History of the holiday "International Forest Day". International Day of Forests and Tree Day in Italy What the forest gives us

How nice it is sometimes to find yourself in a green forest, breathe in fresh air, saturated with the aroma of tree resin and herbs, hear the tops of the trees whispering among themselves, letting rays of sunlight pass through small leaves. It is simply mesmerizing, makes you forget about everything and immerse yourself in the world of nature.

The forest is the wealth of our entire Earth, filled with life. Thanks to it, the climate is formed, oxygen appears, and harmful emissions are destroyed. But, unfortunately, the area of ​​green spaces in the world is shrinking more and more every year. According to experts, over the past 10 thousand years, 26 billion square meters have been destroyed by humans. km of forests.

In order to somehow influence the consciousness of people and preserve the “lungs” of our nature, a special holiday was proclaimed - International Forest Day. According to experts, 1.5 g of virgin forests disappear every second on Earth. This can be explained by an increase in the number of people who transform the forest area for human needs. This reduction forest ecosystems can lead to irreversible and unfavorable processes in natural environment, which will negatively affect human life. We will tell you in our article how the world is trying to solve this problem today.

For the first time this holiday sounded as an official call for the protection of forests in 1971. At the 23rd Congress of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the European Confederation Agriculture and the support of other agricultural organizations, it was decided to sign a decree on holding International Day forest, the date of which was set to be March 20 or 21. It is on these days that the spring equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, and the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

The goal and objectives of the young holiday is to inform the population about the importance of forests in the life of the entire population of the planet, maintaining them in their pristine condition, methods of protection, caring for green spaces and their rational use as raw materials.

To this end, all UN member states hold special events for Forest Day, where attention is focused on the need to protect and regenerate forests. On March 20 or 21, all kinds of exhibitions, promotions, competitions, flash mobs and campaigns for planting new trees are organized. As a result of the involvement of the population and local authorities, countries are actively pursuing a targeted policy of afforestation and reforestation.

All-Russian Forest Day

For the Russian Federation, this holiday is especially important, because on its territory there is literally a fifth of all the world's forests and almost the same amount of the world's timber reserves. The date of Forest Day in Russia is not precisely determined, because the holiday is celebrated every second Saturday in May, and sometimes due to unfavorable weather conditions, all events have to be postponed. For the first time, Russians celebrated this holiday on the 14th in 2011, when a tree planting campaign was held. As a result, volunteers from 60 regions of the country planted 25 million seedlings on 7 g of land. After the work done, the Russian government decided to hold an annual “All-Russian Forest Planting Day”.

For green spaces, this is a real national wealth. It makes a huge contribution not only to the development of the economy, being a source of raw materials, but also to the development of the biosphere, as it is one of its most important components. All these provisions determine the living conditions on the territory of the state and on the entire Earth, therefore we, the people, must take care of the forests ourselves, care for them and replenish the ranks with new seedlings.

International Forest Day

What is a forest? Pines to the sky

Birches and oaks, berries, mushrooms...

Animal paths, hills and lowlands.

Soft grass, fuck the owl.

Silver lily of the valley, clean, clean air

And a living spring with spring water.

This little poem by an unknown author perfectly captures the essence of the most beautiful landscape that has ever existed on earth. A forest is an entire ecosystem, all links of which are interconnected with each other through an interweaving of biological connections. This is a separate world, functioning according to its own laws. But every nature lover interested in protecting flora is welcome here. On March 21, residents of many countries globe celebrate International Forest Day.

History of the International Forest Day holiday

Honoring forests in the form of holding specific events informing society about the need to protect green areas began back in the 20th century. The decisive year in this matter was 1971 - it was then that International Forest Day was established. Representatives of the European Confederation of Agriculture came up with the idea of ​​adding a new significant environmental date to the list of existing holidays. The initiative was taken by them within the framework of the agriculture conference at the 23rd General Assembly. The FAO Association - the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN - supported this brilliant idea.

The date chosen for the celebration of International Forest Day was the day of the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. It usually falls on the month of March, on the 20th or 21st. This is not surprising, because the beginning of spring represents the awakening of nature from a long winter sleep and the preceding autumn slumber: the forest is dressed in fresh foliage.

International Forest Day is especially needed today by the world community, much more so than in the 70s. last century. Currently, the destruction of green spaces has reached its climax: every second the planet irreversibly loses 1.5 hectares of forest area, and there is every reason to believe that this trend will develop exclusively in the direction of increase. This begs an elementary question: why does this happen? Indeed, what, in fact, is the reason for such a disrespectful attitude towards the gifts of nature? There is no secret here. Firstly, in pursuit of satisfying their own greed, interested parties organize the sale of wood abroad, without thinking at all about the reproduction of green areas. Secondly, the number of people on Earth is increasing due to the fertility of the peoples of Africa and Asia. Accordingly, the needs of society are growing. Well, the third factor is the disappearance of forests regardless of human activity - as a result of fires, the influence of weather conditions, diseases and pests.

