Arctic desert presentation. Presentation on the topic "Arctic deserts"

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Occupied territory

Arctic deserts are characteristic of many islands of the Arctic Ocean (Franz Josef Land, the northern island of Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, the northern New Siberian Islands and partly Wrangel Island). On the mainland they are found only in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. The climate in this area is very harsh, typically arctic - cold, with a long cold winter and short cold summers.

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Climatic conditions

  • The climate in the Arctic is very harsh. Ice and snow cover lasts almost the entire year.
  • In winter there is a long polar night (at 75° N latitude - 98 days; at 80° N latitude - 127 days; in the polar region - six months). This is a very harsh time of year. The temperature drops to −40 °C and below, strong hurricane winds blow, and snowstorms are frequent.
  • In summer there is round-the-clock lighting, but there is little heat, the soil does not have time to completely thaw. The air temperature is slightly above O °C. The sky is often overcast with gray clouds, it's raining(often with snow), due to the strong evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean, thick fogs are formed. Already in August the thermometer does not rise above 0 °C.
  • Spring and autumn are very short. During these seasons there is a change of day and night during the day.
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    The soils are thin, underdeveloped, and rocky. The territory of the Arctic deserts has open vegetation, which covers less than half of the surface. It is devoid of trees and bushes. Crucible lichens on rocks, mosses, various algae on rocky soils, and only a few flowering plants are widespread here.

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    Vegetable world

    Arctic desert practically devoid of vegetation: no bushes. Lichens and mosses do not form a continuous cover. The soils are thin, with a patchy (island) distribution, mainly only under vegetation, which consists mainly of sedges, some grasses, lichens and mosses. Extremely slow vegetation recovery.

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    Distinctive features Tundra zone - treeless, predominance of sparse moss-lichen cover, severe swampiness, widespread permafrost and short growing season. Severe climatic conditions The tundra zone causes the impoverishment of the organic world. The vegetation includes only 200-300 species of flowering plants, about 800 species of mosses and lichens.
    Tundra plants.
    1. Blueberries.
    2. Lingonberry.
    3. Black crowberry.
    4. Cloudberry.
    5. Loidia late.
    6. Bow of speed.
    7. Prince.
    8. Cotton grass vaginalis.
    9. Sedge Sword-leaved
    10. Dwarf birch.

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    Animal world

    Organic world The Arctic is very poor. The only plants that live here are mosses and lichens. Animal world more diverse, but most of the animals live in the seas - the Kara and Laptev Seas. These are fish - cod, cod, vendace, nelma, smelt. Mammals - seals (sea hare, ringed seal), walrus, beluga dolphin. Birds - geese, eiders, waders, guillemots, and guillemots - fly to the coasts and islands in the spring. On the islands of Severnaya Zemlya and the ice of the Kara and Laptev seas it rules polar bear.

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    Distinctive features

    A feature of the ice desert zone is the uneven territorial distribution of animals. Their accumulations are observed in places of bird colonies and pinniped rookeries - on the shores of the Barents and Chukchi seas. Seals breed here, and walruses breed in Chukotka. Near Murmansk there are large colonies of the eider duck, famous for its down. Natural communities The Far North is characterized by comparative simplicity, especially in winter. For this reason, and also due to the slow development of life due to low temperatures Live nature This umbrella is very vulnerable; connections within communities are easily destroyed and restored very slowly. Therefore, fishing for animals that inhabit this zone requires great care. Any disturbance to their habitat is also dangerous.

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    The Far North has long attracted people not only with its beauty and mystery, but also with the abundance of fish. Therefore, fishing is well developed here. But, having come to the Arctic, people hardly cared about the safety of fish resources. As a result, the number of commercial fish has declined sharply. The abundance of sea animals contributed to the development of hunting. With the advent of powerful icebreakers, small arms high accuracy and range, the situation of animals in the Far North has deteriorated sharply. Species such as the polar bear, walrus, seals, bowhead whale, and narwhal are included in the Red Book. As a result of the widespread economic development of the Arctic, more and more of its spaces are becoming unsuitable for the life of northern animals, and their numbers are decreasing more and more noticeably.

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    The main reasons are pollution of the seas and coasts, a decrease in the amount of food, and an increasing disturbance factor (ships, all-terrain vehicles, helicopters, villages). It is difficult for large animals to live near humans. To reduce contact between humans and animals, nature reserves and sanctuaries are being created. So, in 1976, a reserve was organized on Wrangel Island, where white geese, white swans, walruses, and polar bears are protected. Musk oxen were also brought here.

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    Occupied territory Arctic deserts are characteristic of many islands of the Arctic Ocean (Franz Josef Land, the northern island of Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, the northern New Siberian Islands and partly Wrangel Island). On the mainland they are found only in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. The climate in this area is very harsh, typically arctic - cold, with long, cold winters and short, cold summers.

