Organizations involved in environmental protection. International environmental organizations in Russia

Public administration environmental protection is carried out not only by general management bodies, but also by specialized environmental authorities both at the federal, and at the regional and local levels. General management bodies carry out environmental activities along with the solution of other tasks within their competence. Specialized environmental authorities solve problems only in the field of interaction between society and nature.

Since the competence of these bodies on special issues of nature protection extends to all sectors National economy and areas of activity, they are called intersectoral or supra-departmental bodies.

Federal authorities of general administration: President of Russia, Federal Assembly RF (Federation Council and The State Duma), Russian Government.

President of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it carries out the following environmental activities: determines the main directions of the internal and external environmental policy of the state; organizes the system of central executive bodies of Russia; ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of state authorities in the field of environmental protection; guarantees observance of the rights of citizens in the field of nature management and protection of the natural environment.

State Duma of the Russian Federation. legislature in the field of nature protection is mainly carried out by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which includes Ecology Committee And Committee for Nature Management and Raw Materials. These committees develop and implement the state policy in the field of ecology, nature management and the use of raw materials and environmental protection activities of the country. At Ecology Committee created Supreme Environmental Council, whose tasks are to conduct expert and analytical work on the development of environmental forecasts; advisory assistance and environmental expertise of bills, decrees and resolutions submitted for consideration by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and environmental and economic expertise of large nature-transforming projects; preparation of materials for international treaties and other documents on ecology and rational use natural resources.

Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection under the Government Russian Federation takes part in the preparation of draft decrees, laws, decisions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents, comprehensive programs for environmental protection, the use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety. In addition to the sector of ecology and nature protection, this department includes the sectors of geology and subsoil use, forestry, and environmental safety. The functions of the department include international issues associated with the placement and development of productive forces; comprehensive environmental and socio-economic expertise of projects, programs and contaminated areas in order to make informed government decisions, etc.

Government of the Russian Federation carries out executive power in the field of nature protection, ensuring the implementation in the Russian Federation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology, managing federal ownership of natural resources, taking measures to ensure the rule of law and respect for the environmental rights of citizens.

In accordance with Art. 6 of the Law "On Environmental Protection" The Government of the Russian Federation:

    coordinates environmental protection activities of ministries, departments and other organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    provides development and implementation of state environmental programs, provides the population with the necessary environmental information;

    carries out management of external relations of the Russian Federation in the field of nature protection;

    organizes preparation and dissemination of an annual report on the state of the natural environment in Russia, a system of universal continuous environmental education and education;

    accepts decisions to terminate the activities of organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination in case of violation of environmental legislation by them;

    establishes procedure: formation and use of the federal off-budget environmental fund; development and approval of environmental standards for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, limits on the use of natural resources, waste disposal; determination of payment and its limits for the use of natural resources, environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects.

Specialized environmental authorities

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation And State Ecology Committee - the main executive state bodies that implement the constitutional principles and legislative acts in the field of nature protection. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation manages the State Subsoil Fund, state regulation and intersectoral coordination on the issues of geological study and rational use of subsoil, as well as state control over the rational use and protection of subsoil.

Goskomekologiya RF — RF State Committee for Environmental Protection — It is a super-departmental environmental authority. It and its territorial bodies are specially authorized bodies of Russia in the field of environmental protection. Within their competence, they coordinate the activities of bodies exercising environmental functions in the relevant areas of management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Roskomvod, Rosleskhoz, Goshydromet, Roskomrybolovstvo, the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, as well as other ministries and departments.

Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation - Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia. It carries out state regulation of industrial safety and organizes supervision for compliance with the requirements for the safe conduct of work in industry by the central executive federal authorities, enterprises, organizations, officials and citizens; carries out mining supervision in order to ensure the legislation of Russia on the safe conduct of work by all subsoil users, on the prevention and elimination of their harmful effects on the population, the natural environment, national economy facilities, as well as on the protection of subsoil.

Gosgidromet RF - Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. It is responsible for the organization and operation of the system for monitoring and controlling the state of the natural environment.

Goskomsanepidnadzor of the Russian Federation - State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia. It carries out state regulatory regulation, as well as special, control and licensing functions in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of Russia: sanitary and hygienic regulation, improving the legal regulation of public health issues in connection with human exposure adverse factors its environment and living conditions.

Gosatomnadzor RF - Federal Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety. It monitors compliance with environmental protection and radiation safety standards at enterprises using radioactive materials.

A number of environmental protection tasks are assigned to ministries and committees.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia And Roskomzem RF — Committee for Land Resources and Land Management of the Russian Federation exercise control over correct application V agriculture mineral fertilizers and pesticides, the introduction of integrated methods and especially biological means of combating diseases and pests of agricultural plants and animals.

Roskomvod of the Russian Federation - Committee of the Russian Federation for Water Management, manages water resources, control of their reasonable use and measures to protect water bodies from pollution.

Rosleskhoz RF - Federal Forestry Service of Russia controls the work on the rational use of forest resources, develops and implements state program reforestation, carries out a set of measures to improve the fire protection of forests.

Roskomrybolovstvo RF – Fishery Committee carries out the protection and reproduction of fish stocks, regulation of fishing, prevention of pollution and siltation of water bodies.

Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia conducts supervision over the sanitary state of the natural environment, control over the implementation of measures aimed at the elimination and prevention of pollution, improvement of working conditions, life and recreation of the population.

Government Commission for environment and nature management a permanent body that coordinates the activities of the central executive bodies of the federal government, bodies government controlled constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the joint implementation of environmental protection measures and the implementation of major environmental programs of federal and international importance as well as environmental management. It is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

State Ecology Committee of the Regions - State Committees of the Regions for the Protection of the Environment - the main links in the system of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. These are the main centers of the region (republics, territories), analyzing and coordinating environmental work in the region. They have the following main divisions: economic regulation nature management; ecological expertise, organization of the state environmental control; organization of conducting cadastres; analytical laboratories.

In cities and districts, independent city and district committees for nature protection are created, the functions of which are established by agreement of local government bodies with the State Committee for Ecology of the region. In a number of regions, inter-district inspectorates have been established that perform the functions of environmental control in several districts. The head of the State Committee for Ecology of the region heads the Coordinating Ecological Council, which coordinates the activities of all environmental and other regulatory bodies in the region.

Local governments in the field of environmental protection, they solve the following problems: possession, use and disposal of natural resources that are in municipal ownership; ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population; regulation of planning and development, improvement and gardening of the territory; control of land use on the territory of the municipality, their environmental protection.

Public environmental organizations

Public environmental organizations formed in all regions of Russia. They are characterized by a variety of environmental formations, differing both in organizational principles (societies, unions, associations, funds, committees) and in the direction of activity - environmental, socio-ecological, environmental and cultural. There are currently about 1,000 non-governmental environmental organizations operating in Russia. different levels. Small associations at the regional, district and city levels mainly prevail, created, as a rule, to solve specific local problems: the Baikal Protection Fund; public committee for saving the Volga; ecological center of Rostov-on-Don; squad "Nature Protection Service" (Kazan); environmental group"Rodnik" (Zelenograd); club "Ecology" (Volgograd); Association "Ecology and Peace" (Voznesensk); Union "Chernobyl", etc. There were associations of individual formations during all-Russian organizations: Social and Ecological Union, Ecological Union, All-Russian Society for the Protection of Animals, etc. Greenpeace officially opened its representative office in Russia on June 30, 1990.

VOOP - All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature. This is the most mass organization for nature protection in Russia. The primary organizations of the VOOP are created in factories, plants, mines, collective farms, state farms, higher and secondary educational institutions, schools. They unite into city, district, regional, regional and republican branches. The supreme body of the society for the protection of nature is the congress, which is usually convened once every 4 years. It elects the Central Council, which elects the presidium. Under the presidium of the society, sections of forestry, landscaping, protection of birds, fish, waters, bowels, etc. are organized, which conduct scientific and methodological work in each of these areas of activity. Complex problems are considered by the scientific and technical council of the society. Similar subdivisions are available in regional and regional branches.

VOOP, its divisions in the republics, territories and regions of the Russian Federation, as well as environmental public associations, including more than 500 organizations, groups, complement each other, solve important environmental problems: the fight against the construction of nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power stations in various regions, against the construction of a high-speed railway highways Moscow-St. Petersburg, Nizhneobskaya HPP, etc. There are also public inspections on the ground, in particular, youth - blue and green patrols. The primary organizations of the society for the protection of nature are planting trees along roads and canals, afforesting ravines, and conducting many other activities. Members of the society are struggling with the plunderers of natural resources and poachers.

FNPR - Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

The FNPR actively participates in the work on the legislative consolidation of the rights of trade unions in the field of environmental protection, constantly monitors and assists enterprises and organizations in fulfilling the obligations included in the section "Labor protection and environmental safety" of the General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions and employers and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Ecological and environmental public associations in accordance with Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" have the following rights:

    develop, approve and promote their environmental programs, protect the environmental rights and interests of the population, develop the ecological culture of the population, involve citizens on a voluntary basis in active environmental activities;

    require the provision of timely, reliable and complete information on environmental pollution, measures for its protection;

    create public funds for the protection of the natural environment and spend them on environmental activities;

    conduct a public environmental review, demand administrative or judicial cancellation of decisions on the placement, construction, operation of environmentally harmful facilities, restriction, suspension, termination or re-profiling of their activities;

    organize meetings, rallies, pickets, processions, demonstrations, petitions, collect signatures, come in with proposals to discuss projects, referendums;

    demand the appointment of a state environmental review, speak out with a presentation of the environmental platform in the media mass media;

    raise the issue of bringing the guilty officials to justice, present in court or arbitration court claims for compensation for harm to health and property of citizens caused by environmental offenses.



International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

International environmental organization "Bellona"

International Association "Green Cross"

International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

Russian environmental movement "The Greens"

V.I.Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

All-Russian public organization"Green Patrol"

Russian Green Cross

Nature Conservation Movement (DOP)

Ecological organizations of the world


Greenpeace is an international public environmental organization founded in Vancouver, Canada on September 15, 1971 by David McTaggart.

The main goal of the organization is to achieve a solution to global environmental problems, drawing the attention of the public and authorities to them.

Greenpeace exists only at the expense of donations from supporters and fundamentally does not accept financial assistance from government agencies, political parties or businesses.

Greenpeace is against violence in any of its manifestations, all actions do not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals.

Official site in Russia:

Fund wildlife(WWF)

The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international public independent organization working in the areas of conservation, research and restoration of the environment.

