Ecological state of the Far East. Chapter

The environmental problems of the Far East are very serious. Among them: forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, the collapse of oil tankers, accidents at oil fields and other industrial facilities, deliberate discharge into rivers and seas, as well as into the atmosphere of hazardous production waste.

To solve problems in the region, the NPO Ecopros was created, which develops and implements, in particular, the concept of engineering and environmental safety of the Sakhalin shelf in the areas of oil and gas development.

The environmental problems of the Far East are of a specific nature, associated with the deployment of productive forces in vast territories with different levels development. The load on the environment is not continuous, but focal in nature, which leads to serious local disturbances, while it must be borne in mind that most of the area is located in the permafrost zone.

The high sensitivity of the "fragile" ecosystems of the north of the Far East to anthropogenic impact, the impact of transport, the destruction of reindeer pastures drastically reduces the productivity of the territory and therefore the waste-free production should be brought here to a technologically possible level. For the coastal regions of the Far East, cleanliness is a serious problem. aquatic environment and conservation biological resource seas.

It is very important not to exceed the limit of permissible human impact on the forest, so that the taiga biocenoses do not degrade.

Current state environment requires the most urgent action. The Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed a long-term program for the protection of nature and the rational use of natural resources in the Far East. This program includes the principles of rational use of natural resources, preservation of the unique species composition of biotopes, and reduction of the genetic consequences of environmental pollution.

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Ecological and economic characteristics of the Far East


The Far East is a concept that includes all regions in the eastern part of Eurasia. But I would like to consider only the territory of Russia. In the future, by the words "Far East" I will mean only its Russian part.

The Far Eastern Economic Region includes: Primorsky and Khabarovsk (with the Jewish Autonomous Region) Territories, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amur, Kamchatka (with Koryak autonomous region), Magadan (with the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) and Sakhalin regions. “The territory of the Far East stretches along the coast Pacific Ocean at 4500 km., area - 6.2 million km. (36% of the area of ​​the country).”

The Far East is washed by the seas of the Pacific basin - Bering, Okhotsk, Japan, forming a large marine basin of Russia. All these seas are deep. The seas are separated from the Pacific Ocean by a chain of islands: Aleutian, Kuril, Japanese.

Specificity natural conditions The Far East region is determined by its geographical position at the junction of the two largest structures globe– Pacific Ocean and Eurasian continent.

So, the Far East region is very different from other Russian regions. Let us consider this specificity in more detail, in particular, it is largely determined by the climate.

Climate of the Far East.

The special climate and special organization of production in the Far East is evidenced by the fact that “... the experience gained in the western regions of the USSR, which consists in using the planning and management of various industries National economy standard average climate characteristics, is not acceptable for the Far East.”

Features of the physical and geographical position of the Far East region determined the diversity of natural and climatic conditions - from the sharply continental to the monsoonal climate of the southeast of the region, which caused uneven settlement and development of the region. If the northern part of the Bering Sea is in a subarctic climate, then South part The Japanese lies in the subtropical region.

The climate of the entire Far East is determined by the interaction of continental and maritime air masses of temperate latitudes. In winter, currents of cold air rush to the southeast from the powerful Asian High. Therefore, the winter in the Far East is very severe and dry. In the northeast, along the margin of the Aleutian Low, cold continental air Eastern Siberia interacts with warm sea air. As a result, cyclones often occur, which are associated a large number of precipitation. There is a lot of snow in Kamchatka, blizzards are not uncommon. On the eastern coast of the peninsula, the height of the snow cover can sometimes reach 6 m. Snowfalls are also significant on Sakhalin.

In summer, air currents rush from the Pacific Ocean. Maritime air masses interact with continental air masses, as a result of which monsoon rains occur throughout the Far East in summer. The monsoon climate of the Far East covers the Amur Region and Primorsky Territory. As a result, the largest Far Eastern river, the Amur, and its tributaries flood not in the spring, but in the summer, which usually leads to catastrophic floods. Devastating typhoons often sweep over coastal areas, coming from the southern seas. But at the same time, a warm, albeit very short, summer makes it possible to develop agriculture in the open field.

“In the south of the region, the sum of temperatures above 10°С is 2200-2400°, the duration of the growing season is 5-6 months, the average rainfall is 500-600 mm, in winter - 120-170 mm, average temperature January from -15 to -18°С. To the north, these worsen, but still they seem quite real for agriculture.

... If you abandon averages and consider real conditions vegetation in the Far East, they partly correspond to the conditions of the more northern regions of the USSR than the chernozem and non-chernozem centers located at the same latitude.

I would like to note once again that in the Far East region, the organization of production is needed not like in the western regions of Russia, but taking into account the climatic features of the Far East.

Hydrological characteristic. Hydrological resources of the Far East.

A feature of the Far East region is its rivers, and taking into account the characteristics of these rivers greatly affects the pollution of the region, the general ecological situation in it.

The rivers of the Far East are fed by rain, so their hydrological regime is not consistent, which makes agriculture difficult. Summer showers lead to floods winter period characterized by low water flow and freezing of rivers. The latter factors cause oxygen deficiency in winter river waters, which practically nullifies their ability to self-purify.

“The length of the Far Eastern rivers, excluding the system of the Amur, Kolyma and Anadyr, is small: less than a hundred kilometers, occasionally 100-200 km., Which is 15-20 times less than the length of the rivers of the western regions of our country.” This also greatly reduces the possibility of self-purification of rivers and increases the risk of transmission of pollution from river waters to the waters of the Far East and East Antarctic shelves.

