The largest in importance are specially protected. Which lands are classified as specially protected natural areas? Economic activity of Homo sapiens

(SPNA)- according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” dated March 14, 1995: “(SPNA) - areas of land, water surface and air space above them where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are removed by decisions of public authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. Specially protected natural areas belong to the national heritage."

These include all state nature reserves and national parks and a significant part of state nature reserves. As established by Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. 400, “until the adoption of the relevant regulatory legal act The Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources, carries out public administration in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas federal significance».

In total, there are currently 204 protected areas at the federal level in Russia. with total area about 580 thousand square kilometers in 84 of the 88 subjects of the Federation (there are no protected areas at the federal level only in the city of St. Petersburg, Volgograd and Tula regions, Stavropol Territory), which is approximately 3% of the territory of the Russian Federation.

This system of natural reserves is unique and is of exceptional value in terms of maintaining the natural functioning of ecosystems and preserving biodiversity, including rare and endangered species, as well as environmental monitoring, scientific research And environmental education not only on a Russian, but also on a global scale.

Types of protected areas and their purpose

  1. state environmental reserves (including biosphere reserves)
  2. health resorts and resorts

Wildlife sanctuaries

Natural monuments

Natural monuments- these are unique natural objects (waterfalls, caves, picturesque rocks, etc.) or memorial natural objects (for example, larch in the Yaropolets estate, under which A.S. Pushkin rested).

Forest reserves are designated by foresters as reference(typical) or unique forest areas that are important for the conservation and reproduction of certain plant formations. Their visits are usually included in ecotourism routes.

National parks and reserves

National parks and reserves- special types of protected areas that have an administration whose function includes organizing both environmental and recreational activities. The importance of recreational activities in them is different: in nature reserves the environmental function is dominant and the cognitive recreational function is limited; in national parks both functions are of equal importance.

National parks are environmental institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, intended for use for environmental, recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes. The task of national parks, along with their environmental function, is to create conditions for regulated tourism and recreation in natural conditions. This includes the development and implementation scientific methods conservation of natural complexes in conditions of recreational use. A differentiated protection regime is established in the territories of national parks, taking into account local natural, historical, cultural and social characteristics.


  • Federal Law on Specially Protected Natural Areas"
  • Information and reference system “Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia”
  • “Specially protected natural areas of the Russian Federation”, website of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
  • Specially protected natural areas of the Chelyabinsk region"
  • Regulatory acts regulating the activities of protected areas in the Leningrad region


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • A Taxi Driver Particularly Amorous (play)
  • Specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin region

See what “Specially protected natural areas” are in other dictionaries:


    Specially protected natural areas- (eng. specially guarding natural territories) in the Russian Federation, areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic,... ... Encyclopedia of Law


    Specially protected natural areas- areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... Official terminology

    SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS- Areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... Dictionary of business terms

    Specially protected natural areas- areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... Dictionary of legal concepts

    specially protected natural areas- as defined by the Federal Law on Specially Protected Natural Territories of February 15, 1995, areas of land, water surface and air space above them where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific… Large legal dictionary

    Specially protected natural areas- areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... Large legal dictionary

    specially protected natural areas- (SPNA), areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS- areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which... ... encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

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Specially protected natural areas

Biological and landscape diversity is preserved to the greatest extent in specially protected natural areas (SPNA). Therefore, increasing their areas, ensuring the established regime and real protection is one of the priorities in conservation work. natural environment. Protected areas are intended to preserve typical and unique natural landscapes, animal diversity and flora, protection of natural and cultural heritage sites. Completely or partially withdrawn from economic use, they have a regime of special protection, and on adjacent areas of land and water, protected zones or districts with a regulated regime of economic activity can be created.

On state territories nature reserves, national parks and other specially protected natural areas, the protection of wildlife and its habitat is carried out in accordance with the regime of special protection of these territories, which is established by the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas”. The federal law regulates relations in the field of use of specially protected areas in order to preserve unique and typical natural complexes and objects, remarkable natural formations, objects of flora and fauna, their genetic fund, study natural processes in the biosphere and monitoring changes in its state, environmental education population.