The organization has more than 5 million supporters worldwide, operates WWF in more than 90 countries and supports about 1,300 environmental projects worldwide.

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

Official site in Russia:

International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

The International Socio-Ecological Union is an international environmental organization founded in December 1988.

On this moment MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 17 countries.

The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to bring together under one roof people who care about what will happen to the Earth, its nature and culture, its people, our children and grandchildren.

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)

The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP) was founded in 1924 as a voluntary Society for the Protection of Nature.

Today, VOOP is an all-Russian, public, cultural and educational environmental organization.

Preservation of the environment, maintaining the diversity of flora and fauna.

Preservation and strengthening of public health.

The main activities of the Company:

Rendering assistance to public authorities and administration in ensuring sustainable environmentally safe development of the country.

Environmental education, education and upbringing of the population.

Scientific, technical and practical environmental activities. Consulting activity of subjects of nature management.

Conducting environmental monitoring of territories on their own and by accredited companies.

Implementation of modern high-precision technologies in order to implement effective state environmental control

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was established in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization for expert support of the environmental movement and development of recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.

Organization website:

Russian environmental movement "The Greens"

In 1994, on the basis of the environmental movement "Kedr", the Russian Ecological Party "Green" was created, in 2009 the activity of the Political Party was terminated, and the organization itself was reorganized into the All-Russian Public Movement "Russian Ecological Movement "Green".

The goal of the environmental movement "The Greens" is to change the attitude of the state and society to the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole by organized and strong-willed political actions.

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

The Russian Regional Environmental Center was established in 2000 by the European Commission and the Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

The RREC is part of the network of regional environmental centers operating in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia to support cooperation between government structures, the business community and civil society in the field of environmental protection.

The mission of the center is to promote and implement advanced ideas, standards and methods for the environmental well-being and sustainable development of Russia through the organization of an information dialogue and the implementation of practical activities.

The supreme governing body of the Russian Center is the Board of Founders, the collegiate governing body is the Board of Governors, and an advisory body is formed - the Advisory Board.

The eight members of the Board of Governors represent different sectors of the society: government organizations of the Russian Federation, foreign organizations, Russian public organizations, business structures and scientific communities.

Russian Green Cross

To the beginning of the document - Autonomous non-profit organization of science - Center "Environment - Risk - Health".

The goal is the health of Russian citizens and the state of the environment. ANO Ecoline.

The goal is to contribute to the sustainable development of Russia by helping organizations from all sectors of society to use modern approaches in the field of improving environmental and energy efficiency, rational use of natural resources, protecting the environment and the health of citizens, sustainable development and limiting the anthropogenic impact on the climate.– Water of Eurasia – ecological fund.

The purpose of its activities is to participate in the development and implementation of measures that ensure the rational use of natural resources and the preservation of the natural environment, primarily for the purification and treatment of drinking water, as well as wastewater treatment. World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The mission of WWF is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth. All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature.

All-Russian, public, cultural and educational environmental, environmental organization based on membership and operating on the territory of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the principles of charity in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities. Guild of Ecologists.

An independent association of trusted environmental companies and organizations that prioritize the preservation of the environment, the health and well-being of people. The main tasks of the Guild are to protect the interests of conscientious environmental entrepreneurs, provide quality environmental services, promote the best technologies and initiatives. - Greenpeace. Independent international organization, the purpose of which is to preserve nature and peace on the planet. Greenpeace exists only on donations from citizens and private charitable foundations."Friends of the Baltic" is an environmental organization.

The interregional public youth environmental organization "Friends of the Baltic" has been working since 1994 in the field of environmental education, nature protection and the development of cooperation between teachers and youth environmental groups in the southern part of the Gulf of Finland basin. The site provides information about the organization and its main activities. Green Cross.

Non-governmental public organization, member International Association Green Cross, established in 1994.

The interregional ecological public organization Green Cross (GK) focuses on the implementation of measures to protect the environment, educating a wide range of the population of the ability to live and develop in accordance with the laws of nature, preserving it for posterity with the same resource potential that humanity owns Today. The slogan of the ZK - compromise instead of confrontation - is in line with the principles civil society in which environmental problems are solved from the standpoint of partnership and good neighborliness. Green World.

Green World is a public charitable environmental organization, a member of the international Clean Baltic Coalition and the International Social and Ecological Union.

ZM is the only public environmental organization operating in a closed nuclear zone on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland (YUBFZ) of the Baltic Sea, 80 km west of St. Petersburg. Green Front.

An interregional ecological public organization in the field of environmental protection, which opposes illegal seizures of land and the development of sand pits, infill construction, black lumberjacks, and contributes to the improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological situation. IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare)

A fund that saves individual animals in distress, entire populations and their habitats around the world.– Earth Charter Initiative – Russia.

"Center for Environmental Policy and Culture" is the official representative of the International Earth Charter Initiative in Russia.

The Earth Charter is a document containing fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It aims to awaken in each person a new sense of interdependence and shared responsibility for the prosperity of people and the entire living community. It is an expression of hope and a call for help in building a global community at a transitional time in our history.– Coalition “PROWaste”.

Non-profit voluntary all-Russian association of public organizations, business entities and other forms of association of people, created to solve the problem of waste. Constructive-ecological movement of Russia "Kedr".