The hydrographic network of the region is very extensive and rich in water. Among the largest are the basins of the Lena, Amur, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, etc. “The rivers concentrate huge reserves of hydropower, are rich in valuable fish species, and are transport routes, including in winter, when winter roads are laid on the ice. rich region and thermal waters. Hot springs, especially in Kamchatka, feed rivers that do not freeze in winter.” But most of the rivers, of course, freeze through in winter. The origin of geysers is connected with volcanic activity. Hot spring water contains zinc, antimony, arsenic, has medicinal value and opens up great opportunities for creating a resort base.

The seas of the Pacific Ocean - Bering, Okhotsk and Japan - have very great importance for the region's economy. “Freezing for a relatively short period, they have a fishery, animal husbandry and transport value. The world's largest reserves are concentrated here salmon fish: chum salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, seals, walruses, seals live.”

population, human resources.

Due to the severity of the climate and the remoteness of the territory, the Republic of Sakha and the Magadan region are very rarely populated. The development of these areas has a focal character. More densely populated Khabarovsk region and the Amur region.

In the twentieth century in the sparsely populated Far East, the population began to grow rapidly due to the development of industrial production in the Far East. “In 1980, the population of the Far East was 7 million people.”

The increase in population occurred both due to natural and mechanical growth, mainly by attracting labor resources to large construction projects, mainly from populous European regions.

“Now the population of the Far East is over 7.6 million people. The urban population is 76%. The Far East is the most sparsely populated region Russian Federation. The average density of its population is 1.2 people per 1 sq. km. km. The population is distributed extremely unevenly across the region, which is partly due to the difference in climates in the north and south of the region. The highest density is more than 12 people per 1 sq. km. in the Primorsky Territory. The southern part of Sakhalin is quite densely populated. At the same time, in the Republic of Sakha, Magadan and Kamchatka regions, “the population density is only 0.3 - 0.8 people per 1 sq. km. km.”

Recently, the decline in the standard of living of the population, the general situation of instability have significantly affected the demographic situation. “Since 1993. there is an unsatisfactory situation in the natural increase of the population. In 1993 in the Far East, there were more deaths than births per 17.6 thousand people, in 1994. - by 20.8 thousand people and for the first half of 1995 - by 11.2 thousand people.”

It is also very important to note that the imperfect infrastructure of the settlements makes it necessary to improve its adaptability to local natural conditions from an environmental point of view.

Natural resource potential of the Far East region.

The Far East has the richest forest and animal resources. Forests in the Far East cover about 260 million hectares of the region.

Most of Kamchatka is occupied by sparse forests of stone birch and larch, and thickets of dwarf pine with alder and lichens grow on the slopes of the mountains. Northern Sakhalin is characterized by sparse larch forests, while Southern Sakhalin is characterized by impenetrable bamboo thickets and spruce-fir taiga on the Kuril Islands, in Primorye and the Amur Region, where summers are warm and humid, coniferous-deciduous forests grow.

Seals, seals, and white whales are of commercial value in the Far Eastern seas. Crab fishing is carried out off the western coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. In the Amur region and in Primorye, northern and southern species of animals are found. Here live such Siberian species as reindeer, elk, sable, squirrel, and such southern species as the Amur tiger, spotted deer, black bear, raccoon dog. The Kuril Islands are characterized by: seals, fur seals and sea otters.

The fish resources of the Far Eastern seas are diverse. The most important fishing areas are the waters of Kamchatka, the Okhotsk coast, the Amur Estuary, the coasts of South Sakhalin and Primorye. In the first place in terms of value are migratory salmon fish - chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon. For spawning, they go to the Amur, to the rivers of the Okhotsk coast, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

The Far East is distinguished by the production of non-ferrous metals, diamonds, mica, fish and seafood, timber and pulp and paper industries, ship repair and fur trade. In agricultural production, the Far East region specializes in soybean cultivation and reindeer breeding. All branches of market specialization are based on the use of local natural resources. The Far East plays an important role in Russia's maritime and foreign trade relations. The Far East exports coal, forest, furs, fish, etc.

Mineral reserves are of great importance for the development of the region. There are large reserves of iron ore, coal (more than 15 billion tons), oil (9.6 billion tons), natural gas (14 trillion cubic meters), timber and hydraulic resources. Within the 200-mile zone, the region has a marine and oceanic area of ​​1.5 million square kilometers. According to forecast estimates, the subsoil of the shelf of the Far Eastern seas contains 29 billion tons of hydrocarbons. More than 60% of fish and seafood in Russia is produced in the Far East.

Ores of non-ferrous metals and rare metals are of interregional importance. This is one of the most important gold-bearing regions of Russia. Ore and alluvial gold deposits are concentrated in the basins of the Kolyma, Aldan, Zeya, Amur, Selemdzhi, Bureya, in Chukotka and on the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin. Tin, tungsten, lead-zinc ores have been discovered and are being developed in the Republic of Sakha, the Magadan region, in the spurs of the Sikhote-Alin. The Far East has large reserves of mercury. The main deposits are located in Chukotka, in Yakutia and the Khabarovsk Territory. Unique deposits of mica have been explored in Tommot on the Upper Aldan. Of great importance are the diamond deposits of the north-west of the Republic of Sakha - Mir, Udachnoye, etc.

Reserves are known in the Far East region iron ore. Highest value has the Aldan iron ore basin with the deposits Taezhnoye, Pionerskoe, Sivaglinskoe, located in the south of Yakutia.

The Far East also has large reserves of fuel resources, especially hard and brown coal. However, large coal reserves are located in the Lena basin, which is far from the developed territories. In the south of the Republic of Sakha there is one of the most promising coking coal basins - Yuzhno-Yakutsky. The remaining deposits, relatively small, are scattered throughout the region.

