Zharov Alexander Mikhailovich composer biography. A Christmas Carol

The annual festival-competition for the best performance of sacred music “Christmas Carol” was established by the Moscow Department of Education in 2000 for the purpose of spiritual moral education children and youth, their introduction to the rich tradition of Russian sacred music.

The Christmas Carol festival includes gala concerts, solo performances of choirs in the best concert halls in Moscow, a competition for the best performance of sacred music, creative meetings, open lessons and master classes, scientific-practical conference on issues of supporting children's and youth choral creativity, developing the singing voice of young singers, and performing sacred music by children and youth.

Sacred music, born in the bosom of the Orthodox tradition, as well as belonging to some other religious movements, has enormous potential for moral education and personal development. The words of Basil the Great spoken many centuries ago have deep symbolic meaning: “Psalmody gives us one of the greatest benefits - love, inventing corporate singing, instead of a knot to unity, and bringing people into a single consonant face.”

Children's and youth choirs with sacred music in their repertoire (folk, liturgical, concert) participate in the “Christmas Carol” festival. The main content of the festival is music of the Orthodox tradition.

Goals and objectives of the festival-competition

  • Promoting the revival of the traditions of Russian national singing and spiritual culture.
  • Propaganda of Russian art and traditions, spiritual values.
  • Awakening in students a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland, its culture and art.
  • Instilling in children a caring attitude and respect for national Russian culture, folk traditions, customs, rituals.
  • Introducing children to the best examples of musical heritage.
  • Support for existing children's and youth creative groups, showcasing their achievements.
  • Studying and summarizing best practices in the field of choral performance, creating conditions for fruitful creative communication between specialists in the field of musical education of children and youth.
  • Providing methodological and practical assistance to specialists working with children and youth in the academic choral genre, whose repertoire includes sacred music: liturgical, folk, original.
  • Student Engagement secondary schools and institutions additional education to singing, and first of all, to choral creativity as the most accessible and to the masses creativity of children.
  • Providing each group (regardless of its age category, performing “experience” and level of skill) with maximum opportunities for performing self-realization within the framework of the festival’s concert programs.
  • Preservation and development of the traditions of choral pedagogy.
  • Awakening the interest of young people in sacred choral and vocal music.
  • Identification of new trends in the methodology of teaching and mastering the spiritual repertoire.
  • Improving the performing skills of participants in children's and youth choirs and individual singers.
Competitive auditions
in nomination
"Academic Singing"
Rachmaninov Hall
named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
(Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 11)
Competitive auditions
in nomination
"Folk Singing"
Concert hall
Russian Academy music
named after the Gnessins
(Maly Rzhevsky lane, 1)
Competitive auditions
in nomination
"Academic Singing"
Concert hall
Russian Academy of Music
named after the Gnessins
(Maly Rzhevsky lane, 1)
Competitive auditions
in nomination
"Academic Singing"
Rachmaninov Hall
Moscow State Conservatory
named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
(Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 11)
Final concert
Festival "A Christmas Carol"
Big hall
Moscow State Conservatory
named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 13)
Final scientific and practical conference and award ceremony for participants
Conference hall
Cathedral of Christ the Savior
(Volkhonka st., no. 15)


a) Choirs (from 20 participants):

b) Vocal and choral ensembles (12-19 participants);

c) Vocal ensembles (2-11 participants);

d) District combined choirs (from 120 participants);

e) Family ensembles;

f) Choral theatrical performance;

g) Solo singing.

  • up to 7 min. – for junior and middle choirs and ensembles;
  • up to 10 min. – for senior and youth choirs and ensembles;
  • up to 7 min. – for soloists of senior and youth age categories;
  • up to 10 min. – for district combined choirs.

It is allowed to include works of Western European choral and vocal sacred music in the competition program, but only on the condition that the main content of the program (at least 2/3 of its sound) consists of works of the Orthodox singing tradition.

It is allowed to include works from the repertoire of the Big Combined Choir of Moscow Schoolchildren in the competition program (see below).

Repertoire of the Big Combined Choir of Moscow Schoolchildren (participants in the festival-competition “A Christmas Carol”):

1. "Angel" music

2. “Do good deeds”musicV. Belyaeva, words of nun Maria

3. "At Christmas"musicV. Filatova, words by P. Morozov

4. " White snow white",music and lyrics by unknown author

5. "Bells"children's Christmas song

6. “The Nativity of Christ”, music A. Kiseleva, folk words

7. "Christmas" music and lyrics by I. Tseslyukevich


The following can participate in the folklore competition:

  • Folklore ensembles;
  • Small folk song ensembles (from 3 to 8 people);
  • Mixed folk ensembles;
  • Family folk ensembles;
  • Soloists.
  • younger – from 6 to 9 years;
  • average – from 9 to 12 years;
  • senior – from 12 to 18 years;
  • youth – from 18 to 23 years old.