The ideological and target aspirations of the Kedr movement are aimed at constructive cooperation between state and socio-political organizations, officials and private individuals to ensure the solution of environmental problems and create conditions in Russia that ensure the protection of public health and the natural environment.– International Socio-Ecological Union – ISSEU. The International Socio-Ecological Union is the only international environmental organization born in the USSR. The mission is to preserve the diversity of nature and culture of the Earth. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The role of the IPCC is to assess, in a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent manner, the available scientific, technical and socio-economic information related to understanding the scientific basis of human-induced climate change risk, its potential impacts, and adaptation and mitigation options.– Interregional public organization ECA.

Develops and implements environmental projects with concrete results. “Garbage. More. No".

Network of initiative groups. Mission: formation in Russia of a culture of waste-free production and consumption (zerowaste), for the sake of protecting the environment from pollution by hazardous waste, saving non-renewable resources and restoring the beauty of nature. Non-Governmental Ecological Fund named after V. I. Vernadsky.

The strategic goal is to achieve a sustainable environmentally oriented socio-economic development of society based on the scientific heritage of Academician V. I. Vernadsky. All-Russian public ecological organization "Podorozhnik".

The organization can be described as a supporter of "progressive ecology", which implies accelerated development nuclear energy, oil refining and petrochemical industries and the solution of the environmental problems of the regions and the country as a whole on a new high-tech basis. All-Russian public movement "Ecosphere".

The main goal is to carry out charitable activities that contribute to the rational use of natural resources, the creation of a favorable environmental situation and human environment, the formation healthy lifestyle life. - Public movement "Plant your tree".

The activity is limited to only one direction of work - the organization of tree planting. The symbolic act of planting a tree by a person is considered as one step (perhaps the first) on the way to the formation of an ecological worldview, without which it will simply be impossible for a person of the 21st century to survive. Russian ecological party "Green".

The Russian Ecological Party "The Greens" is an association of citizens of the Russian Federation who are convinced that an environmentally oriented, constructive and systems approach to political, economic, social and other public relations is the only acceptable for the development of the Russian state.

Russian Ecological Party "Green" - public association supporters of balanced and consistent actions aimed at the environmentally friendly development of the productive forces of a unified and strong Russia, the careful and efficient use of its natural resources and the protection of nature, the creation of conditions for a healthy and decent life the population of the country. Russian Regional Environmental Center.

Independent Russian-European organization. The mission of the center is to promote and implement advanced ideas, standards and methods for the environmental well-being and sustainable development of Russia through the organization of an information dialogue and the implementation of practical activities. "Siberian Ecological Center".

The Interregional Charitable Public Organization "Siberian Ecological Center" (MBOO "Sibekozentr") was established to protect the natural environment, objects and territories of great natural, historical and environmental significance, to preserve and study wildlife, rare and endangered species and their habitats, the development of legal and socio-economic mechanisms for optimizing nature management, the formation of an ecological worldview of citizens and the involvement of the general population in active environmental protection. Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia (SOPR).

Goals and objectives: informing, educating and uniting the general population in order to preserve the species diversity and number of birds on the territory of Russia. › …wildlifeconservancy…Darrell - Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

An international charitable environmental organization whose activities are aimed at preserving species and subspecies of wild fauna from extinction. Fund "Social Ecology".

The Social Ecology Foundation is a non-profit organization working on a voluntary basis. Social ecology is:

  • a worldview concept that explains the relationship between man, society and nature;
  • a social movement advocating the preservation of the environment and biological diversity on the planet, as well as the establishment of the principles of sustainable development in society;
  • civic position based on respect for nature, respect for democratic institutions, observance of human and social rights in all spheres and manifestations of public life. VITA Animal Rights Center.

Center for the Protection of Animal Rights "VITA" is a Russian public organization that opposes cruelty to animals and for animal rights. Wildlife Conservation Center.

Charitable Foundation "Center for Wildlife Conservation" (TSODP) is engaged in solving environmental problems in Russia and the CIS countries. - Center for Environmental Policy and Culture. All-Russian public organization.

Mission: Promoting the development of the activity of civil society, its constructive cooperation with government agencies and business to solve environmental problems, develop culture and ensure sustainable development. Center for Environmental Policy of Russia.

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was established in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization for expert support of the environmental movement and development of recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.– Bellona Ecological Association.

An environmental expert organization whose main goal is to combat environmental destruction, threats to human health caused by pollution, and negative environmental impact certain strategies of world economic development. Ecological and educational center "Reserves".

A non-profit organization of conservation professionals and their like-minded people, created to organize public support for specially protected natural areas in Russia. NP "UNEPCOM" Russian National Committee for Assistance to the UN Environment Program. UNEPCOM provides communication and interaction between Russian civil society and the UN Environment Programme.

The UN Environment Program was established in 1972 after the UN Stockholm Conference on human environment environment. It is the main body of the United Nations in the field of the environment, which is designed to provide leadership and promote cooperation for the benefit of the environment by stimulating action, informing and assisting countries and peoples in order to improve their quality of life without harming future generations.

