Decorating a corner on the site. Master class “Designing wall newspapers in a day camp

Today's teenagers cannot be compared with children of past decades. The guys' interests and priorities have changed. But some things remain the same. Thus, many children like to spend time with their peers, visit summer camps, participate in interesting competitions. An integral part of camp life is the detachment corner. There are many ways to make it bright and beautiful.

What is a squad corner?

This is the place where everything related to a particular unit gathers. There may be crafts, drawings, wall newspapers. Throughout the shift, the contents of the corner may change. The options for organizing this place can be very different. It is important that the squad corner reflects the children’s lifestyle. By just looking at it, parents of children should understand what their children are doing at the camp.

The squad corner in the camp should be created exclusively by children. Counselors and educators can only guide the children in the right direction. But it is absolutely impossible to do all the work for the children. However, a small amount of decoration should be present even before the children arrive at the camp. Teachers can publish a wall newspaper greeting their students. The camp charter (rules of conduct) may also be located here.

Design of a detachment wall newspaper

One of the first collective creative endeavors of the guys is to create their own wall newspaper, which will decorate the squad corner throughout the shift. It is important that all children engage in the creation of this attribute. It is unacceptable to entrust the creation of a newspaper to one child who has creative abilities. One will draw, another will suggest where it is best to place the newspaper, the third will come up with an interesting name for the squad and a motto. Only joint creativity can show truly good results.

In addition to the name of the detachment and motto, the newspaper should definitely indicate the birthday people of the shift. Here you can make a pocket in which the guys will leave wishes or anonymous notes to each other. Joint creativity at the beginning of the shift will help children get to know each other faster, and the guys will make new friends.

Camp laws and rules

Setting up a squad corner in a camp cannot be done without rules of conduct. Children should know how to behave and what they should absolutely not do. If the guys take part in beautiful design set of rules, they will definitely remember them. This section of the squad corner is also recommended to be done together.

The set of rules can be placed on a separate wall newspaper. What should a detachment corner in a camp be like? Examples of design are presented in the photo. You can indicate the laws of the camp on the wall newspaper. First of all, it is worth pointing out that children should not leave the camp territory without the knowledge of counselors and teachers. It is definitely worth describing the rules of behavior in the forest, near a pond. We must not forget about the traditions of good relations. Guys should be tolerant of each other. There should be a reminder of this in the wall newspaper.

The rules of behavior and laws of the camp can be depicted in the form of small comics. This way, children will remember boring lessons faster. In the middle of such a newspaper there can be a daily routine that the guys must adhere to throughout the entire shift. This information will also be useful for parents who come to visit their children. They will understand when children are resting or going to the river.

Shift calendar

Holidays at a children's summer camp are always filled with interesting events and exciting events. The directors of the children's institution draw up a rough plan even before the children arrive on vacation. The task of the students and teachers is to beautifully design the calendar so that camp guests understand what will happen and when. As a rule, in the afternoon there are general events for all squads. And before lunch, the children, together with their teachers, independently decide what to do. But even in this case great importance has careful planning.

It is recommended to draw up a calendar of squad events a week in advance. It is better if these are games and competitions in the fresh air. The calendar can include volleyball, football, squad fashion show (clothing made from natural materials), talent competition, etc. The event plan will also decorate the squad corner. And it can be done, as in previous cases, in the form of a wall newspaper.

Events can be scheduled in the form of a table with dates. You can leave a few colored pencils next to the wall newspaper. The guys will shade the past day with a color that reflects their mood. If most days are painted in gray tones, teachers need to think about the mood of the children.

Hall of Fame

If we look at examples of detachment corners, almost everywhere you can see a board of honor. This is a special place where the names or photographs of children who take first place in camp competitions are posted. You should definitely leave a place for wishes on the honor board. The guys will congratulate the student who has achieved success.

Some units decide to also place a board of shame in their corner. The names of guys who violate the rules of conduct are recorded here. In most cases, children are afraid to get on such a board. It acts as an additional stimulator of compliance with the laws of the camp.