Oil and gas provinces have been identified in the region: on Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Chukotka, in the Magadan region, but so far only the Okha and Tungor oil fields in the north of Sakhalin are being developed. Oil High Quality, but it is not enough to meet the needs of the region. Gas was discovered in the Leno-Vilyui oil and gas province. This is one of the most important promising gas-bearing regions.

The Far East also has reserves of non-metallic raw materials: marl, limestone, refractory clay, quartz sand, as well as sulfur, graphite, mica.

General ecological and economic characteristics of the region.

The territory occupied by the Far East economic region, the Chita region and the Republic of Buryatia accounts for “almost 40% of the area of ​​Russia with about 7% of the population and up to 6% of industrial production” .

Let's highlight the features of the Far East region. There are two most important factors that determine the position of the Far East in the system of Russian regions. First of all, the special economic and geographical position of the region. It is characterized by remoteness from the main, most populated and developed regions of the country, as well as marginality and limited contacts with the only neighbor - Eastern Siberia.

The second factor is a powerful resource potential. This gives him the opportunity to occupy an important place in the country's economy in a number of raw material positions. So the region produces: "98% of diamonds, tin - 80%, boron - 90%, gold - 50%, tungsten - 15%, fish and seafood - more than 40%, timber - 13%, cellulose - 7%" .

The border position and ice-free seaports create favorable conditions for cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Railways form the basis for international transit traffic.

The Far East South is much more favorable for economic development than the North. About 30% of the region's area is home to 80% of its inhabitants. The north, on the contrary, is characterized by harsh nature and sparsely populated areas. The development of valuable minerals is the main specialization of the region, which determines its place in the Russian economy.

In the southern regions, industry has received greater development, in particular, manufacturing, the core of which is military-industrial complex enterprises. There are more favorable conditions for development Agriculture. The northern and northeastern territories specialize in the development of raw materials, mainly mining industries. The coal mining industry is very important for the energy complex of the region, but now its situation is deteriorating and, in addition, it is a very powerful source of the environment. Along the BAM, prerequisites have been created for the formation of a new industrial zone, the economic development of which has importance both for adjacent territories and for the whole country.

Along with the favorable economic and geographical conditions listed above, the Far East and Transbaikalia are also under pressure from negative factors. These are, first of all, difficult, including extreme natural and climatic conditions, poor development and remoteness of the region from the industrialized regions of the country, inaccessibility of most of the territory, impassability, instability and outflow of the population. In this situation, the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Baikal-Amur Mainline play an important role; although now the Baikal-Amur Railway, the construction of which required huge state capital investments and was carried out by all the republics of the former USSR, is currently loaded with less than half of its carrying capacity.

One of the main constraining factors is the existing structure of the national economy. The inefficient sectoral structure of the economy, in which “the share of extractive industries in the volume of production is 30%, and industries of specialization (fish, non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry), with backward technologies and equipment, more than 50%”, causes an extremely unfavorable situation right now, during the transition period to market relations in the economy. It also creates numerous additional environmental problems.

The chronic lag in the production infrastructure, primarily transport and energy, was reflected and supplemented by the difficult situation in the industries of specialization.

The gold mining industry is in a depressed state, where, due to a sharp reduction in appropriations, exploration work is being curtailed, there is a mass exodus of workers from enterprises and a significant drop in production in its main regions - the Magadan Region and Yakutia.

It was not possible to stabilize the situation in the fuel and energy complex. A significant number of enterprises in Transbaikalia and the Far East operated in the regime of severe restrictions on the supply of energy resources due to a shortage of financial resources to pay for them. An extremely difficult situation has developed in the mining industry, which is aggravated by the lag in the growth of explored reserves of mineral raw materials, a sharp decrease in the pace of geological exploration. Essentially, the process of reproduction of the region's mineral resource potential has been disrupted. The timber and fishing industries are in crisis.

The decline in production, chronic insolvency, inflationary processes had a catastrophic effect on the financial position of enterprises. During 1994 and the first half of 1995, the industry of the Far East had the highest relative loss ratio in comparison with the volume of industrial production.

This situation is especially painful for the Far Eastern territories with resource specialization, where, due to the weak investment opportunities of enterprises, the main burden of financing production, infrastructure and social programs falls on the federal and regional budgets. But local governments, of course, cannot cope with a huge number of problems that exist in the region, including environmental ones.

The most difficult living conditions, the raw material orientation of the economy, the high capital intensity of the economic development of the territory and the increased transport costs due to its geographical remoteness in modern, dramatically changed conditions put the region in a deliberately disadvantageous position. Now, in the conditions of the independence of producers and the unestablished practice of contractual relations, shortages of food supplies to the Far East have become chronic. At the same time, “the share of local food production does not exceed 30% of needs” .

Little support for farms, sometimes just a lack of food, forces the population to become poachers. Poaching, it can be said, flourishes in the Far East, which causes significant damage to the environment.

As we can see, due to the general crisis in the country, most enterprises are idle, while others do not work at full capacity, which in general, of course, slightly improves the state of the environment. But the consequences of the same crisis (the spread of poaching, the difficult social situation of the population, etc.) worsen it. Many diseases are spreading, for example, Vladivostok has one of the highest rates of cancer.

