The strongest swampiness is characteristic of the plain. Geography test "Internal waters of Russia" (Grade 8)

Tasks of the theoretical tour

Exercise 1. Familiarize yourself with the fragment of the satellite image and fill in the gaps in the text indicated by letter indices.

The fragment of the image shows part of the Pacific archipelago (A)________________, the island (B)_____________________. The archipelago was discovered by the navigator (B) _____________ (name). The name of the navigator is a geographical feature indicated by the number (G) ______. In the XVIII century. the outlines of this island were finally mapped by the famous English navigator (D) __________________ (name), whose name is the object indicated by the number (E) ____. The territory of the archipelago was formed in (F) __________________ folding, as evidenced by the available here (W) __________ and ___________.

Enter the names of geographical features and (or) their type.

1 - ____________ (type of water area) ____________ (name)

2 - ____________ (type of water area) ____________ (name)

3 - ____________ (type of water area) ____________ (name)

4 - ___________ (type natural object) ____________ (Name)

5 - ___________________ (type of natural object) ____________ (name)

6 - ___________________ (type of natural object) ____________ (name)

Task 2. Why did the ancient Egyptians worship the Nile as a good god, while the inhabitants of Mesopotamia considered the Euphrates and especially the Tigris to be evil gods?

Task 3. From the proposed names of geographical objects, form groups of homogeneous names according to the characteristics: length, water content, direction of flow. Each group must contain at least two words. The same name can be used several times.

Volga, Amur, Huang He, Barguzin, Lena, Yenisei, Sarma, Nile, Congo, Khanka, Amazon, Mississippi, Murray, Titicaca, Tiber.

Task 4.

The subject of the Russian Federation Center

Task 5.

Indicate on the contour map with the corresponding numbers:

bays: 1 - Taganrog, 2 - Yasensky, 3 - Temryuk, 4 - Dinskoy,

Bays: 5 - Tsemesskaya; 6 - Gelendzhik;

Scythe: 7 - Bugazskaya; 8 - Chushka, 9 - Long;

Estuaries: 10 - Yeisk; 11 - Kurchansky.

Test tour

1. What geographical objects located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory are we talking about? Shallow water bodies formed when sea and river waters flood lower coastal parts of the land - __________________.

2. What three cities are located in one climate zone?

1) St. Petersburg, Yakutsk, Simferopol;

2) Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Naryan-Mar;

3) Kerch, Sochi, Astrakhan;

4) Moscow, Perm, Anadyr

3. List three features that characterize the site plan.

A) The exact outlines of the depicted objects are preserved

B) Scale 1: 100,000 is used

B) The curvature of the spherical surface of the Earth is not taken into account

D) The north-south direction is determined by the meridians

D) Compiled on the ground

E) Conformal projection is used

4. The most severe waterlogging in Russia is typical for the basins:

1) Angara and Yenisei

2) Volga and Kama

3) Cupid and Ussuri

4) Ob and Irtysh

5. Choose the shortest parallel from the proposed

6. The expedition passed along the Greenwich meridian 111 km north of the Tropic of Cancer. Her coordinates

1) 1 0 s.l. 24.5 0 east

2) 1 0 S 22.5 0 w.l.

3) 22.5 0 S 0 0 d.

4) 24.5 0 s.l. 0 0 d.

7. What natural zone occupies the smallest area within Russia?

1) Arctic deserts

2) broad-leaved forests

3) Mediterranean subtropics

4) Deserts and semi-deserts

8. What are glacial processes?

1) Glacial processes, activity of glaciers

2) A set of processes that carry out the disintegration of rocks

3) River activity

4) Wind activity

9. Establish a one-to-one correspondence between a map property and its characteristic

10. Permafrost-taiga soils - characteristic nature:

1) Arkhangelsk region;

2) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

3) Kamchatka Territory;

4) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

11. What era is the Devonian period?

1) Cenozoic

2) Archean

3) Mesozoic

4) Paleozoic

12. What is a type of marine mechanical erosion called?

1) Sea karst

3) Marine abrasion

4) Accumulative terrace

13. Define the elements of a river valley.

14. A shallow body of water separated from the sea by a narrow strip of washed sand or coral reefs is called:

3) Lagoon;

4) Karst lake.

15. What is metamorphic rock

1) Limestone

2) Anthrocyte

16. Most of the dry winds of the Lower Volga region are formed during advection (transfer):

1) Cold dry arctic air under the dominance of an anticyclone;

2) Cold dry arctic air under the dominance of a cyclone;

3) Hot dry tropical air under the predominance of an anticyclone;

4) Hot dry tropical air under the dominance of a cyclone;

17. Choose the answer option that indicates the most numerous peoples in Russia:

1. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis

2. Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvashs

3. Russians, Belarusians, Chechens, Yakuts.

4. Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians.