All UN member states take part in the celebration of International Forest Day. The versatility of the activities they carry out allows them to achieve the maximum goal set before the environmental date. On this day, activists focus on the reproduction of forests by planting new tree crops in the ground, organize discussions, conferences to discuss current problems and find the right solutions, hold exhibitions, competitions in order to interest visitors, awaken in their hearts the will to win over inhumane treatment to green spaces. The main part of the events takes place in the presence and support of government officials. Certain countries that are members of the UN enter into certain agreements in order to work together to preserve forests.

International Forest Day

Types of forest

Green areas cover a little more than 1/3 earth's surface. This type The landscape is diverse: nature has tried to provide us, its children, with numerous plant resources in order to extract maximum benefit from them for ourselves.

Coniferous forests have unique bactericidal properties, the carriers of which are phytoncides. When inhaling the aroma of pine needles in certain doses, a person is able to forget for a long time about his predisposition to sore throats, colds, and low immunity. His nervous system becomes stronger, more resilient and will no longer give up easily in the face of stress. Metabolism, digestion, the functioning of the endocrine glands and the cardiovascular system improve. Who would have thought that an ordinary walk among pine trees or spreading spruce trees would bring so many benefits?

Broad-leaved forests are formed by species of deciduous trees. The basis of such an array is oak, elm, and linden. Together with the already mentioned pines, spruces and other coniferous beauties broadleaf forests become mixed.

There is such a variety of green areas as small-leaved forests. In them you can find the symbol of Rus' - birch, as well as aspen and alder. Forests consisting exclusively of a certain species are very beautiful tree species. For example, a pine forest, a spruce forest, an oak forest, a linden forest, a birch grove, etc.

An interesting category of green areas are floodplain forests. Their base is poplar, black alder, and willow. Such clusters of woody vegetation are located in areas where flood waters overflow. However, in such areas both broad-leaved and coniferous forests often grow.

From time immemorial, forests have been the national pride of Russia. Today they are concentrated mainly in Siberia and much less in the European part of the country. Unfortunately, many green areas are destroyed by forest fires. And no one canceled the felling either...

What does the forest give us?

How nice it is to be in the forest! Here the air is simply clean, it’s not for nothing that the green areas are called the “lungs” of our planet. This is the main function of forests - neutralizing chemical compounds, dust, dirt, CO2 present in atmospheric air, enrichment of the latter with oxygen. But this ability is not the only one. Forests have a positive effect on the process of formation of weather conditions, in particular, they reduce the air temperature (which is why it is so hot near green areas and directly under the tree crowns on a hot day), and they retain wind and snow. The forest provides shelter for wild animals, many of which play the role of natural orderlies. Green areas provide us with wood, food resources (berries, mushrooms, nuts), and medicinal herbs. It’s not without reason that they said about it in ancient times: “The forest is richer than the king.” By the way, about wood: natural cellulose gives us the opportunity to write on paper, read books, wear clothes made of hypoallergenic fabric - viscose made from wood fibers, furnish our homes with luxurious furniture, and for some even build a house. The forest is very useful from the point of view of wood energy.

Take care of the forests. Make every effort possible to prevent the planet from completely losing this living green shield. Just imagine what our lives will turn into if the worst happens...

The professional holiday of foresters is one of the oldest in our country. Last year it turned half a century old, so forest workers received their holiday before many other professions, which, as a rule, were awarded a similar honor only in the 1980s. Let's find out when Forest and Forester's Day is celebrated in 2019, what date this holiday is this time, and whether it has a permanent date.

What date is Forest Workers Day in 2019?

The full name of the professional holiday of Russian foresters is Day of Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers. It is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of September, and in 2019 it is - September 15th.

Forester's Day appeared back in 1966, 53 years ago, and for that time it was indeed a noticeable recognition of the forester profession by the state, which “spoiled” professional holidays only to representatives of those professions that formed the basis of the Soviet economy, such as metallurgists or railway workers .

In addition to the foresters themselves, who monitor the condition of the forests, care for them and protect the vegetation and animal world from poachers, this holiday is also dedicated to workers in the timber processing industry. This sector of the economy also consists of wood processing enterprises and pulp and paper mills.

Russia currently contains about a quarter of all forests on planet Earth. This is a huge wealth of our country, which is preserved, among other things, by foresters. In fact, it is largely thanks to Russian forests that the oxygen that many of our neighboring European and Asian states breathe is regenerated.