Recently there has been an increase in the electric power industry (from 3.5% in 1991 to 14% in 1994) and non-ferrous metallurgy (from 19.4% to 30% respectively). This trend is noted against the backdrop of a sharper decline in other industries. But if the increase in the share of non-ferrous metallurgy should be considered a positive development, then the increase in the share of the electric power industry indicates an increase in the energy intensity of production. Unfortunately, this trend continues to persist to the detriment, of course, of the environment.

One of the serious problems as a resource-producing region is the non-complex use of natural resources, which is expressed in the fact that only the most accessible and high-quality mineral deposits are developed, requiring the lowest costs for extraction and processing. However, in the end, this leads to an increase in the cost of further operation. For different objects, this excess ranges from 35 to 85%. For example, in the extraction of fuel for the needs of industry and the population, efforts are now being made in three directions: the Sakhalin shelf, the development of oil and gas fields in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the completion of the construction of large coal mines (Urgalsky, Erkovetsky, Luchegorsky, etc.), the construction of relatively inexpensive coal cuts in small deposits.

One of the main conditions for stabilizing the unified energy system "Vostok" and reducing the import of solid fuel into the region is the completion of the construction of the Bureyskaya HPP as one of the main conditions for stabilizing the unified energy system "Vostok" and reducing the import of solid fuel into the region. Thus, the Bureyskaya HPP will be economically very profitable, but environmental factors are of course also important here.

Ecological problems of the Far East region.

Many of the environmental problems in the Far East are related to the economic ones that have just been described.

The general state of the environment in the Far East is characterized by an imbalance in nature management in almost all regions, that is, a violation of the correspondence between development and distribution material production, population resettlement and ecological capacity of territories.

The unique spatial and temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and permafrost determine the much lower stability of the Far Eastern ecosystems relative to the western regions of Russia, and this instability increases from south to north, which can be seen at least in the example of climate. And sometimes the nature of inter-resource relations, aggravated by the low stability of ecosystems, makes it extremely difficult, and sometimes completely excludes the exploitation of several resources on the same territory at the same time. For example, the development of alluvial deposits and the extraction of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in coastal areas and the creation of mariculture plantations on the shelf, etc.

These examples are typical for the Far East region, since the seas and rivers are of great importance for the Far East. Many enterprises associated with the mining, chemical industries pour their waste directly into wastewater. Now many places use the method of combating pollution of river waters, based on the ability of rivers to self-purify. (Meanwhile, in the hydrological description of the Far East, it was shown that the ability of the Far Eastern rivers to self-purify is small due to the peculiarities of the hydro regime, oxygen deficiency and the small length of the rivers). So, this method consists in calculating the required dilution of wastewater and the degree of purification to comply with MPC standards. But the “dilution” method, of course, is not suitable, since it will lead to pollution of the shelf waters and poisoning of seafood with heavy metals. Data on the anthropogenic load on the coastal marine areas indicate that the main sources of sea pollution are sewage (including household wastewater, industrial wastewater).

This leads to sad consequences, since in connection with the introduction of a 200-mile economic zone by many states, the bioresources of the Far Eastern seas are becoming especially important in providing industry and the population of the country with seafood. Moreover, the shelves of the Far Eastern seas, and especially the South Primorye, of all the water areas of our country are the most favorable for breeding mariculture.

Almost all the beaches of the Ussuriysky and Amursky bays are polluted with heavy metals, which, in terms of their danger of affecting a living organism, are second only to pesticides, according to employees of the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Of the pollutants that enter coastal waters, the greatest danger in terms of volume and harmfulness is oily water - loss of oily products during storage in ports, wastewater from shipbuilding and ship repair plants, thermal power plants and boiler houses operating on liquid fuel. The equipment of the Far Eastern ports with treatment facilities is extremely weak, so oil seeps into the beach areas. A significant part solid sediment from pollution are hydroxides and salts of transition metals, as well as oxides of silicon, aluminum, salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

A lot of pollution occurs due to morally and physically obsolete equipment. Currently, “about 70% of the fishing industry fleet of the Far Eastern Basin is finalizing the standard operating life” . In the bays of the Far East there are many decommissioned and abandoned various sea vessels. A large amount of liquid and solid radioactive waste is stored in obsolete and overcrowded fleet bases. Conventional ships and nuclear submarines withdrawn from the fleet are not being disposed of due to lack of funding.

In the Far East, illegal felling of virgin forests, the main wealth of the Far East, is being carried out. At the same time, there is also a lot of waste from the forest industry; for example, in the form of highly toxic phenolic compounds released from wood and entering water bodies.

The activities of mining enterprises are currently very harmful to the environment. In some places there is even a danger of such catastrophes as environmental poisoning with cyanides and acid effluents. One of the most complex industries in terms of environmental impact is the coal industry. The main areas of negative impact are: pollution of underground and surface water, violation of the hydrological regime; air pollution; violation of land, pollution of their waste from the extraction and processing of coal and shale. The most specific components of wastewater from coal enterprises are: suspended solids, oil products, mineral salts, salts of heavy metals, organic compounds; less characteristic are phenols, synthetic surfactants, microelements, etc. In 1994, Primorsky Krai exceeded 32.6 million m3 in terms of discharges of polluted wastewater into natural water bodies. elimination environmental impact activities of the extractive industry at the fields of the Far East are carried out by means of the construction of treatment facilities for mine and quarry waters containing hard-to-settle dispersed suspension, increasing the efficiency of existing facilities and land reclamation.

Among the environmental problems of the Far East are also forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, the collapse of oil tankers, accidents at oil and gas fields and other industrial facilities. At the same time, it should be noted that in some areas the restoration of former biogeocenoses is impossible. Of the disturbed lands, approximately only 75% can be reclaimed.