Clear sound time competitive program:

  • up to 7 min. – for junior and middle ensembles;
  • up to 10 min. – for senior and youth ensembles;
  • up to 5 min. – for soloists of junior and middle age categories;
  • up to 7 min. – for soloists of senior and youth age categories.

Regulations for competitive auditions

Competitive auditions take place in the presence of a jury and the public. All participating groups receive festival diplomas, including members of the Great Combined Choir of Moscow Schoolchildren; The winners of the competition are the titles of laureates of I, II, III degrees and diploma holders. The jury can award Grand Prix and special diplomas.

Performances are rated on a 10-point scale:

  • 10 points – Grand Prix;
  • 9–9.9 points – 1st degree laureate;
  • 8–8.9 points – 2nd degree laureate;
  • 7–7.9 points – third degree laureate;
  • 6–6.9 points – diploma holder.

Teams that took part in the festival and scored less than 6 points receive a Certificate of Festival Participation.

Jury members:

  • Kiselev Anatoly Ivanovi h, composer, arranger, member of the Board of the Union of Moscow Composers, secretary of the Union of Composers of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Archpriest Vasily (Vorontsov), rector of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Tushino, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy
  • Zhivov Vladimir Leonidovich, choral conductor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, professor
  • Baklanova Elena Glebovna, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, professor, director of the folk group "Academic Choir MELZ", artistic director of the choir "Ozarenie"
  • Zharov Alexander Mikhailovich, composer, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation

Procedure and deadlines for submitting documents

To participate in the Festival, you must fill out an online application no later than December 28, 2016. Participants in the academic competition must send an email [email protected] sheet music of the competition program scanned or typed in a music editor. 4 copies of the notes of the competition program must also be handed over to the jury secretary on the day of the competitive audition. Accompanied works are provided in the form of a clavier: choral score (vocal part) and piano accompaniment. Sheet music must be typed or clearly written and neatly collected into files.

At the final conference, 4 copies of notes are returned to the manager.

The direct organizer of the festival-competition is the State Budgetary Educational Institution Center creative development and musical and aesthetic education of children and youth “Radost” is Moscow’s leading institution in the field of musical and aesthetic education of youth, operator of the Moscow Department of Education for organizing creative events.

Position(s):Additional education teacher

“Young Composer”, Department of Keyboard Instruments:Departments of instrumental performance, composition

Disciplines taught:Improvisation and composition, instrument teacher - synthesizer

Actual place of work:GBOU DO TsTR and MEO "Joy"

The level of education: Higher

Name of the graduated educational institution:Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Name of area of ​​training and (or) specialty:conducting and choral department (class of Professor V.G. Sokolov); composer department (class of professor A.A. Nikolaev).

Total work experience: 45

Work experience in specialty: 21

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if available):

All-Russian Choir Assembly 2016


Two operas for children ("The Goat and the Seven Wolves" and "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" based on poems by S.Ya. Marshak);

Three instrumental concerts:Concerto-toccata for piano and symphony orchestra, Concerto for trombone string orchestra and percussion, Concerto for two flutes and orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

24 preludes for piano;

2 cycles of romances: “Harmonica-harmonica” for tenor and piano, poems by A.A. Block; based on poems by A.S. Pushkin "Pushkin's Tales" for soprano and piano.

The song and choral genre is the leading one in the composer's work. He has written over 100 works for choir. Among them : choral suite "Folk Scenes" for mixed choir a capella; "Dramatic cantata for mixed choir and symphony orchestra" based on poems by Chilean poets; Cantata "Spring Round Dances" for women's choir, string orchestra on folk words; "Christmas Suite" on themes of Orthodox chants for women's (children's) choir.

Choral poem "War - go away!" for women's choir, cello,percussion instruments and a reader based on poems by A. Ochirova.

Choir concerts:“Spring” for mixed choir a capella, poems by A. Maykov; "Memory" - for mixed choir a capella;"Russian Concert" for women's choir a capella folk words; "Liturgical music" for women's (children's) choir a capella; "Easter Concert" for women (children) based on poems by Russian poets; "Three Miracles" - concert for women's (children's) choir based on poems by A.S. Pushkin; "Lyrical triptych" for mixed choir based on poems by A.S. Pushkin.

Over 150 songs for children, music for theatrical productions and performances, pop music.

Works of Zharov A.M. are constantly performed by leading choral groups in Moscow, Russia and abroad.

