Research work: vampire trees and donors. Donor trees and vampires: how to determine

From the point of view of scientists, about 45% of all people can call oak their ideal tree for charging, another 25% - birch, while the rest need to look for rarer options.

What trees give energy to humans? Among life-giving objects, energy workers mention cedar, acacia, maple, rowan, linden, larch, hornbeam, yew, beech, ash, any fruit trees at the moment of flowering.

It is a pleasure to feed on the healthy life flow of such plants, but you should not spend too much time with them, because overexcitement and hyperactivity can negatively affect the state of the physical shell.

Usually you can get a boost of energy in about 5 minutes.

Donor trees that give energy to humans


Acacia is a symbol of new life; it gives energy to married couples before conceiving a child. You need to come to the tree together so that it reveals the secrets of motherhood and paternity and helps in the birth of a boy or just a girl.

At the same time, acacia gives not only strength itself, it also gives real desire, awakens an ancient instinct. This tree- a very fresh and vigorous donor.


Birch is considered one of the most capricious, but at the same time kind trees. She gives her soft and calming energy only to people who are positively disposed towards her. Only those who believe in the healing qualities of this plant can feel the gentle power of birch.

Birch is the opposite of oak; it helps with depression and a weakened body.

This tree relieves many ailments, returning the desire for life, reduces suffering, and gives faith in miracles. You can even cry with him. Communication with birch will be especially useful for children, because it will protect them from mistakes, worries and unnecessary troubles.

However, it is worth noting that contact with the tree should be constant and long-term, and not one-time. If, for example, you plant a birch tree near your house, it will get rid of nightmares and drive away evil spirits.

The best time to communicate with such a tree is 5-9 am, but from 3 to 4 am the birch rests.


Beech is an active assistant in the fight against stress. It gives subjects the opportunity to tune in to solving specific problems and concentrate all their attention on the situation.

From a physiological point of view, beech also improves the quality of the circulatory system.


Hornbeam is especially good at supporting energy in people of advanced age. It quickly cleanses old organisms of excess negative layers in the biofield, while promoting the removal of toxins and waste from the body.


Oak is the most energy-intensive donor tree, which transfers incredible powers to a person even with fleeting contact. It symbolizes longevity and life wisdom.

The oak is active from 9 pm to 3 am, and rests from 3 pm to 5 pm.

The oak crown is sometimes scary, but it clears the mind and removes fatigue, especially if you communicate with the tree in the morning. It is believed that oak energy is shared only through a person’s back.

The oak aura is strong and its character is stern, so only a healthy individual will receive maximum energy, but people with chronic diseases, on the contrary, will suffer from thoughts of their own inferiority. This expresses the sharpness and rigidity of the oak, which accepts fighters and warriors as equals.

If a person is in a bad mood or too excited, he should first visit the alder or aspen, and then go to the oak.


Viburnum is similar in energy to acacia, but it has less strength. This is also a feminine tree, with a calming aura. You can hug him, open your soul to him, share your grief.

Communication with viburnum will preserve family happiness for married ladies, and will help single girls find their ideal soul mate.


Maple is a feminine tree, so it happily makes contact with children and the fair sex. Men can also hope for a gift from maple in the form of a creative charge.

The energy of this plant is balanced, very airy and soft. A walk along an alley of such trees refreshes, awakens you to life, and charges you with freshness for several days ahead.

Maple gives calm and endurance to positive individuals, taking away excess negative energy, anger and rage.

For people of the lunar type, the tree is useful because it takes away anxiety, restoring self-confidence. You can share any emotions with such a representative of the flora, because... Maple is incredibly patient and not touchy. True, you should not confess your love by the crown of this tree, because it will make the words unconvincing.

Maple is active from 7-10 o'clock in the morning, and from 4 to 5 it is better not to touch it.


To add soft and warm energy to your own biofield, you need to turn to linden. This is a calm tree that helps cope with depression.

You can come to linden during difficult periods life situations. With such a plant you can fight chronic fatigue and fears. And the linden tree always stands guard over a happy marriage without betrayal.


Larch gives a clear mind and calms when communicating. She knows how to take away fear and worries. You can contact the tree for only three minutes, and then you just need to lie under the crown.

Larch helps to understand the actions of other people, remove grievances, and get rid of melancholy. This tree is very optimistic.


A fruit tree similar in bioenergy to the apple tree and at the same time to the acacia is the rowan. Its influence extends to women aged (approximately 40 years), with mature views on life and wisdom.

