A person should for every day. List of mandatory things to do every day

1. Donate half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie once in a day.
3. Curtain the windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a hot air balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and care for it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask a stranger for help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don’t say “I” throughout the day.
20. Speak to an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend the day alone with yourself, turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend using paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of your hometown.
25. Build a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, ride a boat or sit on the shore.
29. Spend the day with your children, trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Walk on ice without fear.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give something made with your own hands.
37. Live for a day without food or drink.
38. Freeze at a random moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk the cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Take photos while lying down.
42. Take a walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk on a rope bridge.
45. Go to the bathhouse.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Make a figurine of yourself from clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to your loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Delete from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands while wearing mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your offender.
57. See the northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do exercises in the morning for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Caring for the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Don’t look at the clock during the day.
66. Visit.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and tear it up.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food over a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don’t look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-heated stones.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet the elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Dedicate a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in the forest or park.
86. Get wet cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie on the water of a very salty pond.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend the day in the library reading room.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let your hair go.
99. Follow your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

Do you want people to perceive you as a hero of our days? Maybe you want to create the image of a confident person who is not afraid of obstacles along the way? Or it will be the image of the savior of human destinies, outwardly calm, with an unbending core inside. And let dreams of fame and popularity remain dreams, we do not care what others think of us.

It is almost impossible to create an ideal image in real life, because there is no such person who could be liked by everyone at once. But what you can really start doing right now is start improving yourself. To do this, pay attention to the tiny little things every day that will ultimately lead you to big changes. Here's what you need to do to build confidence.

If you've ever done yoga, you've probably heard that just 7 minutes of practice will give you a significant boost to your mental and physical fitness.

Your body will become more flexible, and your mind will become more focused on internal processes. But even if you are not a fan of yoga, you can easily transfer this experience to your regular workout. 7 minutes is the time during which you need to give your maximum. You will feel better, and a sense of inner harmony will give you self-confidence.

The benefits of mutual aid

It's amazing, but your strength will not dry out in the process of helping other people. That's why you need to be socially oriented. It doesn't require a lot of effort. All you need to do is give a compliment to the cashier at the supermarket or give someone a recommendation for Good work. If someone from your circle starts working in a small business, it costs you nothing to support your friend by buying a product from him.

Helping other people, seeing their grateful and happy faces is a great way to get a boost of energy and good health. This is how you begin to earn a reputation. good man. Remember that someday your kindness will definitely return to you.

Working for a charity

Have you ever wondered why rich and wealthy people so often pay attention to charity events? They feel responsible for those who are disadvantaged and cannot help themselves. However, you don't have to be a millionaire to volunteer for a charity. You can give free care to people in need.

Research from Harvard Medical School has shown that volunteering has enormous mental and physical benefits for the volunteers themselves. Good deeds in the name of society reduce people's blood pressure and help prolong life. Even if you're short on time, you can always take a moment to make a small "token" donation to one of your local charities.

New cafe

Every day people perform the same actions, which are brought to the point of automatism so that they can be performed with their eyes closed. You drive to work along the same route, see the same faces along the way, go to the same cafe for lunch. This kind of life places you in a blessed and comfortable vacuum. But all you need to feel confident is to leave the proverbial comfort zone.

Take a few hours away from your community and explore the city. There are probably people somewhere nearby who will be of interest to you. You will never know about this unless you go looking for them. As the old saying goes, “Change is as good as rest.”

Use dental floss

According to scientists, flossing is associated with overall improved health, not just snow-white smile. The procedure takes only one minute and does not require you to make the superhuman efforts of standard brushing of your teeth at a time when you are very tired.

Don't compare yourself to others

Do you think there's anything worse than comparing apples to oranges? As you might guess, this is the desire to compare yourself to others. The fruits that grow on trees have a juicy taste and are equally healthy. Comparison in favor of one of them is a matter of personal preference, nothing more. But when we talk about people, various factors come into play that make us completely unique.

We are talking about background, upbringing, talent, privilege and even accidents that influence our lives. Initially, all people are in different conditions. This is the same as comparing the finish of runners who started from a time trial. Another thing pure time- This is an opportunity to compete with yourself.

