Project English in Dow. English lessons by Murzinova I

One of the leading principles of the updated educational process is the principle of cultural conformity. This means that education is based on universal human values ​​and is built in accordance with the characteristics of the traditional culture of the nation. Therefore, teaching English occupies a special place in preschool education. It not only introduces the culture of the countries of the language being studied, but also, through comparison, highlights the features of the national culture. In other words, it promotes the education of preschool children in the context of a dialogue of cultures.

The English language, being an essential element of the culture of native speakers and a means of transmitting it to others, helps to familiarize children with the culture of the country of the language being studied, familiarize them with holidays, traditions, literary works, symbols of states, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, and promotes the overall development and upbringing of children.

Based on the above, I propose to create “English Language Corners” in groups of preschool educational institutions. with the following sections:

· Symbols of the state (flag, coat of arms, anthem, queen (Great Britain), president (USA))

· Clendar-ritual holidays

· Literary and cartoon characters from English-speaking countries

· Sights of capitals (London, Washington, etc.)

· Traditional toys of English-speaking countries (Mickey Mouse, teddy bear, yo-yo, etc.)

· “We are learning English” - “We are learning English” to reflect the current educational material.

Plan for working with teachers




1.Acquaintance with older children and teachers.

2. Familiarization with the group schedule in order to avoid duplication of children’s artistic activities (modeling, drawing, appliqué) on the same day in combined English classes.

1. Organization of a corner of English culture and educational material in the group. (Consultations for educators, selection of necessary material, both cognitive and educational, assistance in mastering basic knowledge of the English language - greetings, commands, etc.)

1.Organization of leisure time for children of preparatory groups “Meeting by the fireplace” (consultations with teachers on the distribution of roles, assistance from teachers in preparing and conducting the event)

1. Joint preparation for New Year's matinees.

2. Conversation with teachers about the peculiarities of winter holidays in English-speaking countries.

3. Joint production of decorations for the English classroom.

1. “Speech training” - consultation for teachers.

1. Regional studies quiz “Prize”

2. Report at the pedagogical council “Introducing children to the culture of other countries when teaching English”

1. Joint preparation for matinees dedicated to March 8th (learning poems and songs about mother and grandmother with children).

1. Organization of Easter leisure (distribution of roles, learning lines, poems)

2. A conversation about the features of celebrating this day in English-speaking countries.

1. Joint preparation for graduation.

2. Speech at a parent meeting on the topic “How to help a child master a foreign language when studying in primary school.”

Structure of the Work Program:

  1. Title page;
  2. Explanatory note;
  3. Educational and thematic plan;
  4. Contents of the training course topics;
  5. The expected result of training students;
  6. List of literature;
  7. Educational and methodological support;
  8. Calendar-thematic plan (appendix to the work program)

Explanatory note

The possibilities of a foreign language as an academic subject in implementing the strategic focus of a kindergarten on personal development are truly unique. It is known that preschool age is favorable for learning a foreign language, since a young child has well-developed long-term memory.

Classes in the “English language in kindergarten” program introduce the child to the basics of a foreign language culture, namely, it imparts to the child a basic amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Classes are an oral preparatory stage for reading and writing.

Early learning of a foreign language develops the child comprehensively. His memory and intelligence improve, and his powers of observation develop.

Since play is the leading activity of a preschooler, learning tasks are closely related to the world in which the child lives. This is a world of fairy tales, poems, songs, where curiosity and the desire to play with peers reign.

This program is based on the principles of communicative learning and is aimed at developing positive cognitive motivation.

The program is designed for group work with children. But the exercises are designed to provide an individual and differentiated approach to teaching children with different levels of training and different abilities.

This curriculum “English for children” is compiled on the basis of the “Exemplary “end-to-end” program for early teaching of English to children in kindergarten and 1st grade of primary school”, authors - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Belgorod Regional IPKPES N.D. Epanchintseva and candidate of pedagogical sciences. Art. Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​No. 1 of BelSU O.A. Moiseenko, 2008. The program is designed for 2 academic years (64 academic hours), 32 academic hours per year, 1 hour per week.

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Duration of classes: 30 minutes.

Purpose of the course: development of linguistic abilities of preschoolers through the activation of their creative activity.

Program focus: cultural with artistic and aesthetic integration.

Forms of organization of activities:

Speech and phonetic warm-ups.

Poetic examples, rhymes.

Games, role-playing games, dramatizations.

Drawing, design.

Objectives (1 year of study):

formation of primary skills of dialogic and monologue speech in English;

development of speech hearing, memory, attention, thinking.

nurturing interest and respect for the culture of other peoples.

Objectives (2nd year of study):

expansion of vocabulary, development of dialogic and monologue speech skills in English;

development of linguistic conjecture, thinking, creativity;

nurturing interest and respect for the traditions and customs of other peoples based on fairy tales, nursery rhymes, sayings, etc.

Thematic plan

First year of study

Total lessons

Number of hours


Greeting Introduction

My toys





Thematic plan

Second year of study

Total lessons

Number of hours


Letters and their songs

My family

Christmas and New Year

Body parts

I can do everything in the world

My week


First year of study


Methodical techniques

Greetings. Acquaintance

Introduction to greeting words: “Hello, hi, good morning, good bye”, game “Knock-Knock”, Introduction of speech samples “My name is.../ I am...”, questions “What is your name?, Who are you” ?

Game "Knock-Knock", role-playing game "Visiting Pinocchio", game "Cheerful Fox", video on the topic

My toys

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic: “A doll, a ball, a car, a truck, a baloon, a ship, a byke.” Introduction of speech patterns: “This is a... I have got a... Is this a...? Have you got a...?” Introduction of adjectives denoting size: “Big, little”

Computer presentation on the topic, creative task, game “Who has a toy?”, video on the topic


Introduction of vocabulary on the topic: “red, green, yellow, brown, black, blue, white, orange”; Introduction of speech constructions such as “it is (red), What color is it? The pig is pink"


Introduction of new vocabulary: “a bear, a hare, a frog, a wolf, a fox, a pig, a cat, a mouse, a bird, a horse”, consolidation of previously covered speech patterns: “Who are you?” This is a ..., I have got a ...., What color is it?”, adjectives denoting color and size.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (toys of different colors), learning poems, agreements, game “color”, creative task on the topic.

