How to give communion to a child before school. Parents' prayer for a poor student

The temple is a special, holy place. This is the house of God. Therefore, you need to behave in a special way here. There are rules of conduct in the temple for children, which should be followed when visiting temples. This applies not only to adults, but also to children. After all, it is pious parents, good mentors who will prompt and teach how to behave in the temple, give advice and tips for children.

How to start visiting the temple

Faith for a child should not be a burden, not an understanding that he must please God or his parents, but an understanding that visiting the temple is the joy of communicating with God, this is a holiday, this is an encouragement for obedience and good behavior.

Children come to the Orthodox Church for various reasons. Basically, the first time they are brought by their parents. The sacrament of Baptism and churching does not end the church life of a child, but only begins. The sacrament of baptism is the spiritual birth of a person.

Baptism of a child in a church

The next path parents must go with the child in the church fence. They must show how to live as a Christian. If parents are present every Sunday in the church of God at the liturgy, illuminate Sunday with confession, communion, it is quite correct, reasonable and logical that the child should be with them from the very beginning, follow this path of a full-fledged member of the Church of Christ.

The priest is very happy to see at the liturgy a large number of children, glad that their parents came with them. Coming to the temple with a child, parents determine the place where they will stand, so that the baby can see and hear what is happening, so that he has an interest in staying in the temple.

Babies are brought or brought 5-10 minutes before the start of communion and taken away after the celebration of the Eucharist in 10 minutes so that the baby does not get tired, but at the same time feels the presence of the Holy Spirit, a feeling of grace, the beauty of chants, the aroma of incense.

Sometimes a child cries in front of a bowl because it is not accustomed to a church environment. His parents are non-church people, and for the first time he enters a crowded church. Maybe at this time he is used to sleeping or he needs to be fed. Because basically children are brought to the holidays, when it is crowded, stuffy, and parents try to keep the child through the entire service.

What to do in such cases? It's okay if dad and mom take the crying little boy out of the church, so they will act wisely. No need to rape children with a shrine. Christ hardly approved of this. The Lord is pleased with the faces of laughing kids, calm, who gladly accept the sacrament.

Important: the task of the children in the temple is to pray. They should not interfere with other people. If the child is indulging, it is better to leave the temple, bring the child to a reasonable feeling and return to the service.

The kid cannot stand the whole time of a long service, but his prayer is sincere, kind and comes from pure heart.

Orthodoxy and children:

Basic rules of behavior in the temple

Before entering the temple, they make the sign of the cross three times and pray: “Lord, have mercy!”. Then they buy candles in a church shop. Candles are very different: wax, paraffin, large, small. It is wrong to think that the size of the candle affects the sooner God hears our prayers. After all, the Lord does not look at the candle, but at our heart.

child in the temple

The center of the temple is a place for a festive icon. This is where the first candle is placed. It is lit from another candle, which is already on the candlestick, then the bottom of the candle is melted so that it stands better, and we put it on. According to pious tradition, the Orthodox venerate the shrine. First, they are baptized twice, then they are applied to the icon and baptized a third time.

After that, they go to the Crucifix, which is a must in every temple. A candle is also placed in front of him. If there is no free space on the candlestick, we are not upset. You can put a candle on a candlestick, and the ministers will surely light it at a convenient time. Before the crucifixion, they bow to the ground.

Important: bowing before shrines is only an outward manifestation of our reverence, our strong feeling. It happens that there are many people in the temple, that with our bows we can interfere with other worshipers. Let's not push those around us by bowing. We try to always remember about others.

It is necessary to apply to the Crucifixion touching only the feet of the Savior. If we kiss the icon of the Mother of God, then we touch with our lips only the hands and in no case the face. It's not reverent. In the same way, we put candles near the icons of saints, whom we especially revere. And we pray before these icons for the health of ourselves and our loved ones.

Confession and Communion for Children

With children, you need to prepare for confession and communion. Before visiting the temple, take the trouble to explain to your son or daughter what will happen to them there.

Communion of children in the temple

If it's about confession, then in simple words Explain what confession is. Explain who is present at confession, who a priest is and why he should participate in the sacrament of confession. You need to get to know your dad. He can bring and show the priest in advance, tell what his unusual clothes mean, why he has a beard, how to properly approach him, what he will ask at confession.