Based on all of the above, we see that the creation of some environmental problems is now inevitable due to the economic crisis. There are no funds to eliminate these problems, everything goes to the development of production, while in many places an extensive method of development is used, the most resource-intensive. But it is also clear that further environmental degradation will only exacerbate the overall crisis, and will hit primarily the population, potential labor force, and non-renewable resources.

Nevertheless, some enterprises pay great attention to the environmental situation and take measures: they update outdated equipment, install new cleaners, etc., realizing that it will pay off later.

In order to avoid an ecological catastrophe and eliminate the constant threat of radioactive contamination of the area, measures are determined to create capacities for breaking up ships and disposing of radioactive waste. “It is planned to build a number of plants (in particular, in Khabarovsk, a waste incineration plant with a capacity of 863,000 cubic meters per year and a waste processing plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with a capacity of 500,000 cubic meters per year) and a number of other facilities.”

Many years of experience in operating a coastal oily water treatment plant in the village of Preobrazhenie has shown that on average more than 6,000 tons of water are processed annually and about 400-500 tons of oil products are released. The second similar station, somewhat modernized, was built in the village of Zarubino at the Far Eastern Seafood Processing Fleet Base. Both stations have significantly improved the environmental situation in their areas.

The state of the environment in the main coal regions remains generally unsatisfactory, but in 1994 there has been some improvement in environmental performance in the coal mining industry.

The construction of new enterprises is also being carried out, already taking into account modern requirements for safety for the environment. For example, the Bureyskaya HPP project is being implemented, which solves the problem of providing electricity to consumers in the south of the Far East, reducing fuel imports to the region, increasing the reliability of power supply, and contributing to solving problems of improving the social and environmental living conditions of the population.

As I said, the project of the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station was developed taking into account the minimization of damage to the natural environment. The creation of the reservoir of the Bureya hydroelectric power station and the change in the flow regime of the Bureya River below the dam site will not entail a violation of the ecological balance, cultural and domestic value natural complex will not be significantly affected. The formation of the reservoir will favorably affect the reproduction of forests and the afforestation of swamps in the coastal zone, as well as the settlement of slopes with productive Manchurian species. The creation of a reservoir creates conditions for the spread of new species of waterfowl and water birds, as well as mammals (muskrat, American mink, otter).


To summarize, the main provisions of my essay:

The current management practice in the region does not take into account the local features of natural and climatic conditions, the extremely low restoration potential of ecosystems and, despite the measures taken, does not ensure the rational use, protection and reproduction of natural resources.

Extensive, exhaustive nature management has undermined the potential for self-reproduction of renewable natural resources.

The load on the environment is not continuous, but focal in nature, which leads to serious local disturbances, while it should be borne in mind that most of the region is located in the permafrost zone.

Unique natural formations coexist with areas of acute environmental problems. The exhausted extensive use of natural resources, the development of environmentally harmful industries, have led to the emergence of potential centers of social tension.

Environmental activity in the conditions of unstable economic and socio-political situation becomes more complicated. There is practically no effective system for monitoring the state of the environment, its change under the influence of economic activity.

These problems need to be addressed, and a lot of various projects are already being created to improve the environmental situation in the Far East, but all this is still at the stage of development. Ideally, nature, society and economy should coexist harmoniously without conflicting with each other.

For example, the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed a long-term program for the protection of nature and the rational use of natural resources in the Far East. This program includes the principles of rational use of resources, preservation of the unique species composition of biota, and reduction of the genetic consequences of environmental pollution (however, recently, due to the ruin and almost complete shutdown of some enterprises, the intensity of environmental pollution with hazardous waste has somewhat decreased).

To solve problems in the region, organizations have been created that develop and implement, in particular, the concept of engineering and environmental safety of the Sakhalin shelf in the areas of oil and gas field development.

According to the projects being created, the general features of the further development of the region are as follows: mechanisms for environmental incentives for environmental protection should be involved, including:

tax exemption for environmental funds; transfer of part of the funds of environmental funds on contractual terms to enterprises, institutions, organizations in search of solutions to acute environmental problems; the use of concessional lending to enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, that effectively protect the environment.

The priority goals of interregional schemes are:

ensuring environmental safety and sustainable development of natural and economic systems in the territories of the respective basins through the implementation of agreed decisions in regional development; mutual cooperation in solving environmental problems and using natural resources; ensuring the interests of the Russian Federation in solving interregional and global environmental problems; formation of a network of specially protected natural areas.


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Data on

I.E. Busygin. Russian Far East. // World economy and international relations. - No. 5-1995, - p. 26.

Data on

Data on

On the territory of the Far East federal district(FEFD) it is proposed to introduce a special regime of state administration, the Kommersant newspaper reports. This follows from the draft regulation on the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, sent for approval to the government on June 1, which the publication managed to get acquainted with. The department headed by the president's envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, Minister Viktor Ishaev, intends to limit or completely abolish the interference of other federal bodies in the affairs of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The experts of our Center have already discussed the draft law on the establishment of a state corporation for the development of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Now we present to you our vision of the main problems of the Far East region (detailed in the monograph "The National Idea of ​​Russia", chapter "Territorial Integrity")

Problems of the Far East

The Far East is the most remote region from the capital and the historical center of the country. This fact already creates quite serious ...

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Thus, based on the analysis of the environmental situation in the Far East, it can be concluded that there are serious environmental problems in the Far East.
During the period from 2000 to 2005, in some regions of the Far East, the amount of emissions from stationary sources increased. This is Yakutia, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous region and Chukotka Autonomous Region. In other regions, the situation with emissions remains approximately at a constant level. A decrease in atmospheric emissions is noted in the Sakhalin Region, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Region and Primorsky Territory.
The pollutants emitted by stationary sources are dominated by solids, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. The main sources of atmospheric air pollution are energy enterprises. Among the sources of pollutants, stationary ones predominate. A high share of motor vehicles in air pollution is noted in ...