Specially protected natural areas - areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are withdrawn by decisions of public authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which A special security regime has been established.

Specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage.

The following main categories of these territories are distinguished:

– state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves;

National parks;

natural parks;

– state nature reserves;

– natural monuments;

– dendrological parks and botanical gardens;

– medical and recreational areas and resorts;

– World Heritage Sites.

The conservation and development of specially protected natural areas is one of the priority areas of the state environmental policy of the Russian Federation

State nature reserves

Nature reserves are examples of untouched wildlife. Their main task is to strictly protect the standards of wild nature of the corresponding zone and landscapes for comparison and analysis of the changes that humans make to nature. It must be remembered that the conservation of all species of animals and plants living on earth is of great scientific and practical importance. This is the precious genetic fund that may be extremely necessary for humanity.

When organizing the network of reserves, the basis was based on scientific principles that have not lost their significance to this day.

The territories selected for reserves were least changed under the influence of human economic activity.

Natural complexes of the reserves included rare species animals and plants (or rare ecosystems).

The reserves served as examples of landscape-geographical zones.

The territories of the reserves were sufficient to ensure self-regulation of ongoing natural processes.

First of all, “standards” of those landscapes that were in danger of extinction were reserved.

In the Russian Federation, the most traditional form of territorial nature protection, which has priority importance for the conservation of biological diversity, are state nature reserves. The system of state reserves as standards of undisturbed natural territories is a source of well-deserved pride for domestic science and the Russian environmental movement. The network of reserves was created over eight decades. As of 2000, there were 99 state nature reserves in Russia with a total area of ​​33.152 million hectares, including land reserves (with inland water bodies) - 26.678 million hectares, which is 1.56% of the territory of Russia. The reserves are located on the territory of 18 republics within the Russian Federation, 4 territories, 35 regions, one autonomous region, 7 autonomous okrugs. In accordance with the legislation, state natural reserves have the status of environmental, research and environmental educational institutions.

The system of Russian state natural reserves is internationally recognized: 21 of them have the international status of biosphere reserves (they have been issued corresponding UNESCO certificates), 7 are under the jurisdiction of the World Convention on the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, 10 fall under the jurisdiction of the Convention on Wetlands with international significance mainly as a habitat for waterfowl (Ramsar Convention), 4 (Oka, Teberda, Central Chernozem and Kostomuksha) have diplomas from the Council of Europe.

National parks.

National parks are territories that include natural complexes and objects that have special ecological, historical and aesthetic value and are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific, cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

The state system of national parks of the Russian Federation began to form relatively recently; the first national park of the Russian Federation (“Sochi”) was formed in 1983. As of 2000, the Russian Federation has 34 national parks with a total area of ​​6.787 million hectares (0.4 % area of ​​the Russian Federation). National parks are located on the territory of 11 republics, 2 territories, 17 regions (Table 3). Most (33) national parks are administered by the Russian Federal Forestry Service and one is administered by the Moscow Government (“Losiny Ostrov”).

The role and importance of Russian national parks are recognized by the international community: three national parks are under the jurisdiction of the World Convention for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (this is the Yugyd Va National Park, on the territory of which the largest array of old-growth (primitive) forests in Europe has been preserved, and national parks "Pribaikalsky" and "Zabaikalsky", included in the water protection zone of Lake Baikal). Part of the territory of the Meshchersky National Park (the Oka River floodplain and the Pra River floodplain) falls under the jurisdiction of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention).

Natural parks.

Natural parks of regional significance are a relatively new category of specially protected natural areas in Russia. Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational and recreational purposes.

Territories natural parks are located on lands provided to them for indefinite (permanent) use, in some cases - on lands of other users, as well as owners.

State nature reserves and natural monuments

State nature reserves – these are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance.

Declaring a territory as a state nature reserve is permitted both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors land plots.

State nature reserves of federal or regional significance may have a different profile, including:

– complex (landscape) designed for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes (natural landscapes);

– biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural terms;

– paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects;

– hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), intended for the conservation and restoration of valuable water bodies and ecological systems;

– geological, intended for the preservation of valuable objects and complexes of inanimate nature.