The same rules apply to the Sacrament of Communion. If the child understands, then tell what will happen to him at the time of the sacrament. This manner of communicating with children is respectful. Children should be respected, admired, appreciated.

Seeing the example of older children, the little ones want to join confession - do not refuse them. The priest, in turn, conducts the entire procedure of confession - he talks with the baby, covers the stole, reads a permissive prayer for the remission of sins - this is important for the child and helps to join the service.

When to transition to adult service

It's better to do it in school age. The student understands that everything he wants is not always possible, and there are responsibilities. From now on, you can try to come to the service a little earlier.

About the church and service:

  • Important: in order for the children to feel good in the temple, its obligatory presence is necessary. And the understanding that we ended up in an adult place where they don’t make noise.

    If the children's church life is made under the control of their parents, this can destroy what we go to church for. It is very important for him, especially at a transitional age, to draw a line between himself and his parents. If we bring our children to church, this is a convenient way to show that the church is a space of spiritual freedom. Here he decides for himself what to repent of and what not. We do not tell him, but he himself becomes an independent person.

    If the child does not want to go to church, you must insist. If he does not want to confess, then the choice of a teenager is already here. When the realm of the spiritual is in the hands of the teenager himself, he really begins to grow up. He understands that he will not want to confess and will not. But at the same time, he understands that he has such a need. And he goes and fulfills this need himself. This is his choice, the decision is very important.

    There is another side of the view of the church. Parents perceive it as something magical. If you bring a child to the temple, then the priest will do something magical and everything will be fine with the baby.

    No, it doesn't. The child is part of you. And as you bring him up - so be it.

    Video about the rules of conduct for children in the temple.

Church services or, in popular words, church services are the main events for which temples are intended. According to the Orthodox tradition, daily, morning and evening rites are performed in them. And each of these ministries consists of 3 types of services, which together are combined into a daily circle:

  • evening - from Vespers, Compline and the ninth hour;
  • morning - from matins, the first hour and midnight;
  • daytime - from the Divine Liturgy and the third and sixth hours.

Thus, the daily cycle includes nine services.

Services Features

In Orthodox services, much is borrowed from Old Testament times. For example, the beginning of a new day is considered to be not midnight, but 6 pm, which is the reason for holding Vespers - the first service of the daily circle. It recalls the main events of the Sacred History of the Old Testament; we are talking about the creation of the world, the fall of the forefathers, the ministry of the prophets and the Mosaic legislation, and Christians give thanks to the Lord for the new day lived.

After that, according to the Charter of the church, Compline should be served - public prayers for the coming dream, which speak of the descent of Christ into hell and the liberation of the righteous from it.

At midnight, it is supposed to perform the 3rd service - midnight. This service is held to commemorate the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of the Savior.

The morning service in the Orthodox Church (matins) is one of the longest services. It is dedicated to the events and circumstances of the Savior's earthly life and consists of many prayers of repentance and thanksgiving.

The first hour is done around 7 o'clock in the morning. This is a short service about Jesus' presence at the trial of the high priest Caiaphas.

The third hour is at 9 am. At this time, the events that took place in the Zion Upper Room are recalled, when the Holy Spirit descended to the apostles, and in the Praetorium of Pilate the Savior received a death sentence.

The sixth hour is held at noon. This service is about the time of the crucifixion of the Lord. Do not confuse with him the ninth hour - the service of His death on the cross, which takes place at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The main divine service and the peculiar center of this daily circle is the Divine Liturgy or Mass, distinctive feature which from other services is the opportunity, in addition to remembrances of God and the earthly life of our Savior, to unite with Him in reality, participating in the sacrament of Communion. The time of this liturgy is from 6 to 9 o'clock until noon before dinner, which is why it was given its second name.

Changes in the conduct of services

The modern practice of worship has brought some changes to the prescription of the Rule. And today, Compline is held only during the period of Great Lent, and Midnight is held once a year, on the eve of Easter. The ninth hour passes even more rarely, and the remaining 6 services of the daily cycle are combined into 2 groups of 3 services.