Duty information

In most camps, children are responsible for keeping their rooms clean. Therefore, in the detachment corner it is definitely worth placing a stand on which grades for duty will be given. Teachers, as a rule, take into account the correctness of bed cleaning, the cleanliness of bedside tables and closets, and the presence of dust on window sills and the floor. To encourage kids to take better care of cleanliness, many counselors come up with various incentives for winners. For example, students who clean their room better can swim in the pond 10 minutes longer.

Cleaning is a boring and uninteresting task. But a stand with ratings for cleanliness should be bright. To create a table, it is recommended to use bright markers and felt-tip pens.

Wish card

Examples of the design of a squad corner may be different. In its central part, many hang a special card of emotions and wishes. At the start of the shift it's big White list Whatman paper, which is gradually filling up. Throughout the rest, the children can take a felt-tip pen of any color and write their remark on the wish card and describe their mood. At the end of the shift, the white sheet of paper turns into a bright spot, by which you can easily assess how well the guys spent time at the camp.

There are still many ideas for creating a squad corner. To make it bright and memorable, it is important to turn on your imagination and work collectively.

Lyubov Tkacheva

I think mine decoration of the squad corner It will also be useful for kindergarten teachers. That's how we decorated a squad corner, and most likely our recreation area squad. The age of the children is from 10 to 12 years. The detachment was called“Fantasy”. In the first photo, the “fairy” seemed to crawl out of the closet and the name flew out of her palms squad"fantasy".

On the next photo title squad, within the framework of laws squad, schedule squad, motto squad, detachment instructions and who is responsible for them. On the tree among the foliage there are photos of teachers with initials, then on the branches of the tree “children are sitting” photographed in advance, their backs are photographed for creativity (they then spent the entire shift showing themselves to each other) and each photo is signed with the child's first and last name. Events held in squad and in the camp every day.

In the next photo, the laws of friendship are written on the clouds. The guys each wrote their cherished wish on small multi-colored stars. Next, the bird of children's mood "flies", every evening for 21 days the children chose a feather and attached them to the bird's tail, blue - sad, red - everything is fine. At the top there is a sign saying that everything is possible with us - play, make friends, sing, dance, communicate, etc.

And the next photo is the area where the guys can play Board games. We continue to fantasize and on the wall are depicted heroes from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", a lot of chess, also to maintain the style, a hare, a hero from a fairy tale, was made from fabric on the other opposite wall from the fairy. There is a sign on the stand that everyone can come and visit us and relax in our squad.

Our corner took first place among corners of the center!

Publications on the topic:

I think that every teacher will agree with me if I say that I treat my group as a second home. I strive to ensure that the group.

I selected material that was accessible and recognizable to children. familiar with early childhood Rattles and toys, pipes and tambourines teach the child to feel.

“The theater is a magical world. It gives lessons of beauty, morality and morality. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world is.”

I would like to share the design of the corner for the exhibition of children's works and the health corner. The theme for decorating the corner was chosen from the illustrations for the work.

February 23 is a holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an important and solemn day. Why is he considered such? Because on this day we honor.

February 23 is a holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an important and solemn day. Why is he considered such? Because this one.

Decorating a book corner in a group This is a special, specially allocated and decorated place in the group room. Each teacher can personalize the design of the book corner.

Squad corner

What is this?

  • face of the squad
  • Squad information
  • Wall of Honor
  • Chronicle of events
  • Rally (in preparation)
  • KTD (collective creative work)

For what?

  • rally the squad
  • Diagnostics
  • Information
  • Decor
  • Dynamics of development
  • A way to create a situation of success

Qualities: bright, meaningful, original, safe (!), functional, memorable, dynamic, interesting

The corner is the place where all information regarding the squad is collected. The design of the corner should correspond to the name of the unit (and the age of the children, of course). The corner can be placed on one sheet of whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or you can even decorate the entire hall in accordance with the name of the unit.

In addition to the mandatory content, you can hang absolutely everything related to the squad in the corner (For example: drawings after a caricature competition, gratitude, angry sheets, a treasure map after searching for treasure). Design options can be very different, and are limited only by your imagination: flat, voluminous , sliding, with rotating parts or hanging elements, and you can use anything as a material, not just paper.

The most important thing is that the corner should be largely created by children (of course, if the children are very small, you can limit yourself to only minor elements on their part). The counselor should mainly take part in leadership and guidance (give out tasks to children who want them, and then put all the parts together and “file them”).

