Technology for organizing leisure time for children and adolescents. Organization of cultural and leisure activities with teenagers Practical significance of the study

In the system of social education of the younger generation, a large place is occupied by the organization of leisure for children and adolescents. The formation of personal qualities, attitudes, views and beliefs is especially important during childhood and early adolescence. At this age, a person becomes socialized and becomes aware of himself as a member of a certain culture. The search for life values ​​and orientation towards them in one’s actions, the development of individual qualities in accordance with them determines the child’s position in this society.

Among the factors that determine the direction of socialization of children and adolescents, we should first of all highlight the influence of the parental family, school, peer society, mass media and out-of-school leisure activities. Analysis of the results of psychological and pedagogical research reveals the following problem areas of early youth: “Parents”, “Future”, “Peers”, “School”, “Free time”, “Other gender”, “Own Self”. Characteristics of this social group includes such traits as maximalism, negativism, intolerance - qualities that constitute a kind of “teenage syndrome”. In today's atmosphere of democratic change, adolescents exhibit these traits more clearly than other age categories.

Problem situation, characteristic of the leisure of children and adolescents, lies, firstly, in the absence of specially designed places for communication, conditions for self-realization of the individual in the field of leisure, within the framework of educational institutions. The extensive free system of preschool and out-of-school education and health-improving recreation for children are a thing of the past. Children deprived of opportunity creative development in organized structures, they try to make up for the lack of conditions for self-realization with destructive processes that destroy culture and personality, antisocial and illegal forms of behavior, they join the detachments of homeless people, and find themselves captive to alcohol and nicotine addictions.

Secondly, its commercialization has a negative impact on the development of children's leisure. A large number of various sports sections, studios, associations that are in demand among the teenage generation have become paid. The transition of many cultural leisure institutions to a commercial basis has made them inaccessible to most comers. Teenagers belonging to families with a low standard of living found themselves cut off from this area of ​​leisure.

Thirdly, the computerization of society also could not but affect teenagers. The inability to properly organize their leisure time leads modern teenagers to computer addiction. Sitting in front of a computer for a long time leads to loss of vision, poor posture, and spinal diseases. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of hypodynamia, loss of appetite and poor sleep are observed. The child becomes apathetic, irritable, and his mood often changes.

Fourthly, another important problem of leisure is the inability to satisfy the needs adolescence in communication. Children cannot live outside the group; the opinions of their comrades have a huge influence on the formation of a teenager’s personality. Often, without the opportunity for full direct communication with peers, teenagers join courtyard and street groups. The values ​​that unite such communities are not always positive from the point of view of social significance.

A teenager’s free time can be unorganized, spontaneous, uselessly spent, or it can be purposefully organized.

The main objectives of joint activities of family, school and cultural institutions in organizing leisure time for the younger generation have always been:

Formation of a harmoniously developed personality;

Moral, aesthetic and physical improvement of adolescents;

Satisfying the spiritual needs of adolescents and developing their creative abilities.

But, unfortunately, data from numerous studies indicate that many cultural and leisure activities held with teenagers are often of an entertaining nature and are not aimed at solving these problems. In order to fully use the educational potential of free time, the teenager should be included in socially active leisure activities as early as possible. This work can be carried out in various structures:

By location (school, children's cultural and leisure institutions, recreation camps);

By purpose of activity (study, recreation, social initiatives);

Depending on the leading type of activity (sports, creativity, play, work);

By collective composition (center, detachment, microgroup);

By gender composition (same-sex, heterosexual);

By age composition (peers, different ages).

Each structure performs its own educational tasks in relation to the teenager. By participating in a variety of activities, engaging in study, creativity, and play, a teenager realizes his many leisure needs. Free time for teenagers provides a wide range of opportunities for the development of many abilities (mental, aesthetic, physical, etc.). The main thing for leisure organizers is to build a series of tasks that will help develop these abilities.

The initial ideological and methodological principles that guide social educators and leisure organizers in their practical activities are the following principles of leisure activities:

The main pedagogical principle of working with children of primary school age and adolescents is rational organization of their leisure time. Educational activities for children in clubs, studios, etc. should be focused on obtaining initial skills in artistic and technical creativity. Gaming leisure activities (competitions, quizzes, game programs, matinees) are aimed at broadening children’s horizons in organizing their free time. Recreational leisure (hiking, excursions, social clubs based on interests) should help to switch children’s attention and take a break from school lessons, communicate, and get acquainted with nature and cultural values.

The principle of interest. The motives that encourage children to get involved in leisure activities differ significantly from the motives operating in educational institutions. In contrast to school classes regulated by curriculum and programs, which are the same and mandatory for everyone, the organization of leisure activities is carried out on the basis of voluntariness and taking into account the interests of children. Therefore, the attractiveness of leisure activities and the interest they evoke are of decisive importance. Their educational significance lies in the fact that they help overcome the difficulties of cognition, ease volitional tension, make it more purposeful and stable.

The emergence and development of interest among adolescents in leisure activities depends, on the one hand, on their content, and on the other, on the method of implementation. If the leisure organizer wants to interest you in the upcoming leisure activity as much as possible large quantity schoolchildren, he must strive to ensure that everything that is offered to children is correlated with their main aspirations and has cognitive significance for them. Therefore, the implementation of the principle of interest requires a detailed study of the requests and needs of the children's audience, which will help specialists correctly predict the educational process and obtain the desired result.

The principle of fun and entertainment. In entertaining leisure activities, children are provided with extensive opportunities to train and demonstrate intelligence, resourcefulness, and ingenuity. Each children's event requires flexibility of mind, creative activity, wit. The competitive atmosphere inherent in many children's entertainment activates them, especially if the competition is of a team nature. The colorfulness and emotionality of events makes an indelible impression on children and adolescents, contributes to the formation of moral qualities of the individual, and the cultivation of a culture of feelings.

The principle of developing initiative and initiative children was formulated and put into practice by the founder of children's clubs in Russia S.T. Shatsky. IN modern conditions Social educators try to notice the first shoots of initiative and initiative among members of the circle, develop and consolidate organizational skills and skills in all active groups of children's leisure units. It is very important to awaken social activity in children and adolescents, the desire to join socially useful work. By accumulating experience in social relations, children quickly and more successfully acquire self-government skills. The wide participation of children and adolescents in the organization of leisure activities makes it especially close to them, interesting and necessary.

Another aspect of the development of children's self-government is also important. The staffing of social and pedagogical centers is very limited. And if he is ra-

Botniks will be able to organize an asset around themselves, their capabilities will increase.

The principle of relying on positive emotions. This principle is based on the saying: “Look for the best in a child - there will be more of it.” Seeing the good in a child and building on it - this is the principle.

According to a number of teacher-researchers, working with teenagers has recently become more difficult. Today's problems of schoolchildren are a specific reflection of the crisis in which our society finds itself. The guidelines of social life, which until recently seemed unshakable, have been lost, and new ones have not yet been established. Difficulties in relationships are also caused by the fact that society has begun to change dramatically within just one generation. As a result, the experience of elders seems to lose its relevance for new generations. The educator themselves must be capable of change and should not regard their existing experience as the only valuable one; be able to understand the position of today's teenagers.

Such target settings can be considered the formation in adolescents of motives for creative activity; support for youth public initiatives in the field of morality, ecology, history, etc.; creation of organizational and legal conditions for social self-expression, self-affirmation, self-realization; ensuring mutual understanding between generations; humanization of the spiritual appearance of adolescents, increasing their cultural level.

home target setting cultural and leisure programs - focus on those cultural and moral values that society would like to see in teenagers.

In the city of Orel and the cities of the region, many cultural and leisure programs and projects are successfully implemented. Among them, the most significant are psychological, pedagogical, economic, legal and leisure programs. For example, as part of the implementation of the regional program “Youth of the Oryol Region”, on the basis of the regional youth center “Polyot”, the programs “Renaissance”, “I am for Russia”, “Ecology and Children”, “Growth”, etc. were developed.

One of the interesting innovative methods for organizing leisure time for teenagers is the valeology program of the “Path of Health” course for teenagers 12-13 years old. The course is designed for 20 lessons lasting 1-2 academic hours, which can be carried out both in out-of-school children's institutions and as an elective at school.

As an example, let’s look at one of the most interesting projects working with children and teenagers – “Hobby Center” (Tomsk).

The center’s task is to compensate for the social conditions for the self-realization of a teenager’s personality; formation of a socially beneficial orientation of their activities; creating natural conditions for children to emerge as leaders; ensuring social protection of adolescents, reducing the risk of isolation and loneliness; education of universal human ideals of beauty, kindness, mercy.

Hobby Center has the status legal entity(i.e. bank account, seal, symbols and other attributes).

Unlike traditional forms of working with teenagers, the center provides a wide range of activities; allows each team member to open “their own business”; involves family participation in the work of the center.

1. Artistic activities of teenagers:

Creating an art gallery from “baby” drawings in the entrances of houses;

Conducting children's art competitions;

Publishing a children's newspaper and magazine "Hobby-Vestnik";

Participation in the work of the propaganda team;

Organization of feature film groups (hobby comics), photo studio, photo salon, art studio, choreographic group and children's theater;

Operation of a video center, computer class (preparation of game programs, computer science lessons).

2. Production activities of the Center:

Kindergarten short visit;

Accounting room of intensive teaching methods;

- “factory” of educational games;

Agricultural teams for growing vegetables;

- “labour exchange” for parents;

Children's welfare service;

Carpentry workshop for joint work with parents;

The “we are building a house” program is the restoration of abandoned rural houses.

3. Organization of recreation and sports activities:

Tent camp "Solar Republic";

Hiking trips and expeditions around the native land;

Organization of sports competitions.

The center is headed by the Senate, headed by the President. The Senate forms permanent and temporary working groups, determines tasks for them, and approves the main directions of work and programs of the Center. Any of the “hobbits” can put forward an idea at a general meeting, which, after defense, forms the basis of a specific program. The author of the idea forms a working group and is responsible for the implementation of the program. The initiative can come not only from the children, but also from parents, teachers, and “graduates” of the Center.

The main source of material extraction is the Center's printing house, photo salon, recording studio, children's bar, consumer service and carpentry workshop. Other programs are not focused on making a profit.

Thus, taking into account the real and potential capabilities of regional institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, it is necessary to promote the development and dissemination of new technologies in the field of leisure activities and create conditions for their successful implementation.

Self-test questions:

1. What factors influence the development of modern adolescents.

2. How the modern social situation in our country affects the worldview of adolescents and the formation of their values.

3. Describe the main problems of modern teenagers.

4. Do you consider it necessary to introduce a valeological course in schools and leisure institutions?

1. Kondratyev D.N. Youth broadcasting on television: problems and concerns // Pedagogy, 1998. No. 4. pp. 7-73.

2. Kon I.S. Psychology of early adolescence: Book. for the teacher. M.: Education, 1989.

3.Youth in modern world: problems and judgments. Materials of the round table // Questions of philosophy. 1990. pp. 5-12.

4. Our problem teenager: Textbook. allowance. St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1998.

5. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual / A.G. Shebunyaev et al. 2nd ed., rev. and additional – Tambov: TSU Publishing House, 1999.

Omsk region on the prevention of neglect and juvenile crime through the organization of summer leisure

1. Name of the subject of the Russian Federation: Omsk region.

The implementation of measures aimed at preventing neglect and juvenile crime is carried out by cultural and art institutions of the Omsk region within the framework of the long-term target program of the Omsk region “Prevention of crime and drug addiction in the Omsk region (2010 – 2014)”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Omsk Region dated July 8, 2009 year No. 120-p.

3. The main forms of organizing summer leisure for minors by cultural institutions at the level of the subject, municipality, settlement.

In pursuance of the Plan for the health, recreation and employment of minors, in 2011, institutions of the Omsk region in the field of culture and cultural management bodies of the municipal districts of the Omsk region developed and approved action plans for organizing recreation, health and employment of minors.

