Scenarios world environment day. Environmental scenarios for a summer camp

world day of protection environment"Save the Earth!!"TARGET:environmental education, awareness of oneself as part of nature, responsibility to future generations and for one's planet, love for nature, broadening one's horizons.




Game program dedicated to

World Environment Day.

TARGET: Ecological education, awareness of oneself as part of nature,

Responsibility to future generations

And for my planet, love for nature, broadening my horizons.

DECOR: "Forest Kingdom", "Vegetable Kingdom", "Flower Kingdom". On the "Tree", on the wall - flying "Birds" (duck and crane). Under the "Tree" - a mushroom basket with "mushrooms". A little further away - a flower basket with "flowers". Nearby - a basket with "vegetables". On the walls - butterflies, dragonflies "Forbidding signs".

PROPS: Tailor's pins, cards with letters: G, R, A, H, S, O, V; two bags, "garbage" (candy wrappers, covers, etc.), cards with mushroom ditties, six cards in the form of fish, two fishing rods, talismans (boutonniere brooches).

PHONOGRAPH: Sounds: mooing of a cow, barking of a dog, chirping of birds, the song "It's fun to walk together."

EVALUATION SYSTEM: For the correct answer - a token ("Vegetable", "Flower", "Fungus", "Bird", "Fish"). Maximum amount tokens - the winner.

Behind the scenes is the intro.

"Save the Earth"

Take care of the lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the paths

On the stones of the dancing crab,

Over the desert shade from the baobab.

The hawk hovering over the field

Clear moon over the river expanse,

The swallow that flashed into the life,

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

HOST: - Hello guys! Man lived for a very long time

With confidence that he is the master of nature, what is not necessary

Wait for mercy from nature, you have to take them yourself.

For many years he took from nature, everything that

Wanted without giving anything in return. And now, as a result

Soulless activity, our planet is dying. Lakes are dying

Animals disappear.

The Red Book is growing at a catastrophic rate.

Our program today will try

Bring us closer to our mother nature. We are all her children and

Must love her.

Do you like traveling, walking, hiking? So today I invite you all on an unusual trip. We will walk around our planet without leaving this hall. We will visit the forest, the garden, the meadow, swim, fly with birds .... Let's pack a backpack and hit the road in two teams. Let's put a good mood, friendliness, patience in a backpack and go.

Leaving the yard, we immediately got into the country of Legumia. Don't look

her on geographical map, you will not find, but it exists.

Travel in this country only on foot. Maybe

It may happen that your left foot is in the north, and your right

In the tropics This is a country of complete silence. When its inhabitants

Legums - sick or thirsty, they ask for help

Silently. And if you take care of them, they are indebted

They won't stay. There are no ungrateful ones among them. But get hammered

Most in spring and summer. late autumn in Legumia

Almost no one will be left - the country is empty! Guess where we are?


  • Hint: Legum - in French - "Vegetable". Means, Legumia - as you guessed - a garden. Are you well acquainted with its inhabitants? Let's check! Let's try to solve the riddles:

1 .“For a curly tuft

The fox was dragged from the mink

Feels very smooth to the touch

It tastes like sweet sugar."


  • It is true that carrots are in the first place among root crops. But she has a lot of trouble. Vigorous weeds offend our "Red Maiden" very much. Carrots have tight germinating seeds - dormouse. Until the seeds wake up, until the sprouts get stronger, the weeds have stood up during this time. Try it, weed it! People have come up with a weeder who can weed an entire field alone, both quickly and cleanly.
  • This is ... kerosene. This is done when the carrot is still small, so that the smell does not stick to it. You know, dark purple, almost black carrots grow in Africa.

2. “If a cow in the pasture chewed its leaves, the owner of the cow will know about it that same evening: the pungent smell is transferred to cow's milk. Scientifically called "Alium" - pungent. And what do we call him?

Hint: "Before we ate it,

Everyone had time to cry."


3. In everyday life, this vegetable has a golden name. The first fetus brought from America had yellow like an apple of paradise. In the sun it shone like gold. The Italians gasped: "Pomo doro" - a golden apple. And what is this vegetable called in scientific books, i.e. what is his middle name?(Tomato).

4. at home, South America, Quechua Indians call this vegetable "Papa". This is his first name. The British call potato, the Italians - tartufel, the Germans - kartuffel, and we ...?(Potato).

5. The Romans called this vegetable "head" - "capucium" for its resemblance to the human head. What do you think we call it?

Hint: "Patch on patch -

green patches,

All day on my stomach

Lurking in the garden."


  • Well, they seem to have remembered all our main national vegetables. And now, quietly, so as not to disturb the Legums, we will get out of their country and set off on our journey.

(A cow is heard mooing). Who's the voice guys? That's right, a cow wished us a happy journey. (Soundtrack of birds chirping). Oh, listen, who's greeting us? Listen, right, birds. But by the voice we are unlikely to know who is who. Alas, we city dwellers can now find out by appearance only, perhaps, doves, crows, and sparrows. And we get out of the city - a bird, yes a bird. And they are so different. Even the sounds during the flight make different ones, not to mention the singing. For example, when there is a sound above us, as if someone is cutting the air with a twig, geese and ducks are flying over us. And if you hear clapping in the air, reminiscent of the applause of the audience in the hall, you will not be mistaken if you say that doves have flown. Look, a flock of birds is flying, stretched out in a row - these are geese, ducks. And then the wedge is the cranes.

Look, two birds have strayed from the flocks and flew to meet each other. You can guess which bird, from which flock: duck or crane.

(Children give answers).

Indeed, the crane flies with its neck stretched out, like a goose, but its legs are not visible, while the long legs of the crane are clearly visible.

Guys, now we will become editors "Forest Newspaper".Each team needs 4 people to play. Each player receives a letter on his chest. I will read riddles that have flown to our clearing and are sitting on a tree. And you, having guessed it, try not to shout out (a fine for this), but quickly stand in a row so that we can read the answer. Which team will make the word faster, that one will win. Remember, words are written from left to right.

Guards, who does not sleep, All migratory birds are blacker,

Catches every rustle sensitively. Cleans arable land from worms.

And when he screams, it becomes scary. Back - forward on arable land, jump,

The sleeping grass will shudder, And the bird is called... GRACH.

It hoots... OWL.

  • Thanks guys, now silence. We enter the forest, because it was not in vain that the birds chirped us, inviting us to visit. The shady forest has in store for us, its friends, its simple gifts: strawberries blushing in the clearings, raspberries hanging in large beads on the bushes. And there are so many mushrooms in damp shady corners! If we sit quietly in the forest, and we hear a smartly dressed woodpecker, and we see how a squirrel jumps along the branches, and then a hedgehog rustled. But what is it? A bird, lined with a slingshot, and here are mushrooms torn out with a mycelium, and here a bough, bent strangely and clumsily, and here are flowers like brooms. Guys, this is a bitter memory of the forest. The boy who, for no reason, not even for fun, broke a thin branch 30 years ago. Today, having come here, I saw this clumsy curved bough. If there are a lot of crooked and broken trees around, then they live nearby bad people! After all, we are not like that. Look how terrible! Here before us was a camp of negligent tourists, (assistants scatter trash). Let's work "orderlies of the forest"and remove this mess. There will be two “ambulance teams” of 3 people each. Who can do it faster?