The main objective of the Fund is to actively participate in the creation and improvement in Russia of a modern, developed, based on the latest achievements in scientific and technological fields, water treatment and water purification industry of any category.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent international conservation organizations, uniting about 5 million permanent supporters and working in more than 100 countries. The mission of WWF is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

International environmental public organization

The main goal of the creation of the International Ecological Public Organization "GREENLIGHT" is to consolidate the environmental community for a constructive solution of environmental problems, sustainable development through scientific and technological progress. The joint efforts of scientists and the environmental community can solve many global environmental problems: clean air and water, safe production of all goods and reliable energy supply.

Greenpeace is an independent international public organization whose goal is to preserve nature and peace on the planet. The main goal of Greenpeace is to achieve a solution to global environmental problems, including by attracting the attention of the public and authorities to them. The organization exists only at the expense of donations from supporters and fundamentally does not accept financial assistance from government agencies, political parties or businesses.

The Department of Forestry carries out in the territory Sverdlovsk region the following powers and functions: rights of possession, use and disposal of forest areas owned by the Sverdlovsk region, in accordance with applicable law; develops projects of regional state target programs in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in the manner established by the Government of the Sverdlovsk region; participates in the development of draft laws of the Sverdlovsk region, regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, the Government of the Sverdlovsk region, regulating relations in the field of forest relations.

Ecological Center "Dront" was established in 1989 to implement various environmental programs and projects. During its existence, it has gone through a number of legal forms (youth center, limited liability partnership, public organization). Now the environmental center "Dront" is a non-governmental organization of the umbrella type, registered with the status of "public institution".

On October 5, 2010 in Kyiv, the leaders of the "green" parties of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan announced the creation of a new international organization- The Eurasian Association of Green Parties (EOGP), which claims leadership in solving environmental problems in the post-Soviet space.

EcoCenter "Zapovedniki" is an association of conservation professionals and their like-minded people in order to organize public support for specially protected natural areas in Russia.

Reserves and national parks are a unique value of our country. The future of our country is unthinkable without the preservation and development of the system of specially protected areas. Protected areas occupy almost 11% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation, make a key contribution to the stabilization of the ecological situation on Earth, to the preservation of a favorable environment for human life. They preserve those values, the loss of which is irreplaceable.
Bringing together everyone who works to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Russia, who helps to preserve and increase it - this is the main goal of the EcoCentre.

The All-Russian Ecological Public Movement "Green Russia" was created on the initiative of the participants of the All-Russian Ecological Subbotnik "Green Russia" Campaign, which took place on August 31, 2013 in all regions of the Russian Federation and united 2,600,000 concerned citizens.

All-Russian environmental movement "Green Russia":
Unites caring citizens of Russia.
Focused in its work on the younger generation and the revival of Russian traditions of caring for the environment.
It is not a political movement.

Materials of interest to scientists working in the field of green chemistry are presented; for students of chemical and related specialties; for teachers of chemistry, geography, biology, ecology who are looking for literature on this issue; for students who are interested in chemistry; finally, for all people who are not indifferent to environmental problems arising from the impact of chemical products on nature.

The political party "Russian Ecological Party "Green"" is a political public organization that unites Russian citizens to solve the country's environmental problems. The party is actively working on the international consolidation of the environmental community. This is the only environmentally oriented party in Russia that has a political counterpart in the European Parliament, being one of the initiators and members of the Eurasian Association of Green Parties.

The main specialization of the organization is the environmental support of various projects: expertise, expeditions, research, PR, public control, legal support. The "Green Patrol" also provides practical assistance in organizing interaction with state bodies carrying out their activities in the field of nature management, environmental protection and other regulatory structures.

Among the main activities of the organization is the holding of an independent peer review feasibility study of projects; implementation research work in construction areas to check the implementation of projects for compliance with the declared plans; field monitoring of projects; control over the activities of contractors; carrying out a set of measures to form public opinion: protest actions, collection of signatures, rallies, demonstrations; conducting scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the problems of project implementation; organizing and holding public hearings of projects economic activity affecting the interests of the population; legal support in the field of ecology.

Kedr contributes to the sustainable development of Russia based on the harmony of man with the environment, his spiritual and physical development.

The International Socio-Ecological Union is the only international environmental organization born in the USSR. At the moment, MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 19 countries of Europe, Asia and North America: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Great Britain, Georgia, Spain, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Palestine, Russia, United States of America, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to gather under one roof people who "care about". It is not all the same what will happen to the Earth, with its nature and culture, with its people, with our children and grandchildren.

An international non-profit organization dedicated to highlighting the problems of preserving the biodiversity of the planet, presents news, congresses held in different countries, lists of species in need of special protection in different regions of the planet. The organization has an observer status with General Assembly UN.
The organization was founded in 1948, its headquarters is located in Switzerland, the city of Gland. The Union unites 82 states (including the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources), 111 government agencies, more than 800 non-governmental organizations and about 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries of the world.

Founded in 1969, IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) is committed to saving individual animals in distress, entire populations and their habitats around the world. With projects in more than forty countries, IFAW provides practical assistance to animals in need, whether cats and dogs, wild or farm animals, and rescues animals caught in the middle of natural disasters.

International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW works for the benefit of wild and domestic animals around the world by reducing their commercial use, preserving their natural habitat and rescuing animals in distress. IFAW encourages society to stop cruelty to animals, improves the quality of life of animals, develops and implements conservation strategies for the benefit of both animals and people.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Region is the sectoral executive body of state power of the Sverdlovsk Region, which ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety, environmental review of objects at the regional level, regulation of subsoil use relations in the Sverdlovsk Region, use and protection of water bodies, located on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, with the exception of water bodies that are in municipal and private ownership, specially protected natural areas of regional significance, and in the field of protecting the rights legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of regional state environmental supervision on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region within its competence.