Awards and honorary titles:

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, member of the Moscow Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, composer, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions.

About myself:

A big place in the work of Zharov A.M. is engaged in musical, pedagogical and educational activities. Working in different years at the school named after " October revolution"(now A. Schnittke College), at the Faculty of Music of Moscow State Pedagogical University, in music pedagogical college No. 7 "Maroseyka", Zharov A.M. raised a large number of teachers - musicians. For 20 years, students of A.M. Zharov’s improvisation and composition class “Young Composer” have annually won the title of Laureate in city, all-Russian and international competitions.

From 1997 to the present moment Zharov A.M. teaches the “Young Composer” class at the Center for Educational and Educational Institutions and International Educational Education Center “Joy”, where children aged 8-16 years study. Alexander Mikhailovich is a permanent member of the jury of various All-Russian and International competitions and festivals.

On February 10, a concert was held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the composer, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Alexander Mikhailovich Zharov.

The creative evening, which revealed to listeners different facets of the composer’s music, was prepared by the “Joy” Center from the Koptevo district, as part of the “Moscow Composers for Children” project of the city’s comprehensive targeted youth education program “Moscow Children Sing”.

The venue for the creative meeting of Moscow schoolchildren with Alexander Zharov was the Concert Hall of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Students of the Choral and Folk Orchestra departments of the Joy Center took part in a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the remarkable Moscow composer, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Alexander Mikhailovich Zharov. The creative evening, which revealed to listeners different facets of the composer’s music, was prepared by the Joy Center as part of the project “Moscow Composers for Children” of the city’s comprehensive targeted youth education program “Moscow Children Sing”.

Many of Alexander Zharov’s works – choral, orchestral and instrumental – organically fit into the musical chronicle of our country. Among his works: 2 operas for children “The Goat and the Seven Wolves” and “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” based on poems by S.Ya. Marshak; 3 instrumental concerts – Concerto-toccata for piano and symphony orchestra, Concerto for trombone, string orchestra and percussion, Concertino for two flutes and orchestra of Russian folk instruments; 24 preludes for piano.

Composer Alexander Zharov is a recognized master of the vocal and choral genre. His creative heritage includes more than 130 works for singing groups of various compositions.

The program of the anniversary concert opened with performances by creative groups of the Radost Center. Almost all of the “Radost” choirs prepared musical offerings and memorable souvenirs to the composer, who long ago became not only a friend, but the creator and inspirer of the unique creative laboratory of the Center - after all, it was under the leadership of Alexander Zharov that many talented children studying at “Radost” gained experience in composing and improvisation. Alexander Zharov's choral works were performed by the choirs "Rainbow" (artistic director - Ekaterina Dunaeva), "Zhuravushka" (artistic director - Svetlana Liring), the choir of the School of Early Development "Malyshok" (artistic director - Elena Zharova), the parents' choir "Lad" (artistic director - Irina Karavanskaya), Senior Choir of the Center "Joy" (artistic director - Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Zhdanova). Several works were performed in an ensemble with the Large Combined Choir of Moscow schoolchildren.

As part of the program of the first part of the concert, students of Alexander Zharov’s improvisation and composition class, Maria Kirillova and Leonid Reznikov, also demonstrated their achievements. Then the works of Alexander Zharov were performed by bright metropolitan children's and youth groups - participants in the "Children of Moscow Sing" program: the "Unity" choir of the Choir School of Boys and Youths "Debut" of school No. 883 (artistic director - Alla Yastrebova), the "Blue Bird" choir of school No. 1945 (artistic director - Honored Artist of the Republic of Sakha Petr Voronov), Concert Choir "Kastalia" of the Leader Center of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Sparrow Hills" (artistic director - Marina Kuznetsova). A surprise for the audience was the performance in the concert program of a professional choral group - the Moscow State Chapel named after Vadim Sudakov, which performed “Lyrical Triptych” - a choral concert for a mixed choir based on poems by A.S. Pushkin.

A bright, impressive conclusion to the concert program was the performance of the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Radost Center (artistic director - Dmitry Bazanov). First, this group, together with the Center’s teacher Olga Dedyukhina and her student Alisa Sheremet, presented the audience with the premiere of Concertino for two flutes and orchestra by Alexander Zharov. And then the orchestra and children's choirs of Moscow as a combined team performed the colorful, polyphonic cantata “Three Miracles” based on poems by A.S. Pushkin. The concert became an important event in the “Children of Moscow Singing” program and left participants and listeners with vivid, bright impressions of meeting the talented music of a modern master composer.

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Zharov Alexander is a Russian, Soviet poet, whose poems are widely known to this day. His works were written during the Soviet era, but they are still relevant today.