Evening service in the church takes place with a special sequence: Christians serve Vespers, Matins and the first hour. Before holidays and Sundays, these services are combined into one, which is called the all-night vigil, that is, it implies long night prayers before dawn, held in antiquity. This service lasts 2-4 hours in parishes and from 3 to 6 hours in monasteries.

The morning service in the church differs from past times in the successive services of the third, sixth hours and Mass.

It is also important to note the holding of early and late liturgy in churches where there is a large number of Christians. Such services are usually performed in holidays and on Sunday. Both liturgies are preceded by the reading of the Hours.

There are days when the morning service in the church and the liturgy are not held. For example, on Friday of Holy Week. On the morning of this day, a short succession of pictorial works takes place. This service consists of several hymns and, as it were, depicts the liturgy; at the same time, the status of independent service was not received by this service.

Divine services also include various sacraments, ceremonies, the reading of akathists in churches, community readings of evening and morning prayers, and rules for Holy Communion.

In addition, services are performed in churches according to the needs of parishioners - trebs. For example: Wedding, Baptism, funerals, prayers and others.

In each church, cathedral or temple, the hours of service are set differently, therefore, in order to obtain information about the holding of any service, clergymen recommend finding out the schedule compiled by a particular spiritual institution.

And those who is unfamiliar with him, you can follow the following time intervals:

  • from 6 to 8 and from 9 to 11 am - early and late morning service;
  • from 16:00 to 18:00 - evening and all-night services;
  • during the day - a festive service, but it is better to clarify the time of its holding.

All divine services are usually performed in the temple and only by the clergy, and the believing parishioners participate in them by singing and praying.

Christian holidays

Christian holidays are divided into two varieties: passing and not passing; they are also called the Twelfth Feasts. In order not to miss services regarding them, it is important to know the dates.


Passing, for 2018

  1. April 1 - Palm Sunday.
  2. April 8 - Easter.
  3. May 17 - Ascension of the Lord.
  4. May 27 - Pentecost or Holy Trinity.

The duration of church services on holidays differs from each other. Basically, it depends on the holiday itself, the fulfillment of the service, the duration of the sermon, and the number of communicants and confessors.

If for some reason you are late or do not come to the service, no one will judge you, because it is not so important what time it will start and how long it will last, it is much more important that your arrival and participation are sincere.

Preparation for Sunday Rite

If you decide to come to the temple on Sunday, then you should prepare for this. The morning service on Sunday is the strongest, it is held for the purpose of communion. It happens like this: the priest gives you the body of Christ and his blood in a piece of bread and a sip of wine. Get ready for this The event must be at least 2 days in advance..

  1. You should fast on Friday and Saturday: remove from the diet fatty foods, alcohol, exclude marital intimacy, do not swear, do not offend anyone and do not be offended yourself.
  2. The day before communion, read 3 canons, namely: penitent to Jesus Christ, prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Guardian Angel, as well as the 35th Admonition to Holy Communion. This will take about an hour.
  3. Read a prayer for the coming dream.
  4. Do not eat, smoke or drink after midnight.

How to behave during communion

In order not to miss the beginning of the service in the church on Sunday, it is necessary to come to the church in advance, around 7.30. Until then, do not eat or smoke. There is a certain procedure for visiting.

After communion, in no case do not rush to get what you want e, that is, smoke enough and so on, do not desecrate the sacrament. It is recommended to know the measure in everything and read grace-filled prayers for several days so as not to desecrate this divine service.

The need to go to the temple

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who came to earth for us, founded the Church, where everything necessary is present and invisible to this day, which is given to us for eternal life. Where "the invisible Powers of Heaven serve for us", - they say in Orthodox hymns, "Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them" - it is written in the Gospel (chapter 18, verse 20, Gospel of Matthew), - so the Lord said to the apostles and to all who believe in Him, therefore the invisible presence of Christ during the services in the temple, people lose if they do not come there.

An even greater sin is committed by parents who do not care about the service of the Lord of their children. Let us remember the words of our Savior from Scripture: "Let your children go and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for for them is the Kingdom of Heaven." The Lord also tells us: "Man shall not live by bread, but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth" (chapter 4, verse 4 and chapter 19, verse 14, the same Gospel of Matthew).