Information about the structure and activities of the ministry is given. Official documents (regulatory, methodological, reports and reviews, telegrams and letters) related to nature management in Russia are presented. Information is widely presented on all ongoing events (official events, the international cooperation, exhibitions, promotions, conferences, competitions, etc.), announcements of upcoming events and reporting materials on past events were given. On home page posted calendar significant dates and the constantly updated column "Minister of Natural Resources Answers...".

The strategic goal of the fund is to achieve sustainable environmentally oriented socio-economic development of society based on the scientific heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky.

The main objectives of the fund are: formation of the worldview basis for the responsible attitude of society to the world around; promoting the fundamental principles of sustainable development; assistance in the development and popularization of the scientific heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky; environmental support of national projects; improving and increasing the efficiency of environmental activities in the Russian Federation; uniting the efforts of the Russian society in solving environmental problems.

Developed as part of the information and analytical support program for the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. The main tasks are: explanation of the policy and coverage of the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and departments of the natural resource block in the media, information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia to ensure the coordination of the natural resource complex, prompt dissemination of organizational and administrative information and regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and other departments of the natural resource complex, information and legal support of the population, monitoring of public opinion and publications in the media, etc.

The Institute develops and implements complex technologies for energy and resource saving, corrosion protection of structures and structures for enterprises railway transport, gas, oil industry, housing and communal services.
We constantly search and develop new technical solutions in various areas of industry and construction.

Server of public environmental organizations Southern Siberia.

Organizations from Barnaul, Tomsk and Novosibirsk participate in its work.
It introduces the wildlife and landscapes of Southern Siberia, provides an opportunity to make a contribution to the conservation of natural heritage and become a place of communication, a useful virtual reference book and a source of news for the public environmental movement in Southern Siberia.

The Green Cross is a non-governmental public organization, a member of the Green Cross International Association, established in 1994.
The interregional ecological public organization Green Cross (GK) focuses on the implementation of measures to protect the environment, educating a wide range of the population of the ability to live and develop in accordance with the laws of nature, preserving it for posterity with the same resource potential that humanity owns Today. The slogan of the ZK - compromise instead of confrontation - corresponds to the principles of civil society, in which environmental problems are solved from the standpoint of partnership and good neighborliness.
ZK carries out scientific and practical activities to solve a wide range of environmental problems, uses various forms and methods of work on the ground to involve the population in direct participation in overcoming the harmful effects on the nature of human economic activity.

Federal state-financed organization. The main task is to make the forests of Russia healthy and beautiful, so that we and our descendants can be fully proud of our country. To achieve this goal, the Center strives to attract the most qualified personnel, the most Hi-tech, the widest circles of the public and forestry specialists.

All-Russian public organization "Russian Ecological Center" is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve statutory goals, united citizens: scientists, specialists, state and public figures in the field of ecology and other areas of activity directly related to human life.
One of the main theses of the association is that the natural resources of Russia should really belong to the people! The profit received from the sale of natural resources should be redistributed to the accounts of the indigenous citizens of the Russian Federation!

The site "Uraloved" is:
- daily updates: news and author's articles about the Urals;
- many directions: sightseeing guide, history, archival documents, photographs, living world and ecology of the Urals, outstanding Urals people, works of Ural writers
- the territory under consideration - the entire Urals (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Tyumen regions, Perm region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and also partially Komi, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YNAO);
- an opportunity to take part in the project for every person who loves the Urals.

Institute of Chemical Processing of Vegetable Raw Materials and Industrial Ecology
The Institute carries out educational activities in accordance with federal state educational standards (FGOS-3) of higher vocational education and has licenses for the implementation of the main educational programs full-time, part-time, part-time forms of education in areas and specialties. primary goal educational activities institute - training for industry various forms the property, first of all, of the Ural zone of comprehensively educated, competitive, independent-thinking creative specialists based on many years of training experience and taking into account modern realities. Training of specialists is carried out according to modern original training courses in the field of chemical technology for processing plant raw materials, industrial biotechnology, energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology, technosphere safety, technology of printing and packaging production.

Ural Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, abbreviated name The Ural Department of Rostechnadzor is a territorial body of the interregional level that performs the functions of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (hereinafter - Rostekhnadzor) in the established field of activity in the territories of Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions, as well as functions of supervision of main gas pipelines and in terms of control over enterprises engaged in repair, construction of main pipeline transport facilities - on the territory of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The Federal Forestry Agency is a federal executive body that performs the following functions: control and supervision in the field of forest relations (with the exception of forests located in specially protected natural areas); for the provision of public services and the management of state property in the field of forest relations.
The Federal Forestry Agency is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet)

Roshydromet is a federal executive body that performs the functions of providing public services in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas, monitoring the environment, its pollution, and state supervision of work to actively influence meteorological and other geophysical processes.

The provision of public services in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas, monitoring of the environment, its pollution is carried out by Roshydromet in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from the impact of dangerous natural phenomena, climate change (ensuring hydrometeorological safety) is the first strategic goal of Roshydromet. Activities within the framework of achieving this goal, first of all, are aimed at reducing losses from dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena - natural processes and phenomena that, by their intensity (strength), scale of distribution and duration, have or may have a damaging effect on people, farm animals and plants, economic facilities and the environment.