Despite this, however, in Russia there is no special ministry that would deal with forest problems. Foresters belong to the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz), and the share of wood processing enterprises in Russian GDP is less than five percent. Perhaps this situation is even for the good, since the state and private investors do not consider the forest as a way to make big money, and this allows the forests to be preserved for future generations.

A third of the inhabited land area is occupied by forests. The forest is the cradle and breadwinner of most peoples of the world. It is also called the "lungs of the planet", a natural reservoir that supplies rivers and lakes fresh water. Alas, the area of ​​forest plantations is noticeably decreasing every year due to their predatory felling on a huge scale. Therefore, this problem has attracted the attention of the public and international organizations. The International Day of Forests is dedicated to this topic.


The International Day of Forests holiday has changed its name and status several times. It was first established by a very influential organization - the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1970. In parallel, World Forestry Day was established in 1971. Another founder was international structure– UN Food Organization. In addition, the Center for International Forestry Research organized an annual Forest Day celebration between 2007 and 2012.

And only in 2012, on December 21, the UN General Assembly, by a special resolution, eliminated all previous dates and announced the establishment of the International Day of Forests, assigning its celebration to the day of the autumn equinox for the southern hemisphere of the planet and the spring equinox for the northern hemisphere. Since 2013, the celebration has been held annually. Its purpose is to preserve forests and inform the public about the current state of the problem.


The date is widely celebrated in most countries on the planet, both at the official and everyday level. Mass events on this day are associated mainly with the planting of new tree plantations in cleared areas and areas suitable for growing new forests. This important work is carried out by both official institutions and volunteers from among ordinary citizens on their own initiative.

On this day, propaganda, information and educational activities are significantly intensified:

  1. Mass campaigns are underway to educate the masses about the state of affairs in the forestry sector and the importance of conservation green spaces on the planet.
  2. Lectures are given in educational institutions.
  3. Thematic articles are published in the media.

If each of us plants at least one tree on this day, the holiday can safely be considered successful.

The total area of ​​forests on the planet is about a third of the land area. On March 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Forests or World Forest Day, which was founded in 1971 and has been celebrated annually since then. Initiator of the establishment of this Day The European Confederation of Agriculture spoke at the 23rd General Assembly in 1971, and this idea was supported by the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Moreover, initially it was decided to celebrate this day precisely on the day of the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (the latter, according to tradition, is considered the first day of spring and is a symbol of new life and new beginnings). And in 2012 General Assembly The UN, by its resolution No. 67/200 of December 21, 2012, approved the celebration of the International Day of Forests annually on March 21, as an occasion to inform society about the importance of forest conservation and to raise awareness of their importance. The problem of preserving the forest and its wealth is today among the most important environmental tasks for all countries of the world. IN last years Trends associated with deforestation of the Earth are causing concern not only among environmentalists, but also among the entire international community. Currently total area forests on the planet are approximately 38 million square meters. km (this is about a third of the land area), of which 13% are protected natural areas. Forests are the lungs of our planet; they have invaluable ecological, social and economic importance– participate in shaping the planet’s climate, provide oxygen, process harmful emissions, preserve water resources, are habitat for many plants and animals, provide food and a healthy environment for people, and help maintain soil fertility and landscapes. However, every day the area of ​​the world's forests is steadily declining; every second the Earth loses more than 1.5 hectares of virgin forest. This is primarily due to population growth and the transformation of forest areas for various human needs. According to some expert assessments, over the past 10 thousand years, people have destroyed 26 million square meters. km of forests. Along with this, forests are dying from fires, illegal logging, natural disasters, exposure to insect pests, diseases and other reasons. But the reduction in forest area leads to irreparable negative processes that have global significance for all nature and the life of all humanity. In this regard, the main task of the International Day of Forests is to attract the attention of the planet's inhabitants to the problem of forest conservation, inform about the importance of forest ecosystems, their true condition, the main measures for their protection and restoration. Forests are the national wealth of Russia. Since the processes of forest loss and degradation have become international problems, requiring a joint decision by all countries, the UN called on all UN member states to support the observance of this day with special events. On this day, throughout most countries of the world, various actions and events are held to protect forests and green spaces - these include informational events, various competitions and exhibitions, tree planting campaigns, and various flash mobs. Many of these public events and environmental organizations are held with the support of government officials. In particular, UN member countries have reached relevant agreements and are now implementing a number of measures as part of a targeted policy of reforestation and afforestation. It is also worth saying that the International Day of Forests is actively celebrated in our country. After all, forests are the national wealth of Russia, which accounts for almost a fifth of the world's forest area and approximately the same part of the world's timber reserves. What determines the global importance of forests for the country, not only as a source of valuable raw materials, but also as an important component of the biosphere, which largely determines the living conditions on Earth. Interestingly, in some countries, along with International Forest Day, Tree Day is also celebrated.