According to the plans, cultural and leisure events are organized and held in cultural institutions of the Omsk region, at summer recreational sites at the place of residence of children and adolescents.

In anticipation summer holidays educational and methodological seminars on organizing leisure time for minors in summer period. The practice of organizing children's playgrounds, cultural and health centers, and creative sessions in children's health camps continues.

For example, in the Poltava municipal district, children's camps are operating with day stay on the basis of the children's department of municipal cultural institutions "Central Regional Library", "Poltava Regional Museum of History and Local Lore"; “Solovievsky cultural and leisure center”, “Olginsky cultural and leisure center”.

In the Muromtsevo municipal district, a creative session “Art. Creation. Traditions" for members of amateur art groups, students of the children's art school and the "School of Crafts".

State and municipal museums and libraries of the Omsk region present new museum exhibitions and open-air summer reading rooms to teenage audiences. The museums also provided preferential cultural and excursion services organized groups and holding on-site thematic exhibitions at places of recreation for minors.

In June–July, regional and municipal theaters, in cooperation with municipal authorities, organized visits to theatrical productions by participants in school health camps. The Harlequin puppet, actor and mask theater also included in the plan and agreed to show performances for young spectators in rural areas.

In June 2011, the Omsk Philharmonic organized more than 40 thematic programs for school students and orphanages, including in municipal districts of the Omsk region.

On June 1, a charity concert of the Omsk State Children's Ensemble "This is Our World" dedicated to International Children's Day took place in the Concert Hall of the Omsk Philharmonic. The concert was held for children from orphanages, teenagers and children at risk from 17 municipal districts of the Omsk region and the city of Omsk (1000 people). Also within International Day for the protection of children, the Interethnic festival “Childhood’s Bright Palette” was held at the Omsk Regional Theater of Young Spectators named after the 20th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol. The festival opened with a theatrical creative game “All the Colors of the Rainbow” on the square in front of the Youth Theater. The exhibitions “Children of the Irtysh Region” and “Small Corner of Siberia” were placed in the foyer of the theater. Children's fashion theaters demonstrated their collections. One of the sections of the exposition was the presentation of a stand about the activities of the interethnic health profile shift “The Many Faces of the Irtysh Region”. The holiday ended with a gala concert “Friendship in all languages” with the participation of 30 creative groups of national cultural associations and cultural institutions from 9 municipal districts of the Omsk region (about 500 people in total).

More than 1,000 young performers representing all municipal districts of the Omsk region and the city of Omsk took part in the VII regional festival “Singing Field”, which took place on June 12 at the Dynamo stadium.

Events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War were held with the participation of minors. Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 in the park 30 years of Victory.

In July, children and teenagers will be invited to the events of the International Exhibition “VTTV-Omsk-2011”.

During the period from June 1 to June 30, 744 anti-drug events were held in all club-type institutions, cinema and leisure institutions, and public libraries as part of the All-Russian anti-drug campaign “Tell us where they sell death!”, the International Day Against Drug Addiction, the number of visitors was 29 thousand. people, of which 16,500 are children under the age of 14.

During the summer health campaign, with the support of the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region, specialized sessions “Heirs of Traditions” and “Transfiguration” were organized in children’s health centers and camps “Flame” and “Birch Grove”. The profile Orthodox shift “Transfiguration” is held from June 26 to July 13, 2011 together with the Omsk-Tara Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Students will participate in the shift Sunday schools at the churches of the Omsk-Tara diocese (250 participants aged 7 to 14 years).

In order to improve cultural and leisure activities and promote innovative work experience, in 2011, by order of the Ministry of Culture, a regional competition was announced for the best organization of work with children and youth in cultural institutions of the Omsk region.

The goals and objectives of the competition are:

Increasing the effectiveness of work with children and youth in cultural institutions;

Creating conditions for interesting and useful leisure for children and youth in cultural institutions;

Formation of the needs of the younger generation to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

Involving more children and youth to participate in club formations and events;

Increasing the level of interest of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the municipal districts of the Omsk region in supporting the creative activities of children and youth;

Identification of innovations in the work of cultural institutions of the Omsk region in organizing leisure time for children and youth.

The search for new interesting forms of work, attracting more children and youth to classes in club formations, and showing video presentations of competition winners will become a stimulating factor in activating the creative potential of specialists in cultural and leisure institutions of municipal districts of the Omsk region and improving the quality of cultural services provided to children.

The region has maintained positive dynamics in leisure activities for children for a number of years.

According to monitoring data, over 60% of events held in cultural institutions of municipal districts of the Omsk region during the year are events for minors. In the summer, the percentage of events for this category of the population increases to 85%.

Particular attention is paid to providing leisure time for the unorganized category of minors, “at-risk” teenagers by involving them in activities in amateur art groups, in hobby clubs, providing children from low-income, large families, orphans and disabled children benefits for attending paid events: film shows, attractions, excursions, performances.

Cultural institutions organize events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing crime, drug addiction, and smoking among children and adolescents.

All institutions host health festivals, sports relay races, thematic events, conversations, meetings with interesting people, educational programs, competitions, evenings of reflection and much more.

For minors, 5,384 club formations of various types will continue to operate in cultural and leisure institutions of the Omsk region: amateur and applied arts; spiritual, moral, patriotic, environmental, legal education; leisure activities; in addition, the creation of new amateur associations and interest clubs for children, adolescents and young people is expected.

In order to improve the leisure time of minors and expand the range of cultural services provided, specialists from cultural institutions conduct sociological surveys and questionnaires to study the leisure preferences of adolescents and young people, including those at risk. Taking into account their wishes, new forms of work have appeared in cultural institutions of the region: cinema cafes, Internet campaigns “Computers against drugs”, rap parties. The youth culture festival “Youth Without Borders” began to be held in a new format in the Kormilovsky district, at which the following directions were presented youth subculture like: rap, rock, big boxing, tik-tonic, par-kur.

Libraries also play an important role in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Specialists attract children and teenagers to libraries through mass forms of work (lessons on kindness, legal knowledge, literary tournaments, environmental travel, etc.).

Issues of summer employment of minors are under constant control of the heads of cultural management bodies, which undoubtedly contributes to the implementation of the tasks set by the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region to organize leisure time for minors and increase the efficiency of the work carried out in the summer of 2011. Financing of the work carried out is carried out within the framework of long-term target programs of the Omsk region, the budgets of municipal districts and rural settlements.

4. Forms and mechanisms of interaction between executive authorities in the field of culture and law enforcement agencies subject of the Russian Federation on organizing summer teenage leisure:

Bodies and institutions of the prevention system of the Omsk region take an active part in improving preventive work with minors and families in socially dangerous situations, in ensuring interdepartmental interaction in resolving issues of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors, in forming mechanisms that allow them to positively influence children and teenagers.

The practice of visits by the interdepartmental working group of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights under the Government of the Omsk Region to the districts of the Omsk Region continued in order to study the state of work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors and to assist local governments in organizing more effective activities on this problem. In 2011, 4 visits were carried out (Azov, Kormilovsky, Lyubinsky, Russko-Polyansky municipal districts).

In order to strengthen interdepartmental work with minors, the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Omsk Region has developed measures for a comprehensive interdepartmental preventive operation “Teenager”, the duration of which is from June 1 to December 1, 2011. Cultural institutions of the region are directly involved in targeted preventive events “Leader”, “Teenager-Summer”, “Teenager-Street”.

The Ministry and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Omsk Region have developed and are implementing a Plan of joint measures to prevent crime and prevent the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances by minors in the Omsk Region.

In development of the Plan, the Omsk State Musical Theater, the Omsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators, together with the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Inspectorate), developed a program for the moral, aesthetic and ethical education of teenagers registered with the Inspectorate, within the framework of which for difficult teenagers Performances are shown, tours of theaters are held, and seminars are organized for juvenile affairs inspectors.

Over the course of a number of years, a certain system of joint work between the Ministry and the Office of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Omsk Region has developed in the organization of preventive measures among minors. Work in this direction is carried out jointly with the public, parents, and social partners.

5. Indicators of decrease in teenage crime in the Omsk region for 2008 – 2010.

Over the past 3 years, juvenile crime in the Omsk region has decreased by 28.1 percent compared to the level of 2007 (in 2008 - by 8.9 percent compared to the previous year, in 2009 - by 8.2 percent compared to the previous year, in 2010 year – by 13.9 percent compared to the previous year).

Experience of cultural institutions

Rostov region on the prevention of neglect and juvenile crime through the organization of summer leisure

1. Name of the subject of the Russian Federation: Rostov region.

2. Availability of regulations and legal acts, long-term programs in the field of activities of cultural and art institutions on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

The Ministry of Culture, cultural and art institutions of the Rostov region carry out activities to prevent unlawful behavior of minors, juveniles, the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in accordance with Art. 24 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and delinquency of minors”, improving the forms of work to attract minors to classes in clubs, circles, to familiarize them with the values ​​of domestic and world culture, is working to revive the prestige families.

In this area, cultural institutions of the region carried out significant work, provided for in clause 3.1.30 of the “Regional Targeted Crime Prevention Program in the Rostov Region for 2007-2010” (“Holding art festivals, children’s artistic celebrations, competitions for children and adolescents, educational students institutions of additional education for children"). Since 2011, cultural institutions of the region began to implement the activities of the regional long-term target program “Prevention of Crimes in the Rostov Region for 2011-2013”, approved by Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated September 30, 2010 No. 211 (clauses 3.1.17, 3.1.18, 3.1 .19, 3.1.20).

3. The main forms of organizing summer leisure for minors by cultural institutions at the level of the subject, municipality, settlement, indicating the amount of funding.

Theatrical art for children and youth is represented by two state theaters: the Rostov State Puppet Theater and the Rostov-on-Don Regional Academic Youth Theater, which, in terms of the services of professional theaters, fully complies with social standards and norms approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2007 No. 923 -R.

All Don theaters and philharmonic societies attach great importance to working with children's audiences, and constant work is being done to expand the theater and concert offer for children. Each year the repertoire of each theater includes at least two new children's performances.
The Rostov State Puppet Theater hosts numerous charity events with children's performances and concerts for families with disabled children and large families. Since 2000, children's subscription programs have been created annually at the Rostov State Musical Theater and Philharmonic specifically to work with children's audiences.

The repertoire of theaters for children is based on the world's best classical literary works.

Once every two years, since 1989, the Rostov-on-Don Regional Academic Youth Theater has held an international festival of performances for children and youth “Minifest”. During this time, theaters from Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan, the USA, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Korea and many other countries showed their performances on the Don stages. With the support of the regional Ministry of Culture, work is constantly underway to prepare and produce performances based on works of domestic and foreign classics in regional theaters, and new concert programs in the Philharmonic.

In order to ensure equal access of citizens to cultural values, since 2001 the regional Ministry of Culture has been providing financial support for the touring activities of state theaters traveling with performances, including for children and youth, to cities and districts of the Rostov region. This allows us to expand the showing of performances for the population living in rural areas and in the cities of the region where there are no theaters, including for children and youth.

The region's theater groups work closely with educational authorities and directly with children's educational institutions of the city and region.

About 2,000 students study in five educational institutions of secondary vocational education of culture and art in the Rostov region.

Teaching staff systematically and systematically carry out work to prevent unlawful behavior on the part of students, prevent extremist manifestations, and improve legal awareness and legal culture.

When planning educational work, educational institutions use various shapes and methods:

Based on a survey and studying the personal files of students, the state of the student environment is monitored, which identifies students from disadvantaged families;

Within educational activities students study subjects:

“Fundamentals of Law”, “History of Religions”, “Fundamentals of Life Safety”;

Classes, lectures and conversations are held on the topics: “We are all different”, “What is tolerance?”, “Culture, traditions and customs of world religions”, “Terrorism is a modern threat to humanity”, “Formation of skills and abilities of tolerant interpersonal interaction” etc. In 2009-2010 Educational institutions of culture and art prepared and held 65 events.