Spiritual food is also necessary for the human soul, as well as bodily food to maintain strength. And where can a person hear God's word, if not in the temple? Indeed, there, among those who believe in him, the Lord himself dwells. After all, it is there that the teaching of the apostles and prophets is preached, who spoke and predicted by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there is the teaching of Christ Himself, who is the true Life, Wisdom, Way and Light, which enlightens every parishioner coming into the world. The temple is heaven on our earth.

The divine services that are performed in it, according to the Lord, are the works of angels. By teaching in a church, temple, or cathedral, Christians receive God's blessing to be successful in good deeds and undertakings.

“You will hear the ringing of the church bell, calling to prayer, and your conscience will tell you that you need to go to the house of the Lord. Go and put aside, if you can, all sorts of things aside and hasten to God’s church,” advises Theophan the Recluse, a saint of Orthodoxy, “Know that your guardian angel is calling you under the shelter of the house of the Lord; it is he, your celestial being, who reminds you of the earthly Heaven, so that you can sanctify your soul there your grace of Christ and delight your heart with heavenly comfort; And, who knows what will happen? - maybe he calls you there also in order to avert from you a temptation that cannot be avoided in any way, because if you stay at home, you will not be sheltered under the canopy of the house of the Lord from great danger ... ".

A Christian in the church learns the heavenly wisdom that the Son of God brings to earth. He also learns the details of the life of his Savior, and gets acquainted with the teachings and life of God's saints, and takes part in church prayer. And conciliar prayer is a great power! And there are examples in history. When the apostles were waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit, they were in unanimous prayer. Therefore, in the church, we in the depths of our souls expect that the Holy Spirit will come to us. This happens, but only if we do not create obstacles for this. For example, a lack of openness of heart can prevent parishioners from connecting believers when reading prayers.

In our time, unfortunately, this happens quite often, since believers behave incorrectly, including in the temple, and the reason for this is ignorance of the truth of the Lord. The Lord knows our thoughts and feelings. He will not leave a sincere believer in him, as well as a person in need of communion and repentance, therefore the doors of God's house are always open for parishioners.

Why do you take your children to Communion?

The most important thing is the child's meeting with God. In addition, the child gradually learns to go to the temple. Then you will never hear from a grown-up child: “My mother didn’t teach me to go to church…”

And one more thing ... Many times parents were convinced that after communion the child did not get sick, although according to tests or outward signs illness seemed inevitable. Children with neurology behave much more calmly, children with any health problems eat and sleep better ...

Faith is a powerful source of peace and confidence for a person. And during the Sign of the Cross, the rhythm of the heartbeat improves and breathing evens out.

Later, when the child begins to confess, communion and a conversation with the priest may save the grown-up child from the feeling of impunity and permissiveness, alas, characteristic of adolescence.

It is imperative to give communion to a child - this is important for his spiritual and spiritual development, health, so that the Heavenly Patron, in whose honor the child was baptized, is close to the child, guards and protects him from all the troubles that lie in wait for the baby on his life path.

When to Communion a Child for the First Time

We allow children to receive communion from the moment of baptism, because in baptism they are, as it were, mysteriously immersed in Christ and begin to live His life. And our belonging to Christ does not depend on the amount of our knowledge. A child's soul can know more than his parents or adults. Therefore, the question is not that he does not know so much, does not understand, and therefore whether he can take communion ... His soul came to life by the grace of Christ, and he communicates with Him.

During the divine service, a Chalice is brought out, into which special consecrated bread cut into small pieces was previously placed and wine diluted with water was poured. Prayers are read over this bowl, which you will naturally hear, the holy spirit of Jesus Christ is called, and thus the holy spirit descends into this bowl and it is believed that the blood and flesh of Christ are invisible in it.

Let's calm everyone down. Not a single person got sick from it. None of the babies got worse. On the contrary, children should receive communion as often as possible.

Turn the first visit to the temple into a real holiday! If the child is older, he will like to put candles, choose a commemorative icon. You can give an interesting Orthodox book, cassette; after the church - somewhere to eat deliciously, and maybe take a walk in a cheerful company of kids, of which there are always a lot at the Temple.