Natural monuments – unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin.

Natural monuments may have federal or regional significance depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other value of the protected natural complexes and objects.

As of January 1, 1999, there were 2,920 natural monuments and reserves under the protection of forestry authorities. Natural monuments are allocated on an area of ​​1058 thousand hectares, nature reserves - on an area of ​​9691 thousand hectares.

The distribution of natural monuments and reserves in the forest fund by profile is presented in the following form: biological natural monuments - 40%, hydrological - 25%, geological - 4%, complex - 31%, biological reserves - 14%, hydrological - 8%, complex - 78%.

In natural monuments and reserves under the protection of forestry authorities, a regime of non-interference in natural development processes has been established and maintained. natural communities, excluding final felling and, in some cases, thinning.

Medical and recreational areas and resorts

Analysis and synthesis of materials from surveillance observations shows that the improvement of the ecological condition of resort areas and health-improving areas continues to be significantly influenced by such factors as the decline in industrial and agricultural production, which causes a trend towards a constant decrease in the volume of discharge of industrial wastewater and used pesticides and chemical fertilizers . This trend is especially pronounced in resorts and in health-improving areas located in the industrial regions of the center and north-west European territory Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in areas of intensive agriculture in the black earth zone and southern Russia. As negative factors worsening the environmental situation at the resorts, the emergency condition of many sewerage and balneotechnical systems, treatment plants and devices, as well as unauthorized construction of private enterprises, seizure of land plots and the preservation of small hazardous industries, including on the sites, took first place. the first and second zones of mountain sanitary protection. This trend continues and even intensifies, primarily in large resort cities: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Nalchik, Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, in the Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg resort areas, Sadgorod of the Primorsky Territory, etc.

Due to the decrease in the number of citizens served at resorts, there has been a sharp and unjustified reduction in the use of natural resources throughout the country - mineral waters and healing mud.

Behind last years technical condition hydromineral and balneotechnical facilities in many resorts and health resorts do not meet existing requirements. Lack of funds does not allow for scheduled repairs and replacement of worn-out and outdated equipment.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas,” botanical gardens and dendrological parks are a separate independent category of objects with a special regime of protection and operation. In recent years, the network of botanical gardens and dendrological parks in Russia has continued to expand, primarily due to gardens located in resort areas and health institutions. Currently, the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia, the leading coordinating body in the relevant field, unites 80 botanical gardens and dendrological parks (Table 6) of various departmental affiliations.

Among the main activities of botanical gardens as specially protected natural areas are: conservation of biodiversity, creation and preservation of the gene pool of plants, including rare and endangered species, as well as the study and development of approaches to the protection and rational use of plant resources.

Everywhere in the country, the recreational and educational significance of botanical gardens and dendrological parks is great. This is due to the high aesthetic appeal of their territories, the richness and diversity of their collections, the established traditions of their activities as centers of ecological culture, and the high professional level of their employees.

Currently, botanical gardens and dendrological parks in Russia are experiencing certain difficulties, primarily due to insufficient funding. In many botanical gardens, the volume of scientific research has been reduced, collections of plants and seeds are under threat, and interaction (exchange of material, contacts of employees, etc.) between gardens has weakened.

Being located primarily in cities and suburbs, botanical gardens are exposed to the same unfavorable environmental factors as their surrounding areas: air pollution and watercourses, noise pollution, recreational overload, etc. The problem is aggravated due to the often increased sensitivity of plant collections to negative factors external influences in comparison with local vegetation.

Especially strong on ecological state gardens and parks are affected by chemical and noise pollution caused by highways passing in close proximity to their territories, which is most typical for gardens located in large cities. Often, a specific environmental risk factor for them is also the usual development of nearby areas, which causes flooding of garden landscapes.

One of the main problems of botanical gardens and dendrological parks is the preservation of territorial integrity. The territories of gardens and parks often seem very attractive for the implementation of various projects, such as the creation of recreational facilities, the construction of sports grounds, cottages, parking lots, the construction of highways, etc.

