Almost like pioneers. Ecological action "Hand over waste paper - save a tree"

Hand over waste paper - save a tree!

Under this motto in kindergarten No. 3 "Firefly" on February 02, 2017. there was an action - collection of waste paper, dedicated to the year of ecology in our country.

The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of teachers, pupils, and their parents to the problem of a careful, prudent attitude to such wealth as a forest, which is an important natural resource in economic activity human, but an even more important resource in the preservation of ecology environment are the lungs of our planet.

The action was preceded by a lot of work of teachers with children and parents. In the course of the work, the task was solved: to acquaint children with one of the ways to preserve the forest - the collection of waste paper, which everyone, even a preschooler, can do, and put it into practice with the involvement of the parents of the pupils.

The work of teachers with children was aimed at motivating the collection of waste paper. During the organized educational activities, conducted in the form of conversations, stories, observations, presentations, experiments and research work, children learned about how and where paper comes from, in what areas of activity it is used. Children also learned that a lot of necessary things can be made from recycled materials (waste paper) without cutting wood:

Various types of containers and packaging (cages and cassettes for eggs, various packing lists and gaskets for packaging food, household appliances, furniture and other consumer goods),

- disposable pots for seedlings and seed germination,

- paper towels, napkins, toilet paper,

The highest grade of waste paper is used to produce excellent office paper, paper for the printing industry, etc.

The action, in which we also added an element of competition (which group will save the most trees?), began earlier than the date of delivery of waste paper was scheduled. Parents and children began to bring waste paper, neatly folded, tied and weighed in advance, because each group wanted to be ahead. The result exceeded all our expectations. We planned to collect about 200 kilograms of waste paper, but we collected 643 kilograms!

Group No. 3 "Romashka" took the first place, having collected 205 kg. waste paper, in second place - group No. 7 "Cornflower" - 121 kg, in third place - group No. 4 "Forget-Me-Not" - 116 kg. Other groups also made their significant contribution. Prizes await the winners!

We are confident that the action carried out marked the beginning of the formation of an ecological culture among our pupils and their parents, and we plan to continue working in this direction. I would like to believe that the new generation will grow up more environmentally literate and separate waste collection will be the norm of everyday life for them.

The baton of the action "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree!" we transfer to kindergarten No. 4 "Kid".

Firulina K.Z - senior educator, Pavlova T.V. - Deputy Head of Security.

Have you ever wondered how much "unnecessary" paper we throw away just like that? Pay attention to how much paper we throw into the trash can every day: it's not only read newspapers and magazines, but also paper spam that falls into our mailboxes, and store checks, packages and wrappers, as well as medicine boxes and much, much more. Luckily, paper is biodegradable. That is, once in a landfill, it will simply disappear over time without a trace and will not cause any harm to the environment, unlike, for example, batteries.

In the last couple of decades, the inhabitants of not only Russia, but the whole world have been too irrationally disposed of natural resources, and if you do not change your attitude towards nature, then an ecological catastrophe is almost inevitable.


To prevent an undesirable outcome, as well as to save green spaces, in Russia there is a campaign to collect waste paper, which applies to every resident. Its essence is to:

  • convince people to take care of natural materials and resources, including paper;
  • do not throw it in the trash, but carry out regular collection and delivery to the appropriate services;
  • engage in processing and production from recycled materials;
  • reduce tree cutting

Here are some facts about waste paper:

  • 60 kilograms of waste paper is 1 saved tree;
  • each Russian has about 25 kilograms of paper products per year, that is, each average family can save at least one tree per year;
  • waste paper accounts for approximately 40% of all solid waste by weight;
  • The area of ​​forests on the planet is constantly declining, so the lack of trees will become a tangible problem in the very near future.

And if your hand trembled at least once when you sent a pile of papers to the trash can, then you in step from the beginning of a new life in which you will begin to hand over waste paper.