Moreover, in practice, comparison with others will either develop a bunch of complexes in you, or develop a strong belief in you that you are better than others. There is no need to do this because “comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your true self.”

Don't forget nutritious foods

The modern concept of “healthy food” is loaded with various myths, insinuations and past bad experiences. Therefore, you should not blindly trust nutritionists and abstain from everything that contains salt and sugar. Just think about the benefits for your body. That's what he says clinical psychologist Dr. Carmen Harra: “The nutrition you provide to your body directly affects your well-being. Food that lacks nutritional value leaves you sluggish, depressed and powerless. With a lack of energy, the body fights for its rights and asks you for better food.” Therefore, instead of leaning towards a healthy diet, think about what nutritious foods you can enrich your diet.

Learn something new

If you want to expand your capabilities, start learning something new. Improve your literacy if you high school this aspect left much to be desired. Give yourself the mindset to learn to swim if you spend your holidays lying on a sun lounger year after year. It's time to dive into the water and explore new possibilities of your own body. Remember that you are doing this for yourself, and not to impress other vacationers. Find a French or Chinese tutor. This will help you better understand the culture of other countries. “Live forever and learn,” folk wisdom agrees with us.

How to find a way out in a difficult situation?

Ask yourself: How much time are you willing to spend developing a project, idea, or relationship that isn't working? In fact, this situation is familiar to many people who feel stuck at the same level. You invest money, time, emotions, knowledge and skills, but things don’t get off the ground. Are you ready to part with precious resources further?

According to Northwestern University psychologists Daniel Molden and Chin Ming Hui, there is a simple and effective method, which helps people when things are not going well. Make sure you are focused on the outcome itself and what you want to get out of this project. On the other hand, drive away thoughts about lost resources. It is difficult to find a way out of a situation when there is complete negativity around you.

Give thanks, don't be sorry

There is one surefire way to make other people feel good. Remember how you usually apologize for being late? You probably throw out a routine phrase like “Sorry I’m late, I’m stuck in traffic.” Why don't you turn the situation around 180 degrees and thank your colleague for waiting patiently for you?

Instead of apologizing for the inconvenience, always thank other people for their patience and generosity.

And indeed it is. If each of us begins to add to the list of “what is good” with even small, but kind deeds (which do not even require large quantity time and money), then perhaps the phrase “World Peace” will no longer seem such a utopia. So what can you do every day?

Leave feedback

Did you like the service in a beauty salon, a hotel on vacation or a new dish in a restaurant? Share your positive emotions and write about it. By the way, this will be useful for you too: as research shows, expressing your thoughts helps improve your well-being and...

Hold the door

It would seem, what could be simpler? But often we are so caught up in our thoughts that we don’t even do this. Although the two seconds that such a simple action will take will not play any role in your success, you will show care and respect to the person following you.

Wish you good morning and a nice day

And not only to your family and friends. Such a simple wish will be pleasant to hear both to your neighbor whom you accidentally met in the elevator, and to the security guard in the office, without noticing whom you rush past, hurrying to your job. workplace, and a barista in a cafe who can’t remember your . In a word, to all those people whom we for some reason do not notice in our daily routine.

To compliment

Good is first and foremost attention. And one of the most simple ways show it to anyone: a loved one, a friend, a colleague, and even a stranger, for example, while shopping, when someone stands in front of the mirror for a long time and cannot determine whether this thing suits him or not. Just praise him for his choice.

Smile at a stranger

Kindness is contagious. And this is the most valuable thing about him. If you woke up in a great mood today, share it with others. For example, just smile at a stranger on the street.

And one more interesting fact: doing good deeds is not only pleasant, but also useful. When we do something good sincerely, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases in the blood, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

Have you ever thought about what you need to do every day to make your life better? Our entire life ultimately depends on how we live our day. We may not be able to influence global problems, but we have the power to change the world around us.

How we live our day is our choice, which we often neglect. We wait for an opportunity, a moment or a happy coincidence, thereby pushing away the opportunity to become happier and more successful here and now. This can be changed. To make your life more conscious, you need to start with small steps.

Every day we do dozens of obligatory things. Sometimes they are pleasant, sometimes not so much. But each of us wants his day to be filled with meaning and positivity. Not with causeless joy, but with the realization that you did not live this day in vain.