(The kids work to the music.

  • It doesn't matter which team collected the most garbage, the forest was the winner.
  • Guys, look, Queen Flora gave us these “flowers” ​​as a token of gratitude for the fact that we “healed” her possessions - the kingdom of flowers. Flowers decorate our lives, give a person many joyful moments. However, many believe: if a flower has caught your eye, it must certainly be plucked. Let's look into the carriages of commuter trains, buses, cars going after a rest in the bosom of nature. In the hands of whole sheaves of forest, wildflowers. Most of the flowers, having turned into faded brooms, are thrown into the dustbin on the same day. And how many glades, forest edges have lost their beauty because of the barbaric desire to be sure to drag home as much natural beauty as possible! After all, when we pick flowers, we pick, of course, the best, most beautiful ones. Beautifully flowering and rare herbs began to meet less and less often: lilies of the valley, bluebells .... Let there be more flowers. Let them last as long as possible where they grow.

(Template flowers are attached to the stage, on reverse side which, riddles by colors).

  • Guys, help me figure out what flowers are hidden in my "bouquet".
  1. He stands on a leg long 2. In a clearing by the river

Like a ballerina in a pack, Proudly holding stems

Like a bouquet, a single flower. Like porcelain cups

Dark red… Dahlia Snow-white… Daisies.

  1. Here is a rough stalk 4. A branch in a bunch is dressed up

Violet ember in the middle

Petals shine like varnish. It's on a hot summer day

Blossomed ... Red poppy. Blossomed in soda ... Lilac

5. What is my name, tell me 6. There was a golden flower,

I often hide in the rye. Got old and gray

A modest wild flower, And as soon as it turned gray,

Blue-eyed ... Cornflower. Fly away with the wind.


  • Let's rest on the lawn and sing a song.

(Children sing a song.)

Guys, which of you likes to fish, and who to hunt? I invite avid hunters to hunt with me. Just see this sign? This is a prohibition sign: "Hunting is prohibited." Therefore, in order not to break the rules, we will play the folk game "Hunting". I invite one representative from the team. "Home" - a place where all participants (teams) sit. At a distance of a few steps from the "House" (preferably farther away), put a mark and draw a line. This is the "Forest", where different animals are found. The hunters will go to this forest. Standing still, the player says the words: "I'm going to the forest to hunt, I'll hunt for ...". Here he takes a step forward and says: - "Hare", the second step - "Bear", the third - "Wolf", etc. (At each step, the hunter calls the beast without repeating.). The winner is the one who reached the forest, and if he could not do it, he returns home.

  • Guys, I think it would be funny, having been in the forest, not to pick mushrooms. I propose to look into the damp shady corners of the forest: grab a mushroom basket and go. But before that, do not forget the basic mushroom alphabet: “Mushrooms are needed not only for us, but also for trees and animals!”. Firstly, the mycelium (a network of white thin threads) grows together with the small roots of the tree and forms a whole - the mushroom root. And they (tree and mushroom) benefit each other. They give the substances necessary to another, which he cannot develop himself. Mushrooms create the soil, help process needles, twigs, leaves, cones falling to the ground (and this is up to 2 tons per hectare), prepare food for forest plants (raincoats). And you saw squirrels, hedgehogs storing dried mushrooms for the winter in cartoons. Did you know that animals are treated with mushrooms, for example, moose - fly agaric.
  • In the meantime, talking, guys, I collected this basket of mushrooms. Guess what mushrooms I have in my basket?

(There is a mushroom quiz. The host reads, the children guess.)

Near the forest on the edge, I do not argue, not "white"

Decorates the dark forest, I, brothers, are simpler ...

Grew motley, like parsley, I usually grow

Poisonous ... Fly agaric . In a birch grove.


I'm growing up in a red cap They walk in red berets

Among aspen roots. Very friendly sisters

You will see me a mile away, Autumn is brought to the forest in summer

My name is ... Boletus. Golden ... Chanterelles.

Along forest paths

Lots of white legs

In colorful hats

Noticeable from afar.

Collect, don't hesitate

This is ... Russula.

HOST: - We go further on the road and, so that the road is more fun,

Let's sing ditties. And ditties are not simple, they are for selection


Chocolate hat

White silk uniform. Before dark, hide and seek with Vanyusha.

Looking, "Openok" gasped: Do Vanya the honor -

Real commander! There is a place in the trunk!

How old are you, "Smorel"? And on the hill, and under the hill,

You look like an old man. Under the birch and under the tree

The fungus surprised me: Round dances and hardly

- “My age is only 2 days!” Well done in hats.

HOST: - We went to the river. I think many of you would like to sit

Fishing by the river. Does anybody want?

Called one player per team. Players choose from 6 cards on the floor, one "rod" each. A stick with a rope, instead of a hook, a sinker imitates a fishing rod.

Each card has a series of letters. It is necessary to cross out the same letters. The remaining letters indicate the name of the fish. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner.

  1. F, O, Shch, V, G, I, U, O, G, I, S, K, V, S, A, F.
  2. F, O, K, V, G, I, A, O, G, I, S, R, V, S, P, F.
  3. S, U, L, R, P, X, O, E, S, U, X, O, P, W, R.
  4. R, U, S, W, K, I, O, R, U, W, I, M, K.
  5. H, F, N, U, O, S, A, H, Z, S, L, U, O, I, F, M.
  6. H, F, S, U, O, M, L, A, H, M, L, Z, U, O, A, F, N.

HOST: - Guys, our trip has come to an end. And in parting, I would like to tell you the following. They say that every person in his life should plant one tree. But it happens that a person is not so many years old as you are, and he cannot afford to plant. And what then? To say: - "I still can't do anything"? No you can! Today, when you go outside, choose a tree for yourself and say: “This is my tree! I'm responsible for his green happy life!” and help the tree grow. And after many years you will hear how it rustles gratefully to meet you. When you come to nature, and she trustingly transfers all her wealth, all her treasures into your hands - take care of them.

Remember: - There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory.

You will only see one

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are just here.

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

LEADING: - As a sign that our campaign was a success, the girls of the Souvenir mug

We have prepared boutonniere talismans for you, which will be for you

Always remind "LET THE EARTH FLOWER!".

Developer educator additional education MDG

Kazachenko Karina Borisovna.


Holiday "Live, Earth!"

