Physical and political map of North America in Russian. Political map of America The main states located on the continent

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According to tourism development indicators, 16% of the financial flows created by the entire international tourism. Mainly these flows are created by people who travel within the mainland, discovering neighboring countries. The most popular, without a doubt, is the United States. Every year they are visited by 46 million foreigners who come here to relax. Second place, according to statistics, is occupied by Canada, but it is not known how long this will remain so, because recently the position of Mexico has quite noticeably strengthened, which is now persistently developing the tourism industry. Generally tourist map North America extremely abundant in all kinds of attractions.

The USA has many natural tourism sites that are extremely popular around the world. Among them, it is worth noting Californian beaches, the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Park. In addition, many tourists go to Disneyland, a children's dream, and the entertainment city of Las Vegas is also extremely popular.

Unlike the USA, Canada has many off-the-beaten-path, and therefore environmentally friendly, places. The Rocky Mountains, or rather their ski slopes, are prized by amateurs active rest even more than the Swiss Alps.

Mexico has two main features that attract tourists from all over globe. The first of them is simply magnificent beaches, which are ideally combined with a developed infrastructure of restaurants and hotels. And any tourist will tell you the second North America map- the cultural and historical heritage that came after the Aztecs and other highly developed ancient Indian civilizations.

Most often, tourists seek to visit the monuments of fallen, once great civilizations. The pyramids of Teotihuacan are simply a golden mark that is highlighted by almost any archaeological North America map in academic circles around the world.

In addition, many monuments of the ancient Mayan civilization are presented in Yucatan, the most famous among them is the Chichen Itza pyramid.

There are many resorts with five-star hotels on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Canadians and Americans most often vacation here, but attendance from Europeans, in particular Russians, is also growing.

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History of the discovery of North America

About 1000 years ago, the ancient inhabitants of Scandinavia - the Vikings - reached the mainland.

In 982, Erik the Red was expelled from the Icelandic colony for a murder he committed. He heard stories about lands that lay about 1000 kilometers from Iceland. He went there with a small detachment. After a difficult voyage, he managed to reach this land. Eric called this place Greenland (“green country”). In 986, Eric gathered a group of Vikings who settled on the island he discovered.

Eric's son Leif the Happy went even further and reached the Labrador Peninsula.

In May 1497, John and Sebastian Cabot sailed from the port of Bristol on the ship Matthew. At the end of June they landed on an island called Newfoundland, mistaking it for Asia, and continued sailing along the coast east of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. After sailing along the coast for about a month and discovering large stocks of fish, they took the opposite course.

In April 1534, sailing from the city of Saint-Malo, the Frenchman Jacques Cartier reached the island of Newfoundland 20 days later and, rounding the island, entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence through the Strait of Ben Ile. Having compiled maps of the area, Cartier returned to France. In 1535, three of Cartier's ships again approached Newfoundland. He rounded Anticosti Island from the north and entered the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. Having hired Huron guides, the Frenchman led the ships along the river and soon arrived at a place that the Indians called Stadicona (now the city of Quebec is located there).

In early October, the French arrived at the Iroquois settlement of Hochelaga. Cartier climbed the mountain overlooking the village, which he named Mont-Royal (Royal Mountain). Rapids were visible from the mountain, which did not allow ships to rise higher up the river. Cartier returned to Stadacon. The French spent the winter here and built a fort.

In 1541, Cartier's third voyage began. He was to establish colonies in the lands he explored under the general name New France. But the idea failed. The traveler returned to France, fell out of favor there and died in oblivion in 1557.

In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded the city of Quebec on the site of the village of Stadacona, and in 1611, near the settlement of Hochelaga, Montreal.

In the middle of the 18th century, the western coast of the mainland was discovered during the Great Northern Expedition. In July 1741, the crew of the ship "St. Peter" under the command of Vitus Bering sighted the American coast at approximately 58° N. sh., and the ship “St. Paul” under the command of Alexei Ilyich Chirikov approached the American shores a little to the south - around 55° N. w.

), in Vesey-India and on the mainland of South America. The West Indies include the islands of the Bahamas, Greater and Lesser Antilles. Most of these islands were discovered during the voyages of Christopher Columbus, who mistakenly mistook them for part of India. Unlike India (East Indies), these islands later became known as the West Indies. There are many states located there: , and others.

The total area of ​​the Latin America region is about 21 million km2. There are 33 sovereign states, as well as possessions of France, the Netherlands and the USA. Live in: descendants of European settlers, mestizos, mulattoes, Indians, blacks, migrants from different countries world, including European ones. official languages: in most countries (former colonial possessions) - Spanish, - Portuguese, in Haiti and in the former possessions of France -, in the Dutch possessions - Dutch, in the rest - English.

The formation of modern political America has a long history. There is information that the first Europeans to reach the shores of North America were in the 5th-6th centuries. and the Normans (Vikings) in the 9th century. And people from the North may have traveled to America 2 thousand years before, leaving, according to scientists, traces of their stay in the form of inscriptions on stones in the Sherbuk area (160 km from).

Discovery, exploration and capture of territories and states of Latin America in the 15th-17th centuries. and their subsequent integration into the system were a consequence and an integral part of one of the stages in the development of European civilization. The conquests of the Ottoman Sultanate in Western Asia and the Balkans significantly complicated the use of sea and land trade routes to the South and Southeast. The need to provide direct access to sources of goods that were in high demand (spices, silk, etc.) determined the practical task of finding direct sea routes to and from Russia.

Currently, the United States and Canada are two highly developed capitalist states that have enormous economic, political and financial influence on their Latin American neighbors.