Get a box at home in which you will put all the waste paper: these are not only newspapers, but also glossy magazines, and unnecessary papers, and not the most successful children's drawings, and medicine boxes. Even if this paper is torn, crumpled, has irregular shape- no one will force you to carefully fold it and pull it with a twine, as it was at the pioneer collections of waste paper.

It is necessary to instill in children the right eco-habits from childhood. Tell us what paper is made of and why trees should be protected. After all, we all want us and our children to grow up on a GREEN PLANET.

By collecting waste paper, YOU save trees and clean our city from garbage!

Feel free to join our environmental action!

Together we can improve the environment and make our city cleaner!!!

Today, the problem of the environment in Russia and around the world is particularly acute. And in order to save the planet for future descendants, it is necessary for every person to learn to protect nature from an early age.
In April of this year, in the preparatory group, under my leadership, an environmental action was launched to collect waste paper "Hand over waste paper - save the tree!", The purpose of which was to form an active position of children in the field of environmental protection



Ecological action "Hand over waste paper - save a tree".


1. Conservation and responsible consumption natural resources our planet.

2. Attracting the attention of the younger generation to the need reuse natural resources.

3. Dissemination of information about the importance of the event for the delivery of waste paper for recycling.

4. Involvement of children and parents in a playful, competitive form in the practice of collecting and handing over waste paper.


1. To instill love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.

2. To educate the beginning of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

3. Involve pupils and their parents in active environmental activities.

4. Give children an idea of useful properties forests.

5. Collect and recycle waste paper, save trees from cutting down.

Today, the problem of the environment in Russia and around the world is particularly acute. And in order to save the planet for future descendants, it is necessary for every person to learn to protect nature from an early age.
In April of this year, in the preparatory group, under my leadership, an environmental action was launched to collect waste paper "Hand over waste paper - save the tree!", The purpose of which was to form an active position of children in the field of environmental protection
This choice of topic - the collection of waste paper - is not accidental. Paper is one of the main components of waste in every apartment and, of course, in an office or school. One resident, on average, throws away up to 150 kg of paper per year. And to get 1 ton of paper, about 10 trees and 20,000 liters of water are consumed. By handing over waste paper for recycling, you can not only reduce the size of landfills, but also significantly save natural resources and reduce water pollution.
The action was carried out in the form of competitive competition. With great enthusiasm, the parents of the pupils took part in it, bringing old newspapers, magazines, books, cardboard packaging. Removal, weighing and delivery of waste paper to the collection point for recycling is planned to be carried out in November this year.

Within the framework of the project, many interesting events were held together with all project participants.

Activities with children

1. Practical lesson "Trees on our site", in which the children replenished their knowledge about the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten; worked with herbariums, determined from which tree a leaf; competed in teams, answering tasks and quiz questions.

2. Within the framework of direct educational activities, practical lessons on children's experimentation "Properties of paper and cardboard". In the classroom, the children got acquainted with the history of the appearance of paper, with different types paper and cardboard. In the course of an independent study of the properties of paper and cardboard, the children came to the conclusion that paper and cardboard products require careful handling.

3. Viewing the presentation “Production of paper and cardboard. Waste paper recycling. As a result, children have expanded their knowledge about the process of production and processing of paper from waste paper.

4. Within the framework of direct educational activities, a practical lesson "Papermaking in a kindergarten" was held.

Activities with parents

1. Children together with their parents took part in a poster contest on the theme "Protect the forest!" and the competition of crafts from waste material "Second Life of Paper and Cardboard". It should be noted the active participation and creative approach of the families of the group.

3. A collection of waste paper was organized under the slogan "We collect waste paper - we save trees!" ..

Practical work

"Paper has a second life"

Target : Get paper in a kindergarten from used landscape and scribbled notebook sheets.

To get paper at home from paper waste, the following technique was applied.

1. Tear the paper into small pieces (no more than 2x2 cm) and place them in a basin. Pour water into a basin and leave for a while until the paper softens.

