School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in MHC. MHC Olympics

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Art

(World Art)

9th grade

TASK 1.1

A huge five-nave cross-domed building with 5 altar apses and 13 asymmetrically located domes, surrounded on three sides by open wide galleries. total area- about 1300 m 2 ., height to the top of the main dome is 28.6 m. The walls are elegantly laid out from plinth (flat red brick) and gray granite stone. Plintha alternated with pink cement - a solution of lime, sand and crushed brick. The temple was illuminated by long slit-like windows cut into the drums of thirteen domes. The appearance has undergone significant changes in subsequent times.

The mosaics and frescoes of the temple are a unique ensemble of monumental art. One of the masterpieces of mosaic paintings is the image of Our Lady Oranta (Praying) with her hands raised high. The people called Our Lady Oranta the Unbreakable Wall and believed that as long as Oranta remained intact, the city would stand.

TASK 1.2

Identify the work that is discussed in the proposed text. What recognizable features of the image help you find the answer?

The threat of fascism looms over the world. People especially needed works that would inspire the people to defend the Fatherland. A film directed by Sergei Eisenstein appears on the screens, which talks about the victory of the Russian prince over the German knights at the beginning XIII century. The music in the film sounds passionately and excitedly, the alarm bell sternly and decisively calls everyone to fight the enemy. Get up, Russian people... Rus' is gathering its last strength.

A little later, the composer who wrote the music for the film came up with an independent large vocal-instrumental genre for mezzo-soprano, choir and symphony orchestra, consisting of seven parts. Both works, which appeared on the eve of the war (1941-1945), sounded like a decisive warning, like a formidable reminder of what awaits an enemy who decides to attack our Motherland. The film by S. Eisenstein and the music of the Russian composer have the same name .

TASK 2.1

Write at least 15 definitions of the phrases they contain that will be needed to describe this work of art. Organize your definitions into groups. Explain the principle of grouping.

If you recognize the work, write its title, author and time of creation.

TASK 2.2 Look at the painting by V.I. Surikov (1881), analyzing, describe it

Sample questions for describing and analyzing a work of art:

What I feel?

What impression does the work of art make? What sensation might the viewer experience? How do its scale, format, and the use of certain shapes and colors help the emotional impression of a work?

What do I know?

Does the film have a plot? What is shown? In what environment are the depicted objects located? Conclusion about the genre of the work.

What I see?

How are objects arranged in the work (subject composition)? How are colors compared in the work (color composition)?

Are there objects in the work that symbolize something?

Name the main character of the work.

Highlight the main thing from what you see. Explain why this seems most important to you? By what means did the artist highlight this?

What did the artist want to say?

What is the title of the work? How does it relate to the plot and symbolism? What do you think the author of the work wanted to convey to people? Are your first impressions of the work and the conclusions reached the same?

TASK 3.1

Identify the artistic canvas by fragment.

  1. Write what is shown on it.
  2. Write the title of the work and its author.
  3. What part of the composition does the presented fragment occupy?
  4. Describe the general composition of the work and indicate

the number of figures depicted on it, name the significant ones

Memorable details.

  1. Formulate and write down the theme and idea of ​​the work
  2. Indicate famous works of this artist.

Task 4.1. What or who is the odd one out in the series? Underline the extra word, write it in the table and briefly explain your choice.

1. Titian, Giorgione, Filippo Brunelleschi, Raphael Santi.

2. Etude, sonata, romance, symphony, concert for piano and orchestra.

3. Circus, photography, theater, stage.

4. Brush, stack, cutter, hammer.

5. Animalistic, battle, historical, instrumental, mythological.

6.Metaphor, epitaph, epithet, personification.

Row number

Superfluous word

Brief rationale for choice

Task of the fifth type for 9th grade

To complete the fifth type of information collection task, it is necessary to provide each participant with access to the Internet and provide each participant with a free flash drive on which he will submit the collected information, or organize on the computer individual folders for each participant in which they will collect information.

If, in the absence of the technical ability to provide participants with access to the Internet or for some other reason, the organizers choose to work with books collected in the classroom, or participants have access to shelves in the library, to complete the fifth type of task, they must be provided with additional sheets for records, since the main written work is submitted before the start of the fifth type of assignment.

Task 5.1

Present in the form of a presentation a plan for a television program dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Belgorod Transfiguration Cathedral (opened in 1813, architect Evgeny Alekseevich Vasiliev).

  1. Give the title of the TV show. Justify your choice.
  2. Make a plan for your TV show.
  3. Collect material on this topic from the Internet, encyclopedias, and books. Group it into sections.
  4. Make a selection of the musical design of the TV show or select a musical leitmotif. Justify your choice.

Task 5.2

Prepare Classroom hour or a conversation for junior schoolchildren, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Belgorod Transfiguration Cathedral (opened in 1813, architect Evgeny Alekseevich Vasiliev).