As a rule, in the first days (for the corner competition) only the base of the corner is made, containing the necessary elements, and it is filled in throughout the shift. Before leaving, the children simply “with their hands” take the corner apart piece by piece as a keepsake - so if the corner is large, then there will be enough for everyone to take a piece, and there will be no fight. After all, all the “life” of the squad for a shift remains in the corner and each piece reminds of something.

The corner must contain:

  • squad name, motto, emblem
  • squad song
  • Grid plan (do not hang the working dog - decorate it)
  • Mood screen
  • Fence of publicity (not necessarily a fence)
  • Cleanliness screen, behavior screen - do not make tables
  • Mail
  • Squad laws (create with children)
  • Significant dates(birthdays)
  • Squad and intra-squad duties
  • Children's crafts, exhibitions
  • Administration (in the subject of the shift)
    camp address

The squad corner is designed to: develop the activity of children, diversify their knowledge, help in cultivating good taste, teach the culture of design, and awaken interest in the life of their team.

The squad corner is a place where the squad constantly works and a stand that reflects the life of the squad. The successes and victories of the detachment, their fantasies, ingenuity, skill are constantly presented here; this is a kind of newspaper, and a constantly operating, lively, creative one.

The squad corner is the creativity of you and the children, but nevertheless, there are some recommendations that will help you: The corner should be “talking”, i.e. the content and its headings should be updated (new children's drawings, new issues of the camp newspaper, etc. should appear). The life of the detachment should be comprehensively described in the corner (self-service, sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays, prospects).

Children should take part in decorating the corner and updating the content of the headings.

In the work on the corner, three periods can be distinguished:

  • children's arrival at the camp during the organizational period;
  • main period;
  • the final period of the shift.

Before the arrival of new guys, all sections are filmed in the corner. And new temporary headings are drawn up (necessary only for the organizational period):

“This is our camp” (brief information about the camp);

congratulations on your arrival;

camp laws;

camp address;

punishment for the guys from the previous shift;

first songs, camp song;

plan for the day and other sections at the discretion of the teacher.

During the organizational period You can hold a competition for the best corner design. Creative Group selects the best proposals, discusses and makes a layout of the corner in accordance with the new name and motto, revealing the idea of ​​​​the content of the name of his squad.

During the main period shifts reflect the daily activities of the squad:


preparation for detachment and squad affairs, holidays,

participation in creative competitions and shows.

preparation for squad duty, squad duty,

life of the squad

encouraging children.

In the final period shifts, the section “How We Lived” can be presented with photographs or the guys’ thoughts about the days they lived. Many Teachers attach a piece of Whatman paper with the inscription next to the detachment corner, and in the end I will say, and the children write goodbye wishes to each other and to the camp.

In fact, there are detachment corners, probably in all camps, but sometimes you want to add your own peculiarity that distinguishes them from others.

All creativity must take place together with the squad. The ideal case is when you only have to control the process, sometimes giving advice and helping where necessary, but this rarely happens. Most often it is necessary to be fully armed at all times. It’s good to come up with the name of the squad on the very first evening, gathering the squad for a candle and having a heart-to-heart conversation. Even if you have at least a dozen ready-made squad names, you should always give the children a chance to prove themselves. After all, if during the shift the child sees works of his own creativity every day, then this will only be a plus. After a heated discussion of the name, you can move on to the design. Usually the name is written in large letters at the top so as not to look too hard, but there can always be exceptions. Then there is room for your imagination on what to place and where. Most often this results in many large drawings revealing the name of the unit. Or one VERY large one, for names like "Express" or "Caravelle". The process of creation itself is going great for children. The main thing is to do this not through forced hard labor, but through the provision of high trust. Let some make sketches of future drawings, others create a future masterpiece with a pencil and eraser, others outline it with a black marker, then someone paints it, cuts it out and sculpts it on the wall. And it’s okay if they get dirty with paint, smear paint in the wrong place, or accidentally cut off the crane’s head. Let this process be a joy for them, because they are just learning to do everything on their own. But then he will say with pride, “I carved this!!!”, and not just say that “The counselors decorated the hall beautifully...”