Site contains a large number of official documents and relevant materials relating to the activities of the service: "On the Federal Service", "Documents", "Departments", "Environmental Expertise", "Public Council", "Press Center".
In addition to this information, on the site you can find up-to-date information on various projects of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

The Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the established field of activity, as well as in the field of technological and nuclear supervision, functions of control and supervision in the field of safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil, industrial safety, safety in the use of atomic energy (with the exception of activities for the development, manufacture, testing, operation and disposal nuclear weapons and nuclear power installations for military purposes), the safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks (except for household installations and networks), the safety of hydraulic structures (with the exception of navigable hydraulic structures, as well as hydraulic structures, the powers to oversee which have been transferred to local governments), safety of production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial use, as well as special functions in the field of state security in this area.

Charitable Foundation "Center for Wildlife Conservation" (TsODP) is engaged in solving environmental problems in the territory of the former USSR: it develops and implements environmental projects in Northern Eurasia; provides information, methodological and consulting support to environmental initiatives; contributes to the coordination of activities of environmental organizations in Russia and abroad; supports nature reserves national parks and other specially protected natural areas; develops mechanisms for charitable financing of wildlife conservation.

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was established in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization for expert support of the environmental movement and development of recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.
The organization publishes the only periodical in Russia - a bulletin on sustainable development issues "On the way to sustainable development". Here on the site you can subscribe to the newsletter and get information about the materials published by the Center for Environmental Policy.

Ecological public organization, established at the end of 1989 in Kaliningrad.
Now the branches of the organization work in Moscow, Kaliningrad, Voronezh,
Yekaterinburg, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region and Vilnius, Lithuania... "Ecoprotection!"
organizes environmental campaigns, non-violent actions of direct action,
dissemination of reliable information and environmental education programs.

"Eco-Consent"- Center for Environment and Sustainable Development

Founded in 1992 and is an active participant in all public processes concerning the problems of environmental protection and Russia's entry into the path of sustainable development. The main objective of the organization is to promote the transition to sustainable development by: searching for and implementing new approaches to solving environmental, economic and social problems at the global, national and local levels; education of the general public on environmental protection and sustainable development.

Ecosphere- all-Russian social movement

The main goal of the All-Russian movement "Ecosphere" is the implementation of charitable activities that contribute to the rational use of natural resources, the creation of a favorable environmental situation and human environment, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

  • 6. Ecological norms and legal relations (structure, types, features).
  • 7. The place of environmental law in the system of Russian law. Its interaction with other branches of law.
  • 9.Constitutional foundations of environmental law.
  • 10. The right of citizens to a favorable environment and other environmental rights of citizens.
  • 11. The concept and general characteristics of the ownership of natural resources (forms, subjects, objects, content).
  • 12. The right to own subsoil in the Russian Federation. Ownership of water bodies.
  • 13. The right of ownership of forests in the Russian Federation. Ownership of wildlife.
  • 14. The concept of the right of nature management (objects, subjects, types).
  • 15. Grounds for the emergence and termination of the right to use natural resources. Restriction of the rights of nature users.
  • 16. General characteristics of subsoil use.
  • 17. General characteristics of the use of water bodies
  • 18. General characteristics of forest use
  • 19. General characteristics of the use of wildlife and aquatic biological resources.
  • 20. Legal regulation of hunting and fishing.
  • 21. Legal protection of natural objects (concept, content)
  • 22. Legal protection of subsoil.
  • 23. Legal protection of waters
  • 1) General requirements:
  • 2) Special protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion
  • 24. Legal protection of forests.
  • 25. Legal protection of wildlife.
  • 26. Legal protection of atmospheric air.
  • 27. Concept and general characteristics of management in the field of nature management and environmental protection.
  • 28. Types, organs and functions of management.
  • 29.Environmental monitoring
  • 30. Ecological regulation.
  • 31. Environmental impact assessment.
  • 32. Ecological expertise.
  • 33. Ecological licensing.
  • 34. Technical regulation, environmental standardization and certification.
  • 35. Ecological audit.
  • 36. Environmental control.
  • 37. Accounting for components and objects of the environment.
  • 38.Economic mechanism in the environmental sphere.
  • 39. Payment for the use of natural resources (types of payments).
  • 40. Payment for negative impact on the environment.
  • 41. Ecological insurance.
  • 42. Responsibility for environmental offenses (the concept and structure of an environmental offense).
  • 43. Administrative and criminal liability in the environmental sphere.
  • 44. Disciplinary responsibility and property liability
  • 45. Environmental and legal requirements for the placement, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other objects.
  • 46. ​​Legal protection of the environment in industry.
  • 47. Legal protection of the environment in settlements.
  • 48. Legal protection of the environment in agriculture.
  • 49. Legal regime of state nature reserves and state nature reserves.
  • 50. Legal regime of national, natural parks.
  • 51. Legal regime of natural monuments, botanical gardens and dendrological parks.
  • 52. Legal regime of health-improving areas and resorts.
  • 53. International legal protection of the natural environment.
  • 54. International environmental organizations.
  • 54. International environmental organizations.