2. To break up the paper fibers, mix everything well with a blender until the consistency of slurry.

3. Place a window net on the tray.

4. Put the resulting mass on the grid and level with a spatula.

5. Remove excess moisture with a foam sponge, dry until completely dry.

The first experiment was carried out with old newspapers. The result is gray paper.

In order to receive colored paper, we add gouache to the paper pulp. You can get colored paper from colored paper napkins. When processed, they became much denser. Colored paper received.

Project result

Expansion of preschoolers' ideas about the forest as an interconnected system of living organisms; about the importance and influence of the forest in nature and human life;

Activation of cognitive and research activities children

Interaction of parents and children in creative experimental activity.

As a result of the work done, the children studied the history of the emergence of paper, got acquainted with the technology of paper production at a pulp and paper mill.

After studying various sources, we tested one of the methods for making paper in a kindergarten. Using old albums and scribbled notebook sheets, colored paper napkins, we managed to get paper of different quality, different colors.

Thus, the children got acquainted with the manufacture of paper in a kindergarten.

As a result of a sociological survey conducted among the parents of our preschool educational institution, it turned out that most families are aware of the need for a personal contribution to the preservation of forest resources and are ready to take an active part in the collection and delivery of waste paper.

We thank all participants of the action for their activity, competitive spirit and sincere desire to make a practical contribution to the conservation of natural resources. Saving resources, we care, first of all, about the future of our planet!

Dozens of kilograms of used paper are thrown away every day in educational institutions for children and teenagers. If you organize the collection of waste paper in the school, this waste can be reused, preserving a valuable "green reserve" of the planet.

Event preparation

First of all, you need to give the new waste paper collection project a unique, memorable name.
To attract more attention, you can organize a Paperless Day at school. Worldwide, Paper Free Day is held on October 27th. Its initiator is the organization AIIM. In Russia, such an event is called Docflow. Also, since 2011, the Paper BOOM project has been gaining popularity in the network.

This provides an opportunity to learn about the principles of rational use of natural resources.

You can save a huge amount of premium paper by stopping printing abstracts, articles and reports. It is enough that every schoolchild and student has smartphones and other gadgets that can store an almost unlimited amount of text documents.

Paper Free Day does not involve a complete rejection of paper. It is important to convey to people the idea that this is a valuable resource that needs to be used for more “higher” purposes: printing books, drawing, painting, etc.

Goals and objectives of paper recycling projects

The main purpose of collecting waste paper is to educate schoolchildren about respect for plant resources, teaching them how to use paper correctly.

Such projects highlight the importance separate collection and further recycling of paper waste.

Event objectives:

  • involvement of children in environmental activities;
  • education of personal citizenship about the irrational use biological resources;
  • studying the theory: how paper is made from waste paper, and where recycled materials can be used;
  • discovery of new talents and leadership qualities;
  • informing students about current environmental issues in the region and around the world.

The project has practical value: if the school starts collecting waste paper, the amount of waste sent to the landfill will decrease.

The competitive form of the event and the rewarding of the most active participants spur the pace and volume of the camp.

In addition to the race in the individual and team (class) standings, you need to organize the collection of material on the spot. Multi-page reports of teachers on teaching and extracurricular activities, book rags, scribbled notebooks, test sheets and other rubbish can be received new life after processing.

Stages and methods of implementation

Class teachers receive from higher authorities necessary materials for a matinee junior schoolchildren or class hours for older children.

The teacher draws up a plan of events dedicated to the collection of waste paper, and distributes individual tasks to students. One or more students are assigned to leadership roles: they will be responsible for the implementation of the practical part of the action.

Children prepare their own propaganda posters and leaflets. To highlight the importance of resource management, booklets can be printed on paper with writing on one side.

As part of the class hour, the teacher comes out with a short lecture on ecology and environmental protection.

After the introductory speech, the students make prepared reports and stories on the topics “how waste recycling will help prevent an environmental disaster”, “hand over 100 kg of waste paper - save one tree from being cut down”, “paper recycling”, etc.