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    Climatic conditions The climate in the Arctic is very harsh. Ice and snow cover lasts almost the entire year. In winter there is a long polar night (at 75° N latitude - 98 days; at 80° N latitude - 127 days; in the polar region - six months). This is a very harsh time of year. The temperature drops to −40 °C and below, strong hurricane winds blow, and snowstorms are frequent. In summer there is round-the-clock lighting, but there is little heat, the soil does not have time to completely thaw. The air temperature is slightly above O °C. The sky is often overcast with gray clouds, it rains (often with snow), and due to the strong evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean, thick fogs are formed. Already in August the thermometer does not rise above 0 °C. Spring and autumn are very short. During these seasons there is a change of day and night during the day.

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    Soils Soils are thin, underdeveloped, rocky. The territory of the Arctic deserts has open vegetation, which covers less than half of the surface. It is devoid of trees and bushes. Crucible lichens on rocks, mosses, various algae on rocky soils, and only a few flowering plants are widespread here.

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    Vegetable world The Arctic desert is practically devoid of vegetation: there are no bushes. Lichens and mosses do not form a continuous cover. The soils are thin, with a patchy (island) distribution, mainly only under vegetation, which consists mainly of sedges, some grasses, lichens and mosses. Extremely slow vegetation recovery.

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    Distinctive features of the Tundra zone are treelessness, the predominance of sparse moss-lichen cover, severe swampiness, widespread permafrost and a short growing season. The harsh climatic conditions of the Tundra zone cause the impoverishment of the organic world. The vegetation includes only 200-300 species of flowering plants, about 800 species of mosses and lichens. Tundra plants. 1. Blueberries. 2. Lingonberry. 3. Black crowberry. 4. Cloudberry. 5. Loidia late. 6. Bow of speed. 7. Prince. 8. Cotton grass vaginalis. 9. Sedge sword-leaved 10. Dwarf birch.

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    Fauna The organic world of the Arctic is very poor. The only plants that live here are mosses and lichens. The fauna is more diverse, but most of the animals live in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. These are fish - cod, cod, vendace, nelma, smelt. Mammals - seals (sea hare, ringed seal), walrus, beluga dolphin. Birds - geese, eiders, waders, guillemots, and guillemots - fly to the coasts and islands in the spring. The polar bear rules on the islands of Severnaya Zemlya and the ice of the Kara and Laptev seas.

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    Distinctive features A feature of the ice desert zone is the uneven territorial distribution of animals. Their accumulations are observed in places of bird colonies and pinniped rookeries - on the shores of the Barents and Chukchi seas. Seals breed here, and walruses breed in Chukotka. Near Murmansk there are large colonies of the eider duck, famous for its down. The natural communities of the Far North are distinguished by their comparative simplicity, especially in winter. For this reason, and also due to the slow development of life due to low temperatures, the living nature of this umbrella is very vulnerable, connections within communities are easily destroyed and restored very slowly. Therefore, fishing for animals that inhabit this zone requires great care. Any disturbance to their habitat is also dangerous.

    Arctic desert zone

    Presentation for the lesson about the world around us

    (4th grade, educational complex “School of Russia”)

    Completed by a primary school teacher

    Municipal educational institution "Rybachevskaya school" Alushta

    Byshuk Vera Vladimirovna

    Arctic…. This word gives off a harsh chill. The Arctic is the region of the Earth adjacent to the North Pole. Includes the Arctic Ocean with islands and adjacent continental margins.

    Arctic desert zone – ice zone .

    The sun in these parts never rises high above the horizon. Its rays glide over the surface of the earth and do not heat it. Not only the ocean, but also the islands are covered with an ice shell.

    Winter in the icy zone polar night .

    For several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - darkness.

    The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are twinkling.

    Strong winds are blowing, a snowstorm is raging, t=-60.

    Sometimes amazing beauty appears auroras . It seems that a multi-colored, iridescent curtain is swaying in the sky.

    Summer is coming polar day. For several months there is light around the clock. But not warm. The air temperature is only a few degrees above 0.

    Life in the icy desert

    Few organisms have adapted to life in arctic desert conditions. The flora and fauna are very scarce.

    Flora of the Arctic

    On the islands they are found right on the rocks lichens , they are very small.

    Flora of the Arctic

    They are growing here and there mosses.

    Sometimes you can meet moss pillows .

    Flora of the Arctic

    Found among flowers polar poppy

    Flora of the Arctic

    In the short summer it appears on the yet-to-be-melted snow saxifrage .

    Arctic desert animals

    Few living organisms have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic deserts.

    Of the animals in these places most of all birds. In summer, the following people gather on the rocky shores:

    seagulls, guillemots, auks.

    Their noisy clusters are called bird markets.

    Birds of the Arctic desert.


    The nests are located on rocks nearby with endless expanses of ice.

    Birds of the arctic desert

    The hunt takes place underwater. Guillemots They dive 15-20 meters into the depths and catch fish there. The basis of the diet is cod, herring, capelin, sand lance, cod. In addition to fish, he consumes shrimp , crabs, sea worms . During one polar day, this bird consumes 300 or more grams of food

    Birds of the Arctic desert.


    Birds of the arctic desert

    LOON - refers to seabirds, in on average it grows up to 50 cm, the wingspan is from 60 to 80 cm. The beak is sharp, with several transverse grooves flattened on the sides, one of them is painted white.