In the part of the world America there is also one socialist state - Cuba. Since 1898, the country was formally declared independent, but was actually occupied by the United States. In 1959, the liberation war against the dictatorial regime of Batista ended, and for almost 40 years the country has been ruled by Fidel Castro Rus (head of state, chairman State Council and the Council of Ministers).

Confirming the goal of building a communist society, the Cuban Constitution of 1992 currently highlights national liberation ideals, principles of independence, sovereignty and identity as its ideological basis. However, elements of a market economy are being introduced into the country's economic complex.

The remaining countries of the world, America (Latin American countries) belong to the group of developing countries. Most of them won independence in the last century during the national liberation wars of 1810-1825, in which wide sections of the population took part: Indian peasants, blacks and mestizo, revolutionary intelligentsia, part of the clergy, representatives of the Creole nobility and merchants.

At the beginning of the 19th century. gained independence: Haiti (1804), (1809), (1811), (1816), Chile (1818), Nicaragua, Colombia (1821), Brazil (1822). ), Bolivia (1825). A republican system was established in all states (only the monarchy was maintained until 1889).

The states of Latin America have gone through a long path of development of capitalism. They are exceptionally rich in natural resources, have a unique and eventful history, and a distinctive culture. In many indicators of socio-economic development, these countries are ahead of many in Asia and Africa, but significantly lag behind the industrialized ones.

From the period of their origin to the present, these countries have been in strong economic and financial dependence, first on European countries, and later from the USA. At the same time, within the region there are very significant differences in the level of socio-economic development between individual countries.

According to the typology of MSU scientists, Latin American countries are grouped as follows:

1. Key countries with large potential: Brazil and Mexico.

2. Migrant countries of early development of dependent capitalism: and Uruguay.

  1. Countries of large-enclave development of capitalism: Venezuela and Chile.
  2. Countries of externally oriented opportunistic development of capitalism: Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador.
  1. Small countries of dependent plantation economy: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti, etc.
  2. Small countries of “concessional development” of capitalism: Jamaica, Suriname.
  3. Small countries - “apartment landlords” (islands or coastal countries located at the crossroads of trade routes; countries of “tax paradise”, “hotel countries”, countries of “flag of convenience”): Bermuda (British), Cayman Islands (British. ) and etc.

Over a century and a half of independent development of countries south of the river. The Rio Grande has accumulated a large number of serious problems. It was Latin American countries that provided countless examples of military participation in economic and political life. Only in, according to historians, more than 190 military coups were carried out.

There is geopolitical rivalry between major countries of this region, territorial disputes and claims that cause armed conflicts and wars have not become a thing of the past, and the threat of military coups and civil wars has not been completely removed from the agenda.

Latin America today is experiencing something that does not fit into the idea of ​​a democratic process (although it is often reported). Sometimes it seems that the generals are returning to power again (Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia).

Nevertheless, among developing countries, it was the countries of Latin America that were the first to embark on the path of economic integration, which is a process of internationalization of economic relations in order to accelerate and intensify economic development.

Currently, the following trade blocs exist in Latin America: Latin American Integration Association (LAI), Andean Pact, Southern Cone Common Market (MERCOSUR), Central American Common Market, Caribbean Common Market, Organization of Central American States and related institutions I (e.g. Central American Bank for Economic Integration, etc.).

There are organizations to create joint facilities and use natural resources, such as: the Latin American Economic System (LAES), pact, group and related investment institutions (Inter-American Bank of Savings and Loans, Latin American Export Bank, etc.).

Within the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been operating since 1960, which also provides funds for the implementation of joint projects in the region.

Some of the countries in this region are also members of commodity associations, which serve to coordinate the positions and protect the interests of exporting countries (especially monocropping exporters) in foreign markets. These are commodity associations: Cocoa Producers Alliance, Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries, Organization of Exporting Countries (), Union of Banana Exporting Countries.

Structural changes occurring in the economy lead to the emergence of new trends in development integration processes. States are involved in integration groups, in which they play the leading role economically. These are the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and others. Negotiations are underway to form a free trade zone throughout the Western Hemisphere.

The continent of North America is located in the north of the Western Hemisphere. Discovered on October 12, 1492 by Christopher Columbus. The continent is separated from Eurasia in the west by the Bering Strait. From South America The continent is separated by the Isthmus of Panama. North America is washed from the west Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea, from the east - the Atlantic Ocean.
The area of ​​the continent, including islands, is 24.2 million sq. km. From north to south the length is exactly 7326 km. The islands of North America are Greenland, the West Indies, the Aleutian Islands and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Physical map of North America in Russian.

North America - political map in Russian.

The main states located on the continent.

The first place is occupied by Canada with a population of almost 10 million people. The United States ranks second with 9,629,091 people. Next comes Mexico with a population of 1,964,375 people. Countries with smaller populations, but no less famous, are Cuba, the Bahamas, Haiti, Panama and Jamaica.

Natural formations

The main mountain ranges of North America include the mountains in the east - the Appalachians. Their length is 2600 km. No less significant mountain range is the Cordillera. These are the greatest mountains in terms of their length on Earth. Their length is more than 18 thousand km, and their width is 900 km.

The main rivers of the continent are the Mississippi and Missouri. The first is located in the USA and is one of the most big rivers in the world. Its length is 3770 km. It flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The Missouri is the largest tributary of the Mississippi. The river flows through ten US states and two Canadian provinces.


The climate in the interior of the continent is predominantly continental. In the north it is arctic, and in the south it is subequatorial. Average temperatures for the continent range from -36 degrees Celsius (northern part of the continent) to 32 in the southwest.