To make the performances more exciting, students prepare presentations (if the school does not have a good projector, you need to bring a laptop), edit videos on their own.

If on cool watch a lot of time is allocated, you can watch in the audience documentary about the problems of modern environmental management.

Before the start of the collection, the organizers of the action need to agree with social organizations or recycling companies on financial rewards, the date of waste paper removal and transport.

The timing of the action and the rules for collecting waste paper are negotiated in class hours. Children are given time to prepare well, ask their parents to bring unnecessary paper and newspapers to school by car.

The reward of active participants of the event is carried out after summing up the results of the gathering. The photo report can be published in the school or city newspaper, as well as on the website social organization who started the project.

What material is suitable for collecting

Waste paper is disused paper and cardboard products that can be recycled.

You can donate books, notebooks, periodicals, advertising booklets, old essays and reports, packaging materials.

What is not suitable: glossy, laminated cardboard (plastic shells are processed on complex and expensive equipment: not all enterprises have this), cellulose disposable tableware (glasses, plates), foil paper, tracing paper, photographs.

Wet, moldy or badly burnt raw materials are not rented.

Waste paper needs to be properly prepared:

  • remove metal and plastic staples, spirals, paper clips, folders;
  • dry the material;
  • separate hard, laminated covers (if we are talking about books, you should make sure that they do not represent practical and aesthetic value).

Raw materials must be packed in boxes or tied with a rope (polyethylene bags are not suitable for packaging).

It is convenient for waste recycling enterprises when waste paper is already sorted and placed in special containers. The organizer may ask you to bring them to the educational institution in advance.

Collection of waste paper in preschool

Environmental projects in kindergarten it is worth embodying only in older groups. At this age, children are already quite receptive to new information and understand the terms "wood", "cellulose", "fibers", "waste paper", "recycling".

Pupils will be interested to learn the history of the invention of paper, the technology of its manufacture in the 20th and 21st centuries, the grades and varieties of material.

As part of the event, kids get answers to basic questions:

  • where does used paper go after it is thrown away;
  • what needs to be done to reduce waste;
  • how to properly separate garbage so that part of it goes for recycling.

The most interesting part of the activities dedicated to the collection of waste paper is practical exercises:

  • drawing: wards are invited to draw a picture on the topic of protecting forestry (if the collection of waste paper in kindergarten falls on winter period, you can organize a competition of thematic drawings and crafts "herringbone live");
  • the educator prepares raw materials and together with the children makes “homemade paper”;
    on the basis of soaked newspaper or napkins, you can make crafts from papier-mâché.

In the script about waste paper in the preschool educational institution, you can include entire mini-performances and theatrical skits on the topic “we will collect paper waste - we will save our forest”. Costumes and decorations are prepared by the wards of the kindergarten from rags, festive tinsel, unnecessary papers and bags.

Such projects have significant practical value. Children learn to respect the things around them: books, albums, notebooks. Understanding that each piece of paper has a high value, brings up awareness and responsibility for their actions in kids.

During the joint preparation of thematic drawings and crafts, parents can fill in the "gaps" of their environmental education, become best example for a child.

Organizational nuances and summing up the results of the action

Pupils need to prepare leaflets-instructions for collecting waste paper. They indicate the tasks and rules of the event, indicate the principles for choosing material.

Activities are coordinated at several levels:

  • the class is assigned a student responsible for the collection;
  • the class teacher prepares an action plan and monitors its implementation;
  • The principal of the school or his authorized representative coordinates the removal of waste paper for recycling.

What is done with the waste paper at the school after the general collection, only the project manager can say. If the action is held at the initiative of the director educational institution, the material is usually sent for recycling.

The proceeds from the collected paper can be used to purchase incentive prizes for active participants, or spent on the current needs of the educational institution: sports equipment, decorations for the holiday, equipment for chemistry, biology, library fund.

The report on the collection of waste paper at the school must include information about where the money was spent. This will serve as a good advertisement for the project and motivate students to participate in next events.