In order to improve legal awareness and legal culture, educational institutions work closely with youth policy committees, law enforcement agencies and other educational institutions.

Currently, 44,236 students are studying in 126 municipal educational institutions of additional education for children - children's art schools, music and art schools.

In municipal educational institutions of additional education of children, creative abilities are revealed, and children are early professionalized in most areas of training in the field of culture and art.

Within three recent years There has been an increase in the number of children aged 6 to 18 years studying in municipal children's art schools.

To date, 13.5% of children in municipal children's art schools have received aesthetic education from the number of secondary school students. secondary schools grades 1-9 (the social standard approved by the Government of the Russian Federation is 12%).

The process of increasing the number of municipal children's art schools is observed in 27 territories of the region (cities: Azov, Bataysk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, Taganrog, districts: Aksaisky, Bagaevsky, Belokalitvinsky, Veselovsky, Egorlyksky, Zimovnikovsky, Kagalnitsky, Kamensky, Konstantinovsky, Myasnikovsky and etc.).

In order to identify gifted students of municipal children's art schools, regional educational institutions of secondary vocational education of culture and art in various educational areas and types of art hold creative events (competitions, festivals, exhibitions):

In 2008 - 25 creative events;

In 2009 - 28 creative events;

In 2010 – 32 creative events.

In cultural and leisure institutions of the region there are currently more than 7 thousand club formations of various types for children and adolescents (which is 13.9% more than 2009),
including 5.7 thousand amateur folk art groups (5.3% more than 2009), uniting about 120 thousand children.

The statistics on the number of thematic events and club formations held for young people remains stable.
In 2010, more than 20 thousand events were held, which were attended by more than 2.5 million people. In the municipalities of the region there are more than 2 thousand club formations for youth, numbering about 40 thousand participants.

Almost all methodological departments of cultural and leisure institutions of municipalities of the Rostov region work with the population, incl. children and youth at risk. Files of “difficult” teenagers and dysfunctional families allow this work to be carried out in a targeted manner, with subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of the work being carried out. The greatest effect is achieved by activities where the work is coordinated with other departments involved in preventive work. Meetings with psychologists, narcologists, former drug addicts, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized for troubled youth give teenagers the opportunity to ask questions that interest them and hear a qualified, friendly answer.

In their activities, club workers use forms and methods of work that form a general negative attitude towards alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, as a socio-psychological evil. These are actions, debates, charity marathons, discos, theme evenings, information hours, conversations, moral lessons, evenings - meetings with juvenile affairs inspectors, etc.

The regional house of folk art and municipal cultural authorities in the municipalities of the region are carrying out multifaceted work on training organizers of children's leisure, developing cultural and leisure forms of activity of mobile club-type institutions - car clubs in villages and farmsteads that do not have stationary club institutions, especially during the summer holidays . Zonal educational and methodological events are regularly held for organizers of leisure activities for children and adolescents. Along with demonstration events, issues of interaction between cultural institutions and institutions of general and additional education, health care, internal affairs bodies in organizing summer leisure activities for children, and coordination of the activities of social institutions in preventing asocial phenomena among young people were discussed.

In order to provide methodological assistance to cultural departments and heads of club institutions of municipalities of the region in working with minors, collections of competitive and game programs for children, methodological, bibliographic and script materials on the prevention of drug addiction, organizing work with families, etc. were published. a collection of methodological recommendations for organizing leisure time for young people, collections of scripts for children and teenagers, organizers of children's leisure, etc.

Every year, work is carried out on the participation of children's, youth and youth creative groups in various regional events. On June 1, the final celebration of the regional festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "South Wind" takes place at the Regional House of Folk Art, in which about 300 participants of creative teams from among the winners take part. More than 1,500 children from different parts of the Don region compete in the art of singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and drawing. As part of the festival-competition, genre competitions in instrumental, vocal and choreographic art are held in cities and districts of the region. The ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world and love for native land demonstrated by young participants in the arts and crafts competition visual arts.

On June 1, 2010, festive events dedicated to Children's Day were held on stage in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
At the "Rakushka" site of the park named after. M. Gorky held a concert of children's creative groups “Donskaya Rainbow”, on Fountain Square near the Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky. At the “City of Young Masters” site, residents of the city were met by craftsmen from the Rostov region with their students. On stage, professional artists of the Rostov Regional Philharmonic presented young spectators with creative programs performed by the Brass Band named after. Ezhdik, the song and dance ensemble “Cossack Circle” and the show of the group “Amazons”.

Within the framework of the regional long-term target program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and their illegal trafficking for 2010 - 2013”, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated September 11, 2009 No. 448. In 2010, for the first time, the regional festival of creativity of youth and youth “For a strong state - a healthy generation!” was held. About
50 youth and youth creative groups and 700 participants from 18 territories of the region.

This festival once again showed the presence of excellent youth groups in the region, their professional level, and the undoubted interest of young people in creativity. The cities of Volgodonsk and Taganrog distinguished themselves by the massive participation of youth in creativity. The program provided 400.0 thousand rubles for the implementation of this event.

Libraries play an important role in the prevention of negative phenomena in children and adolescents. Library services to the population of the Rostov region are provided by 3 state and 1070 municipal libraries (as of June 15, 2011). Of the total number of state and municipal libraries, 97 libraries are specialized children's libraries
(1 – state and 96 – municipal).

To ensure children's access to information, libraries are intensively stocked with new literature and equipped with computer equipment. Number of computers in children's libraries as of 01/01/2011. is 122 units. (in 2009 – 111 units).

Being a regional methodological center for regional libraries on issues of library services to the children's population, the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after. V.M. Velichkina developed the “Concept of library services for children in public libraries of the Rostov region 2003-2010.” (Appendix to the decision of the board of the MC RO dated August 21, 2003 No. 18).” The concept became the basis for determining the main areas of activity, developing programs for the development and modernization of library services for children in the Rostov region.

In 2010-2011 Rostov Regional Children's Library named after.
V.M. Velichkina implemented an action plan to prevent child abuse. The most popular conversations turned out to be conversations at parent meetings “Children are our little citizens”, “Parenting without shouting and spanking”, open viewing of literature “Communicate with your child. How?". They were attended by more than 150 parents and teachers of educational institutions in Rostov-on-Don.

During 2010, legal hours and round tables were held for teenagers and high school students with the participation of representatives of law enforcement agencies, lawyers, and psychologists: “Through the pages of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,” “If a person has broken the law...”, etc.
During the first half of 2011, 7 exhibitions, conversations and meetings were held with students and their parents, including “The Main Laws of Childhood”, “The Right to Live and the Rights of Life”, “Russian Citizens of School Age”, etc.

As part of the implementation of the main program activities provided for by the Regional Law of March 15, 2007 No. 652 “On the regional target crime prevention program” (clause 3.1. “Prevention of delinquency of minors and youth”), children’s libraries of the region conduct events to promote reading and improve information culture , organizing leisure time and popularizing various fields of knowledge. Every year, children's libraries hold over 2,000 public events. Creative associations are organized at libraries free of charge: clubs, clubs, literary lounges, creative workshops. To provide greater coverage of the child population, libraries serving children traditionally organize work both in their own premises and in school and country camps, school recreation grounds, parks, orphanages, shelters, and dispensaries.

Of no small importance in prevention is individual work with minors and modeling of socially approved behavior. For this purpose, employees of the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after. V.M. Velichkina, on the basis of cooperation agreements, implements the author’s programs “Steps”, “Lessons of Philosophy”
in 4 educational institutions of the city.

In order to protect the rights and interests of children in 2011. 8 days of specialist “Library and children’s leisure” were organized. Among those present were more than 100 additional education teachers.

Forms of joint preventive activities and events, such as “Library Day at School” (2 events in 2011, attended by more than 300 students) have been introduced into work practice. , holiday “Summer with a book” (6th season).

Every year the Ministry of Culture together with the Rostov Regional Children's Library named after. V.M. Velichkina conducts regional literary competitions as part of Children's Book Week. The name of the competition changes every year, but its vector is always aimed at attracting children to reading, books, and the library. Latest competitions:
“To the library with the whole family” - 2008, “Once upon a time in the library” - 2009, “Chekhov today and always” - 2010, “In the word we are a hundred thousand I” - 2011) attracted more than 1000 schoolchildren from more than 30 municipalities formations of the region.

In regional museums, in order to ensure access for minors to cultural values, in accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated December 3, 2004 No. 474 “On the procedure for providing benefits for visiting cultural organizations,” the right to monthly visits to museums is granted to persons under 18 years of age; such a day is established in every state museum. In 2010, new benefits for visiting regional museums were introduced. Additional benefits were received by members of large families, students of educational institutions of higher professional education and citizens awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory
(as amended by the resolutions of the Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 11, 2010 No. 48,
dated 05/07/2010 No. 297).

Also, in accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated December 18, 2009 No. 674 “On the procedure for organizing and providing recreation and recreation for children,” in the summer, groups of children visit museums and exhibitions (except commercial ones) once a week without charging a fee upon preliminary applications from educational and recreational institutions .

Significant work to introduce minors in need of social rehabilitation to the values ​​of national and world culture is carried out in state museums of the Rostov region.

The influx of schoolchildren is ensured by expanded topics of exhibitions, excursions and lectures, interactive classes, and master classes, which are developed and conducted by employees of all state museums. In 2010, the anniversary year of the Great Victory, military-patriotic work intensified in all museums.
Throughout the year, museum employees speak at forums and meetings of teachers with information about the use of museum exhibitions by city students in educational and educational work. All state museums regions hold events within the framework of cultural and educational programs “Museum and Children”, “Spiritual Heritage”, “Museum and School”, “Hello, Museum!”, “Summer at the Museum”, etc.

The Rostov Regional Museum of Local History conducts serious research work by high school students. In 2010, the following were held: the regional competition "Fatherland", the city competition "Local History of the Don" together with the city House of Children's Creativity, the regional seminar of the election commission of the Rostov region "Democratic traditions on the Don", the city competition of creative works "Space - a view from childhood", dedicated to Year of Cosmonautics. The museum pays great attention to disadvantaged children in its work. Over the past years, every last Wednesday of the month, pupils of the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Rostov Region visit the expositions and exhibitions of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local History for free, and take part in military-patriotic events of the museum.
At the end of the school year, information about the museum’s work with students is sent to the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region. Quarterly classes are held for subject teachers and head teachers in the halls of the museum to present new forms of educational work with students.

A huge role in the prevention of crimes on ethnic grounds among schoolchildren is played by events held by the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore together with regional public organizations under the patronage of the Administration of the Rostov Region, in which family audiences take part: the national Tatar holiday “Sabantuy”, the Slavic folk holiday “Ivan Kupala” ", the German holiday "The City That the German A. Riegelmann Built" and many others. Taking into account the busyness of students during the daytime, the museum extended the exhibition hours until 19:00, thanks to which more than 4,000 students were able to become familiar with the work of the classics of modernism only at the “100 Masterpieces” exhibition.

For a number of years, the Azov Museum-Reserve has been actively cooperating with the Commission on Minors, the Women's Council and other public organizations of the city of Azov. As a result of this cooperation, several large-scale projects were implemented. A city competition of posters, slogans, and essays “A city that is safe for me” was held (popularization of the Law on the introduction of a curfew in the Rostov region). Interactive events held for schoolchildren at summer recreation sites and camps, promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle, as well as meetings with a narcologist and emergency civil service employees, have become traditional in the museum.

