How to make your smile whiter. Snow-white smile: all about teeth whitening

A healthy, white smile is the dream of every person. Fortunately, the time has passed when the beauty of the teeth required sacrifice. Modern methods of enamel whitening are safe, painless and very effective. For all the most important and interesting questions Ulyana Dikusar, a doctor at the ClasicDent dental clinic, answered about Sanatate teeth whitening.

Ulyana, tell us about the history of teeth whitening.

Over time, not only the pages turn yellow, but also the teeth. Therefore, their whitening is necessary for almost every person. The process of changing the color of enamel is natural, but it is obvious that its result spoils our appearance, our smile, betrays our age and speaks of our bad habits. Since ancient times, people have known many secrets of maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. So, in ancient Egypt, pumice stone and wine vinegar were used to whiten teeth. IN Ancient Rus' teeth were rubbed with a mixture of salt and birch ash. However, if we talk about the prototypes of modern whitening methods, they appeared in the middle of the 19th century, when a solution of chlorine (also known as Labarrac's liquid), and then oxalic acid, hydrogen peroxide and even potassium cyanide, were first used to change the color of teeth. By 1910, dentists realized that hydrogen peroxide preparations were the most effective and safe, so doctors everywhere abandoned other solutions and mixtures. Next significant date in the history of teeth whitening - 1989. It was then that applications with a solution of urea peroxide, also known as hydroperite, began to be used for the first time. By the way, preparations based on hydroperite and hydrogen peroxide are still successfully used to whiten teeth.

What are the effective and safe ways teeth whitening exist today?

To date, there are several various ways restore lost whiteness to teeth. Chemical bleaching involves the use of special mouthguards made from casts of a person's jaws. Mouthguards are filled with a bleaching agent and put on the teeth like plates. The drug should be on the teeth for several hours a day. For the sake of convenience, this procedure can be completely carried out at night. Light and laser whitening are carried out in the office of a specialist. Such procedures can take from several minutes to one and a half hours. In both methods, a whitening gel is applied to the teeth, which usually contains a hydrogen peroxide solution. Further, its action must be activated. With light bleaching, this is done using a specially selected lamp light, in the second - with a laser beam.

A smile is the best and most sincere manifestation of positive emotions. Her health and beauty say a lot about both the character and the status of a person.

Whitening system Zoom 3 (USA)

When is it necessary to whiten teeth?

There are quite a few indications for professional or home teeth whitening. True, all of them are not medical, but aesthetic, but, you see, taking care of appearance is one of the main tasks of modern dentistry. So, I will list the main and most common causes of teeth whitening:

  • age-related changes in the color of enamel;
  • discoloration of teeth after injury or illness;
  • pronounced pigmentation of the outer layers of tooth enamel;
  • systemic hypoplasia of tooth enamel;
  • spotted and dashed fluorosis;
  • "tetracycline" teeth;
  • depulped teeth that have changed their color;
  • discoloration of teeth under the influence of bad habits.

I also want to note that competent whitening has a positive effect on dental health. It has been scientifically proven that professional whitening is not only safe for enamel, but even strengthens it. In addition, it has been confirmed that after bleaching, the patient's incidence of tartar, caries and periodontitis is reduced by about 40%.

Are there any patients for whom this procedure is contraindicated?

Despite the fact that the teeth whitening procedure is considered safe for health, there is indeed a group of people who cannot undergo this procedure. Contraindications for teeth whitening are as follows:

  • neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • allergic reactions to any of the components of whitening preparations;
  • high tooth sensitivity.

Do I need to somehow prepare my teeth for whitening?

In order to achieve the desired effect of the procedure, you must first do a professional teeth cleaning and remove tartar. It is also important to remember that teeth infected with caries should not be bleached. In addition, I would like to draw your attention to one more important point: When bleaching, existing crowns and restorations in the mouth do not change color. And after the procedure, they will most likely have to be redone. During the entire whitening course, which can last up to three weeks, the patient is not recommended to smoke, drink coffee, red wine, sweet soda and other products that can stain the enamel, thus reducing the effect of the procedure.

How often can teeth whitening be done?

Professional whitening is recommended to be done no more than once a year - it is safe and, as mentioned above, useful. The abuse of whitening procedures (whether you do it at home or with a specialist in the clinic) can lead to a strong increase in tooth sensitivity.

Is teeth whitening effective at home and do toothpastes, whose manufacturers promise us a snow-white smile, “work”?

Despite the fact that there are different preparations for whitening at home, I do not recommend doing it yourself. The process of changing the color of the teeth should take place under the supervision of a dentist, otherwise whitening can harm the health of the teeth, and you still won’t get the desired effect.