Introduction of cardinal numbers from 1 to 10, Introduction of constructions “I am 5/6, How old are you?” I can see..., How many...", studying the concept of "plural".

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (toys, cards, counting sticks), lotto game, telephone role-playing game, video on the topic.

New vocabulary: “bread, butter, milk, sugar, honey, meat, fish, porridge, sweets”, introduction of new constructions: “I like..., I don't like..., What do you like?, Here you are"

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (toys, cards), role-playing game “shop”, role-playing game “feeding the animals”, video on the topic.


New vocabulary on the topic: “winter, spring, summer, autumn”, names of months, introduction of speech constructions “Is it (spring)? - Yes\No it is\not”, introduction of action verbs “to run, to sing, to play football, to swim, to jump, to ski, to walk” in combination with the modal verb can.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (toys, cards), creative task (drawing, application on the topic), role-playing game “zoo”, video on the topic.

Thematic content of the course.

Second year of study

Methodical techniques

Letters and their songs

Learning the names of English letters. Learning poems with the names of these letters, coloring letters and objects whose names begin with them. Learning the ABC song.

Computer presentation, use of interactive alphabet, creative task (drawing), learning a song. Video on the topic.

My family

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic: “mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather.” Repetition of speech patterns: “I have a... I have got a... Is this a...? Have you got a...?” Introduction of possessive pronouns: “my, his, her”

Computer presentation on the topic, creative task (drawing), game “Tell about yourself”, game “Confusion”, video on the topic

Christmas and New Year

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic; Introduction of speech structures such as “Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, Santa, etc.”, repetition of vocabulary and speech patterns from the topics “Toys”, “Colors” and “Seasons”. Learning the Christmas song Jingle bells, making New Year's crafts.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (cards), game, creative task on the topic, learning a song, cartoon on the topic

Body parts

Introduction of new vocabulary: “a head, a neck, a shoulder, a hand, a leg, a back, a stomach, a foot, etc”, Learning the song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, consolidating previously learned speech patterns: “This is a..., I have got a...., What color is it?”, adjectives denoting color and size.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (cards), role-playing game "Aibolit", creative task on the topic (drawing a portrait), learning a song, guess, exercises with commands in English. Video on the topic.

I can do everything in the world.

Repetition of verbs of movement “to jump, to run, to clap, to play”, etc. what children can do (can) and what they like to do (like). Introducing the names of outdoor games: “play, football, basketball, hockey, badminton, chess, table tennis, tennis”, learning the song “If you are happy”

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (cards), outdoor games, learning a song, video on the topic.

My week

New vocabulary: “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday”, introduction of new constructions: “Today is...”, Learning the verse “Solomon Grundy”, Learning the song “Days Of The Week”. A game where children need to put all the days of the week in order.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (cards), game “days of the week”, learning a poem and song, video on the topic.

New vocabulary on the topic: “blouse, skirt, shoes, T-shirt, etc.”, a combination of new vocabulary with previously learned vocabulary, denoting color, size and affiliation. Introduction of speech constructions “I take on... I take off...”, repetition of constructions “I have got a”.

Computer presentation, use of visual aids (dolls in different clothes, cards), creative task (coloring on the topic), game “clothing store”, video on the topic.

Expected learning outcome.

First year of study.

By the end of the first year of study, children should know 40-50 words in English, 10 ready-made speech samples:

I... (age).

I love…

How old are you?

What is your name?

Can you do it?

Do you have?

And also 7-10 poems, rhymes, songs.

Second year of study

By the end of the second year of study, children's vocabulary should be about 100 words. Speech samples: 15-17 expressions of affirmative and interrogative type. Children should be able to talk about themselves, family, toys in 4-6 sentences; build a dialogue using 3-4 lines from the child; recite a poem and sing a song in English.

List of used literature:

  1. N.D. Epanchintseva, O.A. Moiseenko “Approximate “end-to-end” program for early teaching of English to children in kindergarten and 1st grade of primary school,” Belgorod, 2008.
  2. Kathy Oxley, "Meet the Letters", Preschool Prep Company, Danville, CA, USA, 2000.
  3. Kathy Oxley, "Meet the Colors", Preschool Prep Company, Danville, CA, USA, 2000
  4. Kathy Oxley, "Meet the Numbers", Preschool Prep Company, Danville, CA, USA, 2000
  5. Helen Doron, “Early English - English for Infants”, Helen Doron, 2008
  6. L. Tomas, V. Gil Teddy's Train / Teddy the Engine - funny English songs for kids, Oxford University Press, London, UK, 2004
  7. I.A. Shishkova, M.E. Verbovskaya Educational set "English for kids" edited by N.A. Bonk, ROSMEN-PRESS, 2004
  8. I.A. Shishkova, M.E. Verbovskaya - audio materials "English for kids", ROSMEN-PRESS, 2006
  9. Julia Pimsleur Levine, Little Pim: English for Little Ones, Little Pim Co., 2007

Educational and methodological support

Used in classes:

Screen and sound aids:

CDs with audio and video content;

Multimedia presentations

Printed manuals:

Cards with letters and transcription signs;

Printables of themed coloring pages

Thematic pictures.

Interactive tutorials:

Educational computer programs

As well as various toys demonstrating objects by theme.

A very important means of teaching preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are didactic games, which allow children to consolidate their knowledge in an interesting way.


Calendar and thematic planning.

First year of study

Lesson topic

Program tasks

Material and equipment

Methods and techniques


Development in children of the ethical function of communication (the ability to say hello, say goodbye, introduce yourself or introduce someone) in English; developing the ability to understand cues addressed to them and respond to them.

Samsung laptop, handouts, glove dolls, toy microphone




My toys

Formation in children of the ability to interact in collective activities; development of the ability to speak at an elementary level about favorite objects (toys); expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic;

Samsung laptop, polymer animal toys, handouts (coloring books).

My toys

My toys


Formation in children of the ability to interact in collective activities; development of the ability to speak at an elementary level about favorite objects (toys); expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic.

Samsung laptop, toys and cards of various colors, handouts (coloring pages)





Fostering in children a kind and caring attitude towards animals, developing skills in perceiving short texts and dialogues in the language, expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic, developing skills in using new vocabulary in conversation.

Samsung laptop, polymer animal toys, cards, handouts (coloring books).




Development of oral counting skills in a foreign language, the ability to identify the number of objects, expansion of the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic, development of skills in using new vocabulary in conversation.