18. What is the origin of the lake basins of the following lakes?

19. Choose the correct ratio of the proportion of the urban population in total strength population of the Krasnodar Territory and Russia

1) 55% - 70% 3) 53% – 74%

2) 50% - 76% 4) 51% – 73%

20. The waterfall "Count ruins" with a height of 11 m and a width of 4 m is located in one of the districts of the Krasnodar Territory:

1. Abinsk

2. Seversky

3. Labinsky

4. Absheron

Form for answers to the test round


question number Answer score
1 - , 2 - , 3 - , 4 -
1 - , 2 - , 3 -
1 - , 2 - , 3 -

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Class: 8

Equipment: geographic map Russia, atlas of Russia, postcards, photographs, reproductions of paintings, maps, textbook.


1. Organizational moment

2. Work on the topic of the lesson

Task 1. Show objects on the map. The teacher names the objects, the neighbors show on the map of the atlas, check each other. The student must show the object in 3 seconds, otherwise the object does not count.

Task 2. Put the numbers on the map water bodies Russia. For stronger students, complete task number 3.

Task 3. Fill in the punch cards (put a “+” sign at the intersection of the question and answer)

Rivers of Russia

1. The source of the river Ural mountains, the mouth of the Caspian Sea.

2. The river flows into the Sea of ​​Azov.

3. The main river of the European Plain.

4.Source Smoleno-Moscow Upland.

5. The city of Orenburg is located on its shore.

6. Which rivers are interconnected by the Volga-Don Canal.

7. Which river does the Oka river flow into.

8. What two rivers begin in Russia, but flow away abroad.

9. The city of Kazan is located on its shore.

10. Which river has the most reservoirs.

Lakes of Russia



1.Located in the European part of Russia.

2. The largest in area.

3. The northernmost lake.

4. Many rivers flow into it.

5. Which freeze.

6.Which are connected to each other.

7. The deepest.

8.Located on a peninsula.

9. Its waters can get into the Kara Sea.

10. Is a World Heritage Site.

Task 3. Testing.


1. Most of the rivers of Russia have food:
a) rain b) glacial; c) snow d) mixed.

2. Erosion of rocks, soils by flowing water is called:
a) accumulation; b) erosion; c) the fall of the river.

4. Border rivers are:
a) Volga; b) Cupid; c) Yenisei; d) Ussuri.

5. Sudden rise in the water level in the river:
a) high water; b) flood; c) flood.

6. Funnel-shaped mouth of the river, expanding towards the sea:
a) estuary; b) delta.

7. The main reasons for the spread of swamps:
a) flat relief; b) dissected relief; c) the moisture coefficient is greater than 1; d) insufficient moisture; e) permafrost. g) close occurrence of groundwater h) tectonic depressions on earth's surface.

8. Rivers of the Pacific basin:
a) Ussuri; b) Anadyr; c) Kolyma; d) Cupid.

9. Rivers of the internal flow basin:
a) Ural; b) Don; c) Kama; d) Northern Dvina.

Answers: 1-g; 2-b; 3-a; 4-b, d; 5-in; 6-a; 7-a, c, f, g; 8-a, b, d; 9-a, c.


1. Waters are most widely used for economic purposes:
a) rivers; b) lakes; c) underground; d) glaciers.

2. The most severe waterlogging in Russia is typical for the following basins:
a) Volga and Kama; b) Northern Dvina; c) Amur and Ussuri; d) Ob and Irtysh.

3. A mountain river is:
a) Terek; b) Ural; c) Pechora; d) Don.

4. The most avalanche season is:
a) winter b) spring; into the summer; d) autumn.

5. Most of the lakes of the European part of Russia:
a) drainless and salty; b) sewage and fresh; c) drainless and fresh; d) sewage and salt.

6. Most of the rivers in Russia have a mixed diet with a predominance of:
a) rain b) snowy; c) underground; d) glacial.

7. The most severe waterlogging is typical for:
a) the Central Russian Upland; b) West Siberian Plain; c) the Caspian lowland; d) Central Siberian plateau.

8. The lake has the highest altitude above sea level:
a) Taimyr; b) Khanka; c) Baikal; d) Ladoga.

9. Point out the error. The reason for the formation of swamps is:
A) excessive moisture; b) flat relief; c) dissected relief; d) permafrost.

10. The largest areas of mountain glaciation are:
a) in the Caucasus; b) in Altai; c) in the Sayans; d) in the Urals.

Answers: 1-a; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b; 5-in; 6-b; 7-b; 8-in; 9-in; 10-a.

Homework. Crossword on the topic “Waters of Russia”


1. Regular, annual rise in the water level in the river. 5. Most long river European part of Russia. 7. Deepening occupied by the river.10. Chukotka river. 12. Siberian river with the largest delta.15. A closed natural depression filled with water. 18. Overthrow, masses of snow from the mountain slope. 19. A natural phenomenon, accompanied by flooding of the area when the water level rises. 20. The excess of the source of the river over the mouth. 21. Accumulative plain at the mouth of the river. 22. Large lake on Far East. 23. Bend, bend in the riverbed.