The doctor should examine the teeth and choose the method of whitening that is right for you. The choice of method depends on several factors. In particular, on how many tones it is required to lighten the enamel, which teeth need to be treated. Also, the specialist must necessarily take into account the level of sensitivity of the teeth, so as not to harm them during the procedure.

As for toothpastes with a whitening effect, I do not recommend getting carried away with them too much. Slight whitening, which can be achieved with their help, is achieved due to the abrasive substances contained in them. And the likelihood of damage to tooth enamel is quite high.

Ulyana, please tell us how the teeth whitening procedure works in the ClasicDent clinic?

In our clinic, teeth whitening is carried out in several stages, which include procedures both in the dentist's chair and at home, when the patient wears special trays with a whitening solution. Our specialists use Zoom3 and Opalescense whitening systems. The Zoom3 whitening system makes it possible to lighten the enamel by 6-10 tones. At the beginning of the procedure, we apply a preparation to the teeth that contains calcium, fluorine and other minerals that strengthen the enamel. Then a branded whitening gel is applied, which includes hydrogen peroxide and a light-activated catalyst. Next, we turn on a special lamp that makes the gel "work". Zoom3 is the newest and most effective whitening system, the result of which, with proper dental care, lasts for more than one year. The American Opalescense system is used by leading dentists around the world. Opalescense is a colorless gel based on carbamide peroxide with the addition of fluoride ions, as well as potassium and fluorine ions. The drug is used both for brightening enamel in the dentist's office, and for home whitening using mouth guards. In conclusion, I would like to say that for me, as a dentist, there is nothing more pleasant than seeing healthy, snow-white smiles of my patients and feeling their sincere gratitude. After all, having beautiful teeth means being a successful, self-confident and happy person!

White teeth were not always in fashion and not everywhere. For example, aristocrats in medieval Japan passed down from generation to generation a recipe for a solution that stains teeth black!

A sincere, joyful smile is one of best ways to win the favor of a person and make him and your day wonderful. The question of tooth whiteness is more relevant today than ever. After all, a snow-white Hollywood smile is an integral part of the image of a happy, satisfied life and self-confident personality!

Plaque is the main enemy of healthy teeth

Brushing your teeth is a daily hygiene procedure that should not be neglected, because it helps prevent the development of plaque. And he, as you know, is the main cause of darkening of the surface of the tooth. There are many ways in which you can remove plaque and make your smile spectacular and attractive. All of them, of course, have both pluses and minuses.

Going to the dentist, for example, is considered by many to be the only right decision. But how to overcome the fear of the procedure (remember, what a terrible uncle with a buzzing “drill” in your hands did you imagine this doctor as a child?), find time for this and, importantly, funds?

You can go to extremes and use super professional abrasive toothpastes, powders and bleach rinses. But here, too, there is a peculiarity - the risk of increasing the sensitivity of the teeth due to the thinning of the enamel is very high (abrasive particles remove plaque, damaging the enamel). As a result, the teeth will become a couple of tones lighter.
Effective remedies which are always at hand.

Well, if you put aside all kinds of chemistry and think about natural remedies? They are more harmless, and act no worse than professional dentists:
baking soda is really a universal helper! It will restore whiteness to your teeth, you just have to do some simple manipulations: mix it with water and use it as a toothpaste, or just add it to toothpaste. But note that the first method can be used once a week, and the second a little more often - 2-3, in this case the enamel will remain intact;
chew apples and strawberries more often - they contain acid that will naturally whiten your teeth;
remember about oils: coconut oil should be applied to the teeth 10-15 minutes before brushing and rinsed well after oral cavity, and tea tree oil can be applied in the morning and evening after brushing your teeth - it not only whitens, but also has a bactericidal effect!

If you have always dreamed of snow-white teeth, then we advise you to try the Express White home teeth whitening system and listen to our advice. First, watch your diet, and of course do not forget to regularly care for your oral cavity. In addition, there are some other tricks that allow you to always have healthy, white teeth.

1. Eat a White Smile Diet Causes of yellow and gray teeth are often coffee, tea, red wine, colored juices and drinks. Choose drinks that do not leave stains on your teeth, such as green tea, mineral water and milk. Colored vegetables and fruits can also make flowers look ugly, so brush your teeth after eating them. 2. Your main assistant is a hard toothbrush To completely clean your teeth of food debris and remove food dyes, you should use a hard toothbrush.

3. Plaque on the tongue - the main enemy of your teeth If you do not remove the plaque from the tongue during brushing, the remaining dyes on the tongue will continue to stain and harm your teeth.

4. Use products to remove plaque from teeth Foods such as cucumbers, carrots and apples can mechanically remove plaque from the surface of the teeth. It is best to eat them at the end of a meal.

5. Eat strawberries Due to the content of malic acid, calcium and fluorine in strawberries, they whiten tooth enamel and have disinfectant properties. That's just after you eat strawberries, try not to brush your teeth for at least a few hours, as malic acid softens tooth enamel.