Samsung laptop, polymer toys, cards, lotto, handouts (coloring books)

Formation in children of the basics of communication in a foreign language within the framework of the plot, the ability to make a report about their preferences in food and activities. expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic, developing skills in using new vocabulary in conversation.

Samsung laptop, polymer toys, cards


Developing the ability to speak at an elementary level about your favorite time of year, your favorite pastime, developing listening and speaking skills within the framework of the plot. Replenishment of vocabulary.









Second year of study

Lesson topic

Program tasks

Material and equipment

Methods and techniques

Letters and their songs

Acquaintance with the English alphabet, development of writing skills and pronunciation of English letters and sounds

Samsung laptop, interactive alphabet toys, cards, handouts (coloring pages)

Letters and their songs

Letters and their songs

Letters and their songs

Letters and their songs

My family

Developing the ability to speak at an elementary level about your family members, developing listening and speaking skills within the framework of the plot. Expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic, developing skills in using new vocabulary in conversation.

Samsung laptop, polymer toys, cards, handouts (coloring books, colored paper for applications)

My family

My family

Christmas and New Year

Expanding the potential vocabulary by introducing new lexical units and speech patterns on the topic, developing skills in using new vocabulary in conversation

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, handouts (coloring books, colored paper for applications)

Christmas and New Year

Christmas and New Year

Body parts

Development in children of communication skills and abilities based on the active use in speech of acquired lexical and grammatical units of a foreign language and the inclusion of new material on the topic.

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, doctor's suit, handouts

Body parts

Body parts

Body parts

Body parts

I can do everything in the world

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, handouts

I can do everything in the world

I can do everything in the world

I can do everything in the world

My week

Development of oral monologue speech of children in situations based on this plot. Expansion of lexical and grammatical material on the topic.

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, handouts

My week

My week

My week

Development in children of communication skills and abilities based on the active use in speech of acquired lexical and grammatical units of a foreign language and the inclusion of new material on the topic. Expansion of lexical and grammatical material on the topic.

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, handouts


Repetition of previously studied material.

Samsung laptop, toys, cards, handouts



Project "London". English in kindergarten

English language project for kindergarten preparatory group

Project "London"

Project type: informative
Project participants: children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old)
Project duration: short-term (4 weeks)
Problem: children have little information about the homeland of the English language.
Objective of the project: introducing children to the sights of London.
1. Give an idea of ​​the capital of England - London, and its attractions.
2. Expand children's understanding of the traditions and culture of England.
3. Introduce new vocabulary.
Estimated results of the project:
Knowledge about the country of England, the capital London, the ability to talk about the sights of London: Big Ben, the River Thames, the Tower Bridge and Castle, a double-decker red bus, the London Zoo. Have an idea about the people of England and culture. Arouse interest in learning English.
1. Conversation “England. London." Coloring pages on the theme "London Sights."
2. View slides on the topic “London Sights”
3. Watch the video “Trip around London”
4. Game “Rain, rain, go away”.
5. View slides on the topic “Holidays of England”
6. Entertainment “Trip around London”
7. Craft “Gift from England”
8. Final lesson “Visiting the Queen”
Preliminary work:
1. Selection of literature, illustrations, videos, music.
2. Work with parents: learning the song “Rain, rain, go away” by children together with their parents.
3. Making visuals for events (bus, Big Ben, poster with details), searching for animal toys, umbrellas, making beech power lines “England”.
Children's interest in the topic, manifestation through cognitive activity.
Expanding your horizons.
The ability to distinguish and show the sights of London.
drawings and coloring books on the theme “London”, joint work with parents (learning songs and poems), crafts, design of the “London” stand, creation of a power line beech “England”.


1. Conversation “England. London"

Guys, today I will tell you about a country where they speak English. It's called England. This is the flag of England. The people who live there are called English. This is an Englishman, this is an Englishwoman (showing illustrations). The capital of England is London. Let's repeat together - London (I'm showing London sights. Look how beautiful the city is. It has a lot of attractions: the Big Ben clock tower, red double-decker buses pass through the streets, there is the Thames River, the Tower Bridge is right there. This is the Ferris wheel - London Ay. This is Trafalgar Square, the famous London Zoo. In England there is a real queen who rules the country - Elizabeth. She lives in her Buckingham Palace, which is guarded by a real Court Division. England has a very peculiar weather. The weather changes every half hour. The sun is shining. , then clouds appear and it rains. That's why the British always carry an umbrella with them. The British love to talk about the weather over a cup of tea and ask when they meet How are you? How are you doing? Do you already know how to answer this question? (children: I'm fine, thank you!) That's right. And when they say goodbye, they say - Good-bye!
Annex 1
London Sights coloring pages
- Look at my pictures of attractions. Only they are black and white. Let's color them. What color is a London bus? (red). What color is Big Ben? (yellow). Now let's start coloring. We repeat the names of flowers in English.
Appendix 2
Children color and name their landmarks.
2. View the presentation “London Sights”
Hello my friends. I am glad to see you. Let's remember our greeting.
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you
Good morning, good morning,
I am glad to see you.
Today we will watch the presentation “London Landmarks”. Let's repeat the names of places and buildings already known to us, learn new interesting facts about England and its capital London.
Appendix 3
3.Watch the video “Trip around London”
-hi, my dear friends! Today we shall watch video of London. Today we will watch a video about London.
-What is the name of the river in London? (Thames)
-What is the name of the large tower clock? (Big Ben)
-What is the name of the bridge in London? (tower)
-What buses run on the streets of London?
- what are the most famous parks in London?
- What is the name of the Ferris wheel?
Appendix 4
4. Game “Rain, rain, go away”
Guys, the weather in England is very capricious, it changes every half hour. That's why the British always carry an umbrella with them. Rain is London's calling card. In England it is usually cloudy and cool, the sun rarely comes out. At home, you and your parents learned a song about rain. Let's play now.
While the music is playing, the children sing a song and run, when the music stops playing, the children run under the umbrella.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
ALL THE FAMILY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