The Taganrog Art Museum conducts various forms of educational process for working with children from disadvantaged families and difficult teenagers: these are thematic excursions around the museum’s exhibition, and thematic conversations on the history and theory of art with the exhibition of original works, as well as artistic, musical and artistic theatrical compositions. Traditionally, the museum cooperates with the Police Department for Juvenile Affairs. Children registered in the children's room of the police visit the halls of the museum and are invited to charity events. Meetings with the city's oldest artists and talented young artists are organized for young residents of Taganrog.

For each academic year, employees of the Gukovsky Museum of Mining Labor named after. Mikulin are updating programs for kindergartens and primary grades “Museum for the Littlest”, correctional classes and boarding schools “Museum for All”, middle schoolers and students, school camps. Cooperation agreements have been concluded between the Gukovo Museum, boarding school No. 12, and the “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors in Gukovo.”

For many years, the Volgodonsk Ecological and Historical Museum has been cooperating with the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors in Volgodonsk and the State Educational Institution for Orphans and Children Without Parental Care, the Teremok Children's Home in Volgodonsk. Cooperation agreements are concluded with them every year. During the year, once a month, and in the summer months, once a week, students of these educational institutions visit the museum free of charge. It has already become a good tradition to invite children to the grand openings of new exhibitions, including traveling exhibitions of a commercial nature.

Statistics testify to the active work of the Taganrog Museum-Reserve with minors and teenagers. In the period from January 1 to December 31, 2010, the museum was visited by 49,613 children and adolescents, of which 7,285 were children from boarding schools, orphanages, and social shelters. (15%), children from large families - 318 people, children from a temporary detention center for juvenile offenders - 160 people, minor children from single-parent, low-income families who were in the orbit of the court and underwent a rehabilitation and resocialization program - 252 people. etc.

The Novocherkassk Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks annually concludes cooperation agreements with all educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages in Novocherkassk, and also actively cooperates with similar institutions in other cities of the Rostov region. During the calendar year, the museum offers about 1,500 excursions for children and teenagers. For 2010-first half of 2011. 513 lectures on military-patriotic topics were given in general education institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions, orphanages, specialized boarding schools, and preschool institutions in Novocherkassk. Charity matinees, concerts, artistic and musical events with the participation of the best creative groups of the city are held for schoolchildren and children from orphanages. During the reporting period, the museum organized and held 42 meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, combatants, children of war, artists - authors of works on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. Over the course of a year and a half, the museum held 236 events on military-patriotic and spiritual-moral education, in which more than 11,000 people took part. In 2011, the museum’s activities were noted with letters of gratitude from the city Council of Veterans, the city branch of DOSAAF.

The main work of cultural and leisure institutions in the region in the summer period of 2010-2011. is to organize children's leisure time. The club facilities have children's playgrounds where children can come not only from the health camp, but also just spectators.

On June 1, children's parties are held in all municipalities of the region, where children sing, dance, draw, and play various games. At the end of the holiday, all participants are usually given prizes and ice cream.

A variety of events were held for Russia Day. These are literary - musical compositions, game programs. Children enjoy outdoor competitions more than indoor activities. One of the goals of these programs is to improve the health of children in the fresh air. The musical arrangement of the program creates a good mood for everyone. The most agile, dexterous and brave ones receive prizes.

During the holidays, patriotic events are held: Rally for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow “June Exploded Dawn”, thematic program“Honor and Glory to Russia”, where children learned about the coat of arms, anthem, and flags in a playful way. To consolidate knowledge, a quiz is held to solve puzzles.

Activities are carried out aimed at the physical development of children and the formation of a positive attitude towards sports in them: sports competitions: “Hero competitions”, “Monsters Inc.”, game program “Real Indians”.

To broaden children's horizons and activate cognitive activity educational games are held: “Prometheus”, “Literacy”, educational and entertainment program “Travel to hot-air balloon" In order to promote interesting and useful hobbies, photo competitions “This is it, what our summer is like” are held, in which children present their photographs.

The activities of cultural institutions in the region are focused on the range of possible interests of children. It is important that each group of cases ends with some important event for the participants, that there is interesting preparation for it, and that each participant receives an appropriate distinction or award.

The most popular events are those with the active participation of children. Cultural workers are making every possible effort to diversify the forms of work offered and thereby attract children and the younger generation to cultural, healthy leisure.

The Regional House of Folk Arts (ODNT) assigns one of the primary roles to improving the professional level of specialists in cultural and leisure activities involved in children's leisure, using a variety of forms and methods: business and role-playing games, trainings, seminars, meetings, individual consultations, selection of repertoire and methodological material.

According to the work plan of the regional Ministry of Culture, the regional house of folk art, together with specialists from the Ministry of Culture, annually carries out activities to improve the professional level of managers and specialists of cultural and leisure institutions in the region.

As part of the events, meetings are held at which the following issues are discussed:

The role of executive authorities in coordinating the activities of social institutions to prevent asocial phenomena among young people;

Organization of the work of club institutions in the region to organize recreation, health improvement and employment for children in the summer;

Features of interaction between municipal cultural institutions and institutions of general and additional education, healthcare, and internal affairs bodies in organizing summer leisure activities for children;

Ways to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in a children's team.

In order to improve the professional level of managers and methodologists of cultural and leisure institutions, such forms as seminars, meetings, conferences, business games, and trainings are used.

In 2010, ODNT specialists trained 30 methodological manuals, including 11 methodological manuals for leaders of amateur groups of various types and genres of folk art and 19 thematic repertoire collections and methodological recommendations on various aspects of cultural and leisure activities.

Traditionally, ODNT specialists prepare teaching materials and collections on the themes of the year. In order to comprehensively cover socially significant areas of work, the following repertoire collection on promoting a healthy lifestyle “We Choose Life”, a methodological collection “Educating a Patriot and a Citizen”, and methodological materials on working with socially vulnerable categories of the population were prepared. The topics of the collections were determined based on the results of an analysis of the existing methodological fund, requests from the leaders of amateur groups in the region and cultural and leisure specialists.

4. Forms and mechanisms of interaction between executive authorities in the field of culture and law enforcement agencies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the organization of summer teenage leisure.

Forms of interaction between cultural institutions and other institutions, organizations, and societies are based on cooperation agreements, joint work plans, and programs that use various forms of work.

In their work to prevent asocial phenomena in society, cultural institutions cooperate with organizations that provide psychological and social support to youth, with rehabilitation centers in order to organize joint events, events to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent drug addiction, with law enforcement agencies that are actively involved not only in ensuring order when holding mass events, but also direct participation in the preparation and conduct of certain events. Joint work is also carried out in working with categories of citizens, including children and adolescents at risk.

Work on the prevention of asocial phenomena among the population of the region, incl. teenagers and young people, promoting a healthy lifestyle is carried out in close contact with all departmental structures through the creation of sections, clubs, various competitions, holding information lessons, competitions, promotions, and mass holidays.

Experience of cultural institutions
Republic of Tatarstan on the prevention of neglect and juvenile crime through the organization of summer leisure

Organization of children's leisure time in the summer

institutions of cultural and leisure activities of the Ibresinsky district

The long-awaited summer has arrived - a wonderful time of sun, sea, warmth, positive emotions, achievements and new hopes! Some have already gone on vacation, others are taking exams at school. Schoolchildren are looking forward to the summer holidays with great anticipation. This is a change of impressions, places, circle of friends, constant movement, expectation of something new. Summer is a period favorable for intensive exchange of spiritual and emotional values ​​and personal interests. Summer is a period of free communication between children, satisfaction of the interests formed by each of them.

In pursuance of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic dated March 2, 2012 No. 70 “On the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children in the Chuvash Republic”, in order to achieve more effective results in organizing recreation, quality health improvement, employment, intellectual and creative development, formation culture of a healthy lifestyle and attracting children and adolescents to active creative activities, an action plan has been developed to organize children’s leisure time in the summer

The main goals of the 2013 summer campaign are the implementation of traditional and search for new forms of organizing recreation, health improvement, and employment for children and adolescents of the Ibresinsky district.

Cultural institutions play an important role in the system of organizing leisure time. They are not only places of recreation and communication, but also solve important social problems in the field of spiritual and patriotic education of the population. Properly organized leisure is, first of all, the prevention of crime and lack of spirituality, emotional poverty and intellectual limitation. A comprehensive solution for organizing the health, recreation and employment of children and adolescents in the summer ensures the creation of conditions for expedient, emotionally attractive leisure time for children, satisfaction of their needs for novelty of impressions, communication, as well as for the development of creative potential, improvement of personal capabilities, familiarization with cultural values, entering into a system of social connections, implementing one’s own plans, satisfying individual interests in personally significant areas of activity.

The republic pays great attention to quality and safe recreation for children. For active and creative leisure during the summer holidays for orphans and children without parental care living in boarding schools and orphanages in Chuvashia, the republican project “Planet of Health” was launched on July 1. It was implemented on the basis of the Ibresinsky special (correctional) general education boarding school. Boys and girls from 4 orphanages and 2 boarding schools take part in it. During the implementation of the project, the children visited the Patvar Federal Sports Complex, the Ibresinsky stud farm, an open-air ethnographic museum, and took part in various sports and entertainment events. The project ended on July 31." alt="Miss Summer 2013" align="left" width="228" height="171 src=">В период летних каникул в районе открылись пришкольные оздоровительные лагеря с дневным пребыванием детей. Целью работы лагеря являлось создание комфортной обстановки, благоприятных и безопасных условий для успешного оздоровления каждого ребенка. Программа лагеря предполагала не только укрепление здоровья детей в летний период, а также занятость ребят в течение всего времени. Работники культуры совместно с работниками образования района провели большую работу по организации культурно – досуговых, спортивно-массовых и физкультурно-оздоровительных мероприятий для детей и подростков, Были созданы необходимые условия для развития личности каждого ребенка, приобретения социального опыта в условиях пришкольного лагеря.!}

Holidays during the holidays are bright moments in the summer life of children, helping to take a fresh look at the world, at the people around them, to feel a taste for creativity, to decorate their lives, to show their abilities, to unite with everyone in joy.

On July 22, the Shirtan ICC was held competitive program"Miss Summer 2013". The event consisted of several competitions: “Introduce yourself and tell us about your outfit”, “Riddles competition”, “Who can collect the most flowers”, “Understand me” and a dance competition. Participants in the program had to demonstrate erudition, ingenuity, creativity, and stage presence. Between the competition tasks, the presenter played games with the audience, thanks to this the event created a joyful atmosphere, everyone was very happy. At the end of the holiday, the jury summed up the results of the competition and chose Miss Summer 2013. And a disco with soap bubbles was announced for all those present.

Anecdote" href="/text/category/anekdot/" rel="bookmark">jokes. The audience supported the children with stormy, friendly applause. Even the rain that unexpectedly came to our area did not stop the children. They rejoiced at the rain as if Confetti fell on them.

June 2 in the foyer of the Ibresinsky Ethnographic Center museum complex" an entertaining and theatrical competition festival "Childhood is a happy time!" was held. It is very good when both children and their parents participate in the event. Fantasy and energy are in full swing, ideas follow one after another, fun flows like a fountain. And in this difficult matter, the role of professionals is very important. After all, specialists are people who can not only find an approach to any child, but also those who already have experience in conducting such events. The holiday scenario was very interesting, the children were perfectly entertained by the presenter (Irina Moiseeva) and the clown Vraka - Zabiyaka (Natalia Romanova), they are masters of their craft, they already know what children need, what they love and how they react to various competitions, jokes, games, what they are delighted with and what they are afraid of. The workers of the cultural and leisure center cheered up the youngest participants of the holiday, gave songs to the children, sang and danced with them, held various competitions, games and quizzes. The festive event lifted everyone's spirits, the results exceeded all expectations. Together with cheerful animators, children participated in games and competitions. Everyone enjoyed the varied, unique and eventful program at the festival. The children and their parents left the holiday in a great mood and with gifts in their hands.