    WHO (World Health Organization) – specialized agency under the auspices of the UN, founded in 1946, the main goal of which is to achieve the highest level of health for all the peoples of the Earth, to protect and improve human health through the control and management of the negative impact on the environment. WHO organizes the fight against the most dangerous diseases, assists countries in the medical education of the population, organizes epidemiological surveillance and drug quality control, organizes scientific research, including environmental protection, creates reference centers on its subject, trains medical personnel and specialists - ecologists. WHO implements measures to improve the environment, including ensuring environmental safety, including safe water supply, nutrition and waste disposal, assesses the impact of climate change on human health, and develops a global strategy for protecting human health and environmental quality. Publishes the journal "Health of the World", including in Russian. WHO headquarters is located in Geneva (Switzerland).

    World Commission on Environment and Development - was established in 1983 in order to identify the most important problems of environmental protection and find ways to solve them. The main activity of the world commission is aimed at collecting information and preparing reports on the state of the environment. This commission also provides support to states in cooperation and interaction in the field of environmental protection and in the implementation of international environmental obligations.

    WWF is an international organization that advocates for the protection of wildlife and the environment around the world. Uses curricula to show the importance of conserving natural resources.

    Greenpeace (Green world) is an international non-governmental organization established in 1971 in Canada with the aim of preserving the Earth's natural environment from destruction through protest action, non-violence and independence. This is the largest ecological association, which has its supporters in 30 countries of the world.

    Main objectives: to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of environmental protection and those responsible for creating these problems. It is supported by funds from private sources, has a branch in Moscow. Greenpeace activists: - organize pickets near chemical plants and nuclear power plants; - prevent the sale of toxic waste; - interfere with the discharge of untreated waters into the seas and oceans; - collect information about enterprises that harm the Nature. Greenpeace uses non-violent but active methods to fight for the preservation of the environment. Calls for a ban on whaling and the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, to stop pollution of the environment that causes acid rain, and to protect the nature and subsoil of Antarctica.

    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - established in 1947 for international cooperation in the field of economic activity. The main activity of the UNECE is the development of relations in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development; rational use of natural resources; coordination of the international program "Environment for Europe"; development and implementation of a legal mechanism for regulating the quality of the environment; providing assistance to countries with economies in transition.

    "Green" parties - a real alternative to the usual division of political forces into left, right and centrists. The political platform of the parties is based on the fact that we all must radically change our way of life if we want to save our planet and our descendants from an environmental catastrophe in the future. Party members are demanding a fairer distribution of our planet's resources between rich and poor, and are putting forward well thought out plans for a new, more just social order. Green parties are active in many countries around the world.

    IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) - an international organization in the UN system, which is the center for promoting international cooperation in the field of the peaceful use of atomic energy and environmental protection from radioactive contamination. The agency was founded in 1957. Develops Rules for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, conducts an examination of designed and operating nuclear power plants. Since 1961, the IAEA, together with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), has been collecting data on the concentration of radioactive impurities in precipitation, monitoring the situation during radiation accidents, developing recommendations for eliminating their consequences, developing standards for safety and protection against radiation, including the safe transportation of radioactive materials and waste disposal.

    International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAM) is the largest non-governmental organization in the field of animal welfare. The foundation was founded in 1969. The Foundation's program activities are aimed at stopping the mass commercial hunting of mammals in nature, protecting and preserving the habitat, rescuing animals in case of natural disasters and emergencies, including those created by man, and helping domestic animals in need.

    MZK (Green Cross International) - an international public association established in 1993 in accordance with the decision of the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Main goals: environmental education and upbringing as the basis for sustainable development and changes in the value system, elimination of consequences cold war for the environment. Russian branch MZK - Russian Green Cross (RZK).

    IEC (International Environmental Court) - established at the initiative of lawyers at a conference in Mexico City in November 1994. The panel of judges includes 29 environmental lawyers from 24 countries, including a representative from Russia.

    UN (United Nations Organization) - the most authoritative international organization, established in 1945 in order to maintain peace, security and develop international cooperation between all states of the world. The main organs of the UN are the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. The permanent seat of the governing bodies of the UN is New York.

    RZK (Russian Green Cross) is a national organization of the International Green Cross in Russia, a non-governmental environmental organization. RZK implements a number of all-Russian programs: - environmental education and enlightenment; - elimination of the harmful consequences of the arms race; - the revival of the Volga; - prevention and timely response to industrial disasters; - development of international and Russian environmental education; - development of regional programs. The RZK pays considerable attention to the problem of eliminating chemical weapons, taking into account comprehensive and reliable control over the storage, transportation and disposal of chemical weapons.

    UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. UNESCO has existed since 1946 with the aim of promoting peace and international security, developing cooperation between countries in the field of science, education and culture to encourage universal observance of justice, law and order, human rights and fundamental freedoms, provided for by the UN Charter for all peoples of the world. One of the main activities is the protection of the environment and cultural monuments. UNESCO is leading international cooperation in this area. The most well-known area of ​​activity is the scientific program "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB), adopted in 1970, which conducts research on the socio-economic factors of development and the relationship between man and the environment. The headquarters is located in Paris.

    UNICEF (United Nations Children's Emergency Fund) is an international organization engaged, among other things, in promoting a healthy lifestyle and a caring attitude towards nature among women, children and youth. Engaged in the study of the impact of environmental pollution on the health of the young and rising generation.