Biography of the poet

Zharov Alexander Alekseevich was born on March 31, 1904 in the Moscow region. The poet's father was a simple innkeeper. Alexander Zharov graduated from the Borodino rural school, after which he entered the Mozhaisk school. In 1917, Alexander Alekseevich became one of the organizers of the educational and cultural circle.

In 1918, Alexander Zharov began working as secretary of the Komsomol cell. Until 1925, Alexander held a leadership position in Komsomol bodies, first near his native land - in Mozhaisk, and then he was transferred to Moscow, to the Central Committee of the RKSM.

Important dates in the poet's life

In 1920, Alexander Alekseevich joined the ranks Communist Party THE USSR.

In 1921, Zharov began studying at the Moscow State University State University at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

In 1922, Alexander joined the ranks of the founders of the Young Guard writers' association.

In 1941, Alexander Alekseevich Zharov became the chief correspondent for the Krasnoflotets magazine.

The poet's work: career dawn

Already in the early school age Zharov began to become interested in poetry. His first poems school years published in the magazine "Creativity".

“Alexander Zharov is a poet” - this is how they began to talk about Zharov already in 1920. His poetry enjoyed enormous popularity in the 1920s-1940s. Among the fans of the young poet’s work, the majority were representatives of the youth of that time.

The central element of his work was the glorification of Soviet youth. In addition, Alexander Alekseevich the main commandment for the entire USSR he considered partisanship. These life attitudes and principles created the poetic image that is characteristic of Alexander Zharov.

However, being young and famous, Zharov also had ill-wishers. One of them was Vladimir Mayakovsky. His biased opinion is clearly expressed in a statement that he dedicated to Alexander Zharov: “... often writers write in a way that is either incomprehensible to the masses, or, even if it is understandable, it turns out to be stupidity.” This negative attitude Mayakovsky's approach to Zharov's work is still unknown.

There is an opinion that in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” there is a clear allusion to the song “Rise up with fires”. Based on this opinion, critics concluded that Alexander Zharov became the prototype of the hero of the novel by the poet Ryukhin.

In the 1920s, the county newspaper “Voice of the Farmhand” was very popular. Often, Alexander Alekseevich’s poems were published in this newspaper. These poems were very different from Zharov’s later work in their ineptitude, but all the lines were imbued with revolutionary heroism, pathos and youthful sharp maximalism.

The poet's work during the Great Patriotic War

During the war, the poet served in the navy. Wherever the poet had to go, no matter what he had to see, being a creative person, Zharov always wrote about his fellow sailors as brave and strong warriors, capable of any feat.

Songwriters and Zharov’s place among them

Despite the fact that Mayakovsky’s opinion greatly influenced public opinion about the work of Alexander Alekseevich, the poet found himself in writing songs. His contribution to Soviet mass song turned out to be great. Alexander Alekseevich, like other songwriters of this genre, wrote his best musical works from 1930 to 1950. The most famous songs were “Soar with fires, blue nights”, “Song of past campaigns” and “Sad willows”.

The song “Garmon”, about which Mikhail Svetlov wrote, deserved special love from the public, as if his “Grenada” and Zharovskaya’s “Garmon” were two sisters who were connected to each other.

Post-war years of life and work of Alexander Zharov

Already in post-war years, when the Russian people needed to take a breath from the war that had just ended, Zharov wrote the song “We are for Peace,” which became a kind of anthem of the post-war years.

Just as in poetry, in songs, Alexander Alekseevich wrote about his homeland, about nature native land. It should be noted that even after Zharov received a large portion of public approval and recognition, he did not forget his native land. He often came to his native land, read and sang his works to ordinary workers, people from the collective farm and the younger generation.

One of the brightest events in the life of Alexander Zharov was his meeting with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, about which he recalled and talked a lot.

Just like for the entire Soviet people, the poet’s greatest emotions were evoked by memories of the war. He told his young listeners about war times, about the feats to which courageous warriors went to save their lives and the lives of their people.

On September 7, 1984, the poet died at the age of 80. Alexander Zharov was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

1. General Provisions

The basis for reforming the modern education system Russian Federation The principle of priority of the student’s personality is established. It is the specific personality of a modern schoolchild that is reflected by the activity approach embedded in the Federal State Educational Standard, which takes into account psychological feature modern children and adolescents – active practical knowledge of the world.

Speaking about music education, traditionally we can distinguish two types: the most accessible and popular practical activities schoolchildren in music lessons and extracurricular activities: vocal-choral and collective instrumental music-making. It should also be noted the importance of the communicative side of teaching music: students conduct a dialogue with musical works and among themselves, sharing impressions and knowledge.