Related publications:

Waste paper collection campaign “Let's give paper a second life!” Waste paper collection campaign “Let's give paper a second life!” The motto of the action is: "Hand over the waste paper - save the tree!" Goals: 1. Conservation and responsible.

Dear colleagues! Did you know that 125 million trees are cut down annually for the production of paper in the world - this is a whole.

In our kindergarten, an action was held on the topic "Ecological Bird Feeder". In our group, we also had a conversation with children about what is not.

Synopsis of the event to sum up the results of the environmental action "Hand over waste paper - save the tree" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "Swallow" Summary of the summing up event.

Ecological action "Take care of spruces!" Purpose: formation of an environmentally correct attitude to flora, the desire to keep it in its original form. Tasks: educational:.

Ecological campaign "Take care of spruces" The purpose of the action: to attract the attention of children, parents, teachers, the population to the problem of forest protection, especially on New Year's days. Tasks: 1.

The environmental action "Protect Primroses" has started. In our kindergarten, it was held for the first time, so the action aroused great interest.

Our kindergarten has been paying special attention to the problems of environmental education of preschool children for many years. In accordance with the FGOS.


Waste paper is an already used product of paper production, that is, something that may be subject to recycling to get new products. And that means new notebooks, textbooks, books, magazines.

Have you ever wondered what happens to a newspaper, magazine or brochure after you read it? If you throw it away, it will end up in a landfill, where it will have to rot peacefully among other garbage. And if you handed it over as a secondary raw material (waste paper), then it will receive a second life. First, all handed over waste paper will be sorted into paper and cardboard, then it will go to recycling. At the enterprise, it will be crushed, mixed with water until a homogeneous semi-liquid mass is obtained, printing ink will be washed out of it with soap and special solvents. Then wire staples, glue, plastic particles, mineral dirt particles are removed from the mass. The cleaned mass will form into a paper tape.

There is an opinion that only low-quality products, such as toilet paper or wrapping paper, can be produced from waste paper. Yes, indeed, such a trend was observed until recently, but with the advent of new modern equipment, it became possible to produce high-quality products, up to building materials: ecowool, heat-insulating material, fiber boards, etc. The production of such similar materials from waste paper does not have a high cost because, as a rule, recycled materials (up to 80%) are included in the composition of the product.

One of the most effective ways organize a large-scale collection of waste paper - involve schools in this process. After all, people accumulate a huge amount of paper, books, brochures that become obsolete and become unnecessary. You need to get rid of them, but with sense and benefit. And, if possible, involve children in this process at school in order to teach them in practice how to respect nature, to explain to them the significance of the activities that they carry out.

It is worth considering that:

  • 100 kilograms of waste paper is one saved tree;
  • About a quarter of all garbage on the planet is paper waste and paper products;
  • The average Russian needs 25 kilograms of paper per year, so one family, if desired, can save 1 tree per year;
  • The area of ​​forests on our planet is constantly decreasing, therefore, the shortage of trees will become global problem in the near future;
  • Over the past few years, global paper consumption has increased several times. The emergence of computers, various electronic document management systems and other modern technologies has not changed this trend.

1. Main body

Project implementation timeline: 09/01/2017 - 11/30/2017


  • Do you have an unnecessary pile of newspapers and other paper waste folded somewhere in the corner for a long time and you are too lazy to throw them away?
  • And at the same time, are students looking for new opportunities to implement their ideas and plans?
  • A lot of garbage and lack of material opportunities for school activists?
  • We have found a solution to all pressing issues at once!

Our project is…

Project goals: To prove the need for economical use of paper, to teach careful attitude to natural resources.

Project objectives:

  • Identify the environmental benefits of waste paper collection.
  • Organizing a waste paper collection campaign
  • Draw students' attention to the need to use paper sparingly.
  • Find out how you can use waste paper at home.