Goals :

Formation of ecological culture of the younger generation

Formation of a positive attitude towards the environment

To form an interest in the world around and the desire to protect nature.

To overcome the consumer attitude towards nature, to form in children an ecological consciousness and corresponding value orientations.

Deepen children's knowledge of the world around them and environmental

Promote the accumulation of teamwork skills;

Form the prerequisites for environmentally correct behavior.


1. Organizational moment.

Do we wish each other well?

We wish each other well!

If it gets difficult, can we help each other?

If the going gets tough, we'll help each other!

II. Message topic and purpose

Today we have a lesson with you - a holiday. Draw an image of the word "holiday".

For me, a holiday is ……………

    Wonderful, bright, sonorous, joyful, cheerful, responsible…………

    Holidays are gifts Interesting games, contests, songs, dances, poems………

Let's take a look at the calendar, but not in a simple one, but in an ecological one and find out what holiday we are approaching.

from April 15 to June 5 - All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards

April 24- World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals

Fourth Saturday of April - Biologist's Day

Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and catastrophes - Day of Fight for Human Rights from Chemical Hazard (Chemical Safety Day) - International Guide Dog Day

What is the most important holiday for you?

The verse "Protect the Earth!"

Guys, we all have a birthday. And so people agreed and decided that our planet should also have a birthday. That day was April 22. This is the day of birth and protection of our rivers, lakes, forests, animals, birds, insects - this is the day of protection of our nature. On this day, both children and adults are waiting for congratulations and gifts. Songs on this day good words and even the sun shines brighter. (GLOBE)

1. Hello, our happy holiday,

glorious holiday- Earth Day.

We are with you today

They came to celebrate.

2. Everyone knows here, you and me!

Nature cannot be offended!

So let's say together one, two, three,

Let's open the holiday - Earth Day.

3 Our home is dear, our common Home

The land where we live!

You just look around -

Here is a river, there is a green meadow!

4. You won't get through the dense forest!

You won't find water in the desert!

And somewhere the snow lies a mountain,

Somewhere hot in winter!

5. We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas

Everything is called Earth.

- Look around: how beautiful, wonderful world surrounds us. Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. This is nature! She feeds us, gives us water, clothes, gives us everything for life and in return requires very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.


However, sometimes both adults and children act soullessly towards her.

1 - Factories smoke into the atmosphere,

huge black pipe

2 - And the factories are poured into the rivers

Muddy water streams.

3 - Garbage litters the Earth,

All living things are threatened!

4 - Planes are buzzing in the sky,

Frightening flocks of birds!

5 -Here oil is pouring from the tanker,

In it, sea fish beats!

6 - Cities and towns on earth

The cars are full!

7 - Rockets, burning fuel,

They fly to the endless sky.

8 -And children are dying on the planet

From bombs blowing up houses!

After all, there is a war on Earth!

9 - What is going on

On our beautiful Earth!

10 - Isn't it time to stop!

Grab everyone's head!

Let's hurry

Let's save our land from troubles!

Our Earth, although large, is very sensitive.

The man is also big, but a mosquito sits on him and he feels him

So the Earth feels everything. It becomes painful when a person unreasonably uses its wealth: cuts down forests, clogs reservoirs, pollutes the air. In a word, litter the environment

Yes! The earth is hurt by the unreasonable actions of people. But she still loves us, takes care of us. The Earth tries its best to hide human malice in its bowels, but sometimes it becomes unbearably painful. What causes natural disasters. Floods, snow in the summer... The Earth asks for help!

Today we will dedicate poems and songs to our birthday girl, and give a beautiful card that we will do together.

To do this, we have to complete tasks.

III. Related work

1) Rules of behavior in nature.

Everyone knows that there are certain rules of conduct at a party: you can’t shout at a party when you enter an apartment, you need to wipe your feet, say hello. Polite person always pleasant to the owners, and they will invite him again.

There are some rules of politeness that must be observed when you come to visit nature. Here you can’t behave as it comes to your mind.

1st tourist. Today we came for a walk

Fortunately, the forest is at hand!

Bought everything:

Food, matches, lemonade.

2nd tourist. All that we took, we will eat,

Let's look at nature.

And packages, jars, bottles

Let's scatter in the field.

3rd tourist. Let's throw all the bottles into the river -

Let the parcels float in the sea!

There is no urn - bring it to the bushes!

We are with nature on "you"!

Les, is he nobody?

Tourists in chorus. Nobody!

4th tourist. Let's settle down soon!

Here we will not interfere:

Burn and pour, cut and beat!

We are kings! Shut up, Nature!

Everything here is ours - forest and water!

Were the guys right?

What was wrong with their behavior?

- Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a game with you"If I come to the forest ». I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say "yes", if it's bad, then we all shout "no" together!
- If I come to the forest and pick a camomile? (No)
- If I eat a pie and throw out a piece of paper? (No)

If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes)
- If I tie a branch, will I substitute a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a fire and don't put it out? (No)
-If I litter a lot, but I forget to clean it? (No)
-If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)
-I love my nature, I help her! (Yes)


2) Live, spring. Live

Solve the riddle:

We say it flows

We say she plays

She always runs forward

But never runs away (water)

From the bowels of the Earth a spring gushed,
Instantly became a crystal stream ...

Streams rush, run forward,

And now the river is already flowing!

The river doesn't flow anyhow
And straight to the sea leads the way ...

And the sea, like a huge mouth,

All the waters of the rivers will pour into itself!

Well, then he will take them himself
The boundless ocean!

And he will wash globe

Water clear, blue.

1. There is always water in the spring. And where does she come from? (The spring is fed by groundwater).

2. Explain the concept of "soapy water". (These are reservoir waters contaminated with detergents)

3. What should be done at the enterprises so that polluted water does not get into the reservoir?

(Set up purification facilities and use the same water many times).

4. What is the most common river bank tree that they
strengthens, it is very flexible, bends low in the wind, does not break. (Willow).

5. This marsh plant is the main natural cleaner of the coastal zone of a large river. (Reed).

6. What is the cleanest, deepest lake, can it still be called the sea? Baikal

Game "Magic wand"(by commands)

Children pass a magic wand in a circle and name everything related to water.

(color the ponds)


3) Plants

Plant alphabet game

Mobile game "Wreath" ( glue plants)


4) Mailbox

    Come visit me!

I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me (snail, turtle).

    I have been waiting for a friend for 150 years. Positive character, one drawback -

slowness (turtle).

3. Friends! Who needs needles, contact me (hedgehog).

4. I want to make a nest. Lend, give fluff and feathers (bird).

5. To the one who finds my tail! Leave it as a memento. I will successfully grow myself a new one (lizard).

6. Please wake me up in the spring. Come better with honey (bear).

7. I will help everyone who has a broken alarm clock (rooster).

8. I teach all sciences! From chicks in a short time I make birds. I beg

take into account that I spend classes at night (Owl).

9. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name - patronymic. Patrikeevna no longer be called (fox).

10. Help kind but lonely birds to get family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life (cuckoo).

11. I am a forest animal. I sleep during the day and go out to feed at night. In winter I eat tree bark. I run fast. In winter, my fur coat becomes white as snow. (hare).

(Glue animals)


4) You are a person

Who is the main miracle on Earth?

Exupery's book "The Little Prince" (show)

Finish the sentence:

To be called a little prince, I have to be…..

(stick people)

5) History of the holiday

Every year in the spring different countries The planets twice celebrate a holiday that is very understandable to everyone - International Earth Day, which has a different semantic load. The first time Earth Day is celebrated on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox,

international significance Earth Day has gained momentum since 1970, when over 20 million people around the world took part in various environmental actions. And since 1990, April 22 has been declared International Earth Day, it is celebrated by residents of most countries of the world. Earth Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.

Earth Day on April 22, as well as Earth Day, held on the Day of the Spring Equinox, gives every inhabitant in all inhabited corners of the planet the opportunity to express gratitude to our big common home.

- Fold the puzzles of the flag and the symbol of the holiday (glue)

There is an Earth Flag in the world. However, it is not considered an official symbol. This flag is a photograph of our planet taken from space. In this capacity, the image of the planet against a dark blue background, which was taken by the astronauts of Apollo 17 on their way to the moon, is now used.
And this is what the symbol of this day looks like, the green Greek letter gamma on a white background.

Traditionally, on Earth Day, it is customary to ring the Peace Bell. This sound should encourage all inhabitants of the Earth to think about preserving the beauty of our planet.

The Peace Bell is a symbol of peaceful life on Earth

The first Peace Bell was cast from coins collected by children from 60 countries. And it is located in Japan. This is how he looks

The action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" was supported by people of other countries and peoples.

In Russia, the "Bell of Peace" was installed in 1998 in Moscow, in the museums of Nicholas Roerich.

The purpose of the action is to unite all the people of the planet in the cause of protecting the environment.

And while the bell will ring, we will carefully and lovingly pass the model of our Earth from hand to hand.


The bell is ringing loudly
Orders the world to live in the world,

So that the huge EarthThere has always been no war.

Good people, wake upYes, take a look:We'll have nowhere to liveIf the Earth is not kept!

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“You take care of us, take care ....!

In the anxiety of groves and forests

Dew on the grass, like a tear.

And the springs are quietly asking….

"You take care of us, take care of ...!"

sad deep river,

Their own, losing their shores.

“You take care of us...!”

The deer stopped his run:

"Be Human, man

We believe in you - do not lie ...

You take care of us, take care ...!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

so lovely and dear.

And lips whisper: "I won't lie,

I will save you, save you….

He flies over the entire planet:
"Save this Earth!"

We shout to all the people:
We all need to protect nature!

If we don't keep it,
We will lose ourselves!


Look how smart, beautiful, cheerful the planet has become! Let's try to do everything to make it so in real life. We are the saviors and guardians of our huge home called "Earth". All in our hands.

Nature is our wealth, to preserve this wealth for future generations is our task and our duty. M. Prishvin, addressing the guys, wrote (read out ): “For fish you need pure water Let's protect our waterways. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Man is inseparable from nature. He learns from nature. Let's respect the laws of nature. Only in collaboration with nature can we be happy in our common home - on planet Earth!

(glue congratulations)


Dear planet, Earth!

Congratulations on your holiday!

Forgive us for our mistakes.

We promise

Prosper my land
Good, bloom, dear,
You are alone in the universe

Dear all earthlings!

Happy holiday, friends, congratulations.
Let's live in peace, do not be at enmity,
I wish health, happiness, peace,
Let's build, don't destroy!

Wake up on Earth Day people
May the earth be beautiful
Let everywhere and everywhere
There will be peace throughout the world.

Blooms from under the snow

Welcomes spring first.


We are all inhabitants of the Earth.
That's why Earth Day
This is a holiday for all earthlings.
I send congratulations to all of you!
Happy Earth Day to all!
I wish you happiness, joy!
May good luck await you in everything
Only this way and not otherwise!

Student 5. Did you know that an owl kills about 1,000 rodents a year? If we consider that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain a year, then one owl saves a ton of bread a year!

Student 6. The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite: it can eat 100 caterpillars in an hour. If a large number of insect pests appear in the forest, she cracks down on them within a few days.

Student 7. Bats clear the area of ​​malarial mosquitoes. For an hour of night hunting bat can catch and eat 160-170 mosquitoes.

Student 8. During the summer, a swallow catches from half a million to a million of all kinds of mosquitoes, midges, aphids.

Student 9. Toads destroy not only harmful insects, but also slugs, and these are the most dangerous enemies of fields and gardens.

Student 10. During a summer day, beetles fly to the nest with food up to 400 times.

Student 1. If you put together in one line the insects that the swift eats over the summer, then it will stretch for a kilometer.

Student 6. If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you, -

If we pick flowers

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakin

Parade of signs.

A game.

Who in the early spring together

Digging a flower bed in the yard ,

Trees will be planted around

And fix the bench

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Who in the winter in the cold, in the cold

Pours food into the feeder

So that titmouse, sparrows

Chirping under the window?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Resting in the meadow

Who throws cans, bottles

On flowers and grass

Destroys the beauty of the forest?


Who, wandering home from school,

Stripped the bark from a birch.

dandelion narwhal

And scattered everywhere?


Who, having heard the hubbub of birds,

Do not scare away the animals with a cry,

Will bypass the nest to the side,

Won't destroy the fox hole?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Everything is everything

Needed in the world!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without absurd monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious

Everything in the world is needed!

Everything is needed -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things in a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone

We still really need each other.

Lyrics of Song "Earth is our home"

Music: Dobrynin V.

Words: Rozhdestvensky R.

I am talking about

That the whole earth is our common home.

Also, I'm talking about

That this house is going to be set on fire,

They want trouble to come to us,

For life to disappear forever.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks into the eyes of you and me

I am talking about

We all love this house.

Our good house, spacious house,

We all live in it from birth.

Also, I'm talking about

That we must save our house,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth is relying on us.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks into the eyes of you and me

And you and I can't be silent.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks into the eyes of you and me

And you and I can't be silent.

The earth does not sleep and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks into the eyes of you and me

And you and I can't be silent.

"Copied from"

Children of the earth

1. Among countless planets

There is no such thing in the world

Don't look in vain, you won't find anyway

And let the other planets count

You take care of what you have

Fly planet our huge light house, common house


It's good that we are still children

It's good that there is peace on the planet

It's good that the sun is shining

It's good that we are your children

2. We often look to the sky

Since childhood we believe in miracles

But we always forget only one thing

What a miracle is the main Earth

We are all one family

And the whole planet is our huge bright home, a common home

Target: the formation of respect for the environment in children.