1.1. Moscow city competition of musical and speech performing arts of students “Fireworks of Consonances” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is a socially significant event aimed at promoting accessible and popular types of musical practical activities of students of general education organizations - choral singing and collective music playing on noise and simple melodic musical instruments, as well as to develop the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings, conditioned by the perception of musical works, in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the educational subject “Music”.

1.2. These Regulations approve the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition, the procedure for participation and determining the winners of the Competition.

1.3. Founders of the Competition:

State budget educational institution City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as GBOU HMC DOGM);

State budgetary educational institution of additional education Center for creative development and musical-aesthetic education of children and youth “Joy” (hereinafter referred to as GBOU DO CTR and IEO “Joy”) is the organizing committee of the Moscow city comprehensive targeted youth education program “The Children of Moscow Sing”.

1.4. Operators of the Competition nominations:

GBOU GMC DOGM, GBOU DO CTR and IEO “Joy” – nominations “Every class is a choir!”, “The pipe is singing”, “Cadets are singing”;

GBOU GMC DOGM, GBOU Gymnasium No. 2200 – nomination “In the circle of folklore”;

GBOU GMC DOGM – nomination “Music of the Word”.

1.5. Organizational, methodological, technical and information support of the Competition:

GBOU City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow.

1.6. The founder of the Competition determines the composition of the Organizing Committee (Appendix 1).

1.7. The Organizing Committee of the Competition forms the composition of the Jury in the areas of the Competition. The jury includes teachers from music and educational institutions, prominent public figures in art and culture in Russia. The jury for each competitive nomination is formed separately and its composition will be announced additionally.

1.8. Main nominations of the Competition:

  • “Every class is a choir!”;
  • "In the circle of folklore";
  • “The pipe is singing”;
  • “The Cadets Sing”;
  • "Music of the word."

1.9. Symbols of the Consonance Fireworks Competition:

1.9.6. The use of official logos of the Competition and its nominations is mandatory at all stages of this event.

1.9.7. Information about the Competition is posted on the official website of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center of Dog and Medical Sciences ().

2. Purpose and objectives of the Competition

  • development of a culture of musical performance and communicative competence of students of educational organizations in Moscow with a general and in-depth level of study in the subject area “Art”.

2.2. Tasks:

  • contribute to the formation of the spiritual culture of students’ personalities through the development and performance of the best examples of folk, classical and modern music;
  • to attract children and adolescents to master and perform highly artistic vocal, choral and instrumental repertoire as part of the formation of the foundations of musical culture and the development of interest in music lessons;
  • stimulate students' interest in national and foreign folk and classical musical heritage;
  • create conditions for self-realization of students, increasing their creative activity;
  • identify musically gifted students, stimulate the improvement of their musical performance activities;
  • to promote the dissemination of effective methods and practices of music teachers of educational organizations of the city of Moscow in the field of vocal-choral, instrumental and generally musical education of students, improving their professional skills;
  • contribute to the formation of students’ communicative competence in the field of creating and performing texts as part of personal and meta-subject learning outcomes;
  • to improve the skill of musical performing activities in combination with marching among students of cadet classes of general education organizations and specialized educational institutions;
  • to form independent thinking and assessment of students in relation to world musical culture.

3. Participants of the Competition

3.1. Participants of the Competition are students of state, municipal and private educational organizations, students of secondary education organizations vocational education implementing programs general education Russian Federation, including disabled children and students with disabilities disabilities health.

3.2. The competition is held among students of three age groups:

1st group – students in grades 1–4;

2nd group – students in grades 5–8;

Group 3 – students in grades 9–11 and secondary vocational education organizations.

3.3. Musical groups are divided into two levels depending on the level of the educational organization represented:

The 1st level of participants is represented by musical groups and soloists (individual participants) from educational organizations of basic general education.

Musical (choral and instrumental-choral) groups of the 1st stage perform a competitive program with instrumental accompaniment by a music teacher (piano and other non-electronic instrument owned by the teacher). The use of ready-made (recorded) phonograms, accompaniments and an accompanist is not permitted.

The 2nd level of participants is represented by choral and instrumental-choral groups from educational organizations with in-depth study of subjects in the field of “Art” (music).

Participants at this stage of the Competition perform a competitive program under the direction of a music teacher (choir master) with instrumental accompaniment by an accompanist.

4. Procedure for holding the Competition

4.1. The competition is held in three stages:

Stage I – school;

Stage II – inter-district (qualifying round);

Stage III – urban (final).

4.1.1. School stage. Dates: December 2016.

At this stage, class choirs compete within the educational organization. Educational organization(complex) has the right to nominate no more than two teams (participants) in each nomination to the next stage of the competition.