Rowan helps get rid of frigidity, it shares the real sexual power necessary for physical love.

Many women, after communicating with this tree, become leaders in bed. Like any tree with fruits, it is worth going to the mountain ash at sunset so that it relieves accumulated worries. In case of direct contact, it is enough to press your forehead to the barrel.

Rowan also perfectly protects against evil magic - damage and the evil eye - and cleanses the biofield, but if you stay with it for too long, you can get a nervous breakdown from the abundance of energy.


Yew gives people energy with general strengthening properties. It is also known for making a person's hearing and vision more accurate.

Apple tree

The apple tree is a reflection of feminine charms and sexuality. Communication of the fair sex with this tree always develops sensuality in ladies, but only if the girl is young, insecure and inexperienced. There is no need to talk about high feelings under the shade of an apple tree, because it is turned towards carnal pleasures.

This tree is a real expression of natural call, temptation, devoid of moral principles and reasoning.

Like all fruit representatives of the flora, the apple tree saturates with its energy slowly but efficiently, so under its crown you can even doze or meditate for about 30 minutes.


Ash represents the divine origin of the human race. This tree is called the world axis, it contributes to the development of understanding of one’s place on earth.

When communicating with ash, you can comprehend the secrets of the universe, take your mind beyond the usual, and develop clairvoyance.

It is also useful to meditate under the crown of this tree from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Communication with the donor

It is best to accumulate the energy of the tree not before bed, but in the early evening, when the sun has not yet set. It is recommended to communicate with donors in the summer and early spring, when they bloom and bear fruit.

Contact is usually made in private and only with good intentions. But many experts do not advise leaning against these trees, recommending maintaining a distance of 50 cm. You can even take off your shoes.

If you want to turn to a plant with a request for help, you first need to discard unnecessary thoughts and worries, concentrate on the chosen tree, extend your open palms to the trunk and feel whether the plant hears you, whether it is ready to support you. Contact is determined by the feeling of a slight tingling in the hands, by the oncoming flow of energy.

The Lord’s Prayer usually helps in establishing a connection.

When communication with the tree has already begun, you can relax and imagine how the body is filled with streams of energy running from top to bottom. The waves pulsate and warm the body.

  • It is also necessary to calm your breathing: inhale long, about 8 seconds, then hold the air and exhale for 8 seconds.
  • When breathing becomes rhythmic, you can move on to absorbing energy.
  • The flow of life force from the tree should penetrate during a person’s inhalation and be directed from bottom to top.
  • It is imperative to retain this energy along with the breath in the solar plexus area.
  • As you exhale, the energy rises along the back, chest, upper limbs. But at the same time it does not reach the head. At such a moment, you need to feel a joyful unity with the tree.

Then it is recommended to consciously ask the plant for healing and cleansing of the aura. Let the tree block possible leaks and make energetic patches on the holes. You can also ask to relieve not only physical, but also mental pain. After five minutes you are allowed to end the conversation.

According to another option for contacting a tree, after a 2-5 minute request for help, which must be mentally pronounced at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk, you can already come closer. You are allowed to lean close to the tree, touch it with your forehead, almost kiss it.

Then you need to relax and visualize the streams of energy that flow into the body with each inhalation. This energy can be silver, heavenly, violet. It first penetrates the hands, then runs along the vertebrae, legs and freezes in the solar plexus. After 3 minutes, the communication session must end.

The understanding that the bioenergy exchange session must be ended must come from within. Usually a person begins to feel dizzy, tingling in the spine and further down the body. It may seem to him that an unknown force is lifting him above the ground. You need to remain in this state for just 3 to 5 minutes, and then a slight push occurs in the cerebellum area, which indicates sufficient filling with energy.

After the session, you must thank the tree from the heart and say goodbye to it, testifying to your respect.

All trees, like any living beings, have enormous energy.

However, they can be roughly divided into vampire and donor trees.

Are you feeling heavy? Go to the vampire tree.

Donor trees

They heal us with their energy, enrich us with vitality, give us a charge of vigor, and relieve stress. Walking through a birch grove, pine or fir forest significantly improves your health

The most powerful donor trees include birch, oak, pine, acacia, maple, and all fruit trees: cherry, apple, pear, sea buckthorn. Adult donor trees never grow close to each other.