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The unique spatial and temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and permafrost determine the much lower stability of the Far Eastern ecosystems relative to the western regions of Russia, and this instability increases from south to north, which can be seen at least in the example of climate. And sometimes the nature of inter-resource relations, aggravated by the low stability of ecosystems, makes it extremely difficult, and sometimes completely excludes the exploitation of several resources on the same territory at the same time. For example, the development of alluvial deposits and the extraction of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in coastal areas and the creation of plantations ...

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Ecological problems

The general state of the environment in the Far East is characterized by an imbalance in nature management in almost all regions, that is, a violation of the correspondence between the development and distribution of material production, population resettlement and the ecological capacity of territories.

The unique spatial and temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and permafrost determine the much lower stability of the Far Eastern ecosystems relative to the western regions of Russia, and this instability increases from south to north, which can be seen at least in the example of climate. And sometimes the nature of inter-resource relations, aggravated by the low stability of ecosystems, makes it extremely difficult, and sometimes completely excludes the exploitation of several resources on the same territory at the same time. For example, the development of alluvial deposits and the extraction of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in coastal areas ...

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Environmental problems of the Far East

The environmental problems of the Far East are very serious. Among them: forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, the collapse of oil tankers, accidents at oil fields and other industrial facilities, deliberate discharge into rivers and seas, as well as into the atmosphere of hazardous production waste.

To solve problems in the region, the NPO Ecopros was created, which develops and implements, in particular, the concept of engineering and environmental safety of the Sakhalin shelf in the areas of oil and gas development.

The environmental problems of the Far East are of a specific nature, associated with the deployment of productive forces in vast territories with different levels of development. The load on the environment is not continuous, but focal in nature, which leads to serious local disturbances, while it must be borne in mind that most of the area is located in the permafrost zone.


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The backlog of economic growth in the Far East from the average parameters. Disproportions in the industrial development of territories. Economic isolation and dependence of the region. Low innovative potential of cities. Weak development of financial infrastructure.

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Introduction The Far East: Economic Problems and Ways to Solve Them Population Aging Growth Conclusion References Introduction The Far East is the easternmost region of Russia washed by the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Here Russia has sea borders with the USA and Japan. In addition to the mainland, the Far Eastern economic region includes the islands: Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Sakhalin, Kuril and Commander. The southern mainland adjacent to the Sea of ​​Japan is called Primorye. In economic terms, the area is developed ...

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Ecology of the Far East

Breathe freely >Ecology of the Far East

The ecology of the Far East has not yet suffered much due to human activity. Despite the fact that this region occupies almost 40% of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not attractive for the founders of industrial enterprises. The ecology of the Far East still remains more or less favorable, since this area does not have the best climatic and natural conditions for people to live and actively work. In addition, the remoteness from the industrialized regions of Russia saves the ecology of the Far East. However, in those places of the Far East, where people still set up production, the environment is simply terrible.

The ecology of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Magadan and Blagoveshchensk is in critical condition. These cities, along with Yakutsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, are ranked among the settlements with the most unfavorable ecology.


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3.2 Environmental problem.

The environmental problems of the Far East are of a specific nature, associated with the deployment of productive forces in vast territories with different levels of development. The load on the environment is not continuous, but focal in nature, which leads to serious local disturbances, while it must be borne in mind that most of the region is located in the permafrost zone.

The current state of the environment requires the most urgent measures. The Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed a long-term program for the protection of nature and the rational use of natural resources in the Far East. This program includes the principles of rational use of resources, preservation of the unique species composition of the area, and reduction of the genetic consequences of environmental pollution.

The environmental problems of the Far East are very serious. Among them: forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, the collapse of oil...

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Problems and prospects for the development of the Far East

As a result of the lack of wood raw materials, the production of lumber in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories has been reduced. The production of commercial timber substitutes at the enterprises of Primorsky Krai has been significantly reduced. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the production of margarine products has significantly decreased, in Kamchatka and the Magadan Region - confectionery products by 40%, in the Koryak and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs - meat. Reduced in the region and the catch of fish. The decline in production is also taking place in other industries.

The environmental problems of the Far East are very serious. Among them: forest fires, consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, crashes of oil tankers, accidents at oil and gas fields and other industrial facilities, deliberate discharge into rivers and seas, as well as into the atmosphere of hazardous production waste.

The environmental problems of the Far East are of a specific nature associated with the distribution of productive forces ...

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The territory of the Russian Far East includes several large islands and Sakhalin. Although this is the largest economic region in terms of area, economic problems in this area arise due to the fact that the Far East is located far from the center of the country.

The economy of this region is influenced by several factors:

  • Weather. In this area, the weather is unstable and often severe, which prevents land development and a small influx of people. Transport communication here is very poorly established and this significantly affects the economy of the region;
  • A critical level of water pollution, as well as a large amount of solid debris. As for water sources, its pollution is more affected by organic impurities, such as zinc compounds, iron, oil products and some others. The ecological state of the waters is getting worse due to the poor condition of the treatment facilities. It is high time to replace them with new equipment, but no one is dealing with this problem, and therefore the quality of surface water is deteriorating every year.

We can say that the industry of the region greatly affects the environment. Almost 30% of enterprises belong to the extractive industry and this cannot but affect the state of ground and surface waters.