Everyone decides for themselves what to do every day to fill it with meaning. But we advise you not to forget about 10 important things.

1. Express gratitude

Be grateful to yourself for a small victory over yourself, to your loved ones for help, to your acquaintances for a good mood, to fate for good luck. There are hundreds of reasons to be grateful for today. Try keeping a gratitude journal and write down any little things you can say “thank you” for. Or at least before going to bed, think about all the good things that happened to you during the day.

2. Meditate

Those who practice meditation claim that it changes their lives. Meditation helps you listen to yourself, break away from routine, relieve stress and relax. Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back, take a few deep breaths, breathe with your stomach, let go of your consciousness. For the first sessions, five minutes is enough. If you wish, you can always learn different techniques of meditation and yoga.

3. Make a plan for the day

We live in a rather chaotic world where we are constantly distracted by something. And in the evening we wonder why we are so tired and again didn’t have time to do anything. A little planning of your day will help make it much more productive and save you from spontaneous decisions and procrastination. The plan can be sketched out on a piece of paper, beautifully drawn up in your favorite notebook, entered into your smartphone - choose any method that you like.

4. Talk about love

There is never too much love, but for some reason we are sure that our loved ones already know everything. In fact, we all miss warmth and tenderness. Don't forget to tell your loved ones how you feel, hug them and thank them. Remember that life is made up of moments and flies by. Hurry up to give and enjoy love.

5. Study

Studying does not end with school or university. Our brain is programmed to learn throughout our lives, it is greedy for information. Age is not at all an obstacle to learning something new, becoming a professional, or deepening your knowledge. On the contrary, the older we get, the harder we need to train our brain. Not only crossword puzzles will help you with this. You can learn a language, dance, read, take courses, solve logic problems.

6. Walk in the fresh air

We clearly underestimate the importance of fresh air for our health. Walking and relaxing in nature energizes us and relieves stress just as well as a yoga or spa session.

7. Go towards your goal

Often we set goals for ourselves, but they seem to us to be distant and impossible dreams. They remain that way because we don’t know how to approach them. This can be done if the goal is divided into small stages and completed every day. Remember that water also wears away stones.

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To make your life better, you don’t have to move mountains and change radically on Monday. It’s enough to acquire useful habits that, step by step, will make your everyday life brighter and more fulfilling.

website I've chosen 42 useful skills that will transform your life and won't require a Herculean effort of will. And at the end of the article, we will talk about the most realistic technique for making changes to your schedule.

Health, beauty

  • Drink more. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach. Place a water bottle on your desk.
  • Replace one side dish per day with a vegetable salad. And add at least one fruit to your menu every day.
  • Start your morning with 10-15 minutes of physical activity. Find your option: exercise, yoga, dancing, exercise machine.
  • Check your cosmetics for safety. Leave only high-quality ones. And at the same time, make sure that the expiration dates are up to date.
  • Have breakfast in the first 30 minutes after waking up.
  • Refuse away from gadgets half an hour before bedtime.
  • In the morning and in the evening wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with an ice cube. Your skin will thank you.
  • Stand and walk more. Even at an office job, it’s easy to get up every 45 minutes to walk or do some squats. And if you can walk the extra stop or take the stairs instead of the elevator, that’s great.

Personal effectiveness

  • Get up half an hour earlier. Dedicate this time to yourself or to things that you constantly put off.
  • Plan your day. 15 minutes of planning every day will help you gain several useful hours. And repeating tasks included in the scheduler will save time on planning itself.
  • Plan your week on Sunday. This way you can better track your progress and won't waste time on Monday pumping.
  • Set your priorities. Golden Rule: 80% of efforts should be directed to solving priority issues and 20% to solving secondary ones. Give top priority to the 3 most important tasks.
  • Read more. AND fiction, and non-fiction. A regular flow of new information will improve memory and increase performance.
  • Try the Pomodoro Technique. One pomodoro is 25 minutes of full concentration at work and 5 minutes of rest. This will prevent you from overexerting yourself and losing concentration.
  • Eat frogs in the morning. If you do the tasks you most don't want to do at the beginning of the day, the rest of your day will be much more productive.
  • Leave 15 minutes earlier than planned. The fewer delays, the less stress and missed opportunities.