The distance between them is at least ten meters. Raise your open palm to such a tree and you will feel a pleasant warmth.

Trees are vampires

There is no need to be afraid of them. You just need to learn to use their properties for your own purposes. Yes, they take our energy. however, not only positive, but also negative. If you bring your palm to such trees, you feel cold.

Today it has become fashionable to plant areas with thuja and juniper; many even make hedges out of them along the entire perimeter of the dacha. But... Arborvitae, junipers and cypress trees belong to energy vampires, and you can’t be among them all the time.

The strongest vampires are aspen and poplar, slightly weaker are spruce, willow, chestnut, bird cherry, cypress, thuja, juniper. It is better not to plant them; you should also avoid walking among these plants. In a state of peace of mind and good spirits.

If you feel a loss of strength, depression, apathy, you feel that someone around you is feeding on your energy, or moreover, there is an evil eye or damage, then vampire trees will come to your aid.

They will take all the negative energy upon themselves, cleanse you of bad thoughts and bad mood. However, you need to know a few techniques to properly contact the tree and get its response.

  • Communicate with plants in the morning, at sunrise. By evening, their energy, like that of humans, decreases.
  • Choose strong tree with a straight crown, around which there are no other trees within a radius of ten meters.
  • Approach the vampire tree and offer your open palms. If you feel cold, you can start the session.
  • Lean against the tree, hug it tightly. Relax, feel harmony. Stay there for as long as your body requires.
  • After you free yourself from negativity, it is recommended to replenish your reserves of positive energy and turn to the donor tree for help (using the same principle - hug and stand).

Dear blog readers, stay healthy, watch the video “magic of trees”

Plants and humans are connected by a common origin, development and existence in nature. In his development, a person lost the ability to hear and understand information from diseased cells of his body. But a sick, even spoiled domestic dog will unmistakably find the grass it needs in the forest, meadow or field. But if everything we come into contact with is energy, the plant has a biofield, and the person is surrounded energy shell- aura, then at the level of bioenergy fields contact “person - plant” is possible. This means that we can receive energy from plants, in particular from trees. The art of receiving energy from trees was well mastered by the ancient Celts, and Tibetan yogis have mastered it perfectly to this day.

In the second half of the first millennium BC. Ancient Indo-European tribes of the Celts (Galls) lived on the territory of modern France, Belgium, Switzerland, southern Germany, Austria, Northern Italy, Northern and Western Spain, the British Isles, the Czech Republic, partly Hungary and Bulgaria. Their priests - Druids, were in charge of sacrifices, also performed judicial functions, were doctors, teachers, and soothsayers. And since the lands inhabited by the Celts were covered with forests, trees played an important role in their life.

The Celts revered trees and each newborn child was assigned a tree with which his destiny was connected. The tree was supposed to protect him from diseases, provide assistance by transmitting vital energy, and protect him from dangerous events and vicissitudes of fate. According to the beliefs of the Druids, man and tree are part of nature, which means that a person, being physically and spiritually prepared, can receive energy from a tree. The spiritual attitude lies in the fact that we should know what we expect from our tree - whether we want to lower or increase our energy potential.

Trees have the most energy in the morning, after sunrise, when the first rays touch the upper branches. The tree from which we want to receive energy must be of the correct shape and healthy. A tree has the greatest energy if there are no other trees around it at a distance of 6 meters.

How to receive energy from trees? This is how Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor E. Morozova conveys the recommendations of the Druids. If we are tired, feel depressed, sick (except for inflammatory processes) and want to gain energy, then we come and stand at the south side of the tree. First, we touch it with our forehead, hug it with our palms at head height, ask the tree for help and lean against it with our whole body.

If we are too excited, exhausted, nervous, and have inflammatory diseases, then we approach the tree from the north side. We stand with our back to him with our arms down, touching the trunk with our palms.

If we want to improve our energy state, we hug the tree from either side. The sensations when receiving energy from a tree can be different: as if something is floating through the body, slight pleasant dizziness, slight cooling, a feeling of warmth. You may feel a pleasant lightness in the body, drowsiness, or a feeling of unusual strength. Each person feels differently. There are people who won't feel anything. However, everyone, after standing near a tree for some time, is filled with energy. You should not be upset if someone cannot find contact with the tree the first time. We need to cleanse ourselves spiritually and try again. You should only go to the tree with pure thoughts.