How to explain the meaning of the Sacrament to a baby

It would be nice to explain the meaning of the Sacrament in a form accessible to every kid: explain to a two-year-old daughter or son that this is a meeting with God. Babies do not need to talk about the Body and Blood of the Savior - children are not ready for this realization due to their age and they will understand this over time, or you will be able to explain this to the child yourself in an accessible form over time. A Sunday school for children can help here, or a good conversation with Father, when the baby grows up a little and begins to understand more. But you should not tell your child about "delicious" when it comes to Communion. What to say? - It's Communion. So we say to our children: the sun, look, this is bread. This is porridge. This is sugar. Let's try. And the child assimilates the information received for the rest of his life.

Appearance, clothes of parents and children
For a mother, it is advisable to wear a long skirt, a scarf and a jacket with long sleeves to the temple (a three-quarter sleeve is also suitable in the heat). For the monastery, these conditions are strictly necessary. But clothes can be both beautiful and festive, according to the canons “in black” only widows go to the Temple of God.

For children - the girl should be in a hat or scarf, and the son - without a headdress. By the way, you should turn off your cell phone in church. In winter, you need to take off your mittens in the temple. Outerwear can be removed or unbuttoned.

Is it possible to feed children before Communion

Up to 3 years of age there are no food restrictions. Babies can be safely fed, but preferably a little in advance (at least 30 minutes, although, if possible, it is better 1.5 hours before Communion), so that the baby does not burp after Communion.

After three years, children take communion on an empty stomach. You can’t even drink holy water (you can ask the Priest about taking medicine).

But after the Sacrament, you do not need to feed the children abundantly, especially if you get home by car.

When to come to Communion with children

It is best, of course, to know the schedule of services in advance. Most often, the liturgy (they receive Communion only at liturgies) begins on weekdays and on Saturdays at 8, and on Sundays and holidays at 7 and at 9 or 10 in the morning.

However, in some temples it may be a little different: at 7, 7.30 or 6.30 in the morning ...

When to bring children to Communion. Adults can look at the state of the child, if he behaves calmly, you can stand in the Service. Usually, small children are brought before Communion itself, which happens after the Our Father prayer, usually 50 minutes later, an hour after the start of the service, but you need to be prepared that the service will be longer. The schedule is always posted in advance. Children under 7 years old can attend the Service with adults or walk near the Temple.


Before going to the Chalice (to Communion), take the Blessing from the priest who confesses (no need to stand in line with children). If there is no priest, go to Communion and tell the Priest who Communion about it.

Communion is the greatest shrine, the Lord God Himself! By the way, that's why they don't cross themselves before the Chalice.

Older children fold their arms crosswise on their chests (the right one is on top of the left one). Adults put babies on their right (!) Hands, and babies are placed on their right hands with their heads. A pacifier is not given in front of the Chalice. This is done so that not a single drop of Communion is spilled on the clothes.

During communion, the altar servers hold a special red cloth - a board, and the baby's mouth will definitely get wet.

And be sure to explain to the baby that the Particle must be swallowed. And better - follow it yourself, especially for the first time.

If a drop of Communion gets on clothes or a child burps after Communion, go up to Father and tell about it.

First, the children are given communion. After the words of the priest: “The servant of God takes communion ...” - you need to clearly name church name child (the name with which the child was baptized). For babies, an adult calls the name, and older children call their names on their own.

After Communion, without talking yourself and not allowing the children to talk, take them to a special table to drink Communion and take a piece of prosphora.

Then the baby can be attached to the Crucifixion, or you can wait until the end of the Service and kiss the Cross, which the priest will take out at the very end of the Service.

It is not necessary to wait for the end of the Service - look at the condition of the child.

Until the age of seven, children do not go to confession.

The article was prepared by the editors of the site "Children's"

based on the article "Children's Communion"
club of orthodox writers "Olympia"

On August 29, in all the churches of Russia there will be nowhere for an apple to fall. And dozens of boys and girls will be brought to the Zarechensky temple by the hand: “so that the grades are good”, “so that study is easy”, “so that they don’t get sick”. Today's issue of the Orthodox page "District" prepared to help those who are going to church on August 29, but vaguely imagine how to behave there, what to say in confession and whether it is worth being afraid of.

What will happen?
The tradition of worship Before the start of the exercise' goes back centuries. At Soviet power it was banned and revived only after perestroika.
Prayer " Before the start of the exercise"- a special service in which we ask the Lord that children grow up "for the comfort of their parents, and for the benefit of the Fatherland." The Church blesses teachers and students, prays for their health, successful development curricula. The main reason why they go to church is to take communion.
At home, on the eve of going to church, explain to your child in your own words why you are going there and what you will do.