1) Clarify, systematize and deepen knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, respect for it.

2) Develop Creative skills children, ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

3) To educate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to the beautiful in the natural environment.

Materials and equipment: a tape recorder or other equipment for playing music, recording melodies and songs; scribbled paper, branches, bottles; stones, shells, dummies of berries, mushrooms.

Leading : Guys, do you know what day is celebrated in our country today? Today is World Environment Day. What is the environment? (trees, flowers, reservoirs, earth, air, sky). Now I will make riddles for you, and all of them will be about our mother nature.

White in winter

And gray in summer.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)

Touchy, covered in needles,

I live in a hole, under a tree.

Though the doors are wide open,

But animals do not enter me. (Hedgehog)

white polka dots

On a green leg.

(Lily of the valley)

waved his hand,

The tree bent.


Everyone is asking me, waiting, but as soon as I appear, they will begin to hide.


It is made up of seas.

Come on, answer quickly.

This is not a glass of water

Ah, huge ... (Ocean)

Leading : Guys, today we will talk about earthly beauty: flowers, trees, animals. Remember how beautiful it is in the forest. And tell me, is it necessary to preserve and protect nature? Do you know these rules?

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just mind, don't forget...

1 child : That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly:

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

2 child : Do not break oak branches,

Never forget

Clean up trash from the grass.

In vain, flowers should not be torn.

3 child : Do not shoot from a slingshot;

You came to the forest for a walk!

4 child : Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

5 child : You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

IN. - Well done guys, you can go to the forest with you. Let's go with you to the forest. Close your eyes and imagine that you and I are in a fabulously beautiful forest. ( Music of the forest).

Open your eyes. So we ended up in a magical forest.

The Forest Fairy enters to the music.

Forest Fairy : Hello guys! Thanks for coming to visit. The forest is a great friend not only to animals and birds, but also to humans. For animals it native home and breadwinner. And the main job of the forester is to preserve and protect this house. It is very good that I have such wonderful helpers as you.

Forest Fairy : Ah, adults and children came to my forest to rest and left a lot of garbage. And I can't do it alone. Will you help me?

Pick up trash game

Forest Fairy : How quickly we put things in order without you, I would not have coped. Look how the brothers merrily rustled their crowns, how the flowers became even brighter, now my animals are not afraid to get hurt on broken glass and iron cans. Do you hear how cheerfully the stream ran? Thank you guys.

Leading : Forest fairy, can we take a walk here, and you show us the beauty of your house?

Forest Fairy : Certainly. Come on, I'll show you a clearing with mischievous daisies.

Dance "Daisies"

Leading : Oh, how beautiful you have here dear fairy. What are those sounds in your forest?

Forest Fairy : These are the sounds of the forest. Birds, wind, rain. Hear the brook gurgling in the distance. Will your children be able to tell by the sound who is speaking in my forest?

Leading : Of course they can.

Musical break "Guess whose sound"

Children guess:

sounds of the rain,



wind noise,

woodpecker knock,

cow moo,


snow crunch,

cat purring,

dog's bark

the murmur of a stream.

Forest Fairy : How attentive. All sounds are guessed. Do you know who lives in my forest? And can you show who moves on it?

The game "Jumping, swimming, flying". Grasshopper, magpie, hare, whale, butterfly, fish, eagle.

Leading : Guys, while we were playing, I found a magic bag under the oak tree.

Forest Fairy : Yes, this is my bag. I thought I lost it. And he was found. For this, I will give you wonderful gifts from my magic bag in memory of the forest. But first, play with me.

Game "Wonderful bag"

Leading : How can you call what was in the bag in one phrase? That's right, gifts of nature.

Forest Fairy : How many of you know what nature is like? Can you distinguish living objects from non-living ones?

Game "Living or inanimate nature"

The leader calls the object alive or inanimate nature. If an object of wildlife is named, the children move. (For example: a tree is named - they raise their hands, “grow”, if an animal - they jump, etc.) If an object of inanimate nature is named, the children freeze in place. (Squirrel, lily of the valley, stone, fly agaric, mountain, cuckoo, river, blueberry, wind).

Leading : Thank you, Forest Fairy, for the gifts and entertainment. We really enjoyed visiting you, but it's time to return home to kindergarten. We will never forget the rules that help preserve our nature.

1 child : Let's love the forest, protect.

We will help adults with this,

Protect forests, fields and rivers,

To keep everything forever!

2 child : In harmony, friendship

We will live with nature.

Let's be

Love nature!

Hello! Greetings to all who have gathered at this site. (head teacher)
Presenter 1: Kritsky Ruslan
If you suddenly stop piercing blue
and the heart will freeze, as it used to from surprise and delight.
If like autumn leaves, petty anxieties will shower from the soul,
all the vanity of vanities and the soul will be filled with light and silence ...
If a word already ready to sound suddenly becomes numb,
and you will feel that an ordinary earthly miracle has entered your life,
you will feel that you are part of nature...
Student 1: Dankanich A.
We want the birds to sing
To make noise around the forest,
To have blue skies
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.
We want the sun to warm
And the birch is green
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
To make it rain cheerfully in the summer.
Student 2:Osipov Evgeny
Tree, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
Pupil.3 Dankanich A.
Oh people, I think
We all have one mother,
Named Nature!
She has enough kindness for everyone
And we live, capturing forever
In the soul of her beautiful features -
Fields, meadows, seas and rivers.
Lead 2. Alim In our school, for many years, children have been planting beautiful flowers in the spring and taking care of them. In every cabinet grows a lot various kinds beautiful flowers, many of which our guys grew on their own
Presenter 1. Kritsky Ruslan In autumn, we do not forget about our little bird friends. Among elementary school held a bird KVN. There are also "Clean Paths" campaigns, competitive program"It's colorful, magical, mysterious world". In May, the children of our school hold the "Clean Street" campaign, where they remove garbage and plant seedlings of various trees.
Lead 2. Alim Every year on our planet there are two special calendar holidays: Earth Day and Environment Day. These are not just another “red dates”, which are usually accompanied by solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. This day is a reminder of the problems of nature conservation.
Student 4 Kuzmich Vanya or Katya
There is one garden planet.
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds, calling migratory.
You will only see one
Lilies of the valley in the green grass.
And dragonflies only here-
They look into the river in surprise
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other in the world!
Student.5 Sokolova Sasha(globe in hands)
Look at the globe - the globe of the earth
After all, he sighs as if alive, and the continents whisper to us
You take care of us, take care!
In the anxiety of groves and forests
Dew on the grasses, like a tear, and the springs quietly ask:
You take care of us, take care!
Don't destroy this world
Girls and boys
Otherwise these miracles
Remain only in the book.
Hymn to Nature. (Nastya Kovaleva, Alena Soboleva, Daria Tashchilina.)
Melody of the song "Solar Circle"
Against shooting, against trouble.
Let's stand up for our planet.
Beasts forever, Happiness forever,
So the man said!
May there always be groves
May there always be birds
Let there be animals in the taiga
And the house has flowers!
May there always be people
May there always be children
May it always be in a clear sky
The sun will shine.
Lead 1. Kritsky Ruslan The environmental team of our school appeals to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our city, who wants it to be clean and green. Let's not be indifferent, let's ring all the bells. Who will do it if not us. We will start from the smallest in order to make our motherland well-groomed and beautiful.
For birds - the sky, for the beast - forests, for fish - water, and for man - the Motherland.
Together. We promise:
Animal burrows, bird's nest
We will never break!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us!
Lead 2Alim
Take care of the earth.
Take care of the lark
At the blue zenith
Butterflies on dodder leaves.
On the stones of a playing crab.
Over the desert shade from the baobab.
A hawk hovering over a field.
A clear moon over the river calm.
Take care of the Earth!
Take care!
This line will start at 9:00. All participants must arrive at room 1 at 8.20 for a rehearsal. Being late is strictly prohibited! Poems to learn.