World Heritage Sites

In December 1998, at the regular 22nd session of the World Heritage Committee, Russia's application for inclusion of the Golden Mountains of Altai (Altai Republic) in the World Natural Heritage List was approved.

Thus, as of January 1, 1999, the Russian Federation included 4 natural sites in the UNESCO List of Natural Heritage Sites. Natural heritage sites represent the Urals ("Virgin Komi Forests"), Siberia ("Golden Mountains of Altai", "Lake Baikal") and the Far East ("Volcanoes of Kamchatka"); They generally include the territories of 7 nature reserves, 4 national parks, 4 natural parks, 3 state natural reserves of federal significance, as well as a number of other specially protected natural areas. The total area of ​​areas classified as World Natural Heritage in Russia is 17 million hectares, including 3.3 million hectares of water, including Lake Baikal (8.8 million hectares), the marine waters of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve (135 thousand hectares) ), Lake Teletskoye (23 thousand hectares).

Previous materials:
  • Fundamentals of implementation, goals of water legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Basic principles of state legislation in the field of atmospheric air protection
  • Basic legal principles and provisions in the field of wildlife protection
The following materials:
  • Protection of the gene pool of the biosphere. Red Books of Animals and Plants
  • Eco-tourism as part of an environmental strategy
  • Dynamics of the state of flora and fauna, land, fish resources. Environmental monitoring

1. Lands of specially protected natural areas include lands of state natural reserves, including biospheres, state natural reserves, natural monuments, national parks, natural parks, dendrological parks, botanical gardens.

2. Lands of specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage and can be in federal ownership, the property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal property. In cases provided for by federal laws, it is allowed to include land plots belonging to citizens and legal entities on the right of ownership.

3. On the lands of state natural reserves, including biosphere, national parks, natural parks, state natural reserves, natural monuments, dendrological parks and botanical gardens, which include especially valuable ecological systems and objects for the sake of the preservation of which a specially protected natural area was created , activities not related to the preservation and study of natural complexes and objects and not provided for by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are prohibited. Within the lands of specially protected natural areas, changing the intended purpose of land plots or terminating rights to land for needs that contradict their intended purpose is not allowed.

(see text in the previous edition)

On specially allocated land plots of partial economic use within the lands of specially protected natural areas, restrictions on economic and recreational activities are allowed in accordance with the special legal regime established for them.

4. To prevent adverse anthropogenic impacts on state nature reserves, national parks, natural parks and natural monuments on adjacent land plots and water bodies security zones are created. Within the boundaries of these zones, activities that have a negative impact to natural complexes of specially protected natural areas.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. In order to create new and expand existing lands of specially protected natural territories, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to make decisions on the reservation of lands that are supposed to be declared lands of specially protected natural territories, with the subsequent withdrawal of such lands and the restriction of economic activity on them.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. Lands and land plots of state reserves, national parks are in federal ownership and are provided by the federal government budgetary institutions that manages state natural reserves and national parks in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Land within the boundaries of state reserves and national parks are not subject to privatization. In some cases, the presence within the boundaries of national parks of land plots of other users, as well as owners, whose activities do not have a negative impact on the lands of national parks and do not violate the regime of use of lands of state reserves and national parks.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. On lands of specially protected natural areas of federal significance the following is prohibited:

1) provision of land plots for gardening, vegetable farming, individual garage or individual housing construction;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) construction of roads, pipelines, power lines and other communications within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas in cases established by federal law (in the case of zoning of a specially protected natural area - within the boundaries of its functional zones, the regime of which, established in accordance with federal law, prohibits the placement of relevant facilities), as well as the construction and operation of industrial, commercial and residential facilities not related to activities permitted in specially protected natural areas in accordance with federal laws;

Nature, both living and inanimate, is a huge value on our planet. We are in excellent living conditions. If you look at the planets closest to us, then a big difference appearance The Earth and other planets are impressive. A huge volume of clean fresh and salt water of the oceans, a life-giving atmosphere, fertile soils. The richness of the plant world that surrounds almost our entire planet, as well as the animal diversity, is surprising: it is impossible to study all types of living beings in a person’s lifetime.