Why take communion?
« Communion is not a reward for the saints, but a help for sinners". Communion is necessary for a person to sanctify his soul, it gives him strength to fight against sins, mental and bodily health. The body and blood of Christ, given to a person in communion, is the greatest shrine Orthodox Church so you have to be prepared for communion.

How to Prepare for Communion?
An adult who wants to worthily receive communion must be at the evening service the day before (it is better to confess at the same time, so as not to increase the queue, which is already long at the citywide service). On the eve, you need to give up meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, and also reconcile both with your offenders and with those whom you offended yourself.
Children are not so strictly asked. But everyone must confess before communion, except for babies under 7 years old. Communion without confession is unacceptable.

How to confess?
At confession, one must tell the priest everything that is on one's conscience, without justifying oneself and without shifting the blame onto others. Parents should prepare the child for the first confession in his life. Do not make up sins and do not write them down on paper. Just think together about what a child can be ashamed of before God. Shame on him, not on you.
There is no need to start confession with such sins as “I don’t go to church”, “I don’t keep fasts”, “I watch TV”, etc. Firstly, these are definitely not your most serious sins. Secondly, this may not be a sin at all: if a person has not come to God for a long time, then why repent of not observing fasts? Talk about big things, not small things.
Speaking of sins, one should not worry about how they should be called correctly, “according to the church”. You have to speak in plain language. " You confess to a God who knows more about your sins than you do, and you certainly won’t surprise God". Do not surprise you and the priest. Sometimes penitents are ashamed to name this or that sin, or there is a fear that the priest will condemn. In fact, the priest has to listen to a lot of confessions, and it is difficult to surprise him. Sins have not changed in millennia. Having become a witness of sincere repentance, the priest will not condemn, but will rejoice in the conversion of a person from sin to the path of righteousness.

How to take communion?
It is necessary to cross and fold your arms crosswise on your chest, right hand on top of the left. You need to move away from the bowl without separating your hands.
Children and the sick are the first to receive communion, then men, then women. You have to give way to others.
Women must erase before communion lipstick.
When the turn comes, you should clearly state your name and open your mouth so that you can put in a spoon with a particle of the Body and Blood of Christ. Carefully lick the spoon with your lips and, after getting your lips wet with a board, kiss the edge of the bowl. Then, without speaking, you need to go to the table with a drink to take the warmth (holy water with wine) and a particle of prosphora. Only after that you can apply to the icons and talk.
You can not touch the cup with your hands and kiss the hand of the priest. It is forbidden to be baptized at the bowl: you can accidentally spill the Holy Gifts.
If the Holy Gifts are taught from several cups, they can only be received from one. You cannot take communion twice a day.
And don't be in a hurry to leave. At the end of the service, all communicants must venerate the cross given by the priest. Only then can you leave the temple.

On April 21, Orthodox believers will celebrate Palm Sunday. This vernacular name holiday.
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In addition to the law of God, now the guys attending the "Orthodox Rainbow" study new subjects: temporal studies, Church Slavonic and the practice of reading in it.
19.04.2019 Newspaper Vadinsky news

Dear brothers and sisters!

According to the tradition of the Orthodox Church, on the eve and at the beginning of each academic year in Orthodox churches prayers are performed for the students. These days, the church prays that "the Lord would send down on the youths the spirit of wisdom and understanding, so that they could understand and remember good and soul-beneficial teaching."

In our church, a prayer service will be served on August 30.
Congratulations to all students on the upcoming new school year, we wish God's help!

On a note:
Since ancient times, the patrons of students - schoolchildren and students are St. teacher Sergius of Radonezh, St. Righteous John of Kronstadt, St. torment. Tatiana, St. the youths Ananias, Azarias and Misail, Sts. unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian and, of course, our intercessor and patroness, the Most Holy Theotokos.

The icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the Mind" has the grace of giving wisdom, reason and good knowledge, helping to educate children, healing the weakness of the mind and damage to the mind.
The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Addition of the Mind", painted on canvas, is located in the Intercession Church in the city of Romanov-Borisoglebsk (now - Tutaev).
Another miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin"Addition of the Mind" is located in the Moscow Tikhvin Church in Alekseevsky.
The celebration of her memory is on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, August 15/28.