Scenario of the ecological holiday "Ecodrome", dedicated to the International Day for Conservation of Nature. Extra-curricular event "History of the disease", dedicated to the history of smoking and its prevention.

Three materials are offered:

1. Scenario of the ecological holiday "Ecodrome", dedicated to the International Day for Conservation of Nature.

2. extracurricular activity"History of the disease", dedicated to the history of smoking and its prevention.

The materials of the ecological holiday "Ecodrom" can be used both outside school hours and in the classroom (fragments), both in the school class and in the country children's camp.

OBJECTIVES of the event:

1. Promotion of environmental knowledge.

2. Education of ecological culture

3. Expansion of the individual experience of the interaction of schoolchildren with the environment.

4. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as the norms of life.

5. Children's awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.

6. Increasing the readiness of children to participate in environmentally oriented activities.

Scenario of the ecological holiday: "Ecodrome".

All people on our planet are discussing the problems of nature conservation, of which they themselves are a part: they remember that we are all very dependent on the environment that surrounds us. How we want to see clean streams, rivers and lakes, walk through a clean forest that is not littered by anyone, see animals not only on TV and in the zoo.

Today we will talk about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in natural environment. It's time for humanity to understand

Gathering wealth from nature,

That the Earth must also be protected.

She, like us, is the same - alive!

On a visit to wildlife, we will go today from our symbolic ecodrome. Why ecodrome? Because our today's conversation about communication with nature is a small launching pad for a journey into the world of big ecology - one of the most important sciences of the 21st century.

Today you have to participate in various contests - playful and serious, and I wish good luck to all the participants of these contests and their fans.

Presentation of participants (teams)

Jury presentation.

Leading: At the end of the last century, mankind realized that our planet is fragile and vulnerable. The most vulnerable on it is the forests: after all, they provide the much-needed oxygen to us. Most people think that a forest is a lot of trees growing together. But then the park and the garden and the alley are also forests? No, the forest is a community of trees, herbaceous plants and various animals.

Ourthe first competition is called "Forest Quiz" and we'll talk about the most different trees. Each answer is worth 2 points. If the participant resorts to the help of the hall, the price of the answer is 1 point. So the questions are:

1.What conifer tree drops needles for the winter? (larch)

2. Is it possible to cut down all the hollow trees in the forest? (no, birds and bats nest in them)

3. Why are there many dead branches in the pine forest, and the tops of the pines themselves turn green (pine is a light-loving plant).

4. Why forest roads do not dry out longer after rain than in the field (there is no wind, so evaporation is less)

5. What plants can be used in the forest to make tea? (strawberries, raspberries, oregano, etc.)

6. What plants in the forest can be used to treat a cold? (coltsfoot, thyme, strawberry, etc.)

7. The wood of which tree is very durable and resistant to decay. Buildings from it are preserved for 300-500 years? (larch)

8. What kind of wood are matches made of? (aspen)

9. Which tree wood is used to make paper and rayon? (fur tree, pine tree)

Leading : And nowgame called "Habitat".

We all know that it is possible to save animals and plants only by preserving the habitat itself, i.e. the conditions in which organisms live. So, attention! We listen to the task: I name the habitat, and the players name the animal that lives in it.

For example: "air - swallow"

"earth - rhinoceros"

"water - walrus"

Team game. The player who made a mistake or repeated the already named animal is out of the game.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading: Next competition called "Eco-signs".

Players receive environmental badges that indicate the rules of behavior in the forest. These rules must be explained by deciphering the signs. (teams receive environmental badges in the form of drawings).

While the players consider their answers, we will have a playful ecological game with fans. I ask questions and you answer:

1. Under what tree does the gopher hide when it rains? (gophers hide in burrows during rain, because there are no trees in the steppe where they live)

2. Who is above us upside down? (fly)

3. What is between the city and the village? (conjunction "and")

4. What does half a peach look like? (for the other half)

5. 3 ostriches flew, the hunter killed one, how many ostriches were left? (ostriches don't fly)

6. Can I cut my hands on water? (yes, when it turns to ice)

7. How far into the forest can a hare run? (to the middle, and then he runs out)

The players decipher the eco-signs and explain them (see the appendix).

The jury evaluates the players, says the total score

Leading : ourthe competition is called Ecoblitz ».

It requires from the players not only knowledge of environmental patterns, but also ingenuity, speed and the ability to explain a problem or situation. Each team will have to answer 2 questions, but the cost of each is 4 points. That's what "blitz" is for.

So attention:

Questions for the first team.

1. Most animal species exist in quite a few large groups, for example: a herd of African elephants consists of 25-30 animals, and reindeer - of 300-400 animals.

Question: why do many species of animals develop normally only if they united in large groups?

2. There is such a fish - cod. Every year, a female cod spawns 9 million eggs. And each time out of this number of eggs, only 2-3 million grow to an adult state.

Question: why out of 9 million cod eggs only 2-3 million grow to adult fish?

3. Flies have many enemies. Flies are constantly being fought. But their number is not decreasing.

Question: How can this be explained?

Players can take the help of the hall (then the price of the answer is 2 points)

Questions from the second team.

1. Your friends brought a hare to the dacha, which they found in the forest and want to take care of it. How do you rate their performance?

2. You went to the forest with your friends. Seeing fly agarics and grebes, the guys began to knock them down and stomp them with their feet. Express your opinion on this matter.

3. You saw a chick that fell from the nest. What will you do?

The jury summarizes the results of past competitions.

Leading: How amazing, bright colors gives us nature! It is worth remembering butterflies, the bright plumage of birds, the beauty of flowers, to be convinced of this. And sometimes, against the background of all this multicolor, we, people, seem to ourselves so monotonous and dim. But it's not.