Let's go through the mandatory points separately.

Plan for the day - if you follow it, you will be spared the eternal childish question “What are we doing today?” They will know that all the information can be found in the lobby, and there is no need to look for a counselor.

The plan for the shift is the same, but for long-term planning, so as not to organize “Zarnitsa” on a bath day.

Congratulations - celebrating the successes of the squad and individuals.

Squad list - preferably in two versions. First: everyone was written out in a row, without any frills. Needed for quick search child (parents came to visit, etc.) when it is necessary to determine the squad. And it will be useful for you yourself, because if you remember the names, then the situation with surnames is usually worse.

And the second option: a separate list. It's no secret that in the morning last day During the shift, the wall is greeted completely empty - during the night the children take away everything for themselves as a souvenir, sometimes filling in the drawing from the very beginning of the shift. And everyone wants to keep such a piece for themselves. Therefore, they often do this: the name of each child is written on a separate cloud, star, ball, and the like. It’s already good, there’s something to take with you. We can go further. In one of the shifts, each child can have their own “business” (comic), hung in disarray on the wall. This was interesting to read/consider, and the memory of the shift is much more significant, details are immediately remembered, which can rarely be with clouds. It would not be a shame to even hang such a thing on the wall at home.

Daily routine - so that there are no complaints later, “Why go to bed so early?”, or “What time is lunch?” Everything is reflected.

Other service announcements can be posted in this area. For example, the grid of a chess tournament, or an arm wrestling competition. Flocks of kids will constantly gather there, discussing the chances of this or that candidate. And a mood chart, for children or a counselor.

Each hall should have some kind of zest. Even if he is 10 times beautiful, in a couple of days he will be thoroughly studied and interest in him will cool down. Therefore, it is necessary to create entire works of art that you want to look at again and again.

The first contribution to the design of the squad corner is made by the counselors: they prepare a welcome newspaper - as a sign of goodwill, joyful anticipation of a new meeting with the guys. The first such message should be as colorful, inviting and informative as possible! Who are our counselors, what do they do, what do they do, what do they dream about, why can we trust them?

The “Birthday People” section is good. If there are no guys in the squad who were born on this shift, you can indicate the dates of birth famous writers, actors, musicians. We recommend attaching a cheerful envelope so that the “hero of the occasion” can find some nice little thing there on his birthday: messages, congratulations, holiday telegrams from the guys and counselors! You can also make a calendar (this is more understandable for the guys than a grid plan), which would reflect the main events awaiting the guys during the shift.

Keyword squad corner - the name and number of the squad. You need a motto/slogan, a symbol, a chant, or better yet several. It is very important that certificates and awards, honestly earned by the children in various competitions and competitions, do not gather dust on the counselors’ desks or in the children’s lockers, where for some reason they inevitably get wrinkled! At the beginning of the shift, it is worth agreeing that all achievements (squad and personal) will be posted and stored in the squad corner, and at the end of the shift they will definitely be distributed to the most active ones - this is a good incentive! In the squad corner, you should definitely pay attention to the theme of the shift. For example, if this is a film festival, then the corner itself can be designed in the form of a poster, and you can also place photos of your favorite actors there, and perhaps arrange a hit parade or popularity rating. If this is an international shift, then the place will have information about the country from which the children came, a flag, a coat of arms and even an anthem. If it's a culinary shift, use interesting recipes. There are no restrictions here: everything that is interesting to children can and should be used in the squad corner. At the beginning and end of the shift, the guys usually draw newspapers, where they write, respectively, about their expectations and impressions of the holiday. These newspapers also become part of the squad corner. Various drawings, wishes, advice, letters - all this can create a unique exclusive style for the squad corner.

Together, come up with fun titles for the sections, preferably even funny ones, the main thing is that they attract attention so that you want to read and remember!