Who among us did not look forward to this day as a child? Mountains of sweets and juice... And all of this is absorbed in one sitting. On August 11, 2013, in the foyer of the regional cultural development center, a sweet performance “Healing the Candy Potamus” took place. The organizers of the game program, employees of the Center for Library, Information, Cultural and Leisure Services of the Ibresinsky Urban Settlement, launched a fun performance with colorful costumes, songs and dances, and riddle competitions. The program talked about the history of the emergence of the most delicious, unusually nutritious and, of course, useful product– sugar. Participants in the performance were surprised to learn that their favorite delicacy was already many years old. The participants showed enviable activity and participated in various competitions and games: “Guess the jam”, “If you like it, then do it this way”, “Help the bee collect pollen”, they also listened to excerpts and guessed which work they were from. Over the entire period of the competitions, the participants tried a bunch of different sweets and received a large number of useful information. Overall we had a fun time. The event ended with a children's disco.

Ecology and environmental protection" href="/text/category/yekologiya_i_ohrana_okruzhayushej_sredi/" rel="bookmark">environmental protection. Currently, the formation of an environmental culture of the younger generation is considered as the most important condition improving the environmental situation in the country. In the year of environmental protection, workers of cultural institutions of the Ibresinsky district are holding an unusual event - the “Ecological Marathon”. The task of the marathon participants is to learn not to litter, to ensure that others do not litter, and to improve the environment. Workers of cultural institutions, through educational events, quizzes, and competitions, teach children and teenagers to love nature, to protect and preserve it. Helping children see the originality and mystery of the life of plants and animals, understand the beauty of their native nature and treat all living things with care became the goal environmental project“Let's save life on Earth!”, which was organized on July 10 at the Malokarmala Information and Cultural Center. I would like to note that the “Ecological Marathon” is supported by all cultural institutions of the region, organizing various events: “Flower Etiquette” - a flower festival for children was organized on July 12 in the V. Klyashevsky rural club, “After us it is cleaner than before us”, so employees of Kh. Batyrevsky named an ecological hour for children rural club, « Native nature pure soul" - an educational and entertainment program was prepared by the employees of the Buinsky ICC on August 8 and many others.

As part of the Year of Environmental Protection, on June 15, an educational hour “Fishing by the River” was held at the Siriklinsky rural club. During the event, an educational and informational conversation was held with children about the inhabitants of reservoirs and the rules of conduct near the river. The boys were interested in the club administrator's story that every year the fishermen's catch is getting smaller, and the main reason for this is water pollution. Then the children took part in fun and exciting competitions: “Fisherman’s Ballad”, “Collect the team name”, “Fisherman’s Questions” and others. The event ended with a fun children's disco.

On July 22, the cultural organizer of the MBUK “M. Karmalinsky ICC" Natalia Kuzmina held a sports and environmental game "It's fun to play together...". The purpose of the event was to foster a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and mutual assistance; promoting a healthy lifestyle; environmental protection. Seeing people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look is always joyful and pleasant. This is why we decided to play with the children in nature. Competitions such as “Twisting Path”, “Ostrich Babies”, “Grasshoppers” and others were held. A “Who’s Faster” relay race was held for cyclists. Participants answered questions in the “Types of Sports” quiz. The guys were satisfied with the game, after which they shared their impressions over a cup of herbal tea.

Rural settlements" href="/text/category/selmzskie_poseleniya/" rel="bookmark">rural settlements - this work contributes to the development of not only labor, but also aesthetic, environmental, physical and moral education, instills in the younger generation a love and interest in agriculture. It is also encouraging that the work teams include children who take an active part in the cultural life of their settlements. During breaks, young workers arrange musical moments of relaxation for the workers. We hope that in the future in the field of culture and rural production, they will become true successors of creative works.

In realizing opportunities for personal self-development, for cultural, physical and intellectual growth, the younger generation’s use of their free time plays an important role. It seems advisable to develop an orientation toward sports as a way of life among the younger generation. Physical education and sports, a healthy lifestyle should become reliable psychological protection children, a product of the spiritual efforts of the child himself. In order to promote and attract children to physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle, cultural workers throughout the district conduct various sporting events and games. June 23 in Klimovsky rural settlement Under the motto “With sports in life”, a cultural and sports event “Be healthy every day” was held. Children aged 8-15 years took part in fun and lively competitions and relay races. The participants were divided into two teams “Comet” and “Firefly” and competed in speed, dexterity, attentiveness, as well as in the ability to sing, dance and recite poems. Then the guys moved on to the most interesting part of the event, showing skits in which they made fun of laziness. Greed, stupidity. As a result, the Comet team won by a small margin. At the end of the holiday, all participants received gifts and were invited to tea.

On June 27, cultural workers of the Buinsky Information and Cultural Center organized a sports and entertainment event on the water, “Ball in a Circle.” Venue "Three Mountains". Guests of the event took an active part in water competitions, as well as fun drawings and competitions “guess the melody”, “solve the crossword puzzle”, etc. At the end there was a festive disco. The organizers of the event set out to educate young people through sports in the spirit of better mutual understanding and friendship. On June 29, as part of the Olympic Day, employees of the Chuvashskotimyash ICC held a health day for the younger generation “Be strong, dexterous and brave.” In honor of the holiday, the library organized an exhibition-advice “How to become strong and dexterous.” The librarian gave a fascinating presentation of the book “Athletes.” After reading the book, the children learned about world-famous athletes, the authors of great victories and records, as well as the first Olympic Games in Athens and the physical education movement in Chuvashia. Then the health day continued on the green meadow, where the competitive and game program “To fly out” was held. The guys took an active part in competitions: “Catch the Egg”, “Flying Pasta”, “Pour and Don’t Spill”, “Office Football” and others. About 50 children aged 5 to 14 years took part in the celebration. All participants were charged with strength and energy, after which everyone ran together to swim.

In order to organize physical education and health work among the younger generation, involve them in regular physical education and sports, and organize leisure activities June 29 employees of the Aybech Information and Cultural Center organized the “Olympic Spirit in Teams” athletics run dedicated to the World Olympic Day. On this day, children truly felt the spirit of the Olympic flame, as before the start of the run, the organizers showed a presentation about the upcoming Olympics in Sochi. For participants and spectators, this day truly became a holiday in the Olympic spirit!

For the first time, the Ibresinsky district participated in “Morning exercises with a star” in the capital of the Republic during the celebration of City Day. The delegation of the Ibresinsky district included not only athletes, but cultural workers. At the mass sports festival, employees of the MBU "Center for Library, Information, Cultural and Leisure Services of the Ibresinsky Urban Settlement" and the MBU "Center for Cultural Development "Ibresinsky Ethnographic Museum Complex" together with participants of the children's theater studio "Zerkalo" received a charge of good mood and a feeling of a surge of energy and cheerfulness. This holiday has already become traditional and broke the record for mass participation this year. 28 thousand citizens and guests of the capital gathered on Red Square. This physical exercise was led by the popular actor and TV presenter Viktor Loginov. He is familiar to TV viewers from the series “Happy Together.” The head congratulated everyone present on City Day; four-time Olympic champion, eleven-time world champion in biathlon Alexander Tikhonov, Olympic champion Valentina Egorova, European champion, twice champion of the national championship, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Valery Laptev and others shared their sporting successes from the stage. . Morning exercises can work wonders. Millions of people do it and feel great.

A significant place in the organization of children's summer leisure belongs to clubs, amateur associations, and interest clubs. There are 209 clubs and amateur associations in the Ibresinsky district. The most popular are club formations for children and teenagers, which operate in the following areas: arts and crafts, vocal, dramatic, choreographic, sports, etc. Also, an important place in organizing children's leisure time is occupied by creative festivals, in which teenagers can not only relax, but also show off your skills.

Observations of the work of cultural institutions convince us: in order for leisure to become truly attractive for children and adolescents, it is necessary to base the work of the institutions and organizations providing it on the interests of each child. It is necessary not only to know well today’s cultural demands, but also to anticipate their changes and be able to quickly respond to them by regulating the appropriate forms and types of leisure activities.

In our time, there is a development of positive trends in creating a cultural and leisure environment that is adequate to the modern socio-cultural needs of society. And modern leisure institutions should become carriers of an integral cultural environment. And it, in turn, will positively influence the nature and content of all leisure activities and evoke in people the need to actively participate in it.




Having heard and discussed the information from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republican Commission on Minors’ Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights notes.

Ensuring the general availability of cultural values, organizing leisure time, and developing the creative self-expression abilities of children and youth are the fundamental tasks of cultural institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan.

As part of the previously given instructions at the meetings of the Republican Commission on Minors' Affairs, cultural institutions continued activities in the following areas:

Organization of film lectures and film lessons on the prevention of asocial phenomena by film institutions of the republic. For the purpose of moral and spiritual education of the younger generation, students undergo extensive organized screenings of new Russian films with a social orientation, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, with further discussion (in total, 497 screenings were held in 2012, attended by about 10 thousand children);

As part of providing grant support to cultural institutions, along with projects for the preservation and development of folk art, amateur art, organization of cultural leisure, library and museum services for the population of the republic, special attention is paid to projects aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle and expanding forms of organizing leisure time for children and youth. If in 2011 12 projects on this topic were supported for a total amount of 1818 thousand rubles (17.4% of the total amount), then in 2012 - 26 projects for a total amount of 3279.5 thousand rubles (28.5% of the total amounts);

1,549 libraries of the republic, together with educational institutions, carry out activities to attract children to reading, as well as aimed at strengthening interethnic relations.

Cultural and leisure activities for children under 14 years of age inclusive are insufficiently organized. Despite the fact that the number of cultural events held in 2012 increased by 2% compared to the previous year, it did not reach the levels of 2008 (the figure was 17.5% lower).

On average in the republic, one club hosts 30 events for children under 14 years of age (in 2011 - 29), for youth - 66 (in 2011 - 64). At the same time, in 2012, compared to 2011, the number of events held for children and youth in the Kaybitsky, Mamadyshsky, Aktanyshsky, Vysokogorsky, Atninsky, Drozhzhanovsky, and Baltasinsky municipal districts significantly decreased.

The organization of leisure for minors is provided by the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. However, there are objective prerequisites for the disunity of industries. Not all cultural and leisure institutions meet modern requirements. 34.1% of club buildings are in unsatisfactory condition. Accordingly, in those settlements where there is no club institution or is in poor condition, the organization of extracurricular activities falls on educational institutions.

Since 2012, in all municipalities of the republic, within the framework of the Rural Clubs program, the construction of cultural facilities has been underway (one in each municipal district). 46 multifunctional cultural centers. In total, by 2015 it is planned to commission 138 facilities equipped with modern equipment.

In the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan, there are 163 institutions of additional education for children (17% of them are located in rural areas, 18 are autonomous educational institutions), which educate 199,140 children.

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, work is underway in the republic to transition the system of additional education for children to an electronic accounting system in institutions of additional education for children. In pilot mode, the accounting system is being tested on the basis of the Zelenodolsk municipal district.

IN children's movement republics, 249,020 children and adolescents take part, which is 78% of total number students. Of these, 168,969 people (67.8%) are members of the largest republican public organization in the republic and the largest in the Russian Federation, the Union of Heirs of Tatarstan.

All children's public organizations in Tatarstan are united by the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan". SDO RT represents the interests of more than 300 thousand active children of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Since 2007, the republican project “Children’s Republican Duma” has been implemented, which unites more than 1,500 students from 45 municipalities of the republic. Together with the participants of the Children's Republican Duma, work has begun on the implementation of the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017 in the direction of “Children are participants in the implementation of the National Strategy.”

Since 2009, schools have been implementing educational program“Fundamentals of Leadership”, the course is aimed at the personal development of high school students, the formation of social activity, communication skills and skills of high school students. In the 2012-2013 academic year, the project is being implemented in 352 schools in the republic, covering more than 7 thousand students.