1. A river flowing from Lake Ladoga. 2. River of the Arctic Ocean basin, source in the Urals. 3. Boundary between river basins. 4. The most full-flowing river in Russia. 6. Right tributary of the Volga. 8. Right tributary of the Amur. 9. A sudden rise in the water level in the river. 11. Most major river Far East (border river). 13. M. Sholokhov. “Quiet...” 14. The territory from which the river receives its nourishment. 16. Lake in the north-west of Russia with the Kizhi reserve. 17. The deepest lake in the world. 18. Accumulation of ice in the mountains.

Additional material for the lesson

Questions to prepare for the Olympiad on the topic “Waters of Russia”

1. The river valleys of the north and south of the Russian Plain have a different cross-sectional pattern. What relief-forming factors caused these differences, how do they manifest themselves?

Answer: The formation of river valleys in the south of the Russian Plain began in preglacial times. The valleys of many rivers in the northern part of the plain were formed only during the Quaternary glaciation. The main difference between the profiles of the southern rivers is a greater number of terraces, a wider valley than the rivers of the north of the Russian Plain, which have young, poorly developed valleys.

2. Indicate where on the territory of Russia the borders natural areas moved furthest to the south. Explain why.

Answer: The most southerly boundary of permafrost has been shifted in Eastern Siberia, which is associated with a lack of precipitation and high relief, which did not allow ground glaciation to form here. Permafrost, formed during the ice age, is preserved due to low temperatures and dry climate.

3. In general, less precipitation falls in Western Siberia than in the East European Plain. However, the depth of the snow cover is greater there. How do you explain this paradox?

Answer: Winter in Western Siberia is colder than in the East European Plain, where, due to the arrival of warmer air from the Atlantic, the temperature rises to 0 ° above, which is accompanied by snowmelt.

4. Why do many Siberian rivers, for example, the Lena, have a large amount of water flow, although they flow through an area with low rainfall?

Answer: a ) permafrost - a water-resistant layer that prevents water seepage; b) a long cold period - * low volatility.

Chernova Evgenia Mikhailovna

Geography teacher

MKOU "Secondary school No. 6" village of Pelagiada, Shpakovsky district, Stavropol Territory

Geography Grade 8

UMK: I.I. Barinova. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade - M .: Bustard, 2013.

General lesson on the topic: " Inland waters and water resources.

Option 1

Part I

Geographic dictation:

    High water.

    The fall of the river.

    river mode.



Part II


1. Most of the rivers of Russia have food:

A) rain B) glacial; B) snow D) mixed

2. Erosion of rocks, soils flowing water:

A) accumulation; B) the fall of the river; B) erosion

A) Yenisei; B) Lena; B) Cupid; D) Volga

4. Border rivers are:

A) Volga; b) Cupid; B) Yenisei; d) Ussuri

5. Sudden rise in the water level in the river:

A) high water B) flood; B) flood

6. Funnel-shaped mouth of the river, expanding towards the sea:

A) an estuary B) delta

7. The main reasons for the spread of swamps:

a) flat relief;

b) dissected relief;

c) the moisture coefficient is greater than 1;

d) moisture is not sufficient;

e) permafrost;

f) close occurrence of groundwater;

g) tectonic depressions on the earth's surface

8. Rivers of the Pacific basin:

A) Ussuri; B) Kolyma;

B) Anadyr; D) Cupid

9. Rivers of the internal flow basin:

A) Ural; B) Don; B) Kama; D) Northern Dvina

Part III

Definea fall Ural River , IfH source800m , AH mouth -28m , Andslope rivers,

if its length2428km

General lesson on the topic: "Inland waters and water resources."

Option 2

Part I

Geographic dictation:

    River slope.


    Snow line.

    The groundwater.

    Artesian well.

Part II


1. The most widely used water for economic purposes:

A) rivers; B) underground

B) lakes; D) glaciers

2. The most severe waterlogging in Russia is typical for the basins:

A) Volga and Kama; C) Amur and Ussuri;

B) Northern Dvina; D) Ob and Irtysh

3. A mountain river is:

A) Terek; B) Pechora;

B) Ural; D) Don

4. The most avalanche season is:

A) winter B) Summer;

B) Spring; D) Autumn

5. Most of the lakes of the European part of Russia:

A) drainless and salty;

B) drainless and fresh;

B) sewage and fresh;

D) Waste and salt

6. Most of the rivers of Russia have a mixed supply with a predominance of:

A) rain B) underground

B) snow; D) Glacier

7. The most severe waterlogging is characteristic:

A) for the Central Russian Upland;

B) for the West Siberian Plain;

C) for the Caspian lowland;

D) for the Central Siberian Plateau

8. The highest altitude above sea level is:

A) Lake Taimyr; B) Lake Baikal;

B) Lake Khanka; D) Lake Ladoga

9. The largest areas of mountain glaciation are:

A) in the Caucasus; B) in the Sayans;

B) in Altai; D) in the Urals

Part III :

Definea fall Lena river , IfH source930m , AH mouth0m , Andslope rivers,

if its length4400km