For example:

· Shift plan/calendar – “Joyful paths of summer”, “Our strategy”;

· Congratulations – “Kiss on the cheek”, “Hip – hip – hurray”;

· Sports – “From start to finish”, “Despite the records”;

· Squad list – “Meet us,” “Our party”;

· Our song – “And we sing...”, “Musical gramophone”;

· Address – “Where to find us”, “Come visit us”;

· Achievements – “The country should know its heroes!”, “Our ups and downs”;

· All sorts of things – “Did you know that...”, “All sorts of different things...”;

· Coming soon to the squad – “News”, “What they write in the newspapers”;

· Laws, squad rules - “Everyone should definitely know this with an A”, “Code of Justice”;

Conclusions: the squad corner should be bright and positive. Consist of many elements to attract attention. The more fun, colorful and rich it is, the better and more favorable the children’s impression will be.

At the end of the shift, your corner can turn into a “farewell” corner.


    Camp name

    Camp motto

    Camp anthem (optional)

    Camp emblem

    Map of the camp (where everything is) – optional

    Plan of events for the shift (Travel map, miracle calendar)

    Camp headquarters (adults and squad leaders)

    Daily regime

    Mugs (Creative workshops)

    Daily routine (“Today at camp”, “Hello, new day”)

    Clean screen

    Duty screen

    Colorography (what you liked, what you didn’t like, mood diagnostics).

    Winners (“Starry Rain”)

    Laws of the camp

    Calendar of memorable dates

    Publicity board (optional)

    Stages of growth

    Shift Dictionary (optional)

    Photo booth (“Diamond Eye”)

    Information "Informburo"


    Squad name, motto, emblem, song.

    Laws of camp and detachment.

    Squad list (fun photo montage “This is us!”, “Allow me to introduce myself,” “Nice to meet you”).

    Plan for replacement (“Our strategy”, “Kaleidoscope of our affairs”, “Merry paths of summer”).

    Plan for the day (“Day by day”, “What do we have?”)

    Daily regime.

    If there is a rotation of assignments in the squad, a “pinwheel” should be made in the corner, on the moving part of which the assignments will be written, and on the fixed part - the names of the guys.

    A place for official congratulations “Congratulate me”, “Know your heroes”, “Hurray-hurray!”

    "Combat Pencil"

    "Love these songs."

    "Winged words".

    "Bulletin board".

    "Clueless Dictionary"

It turns out that you can congratulate the guys not only on their birthday or on winning a competition, but also...

all of us with the fact that we woke up today!

Congratulations to all of you that the Teachers got enough sleep today (take your chance);

Happy first day of summer;

Everyone, everyone, have a well-spent week at camp!

all those for whom the weather was favorable in the morning and allowed them not to attend the much-loved general camp event called EXERCISING!

with the first rain in the camp!

all of us loved!

Congratulations to all of us teachers!

Happy last day of shift everyone!

Happy last Sunday of the shift everyone!

Happy Parents' Day everyone!

lovers of diving and swimming with the opening of the swimming season at Zvezdochka!

Happy morning shower and Neptune's day to everyone!

to all food lovers with the last afternoon tea, dinner and fifth meal!

all visitors to creativity circles with their closing in the shift!

Have a peaceful night to all of us!

everyone who was anointed (not anointed)!

all the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these same girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only watched, watched, watched...

Design rules:

The design should use three or four well-combined colors.

The bright, pure colors of appliques made from colored paper are much preferable to dirty gouache stains.

Follow the principles of the newspaper sheet. Place the name, emblem, and motto of the squad at the top. Mentally divide everything that will fit below into three parts. On the left is an “editorial” (calendar of memorable dates, excerpts from newspapers), in the middle is permanent information about the detachment, on the right is changing information. In the lower right part is the “basement”, where the most “frivolous” materials are placed.

The following illustration methods will help in the design of the detachment place:

Colorful, interesting postcards and magazine clippings;

Emblems, pennants and various souvenir “trinkets”;

Spraying, which is done using a toothbrush or a hard brush: templates (made of paper, cardboard, leaves, flowers, etc.) are laid out on the space to be designed, which should overlap each other. Spraying is carried out in several stages. Each time the entire space is “pollinated”, and the patterns are gradually removed one by one;

Blowing: a drop of ink is applied to a smooth paper surface and rays, branches, tentacles, bushes, etc. are blown out of it using a tube;

Scratchboard: a blank is made - thick paper is rubbed with a candle until an even layer is obtained, then painted over with gouache and allowed to dry. All inscriptions and drawings are applied to the surface with a pointed object, and the wax shavings are removed with a soft brush.