5. View slides on the topic “Holidays of England”
New Year and Christmas are the main holidays in England. Santa Claus congratulates children on this holiday.
Valentine's Day. On this day, millions of people confess their love to their significant other and do it beautifully, with the help of valentine cards or heart-shaped souvenirs.
St.Patrick 's Day. The symbol of this holiday is the trefoil, as well as the color green. On this day, national festivals featuring Irish folk music are held throughout Britain.
Fool's Day. It's a day of harmless pranks.
Queen Elizabeth's birthday. On this day there is a ceremonial parade, a ceremonial carrying of the banner, a review of troops and a magnificent social ball at the end of the day.
Easter holidays usually fall in March or April and are celebrated in many countries, but what distinguishes the holiday in England are its symbols: the Easter bunny or rabbit, which signifies abundance, and Easter chocolate eggs.
The first Monday in May is considered an official holiday and is called Spring Day. The British associate it with Robin Hood, and is held in the form of costumed processions and folk festivals.
August Rest Day, which takes place every last Monday in August. This day is considered an official holiday, and the local population tries to spend it with family in nature. The second holiday is the Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place every last Sunday in August. This is a two-day street festival during which everyone tries to wear fancy or extravagant clothes, music plays non-stop until late, fairs with a variety of food are held and many other interesting events.
One of the favorite holidays of the British, and now many other nationalities in the world, is Halloween, held annually on October 31. The holiday appeared thanks to the ancient Celts, and marks the eve of All Hallows' Day. Despite the fact that Halloween is not officially a day off, this day is celebrated especially actively in the country. People wear colorful costumes, decorate their homes, trick-or-treat and beg for sweets. The symbol of the holiday is traditionally a pumpkin with a face carved on it and a candle inside, popularly known as the Jack-o'-lantern. This Halloween attribute is found among all Englishmen. He is called upon to protect the house from evil spirits and from all evil spirits.
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night. On this night, fireworks roar throughout England, bonfires are lit and an effigy of Guy Fawkes is burned, the man who tried to commit the Gunpowder Plot in the 17th century and blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Many people also burn the garbage that has accumulated in the yard, arranging a kind of farewell to autumn. Boys on the streets beg for coins with words supposedly for Guy, and with the money collected they buy firecrackers.
Appendix 5
6. Entertainment "London"
Hello my darling! Today we will play in cafe. We will be tourists. And we want to eat very much! You and I will be tourists who are very hungry! Our game "In the cafe" begins. Let's go
Didactic game “Food. Beverages"
Game "Hungry Family"7. Craft “Gift from England”Hello, my friends! How are you? In the last lesson we talked about holidays. Which holidays did you enjoy the most?
Guys, today we will make a craft that will remind you of our trip to England. I offer you several options to choose from.
Appendix 6
Guys, I also made a small craft that will remind you of England and London. Lap book on the topic “England. London"

Appendix 7
8. Final lesson “Visiting the Queen”
Form of activity: entertainment.
Type of lesson: consolidation of new material in the form of a journey.
Strengthen your knowledge of the sights and culture of Great Britain.
Educational: strengthening children's skills in using vocabulary on the topic "London".
Developmental: development of reproductive and productive speech activity, working memory, curiosity, imagination, memory capacity through a gradual increase in speech units on an auditory and visual basis.
Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, the formation of a sustainable interest in the subject.
Progress of the lesson
1. Start of class
1) Org. Moment
-hello, my dear friends! I'm glad to see you!
2) Initial motivation
-today we go on trip to London. Today we will go on a trip to London. Are you ready? You are ready?
3) Speech exercise
- we get on the red bus. He will take us to London. Let's say the magic word "Bus" and the bus will start (the children say "Bus" in chorus). Guys, let's sing the song "Wheels on the Bus"!

Song "Wheels on the Bus".
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round
All day long.
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep.”
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep."
All day long.
The wipers on the bus go
“Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish.”
The wipers on the bus go
“Swish, swish, swish”
All day long.

2. Main part of the lesson
1) - so we arrived in London! Guys, look how beautiful it is here! Let's go sightseeing in London.
Children compose a short story about London using illustrations and presentation.
2) - guys, look - this is the queen's castle. Let's get to know Queen Queen (showing pictures of the castle and the queen).
-hello! I"m a queen! My name is Elizabeth II. I live in this castle. Have a nice day!
-Guys, the queen wished us a good day. Have a nice day!
3) - guys, let's tell the Queen about ourselves. What are our names, how old are we, where are we from?
Queen: Hello, children! How are you? What's your name? how old are you? Where are you from? Children: I"m from Russia. My name is…, I am 6.
I like to play. Let's play with me! Let's play!
Game "Hokey Pokey" (melody from the song "Boogie Woogie").

Hey, everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a big circle. Here we go.
You put one hand in.
You put one hand out.
You put one hand in.
You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around.
Everybody turns around.
You put two hands in.
You put two hands out.
You put two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.
You put one foot in.
You put one foot out.
You put one foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.
You put two feet in.
You put two feet out.
You put two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.
You put your head in.
You put your head out.
You put your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La, la, la, la, la, la!
You put your backside in.
You put your backside out.
You put your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!
You put your whole self in.
Your whole self out.
Your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow (bow)

4) -and now the queen invites us to go to the London Zoo. Look, there are no animals here! Where did they disappear to? It says here that this zoo is new. The Queen asks us for help. We need to help transport all the animals from the old zoo here by ship.
Game "Ship".
Children name the animal toys in English and put them in a toy ship.
-this is a crocodile/elephant/lion/zebra/kangaroo/tiger/monkey/etc.
After all the animals are placed on the ship, it sets off on a journey down the River Thames to a new zoo.
-Guys, this is the River Thames (choral repetition - The Thames).
-look! This is London Zoo. We unload the animals. Now let's see what other animals live in the London Zoo (slides).
5) - guys, did you like it in London? Have you remembered all the sights? Let's do it again! We will draw a map of London with you. Look, these are the silhouettes of the drawings. You need to choose a suitable figure and name it (children complete the task).
6) - it's time to go back to our kindergarten. We get on the bus. And while we're driving, let's listen to a song about London Bridge.
"London Bridge is falling down"

Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady!

Build it up with iron bars,
Iron bars, iron bars.
Build it up with iron bars,
My fair lady!

Bend and break, bend and break.
Iron bars will bend and break,
My fair lady!

Needles and pins, needles and pins.
Build it up with needles and pins,
My fair lady!

Rust and bend, rust and bend.
Pins and needles rust and bend,
My fair lady!