  • Save 10% of your income.
  • Shop for groceries for the week. At the same time, you can create a healthy diet for yourself and avoid buying unnecessary junk.
  • Don't go to the store hungry or sad, otherwise you cannot avoid impulsive purchases.
  • Make active use of promotions, cashback, loyalty programs and bonuses.
  • Buy clothes at the end of the season, not at the beginning. If you see that winter boots They won’t live to see next winter, it’s better to immediately buy a new pair at the spring sale.
  • Stay tuned for free entertainment. Many exhibitions and museums hold free admission days - take advantage.
  • Keep your home accounting at least 1 month a year. You can learn a lot about yourself.
  • Set up a gift fund. It’s much easier to save a little each month than to look for a larger amount before the celebration.
  • Read a book on financial literacy. At least one.


  • Hug. We often underestimate this simple act, but daily hugs with children, parents and loved ones improve the family environment.
  • Don't think for others. Ask. Seriously, one short conversation is much more effective than hours of thinking.
  • Try the "jar and candle" technique. Many of us are easily susceptible to irritation, which immediately results in a quarrel. Imagine that you have a jug with a candle inside. Your task is to prevent the wind of irritation from blowing away the even flame of your calm.
  • Communicate less with toxic people. Don't be shy about cutting ties that don't add anything positive to your life.
  • Don't neglect support groups and thematic communities. Communicating among like-minded people is very important, even if you are an incorrigible introvert.
  • Avoid complaints, criticism and gossip in communication. Try the purple bracelet technique: put a bracelet on your hand and change it to your other hand every time you feel like whining or criticizing. The goal is to keep the bracelet on one hand for 21 days.
  • Call your parents and old friends. At least once a week.
  • Spend time alone with your loved ones. Sometimes it’s difficult, but at least once a week you need to go somewhere together and devote this time to each other.

Brightness of life

  • Try new things. For every week, plan 2-3 small experiments for yourself: a new genre of cinema, a dish from a different cuisine, an unusual hobby or event.
  • Slow down. Once a week, give yourself a short reboot: meditate, watch the sunset, walk slowly, dream.
  • Clear the space around you. A great option: every Sunday, throw away or give away 5 unnecessary things and unsubscribe from 5 mailings, public pages, characters. It will be easier to breathe in a clean home and information space.
  • Listen to good music. Especially during routine tasks like cleaning.
  • Write about your feelings. Diary, letters - choose your option and devote 20-30 minutes to it several times a week. The effect will surprise you.
  • Find time to be creative. Even if you think you have no talent. Try different things, find what relaxes you, improve. If you devote half an hour to creativity 3 times a week, you can get the first results and a good mood.
  • Dream. When you visualize your ideal life in detail, you increase your chances of achieving it.
  • Do good deeds. At least once a month, help those in need: donate funds to charity or take part in a volunteer event.
  • Enjoy the little things and be grateful. Take 5 minutes in the evening to write down in your diary what you are grateful for today, what made you happy.

Microsolution is a small promise to yourself that will allow you to put any task into autopilot mode. For example, you want to lose weight and make your first promise: to replace the carbohydrate side dish for dinner with a vegetable one. This task is much easier to accomplish than the global and vague “eat right.” Once you get used to this action, make the following promise to yourself. Yes, it takes longer, but it works.

Here Fundamentals of Micro-Decisions:

  • They are specific and measurable, no abstraction.
  • They are easy to perform and give instant results.
  • They should be clearly planned by day or tied to some kind of signal (Do you want something sweet? Take an apple).
  • If your micro-solution is daily, then on average it needs to be fixed for 4 weeks; if you work on it 2-3 times a week, it will take 8 weeks.
  • It is not recommended to implement more than 2 micro-solutions at the same time: fix one - move on to the next.

This technique is perfect for realists and busy people. And to those who have already tried many times to instill healthy habits in themselves, but abandoned them every time. It’s better to work on yourself a little bit and achieve your goals than to live an ideal life for two weeks by force of will, and then roll back.

Did you find habits on our list that you would like to instill in yourself?