Options for designing a detachment place:

Wall of publicity


Children's creations

- “I want to say” or “My ideas”

- "Mailbox"

Mood calendar

    "Rainbow of Mood" (Hang pictures at the detachment place - a tree, a house or a comet with long tail, and next to them are envelopes with small leaves, bricks, stars of different colors. Every evening the child glues a color that matches his mood to the drawing).

    "Mood Map" The counselor prepares a card for each child for all days of the shift (the child’s name must be indicated on the card). It looks like this: this is a table of three columns, the number of rows corresponds to the number of days of the shift: the shift numbers are written in the middle. On the left side of the number, the child enters a score from 0 to 10, which corresponds to his mood for today. And on the right side of the number, he draws an icon that reflects the reason for his mood. There is a table on the back of each card or on the squad stand that shows the symbols and their meanings.

The meanings of the symbols can be the following:

Knew something new

Work in small groups

Taught others something

Something didn't work out

Did something nice for friends

Did something good for myself

Chat with friends

Found a friend


Something personal

Problems in the squad

Participation in the case



Dining room

    "Mood Pendulum" The picture takes up a little less than a sheet of Whatman paper. A pendulum is a movable one, for example, a wooden strip rigidly fixed at the top. Depending on whether the mood is in the “sunny” or “rainy” part, the pendulum swings to the left or to the right at the end of the day. Below in the sector to which the pendulum has deviated, the number and reason are noted.

    "Music test" . Music staff. Little notes. Rate your mood using an eight-point system (from “mi” to “mi”). The note is attached in the right place. Depending on the mood, the stick of the note looks down (minor) or up (major). Each child exhibits his own mood. You can calculate the tone of the entire squad for the day. The digital designation of notes is accepted: mi-1, fa – 2, sol – 3, etc. Add up the number of notes for each and divide this amount by the number of children. The result of the group will be obtained. Look where most of the notes went, determine the nature of the mood.

    "Mood Rose"

It is performed on a sheet of Whatman paper: a circle with the maximum diameter is cut out. Inside the small circle is either a drawing, a colorful picture from a magazine, or a squad emblem. The remaining space is divided into sectors, the number of which corresponds to the number of shift days. Color designations are introduced:

red – an enthusiastic, very joyful mood;

yellow – joyful, bright, pleasant mood;

green – calm, balanced;

blue – sad, melancholy, melancholy.

6. « Night windows » - houses (high-rise buildings) with windows are drawn against a dark background. The number of windows in each house is equal to the days of shift. The guys each paint their own window.

yellow – good mood

yellow with lowered curtains – average

dark window - bad mood

Can be supplemented with various features:

a pot with a flower on the window - there is a birthday in our squad/ward/victory, prize-winning place/

the cat is on the window - today our room is the cleanest

cobweb is, accordingly, the most untidy chamber

7. « Seagulls over the sea » - seagulls are drawn by the number of days in a shift with a pencil

white seagull - great day

gray gull - good day

black seagull - bad day

a seagull with a fish in its paws - the victory of a squad in an event in the paws of a seagull can be anything, as long as it reflects what is happening in the squad

8. « Sunset » - the sun is drawn, plunging into the sea, divided into sectors, which are sketched in different colors: red, yellow, dark burgundy. By the end of the shift, the sun is very, very beautiful.

9. « Balloons » - suitable for junior teams. Any popular one is drawn childhood a character holding a bunch of balloons. The balls are painted in colors according to the baby’s mood. Recommendation: do not introduce dark colors (black, brown, gray), replace them with blue, green, lilac. It turns out not as beautiful as the sun, but quite worthy. As a farewell gift, you can give children balloons of the color that signifies “a great day” with wishes on a piece of paper inside.

10. « Emoticons » - the simplest and most accessible form, but cute. Emoticons are drawn - a circle and two eyes. Every evening the mouth is completed - a smile, an indifferent one, a sad one, a screaming one, a smile from ear to ear, etc. as far as your imagination goes.

11. « Flags » - if the name of the unit is similar to something historical, medieval (Camelot, for example), you can draw a castle and put flags on the battlements, it turns out great.