Practical significance:

  • This project teaches responsible respect for the environment and natural resources;
  • Recycling waste paper saves valuable natural resources;
  • In a competitive game form, involve students in socially significant work aimed at preserving Russia's forests, conserving natural resources and cleaning the city from paper waste;
  • Drawing attention to environmental issues and the need to reuse natural resources.

Expected results:

According to various data from the Internet, there are statements that from 60 to 100 kilograms of waste paper can save 1 tree. This means that in three weeks we, with the class and with our close people, have already saved one tree. By continuing this work, we will find out how many trees we will save in a year. Approximately 1727 kg should be collected, which means we will save 18 trees 1727 kg = 18 trees.

Project outlook:

It is clear that the collection of waste paper cannot completely solve the problem of deforestation. It is known that 1 ton of waste paper replaces about 4 cubic meters of wood, which means that the use of waste paper can significantly save wood and reduce deforestation. And also by collecting and handing over waste paper, you can not only save part of the forest from deforestation, but also reduce the area of ​​​​the garbage dump, and also get, albeit not a big economic benefit. Students of the "Young Biologist" association decided to encourage students in their school to constantly collect waste paper and spoke to them at the school line. If you constantly collect waste paper, turn it into a good habit, then, probably, there will be more benefits. The more people think about it now, the cleaner the land will remain for posterity and the more trees will be preserved, which means the air will be cleaner.

Stages and methods of project implementation

Implementation timeline




Understanding the problem, choosing a project topic, formulating goals and objectives, creating working group. Conducting a survey of school students, the purpose of which is to study knowledge about the economical use of paper.
- Conducting a class hour on paper recycling.

Class teachers and teachers

Stories, conversations on the topic “Waste paper - a solution environmental problem»,
Demonstration of presentations and videos "Paper in our lives"

Biology, geography teacher

Drawing competition, actions "A book as a gift to the library", "Save the textbook", "Waste paper collection".

senior counselor
Biology, geography teacher
Class teachers and teachers
Preschool students, grades 1-11

Support of social partners in providing a vehicle and agreeing on a date for the collection of waste paper.
Organize a waste paper collection point within the scheduled time frame:
- hang up propaganda posters;
- to equip a waste paper collection point;
- Conduct statistics and accounting of the collected waste paper.

Based on the results of the waste paper collection campaign, the best participants of the campaign will be awarded.

Prepare a photo report on the results of the action, post the results on the school website.

2. Project effectiveness

The products of the project are:
1. Booklets and campaign leaflets about the careful use of paper.
2. Drawings about the importance of recycled paper.
3. Actions "A book as a gift to the library", "Save the textbook", "Waste paper collection".
4. Abstracts on the topics: "Save the tree!", "Forest resources of the region and their importance for the population."
5. Research work: "Paper from waste paper - the solution to an environmental problem."
6. Collected and handed over: 1t 727 kg

3. What is made from waste paper

In the mass consciousness of the general population, there is an opinion that waste paper is suitable only for the production of low-grade goods, mainly for technical and sanitary purposes.

Indeed, production facilities in the countries of the former USSR are tuned to waste paper recycling with its subsequent use for the production of technical grade paper, not High Quality, whereas in developed countries, secondary raw materials have long been used to produce high-quality products, products for various purposes.

As a consequence of this, new modern technologies, are also widely used in Russia, allowing the production of waste paper not only clean, white paper, but also new building materials.

As the main direction of introduction of new technologies in waste paper recycling process, the direction of the subsequent production of environmentally friendly goods, cotton wool, sanitary and hygienic materials, heat-insulating material was chosen.

Waste paper recycling technology involves going through several stages. First, waste paper goes through a process of careful crushing into fibers, simultaneously being processed with special additives, the main purpose of which is to disinfect the resulting mass and achieve less combustibility of the material.

As a result of these manipulations, a free-flowing dry substance with low thermal conductivity is obtained. During the processing of waste paper, an important factor is low energy consumption, which allows to achieve a reduction in the cost of the resulting products. More than 80% of the raw materials used in the production of paper products can be obtained from recycled waste paper. Borax and boric acid are used as additives, which not only improve the quality of the resulting paper pulp, but also make it sterile.