But not all trees are treated the same. Some trees are neutral, others nourish the body, and others, on the contrary, take energy (“vampire trees”). Those with the most powerful nourishing abilities have oak, maple, pine, acacia, birch, viburnum.

Below are the recommendations of I. Dyachko - propagandist medicinal plants. Of all trees, the greatest nourishing energy is oak. When approaching an oak tree, you may experience a feeling of fear and at the same time attraction to the tree, which strong energy that gives strength and clarity of thought. Our ancestors said: whoever wants to think seriously should stand by the oak tree. Anyone who has been charged with energy from oak feels clarity of thought. It's like he's flying, his legs are walking on their own. Feel free to approach the tree, and it will share its “white” energy with you.

Pine fills the human body with powerful and impulsive energy. It is best to nourish yourself from pine at the beginning of the fateful moments of your life. Pine energy improves tone, immunity, and is an antidepressant. Pine can take away your frustration, doubt and frustration, which, like scum, settle on you every day and interfere with clarity of thought and spirit. Pine is a merciful tree that you should approach with an open soul. But the energy of pine does not affect everyone in the same way. People with heart problems or migraine attacks should not walk in the pine forest. You should communicate with the tree no later than 21:00.

If for some reason pine does not suit you, go to maple. Maple Suitable for people of any character, it transmits its charge, eases the course of the disease, and even cures it altogether. Maple accepts all our emotional breakdowns, understanding that they are not addressed to him, but in return gives strength, calmness and poise. Drinking maple juice is very beneficial.

Birch exudes a soft, calm energy that comes in a strong continuous flow. Not every person can receive help from her, but only those who love her, believe her and treat her with affection. She is generous towards such people and gives her energy more than normal. Whoever a birch tree loves will always be healthy around it. The energy of birch promotes the healing of both physical and mental wounds. The greatest energy activity in birch is from 5 to 9 am. It is very useful to drink birch sap.

Acacia- a universal donor, its bioenergy is useful to everyone, especially women.

Kalina its energy is close to acacia, but its reserves are an order of magnitude lower.

You should communicate with nourishing trees personally and alone, with kindness in your heart and a pure soul. Only in this case will you replenish your energy.

To properly gain pure energy from a donor tree, you need to stand near it for 2-5 minutes at a distance of 40-50 cm, asking for help in your thoughts, relax and come close, touching your forehead, face to the trunk, as if kissing it. After relaxing, imagine how with each breath silver, blue or violet energy flows through your body: through your arms, spine, legs and stops in the solar plexus. You can stand near such a tree for more than three minutes, otherwise it may rise arterial pressure, sleep will be disturbed.

When a person need to get rid of negative energy, improve or cleanse your energy channels and qualitatively change the state of your biofield, you should contact trees that absorb energy, such as aspen, poplar, horse chestnut, willow, spruce, bird cherry, juniper. All these trees are “vampires”. Aspen absorbs, that is, takes away negative (black) energy. You should open up completely before it and with each exhalation forcefully free yourself from unnecessary energy. Since ancient times it was believed that best method fight against werewolves, vampires, dark astral forces - an aspen stake. This tree has the ability to remove cold and black energy into the earth and water, as if decomposing it, and return a person to a clean and free state. With the help of aspen, you can really get rid of the influence of energy vampirism in the office, work team, in transport and others in public places, where you go. Jewelry in the form of bracelets and rings made from aspen can also help. If you lean against a tree, the aspen will calm you down sore spot. An aspen plank helps with headaches, it works better than medicine. But if aspen helps a person, it has a detrimental effect on microbes. Pests also avoid aspen. It was not for nothing that in the old days church domes were covered with aspen shingles.

Juniper, although it is a shrub and not a tree, it has a fairly strong cleansing potential, generally directed not at people, but at the objects that surround them. Juniper leaves can cleanse your aura, home or apartment if you fumigate it with room smoke.

U poplars the energy is smooth, clear, confidently regulating efforts in the required direction. Helps mental correction. Greater energy activity of the tree appears from 15 to 18 hours. It is better to direct poplar energy locally to places where inflammation, headache or joint pain is felt, by applying planks to these places.

Planks from chestnut used with high effect for polyarthritis. Willow It has a soft, soothing, relaxing energy, and is good for mental and nervous relaxation and headache relief. Willow is most active from 18:00 to 21:00. From the appropriate wood, you can make your own planks 10-20 mm thick and 50-80 mm long. They are applied to the sore spot every other day for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is one month.