1. Form, style, accessibility of presentation of the material.

2. Logic of presentation, integrity.

3. Depth of elaboration of the problem, persuasiveness.

4. No factual errors.

Maximum total points (including task 5.1.) - 208 points

Maximum total points (including task 5.2.) - 188 points

TASK No. 1 a) Fill in the missing letters in the words below. b) Explain the meaning of six terms (of your choice) in...luta, ba...yustrada, g...r...lef, and...ku...tvo, k...l...rit, l...bre...o, m...for...ka, pr ...ludia, r...tonda,

2. 1. If you recognize a sculptural work, write its author, name and time of creation 2. 2. Write at least 15 definitions and phrases that will be needed to describe this sculptural group. Distribute them into groups: A) determines the features of composition, technique and material B) the sculpture’s affiliation with time, place, event C) characteristics of feelings and emotions characteristic of the sculptural image.

1 3. In the Orthodox tradition, the icon dedicated to the mourning of Christ by the Mother of God is called “Do not weep for Me, Mother” (ill. No. 2). This is an iconographic composition representing Christ in the tomb: the naked body of the Savior is half immersed in the tomb, his head is lowered, his eyes are closed, his hands are folded crosswise. Compare the images presented in illustrations No. 1 and No. 2. Write your answer in the form of a table (see next slide) 2

Comparative analysis Type of art Material, technique Degree of reality and conventionality of the image Main idea Illustration No. 1 Illustration No. 2

Write the authors of literary and musical works of the same name. Indicate the genres of literary and musical works. Fill the table. Title “Sleeping Beauty” “Romeo and Juliet” “Eugene Onegin” “War and Peace” “The Nose” “Spartacus” “Othello” Author literary work, genre Composer, genre

1 3 2 TASK No. 4 (4. 1 -4. 8) This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of the talented Russian artist Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. 4. 1. Here are three paintings by the artist from the collection of the Russian Museum. Write their names and time of creation. 4. 2. Write at the origins of which direction in Russian art was P. A. Fedotov. What are the distinctive features of this direction (ideological and artistic).

3 4. 3. Write about the history of the creation of this painting, the features of the plot and the expressive language of the work. 4. 4. What genre would you classify this picture as?

4. 5. P. A. Fedotov was sometimes called “Russian Hogarth”. During what period did the English artist William Hogarth live and work? 4. 6. Here is Hogarth’s painting “The Marriage Contract”. Compare this work with Fedotov’s painting (ill. No. 3)

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Art (MHC)

2017-2018 academic year

7-8 grade (1 hour)

First type of tasks (maximum 10 points)

    Indicate the title of the literary work and the author.

A) B)


Second type of tasks

    Write at least 5-7 definitions or phrases with them that will be needed to talk about your impressions of the painting by A. Venetsianov. Definitions must be chosen so as to accurately describe what is happening and convey the mood of the picture. Determine the title of the painting. What do you know about her?(maximum – 21 points, 3 points for the correct phrase).


    Get to know each other With signs works art, given V text.

(maximum 14 points)

    Defineauthor andworkBylistedomens,highlighting V text intelligence,whichhelpTo youfindanswer.

    TOculturewhatpeopleor which countryworkbelongs?

    Specifycenturyorof the year, Whenworkwascreated.

    Briefly indicate the main features of this work.

One of the most famous and popular works of classical music and one of the most frequently performed symphonies.
This symphony became the most popular in the composer's legacy of the 17th and 18th centuries. The symphony reveals the main theme - the heroism of struggle. The symphony embodied this idea in the most concentrated form, developing “from darkness to light, through struggle to victory.”
The intonation of “Destiny” permeates the symphony from beginning to end. Distinctive feature is the closest connection with the music of the French Revolution: heroic songs and marches.

The composer’s statement “Music must strike fire from the human soul” can be used as an epigraph to the entire work.

Third type of tasks (maximum 27 points, for each correct correlation 3 points)

Match the names of works of art with their authors

Fourth type of task (maximum 25 points)

A series of words are given. Find the extra word in each line and cross it out. Briefly explain your decision.

1. Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rachmaninov, Mozart, Prokofiev.

2. Repin, Titian, Aivazovsky, Vasnetsov, Bryullov.

3. Symphony, suite, concert, ballet, romance, sonata.

4. Violin, balalaika, viola, cello, double bass.

5.Portrait, landscape, graphics, still life, interior.

Total for work - 97 points

Olympiad tasks of the school tour of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in MHC

11th grade 2014 – 2015

Task 1. Given are images of three works of art. (24 points)


    Their name.

    What country or culture do they belong to?

    The time of their creation.

    Their current location.

Task 2. Correctly match the authors and their works, what genre visual arts presented. (30 points)

    I. Levitan.

    F. Vasiliev.

    A. Kuindzhi.

    V. Polenov.

    I. Shishkin.

A. "Moscow courtyard".

B. "Wet Meadow"

IN. "Ship Grove".

G. "Spring. Big water."

D. "Night on the Dnieper."


    In Vasnetsov.

    N. Surikov.

    N. Repin.

    N. Ge.

    K. Bryullov.

A. "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan."

B. "The last day of Pompeii"

IN. "Bogatyrs".