Ecowool obtained during the production process, not so popular in its application. The thing is that the modern production of this product does not allow using all the advantages of this material. The ongoing production of ecowool panels can radically change the situation with the use of ecowool in construction and other sectors of the economy.

In addition to the production of ecowool, waste paper is used for the production of fiber boards, which are mainly used for interior decoration. In this case, waste paper is wet processed, then pressed and thoroughly dried. The material obtained in this way is distinguished by high technological characteristics, the main of which is environmental safety. When processing waste from laminated paper, paper-polymer plates are obtained, which are widely used as a finishing material.

As another main area of ​​use of waste paper, we can name the production of a whole range of roofing materials.

The most widespread production of containers and packaging from recycled raw materials. Well-known cages and cassettes for eggs, various packing lists and gaskets for packaging food, household appliances, furniture and other consumer goods. Waste paper group "A", the highest class, is used to produce excellent office paper, paper for the printing industry.

Looking at the wide abundance of goods that are produced using recycled materials, to say that waste paper is intended mainly for the production of low-grade goods, at least, does not look correct.

Having dealt with the production of goods, which are based on the use of waste paper, it makes it possible to talk about the scope of raw materials. Raw materials obtained from sorted waste paper are primarily used for the production of packaging and wrapping materials. The production of these products is not so labor-intensive, moreover, the low cost of the products obtained plays an important role here. This is followed by food packaging, egg trays, packaging materials for household chemicals and household electrical appliances.

Completing this list, the release of disposable pots for seedlings and seed germination. Waste paper of the highest class is used in the production of writing paper, printing and sanitary products. As a basis, materials made from waste paper are used in the production of building and roofing materials. As an addition to the already developed areas, waste paper is used for the production of disposable tableware, car mats, disposable clothing and other goods.
In accordance with GOST 10700-97, all used White paper, is related to group "A", which includes high quality secondary raw materials. Such waste paper is marked MS-1A. In the course of processing, their high-quality waste paper get cellulose, which again goes to the production of new printing products, paper for writing and printing. In the process of processing various colored, laminated and glossy papers, waste obtained from wrappers, colorful packaging, newspapers and magazines, raw materials are obtained for the manufacture of various roofing materials, containers and packaging.

In the course of processing, old, read and worn-out books are used for the production of new, book publishing products. Among the most convenient types and types of waste paper is cardboard. Cardboard obtained from recycled materials is considered the most massive packaging material that can be recycled multiple times.

4. Sociological survey

1. Do you think that deforestation is an environmental problem?

2. What measures, in your opinion, can solve this problem?

3. How much waste paper does it take to save one tree?

4. How many years does it take for a full-fledged tree to grow?

5. Conclusion.

As you know, the main material from which paper is made is wood. To make paper, you need to cut down a lot of trees that have been growing for many years. And planting a new tree and growing it is a big expense and effort. Moreover, in order to grow good tree you have to wait an average of 50 years. Mass felling plantings will lead to large negative consequences. Therefore, it is very necessary to hand over waste paper!

In our school, it was decided to organize a collection of waste paper. Before proceeding to the practical part, the teachers held class hours, during which they explained to the children why this should be done. For several months, children and their parents brought various paper waste to school. As a result, about 1t 727 kg of waste paper was collected. All collected paper was handed over to the waste paper collection point, and all the children who took part in this action received diplomas. Some guys who brought a large number of waste paper, received prizes. But is the benefit of such an action only measured by money and prizes? Joint deeds, strong friendships, contribution to helping other people, keeping the environment clean and much more that makes our lives better...

Now in our class there is a box for collecting waste paper, in which we began to put paper and leftover cardboard, notes, notebooks with assignments, magazines and books. The guys and I decided not to stop there, but we will continue to continue this noble cause!

Thus, a new useful and kind tradition was born in our class!


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