And now not very serious competition "Colorful world".

Listen to the task: At the command of the leader, the player of each team invites 4 people from the squad to him (5 are possible). But these guys should be chosen so that they can line up by hair color - from light to dark. Whoever does it faster and better wins.

Host: our next competition is "Pantomime"

Each team is invited to use facial expressions and gestures to show the environmental rules of behavior in the city and in nature. And the fans have to guess what the rules are. Participants of the competition pull out leaflets-tasks:

1. Dog walking is prohibited in the park! 1. Fishing in the river is prohibited!

2. Save water! 2. Save energy!

Teams depict environmental rules, the jury evaluates the competition, marks the best.

Leading : Recently, you and I often began to hear a new term on the radio and TV "Environmental Threat" This may be due to terrorism, irresponsibility, and sometimes a lack of understanding of the dangers of storing various substances or goods. Let's imagine that we are not players, but secret agents who have received the task of neutralizing a dangerous environmental cargo. While a balloon is tied to the left leg of each player, I will tell you our detective story further. At the cost of incredible efforts, agents penetrated the secret warehouse. Here it is - a dangerous cargo! But the guard does not sleep. And the battle begins: with the right foot, the player must burst the opponent's ball and at the same time protect himself - do not let his ball burst. Players take turns taking shots. The one who remains the last with the ball wins.

Leading: our next competition is dedicated to another important problem of modern ecology - ecological catastrophe. This is the name of our final competition "Ecological catastrophy".

You can often hear that a tanker has crashed somewhere in the sea and oil covers the entire surface of the sea in a thin film at the site of the accident. But there are animals - small and large inhabitants of the sea. How they need help, and it should be provided in a matter of hours. Sometimes minutes count. It is difficult then for ecologists-rescuers. These people need such qualities as courage, speed, dexterity, the ability to deal with victims, accuracy and accuracy. And now we will try to show the moment of saving living beings from the scene of the accident. In front of you are 2 basins filled with water imitating the sea. In the "sea" there is an apple and an orange imitating aquatic animals (albatrosses and seals). Players need, holding their hands behind their backs, to get fruits with their teeth and transfer them to a plate that is on the table by the jury.

The jury summarizes the results of the competition, calls the total score.

Leading: we finish our meeting at the ecodrome. I wish you good knowledge of ecology, a good relationship with nature, and that there are no environmental threats or environmental disasters in your life.

Municipal educational institution

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extracurricular activity

for students in grades 7-8

"Disease history"

biology teacher, secondary school №54

Grebneva Irina Borisovna

Target: the formation of a conscious attitude to healthy lifestyle life .


    To educate children in a responsible attitude towards their health as opposed to the growing tobacco addiction among schoolchildren;

    To form skills of safe behavior in everyday life;

    To form an understanding that health is a priceless gift.

Partially or completely, this lesson can be used when conducting biology lessons (section "Man and his health", topic "Respiratory hygiene", section "General biology", topic "Environmental factors").

Lesson plan

1. An invitation to a conversation.

2. Acquaintance with the history of the disease.

3. Determination of disease carriers.

4. Determining the symptoms of the disease.

5. Diagnosis.

6. Determination of methods of treatment.

7. Last warnings.

On the desk:

    "The only beauty I know is health" poster

G. Heine

    tables "Grouping of risk factors for health" (see Appendix - 1) and "Impact of nicotine on the body" (Appendix -2)

    deciphering the concept of "Healthy lifestyle" (Appendix -3)

1. An invitation to talk.

In 2002, 30 million children were examined in Russia. The results of this survey are alarming: only 30% of children are healthy, 52% have deviations in health, and 18% have chronic diseases.

Among the many diseases that a person suffers from, a special place is occupied by behavioral diseases, or bad habits which include: smoking, drinking, substance abuse and drug addiction.

Today we must understand the history of one of these diseases. At our disposal - historical information, testimonies of patients and medical scientists.

Before you treat a disease, you need to recognize it, determine its symptoms, make a diagnosis, and only then write out a prescription with the name of the medicine.

2. Acquaintance with the medical history.

Students are divided into groups (4-5 people each). Each group receives 7 cards with texts that tell the story of tobacco and smoking. Students must build a historical sequence of the distribution of tobacco from the cards (see Appendix - 4).

The teacher discusses with students the history of smoking, supplementing it, paying special attention to the reaction of different peoples to tobacco use.

3. Identification of disease carriers.

So, the carrier of the disease called "smoking" is a smoker. You will see a portrait of such a patient by watching the scene "Smoker at the doctor's office" (students play the roles of a smoker and medical specialists).

Scene "Smoker at the doctor's office"

The smoker undergoes a medical examination and visits specialist doctors: a pulmonologist, an angiosurgeon, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist.

The pulmonologist reports that as a result of smoking, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs develops, which causes coughing; a rough, hoarse voice is the result of inflammation of the vocal cords; in addition, shortness of breath appears, and in the future, the development of tuberculosis and lung cancer is possible.

The angiosurgeon says that smokers often suffer from intermittent claudication and obliterating enteritis (the reason is damage to blood vessels by nicotine lower extremities), this disease is accompanied by severe pain, coldness of the legs, aches, in the long term - gangrene and amputation of the limbs.

The cardiologist warns smokers: as a result of vasoconstriction, the oxygen supply of the organs worsens - as a result, dizziness, malaise, pain in the heart, and in the long term - a heart attack.

A gastroenterologist warns that nicotine dissolved in saliva, entering the stomach, causes chronic inflammation - gastritis, which can lead to the formation of an ulcer.

4. Determination of the symptoms of the disease.

We continue our acquaintance with the symptoms of smoking, i.e. manifestations of the disease. Let's listen to the organs that are poisoned as a result of smoking (students voice the organs, comment on the symptoms, i.e. play the role of medical scientists).

First word to the heart:


I feel so bad, I'm so tired

And there is no more strength to knock.

There probably isn't much left to live...

Could only you understand -

I don't have enough oxygen

I'm so choked by nicotine

And this poison is invincible.

My blood vessels

Burning in smoke day by day

And if you don't save us

We're going to die from smoking!

Here's what the lungs say:


Oh, we are poor, completely burned,

We want to ask you people:

"Why are you smoking?"

Polonium poisons us

Nicotine is a terrible poison for us,

It burns our bronchi.

Who is to blame for this?

Terrible cough in the morning

Throat bleeds.

Who will help us now

To become healthy again?

And now - the comment of a medical scientist:

(work with the table on the board)

Smoking is one of the main reasons cardiovascular disease and lung diseases. Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke prevents oxygenation of the blood, and this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in well-being and health. When red blood cells begin to carry poisonous carbon monoxide instead of oxygen, the ability of organs to perform their functions is reduced.