Taking into account the above, the Republican Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights DECIDES:

1. Take note of the information from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2. To the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan together with subordinate cultural institutions (A.M.Sibagatullin):

2.2. Prepare proposals for the implementation of joint projects and programs with the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan";

2.3. Continue work on organizing free time for minors from school with the participation of the public organization "Council of Children's Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan";

2.4. Work out forms of encouragement for leaders of children’s organizations, including providing for the organization of their access to cultural and public events;

2.5. Together with the cultural authorities of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, summarize the experience of cultural institutions of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Tatarstan in the development and implementation of innovative projects aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for children and youth, including troubled teenagers and children from low-income families , orphanages and shelters, formation of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation.

3. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan (E.N. Fattakhov):

3.1. Continue the implementation of an electronic system for recording the attendance of children and adolescents in additional education institutions;

3.2. Take measures to provide minors with maximum leisure activities outside of school hours.

4.1. Strengthen the interdepartmental work of cultural, educational institutions and commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights in organizing and conducting cultural and leisure activities for children and youth;

4.2. Take additional measures to attract qualified specialists in the sociocultural sphere in order to develop and implement innovative projects to work with children and youth.

4.3. When developing municipal plans (programs) of action in the interests of children in pursuance of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 02.11.2013 N 90 “On the Republican Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2013 - 2017”, provide for a set of measures to strengthen interdepartmental cooperation on issues of involving children and teenagers in cultural and leisure activities.

4.4. Make adjustments to the action plan of cultural and art institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2013, providing for measures to work with difficult teenagers, children from low-income families, orphanages and shelters.

The Republican Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights must be informed about the implementation of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Resolution by September 1, 2013.

Chairman of the Commission

Executive Secretary


Document's name:
Document Number: 03-13
Document type: Resolution of the Republican Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights of the Republic of Tatarstan
Receiving authority: Republican Commission for Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights of the Republic of Tatarstan
Status: Active
Acceptance date: March 26, 2013

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for organizing free time for children and adolescents

1.1 Organization of free time as a problem in SKD

1.2 Activities of the club in organizing free time for children and adolescents

Chapter 2 Experience of organizing free time for children and adolescents in a rural club

2.1 Features of organizing leisure time for children and adolescents in the district House of Culture

2.2 Experience of organizing free time for children and teenagers in the vocal ensemble “Kalinushka”





In the last decade, sociologists and educators have paid attention to the problem of underdeveloped leisure time for children and adolescents, especially in the conditions of a rural club. This problem is really relevant in our time and consists of a number of theoretical and practical contradictions, which we will try to understand. Does an individual really choose a certain type of leisure, or has the choice already been made before him? Maybe he, in essence, does not choose, but uses what he has? And if the choice is made, then in favor of freedom For something or from something? Is leisure time becoming space self-realization and self-improvement, or is it time freedom from parental controls and teacher supervision?

At first glance, these questions may seem simply rhetorical. However, let’s try to figure it out and look at the state of the leisure sector for children and teenagers in our time, especially in rural clubs. Then we will draw a conclusion about the real possibilities for personal development during free time.

Social disengagement provokes the development of antisocial behavior. Today, most hooligan acts and attacks are committed “out of nothing to do”; use of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances. Thus, young people who “belong to themselves” are prone to behavior that is not consistent with the norms and values ​​of society, to a greater extent than those included in social processes and life. It is not need, but the need for basic necessities that forces young people today to take the path of crime. Permissiveness, promiscuity, devil-may-care “not giving a damn”, the desire to have fun, to “break away”, to demonstrate one’s strength and power, “coolness”, often manifested on their own - just like that, “out of nothing to do”, supported by a dependent attitude towards life, are the main reasons an unprecedented increase in crime among young people. In this regard, the problem of organizing free time by an SKD specialist arises.

Free time and the technology of its organization play an important role in personal development. Leisure activities are a sphere of self-education and self-determination. A teenager, in accordance with his own attitudes and preferences, chooses a certain type of activity. The development of skills and abilities, mental and physical activity in free time - all this forms certain social qualities and therefore affects the creative potential and moral foundation of not only the individual, but also society. In this sense, the organization of free time acts as a factor in personal development, social institutions and society as a whole.

Free time consumes not only physical, but also moral energy. Pastimes that require a minimal amount of effort and energy include walking and yoga, and on the contrary, active recreation requires a colossal expenditure of energy - such as kick-boxing and football. Some types of leisure activities do not expend physical energy at all, but at the same time exhaust a person, for example, playing chess or drawing a picture. Passive time is the time when a person does not expend any physical or moral energy, such as visiting cinemas, museums, or watching TV shows. Many people consider such a pastime to be irrational because they believe that when spending time passively, all the advantages of “free time” are lost. Although most people still prefer passive pastime.

Free time is organized in many schools and universities. Schools offer a wide range of recreational activities. Nursing homes also provide free time for meetings and games. A large number of people prefer to spend time with friends; dinners or cocktails together are a good break after a hard day at work. For many young people, regularly going out with friends to bars and clubs is part of their free time.

Some people spend their free time with the goal of doing this as a job in the future, many people take evening courses for the love of learning - and in hopes of career growth.

Club, a public organization that brings together groups of people for the purpose of communication related to political, scientific, artistic, sports, leisure and other interests.

Purpose: To analyze the problems of organizing free time and present a system of measures for its organization in a rural club.

The implementation of this goal necessitated the formulation and solution of a number of interrelated and, at the same time, relatively independent tasks:

1. Provide a definition of the definitions “free time”, technology, club.

2. To study the problems of organizing the free time of children and adolescents

3. Present experience in organizing free time for children and adolescents in a rural club setting.

Object of study: problems of organizing free time

Subject of research: Specifics of organizing free time for children and adolescents in a rural club

Research methods: literature analysis, induction, deduction, questioning

Research base: Novonikolaevsky District House of Culture, director Galina Anatolyevna Kalinina

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.


1.1 Organization of free time as a problem in SKD

Free time is usually defined as a period of time when a person, without obligatory matters (work, household chores, study, food, sleep, etc.), is left to himself in choosing activities. Active activity, similar work, which a person chooses himself at such a time, is called a hobby; it is performed for the sake of the activity itself, and not for the sake of earning money.

"Leisure" comes from the Latin "licere" meaning "to be free", a term that first appeared in the early 14th centuries. During the Industrial Revolution, when workers in factories had to work 18 hours a day, with only one day off on Sunday. Although by 1870, more modern technology and the union resulted in shorter working hours and the permission of two official days off - Saturday and Sunday. Affordable and reliable transportation allowed workers to travel during their weekends. The first vacation to the sea was taken in 1870, the novelty quickly spread throughout Europe and North America. Workers began hoarding their salaries and collecting money for their vacations, which led to an increase in organizing for working-class vacations.

Capitalist society often valued free time very positively, since "free time" included spending on the part of the population, and this improved the country's economy. And at this time the same higher value was given to rich people, since rich people could afford more free time and, accordingly, they spent more money. “Workaholics” are those people who sacrifice their free time for work. They prefer to work rather than relax. Many people expect to achieve career heights by sacrificing free time. According to the philosopher Marx Verha Eve, it was the Europeans and Americans who, in the 1960s and 1970s, became supporters of what in our time can be called “free time socialism.” They believed that if everyone was given a small piece of the pie, then each person's minimum needs would be met. Then people can use their free time for the benefit and development of art, sports, and many other types of free time. The writer Belfort Bach wrote the book “Socialism and the Sunday Question” in 1884; he wanted every person to have the opportunity to rest. And focused his attention on highlighting one universal day of rest

Free time is the part of non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, week, year) remaining with a person (group, society) minus various types of immutable, necessary expenses. The boundaries of free time are determined on the basis of distinguishing the actual working time (including additional work for the purpose of earning money) and non-working time in the total life activity of people and highlighting the various elements of busy (non-free) time in the composition of the latter.

In the life of modern society, the phenomenon of free time is exceptionally complex, reflects the essential characteristics of a particular type of society, and is filled with various, sometimes very contradictory, contents. In developed capitalist countries, along with the positive trend of increasing free time, there are invariably negative trends in filling the leisure sphere “ popular culture”, phenomena of anticulture (alcoholism, crime, etc.), other activities characteristic of the ideals of a “consumer society”. In relation to the conditions of socialism, we can speak, first of all, about two main functions of free time: the function of restoring human strength absorbed by the sphere of work and other immutable activities, and the function of spiritual (ideological, cultural, aesthetic, etc.) and physical development person, becoming increasingly important. It was with this in mind that K. Marx said that time “... remains free for pleasure, for leisure, as a result of which space opens up for free activity and development. Time is space for the development of abilities...” As a socio-historical category, free time is characterized by three main parameters: volume (value), structure and content. The amount of free time depends primarily on the length of labor time characteristic of a particular society, i.e., on the total amount of non-working time. Socialist society consistently strives to reduce the length of the working day. At the same time, at the present stage of development, the amount of free time is largely determined by the time spent on some immutable expenses within non-working time, primarily on household needs and transport. Therefore, the main ways to increase the amount of free time are the development and improvement of consumer services, the introduction into practice of more rational principles of urban and industrial construction, resettlement, etc.

Depending on the aspect of consideration and the tasks of analysis, an unequal (up to several dozen) number of elements are usually distinguished in the structure of free time. Taking as the basis for the classification the nature of the activity carried out by a person in his free time from the point of view of its influence on the development of the human personality, we can obtain a number of the broadest categories that form the structure of free time. This is an active creative (including social) activity; study, self-education; cultural (spiritual) consumption, which has an individual (reading newspapers, books, etc.) and public entertainment (visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.) character; physical activity (sports, etc.); amateur activities such as hobbies; activities, games with children; friendly meetings, communication with other people; passive rest; time expenditures that coincide with anticulture phenomena (for example, alcohol abuse). Thus, with the same amount of free time, its structure can be more or less progressive. The main ways to improve the structure of free time under socialism are to increase the amount of free time, create a powerful material and technical base for leisure, increase the efficiency of organizational and ideological work with workers, etc.

The specific activities of a person and their quality within the framework of one or another activity in free time constitute its content. Ensuring the content of free time corresponding to the goals of communist construction is a long process associated with a further change in the position of the individual in the sphere of economic, political, spiritual life of society, in particular with the wider involvement of workers in political creativity, management of social processes, and with the flourishing of the general culture of the masses and so on.

Over the past decade in Russia there has been a change in the conditions for raising and resting children. An obstacle to the physical development and mastery of important cultural and leisure skills by children has been the closure of many sports and music schools or their inaccessibility due to increased fees for classes. Thus, by 2006, only less than half of school-age children attended various clubs - paid and free, while the number of free clubs continued to decline. The opportunities for summer recreation for children have significantly decreased. The state of the leisure sector is reflected not only in statistical data, but also in unsatisfactory assessments of the population. “In schools there is no choice for activities in clubs, sports sections, and most often there is no equipment, sports equipment, extracurricular activities are not conducted at all. Very few children are involved in physical education and sports, especially in villages.”

Many families also pay insufficient attention to the development of children. In the last decade, the functions of education are increasingly being assigned by parents to official educational institutions - schools, out-of-school educational institutions, and they underestimate their own role in the development of the child. On average, working adults spend only 0.5 hours a week on activities with children. In the best case, the teenager is automatically included in the family’s usual way of spending leisure time. However, given the statistics of recent years, such involvement in family vacations negatively affects the personality of a teenager. In the 90s, free time, especially in villages, began to be used to a greater extent by families for passive recreation in combination with watching TV or communicating. The frequency of reading fiction, and especially newspapers, has decreased.

The lack of organization of leisure time in the family and at school, as well as the lack of opportunities for most teenagers for a full summer holiday, creative and physical development in special clubs and sections, leads to the fact that teenagers end up on the street. An important role here belongs to the teenager’s environment - a youth company, a subculture whose values ​​he shares. A survey conducted in 2006 shows: 84% of teenagers prefer to spend their free time with their friends, 62% prefer to spend their free time with their friends.