Problem number one is the lack of proper disposal of waste from enterprises. As a result of the operation of mining enterprises, overburden rocks, enrichment tailings and ash and slag dumps remain. Developed in other regions recycling waste, here recycling is reduced to burial in landfills. That is why the number of these landfills is increasing and not only the territory is polluted, but also underground sources.

Recently, there has been an increase in industrial areas and a reduction in the areas that were agricultural land and forests. All this creates environmental problems, the main of which is the problem of improper use of natural resources. The imbalance can be traced in the location and development of production, in how people are settled in a given territory and in other areas too.

Many negative factors, including soil freezing, have made the ecosystem of this region very unstable. This leads to the fact that the development of several industries is impossible in this territory.

The Far East has always been rich in virgin forests, but now, due to illegal logging, their territory has been significantly reduced. Another environmental problem is timber industry. When processing wood, very toxic phenolic compounds are released that pollute water bodies.

It is impossible not to mention the outdated equipment that is used in the fishing industry. According to statistics, almost 70% of the entire fleet fell into disrepair and became obsolete. This equipment is not disposed of, but simply left in the bay, which leads to pollution of water sources. But more dangerous is the large amount of radioactive waste stored at naval bases.

And this is not the whole list of environmental problems in the Far East. Forest fires, typhoons, other natural disasters, as well as accidents at industrial enterprises cause great damage. All this greatly upset the balance of the ecosystem and practically nullified the potential for self-renewal of natural resources.

What can be done to solve environmental problems

Unlike other regions, the problems in the Far East have their own characteristics. This is primarily due to the uneven distribution of enterprises. And this problem arose because a large amount of the area of ​​the region is covered with permafrost, which prevents the widespread resettlement of the population and, as a result, this does not allow establishing any kind of production under such conditions. It turns out that the territory itself is huge, but production is concentrated in certain areas. And although the ecological situation in such regions is very critical, it is necessary to take measures as soon as possible so that it does not worsen.

A program has already been developed to address the most pressing problems. The development of this program was carried out by the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The adopted program is long-term and is aimed at protecting the nature of the Far East, and to monitor the rational use of natural resources.

These are the main tasks that were set by the developers of this program. It is also necessary to monitor the preservation of the species composition of the biota and prevent the final pollution of the environment.

It is worth noting that in those areas where the population density is low and people there are mainly engaged in economic activity, the ecological state is not so critical. But in the industrial areas of the region, changes need to be made as soon as possible, otherwise the situation could be greatly aggravated.

In order for the economy of the Far East to develop, the following tasks were set:

  • Focus on the sale of heavy industry products;
  • Exploration of undeveloped territories and search for new natural resources;
  • Create a new metallurgical complex using Yakut coking coal;
  • Continue to develop the Zeysko-Svobodnensky complex and focus on the development of the energy industry, as well as the woodworking industry. The basis of this complex also includes mechanical engineering and mining;
  • Ensure the creation of a chemical complex. Oil will be used for its development, natural gas and coal, which are mined in significant quantities in the area;
  • It is planned to arrange timber harvesting;
  • Raise the level of economic performance to create free competition and market infrastructure. Find ways to eliminate the causes that hinder the development of industrial sectors in the region.

Ecotourism as a way to develop the economy of the Far East

The nature of the Far East impresses with its magnificent views. At the same time, this region has a wide variety of natural resources. All this attracts not only travelers, but also researchers.

Tourists can be attracted as a wide variety of animal and flora, as well as monuments of culture and life of indigenous people. Therefore, so-called ecotourism is gaining popularity in this region. This allows people to travel and enjoy beautiful landscapes in the bosom of virgin nature. The goal of ecotourism is not to humanize natural monuments, but rather to preserve it in its original form. Tourists can explore the world but not disturb its harmony.

Ecotourism has several directions. One of them is scientific tourism. In the process of travel, a person, if desired, can take in scientific research.

To ensure the safety of tourists and monitor the safety of nature, special ecological trails were equipped.

Another direction of ecotourism is adventure tourism. Its purpose is to introduce travelers to unique history and the nature of the region. The development of this direction is not very fast, because most of the territory has very harsh natural and climatic conditions.

To attract foreign tourists, travel companies are developing interesting ski routes. They also offer excursions to hot springs or local villages, and even visit the camps of reindeer herders.

There are already several state reserves and 20 natural monuments in the Far East. And that's not counting natural parks and other attractions.

Ecotourism is not yet developed in this region, but it has great prospects for development. After all, this is a territory with great potential and the main thing is to make efforts so that many can appreciate the beauty of this harsh region.

The general state of the environment in the Far East is characterized by an imbalance in nature management in almost all regions, that is, a violation of the correspondence between the development and distribution of material production, population resettlement and the ecological capacity of territories.

The unique spatial and temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and permafrost determine the much lower stability of the Far Eastern ecosystems relative to the western regions of Russia, and this instability increases from south to north, which can be seen at least in the example of climate. And sometimes the nature of inter-resource relations, aggravated by the low stability of ecosystems, makes it extremely difficult, and sometimes completely excludes the exploitation of several resources on the same territory at the same time. For example, the development of alluvial deposits and the extraction of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in coastal areas and the creation of mariculture plantations on the shelf, etc.