3. Final part.
1) summing up
- here we are! Did you enjoy traveling around London? What did you see in London? Who did you meet? What they were doing? Let's say goodbye Good-bye!
Guys, draw what you associate London with.

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Early learning of foreign languages ​​is such learning that is carried out on the basis of an intuitive-practical approach in the period from the moment the child is born until he enters school.

Preschool age is especially favorable for starting to study a foreign language: children of this age are particularly sensitive to linguistic phenomena, they develop an interest in understanding their speech experience, the “secrets” of language. They easily and firmly remember a small amount of language material and reproduce it well. With age, these favorable factors lose their strength.

There is another reason why an early age is preferable for learning a foreign language. The younger the child, the smaller his vocabulary in his native language. But at the same time, his speech needs are also smaller: a young child has fewer areas of communication than an older child, and he does not yet have to solve complex communication problems. This means that when mastering a foreign language, he will not feel such a huge gap between his capabilities in his native and foreign languages, and his sense of success will be more vivid than that of older children.

Teaching children is a very difficult task, which requires a completely different methodological approach than teaching schoolchildren and adults. If an adult speaks a foreign language, this does not mean at all that he can teach others. Faced with methodically helpless lessons, children can develop a long-term aversion to a foreign language and lose faith in their capabilities. Only experienced specialists should work with preschoolers.

The game is both a form of organization and a method of conducting classes in which children accumulate a certain stock of English vocabulary, memorize many poems, songs, counting rhymes, etc.

This form of conducting classes creates favorable conditions for mastering language and speech skills. The possibility of relying on gaming activities makes it possible to provide natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, making even the most basic statements interesting and meaningful. Play in teaching a foreign language is not opposed to learning activities, but is organically connected with it. You can also train children learning English via Skype. In this case nYou don’t need to take your child to a tutor, wasting 2-3 hours of your precious time on this and sitting around waiting for the classes to end. For more information about this, see the website

In preschool age, when teaching English, children gradually develop the foundations of communicative competence, which at an early stage of learning English includes the following aspects:

  • the ability to correctly repeat English words from a phonetic point of view after a teacher, native speaker or speaker, that is, the gradual formation of auditory attention, phonetic hearing and correct pronunciation;
  • mastering, consolidating and activating the English vocabulary;
  • mastery of a certain number of simple grammatical structures, construction of a coherent statement.

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler, and it is play during this period that drives the development of the preschooler. Despite the fact that a lot has already been written about children's play, its theoretical issues are so complex that a unified classification of games still does not exist.

The methodology for conducting direct educational activities should be built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the structure of children’s linguistic abilities and be aimed at their development. Direct educational activities in a foreign language must be understood by the teacher as part of the overall development of the child’s personality and are associated with his sensory, physical, and intellectual education.

Communication in a foreign language must be motivated and focused. It is necessary to create in the child a positive psychological attitude toward foreign language speech. A way to create such positive motivation is through play. Games in direct educational activities should not be episodic and isolated. An end-to-end gaming methodology is needed that combines and integrates other types of activities in the process of language learning.

The gaming technique is based on the creation of an imaginary situation and the adoption by the child or teacher of a particular role.

Classification of educational games

Educational games are divided into situational, competitive, rhythmic-musical and artistic.

To situational include role-playing games that simulate communication situations on a particular occasion. Role-playing is a play activity during which children act in certain roles, various life situations are played out, for example: seller-buyer, doctor-patient, actor and his fan, etc.

They, in turn, are divided into games of a reproductive nature, when children reproduce a typical, standard dialogue, applying it to a particular situation, and improvisational games, which require the use and modification of various models.

Standard dialogs, for example:

1. Showme (show me) - when the teacher names the subject, and the child must go to the card with the image of the desired word and point to it.

2. What's this? The teacher shows the words, the children name the words.

3. What's missing? (what's missing)

4. What doesn’t belong? (what's superfluous)

5. “Magic Mirror” - goal: development of attention. Children wearing animal masks approach the mirror. Several animals are reflected in the magic mirror. Children need to be told who they see and in what quantity. For example: Iceeadog. Iseefivedogs.

Towards competitive include most games that promote the acquisition of vocabulary and literacy. The winner is the one who has a better command of the language material.

These are all kinds of crosswords, auctions, board and printed games with linguistic tasks, and execution of commands. Crosswords can be on any topic: animals, fruits, vegetables, furniture, toys, etc. There are different teams. During classes, children can play the game: “Simonsays” - the goal of this game is to develop cognitive interests. Children stand next to the teacher. The children's task is to follow the teacher's commands. For example: Handsup! Sitdown! Jump! Run! Etc. In the process of playing this game, lexical material of various topics is used.

Rhythm music games- these are all kinds of traditional games such as round dances, songs and dances with the choice of partners, which contribute not so much to the mastery of communication skills, but to the improvement of the phonetic and rhythmic and melodic aspects of speech and immersion in the spirit of the language, for example: Nuts and May, “What's your name”, “ I like my friends”, “Heard, shoulders, knees and toes”, etc.

Artistic or creative games- this is a type of activity that stands on the border of play and artistic creativity, the path to which lies for the child through play. They, in turn, can be divided into

1. Dramatization (i.e. staging small scenes in English) “In the forest” - for example: a fox and a bear meet in the forest, and a small dialogue is played out (Hello! I’m fox. I can run. I like fish); "Little Red Riding Hood" and others.

2. Visual games, such as graphic dictation, coloring pictures, etc. Coloring pictures, this is a calming, not always meaningful, but very common activity. For example, you can show a finished picture. While the child is working with the outline, the teacher repeats the word many times and names the details. Thus, we will lay the foundation for what the child did himself is called in the new language. Graphic dictation- for example: during classes the children are told what color, the children paint, and then compare the resulting images with the one the teacher dictated.

3. Verbal and creative ( collective writing of small fairy tales, selection of rhymes), For example:

Back and forth and up and down

In the morning I brush with toothpaste...(teeth - teeth)

The linden blossoms smell so delicious,

That I licked mine...(lip - lip), etc.

On the border of situational improvisational games and creative dramatization there is such a type of activity as improvisation on the theme of a well-known fairy tale, which has already been played in an established form. For example, the game of Turnip or Teremok, in which, depending on the number of players and the acquisition of new vocabulary, new characters and lines appear.