However, it is precisely such diversity and such environmental conditions that are necessary for the harmonious state of the entire planet, for the balance of substances on it.

Harmony of nature

People, through their activities, transform nature more than any other type of organism. Moreover, other organisms have so merged with the natural environment that they even help maintain the original balance on the planet. For example, a lion hunting an antelope is likely to catch the weakest individual, thereby maintaining the survival of the herbivore population. Earthworm, making numerous holes in the soil, does not spoil the fertile surface layer. It loosens the soil so that the air can better reach the roots of the plants.

Economic activity of Homo sapiens

A person has developed brain. The development of human economic activity is proceeding at a faster pace than the evolutionary processes of nature. She does not have time to adapt to the changes caused by people.

Many years ago, the population of Australia overgrazed livestock on the small continent. According to this hypothesis, numerous deserts of the continent were formed precisely because of human activity.

Since ancient times, trees have been intensively cut down for the construction of houses. Nowadays, forests are shrinking just as quickly: we still use wood for various purposes.

The planet's population is huge and, according to scientists, will grow at an even faster rate. If people populate or use the entire area of ​​the planet for farming, then nature, of course, will not withstand such a load.

History of protected natural areas

Already in ancient times, people kept untouched certain areas of the territory in which they lived. People's faith in gods made them tremble before sacred places. There was no need to even protect such areas; the people themselves treated these sacred territories with care, believing in something mysterious.

In the era of feudalism, the lands of the nobility came first in terms of inviolability. The possessions were guarded. In such territories, hunting was prohibited, or even simply visiting other people's forests or other biotope was prohibited.

In the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution made people think seriously about preserving natural resources for future generations. Protected areas are being created in Europe. The first of the specially protected natural areas were natural monuments. Ancient beech forests and some attractions, such as unusual geological objects, were preserved.

In Russia, the first protected areas were organized at the end of the 19th century. They were not yet state owned.

What is a protected area

These are areas of land or water where human economic activity is partially or completely prohibited. How does the abbreviation stand for? As "specially protected natural areas".

Types of protected areas according to IUCN

Nowadays there are about 105,000 specially protected natural areas on the planet. For such a number of objects, classification is necessary. International Union Nature Conservation has identified the following types of protected areas:

  1. Strict nature reserve. The security of such a territory is especially strict; all economic activity is prohibited. Visit only with a document permitting you to be on the site. The nature of this territory is the most holistic.
  2. National Park. It is divided into areas with strict security and areas where tourist routes are laid.
  3. Natural monument. An unusual, well-known natural site is being protected.
  4. Managed nature reserve. The state takes care of the conservation of species of living organisms and biotopes for their habitat. A person introduces activities to help in fairly rapid reproduction and maintenance of offspring.
  5. Protected marine and territorial landscapes. Recreational facilities are preserved.
  6. Protected areas with monitoring of resource consumption. It is possible to use natural resources if the activity does not cause major changes to the site.

Types of protected areas according to the law of the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation a simpler classification is used. Types of protected areas in Russia:

  1. State nature reserve. The strictest security regime is maintained. Visit only for the purpose of conservation work or education in the area.
  2. National Park. It is divided into ecological zones based on the possibility of using natural resources. Ecotourism has been developed in some areas. There are work areas for national park staff. There may be areas for recreation for the population, as well as for overnight stays for visitors passing the tourist route.
  3. Natural Park. It is created to preserve ecosystems in conditions of mass recreation of the population. New methods of nature conservation are being developed.
  4. State nature reserve. Natural resources are not only preserved, but also restored. The reserve is actively working to restore the former natural wealth of the area. Ecotourism possible.
  5. Natural monument. Significant natural or artificial natural complex. Unique education.
  6. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens. Collections of plant species are created in the territories in order to preserve the species diversity of the planet and replenish lost species of land.

Wrangel Island

The UNESCO World Heritage Sites include 8 sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of these protected areas is the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve.

The protected area is located in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. This is the northernmost of all protected natural areas in Russia. The protected area consists of two islands (Wrangel and Herald) and the adjacent water area. The area of ​​protected areas is more than two million hectares.