These examples are typical for the Far East region, since the seas and rivers are of great importance for the Far East. Many enterprises associated with the mining, chemical industries pour their waste directly into wastewater. Now many places use the method of combating pollution of river waters, based on the ability of rivers to self-purify. (Meanwhile, in the hydrological description of the Far East, it was shown that the ability of the Far Eastern rivers to self-purify is small due to the peculiarities of the hydro regime, oxygen deficiency and the small length of the rivers). So, this method consists in calculating the required dilution of wastewater and the degree of purification to comply with MPC standards. But the “dilution” method, of course, is not suitable, since it will lead to pollution of the shelf waters and poisoning of seafood with heavy metals. Data about anthropogenic load on coastal marine areas testify: the main sources of pollution of the sea are sewage (including household wastewater, wastewater from industrial enterprises).

This leads to sad consequences, since in connection with the introduction of a 200-mile economic zone by many states, the bioresources of the Far Eastern seas are becoming especially important in providing industry and the population of the country with seafood. Moreover, the shelves of the Far Eastern seas, and especially the South Primorye, of all the water areas of our country are the most favorable for breeding mariculture.

Almost all the beaches of the Ussuriysky and Amursky bays are polluted with heavy metals, which, in terms of their danger of affecting a living organism, are second only to pesticides, according to employees of the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Of the pollutants that enter coastal waters, the greatest danger in terms of volume and harmfulness is oily water - loss of oily products during storage in ports, wastewater from shipbuilding and ship repair plants, thermal power plants and boiler houses operating on liquid fuel. The equipment of the Far Eastern ports with treatment facilities is extremely weak, so oil seeps into the beach areas. A significant part of the solid residue from pollution are hydroxides and salts of transition metals, as well as oxides of silicon, aluminum, salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

A lot of pollution occurs due to morally and physically obsolete equipment. Currently, “about 70% of the fleet of the fishing industry of the Far East basin is finalizing the standard operating life. In the bays of the Far East there are many decommissioned and abandoned various sea vessels. A large amount of liquid and solid radioactive waste is stored in obsolete and overcrowded fleet bases. Conventional ships and nuclear submarines withdrawn from the fleet are not being disposed of due to lack of funding.

In the Far East, illegal felling of virgin forests, the main wealth of the Far East, is being carried out. At the same time, there is also a lot of waste from the forest industry; for example, in the form of highly toxic phenolic compounds released from wood and entering water bodies.

The activities of mining enterprises are currently very harmful to the environment. In some places there is even a danger of such catastrophes as environmental poisoning with cyanides and acid effluents. One of the most complex industries in terms of environmental impact is the coal industry. Main directions negative impact are: pollution of underground and surface waters, violation of the hydrological regime; air pollution; violation of land, pollution of their waste from the extraction and processing of coal and shale. The most specific components of wastewater from coal enterprises are: suspended solids, oil products, mineral salts, salts of heavy metals, organic compounds; less characteristic are phenols, synthetic surfactants, microelements, etc. In 1994, Primorsky Krai exceeded 32.6 million m3 in terms of discharges of polluted wastewater into natural water bodies. The elimination of the environmental consequences of the activities of the extractive industry at the fields of the Far East is carried out through the construction of treatment facilities for mine and quarry waters containing a difficult-to-settle dispersed suspension, an increase in the efficiency of existing facilities and land reclamation.

Among the environmental problems of the Far East are also forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, the collapse of oil tankers, accidents at oil and gas fields and other industrial facilities. At the same time, it should be noted that in some areas the restoration of former biogeocenoses is impossible. Of the disturbed lands, approximately only 75% can be reclaimed.

Based on all of the above, we see that the creation of some environmental problems is now inevitable due to the economic crisis. No Money To eliminate these problems, everything goes to the development of production, while in many places an extensive method of development is used, the most resource-intensive. But it is also clear that further environmental degradation will only exacerbate the overall crisis, and will hit primarily the population, potential labor force, and non-renewable resources.

Nevertheless, some enterprises pay great attention to the environmental situation and take measures: they update outdated equipment, install new cleaners, etc., realizing that it will pay off later.

In order to avoid an ecological catastrophe and eliminate the constant threat of radioactive contamination of the area, measures are determined to create capacities for breaking up ships and disposing of radioactive waste. “It is planned to build a number of plants (in particular, in Khabarovsk, a waste incineration plant with a capacity of 863,000 cubic meters per year and a waste processing plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with a capacity of 500,000 cubic meters per year) and a number of other facilities.

Many years of experience in operating a coastal oily water treatment plant in the village of Preobrazhenie has shown that on average more than 6,000 tons of water are processed annually and about 400-500 tons of oil products are released. The second similar station, somewhat modernized, was built in the village of Zarubino at the Far Eastern Seafood Processing Fleet Base. Both stations have significantly improved the environmental situation in their areas.

The state of the environment in the main coal regions remains generally unsatisfactory, but in 1994 there has been some improvement in environmental performance in the coal mining industry.

The construction of new enterprises is also carried out, already taking into account modern requirements to safety for the environment. For example, the Bureyskaya HPP project is being implemented, which solves the problem of providing electricity to consumers in the south of the Far East, reducing fuel imports to the region, increasing the reliability of power supply, and contributing to solving problems of improving the social and environmental living conditions of the population.

The project of the Bureyskaya HPP was developed taking into account the minimization of damage natural environment. The creation of the reservoir of the Bureya hydroelectric power station and the change in the regime of the flow of the Bureya River below the dam site will not entail a violation of the ecological balance, the cultural and everyday value of the natural complex will not be significantly disturbed. The formation of the reservoir will favorably affect the reproduction of forests and the afforestation of swamps in the coastal zone, as well as the settlement of slopes with productive Manchurian species. The creation of the reservoir creates conditions for the spread of new species of waterfowl and near-water birds, as well as mammals (muskrat, American mink, otter).