The corresponding trees are found with the help of the hand, which seems to be attracted to the tree itself, without encountering obstacles and feeling the coolness. If at a distance of one and a half meters you feel warmth and tingling in your palm, then this tree has a large supply of energy.

The most powerful vampire tree is aspen. You can stay near such trees for no more than 15 minutes, after which you must definitely go to the donor tree to replenish your energy supply. If there is no donor tree nearby, you need to perform rhythmic breathing, standing in a pose: feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised towards the sun.

Don't forget to say "thank you" to the tree. Trees never wish bad or evil things to people. They do not know confusion, discontent, or anger. The aura of trees is always pure. This is what makes people come up to a tree, talk to it from the heart, recharge with a pure natural flow of bioenergy, clearing their energy channels and gaining fresh strength.

In descriptions of shamanic rituals, one element is always present: even sitting on a chair, the shaman does not lift his feet from the ground. Why? It is constantly fed by the energy of the Earth.

Trees by zodiac sign
Different trees - different properties

Birch concentrates strength and attention, generates energy, and relieves many women's ailments. This tree perfectly ionizes the air.

Oak helps cope with stress, activates blood circulation and speeds up recovery.

Pine and spruce soothe and relieve mental stress. A walk through a pine forest can relieve coughs and runny noses and normalize metabolism. But for those who suffer from heart disease, it is better to choose other healing trees.

Beech increases resistance to stress and the ability to concentrate, improves blood circulation.

Chestnut treats insomnia, relieves nervous tension and drives away fears.

Larch has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and fills you with optimism.

Linden gives a boost of energy.

Poplar has a dual effect. It actively “sucks out” negative energy from environment. But people under whose windows poplars grow often suffer from headaches.

From the point of view of biophysics and bioenergy, there is a kind of information exchange between a person and a plant. The results of the research showed that a man is best “understood” by an oak tree, a woman by a linden tree, and a girl by a birch tree.

Cedar, pine, oak, birch, maple - trees are donors that generously endow a person with energy.

Poplar, aspen, rowan, lilac - on the contrary, have a strong reputation as trees - vampires.

The flora is part of living nature. Life force and energy constantly circulates in it. Therefore, there is nothing unusual in the fact that trees on our planet are able to charge a person with energy or take it away, that is, donor trees and vampires surround us everywhere. Their natural qualities can be used to treat diseases, as well as to restore vitality and replenish energy reserves in the body.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that the donor tree is good, but you should stay away from the vampire tree. But not everything is so simple.

When a person is already sick, he needs to get rid of the destructive energy in his energy field, which is contained in abundance during this period. Then vampire trees come to the rescue, as they do an excellent job as cleaners. They literally pull out all the negativity and “dirty” energy clots from the field.

Tree donors list

1. Oak. Its energy contributes to normalization of cardio-vascular system. Helps with irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), gives strength, makes the mind clear and enlightened.

2. Maple. Reduces the level of aggression, relaxes, eliminates nervous tension and accumulated fatigue.

3. Spruce. Useful for those who have suffered severe attacks of heart attack and stroke. Just like oak, it treats cardiovascular diseases.

4. Linden. A useful donor tree for people of mental work. Promotes concentration of thoughts, increases concentration, gives inspiration to people of creative professions, fills them with vitality, and restores cheerfulness.

5. Pine.This tall, powerful tree radiates extraordinary warmth and joy, dispels sad thoughts, relieves prolonged depression, and helps to get out of a mental crisis.

6. Willow. Treats all types of colds, as well as arthritis, arthrosis and kidney disease, varicose veins, and lowers blood pressure. Improves psycho-emotional state, eliminates irritability.

7. Birch. From the entire list of donor trees, birch is the best assistant in the treatment of female diseases such as mastopathy and uterine fibroids.

8. Sea ​​buckthorn. Endowed with powerful healing power along with oak and pine. Returns vigor, strength and energy to the body. Dispels melancholy and depressed mood.

9. Chestnut. IN folk medicine The tree has long been known as an excellent healer for polyarthritis. Small pieces of wood are applied to the site of inflammation and secured with a plaster, the disease quickly recedes.