7. Do not forget to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening Brush your teeth not only in the morning, but also a few minutes before you go to bed. By brushing your teeth at night, you can avoid staining of tooth enamel as a result of overnight drying of the teeth.

The main wealth of a person at all times is his health. And recently it has also become a criterion of well-being and viability. Every day more and more people focus their attention on the condition of their teeth and the beauty of their smile, because this is a requirement of the time and one of the components of the image of a prosperous person.
Thanks to the tireless work of dentists throughout our country and the constantly flickering commercials on television, the value of healthy teeth, fortunately, has become clear to our people. Leaving in the distant past the panic fear of the dentist's office, we are paying more and more attention to our teeth. Requirements have increased both for the quality of the treatment and the absence of pain in this case, and for improving the aesthetic component of the result: the shape, color and naturalness of the teeth. Many patients complain about the dark color of the teeth, pigments and stains on the enamel that cannot be removed with toothpaste and brushes. It is not advisable to cover teeth with crowns or composite and ceramic facings - veneers, since in this case it is necessary to remove a layer of enamel, that is, to grind the tooth. To solve the problem of teeth whitening, there are various methods that we want to introduce you to.
Distinguish method mechanical cleaning which includes professional oral hygiene and chemical bleaching method , based on the course of oxidative processes that occur as a result of the effect of atomic oxygen on the natural tissues of the teeth.

Everyone has probably heard about teeth whitening with Air-Flow in one day. Advertising is advertising. Using the air-abrasive AirFlow hand blaster system, manufactured by the Swiss company E.M.S., or similar systems from other manufacturers, such as Profy Mate (NSK), Profy Jet (Densply), etc. mechanical cleaning of pigmented plaque (especially smoker's plaque), polishing of the tooth surface, performed in combination with the removal of dental plaque, is performed. This event is mandatory when carrying out the sanitation of the oral cavity, the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases (the supporting apparatus of the tooth).

In the pictures, we see teeth cleaned of plaque and polished, which were restored to their natural color with the help of mechanical cleaning, however, it is impossible to change the color of the enamel, make it lighter by several tones, which, in fact, is teeth whitening, this method is impossible. AirFlow or similar systems are used in preparation for bleaching - they remove dental deposits, stones and hard plaque, otherwise the "bleach" simply will not penetrate through them.

What is bleaching?

We will talk about bleaching - chemical process oxidation, as a result of which, under the influence of oxygen, organic substances are split into carbon dioxide and water.
During oxidation, organic substances are oxidized to intermediate products that are lighter than the original ones. During this reaction, the oxidizing agent (substance H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide), which has a free radical with a nonpolar electron, gives it to the oxidized substance. The substance subjected to bleaching accepts a non-polar electron and is thus oxidized. A low or high percentage of strong free radicals depends on the acidic or alkaline environment in which the ionization process takes place.
As early as the middle of the second half of the 19th century, articles were published on teeth whitening under the action of hydrogen peroxide. Currently, modern bleaching systems use carbamide peroxide, chlorides, urea peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, one of the decomposition products of which is atomic oxygen.
The intensity of tooth staining is determined by the number of C=C paired compounds. Oxidation leads to the formation of a simpler, single carbon compound, which provides a decrease in pigmentation, i.e. teeth whitening.
Whitening does not affect the surface of fillings and artificial crowns, therefore, at the end of its implementation, color differences may appear, to eliminate which, the replacement of fillings or crowns covering the teeth is indicated.

The color of the teeth is polychromatic, it changes in the neck, incisal edge and area of ​​contact with the gum, depending on the thickness, the degree of reflection of various shades and the translucency of the enamel and dentin (the inner part of the tooth). In addition, enamel color changes are affected by:

The predominance of foods that have a strong coloring effect in food: coffee, strong tea, Coca / Pepsi-Cola, blueberries, blackberries, red wine, soy sauce (tooth staining from light brown to black);
- tobacco smoking. Nicotine and great content various resins (even in the lightest cigarettes) cause enamel staining from yellow-brown to black;
- medical influence of drugs during the formation of teeth. (antibiotics, especially tetracyclines);
- chemical influence (the increased content of fluorine in drinking water leads to a disease called fluorosis);

- genetic predisposition (hereditary factor and systemic diseases suffered at an early age);
- incorrect dental intervention and complications;

Age-related discoloration of teeth.
All of the above causes of tooth discoloration are indications for whitening.

Modern bleaching methods can be divided into:
- home whitening (drug concentration from 9% to 20%);
- office whitening (whitening in the dental office - the concentration of the drug is 30-45%);
- energy whitening (use of various sources of thermal and light energy: lamps, photopolymerizing lasers);
- combined bleaching method, which uses carbamide peroxide at a concentration of 34-44%.

