What or who is dangerous in the forest. Do not spit in the well: what threatens humanity with massive deforestation? Punching methods

seems possible. At the entrance to the forest at 8 o'clock the sun was shining directly into your eyes. The railroad tracks remain behind your back perpendicular to your direction of travel. Gathering mushrooms, you did not notice that the clouds covered the sun. It began to drizzle, and it got colder. You will try to navigate using the signs of local objects. Which? Indicate at least 5 signs of local objects by which you can determine the sides of the horizon. Explain in more detail.
Answer: (answer option):
The definition of the sides of the horizon according to the signs of local objects is based on the position of these objects in relation to the sun:

Task 2. Based on knowledge in the field environment and danger Everyday life, determine the actions to be taken to avoid being bitten by a tick.

Task 3. A group of tourists is moving along the route. Unexpectedly, the weather conditions deteriorated sharply, heavy rain began, the wind rose, the terrain was difficult to pass. The leader of the group was able to inform by mobile phone about the approximate location of the group. Determine what decision the leader should make and what is the algorithm of the group's actions in this situation.
For the second part of the question, you must specify at least 4 positions (group action algorithm).

Task 4.
All tourist equipment is divided into three types: personal, group and special. Determine the type of equipment: compass, bicycles, clothes, sleeping bag, maps, dishes, backpack, ropes, cooking utensils, shoes, axes, schemes, boats, tent, life jackets, washing supplies. Enter it in the table.

Personal equipment Group equipment Special equipment

1 task.
1. We moved to the east, behind the west.
2. The anthill on the south side is more gentle.
3. Moss covers the rocks on the north side.
4. The branches of the trees are wider and thicker on the south side (by the way, beyond the Arctic Circle, where I also observed this now).
5. Mushrooms appear from the north side of the trees.
6. In summer, the soil near the trees is more humid from the north.

2 task.

1. Cover open areas of the body.
2. Use sprays and ointments from ticks.
3. Avoid tick habitats.
4. Avoid dense thickets and thickets.

3 task.

1. Set up tents, make a fire, change the group into dry clothes or just take off wet clothes.
2. Locate the parking lot near an open area so that it is easy to notice signs of people from the air.
3. Post identification marks (red matter).
4. Leave sentries to report to the head if a search group is found.

4 task.

Personal: bicycle, clothes, sleeping bag, shoes, backpack, washing accessories, dishes.
Group: axes, dishes, ropes, tent, cooking utensils.
Special: compass, maps, diagrams, life jackets.



Other questions from the category

After what time after immersion under water, irreversible processes begin in the body of a drowning person, and he can die?

a) after 3-4 minutes;
b) after 5-6 minutes;
c) after 7-8 minutes.

2. Determine what causes true drowning?
a) as a result of the ingress of water (liquid) into Airways and human lungs, which prevents the flow of air;
b) as a result of a spasm of the vocal cords (laryngospasm), if it enters the upper respiratory tract, it does not a large number fluid that does not enter the lungs;
c) as a result of a sudden stop of the heartbeat and breathing.

3. Why should you beware of areas covered with a thick layer of snow on water bodies in winter?
a) ice is not visible behind a layer of snow;
b) snow in the sun can melt quickly;
c) under the snow the ice is always thinner than in the open.

4. How should you approach a person who has fallen through the ice to provide assistance?
a) follow his footprints in the snow;
b) approach him lying down with arms and legs outstretched to the sides;
c) approach him standing, as if sliding the soles of his feet on snow or ice.

5*. Choose from the following reasons for drowning:
a) prolonged exposure to the sun;
b) violation of the rules of conduct on the water, deliberately dangerous actions;
c) diving in unknown places;
d) sudden precipitation of a large amount of precipitation in the form of rain;
e) lack of safety signs in the bathing area.

6*. Which of the following is not a water rescue device?
a) rescue balls;
b) life anchor;
c) life jacket;
d) life jacket;
e) rescue nets;
f) Alexandrov's rescue line.

7*. Determine and note what is forbidden to do when swimming in water bodies.
1. Go into the water (especially in deep places) without knowing how to swim
2. Swim in unknown places and at depths, even under adult supervision
3. Swim only in permitted, well-known areas
4. Swim near spillways, locks, piers, bridges, whirlpools, rapids, in a navigable fairway, near watercraft
5. Entering or diving abruptly after prolonged exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, in a state of fatigue
6. Swim in the water on an air mattress
7. Swim in the water on an inflatable bladder
8. Leaving children on the shore of a pond without the supervision of adults who can swim
9. Be in the water at noon when the sun is at its zenith
10. Long stay in water, especially cold

P.S. in tasks 5-7 there may be several correct answers.
Help!! very urgent!!