« Mood painting»

    Red color - an enthusiastic mood;

    orange color - joyful;

    yellow color - calm;

    green - I don't care;

    black color - bad, despondency;

    purple color - anxious, sad.

Remember that detachment corners can be either flat or semi-volume.

There is one more important point in the life of the squad - this is the trip of the day.

Very often, daily itineraries are written on ordinary notebook sheets, but you must admit, this is quite boring. We invite you to look at this work a little differently. Here are examples of how you can arrange day vouchers at the camp in an interesting and tasteful way:

Setting up a squad corner

07.09.2011 15052 1176

Setting up a squad corner


A lot has changed in the lives of children in the camp, but children are children. They are still interested in the successes of their squad, the results of sports and creative events, they like to read witty advice from teachers, compare ratings for cleanliness in their ward, find out what day of the week it is and the weather forecast, who is from the squad and what they have accomplished over the past a day to distinguish yourself and what interesting things will happen in the life of the squad in the near future. The squad corner tells the guys about this and much more. It is sometimes called both a diary and an information book. But the meaning is the same - it reflects the activities of the detachment and its participation in the life of the camp.

The squad corner is designed to: develop the activity of children, diversify their knowledge, help in cultivating good taste, teach the culture of design, and awaken interest in the life of their team.

The squad corner is a place where the squad constantly works and a stand that reflects the life of the squad. The successes and victories of the detachment, their fantasies, ingenuity, skill are constantly presented here; this is a kind of newspaper, and a constantly operating, lively, creative one.

The squad corner is the creativity of you and the children, but

However, we would like to give some tips that will help you:

a) The corner must be “talking”, i.e. The content and its headings must change.

b) The corner should reflect various aspects of the detachment’s life (self-service, sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays, prospects).

c) In the design of the corner and updating the content

children's arrival at the camp during the organizational period;

main period;

the final period of the shift.

Before the arrival of new guys, all sections are filmed in the corner. And new temporary headings are drawn up (necessary only for the organizational period):

a) “This is our camp” (brief information about the camp);

b) congratulations on your arrival;

c) camp laws;

d) camp address;

D) instructions to the guys from the previous shift;

f) first songs, camp song;

g) plan for the day and other sections at the discretion of the teacher.

During the organizing period, you can hold a competition for the best design of the corner. The creative group selects the best proposals, discusses and makes a layout of the corner in accordance with the new name and motto, revealing the idea of ​​​​the content of the name of their squad.

During the main period of the shift, the daily activities of the detachment are reflected:


Preparation for detachment and squad affairs, holidays,

Participation in creative competitions and shows.

Preparation for detachment duty, detachment duty,

Squad life

Encouraging children.

During the final period of the shift, the section “How We Lived” with photographs may be presented, or

the guys' thoughts about their days. Many Teachers attach a piece of Whatman paper next to the squad corner with the inscription “And finally, I will say.”,” and the children write goodbye wishes to each other and the camp.


Plan for change (Plan-grid, Firewood for the fire - our business. It’s not evening yet. Not a day without a joke. Happy summer paths, Our strategy, Breakfast, etc.).

Today (Start the day with Sprite, Today at our fire. The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do, And today we have.... New Da, Today).

Congratulations (Hip-hip-hurray!!!. Maestro, music! Kiss on the cheek.

Sports (From start to finish. Right in the ring. Our hundred-meter dash, In spite of records, Physical training).

Daily regime

Squad list (Meet us; Our party;

Bah, all the faces are familiar).

Over the hill (In other delights. Over the mountains, beyond the valleys, And at this time with the neighbors).

Our song (And we sing..., Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind. Musical gramophone).

Our address (Where to find us. Come visit us).

Our achievements (The country should know its heroes, Our ups and downs).

We'll achieve it.

All sorts of things (And you know what. All sorts of different things...).

Very Important information(News, Soon in the detachment, What they write in the newspapers).

Have you heard that... (Like flies here and there, rumors are circulating in the corners that...) - Our mood.

Book of complaints and suggestions (Barrel of complaints and suggestions, Lake of trust. Squad mail).

Kinoshka. (Today you will see on the screen what you have never seen...)