G. "PeterIinterrogates Tsarevich Alexei"

D. "Menshikov in Berezovo."


    V. Serov.

    I. Kramskoy.

    V. Perov.

    V. Borovikovsky.


A. “Portrait of M.I. Lopukhina”

B. "Reaper".

IN. "Girl with Peaches"

G. "Hunters at rest."

D. "Unknown."


Task 3. Identify the artistic canvas from the fragment. (20 points)




1. Write what is shown on it.

2. Write the title of the work and the name of the author.

3. What part of the composition does the presented fragment occupy?

4. Describe the overall composition of the work and indicate the total number of figures depicted on it.

5. Determine the general mood of the work.

6. Indicate famous works by the same artist.

7. Indicate works of the same genre.

Task 4. Find the corresponding surnames for artistic terms. (30 points)

1. Architecture.

2. Music (classical).

3. Directing.

4. Sculpture.

5. Acting

6. Fashion

A. V. Mukhina.

B. B. Rastrelli.

IN. D. Shestakovich.

G. K. Stanislavsky.

D. A. Zaitsev.

E. N. Mordyukova.


8. Ballet

9. Opera

10. Theater

11. Cinema

12. Television

13. Literature

14. Pop music

15. Circus

A. M. Plisetskaya.

B. I. Aivazovsky.

IN. V. Meyerhold

G. E. Obraztsova.

D. L. Yakubovich.

E. N. Mikhalkov.

AND. Yu. Nikulin.

Z. V. Rasputin.

AND. A. Pugacheva

Task 5. Determine the artistic direction and type of art: (20 points)

1. Rastrelli, Bach, Vivaldi, Rubens - _____________________________

2. Moliere, Martos, Falconet, Poussin. Lomonosov, Bazhenov___________________________________________________________

3. Byron, Chopin, Glinka, Delacroix, Zhukovsky________________________

4. Balzac, Tolstoy, Fedotov, Dargomyzhsky, Chaliapin__________________

5. Borovikovsky, Karamzin, Russo_________________________________

Task 6 . Fill in the correct letter(s) in place of the blanks and explain what the term means. (20 points)

1. G.relie.;


3. D..lm.ny;



Task 7. Get acquainted with the material in the table. (28 points)

1.Listen to 5 fragments of music. Determine the genre of each of them.

2. Fill out the table, indicating the number of the sounding fragment. If you know the author and/or title of the work, please indicate them.

Music genres

Number and description of the musical fragment



bard song





3.Write 15 definitions and/or figurative characteristics for musical fragment No. 1. Underline the definitions that indicate the genre of the fragment.

4. Define the genres remaining in the table, musical examples of which were not heard.

Task 8. Write an Essay on the topic “Why should a person be cultured?” (28 points)

Evaluation criteria:

1. The ability to think about the connections of art with the life of society and man.

2. The ability to give reasons for your answers, basing your thinking on knowledge of works of art.

3. Knowledge of theoretical material (appropriate and accurate use of concepts and terms).

4. Knowledge of the opinions of art scholars, literary critics, publicists, etc.

5. The ability to express one’s own position in evaluating works of art.

6. Internal semantic unity, correspondence to the theme.

7. Originality of solution to the problem, argumentation.

8. Independence of judgment

9. Correctness and normativity of speech.

10. Imagery, expressiveness and emotionality of statements.

The total number is 190 points.




A set of tasks for students in grades 7-8 (2.5 hours)

Exercise 1 (5 points)

Match the names of the Greek muses with the types of art they patronized:

1. Euterpe 1. muse of history

2. Calliope 2. muse of tragedy

3. Clio 3. muse of the epic

4. Thalia 4. muse of poetry and music

5. Melpomene 5. muse of comedy

Answer: 1.- ___ ; 2. - ___ ; 3. - ___ ; 4.- ___ ; 5. - ___

Task 2 (6 points)

Guess phraseological units that came from mythology. Write them down.








    _______________________ 2.___________________

    ______________________ 4. ____________________

5. ______________________ 6._____________________

Task 3. Correlate works of oral folk art with the gods of the ancient Slavs. (6 points)

5. Oh, we sowed millet, sowed it,

Oh did-lado, they sowed

d. Perun

6. Feed me until Ivan, I'll make you a gentleman

e. Makosh


1. ______; 2 ________ 3. _______; 4._______5. ________; 6________

Task 4. How is the ideal of Man presented in the largest religions of the world? Fill the table. (6 points)

Task 5. A student came into possession of a text he needed for his work, part of which was damaged. Help restore lost fragments. Paste them into the text. (4 points)

Very often ___________ is called a model of the world. And this is really so, because in ________ construction people’s ideas about the structure of ________ were embodied. Many peoples have preserved legends and traditions about the heavenly origin of _____. For some, his image appeared in a dream or in a mysterious vision, for others - in a revelation from above, from God. It has always been evidence of his heavenly rather than earthly origin.

Task 6. Tell us about artistic features“Trinity” by A. Rublev. (10 points)


Task 7 (6 points)

Among the saints revered by the Russian Church, a special place belongs to holy fools. It was believed that holy fools are people “of the people” who act righteously, according to their conscience. Name works of art in which the theme of foolishness is heard. Enter in the table.

Task 8 (2 points)

1.What do the works of art below have in common? What event are they dedicated to? 2. Which literary source speaks about this event?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TOTAL points 45 points