Going to the forest for mushrooms, or going on a long hike with tents, remember that you, first of all, go to someone else's house, the inhabitants of which - wild animals. It can be a harmless squirrel, a peaceful elk, or a female bear with cubs, who, having seen a person, will certainly decide that you are a threat to her.

Most cases of human bites by wild animals are provoked by people themselves. We get too close to them, we are curious, we want to photograph, touch, feed, we neglect safety measures when communicating with animals.

Most recently, a video from the Arkhangelsk region appeared on the Internet. Five builders filmed bear cubs on camera, had fun. A minute later, an angry bear came out of the forest and rushed at people. Three builders died on the spot.

Another case of a bear attack occurred with a reindeer herder. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition. He calls the reason for the attack himself - he ran, which provoked aggression.
Recently, cases of the appearance of wolves near large cities, and in places of their unusual habitat, have become more frequent. So, in October last year, residents of Crimea observed packs of wolves in the vicinity of Simferopol. It is known that wolves have never lived in the Crimea. Most likely, they moved in the winter from Rostov region frozen Sea of ​​Azov in search of food. In the spring of this year, in several villages of the Crimea, a "rabid" wolf began to appear in the yards, rush at animals and people. At the same time, experts note that wolves rarely attack groups of people, mostly loners. In the Kirov region, a case of a wolf attack on a young girl was recently registered, who alone decided to cross the field in the evening. Unfortunately, the incident ended tragically.

Going to the forest

If you follow the safety rules, as well as be careful and observant, meeting with forest dwellers can be quite safe. When going to the forest, you need to take the necessary standard set: a folding knife, a charged phone, matches, a bottle of water, pepper spray.
It is better to go to the forest with a company of two or three people. If you are going to stay in the forest for the night, be sure to decide who will be on duty and make sure that the fire does not go out. As a rule, at night, any wild animal will be afraid of fire and will not come close to the parking lot. Around the perimeter of the tent city, you can mark the area with your own urine or pull on a rope with something ringing, such as tying bottles or cans. In order not to attract animals with smells, it is better to put leftover food in a tight bag.
Let us examine in more detail what forest animals most of the inhabitants of our country can meet, and how to behave so that the animals do not show aggression.


Bears are extremely rare in the forests of the European part of our country due to their extermination. The largest populations live in the Leningrad and Novgorod regions, Bashkiria, Siberia, on Far East. As a rule, they do not prey on humans, unlike wolves. In summer, bears are mainly provided with plant and animal food, so they do not pose a danger to humans. The exception is the period from May to June - the time of active breeding of bears. In winter, these animals hibernate for 3-6 months.

Bear attacks on people usually happen for two reasons.
1. First - if you accidentally woke up the bear after winter hibernation. During this period, he will be especially hungry and aggressive.
2. Second possible reason bear attacks - bear meeting with cubs on your way.
That's why The best way protection from a bear is to try not to meet him.

How to prevent a meeting with a bear in the forest?

It is important to be cautious and careful in the forest, especially if the forest is in the habitat of bears. It is better to avoid a dense overgrown forest, as it reduces the likelihood of seeing an animal from afar and having time to get away from it. Most often, encounters with bears occur in places where there are a lot of berries, or along the banks of the river.
As a rule, bears do not behave aggressively in places of food extraction, but, on the contrary, smelling a person or hearing him, they will move away from him. Therefore, in order to avoid a meeting with a bear, behave loudly, talk, step on crackling branches, sing in the forest, whistle.
Particular attention should be paid to bear trails. If in the spring you see a bear's footprint in the snow, this may be evidence of its awakening from hibernation. You need to go around this place and go in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the animal.

Proper disposal of garbage, especially food waste, is also the key to the safe coexistence of man and bear. By creating spontaneous dumps in the forest, right next to the village or in the fields, we thereby attract wild animals closer to humans and form a lack of fear in them. Bears should not have associations between food and humans. For the same reason, if you stay overnight in the forest, try to hide the leftover food as best as possible, put it in a tent, wrap it in several bags.

If you unexpectedly meet a bear

If you notice a bear in the forest not far from you, you need to move away as quietly as possible to a safe distance without panic.
If the bear has noticed you, but does not run, you need to try to drive it away with a cry or a shot in the air. Hand flares and a rocket launcher, which are sold in fishing stores, are suitable as deterrents. You can also use pepper spray to repel a bear, or set your clothes on fire.
Do not quickly run away from the bear. It is necessary to slowly, turning to face him, move away. You can only run when you are far enough away that the bear disappears from your field of vision.
There are situations in which you can see a bear cub in the forest. You can not try to touch him or take a picture, since the bear is most likely somewhere nearby.