Vampire trees list

1. Poplar.Useful for gastrointestinal diseases in the inflammation stage, migraines and joint pain.

2. Aspen. Of all the vampire trees, aspen is the most famous. Only the lazy have never heard of the aspen stake from horror stories. You should contact aspen only in the morning before noon and when you need to stop a strong inflammatory process and pain. Ten minutes of communication with the energy of the tree is the maximum that you can allow yourself without consequences in the form of: general weakness, nausea and loss of strength. Aspen is no worse than bodyaga for treating bruises and hematomas on the body.

How to determine which tree is a donor and which is a vampire

Energy donor trees include: linden, pine, maple, birch, spruce, oak and others. The most common vampires are alder, aspen and poplar.

Pay attention to trees with straight trunks that stand apart from others and are alone. Such single trees are constantly exposed to sunlight, and their roots do not intertwine with the roots of other trees. These are the most energetically strong green donors or vampires.

The surest way.You can find out whether a tree gives the donor energy or takes it away like a vampire using an ordinary piece of foil. You need to come close to its trunk, place your palm a few centimeters from the trunk with the back side up, put foil on it and run the nail of your other hand along it. If the foil reaches towards the trunk, it is a donor; if it sticks to the hand, it is a vampire.

Another easy way. Press your back against the trunk and stand there for a few minutes. You feel a surge of strength and vigor - this tree is a healer. You feel weak, slightly nauseous and headache- a vampire.

Very rarely, but still this happens when a tree changes its donor properties to a vampire. This happens when it grows in areas that are unfavorable from an energy point of view, such as geological faults and other natural anomalies. As a rule, such a tree is distinguished by an unusual shape of the trunk and branches; they can be intricately bent or twisted. They are not suitable for treatment and restoration of vital energy.

How to properly receive energy from a tree

In order for the energy intake to be effective, you must lean against the tree correctly.

  • Stand so that your back and the back of your head are tightly adjacent to the trunk, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your palms on the lower back, one on top of the other (but not in a lock), it turns out something like a vicious circle.
  • If your heart or stomach hurts, you can stand facing the trunk, touching it with your chest and stomach, your hands should also be on your lower back in the manner described above. Stay like this for three to five minutes.

In nature, everything is harmonious and balanced, all trees - those that give energy and those that take it away - are useful, the main thing is to understand how they affect a person and use their power correctly.

For some reason it is generally accepted that vampire trees, these are plants harmful to humans, but donor trees bring only benefits. It's not like that at all! There are no bad plants, there are only people who don’t know how to communicate with them!

In our article, we told you about what dendrotherapy is, how plants have an energetic effect on us, and examined general rules interaction with plants at the energy level. And here we want to tell you in what cases can they help us? different kinds trees, regardless of whether the tree is a donor, a vampire, or a phenomenal one.


This fragile-looking and beloved symbol of our country is powerful energy donor. You can even get a healing charge of positive energy from a young birch tree. She will willingly and gently influence a person, so you can interact with her for quite a long time, which cannot be said about other donors flora.

It best improves the mood of women and children, improves the properties of the skin and promotes the resorption of various types of hardening.

  • Birch from 3 to 4 am will not help. From 5 to 9 am, feel free to communicate with her.


Same powerful donor, but quite tough. Therefore, you can and should seek his help with apathy, fatigue, inertia, reluctance to change anything in your life despite the fact that it does not suit you, indecision, but not often and not for long.

  • The interaction session should not exceed 10 minutes.

Like most fruit relatives, the pear is soft donor, under which you can sit for a long time. But to recharge with positivity, look for a wild pear; its energy is more powerful than that of its cultivated, garden relatives.


If you feel overwhelmed negative energy, you are tormented by inflammatory processes in the body, you often experience irritation - turn to walnuts for help. Get rid of your illness and gain peace of mind.


This one of the most majestic representatives of the plant world has no less powerful energy of the donor tree. Oak embodies vigor of both spirit and body, it gives clarity to thoughts and strength to health. This is exactly the effect that people, especially men, get after communicating with this tree.

But not only that. He will calm you down when you are fussing and nervous for no reason, he will give you strength to overcome various diseases, acting as a tonic.

But if you are a soft, non-aggressive person, this tree is not suitable for you. Close contact with oak is not recommended for children either. However, if you are characterized by cruelty, coldness and an authoritarian style of behavior, do not abuse oak energy.

  • Unlike most trees, the best time to interact with an oak is between 9 pm and 3 am.But in the daytime from 15:00 to 17:00 this tree is at rest.

With its soft but prickly paws it the tree will take away all your negativity and irritation, will calm, helping to overcome stressful situations. Apply its cone to the sore spot, lean against the spruce trunk, the pain will go away. Are you suffering from insomnia and frequent nightmares?