    The back and head are black, and the belly and underside of the wings are white.

    When resting, auks like to stand motionless on rocks for hours.

    Then the birds dive under water and emerge at a great distance from the dive site. If you land a great auk on flat ground, the birds don’t even try to fly.

    Arctic desert animals

    Animals of the Arctic deserts are mainly representatives of the sea. Pinnipeds are common here: walruses, seals , elephant seals . The owner of the zone can rightfully be called polar bear.


    The most distinguishing feature - tusks(upper canines), they protrude far from the mouth, directed downwards. The weight of one tusk reaches 4 kilograms, the length is up to 102 cm. The tusks are mainly used for obtaining food. However, this is also powerful tool protection: even polar bears do not risk attacking an adult walrus. The tusks also help when climbing out onto the ice, serving as a kind of strong support.


    Predatory animals, adapted

    to life at sea. They hunt fish cephalopods and crustaceans; they look for food in shallow water; adults require

    5 kg of feed per day.

    Polar bear

    The polar bear is the largest predator. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1 ton. Usually males weigh 400-450 kg; body length 200-250cm. Females are noticeably smaller, weighing only kg. The polar bear is listed in Red book of Russia. Hunting for it is prohibited.

    Polar bear

    If an adult polar bear stands in full height and raises his front paws up, he can easily reach the window sill of the second floor of a block house! Despite their size, polar bears are fast and agile on land, and in water they swim far and easily.

    polar bear has incomparable resistance to cold. The thick and long fur of a polar bear retains heat well. The whiteness of the fur helps the bear to hunt invisible. Bears even hide their black noses while sneaking up on prey.

    By the way, the polar bear not only has a nose, but also all the skin under the fur is black ! The subcutaneous layer of fat also perfectly retains heat, reaching 10 cm in thickness with the onset of winter.

    Without it, the bears would not be able to swim 30 km each in icy arctic water!

    Arctic problems

    UN Program for environment(UNEP) identifies the following main ecological problems Arctic region: * changing of the climate and melting arctic ice

    * water pollution northern seas effluents of oil and chemical compounds, as well as maritime transport

    * population decline arctic animals and changes in their habitat

    Reserve "Wrangel Island"

    This Arctic island is located between the East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It is named after the polar explorer

    F.P. Wrangel. Mother bears come to Wrangel Island from different parts of the Arctic. Every year there are up to 250 dens on the island, in which mother bears give birth to their babies. That's why Wrangel Island is called a “maternity hospital” polar bears.

    Reserve "Wrangel Island"

    One of the amazing animals of the reserve muskox . This animal lived in the territory of our country in the distant past, but then disappeared. It was preserved in North America. And now scientists have decided to resettle him on Wrangel Island.

    Thank you

    The Arctic is the land of never-setting sun in summer and lingering winter nights illuminated by auroras; a world of frost, blizzards, drifting ice, vast glaciers and arctic deserts. The Arctic is divided into two zones: the ice zone and the arctic desert zone. The ice zone is the seas of the Arctic Ocean along with the islands. And the zone of Arctic deserts occupies insignificant patches of rocky land, on short term freed from under the snow on the islands and on the mainland (it is only a narrow border adjacent to the outskirts of the tundra in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula). There is a very long and severe winter here; for several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - this is the polar night. The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are twinkling. Sometimes amazingly beautiful auroras appear. In the summer in the Arctic there is a polar day. For several months there is light around the clock. But not warm. In the warmest month, the air temperature does not exceed + 5 °C. The organic world of the Arctic is very poor. The only plants that live here are mosses and lichens. The fauna is more diverse, but most of the animals live in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. These are fish - cod, cod, vendace, nelma, smelt. Mammals - seals (sea hare, ringed seal), walrus, beluga dolphin. Birds - geese, eiders, waders, guillemots, and guillemots - fly to the coasts and islands in the spring. The polar bear rules on the islands of Severnaya Zemlya and the ice of the Kara and Laptev seas. The Wrangel Island nature reserve has also been created.

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    Slide captions:

    ARCTIC DESERT (image of the territory) MKOU Secondary School No. 4 Gutor G. N.

    Geographical location Arctic desert zone – natural area Arctic belt, including islands and the northern edges of the Arctic mainland. There are numerous glaciers in the Arctic desert zones; outside the glaciers there are rocky deserts.

    Ice desert An ice desert is a type of cold desert with very low air temperatures and low precipitation, with extremely sparse vegetation among the snows and glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic belts of the Earth. Ice deserts are common across much of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, other islands of the Arctic Ocean, the northern coast of Eurasia and Antarctica.

    Novaya Zemlya Island

    Franz Josef Land

    Arctic - region amazing nature, land of contrasts, kingdom of snow and ice

    Working with a map The border of the Arctic belt is usually drawn along the 5 deg isotherm. from the warmest month (July or August) The Arctic belt is characterized by negative or small positive values ​​of the radiation balance, the dominance of Arctic air masses, long polar night, low temperatures of air and surface ocean waters The seas of the Arctic belt are characterized by stable ice cover

    Multi-year ice does not melt even in summer

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