The teenager goes “out into the street” to feel his own independence, autonomy, and freedom. Youth groups usually meet in places where they are least likely to fall under the control of adults. As a result, the most common answer to the question about the meeting place is “when, how, where necessary,” and as a result, spending time in the basement, attic, or in the forest. Moreover, 75% of teenagers are satisfied with spending their free time this way; they are quite satisfied with the lack of attention to them from adults and non-interference in their personal lives. At the same time, up to 90% of drug addicts begin to use drugs in the company of peers who gather in such places. Freed from adult control, teens are left to their own devices to have fun as they please. As a result, crime and theft are on the rise. The drug mafia actively attracts idle teenagers to its activities. And this opportunity to earn money is especially attractive for children from large, single-parent families, who often live from hand to mouth and do not have pocket money.

Theoretically, free time is a resource for the development of the individual and society. However, in reality, this resource, as we see, remains only a potential development opportunity. Free time, if we consider it from the perspective of a teenager’s real behavior, also contains a path to personality degradation.

1.2 Activities of the club in organizing freedomone time teenage children

A modern rural schoolchild lives in conditions of materially strong agricultural production, which has switched to industrial methods with widespread intensification, cooperation and specialization of agriculture and a constant increase in labor productivity. The composition of the rural population is changing qualitatively due to an increase in qualified workers in various fields. The number of agricultural-industrial complexes, inter-farm enterprises, scientific-production and other associations is growing. The material well-being of families in which children are growing up is constantly improving. Before their eyes, the external appearance of the village is changing, the process of consolidation and creation of new comfortable villages, and widespread individual housing construction is expanding. Statistics indicate a steady increase in public consumption funds in agriculture. Significant funds are allocated for cultural and everyday services for workers of state and collective farms, for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, pioneer, labor camps, school boarding schools, etc. The leading role in the education of the younger generation during non-school time in the conditions of a modern village belongs to the school. The school is a cultural center, the most prestigious educational institution for all village residents; it unites most of the respected rural intelligentsia. The strong influence of the family, children's attachment to home and household, traditional adherence to home traditions, reverence for the authority of parents and older relatives, and the performance of constant various household duties - all this most directly affects the extracurricular activities of schoolchildren and their leisure time. Compared to the city, organizations play a completely different role in educating the younger generation. This is explained by the specifics of life and everyday life of the rural population. Here everyone knows each other and everyone knows about each other. Everything happens in full view of the village. Strong social control over study, work, and behavior is maintained. Anyone who deserves respect enjoys it from everyone. It is impossible not to take into account the influence of funds today mass media, which have become firmly established in the life of a rural teenager. A modern district, town, or even a village has a fairly extensive complex of cultural, everyday, cultural, educational, extracurricular, physical education, sports institutions. The problem of correlation: their activities, coordination, creation of a system becomes even more important. It is important because dispersing pedagogical efforts where everything is traditionally united by the social conditions of life and everyday life is simply impossible. Duplicating activities in a small center and dispersing pedagogical influence is unforgivable. More important than in the city, in the countryside there is the problem of a unified comprehensive plan for educational activities, in which it is important to create close connections between all educational institutions with the family and production. The school, as well as the district house of culture (centralized club system, rural house of culture, club) heads and directs the organization of extracurricular time for schoolchildren in the village. The club institution must be closely connected with the school, the families of teenagers, with local production organizations and the community of the village. Taking into account the special social conditions of life in the village, the club worker must remember that in any business it is necessary to create a positive public opinion, to interest the village public, to involve teachers, intellectuals, parents, and qualified specialists in the implementation of the task. This will create a prestigious attitude towards the club and ensure operational efficiency. In the formation of a socialist attitude towards work, where the main thing is the labor process, emotional satisfaction, deep awareness among adolescents of the role and importance of agricultural production for National economy, life and well-being of workers, respect for work and agricultural workers, responsibility for the present and future of their native village, collective farm, state farm is the most important task in educating the younger generation. In its decision, the club can direct its influence on cultivating interest in technology in general and agricultural technology in particular, respect for professional skills, the desire to become a generalist who masters 2-3 related professions, successfully combines them, on developing the qualities of an experimenter, a champion of the new, able to resist old traditions. The growth of technical equipment in agriculture requires a developed interest in technology, and not just individual technical knowledge and skills, because the replacement of outdated equipment occurs so quickly that the acquired skills and abilities also quickly become obsolete. We need trained technical inquisitiveness. Only a person with such qualities can become a qualified specialist today. At the same time, familiarization with technology in cognitive, educational, creative ways, forecasting the technical equipment of the future village contributes to instilling respect for agriculture and the desire to participate in its further transformation.

The core problem of the club’s activities in the village is to help families, schools, public and industrial organizations in the formation of civic, cognitive and creative activity of children and adolescents. Artistic and technical amateur activities are an integral part of the club’s work with the younger generation. By developing the interests of children and adolescents, artistic and technical amateur activities contribute to the pedagogization of leisure, since in the process of doing what they love, they educate, develop spiritual needs, tastes, horizons, form the creative qualities of the individual, and deepen his social activity. Currently the organs public education and culture contribute as much as possible to the development of artistic and technical amateur performances of children, adolescents, and youth. In recent years, regulations on clubs have been approved young technicians, about shows and competitions, etc. Local club workers and methodologists of state and trade union Houses of amateur creativity are looking for various opportunities to involve children and adolescents in artistic and technical activities. In a number of cities across the country, this work is successfully carried out under the leadership of cultural and educational institutions directly on the basis of secondary schools. This makes it easier to organize and allows you to include in amateur activities maximum amount children and adolescents, creates the prerequisites for strengthening the primary team, which naturally deepens educational activities.

However, a comparison of the number of its participants with the total number of children and adolescents indicates that in the country as a whole, a little more than 15% of children and adolescents are involved in various clubs and extracurricular institutions. Two main reasons for this situation have been identified. Firstly, this is due to the monotony of genres and types of activities - after all, clubs create mainly choreographic, choral, orchestral, theater and circus, art and film photo groups. At the same time, the range of hobbies of children and adolescents is much wider. Secondly, many managers, when selecting participants, focus only on natural abilities. In modern conditions, when the club is called upon primarily to solve pedagogical problems, the most important and significant is the education and development of the personality of amateur performance participants: adolescence is a period of intensive formation of moral consciousness, the beliefs of a system of value judgments.

Currently, government bodies, public education and cultural institutions are paying more and more attention to issues of educational work in the community. In the structure of the population of each region (urban and rural) of the country, a significant part is made up of children. Research in recent years shows that children and adolescents spend the bulk of their free extracurricular time in the yard, in the company of friends, and that the lack of targeted influence immediately leads to the creation of spontaneous groups of adolescents, which, as a rule, negatively influence their moral world. Working with the younger generation at their place of residence is a huge reserve for improving the entire matter of education. Modern stage The development of local clubs began in the 50s, when, on the initiative of the Komsomol Central Committee, preparations for the All-Union competitions for the prizes “Leather Ball” and “Gold” began widely throughout the country. washer". In this regard, measures were taken to improve the courtyards. It provided for the mandatory construction of sports facilities in new microdistricts during the development and reconstruction of city and regional centers. In 1975, the USSR Sports Committee adopted a resolution “On measures to improve physical education and sports work among children and adolescents at their place of residence.” The regulations introduced the position of teacher-organizer everywhere, it was proposed to allocate premises for sports clubs and halls, to construct and equip sites and GTO camps. The main organizer of sports work at the place of residence was the district sports committee. Currently, there is a unified regulation on a physical education and sports club at the place of residence, according to which the club is created at the housing office, house management, sports facilities, cultural and recreation parks and other organizations that have the necessary conditions for conducting constant physical education and sports work with the population . Since the 70s, a wide network of neighborhood clubs has been created in the country, which help solve problems with remoteness and inaccessibility of cultural, educational and extracurricular institutions. Thanks to a wide network of clubs at the place of residence, the problem of uniform distribution of cultural and educational institutions in the region and city is solved. In clubs at the place of residence introduced special position teacher-organizer. The activities of teachers and organizers are directed by the departments of public education and culture. Often, special coordination councils are created in the cities of the country to manage all educational work in the place of residence, which includes representatives public organizations, commissions for minors, departments of public education, educational institutions, cultural, educational and sports institutions. Bodies of public education and cultural bodies organize training and advanced training for teachers-organizers (permanent seminar, short-term courses, etc. ) . The creation of an atmosphere of friendly communication in the club at the place of residence is facilitated by the free choice of clubs and associations, meetings, discos, hikes, excursions, etc. The educational activities of the club at the place of residence are of a special nature: the club attracts well-off children, promotes their further development, captivating them with a variety of activities; At the same time, he actively opposes spontaneous neighborhood groups of teenagers, involving them individually or in whole groups in the club.

The yard is a place of continuous pedagogical influence on children and adolescents. During the holidays, not only does the activity of clubs not stop, but, on the contrary, it intensifies. For this period, especially in summer, children's playgrounds and urban pioneer camps are created.

Since direct and indirect (through the environment of neighbors) parental influence on children is manifested in the yard to a much greater extent, in neighborhood clubs, even more than in other types of clubs, work with parents becomes important. Meetings of the Fathers, purpose which - to involve them in an active educational influence on their sons, a variety of sports (“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family), artistic (concerts, exhibitions of families, at the request of families). Taking into account the conditions of the courtyard, the leaders of the artistic groups of the cubes at their place of residence try to direct their work towards creating a festive and family atmosphere in the club. The goal of their activities is the desire to bring joy to people , become accomplices of family events. And in the process of achieving these goals, artistic and pedagogical tasks for moral and aesthetic education and development of team members are also solved. Therefore, the basis of the circles’ repertoire is thematic musical and literary compositions, concerts upon request and holidays dedicated to the red dates of the calendar, which are celebrated in every family, as well as special family dates. Thus, club work at the place of residence, uniting children and adolescents living in the same village, district, on the same street, subject to the main tasks, patterns and principles of club activities, is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment of their area. The specificity of club work at the place of residence is manifested in the synthesis of the following types of activities: organizing in the club “unofficial” communication of children among themselves and with adults, creating an atmosphere of involvement in the interests and behavior of children in the life of their area, village; awakening and development of interests and abilities as a condition and means of identifying the individuality of each child and adolescent; joint activities of children, parents and the general public. The condition for the implementation of such multifaceted activities is the organization of daily patronage assistance from enterprises and the public of the region to the club and clear coordination of the educational work of all institutions.


In the first chapter we solved the following problems: 1. Presented the definition of the definitions “free time”, technology, club.

2. We studied the problems of organizing the free time of children and adolescents.


2.1 Features of organizing leisure time for children and adolescents in the district House of Culture

The House of Culture is a leisure center with a wide range of forms of work aimed at developing the spirituality and general culture of the population.

Currently, a whole program of events that have long been loved by the villagers has been developed. These are folk celebrations, concerts, festivals, promotions, marathons, fairs, vernissages, festive and anniversary evenings of city enterprises, schools, creative evenings, recreational evenings for various groups of the population, children's game programs, creative meetings with groups, show programs, intellectual games, evening gatherings, literary, musical and poetry evenings, classes in amateur clubs and associations, etc. And, finally, holidays.

Each holiday has its own peculiarity, its own scale, its own reason for celebration. New Year, youth balls, humorous events, March 8th, protection of children, elderly people, professional holidays. In addition to holidays in honor of significant dates in the country's history: Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Liberation of Gatchina from the Nazi invaders, Russian Independence Day, Slavic Culture Day, etc., holidays are held in honor of writers, poets, and performers. Calendar cards have become firmly established in practice and have proven to be in demand. folk holidays. Many non-traditional holidays have appeared, surprising in their uniqueness. These modern holidays introduce elements of traditional ones; they are attractive for both children and adults as an opportunity to relax with the whole family, express themselves in competitions, and take part in folk, often forgotten games and competitions.