In the alveoli (the smallest pulmonary vesicles), where gas exchange takes place, irreversible changes occur over time. The walls of the alveoli become rigid and lose elasticity, which makes breathing and heart work difficult. The bronchi expand, mucus accumulates in them, they become more

susceptible to inflammatory diseases. In the morning, the smoker is tormented by a cough with sputum, the shape changes chest. There is a high risk of vasospasm, thrombosis, circulatory disorders, asthma, and allergies.

A word to another organ suffering from smoking - the brain.


The damned villain dried me up,

No more bright ideas

He stole my neurons

And changed it to a pack of cigarettes.

I am now and for a long time

Can't learn this lesson

And attention, and no memory -

All from those damn cigarettes.

And again the comment of a medical scientist.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. In experiments on animals and human observations, it has been established that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, increases respiration and heart rate, leads to heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of the cells of the central and autonomic nervous systems. Disorder nervous system manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of hands, weakening of memory.

Teacher Additions:

Today there are 60.000 scientific research confirming the harmful effects of tobacco on human health. Smoking is the most common cause of morbidity and premature death in many parts of the world. 24 life-threatening diseases are registered as a consequence of smoking. The aging of the body accelerates - the life of a smoker is on average 7.5 years shorter.

A lit cigarette is a kind of chemical plant. Scientists have found that tobacco smoke contains more than 4,700 substances, 43 of which are carcinogens, that is, lead to cancer. This is why tobacco causes more disease than alcohol and drugs combined.

5. We make a diagnosis.

The disease called tobacco smoking is very dangerous, as it harms not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them. These people become passive smokers because ¾ of cigarette smoke is released into the environment. This smoke contains the same toxic substances that are hazardous to health.

Each diagnosis has its own prognosis. What is it like in people who smoke? According to statistics, a person dies every 13 minutes from the effects of smoking, and one cigarette smoked shortens a person's life by 5.5 minutes. Smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to get stomach ulcers. Smokers make up 96% of all lung cancer patients. Cancer kills 5 million annually. life on the planet.

6. Determination of the method of treatment.

How to cure this disease? What to do if you find signs of this disease in yourself? There is a reliable way of treatment - to get rid of slavish cringing before a cigarette, not to imitate smokers, understanding everything dangerous consequences smoking. You need to find the strength and courage to break with a bad habit.

Our body has a fantastic ability to compensate for the damage caused by smoking. Anyone who quit smoking before he developed serious smoking-related diseases has every chance of regaining good physical shape.

The first obvious plus is that oxygenation of the body improves and, accordingly, well-being. Further, blood circulation improves, from which the hands and feet become warm, a healthy complexion returns. Skin and hair become healthier and teeth whiter. The sense of smell improves - the food becomes tastier. The mucous membranes of the nose are restored, microscopic cilia grow again, trapping dust and dirt. The risk of heart attack and stroke after 5 - 10 years is reduced to about the same level as non-smokers. After 10 - 15 years, a person who has quit smoking, the state of health is restored to the level of a non-smoker.

7. Last warnings.

About a thousand teenagers start smoking every week in Russia, and 80% of them continue to smoke as adults. Don't be one of them! Remember! Nicotine is very dangerous! The fate of your health and the whole future depends on your today's determination and will!

Don't hesitate! And if you want to live long and without diseases - fight against the tobacco enemy!

We wish you good health!


Annex 1

Grouping health risk factors.



to health


for good health

Groups of risk factors

Way of life, work, habits and behavior

Smoking, alcohol consumption, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, physical inactivity, drug abuse, drug use, loneliness, excessive high level urbanization.

Genetics, human biology.

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

External environment, natural and climatic conditions.

Air, water, soil pollution, abrupt change atmospheric phenomena, increased magnetic and cosmic radiation.


Late delivery medical care, its low quality, inefficiency of preventive measures.

Application - 2

Application - 3

In concept "healthy lifestyle"

includes the following components:

    Rejection of bad habits;

    Optimal driving mode;

    Balanced diet;


    Personal hygiene;

    Positive emotions;

    Highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

Application - 4

Cards with texts "History of tobacco"

1. Tobacco comes from America. The history of introducing Europeans to smoking is associated with the name of Columbus.

On October 12, 1492, the sailor Rodrigo Triona from the ship "Pinta" of the flotilla of Admiral Christopher Columbus saw the land. Columbus believed that in front of him was the eastern coast of India. The locals called their land, which turned out to be an island, Guanahani. Columbus gave her a new name - San Salvador. This name has since been borne by one of the Bahamas.

2. Among the gifts, local residents presented Columbus with dried leaves of the petum plant. They smoked these sun-dried leaves rolled into a tube. In the view of the devout Spaniards, only devils could blow smoke from their nostrils, but this did not prevent many sailors of the expedition and the admiral himself from getting involved in this activity.

3. The plant was named tobacco on behalf of the Tabago province of the island of Haiti. After the second campaign of Christopher Columbus (1493-1496), tobacco seeds were brought to Spain. Then they got into neighboring European countries and during the period of great discoveries by sea and caravan routes were delivered to almost all corners of the globe.

The spread of tobacco was facilitated by its property - the habitual craving for smoking, which is difficult to fight.

4. It cannot be said that tobacco freely penetrated everywhere. In Italy it was declared "the devil's fun". The popes proposed to excommunicate smokers from the church. As a warning, five monks caught smoking were immured alive in the monastery wall.

In England, by decree of Elizabeth I (1585), smokers were equated with thieves and led through the streets with a rope around their necks.

5. In the mid-30s of the 18th century, the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of the animal and flora, gave tobacco the generic name "Nicotiana" in honor of Jean Nicot, who was the first to cultivate tobacco in Europe.

Tobacco was brought to Russia by English merchants in 1585 through Arkhangelsk, and then began to be widely cultivated on Russian soil.

6. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, those convicted of smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows to the feet, in the second - by cutting off the nose or ears. After the devastating fire in Moscow in 1634, which was caused by smoking, it was banned on pain of execution. Due to the fact that tobacco turned out to be a profitable enterprise, since its trade brought significant profit, since 1697 (the reign of Peter I), tobacco was officially allowed.

7. The spread of tobacco and the variety of ways to use it are associated with numerous wars. Tired, exhausted soldiers found that tobacco gives them strength and allows them to pass the time at a halt. Ways to use different varieties wandered from one army to another. The Napoleonic Wars contributed to the spread of cigars, the Cossacks spread the habit of pipe smoking throughout Russia, and hand-rolled cigarettes spread during the Crimean War. During the First World War, smoking became a truly mass phenomenon.


1. extracurricular activities in Biology: Unusual Forms and Methods of Cognition Activation M., Shkola Press, 1999.

2. Biology at school, No. 6-2001

3. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. Compiled by Bayubanova V.V. and Maksimtseva T.A., Volgograd, teacher, 2003.

4. Tobacco. Collection of information materials. St. Petersburg, Drugbox, 2003.

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