  • Chat with the spruce for 5 minutes evening time, get rid of sleep problems.

It is quite difficult to press yourself against the trunk of a spruce tree without getting scratched by its needles, but you can do this at any time, it is always ready to help you.


This the female vampire tree has great power. Therefore, turn to him for help better for women, but only in exceptional cases. For example, willow can be asked to help dull emotional pain after a breakup or loss loved one. Willow will not only allow you to come to terms with the unbearably difficult situation that has arisen and will relieve resentment, but will also give you hope.

But if you feel like complaining about career failures, look for a less emotional tree. Otherwise, you can expect the opposite effect - aggravation of mental torment. If you still decide to communicate with this tree, then do not delay the communication, limit yourself to 4-8 minutes daily until you feel mental relief.

  • The willow tree will not react in any way to your requests from 2 to 3 a.m.; it will show extraordinary attentiveness in the evening, from 6 to 9 p.m.


Donor tree, our pride, giving health, both on the material and spiritual levels. The presence of cedar brings good mood, strength, cheerfulness and determination into our lives. The tree helps cope with physical and mental stress. Cedar makes it easy to overcome viral infections, perfectly tones and strengthens the immune system. The ideal tree for energy recharging!

Bioenergy maple is not considered a vampire, but, nevertheless, it is a plant Helps get rid of negative energy. With the help of maple, a person himself changes the pole of a negative charge to a positive one. But for this procedure, you should turn to Norway maple. Only he has such abilities.

  • The maple dormant period lasts from 4 to 5 am. Activity begins at 7 a.m. and lasts until 10 a.m..

This tree is classified as phenomenal plants. In some cases, hazelnut behaves like a vampire, taking away nervous, restless states, fear and uncertainty. In other cases, hazel can act as a soft donor. Therefore, if during interaction with this tree your pain intensifies, weakness appears and you feel dizzy, leave and look for another green healer.


Kind, friendly soft donor, linden willingly shares its positive energy with people. After you give all your negativity to such a vampire as an aspen, go to the linden tree, it will give you exactly as much positive charge as you need to replenish your strength and energy.

  • The linden tree rests in the morning from 6 to 7. You should receive positivity from this tree at night from 2 to 6.

Larch is a plant that can change the polarity of its energy charge. Therefore, you should approach larch with caution, carefully listening to your feelings. But you still need to communicate with her, because as a vampire the tree will take on an excess of negative emotions, and as a donor it can feed you with positivity. Both as a donor and as a vampire, this representative of conifers acts very delicately and softly.

  • You can communicate with larch at any time; its energy is always active.


This vampire tree with its phenomenal ability to absorb energy, it surpasses all its fellows. It is not for nothing that there are aspen crosses on the graves of sorcerers; it is not for nothing that the corpse of a vampire should be pierced with an aspen stake so that he does not look for new victims among the living. By the way, if you are neither a sorcerer nor a vampire, then aspen can provide real help to you in case of overexcitation, insomnia, irritation, toothache, inflammation, and bruises. Only this tree can remove blockages in energy channels.

  • The aspen is dormant for only an hour from 2 to 3 o'clock. The tree absorbs energy most actively from 2 pm to 5 pm.

This soft vampire helps relieve stress after a hard day, get rid of mental disorders such as neuroses. But chokeberry, chokeberry, is a phenomenal plant, so it can also add positive energy to you.

  • The time of pine energy activity is around the clock.

This a vampire although it is inferior in strength to aspen, it will nevertheless relieve you of anxiety, nervous tension and relieve toothache. Just don’t ask for help from those poplars that grow within the city; they absorb an incredible amount of negativity even without you. Look for a poplar tree in the nearest forest for this.

  • Poplar goes into a state of rest at 4 o'clock in the morning and sleeps until 5 o'clock; it is active in terms of energy in the afternoon from 15 to 18 o'clock.

This vampire plant will ease the course of various inflammations, promote the resorption of bruises and tumors, and relieve congestion.

The apple tree is almost no different from its fruit counterparts; this plant is very soft donor willing to help women. If you want to maintain vigor and beauty of your body for as long as possible, if you need strength to easily overcome life problems, make friends with the apple tree.

But it will be better if you look for a wild apple tree, because its ability to calm during nervous disorders is much higher than that of varietal healers.