Prayer read before the icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the mind"

1. Oh, Blessed Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us too, who have seriously sinned and not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have violated the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from the king of Seoul, then fear and despondency attacked him, and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind has become bustled with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness of God has darkened our souls, and now all kinds of sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, malevolence and other sins are oppressing the heart. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beseech Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Spirit of the Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, but comforted and enlightened by Him, we will sing to You a song of thanksgiving : Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added to our minds for salvation. Amen.

2. Mother of God, dear! You, called the addition of the mind, grant us the Divine mind, so that we spiritually reason, your Son, our God, worthily glorify, save our souls and glorify you - the Lady of the World.

3. Preferring my queen, my most holy hope, friend to orphans and strange intercessors, needy help and embittered cover, see my attack, see my sorrow, from everywhere I am possessed by temptation, but there is no intercessor, You yourself help me like a weak one, feed me like strange, instruct like a delusional, heal and save like a hopeless one. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless You, the Lady, help us, we hope in You and boast in You, Thy servants, but do not shame me.
We run under Your mercy, Virgin Mary, do not despise our prayers in sorrows, but deliver us from troubles, one pure and blessed. Amen.

4. The Most Pure Theotokos, the House, of which the Wisdom of God created for Himself, the Giver of spiritual gifts, from the world to the most peaceful mind, raising our mind and leading everyone to the knowledge of the mind! Receive prayer singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, with faith and tenderness bowing before Thy most pure image. Pray for your Son and our God, grant our power wisdom and strength, justice and impartiality to judges, spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls as shepherds, humility as a mentor, obedience to all of us, the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth. And now, our all-loving, all-loving Mother, give us an increase in mind, die, unite in enmity and division of being and put them in a cous of unresolvable love, turn all those who have erred from unreason to the light of the truth of Christ, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and diligence, instruct the word of wisdom and Grant soul-beneficial knowledge to those who ask, autumn us with eternal joy, the brightest Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. We, the glorious deeds and the many-minded wisdom of God in the world and our life, seeing, we will eliminate earthly vanities and unnecessary worldly cares, and we will raise our mind, our heart to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the glorious God and Creator of all we exalt, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Sergius of Radonezh

“O reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius! Look at us [names] mercifully and, to the land of adherents, raise us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in the faith, and we certainly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers. Ask for your intercession for every gift to everyone who is useful and all of us with prayers that help, on the day Doomsday part of it will be delivered, but the gums of the country are partners of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ will hear: “Come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen".

Prayer to the miracle worker John of Kronstadt

“O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Lifting up praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your Name is Love: do not reject me who am mistaken. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: die my restless soul. Your name is Grace: do not cease to have mercy on me.
Now the all-Russian flock, grateful to Your intercession, prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, vouchsafe us to bring worthy fruits of repentance and partake without condemnation of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support us in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies visible and invisible. With the light of the face of your servants and primates of the altar of Christ, move to the holy feats of pastoral work, grant education to babies, instruct youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy cloisters illuminate.
Die, O miracle worker and seer, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine strife; Gather the squandered, convert the deceived, and gather the Holy Ones of Your Catholic and Apostolic Church. By your mercy, keep marriages in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to those who monastic in good deeds, give cowardly comforts, freedom to suffering unclean spirits, have mercy on the needs and circumstances of those who exist, and guide us all on the path of salvation.
Living in Christ, our Father John, lead us to the non-evening light of eternal life, may we be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen".

Parents' prayer for a poor student

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, dwelling in the hearts of the Twelve Apostles without hypocrisy, by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of tongues of fire, and opened these mouths, and began to speak in other tongues: Lord Jesus Christ our God Himself, send down That Holy Spirit upon these children (name): and plant in the ears of his heart Holy Scriptures even your pure hand on the tablets was inscribed on the law-giver Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer before teaching children

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave it to Solomon and all who seek it, - open the hearts, minds and mouths of Your servants these ( names), in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives - may they be strong in mind and the fulfillment of Your commandments, and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, strong in mercy and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is due to you, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".