The winners of the school stage of the competition must undergo electronic registration during the period from January 16 to January 31, 2017 at the address that will be indicated on the methodological space “Music” of the website of the State Budget Educational Institution of the State Medical Center of Dog and Music. The application must list all the teams that took part in the school stage competition, indicating their position in the school competitive ranking (winner, runner-up, participant).

Sample application for electronic registration presented in Appendix 2.

At all stages of the Competition, applications/works submitted in violation of the deadlines for submission or the requirements for their execution will not be considered.

4.1.2. Interdistrict stage (qualifying round). Dates: February-March 2017.

The dates and schedules of competitive performances at the interdistrict stage are determined by the founder of the Competition, taking into account age groups and levels of education, 14 days after the deadline for accepting applications and are posted on the website of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center of Dog and Medical Education.

For participants of the Competition in the “Word Music” category, this stage is held in absentia. When registering online, competitors attach the text of their work that meets the requirements. At the finals of the competitive tests, all authors will have the opportunity to present their works to the jury in person orally.

Participants who took first place in the rating positions of the inter-district stage (no more than 20% of the total number of participants) are allowed to participate in the final stage of the Competition.

4.1.3.City stage (final). Dates: April 2017.

The timing and schedule of competitive performances of the final stage of the Competition are determined by the founder, taking into account age groups, levels of education and nominations within 14 days after the completion of the competitive tests of the qualifying stage.

The winners of each nomination are the three teams (participants) who took the first lines in the rating positions of the city stage. The winners of each nomination are the three teams that took the next three lines of the rating behind the winners.

4.2. The gala concert of the competition winners will take place in April 2017.

The participants of the concert are the winners and prize-winners of all nominations of the competition. Participants in the city stage of the competition are invited to this concert as part of a combined choir.

5. Requirements for the competitive repertoire

5.1. Groups with a repertoire corresponding to the theme of the competition are allowed to participate in the competition. The theme of the competition changes annually. The theme for the 2016–2017 academic year is “Classics in the flow of time.”

5.2. The repertoire must correspond to the age of the team members and level of education.

5.2.1. Nomination “Every class is a choir!” For choirs of the 1st level, the repertoire consists of two different works:

  • a work by a foreign (Russian) composer of the 20th–21st centuries. arranged for children's/youth choir. Second level choirs perform three works:

  • a classical work by a Russian (foreign) composer, arranged for a children's/youth choir;
  • a work by a foreign (Russian) composer of the 20th–21st centuries. arranged for children's/youth choir;
  • song about Moscow. Choir groups - winners in this nomination are invited to participate in the XV Moscow International Children and Youth Choral Festival “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.

In the repertoire of choral groups of the 1st level, one piece from those presented earlier is changed. You can also supplement the program with a third piece - a song about Moscow.

The repertoire of choral groups of the 2nd level consists of two works presented earlier (one of which is about Moscow) and one new one.

5.2.2. Nomination “In the circle of folklore” Groups of the 1st stage perform two folk works of different nature and genre:

  • traditional folk song, performed without instrumental accompaniment or with the accompaniment of folk (noise and melodic) instruments. The teacher and/or students act as an accompanist;
  • folk song processed (arranged) in any style. Performed with any instrumental accompaniment (phonogram is not allowed). Groups of the 2nd stage perform two traditional folk works of different nature and genre. Songs are performed without instrumental accompaniment or with the accompaniment of folk (noise and melodic) instruments. The role of accompanist is played by the teacher, accompanist and/or students. The third piece, mandatory for performance by 2nd level groups in the 2016–2017 academic year, is a folk song about Moscow. Folklore groups - winners in this nomination are invited to participate in the XV Moscow International Children and Youth Choir Festival “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.

Competition events will take place in May 2017.

5.2.3. Nomination “The pipe is singing” Participants in this nomination perform two different works:

  • folk song arranged for a children's/youth choir and/or pipe ensemble with or without accompaniment;
  • a work by a foreign (Russian) composer of the 20th–21st centuries. arranged for children's/youth choir and/or pipe ensemble with or without accompaniment. At the school and inter-district stages, works are performed only with instrumental accompaniment by the teacher. Groups taking part in the city stage of the Competition can perform one of their works to a soundtrack. Phonograms in mp3 format are sent to the Founder of the Competition immediately after the announcement of the results of the qualifying stage, no later than 3 days before the final. The third work, common to all groups, is the song by V. Solovyov-Sedoy to the words of M. Matusovsky “Moscow Evenings”. Performed by participants of the city stage of the Competition and the combined composition at the Gala concert of the winners and prize-winners of the Competition. Pipe ensembles - winners in this nomination can be invited to participate in the XV Moscow International Children and Youth Choir Festival “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.