When choosing or inventing a game to include in a lesson, you must follow the following rules:

1. Before you start the game, answer the following questions: what is the purpose of the game, what should the child learn from it? What speech action should he perform? Can the child construct such a statement? Are there any additional difficulties?

2. Having answered these questions, try to turn into a child yourself and come up with an interesting situation in which a statement based on such a model could arise.

3. Think about how to describe this situation to the child in such a way that he immediately accepts it...

4. Have fun playing with your child yourself!

The game should be educational, and it should be a game. The Soviet encyclopedic dictionary defines play as a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies not in its result, but in the process itself. This is a very important sign. Therefore, when introducing a game in class, its didactic result is important for the teacher, but cannot be an incentive for children’s activities.

Consequently, the game should change the very style of relationship between children and the adult teacher, who cannot impose anything: a child can play only when he wants it and when it is interesting to him, and with those who evoke his sympathy.

The teacher cannot only be the organizer of the game - he must play together with the child, because children play with adults with great pleasure and because the game atmosphere is destroyed under the gaze of an outside observer.

So, we can say that the basis of any game is role-playing. In a role-playing game, a child can act as himself, an English child or an adult, a fairy-tale character or animal, an animated object, etc. - the possibilities here are unlimited. His partner can be another child, a teacher, a doll, an imaginary character, an assistant actor, or a second teacher who always plays the same role, etc.

Another one of the most popular methods of teaching a foreign language is use of information and communication methods, such as computer hardware, multimedia, audio and more.

The use of audio, video stories, fairy tales, and educational material in direct educational activities contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivation in the speech activity of preschoolers.

It is the use of ICT in the direct educational activities of a foreign language that develops two types of motivation: self-motivation, when the proposed material is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by showing the preschooler that he can understand the language he is studying. This brings satisfaction and gives confidence in one’s strength and desire for further improvement.

It is much more interesting to listen to or watch a fairy tale, story or educational film, rather than a training program. Children very quickly grasp the semantic basis of language and begin to speak themselves. Especially if the training method uses complete immersion. This method involves regular and deep contact of the child with a foreign language. The child’s subconscious is unusually receptive, and even if a pronounced result is not visible now, then in a year or two it is quite possible to encounter the child’s unusually developed linguistic abilities.

Audio tales for learning English

When a preschooler’s vocabulary reaches several dozen words, you can diversify direct educational activities with the help of audio fairy tales in English. Audio tales can be divided into:

Audio tales in their purest form. Audio fairy tales are an excellent tool for children learning English. Tiny English stories are a good place to start. For example, with children you can listen to such fairy tales as “Threelittlekittens”, “ThreeLittlePigs” or “TooManyDaves”. It is extremely important that the essence of the audio tale is clear, otherwise the child will quickly lose interest. And direct educational activity without interest will not be so fruitful and effective.

Audio tales combined with illustrative material. As the audio tale plays, the children and the teacher look at the pictures and at the same time pronounce the words.

Audio tales and the “total immersion” method. To make listening to English audio fairy tales more interesting, you can use one of the methods of fairy tale therapy - drawing a fairy tale. But you will be able to draw while listening if the plot of the fairy tale is at least a little familiar to the child. Therefore, children are given pencils and paper when the fairy tale is heard for the second or third time.

The fact is that drawing while listening is a process that affects the deep skills of simultaneous perception and reproduction of information. While drawing, the child forms associative connections with what he hears. Consciously or involuntarily, foreign words are remembered, associated with the plot depicted in the picture. Along the way, you need to pay attention to whether he can simultaneously listen and draw what he heard.

At four or five years old, most children do not have the skills to quickly reproduce heard information. But by the age of six, those children who regularly listen and reproduce the information they have just heard in the form of a retelling, drawing, application, etc., develop the ability to simultaneously listen, hear, understand and interpret what they hear.

Thus, a game is a game focused on the zone of proximal development, combining a pedagogical goal with an activity motive that is attractive to the child.

Presentation “Game as a leading method of teaching a foreign language”

Zybenko Yulia Vasilievna, teacher of additional education (English) MBDOU general development kindergarten No. 27 “Berezka”, city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Currently I work with children in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups. I am working on the topic “Age characteristics of preschool children” in the early learning of a foreign language, I have a second qualification category. Pedagogical work experience 3 years.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

Goal of the work: As part of a social project, organize free English classes for 6th and 8th grade students in the preparatory group of the “Smile” kindergarten, teach preschoolers songs, poems and games in English and organize a concert for parents.

Methods: theoretical : ( collection of information, analysis, classification, survey, systematization, comparison, generalization) and social design: (method of getting used to the role).

Data received: social project (free classes) “Entertaining English for preschoolers” allowed project participants to interest preschoolers in the English language, learn the English alphabet, numbers from 1 to 10, words on the topics: colors, animals, family, body parts, verbs of motion; create a collection of poems and songs that will help increase children’s interest in learning English, prepare a concert for parents, get used to the role of a teacher for students in grades 6 and 8, and possibly decide on their choice of profession.

Conclusion: Project participants got acquainted with the features of social design, gained experience working in a team, experience of multi-age collaboration, gained experience communicating with preschool children, and tried themselves as a teacher. The results of a parent survey showed that the project is in demand and helps to increase children’s interest in learning English. We plan to continue organizing classes “Entertaining English for preschoolers” in the next academic year.

Work plan

Problem: Today, English is the means of international communication. Preschool children encounter English in songs, cartoons, and computer games, but do not always understand what is being said. Some children attend additional English classes, but not everyone can afford this due to lack of time and money. In kindergarten, children do not learn English, and therefore we, students of MBOU “Secondary School No. 4,” proposed organizing free classes “Entertaining English for preschoolers.”


    To study the opinions of parents regarding English classes in kindergarten and determine the relevance of the social problem;

    Consult with English teachers, educators and psychologists;

    Develop a teaching program “Entertaining English for preschoolers”;

    Teach preschoolers the English alphabet, counting within 10, basic colors, body parts, names of animals and verbs of motion;

    Learn English songs and poems, dramatize a fairy tale;

    Develop a script for the reporting concert;

    Organize a reporting concert for parents of preparatory group students as a result of cooperation with students;

    Conduct interviews based on the results of the work done;

    Conduct final surveys and process questionnaires;

    Write an article about the work done;

    Create a video of the concert and a collection of songs and poems;

    Create a presentation for the project and present the project at a conference.