The reserve was organized in 1976 to preserve typical and unique flora and fauna. Nature, due to the location of the islands far from the mainland and due to the harsh climate, is preserved almost untouched. Scientists come to the site to study local ecosystems. Thanks to the creation of the reserve, such rare animals as polar bear, walrus A huge number of endemic species live in this area.

The islands are home to local people. It has the right to use natural resources, but to a strictly limited extent.

Lake Baikal

The most valuable lake in the world is also a World Natural Heritage Site. The PA data system is the largest reservoir of clean fresh water.

The huge number of endemic species surprises scientists. More than half of the animals and plants growing here are found only on Lake Baikal. There are about a thousand endemic species in total. Of these, 27 species of fish. The Baikal omul and golomyanka are well known. All nematodes living in the lake are endemic. The water in Baikal is purified by the crustacean epishura, which also lives only in this lake.

It makes up 80% of the biomass of plankton of animal origin.

Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List in 1996. The Baikal Nature Reserve itself was founded in 1969.

An object World Heritage UNESCO “Lake Baikal” is 8 protected areas located directly next to the famous lake. Many scientists are confident that Baikal is expanding every year, increasing its water area due to the drift of lithospheric plates.

Kronotsky Reserve

Another example of a protected area is the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Moreover, this protected area is a biosphere reserve. UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Program identifies protected areas around the world that are almost untouched by human activity. The state is obliged to preserve a self-regulating natural system if the object is located on its territory.

The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the earliest in Russia. In 1882, the Sable Nature Reserve was located on this territory. Kronotsky State Reserve was created in 1934. In addition to the territory with numerous volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, the Kronotsky Nature Reserve includes a significant area of ​​water.

Currently, tourism is actively developing in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Visiting him was not allowed at all times.

Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve

Another example of a protected area in Russia is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is the first reserve Far East. He is also one of the oldest in Russia. The Far Eastern leopard lives here, a rare subspecies of leopards whose numbers have declined in the past. Now it is in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, has the status of “endangered”.

The reserve itself was created for the conservation and research of liana coniferous-deciduous forests. The massifs are not disturbed by anthropogenic influence. There are many endemic species here.

Losiny Ostrov National Park

One of the very first in Russia. Founded in 1983 on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Includes 5 zones: reserved (access is closed), specially protected (visit with permission), protection of historical and cultural monuments (visits are allowed), recreational (occupies more than half the area, free visit) and economic (ensures the operation of the park).

Legislation of the Russian Federation

The Federal Law on Protected Natural Areas (1995) states that protected areas must have federal, regional or local significance. Nature reserves and national parks always have federal significance.

Any reserve, national park, natural park and natural monument must have a protection zone. It additionally protects the object from destructive anthropogenic influence. The boundaries of protected areas, as well as the boundaries of the protective zone, are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Anyone can visit the territory of the protected zone. However, she is also under guard.

The lands of protected areas are a national property. It is prohibited to build houses, roads, or cultivate land on federal sites.

To create protected areas, the government reserves new lands. Further, such lands are declared protected areas. In this case, the law prohibits future cultivation of the land in this area.

Protected areas are an important component of our planet. Such territories preserve priceless wealth for subsequent generations. The balance of the biosphere is maintained and the gene pool of living organisms is protected. Saved and inanimate nature such territories: valuable water resources, geological formations.

Specially protected natural areas have not only environmental significance, but also scientific, as well as environmental and educational significance. It is at such sites that the most educational tourism for nature lovers is organized.

The world's population is growing at an ever faster pace. Humanity needs to think more actively about maintaining nature and take a more responsible approach to preserving natural resources. Every person should think about this and contribute to maintaining the health of the planet.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, this category includes “areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, and health value are located, which are withdrawn decisions of public authorities, wholly or partially from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.” All specially protected natural areas are called upon to perform the most important environmental functions, such as preserving unique and typical natural complexes and objects, the gene pool of plants and animals, providing optimal conditions for the reproduction of natural resources, and above all biological ones, studying natural processes occurring in them, etc. Conservation and The development of specially protected natural areas is one of the priority areas of the state environmental policy of the Russian Federation, and therefore specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage. In accordance with the prevailing environmental objectives, features of the regime and structure of the organization, the following categories of protected areas are distinguished:

1) state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves;

3) natural parks;

4) state natural reserves;

5) natural monuments;

6) dendrological parks and botanical gardens;

7) medical and recreational areas and resorts.

Reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions. The territory is completely withdrawn from economic use. This is a protected area with the most stringent form of nature conservation. Only scientific, security and control activities are permitted in nature reserves. The first reserves were organized at the beginning of the century: (1915, abolished in 1919), Barguzinsky (1916), “Kedrovaya Pad” (1916), etc., among which only Barguzinsky was officially approved as a state reserve. As of January 1, 1995, there were 88 state nature reserves in the Russian Federation with a total area of ​​28,854.1 thousand hectares, including 24,144.1 thousand hectares (1.4% of the land area of ​​the Russian Federation) of territories with inland water bodies. By 2005, it is planned to create about 70 state nature reserves on the territory of the Russian Federation. Particularly among state natural reserves are state natural biosphere reserves, the main purpose of which is to conduct comprehensive background monitoring of the natural environment. Currently there are 17 in the Russian Federation biosphere reserves included in the international network of biosphere reserves.

Sanctuaries are territories (water areas) intended to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. In this case, as a rule, the conservation of some types of natural resources is carried out while the use of others is limited. Wildlife sanctuaries can be of federal or regional subordination. It is prohibited here individual species economic activities that may lead to disruption of the natural environment. Highlight different kinds reserves: complex (landscape), hydrological (, river, etc.), biological (botanical and zoological), etc. Currently in the Russian Federation there are more than 1.5 thousand reserves, occupying more than 3% of the territory.

National parks (NP) are “environmental, environmental, educational and scientific research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and which are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.” Currently, national parks are one of the most promising forms of protected natural areas. They are distinguished by a complex internal structure, expressed in the allocation of zones with different environmental regimes, for example, such as protected areas, zones for regulated tourism and recreation (recreational zones), territories of other land users allocated for traditional forms of economic activity. At the same time, it is taken into account and carefully preserved historical heritage(historical and cultural objects). National parks in Russia began to be created only in 1983, the first of which were: Sochi National Park and Losiny Ostrov National Park. In subsequent years, the number of national parks has steadily increased and currently there are 31 national parks in the Russian Federation, with 2/3 of them created over the past five years. The total area of ​​the NP is 6.6 million hectares, which is 0.38% of the territory of Russia. In the future, it is planned to create about 40 more parks with a total area of ​​approximately 10 million hectares.

Natural parks (NP) are environmental recreational institutions that are used for environmental, educational and recreational purposes. They include natural complexes and objects of significant ecological and aesthetic value. Unlike national parks, natural parks are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the main purpose of their creation is to provide comfortable recreation for the population. In this regard, environmental protection measures are aimed primarily at preserving recreational resources and maintaining the natural environment in a functional state. Much attention is paid, among other things, to the presence of interesting cultural and historical sites. Just like national parks, natural parks represent a combination of territories with different regimes of protection and use (environmental, recreational, agricultural and other functional zones).

Natural monuments include natural objects of natural or artificial origin, as well as natural complexes, small in area, that have scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational significance. Often natural monuments are associated with certain historical events (for example, oak trees in the Kolomenskoye estate, preserved from the time of Ivan the Terrible) and are represented by unique natural objects: individual remarkable trees, caves, etc. Natural monuments are used primarily for scientific, environmental, educational, and environmental protection purposes.

The existing network of specially protected natural areas in Kaliningrad region includes the Curonian Spit National Park, 7 state nature reserves and 61 natural monuments. In the future, it is planned to create the Pravdinsky nature reserve on the territory of the Kaliningrad region, which will include the marsh natural complex of the Baltic lake area with an area of ​​2.4 thousand hectares (“Tselau”). Currently, the network of protected areas in the Kaliningrad region is not sufficient to preserve natural diversity and perform environment-forming and environment-forming functions.
