away for the winter. The steppe eagle, bustard, steppe harrier, steppe kestrel, and lark are common for the steppe. Reptiles and insects are numerous.


The climate of the steppes is very dry, so the steppe lands suffer from a lack of moisture. Due to the fertility of the land, there are many arable lands and places for grazing livestock, so the steppes suffer.

The soil in the steppe is chernozem, lying most often on a thickness of loess-like clays, with a significant content of lime. This chernozem in the northern strip of the steppe reaches the greatest thickness and obesity, as it sometimes contains up to 16% of humus. To the south, the chernozem becomes smaller, it becomes lighter and turns into chestnut soils, and then completely disappears.

Economic activity

Human economic activity in the steppe zone is limited by natural conditions.

Common cattle breeding And agriculture. Mainly grown cereals, vegetables, melons culture. But, often, irrigation is required.

bred cattle of meat and dairy breeds, sheep And horses. Settlements are common along water bodies - rivers or artificial ponds.

The steppe is a great place to practice agriculture, both for crop production, growing crops such as wheat, corn, sunflower, and for grazing, thanks to the presence of herbs.

Agricultural activity is traditionally developed in the steppe regions.

Role in literature

N. V. Gogol described the steppe very vividly and picturesquely in his story "Taras Bulba":

Never has a plow passed over immeasurable waves of wild plants; only the horses, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better: the entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-gold ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed.

Through the thin, tall stalks of grass, blue, blue and purple hairs showed through; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge umbrella-shaped caps were full of on the surface; brought in, God knows where, an ear of wheat poured into the thick. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks.

The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving to the side resounded in God knows what distant lake.

A gull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air; there she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot! There she turned her wings and flashed before the sun! Damn you, steppes, how good you are!”

Khomutovskaya steppe.

A herd of horses grazes in freedom

CC ©

Economic use of the steppe zone

The steppe zone, together with the forest-steppe, is the main granary of the country, the area of ​​cultivation of wheat, corn, sunflower, millet, gourds, and in the west - industrial horticulture and viticulture.

Agriculture in the steppe zone is combined with a developed animal husbandry (cattle, horse breeding, sheep breeding and poultry farming). In the west of the zone, the development of land for arable farming can be considered complete: the plowing of the territory has reached 70-80% here. In Kazakhstan and Siberia, the percentage of plowing is much lower. And although here not all the land funds suitable for plowing have been exhausted, the percentage of plowing of the Kazakh and Siberian steppes will continue to be lower compared to the European steppes due to increased salinity and stony soils.

The reserves of arable land in the steppe zone are insignificant.

In the northern, chernozem subzone, they make up about 1.5 million hectares (development of solonetsous chernozems, meadow-chernozem and floodplain soils). In the southern subzone, plowing of 4-6 million hectares of solonetzic chestnut soils is possible, but this will require complex anti-saline measures, and irrigation to obtain sustainable crops.

In the steppe zone, the problem of combating droughts and wind erosion of soils is more acute than in the forest-steppe. For this reason, snow retention, field-protective afforestation, and artificial irrigation are of particular importance here.

The rich soil and climatic resources of the zone are complemented by a variety of minerals.

Among their deposits iron ores(Krivoy Rog, Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoe, Lisakovskoe, Ayatskoe, Ekibastuz), manganese (Nikopol), hard coal(Karaganda), natural gas(Stavropol, Orenburg), chromites (Mugodzhary), rock salt (Sol-Iletsk), phosphorites (Aktyubinsk).

Located on the territory of one of the natural zones most developed by man, many mineral deposits are quite well studied and widely developed, contributing to the industrial development of the steppe regions of the USSR.


Economic activity of people in the steppe. Help!

Milkov F.N. natural areas USSR / F.N. Milkov. - M .: Thought, 1977. - 296 p.

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