Description of the method:

conduct a survey among parents

analysis of results

literature study

consultations with English teachers and psychologists

program development

conducting classes

preparation and holding of the concert

questionnaires and interviews based on the results of the project


Social project "Entertaining English for preschoolers"

Completed by: a group of students in grades 6 and 8

(Bykova Yesenia, Rakhmatullina Adel, Sheveleva Vera, Yablonskaya Daria, Burtseva Valeria, Saidova Samira, Kashcheeva Svetlana)

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, Megion

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4"

Research Article

    State of the problem being studied. A survey among parents and consultations with teachers, educators and a kindergarten psychologist on the organization of teaching English to preschoolers.

Today, English is the means of international communication. Preschool children encounter English in songs, cartoons, and computer games, but do not always understand what is being said.

Problem: not all preschoolers can afford to attend additional English classes due to lack of time or money.

Relevance: In kindergarten, children do not learn English, and therefore we, students of the Secondary School No. 4, offered to organize free classes “Entertaining English for preschoolers.”

Practical value of the work: This project increases the level of interest in learning English through the cooperation of preschoolers, students and parents.

Target: Teach preschoolers songs, poems and games in English and organize a concert for parents.

At the first stage of our project, in order to identify the level of interest in conducting English classes, we conducted a survey among parents of students in the preparatory group of the “Smile” kindergarten. The results of the survey showed that 96% of parents are interested in organizing and conducting English language classes, and 4% believe that the child is not ready to learn English because he does not show interest. (Annex 1)

According to the recommendations of our English teachers, Chausova A.S. and Koval M.S., from the very beginning of training it is necessary to develop a certain style of working with children in English, introduce some kind of rituals, change presenters more often, ask children to evaluate the actions of the players in chorus (yes, no, right, wrong); "Theatricalize" the situation as much as possible, so that children watch with interest how it will end. To prevent fatigue and loss of interest in children, it is necessary to conduct games with elements of movement, with commands in English, every 5-7 minutes of class.

Psychologist Vasilyeva D.V. and teachers of the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Smile” Petrenko R.Ya. and Borodulya I.V. recommended that we conduct classes with the whole group at once, citing the fact that the children are accustomed to each other, and the great effectiveness of mass games in the learning process. Taking into account the characteristics of the pupils of this group, the psychologist recommended conducting play-based classes lasting no more than 20-30 minutes 2 times a week with a periodic change in the type of activity (from active play to conversation, then to dance, exercise, then song, etc.) .

    Program development, training, conducting classes, creating a collection of songs and poems, a video of the reporting concert.

To study English in the preparatory group, topics were chosen that are interesting to the child and will be useful to him for everyday communication: the English alphabet, numbers from 1 to 10, colors, animals, family, body parts, verbs of motion. (Appendix 2) We also prepared creative homework assignments to reinforce the material studied. (Appendix 3) In the process of developing the program, we decided to create a collection of poems and songs that will help increase children's interest in learning English. Each of us chose our favorite children's song in English. As a result, the following songs and poems were selected: “ABC Song”, “Family Finger Song”, “If you happy Song”, “The Animal Sound Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head shoulders knees and toes Song”, “Hands up, hands down!”, “Zoo”, “All things we like”, “What animals I see and like”, “Little animals”, “Where are my animals?”, “Frog”, “Granny’s cat and rat”, “Cat”, “I have a dog”, “My dog”, “Cock is happy”, “Moo, cow”.

The collection is addressed to English teachers, preschool teachers and interested parents teaching English to preschool children. (Appendix 4)

English classes were held immediately for all pupils of the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Smile”. At the same time, at each lesson we used several types of activities at once - games, dances, songs, exercises, work in groups/pairs, competitions, etc. According to the recommendations, we introduced so-called rituals corresponding to typical communication situations, changing leaders more often so that everyone carefully monitored the game, asked the children to help the presenters if they could not cope with the task, every 5-7 minutes of the lesson we played games with elements of movement.. As homework, the children were asked to color pictures depicting the alphabet, numbers, animals and colors and repeat the material studied. (Appendix 5)

On April 13, 2017, the “Smile” kindergarten held a reporting concert “Entertaining English for Preschoolers,” at which preschoolers showed what they had learned in our classes. (Appendix 6) Each pupil of the preparatory group received a certificate of participation in the “Entertaining English for Preschoolers” project. (Appendix 7) Since some of us attend classes at the Strizh journalism studio under the guidance of A.V. Michurin, we decided to create a video about our reporting concert.


"Entertaining English for preschoolers"- a comprehensive program of mutually beneficial cooperation between schoolchildren and kindergarten students, school teachers and preschool teachers.

For schoolchildren- this is an altruistic socially significant activity, gaining experience in communicating with young children and, possibly, determining a future profession. For kindergarten students participation in this project is the formation of the need to learn a foreign language, a tolerant attitude towards another culture and communication with older children.

For school teachers project - solving the problems of education to form a humane, creative, tolerant person, capable of preserving and developing the moral values ​​of family, society and humanity. For kindergarten teachers The project is an innovative form of teaching children English.


In order to find out what we have done and what we still need to work on, we invited parents and children to answer questions. (Appendix 8) The results we obtained were summarized in a diagram that showed that 100% of parents were satisfied with the level of English language teaching for pupils in the preparatory group of the “Smile” kindergarten, and the children are looking forward to continuing to study English at school. (Appendix 9) We have also prepared questions for project participants. The results showed that cooperation between preschoolers and students had a positive effect on our socialization. We began to spend less time at the computer. And some of us are seriously thinking about becoming a teacher or educator in the future. (Appendix 10)


    Agurova N.V. Gvozdetskaya N.D. English in kindergarten. - M., 2003.

    Arkin E. A. Child in preschool years. - M., 2008.

    Dolnikova R.A., Fribus L.G. UMK How can we teach children to speak English? St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002.

    Leontyev A.A. Psychological prerequisites for early acquisition of a foreign language // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2005. - No. 5. - pp. 24-29.

    Khanova O.S. English classes in kindergarten. - M., 2015.

    Elkonin D.B. Selected psychological works. - M., 2009.

5. Applications

Appendix I

Primary survey (for parents)

1. Do you think that at the age of 6 it is already possible to start teaching children English?

    Do you think your child is ready to learn English?

    Does your child show interest in English at home?