Squad laws. (Everyone should definitely know this with a “five”).


Each holiday should have its own traditions. Here we have combined the most popular and fun laws of some units. We hope that your joy will have new laws. If not, he suggests using these. The guys really like them. .

1. ________________.

2. _________________.

3. Do not wake up teachers when getting up; in case of a fire, take them out first

4. If you chase two teachers, you won’t catch either one.

5. Hurry up. - you will make everyone laugh.

6. If you leave the camp without teachers, take your suitcase with you.

7. The teacher is the head of everything.

8. Saw, heard - remember, report!

9. If they call you, go, if they don’t call you, ask, it’s not a shame.

10. If you want to eat, know how to move around.

11. If you eat it yourself, help someone else.

12. If you did not receive the 5th meal, it means that the Oblomingo bird visited you.

13. Check the fifth nutrition without getting out of bed.

14. After the “Hang up” command, darkness begins.

15. Don't snore!

16. From morning to evening, teachers are with you, and at night CARIES takes care of you? ,

17. Don’t think about the seconds when you get into the shower...

18. If the light in the shower suddenly turns off, then you need to get out quickly.

19 Your suitcase was stolen! We should have installed a Clifford alarm.

It turns out that you can congratulate the guys not only on their birthday or on winning a competition, but also...

all of us with the fact that we woke up today!

Congratulations to all of you that the Teachers got enough sleep today (take your chance);

Happy first day of summer;

Everyone, everyone, have a well-spent week at camp!

all those for whom the weather was favorable in the morning and allowed them not to attend the much-loved general camp event called EXERCISING!

with the first rain in the camp!

all of us loved!

Congratulations to all of us teachers!

Happy last day of shift everyone!

Happy last Sunday of the shift everyone!

Happy Parents' Day everyone!

lovers of diving and swimming with the opening of the swimming season at Zvezdochka!

Happy morning shower and Neptune's day to everyone!

to all food lovers with the last afternoon tea, dinner and fifth meal!

all visitors to creativity circles with their closing in the shift!

Have a peaceful night to all of us!

everyone who was anointed (not anointed)!

all the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these same girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only watched, watched, watched...

Many teachers place this section under the calendar, which is also in the squad corner. And depending on what is written in the plan for the day, what the weather is like today and what the mood of the squad is, the teachers and children come up with what time it is:

collect cones;

clean the wards;

vacuum the desert;

clean the area;

do legs;

reel in fishing rods;

dry crackers;

collect lost things;

picking flowers of pleasure;

seize the moment;

play the pipe;

synchronize watches;

to swell from hunger;

make promises;

dry oars;

put on socks.


This could be the daily routine for kids, and let the older groups try to come up with it themselves.

9:00 Morning. The sun rises and does not let the boys sleep.

9:10. To be in order all day, we need to do exercises.

9:30. Wash, get dressed, get ready for the line.

9:45 The bugle is calling, it’s time to go to the line, kids.

10:00 Porridge, tea, a piece of cheese - tasty, filling and beautiful. (Why are you walking around so sad? Are you waiting for a delicious breakfast in the dining room?)

10.30 We need to put everything in order, clean the room and sweep the floor.

11.00 – 13.00. As soon as we hear the call of the game, we will quickly run out into the street. A lot of interesting fun, competitions, and wonderful walks await us here. There is no better place in the world than a detachment - the Educators know. All the children know. And if you devote an hour to this squad, everyone will have fun. Everyone will be happy.

13.00 The dining room is calling us, the soup and compote are excellent.

14.00-16.00. Silence comes to us. The kids are resting.

16.30 This is the umpteenth time the cooks greet us.

18.00 Someone likes to dance, someone likes to sing and draw, only the slackers are toiling around this hour, and all the guys in the circle are studying... If we’re not lazy now, it’ll be the best evening we’ve ever had. Together with your squad, spare no effort: sing, dance, draw and glue.

19.00 Dinner time has come and now - detachment after detachment is heading to the dining room.

20.30 In the evening, a movie or a disco or some other fun, maybe a competition. Or maybe the game will be a surprise for you, kids.

2300. We were very tired during the day, we will say to everyone: “Good night!”

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