Regional and International holidays and festivals. Fans of vernissages are invited to exhibitions in the art gallery of the House of Culture. Fans of classical music - for musical meetings in the blue living room. The House of Culture offers enterprises, institutions and individuals the organization of holidays, evenings, and concerts. You can use the music library, methodological literature, scripts, theatrical and carnival costumes, and get advice from specialists.

Everyone knows that the main reason for the increase in teenage crime is the lack of control on the part of adults over the behavior of their children, over how they spend their free time, where and how they spend their energy. Many parents complain that they would be happy to keep their children busy in clubs and sections, but they can’t afford it. Besides, they are busy with their work and have no time to look after their children. Additional information: all classes in studios, ensembles and clubs of the theater, choreography and art departments are conducted free of charge.

In total, more than 300 people study in the studios, clubs and ensembles of the House of Culture. About 200 boys and girls of different ages also study here.

Gusel ensemble. Head - Olga Sukhlyaeva.

The goal of the group is to preserve and promote the multi-stringed ancient instrument (the psaltery - ringed) in the context of traditional Russian culture.

Participants in festivals, competitions in the region and Russia.

The group's repertoire includes gusel tunes, arrangements, original works, work with soloists-vocalists, as well as traditional Russian ritual folklore and a game program.

- “Art Studio” - for students in grades 1-6, leader Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shakhova. The works of the studio’s children also participate in exhibitions that are held either in the district itself at schools or cultural centers. But they also travel to other cities and districts of the region.

Theater studio "Chance" (Russian direction) - for students in grades 1-11; head Maslova Anastasia Stanislavovna. The Chance Theater Studio takes an active part in the cultural life of the district and region. In his work he combines several forms: professional troupe, amateur and studio.

Vocal ensemble "Kalinushka", director Galina Anatolyevna Kalinina

Pop vocals, leader Olga Nikolaevna Protasova.

The Children's Art School also operates on the basis of the district cultural center:

1) On musical department - the guys study classical music in the following areas: piano, folk instruments, classical guitar, pop guitar, studio "Cricket".

About 65 children study here, classes are conducted mainly according to an individual program.

2) Theatrical and choreographic department:

Vocal studio "Victoria" - for students in grades 4-11, director Olga Aleksandrovna Nuzhdova;

Variety dancing, leader Natalya Vladimirovna Khramova.

Since recently, the regional festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Star Wave" has been held annually in the district house of culture. This is a vibrant cultural event on the territory of the Novonikolaevsky district and on the basis of the House of Culture. The splash in the media, the deep interest of the audience watching the performances of the contestants and artists of the Novonikolaevsky district, as well as the city of Volgograd, indicate that “Star Wave” has become a spring holiday and a good, cultural tradition for everyone. The idea of ​​organizing a new competition, unlike anything previously held in the Novonikolaevsky district, came to the young singer, as well as the director of the competition, Sergei Chernousov, at the end of 2006. KDM and the department of culture of the Novonikolaevsky district fully supported the idea of ​​​​Sergei Chernousov and already on May 1, 2007, the competition started with great success... The competition consists of 3 rounds

Participants prepare 2 works, or numbers lasting no more than 5 minutes.

Round 1 - View

Round 2 - Semi-final

Round 3 - Final, awards

How many kind words, how many beautiful faces, clear eyes and friendly smiles “Star Wave” unites.

All gifted people, from young to old, are going to shine at the festival of creativity, known throughout the Novonikolaevsky region.

All regions of the district are in a single creative impulse on one big stage. That's all - the regional festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Star Wave".

Over the course of two years, “Star Wave” has made a lot of friends who are coming to this competition for the second year.

Every year the competition brings together at least 50 talents from 5 to 25 years old.

“Star Wave” is not just a celebration of talented art. During its time, it has earned the title of serious competition. Annually evaluate nominees from the world of art and culture.

All competition participants receive diplomas of various categories and valuable gifts. For example, in 2007, the following were awarded the 1st degree Laureate diploma: gr. “Dali”, Sergeeva D., Skvortsova E., Nikulina A., Krivobokova D., ans. "Kalinushka".

This year, on April 1, the qualifying round was held. Of the 53 participants, 27 participants made it to the semi-finals of the competition.

“Star Wave” is a grand celebration full of happiness, fun, brilliance and beauty of young talented creativity. And at the same time - tears of joy in my eyes from the surprised, kind and friendly atmosphere.

2.2 Experience of organizing free time for children and teenagers in the vocal ensemble “Kalinushka”

The team was created in 1990. The age of the participants is from 7 to 16 years. Artistic director - director of the regional house of culture Galina Anatolyevna Kalinina. The vocal ensemble actively participates in events on a city and regional scale.

The team has many diplomas and certificates for participation in regional and Russian festivals and competitions.

In their performances, the ensemble uses folk costumes, masks, and musical instruments (harp, balalaika, accordion, zhaleika, percussion). For the promotion of Russian folk songs, the ensemble was awarded many certificates, diplomas, and memorable gifts.

Being on stage, realizing your creative ideas and holding the attention of the audience is a great skill. Throughout all the years of work in the Novonikolaevsky District House of Culture, the ensemble teaches children not only vocal art. During the five years of study, children and adolescents take electives in playing the piano, Russian folk instruments, folk artistic creativity, solo singing. IN new year holidays members of the ensemble take part in “traveling Christmas trees” for children, which are held throughout the region in various organizations, schools, and kindergartens. They have the opportunity to create a performance program themselves, come up with games and competitions. This is where their imagination and acting abilities come into play.

Raising children and adolescents in vocal traditions is one of the most important means of moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

Song, modern song, is an effective form of working with children of different ages.

Classes in the ensemble awaken children's interest in vocal art, which makes it possible, based on the child's sympathies, to develop his musical culture and school variety.

Without proper vocal and choral training, it is impossible to appreciate vocal culture and develop a love for vocal and choral music.

That is why today the question of optimal connections between lesson and additional musical work, which is carried out in the Kalinushka ensemble, arises with all urgency.

Musical and aesthetic education and vocal and technical development of children and adolescents will be interconnected and inextricable, starting from the youngest schoolchildren.

The leading place in this process belongs to solo singing and singing in an ensemble, choral and solo concepts, which will help introduce children to the vocal art.

Target: instill a love for vocal art and teach how to perform vocal works correctly.


1. Based on the study of children's songs, vocal works, Russian romance, modern pop songs and other things, expand children's knowledge about the history of the Motherland, its singing culture. To cultivate and instill love and respect for spiritual heritage, understanding and respect for singing traditions.

2. Teach to perceive music and vocal works as an important part of every person’s life.

3. To develop the skills and abilities of performing simple and complex vocal works, to teach 2- and 3-voice performance of songs and romances. To teach the basics of musical literacy, stage culture, and teamwork.

4. Develop children’s individual creative abilities based on the works performed. Use various vocal performance techniques. Contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness and love for the world around you. Instill the basics of artistic taste.

5. Develop needs for communication with vocal music. Create an atmosphere of joy, significance, passion, and success for each member of the ensemble.

6. Occupy the free time of children and teenagers by holding concerts and “Christmas trees” with their participation.

The implementation of tasks is carried out through different kinds vocal activity, the main of which is solo and ensemble singing, adding elements of improvisation, movement to music, elements of theatrical performance. Provides interdisciplinary connections with music, culture, literature, folklore, performing arts, and rhythm. Roughly reveals the content of classes, combined into thematic blocks, consisting of theoretical and practical parts.

The theoretical part includes musical notation, working with text, and studying the work of individual composers.

The practical part teaches practical techniques for vocal performance of songs and musical works.

The musical basis consists of works by classical and contemporary composers and performers, a variety of children's songs, and a significantly updated repertoire of songwriters.

The selection of works is carried out taking into account availability, necessity, artistic expression(Part of the repertoire depends on dates, special holidays and events).

The song repertoire is selected in accordance with the real possibility of its development within the framework of club activities. There is variation.

The following methods were chosen as the main methods of work: stylistic approach, creativity, systematic approach, improvisation and stage movement.

1. STYLE APPROACH: widely used, aimed at the gradual formation of a conscious stylistic perception of a vocal work among ensemble members. Understanding of style, performance methods, vocal characteristics of works.

2. CREATIVE METHOD: used as the most important artistic and pedagogical method, which determines the qualitative and effective indicator of its practical implementation.

Creativity is understood as something purely original, uniquely inherent in each child and therefore always new. This new manifests itself in all forms of artistic activity of vocalists, primarily in solo singing, ensemble improvisation, and musical and theatrical theatricalization. In this regard, the creativity and activities of the teacher and member of the vocal circle reveal uniqueness and originality, individuality, initiative, individual inclinations, peculiarities of thinking and imagination.

3. SYSTEM APPROACH: aimed at achieving integrity and unity of all components - themes, vocal material, types of concert activities. In addition, a systematic approach allows you to coordinate the relationship of parts of the whole (in this case, the relationship of the content of each year of study with the content of the entire structure of the vocal program). Using a systems approach allows for the interaction of one system with others.

4. METHOD OF IMPROVISATION AND STAGE MOVEMENT: This is one of the main derivative methods. The requirements of the time are the ability to hold and move on stage, skillful performance of a vocal work, freedom in front of spectators and listeners. All this gives us the prerequisites for skillful presence on stage, stage improvisation, movement to music and rhythmic compliance with the performed repertoire. Using this method allows you to raise your performing skills to a new professional level, because you have to monitor not only your voice, but also your body.

In districts and villages, the village club is the main institution for organizing the free time of children and adolescents. In order for children and teenagers to engage in various ensembles or clubs, and not drink alcohol and drugs in the courtyards, it is necessary to disseminate the work of the club in every possible way. The most important quality of club propaganda should be evidence, thoroughness, and prudence.


In the second chapter, we presented our experience in organizing the free time of children and adolescents in a rural club. Features of organizing free time for children and adolescents in the district House of Culture.


Free time and the technology of its organization play an important role in personal development. Leisure activities are a sphere of self-education and self-determination. A teenager, in accordance with his own attitudes and preferences, chooses a certain type of activity.

An analysis of the statistical picture of adolescents’ leisure time over the past decade leads us to the following sad conclusion. Leisure activities of adolescents do not always have a developmental focus, and sometimes have a negative impact on health, limit the development of skills and knowledge, and the ability to translate them into cultural and creative activities, and social activity.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable; it is easier to introduce both positive and negative images into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits. Therefore, children and teenagers should be more actively involved in clubs, clubs, and sections. Sometimes a teenager’s leisure time comes first in his life. Therefore, it is very important to fill the teenager’s free time during this period. Just don’t forget that the organization of leisure activities should not take place under the teenager’s coercion, but only with the consent and interest of the growing child.

In my work I presented the definition of the definitions “free time”, technology, club. She studied the problems of organizing the free time of children and adolescents, and also presented her experience in organizing the free time of children and adolescents in the conditions of a rural club. Based on everything, it becomes clear that more space needs to be given to club formations. They should be varied, active, theatrical. Thematic evenings of different genres, public events, youth discos, clubs and studios. An SKD specialist should not be afraid of difficulties in everyday communication with children and adults, in the ability to find out their interests, requests, needs, which, if possible, should be satisfied by a modern club. The art of an SCD specialist is manifested, first of all, in his ability to involve children, adolescents and adults in some interesting and useful activity.

The most important concern of the club is organizing recreation for the population at their place of residence: on the streets, in courtyards, schools, etc. It is necessary to regularly hold “holidays of our yard”, “holidays of our street”, organize clubs of interests, amateur art groups, and participate in organizing family celebrations. Such events are very popular and promote creative self-expression, the development of initiative and activity, and the strengthening of a healthy lifestyle.



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