    Do you think learning English is important in your child's education?

    Do you expect positive results in teaching your child English?

Appendix II

Training program:

Lesson topic

House. exercise

Alphabet ABCD

Numbers 1,2,3,4,5

Colors - white, blue, red

Song "ABC", "FingerFamilySong"

Draw your family

Repetition Alphabet ABCDEF

Repetition Alphabet ABCDEFG

Numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Colors - white, blue, red, green, black

Songs "ABC", "Finger Family Song"

PoemsTale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHInumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown

Songs "ABC", "Finger Family Song", "PPAP Song", "Head, shoulders, knees and toes"

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, greyAnimals - dog, cat, duck

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition of knowledge AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, greyAnimals - dog, cat, duck

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition of knowledge AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition of knowledge AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow, purple Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken, horse, frog, bird

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow, purple Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken, horse, frog, bird

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow, purple Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken, horse, frog, bird

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow, purple, orange Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken, horse, frog, bird, bear, lion, elephant

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Repeat poems, songs

Repetition AlphabetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZnumbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Colors - white, blue, red, green, black, brown, grey, pink, yellow, purple, orange Animals - dog, cat, duck, cow, sheep, pig, snake, mouse, chicken, horse, frog, bird, bear, lion, elephant

Songs “ABC”, “Finger Family Song”, “PPAP Song”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “If you happy”, “Animal Sound Song”

Fairy tale “The Turnip”

Color by color (letters of the alphabet)

Repeat what has been covered

Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned. Preparing for the concert.

Preparing for the concert.

Appendix III


Appendix IV

Collection of poems and songs

Appendix V

Photos of homework posters

Appendix VI

Scenario of the reporting concert

Student 1: Hello, kids! Good evening, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you at our concert! Student 2: Good evening, dear children, parents, educators and teachers! We are glad to welcome you to our reporting concert!

Preschooler 1: Next year we are going to first grade and in order to get to know the school, we were taken on a tour. We were in different classes and were in an English class. Some children from our group are already learning English, others also wanted to. And we asked our parents and teachers about this.

Student 1: We study at school #4. We learn different subjects but our favorite is English. That’s why we decided to teach pre-school children English language.

Student 2: We, students of the 4th school, willingly learn English, and when we received an offer from teachers to take part in a social project, the goal of which is to teach preschool children English, we were tired of wasting time on the Internet, social networks and we agreed with pleasure and without hesitation !

Preschooler 2: Students from school 4 came to us 2 times a week for 3 months. During the classes we learned a lot of new and interesting things - the English alphabet, numbers, colors, names of animals and how they speak English, verbs, learned poems and sang songs and even staged a play entirely in English!

Preschooler 1: And today we will show you what we have learned during these 3 months of study! Our concert is declared open! Welcome to our concert!

Preschooler 2: the most important thing in learning a language is what? Of course, the alphabet! Now we will perform a song about the alphabet, who knows, join us! Sing together ABC song! (sing tugese hey bc song)

    ABC Song

    2-3 verses(+poem about colors)Alla Daniil Alchinova +Now Alla Danil and Vika read poems.

    Playing with flowers Now let's play! (Welcome to planet Baloon!) Now let's play with colors! We play in groups of 6 people. The presenter calls the color in English, you run up one by one and pull a ball of the color you named and return to the team. Whoever can do it faster and without mistakes wins!

Take blue ballon! Take white ballon!

Take red balloon!

Take yellow balloon!

Take green balloon!

Take orange balloon!

    My family. Show your pictures and repeat. Let's repeat the family members - the children have photographs with members of their family, the presenter calls, for example, show mother, and the children must show their mother in their photos. Let's repeat members of family!

Show mother

Show Father

Show sister or brother

Show baby

Show grandmother and grandfather

Finger Family song

    Nowanimals. The names of the animals are repeated from the pictures; the presenter shows pictures of the animals; the children name them in English; Let's repeat now english verbs, The presenter names the verbs in Russian, the children speak English

(run, jump, swim, play football, sing, cry, smile, see, sleep. Clap your hands, sit, stand, stomp your feet, slap your knees, snap your fingers, walk)

    Let's sing Animal sound song!

    Let'splayingroups! Competition: we divide into groups - each participant is given a picture with an animal, the presenter will name the animal in English and the action that needs to be performed. The participant whose animal was named comes out, says the sounds that the animal makes in English and shows movement; for example, cat swim.

Pig dance

Cat swim

Cow clap your hands

Mouse go

Bear sing

Snake sit down

Duck click your fingers

Elephant jump

frog sleep

    Now let's sing If you happy song.

    Poetry musically Lisa Yulia D. Nastya D. Seryozhav. Now Yaroslav Muzyko, Lisa, Julia and Nastya Dobrynin, Seryozha read poems.

    Handsup, handsdown- children just talk, without moving, parents try to guess and imitate the movements. Then children and parents perform all the movements together.

    Welcome to our theater! Today we have a Turnip performance!(welcome tu aua siate! Today vi have e tenip performance) Turnip

    Let's remember parts of our body! Let's review the names of body parts. Garden. The child points and speaks, everyone repeats. We divide into teams - parents/children. Who will never get confused.

Head shoulders knees and toes.

    Poetry Now Alina Zakhar Kirill Denis Sofia read poems.

While the kids are reciting their poems, everyone is getting dressed for PPAP.

    Let's dance! PPAP

    Dance from schoolchildren

    Now our concert is over. We would like to thank our teachers for this great opportunity to be in the role of teacher; Oksana Aleksandrovna and Diana Viktorovna thank you for this opportunity and that our dreams come true. Thank you kindergartners for helping us! Kids, thank you for your excellent job! It was really great!

    Interview with parents

Appendix VII


Appendix VIII

Final survey (for parents)

    Is your child willing to attend English classes?

    Did your child enjoy completing homework assignments?

    Do you think that classes with schoolchildren brought a lot of new and interesting things to your child?

    Did your child talk at home about what he did in English classes?

    Are you satisfied with the cooperation of students of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4” with your children?

Appendix IX

Questionnaire for pupils of the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Smile”

Fun, interesting - yes/no?


Do I want to study English in the future - yes or no?

Appendix X

Questionnaire for students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 4"

    Did you enjoy being a teacher?

    What is better - spending time on the computer or being socially useful?

    Would you like to work with preschoolers in the future?