"Bringing beauty" at home

As home whitening methods, individual dental trays are used for whitening gel, the concentration of which varies between 9-22%.
Despite the fact that the home method is relatively slow and is carried out within 2-6 weeks (depending on the severity of the condition and some features of the structure of the tooth enamel, for example, with a disease such as fluorosis), the result is almost always excellent. Rarely changes the sensitivity of the teeth, which is quickly restored at the end of the procedures. Teeth, when lightened, retain the natural coloring of the entire surface and do not change their natural appearance. The desired effect is not always achieved only in teeth with tetracycline pigmentation and other types of discoloration in the deep tissues of the teeth.

Professional approach

In our clinic, the OPALESCENCE whitening system produced by Ultradent is preferred. We also use in practice and offer our patients oral hygiene products from Rembrandt. Opalescence, Rembrandt and Colgate are among the few whitening systems that are recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) and carry its trademark.
The Opalescence teeth whitening system is registered by the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. Opalescence gel contains 20% water, which helps to avoid or reduce hypersensitivity without drying and dehydration of the enamel. The active ingredient in the Opalescence system is urea peroxide. Whitening pastes contain various flavors - neutral, banana, menthol and watermelon flavors. Various concentrations of urea peroxide are available (Opalescence 10%, 15%, 20%) with and without fluorine. 35% Opalescence X-tra with carotene is intended for whitening only in the doctor's chair.

The procedure for applying the home version of Opalescence is not difficult, but requires strict adherence to the instructions. During the first visit, the dentist determines the initial color of the teeth, studies the medical history, removes dental deposits, takes casts from the dentition for subsequent production in the laboratory of individual trays, in which the whitening gel will be placed. On the second visit, mouthguards are tried on, they are adjusted, the patient is taught the technique of applying the gel, the procedure for application, the day or night protocol of use is explained to him, this or that toothpaste is recommended.
The third visit is evaluated achieved result.

The whitening effect is comfortable for the patient and others when the shade of the teeth is lightened by 2-4 tones.
Filling materials do not bleach. Old fillings must be replaced, as bleached teeth will be much lighter, but this should be done no earlier than after 14-15 days. During this time, all the cabamide peroxide leaves the tooth tissue, and the shade of the enamel stabilizes. Then you can proceed to the restoration of the teeth and select the shade of the composite material that matches the shade of the bleached enamel.

Why can't teeth be whitened?

Contraindications for teeth whitening are:
- Availability allergic reaction on hydrogen peroxide or other components of the drug used in bleaching;
- lightening superficial age spots that can be easily removed with professional teeth cleaning and proper oral hygiene;
- a large number of carious areas, defective fillings, periodontal disease in the active stage, abundant dental deposits (in this case, it is first necessary to undergo a sanitation of the oral cavity);
- pregnancy or lactation period;
- excessively enlarged pulp chamber. Not recommended for children and teenagers.

A beautiful smile is the key to success!

Smile with us! Dentists of our Center will help you to make your smile sparkling for a long time. The department is equipped with the latest technology and has everything necessary to perform high-quality work: a modern dental complex, high-quality X-ray equipment and latest generation materials. Each patient is guaranteed high-quality treatment and an individual approach to teeth whitening. If, after bleaching, you need to replace old defective fillings with new ones or cure caries, all these problems can also be solved in our dental department.

Remember that beautiful teeth are yours business card in our modern world!

A beautiful smile is a weapon that captivates everyone around. But, unfortunately, not every person can boast of snow-white and well-groomed teeth. Of course, the easiest way to fix this problem is to go to the dentist. But if you do not have the opportunity to visit this specialist, then there are ways that you can use at home. Ways to make your teeth whiter and your smile attractive.

Whitening with baking soda and lemon juice

Common baking soda and lemon juice have wonderful whitening properties. For your teeth, you need to prepare a mixture of 2-3 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon baking soda and then brush your teeth with this mixture. But this method can be used no more than once a week, as there is a possibility of damage to the enamel.

Rinse your mouth after eating

Don't forget to rinse your mouth after eating. This will help remove food debris and prevent tartar.

Reducing coffee and tea intake

The formation of yellow plaque on the teeth is promoted by substances contained in coffee and tea. Try to drink less of them. It is better to drink more pure water.

Do not smoke

Nicotine leaves an ugly yellow tint on your teeth that is hard to get rid of. If you want to keep your teeth white and your body healthy. Quit smoking.

Whitening with ammonia

There is another good remedy for dealing with yellow plaque on the teeth. This ammonia. To make your teeth noticeably whiter, you need to soak a cotton swab in alcohol and brush your teeth with it for several minutes. Rinse your mouth well afterwards. This procedure can be carried out no more than once a week.

And most importantly - do not forget to have an examination at the dentist 2 times a year.