Competition events will take place in May 2017.

5.2.4. Nomination “Cadets Sing” Participants in this nomination perform two different works:

  • a classical or folk piece arranged for a children's/youth choir;
  • class drill song. One piece is performed with instrumental accompaniment of the teacher or one’s own accompaniment on melodic and/or noise musical instruments, the second - a’capella. One piece is performed statically, the second with figure formation on stage, demonstrating drill skills. The third work, common to all groups, is a Russian folk song to the words of N. Shatrov “Suddenly thunder struck over Moscow.” Performed by participants of the city stage of the Competition and the combined composition at the Gala concert of the winners and prize-winners of the Competition. Cadet choirs - winners in this nomination can be invited to participate in the XV Moscow International Children and Youth Choir Festival “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.

Competition events will take place in May 2017.

5.2.5. Nomination “Word music” The theme of the competition works for the 2016–2017 academic year, dedicated to the musical pages of the history of Moscow, is “And the word flows like music.” The text of the competition work is presented in prose or poetic forms. The Competition participant chooses the genre of the competition work independently. Requirements for formatting written work:

  • black font color;
  • the text is typed in 14 point Times New Roman font;
  • line spacing 1.15;
  • width alignment (except for text title and poetic works). Poetic text is typed with left alignment;
  • margins: top, bottom, left – 2 cm, right – 1.5 cm;
  • the completed work must contain the author’s data (full name, class, OO, full name of the teacher), title and the actual author’s text. A sample of the work is presented in Appendix 3. Scope of competition works:

Grades 1–4 – 1 page of prose text or 3 stanzas of poetic text;

5–9th grade – 1–2 pages of prose text or 4 stanzas of poetic text;

10–11th grade and students of secondary vocational education organizations – 2 pages of prose text or 5–6 stanzas of poetic text. The winners of the correspondence (qualifying) stage are invited to perform at the full-time (final) stage of the Competition.

As part of the final stage, the participant presents his work by recitation. The text of the work is presented by heart. The use of musical accompaniment is encouraged.

The following can be used as musical accompaniment for the speaker's performance: performance of musical works by the participant himself, performance of musical accompaniment by a music teacher (accompanist), phonogram.

Phonograms in mp3 format are sent to the Founder of the Competition immediately after the announcement of the results of the qualifying stage, no later than 3 days before the final. The oral presentation of a participant in the final stage should not exceed three minutes for the 1st age group, six minutes for the 2nd and 3rd age groups. The winners in this nomination may be invited to participate in the XV Moscow International Children and Youth Choir Festival “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.

Competition events will take place in May 2017.

6. Criteria for evaluating competitive performances

6.1. Evaluation of competitive performances in the category “Every class is a choir!” carried out according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the repertoire performed with the theme of the competition and the age of the choir participants;
  • the appearance of the performers.

6.2. Evaluation of competitive performances in the nomination “In the Circle of Folklore” is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the repertoire performed with the direction of the competition and the age of the choir participants;
  • artistic merits of the presented competition program;
  • technique, intonation meaningfulness and expressiveness of performance;
  • purity of structure, ensemble, mastery of breathing, a unified manner of sound production, skills of two-voice singing (groups of the 1st stage - from the second year of study, groups of the 2nd stage - from the first year of study) and three-voice singing (groups of the 2nd stage - from the second age group);
  • compliance with genre and style features works;
  • artistry and originality of the performance of the competition program;
  • the appearance of the performers (groups of the 1st stage must have elements of folk costume, groups of the 2nd stage must have folk costumes and shoes (ethnographic or their stage copies) corresponding to the repertoire being performed);
  • disclosure of song and dance traditions of a particular region of the Russian Federation or people of the world, reproduction of dialectal and musical-style features that give an idea of ​​the richness and originality of the traditions of folk culture of the chosen people (region).

6.3. Competitive performances in the “Pipe Sings” nomination are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the repertoire with the age and level of readiness of students, the topic and requirements of the competition;
  • intonation purity of structure and ensemble quality of instrumental and choral sound;
  • compliance with the genre features of the work;
  • the originality of the interpretation of the work, the brightness and artistry of the composition;
  • appearance of the performers;
  • disclosure of the song traditions of a particular region of the Russian Federation or people of the world, reproduction of musical and stylistic features that give an idea of ​​the traditions of the musical culture of the chosen people (region).

6.4. Evaluation of competitive performances in the category “Cadets Sing” is carried out according to the criteria for choral singing and the performance of a drill song during drill reviews:

  • compliance of the performed repertoire with the theme of the competition and the age of the participants;
  • artistic merits of the presented competition program;
  • the military orientation of the content of the song, the presence in it of the idea of ​​defending the Fatherland, love for military service, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, loyalty to their glorious military traditions;
  • intonation meaningfulness and expressiveness of performance;
  • level of performance (knowledge personnel the lyrics of the song, the correctness of the melody, the unity of the sound, the clarity of diction, the preparedness of the singer);
  • compliance with the genre and style features of the work;
  • observance of alignment, tempo of movement and discipline of formation, artistry and originality of execution of the competition program;
  • the appearance of the performers.

6.5. Evaluation of competitive performances in the nomination “Word Music” is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the content of the work with the theme of the competition;
  • formulation of the topic of the work and its disclosure by the author;
  • compliance with spelling, grammatical, genre and stylistic norms of the Russian language throughout the entire work;
  • essay composition;
  • the author's perception of the themes and issues of the work;
  • artistry of performance and oratory skills of the reader;
  • artistic and semantic meaning of the selected musical accompaniment (if available);
  • quality of musical accompaniment;
  • the appearance of the performers.

7. Summing up the results of the Competition

7.1. The results of the interdistrict and city stages of the Competition are summed up by the Organizing Committee based on the minutes of the Jury meeting. The Organizing Committee does not comment or change the decision of the Jury.

7.2. The results of each stage are posted on the website of the City Methodological Center in the “Competitions” section of the “Music” methodological space 14 days after the completion of all competitive auditions for each stage.

7.3. The winners of the Competition are the participants who have scored greatest number points in each category.

7.4. In accordance with the decision of the Jury, the winners of the city stage of the Competition may be awarded the following titles:

  • laureate of the 1st degree, laureate of the 2nd degree, laureate of the 3rd degree;
  • Diplomat of the 1st degree, Diplomat of the 2nd degree, Diplomat of the 3rd degree.

7.5. Based on the results of the Competition, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to publish best works participants, including on the Internet.

Annex 1

Composition of the Organizing Committee of the Competition

Chairmen of the Organizing Committee of the Competition:

Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna – director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine;

Zhdanova Tatyana Aramovna – director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education and Science of the Center for Development and International Educational Establishment “Radost”.

Members of the Organizing Committee of the Competition:

Annushkin Vladimir Ivanovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication State Institute Russian language named after A.S. Pushkin;

Bogdan Irina Nikolaevna - music teacher at Gymnasium No. 2200, artistic director of the children's exemplary group of the folklore ensemble "Krupitsa", honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation - 2011, winner of the Moscow Grant competition in 2008, 2014, winner of the Grand Prix of the city competition of teachers "Confession" 2012;

Gvaita Tatyana Aleksandrovna – Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, winner of the “Moscow Grant” competition, laureate of the All-Russian and international competitions, artistic director of the children's exemplary folklore ensemble “Igranchiki”;

Gerasimov Alexander Petrovich - head of the Moscow Military Music School, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Colonel;

Zharov Alexander Mikhailovich - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, laureate of international and All-Russian competitions, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, composer;

Kuznetsova Elena Valerievna – Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Sciences;

Markova Ekaterina Nikolaevna – director of GBOU Gymnasium No. 2200;

Lidia Ivanovna Tsaregorodtseva - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, choirmaster of the Belfry ensemble of the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company;

Churakova Larisa Gennadievna – methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine.

Appendix 2

Registration table for school stage participants

Moscow city competition of musical and speech performing arts for students “Fireworks of Consonances”

Nomination "______________________________"



Team name


FULL NAME. teachers


FULL NAME. accompanist


School stage result

For 2nd stage participants

Phone number, email address. mail

For 2nd stage participants



Nomination “Every class is a choir!”

“Every class is a choir!”, “In the circle of folklore”, “The pipe is singing”, “The cadets are singing”



Team name


FULL NAME. teachers


FULL NAME. concertmeystera


School stage result

GBOU School No. 111

Ivanov Vasily Ivanovich

7 925 123-45-67

W. Mozart. Spring


F. Lowe. Waltz

GBOU School No. 111

Ivanov Vasily Ivanovich

7 925 123-45-67

W. Mozart. Spring

F. Lowe. Waltz

GBOU School No. 111

Ivanov Vasily Ivanovich

7 925 123-45-67

W. Mozart. Spring


F. Lowe. Waltz

Nomination “Word music”

Appendix 3

Ivanov Alexander Ivanovich

3 "B" class

GBOU School No. 4444

Music teacher: Vasilyeva Marina Nikolaevna

Song of Ages on the streets of Moscow