If the bear is at a distance of 5-7 meters from you, then, most likely, his attack will follow. It is important to note that before the attack, the bear may not give any external signs aggression. The video above is a witness to this. Conversely, if the bear stands on hind legs, it may not mean that he wants to attack. Therefore, admiring bears in the forest leads to tragic consequences.

What to do if you are attacked by a bear

The best remedy when a bear has noticed you is to distract it. If there is a mountain or hill somewhere nearby, then this will help to win a few minutes in a fight with a bear. The fact is that due to the massive weight, it will be difficult for him to see you on a hill.
If you have a basket of berries or a backpack in your hands, then you need to put it in front of you. Many stories testify that in such cases people were saved by the fact that they pretended to be dead. It is best to lie on the ground in a fetal position, while protecting your head with your hands. A dressed backpack can be used as a shield.
Even if you feel that the bear has already lost interest in you, but is nearby, you should not move and get up.
If, nevertheless, the bear attacked, then you need to try to inflict strong blows on him with a knife, for example, in the eye, nose. You can throw any objects that you have at the bear, while trying to hit it precisely in its sensitive muzzle. It's good if you have a pepper spray with you, which you can spray directly into the bear's eyes. At the same time, try not to look the bear in the eyes. There is always a chance to survive in a fight with an animal, but in the case of a bear it is small, since it is very strong and fast.

Since bears are very good at climbing trees, especially young ones, do not try to hide from him on a tree. Big bears can knock down a tree, and then you will have even less chance of surviving. If you have already climbed a tree from a bear, then the only thing that can save you is holding onto thin high branches that will not allow the bear to hang.

Bears swim very well, so it is unlikely to succeed in hiding from it in the water.


There are six subspecies of wolves in Russia. In the European part of the Russian Federation, the most common gray wolf from fairy tales is the Central Russian wolf.
In the south of Russia, in the steppes and in the Lower Volga region, the steppe wolf is found.
The way of life of a wolf differs in many ways from that of a bear. Wolves, as a rule, move in packs of 5-11 wolves and track their prey for a long time. Often you may not even notice that wolves are hunting you. One huntsman described the incident as he walked along an abandoned road in the forest. After 20 minutes, he decided to go back along the same road and noticed even tracks of wolves on it. The tracks were laid literally a meter or two from his own. So he realized that he almost became the prey of hunting wolves.
In summer, the flock may temporarily split into smaller ones. At the same time, it is unlikely to meet them during the day in the forest. They live in very dense spruce forests, thickets of reeds, overgrown ravines and swamps, where often a person will not pass.
In winter, from January-February, the so-called rut begins for wolves, that is, the wedding period, the most dangerous in terms of the aggressiveness of wolves. In winter, wolves hunt even during the day.
And yet, in recent times, cases of wolves attacking people in central Russia are extremely rare. Over the past 50 years, there have been only eight fatal wolf attacks on humans. Statistics note that wolves attack more often in Belarus, in second place are the Kirov and Irkutsk regions, the Republic of Karelia and Ukraine. Wolves will only prey on humans if there is no food available, or if they have bitten humans before. Such cases were recorded in the period after the Second World War, when there were many people killed in the forests. After that, the wolves began to attack the inhabitants of nearby villages and cities more intensively. Rabid wolves are also often attacked. Most of these incidents occur in spring and autumn.

Signs of a rabid wolf
1. Rabid wolves often run alone, run out onto public roads, enter villages and cities.
2. A sick wolf, as a rule, has dripping saliva, a tail between his legs, his head is lowered, his eyes are cloudy.

How to behave when meeting with a wolf

Wolves most often attack lone tourists in the forest, as well as women and children. Cases of wolf attacks on men are extremely rare.
If you saw a wolf from afar, then it is best to quietly retire. You can’t look the wolf in the eyes and turn your back on him. If the wolf flattened his ears and crouched, this is a sure sign that he is preparing to jump. In such a situation, it is best to climb a tree or throw whatever food is available to the wolf to distract it. Do not be afraid that you will sit on a tree for a long time, as a rule, after a few hours, the wolves leave the intended victim.
People who met wolves in the forest note that if the wolf is already very close, then you need to visually increase your size. Wolves do not attack those who are bigger and stronger than them. This can be done, for example, by picking up a log and twisting it in different directions. It is important at the same time to make a roar like a wolf.
If the attack cannot be avoided, then the best position remains the fetal position. It will allow you to cover your face and neck, the sites of a typical wolf bite. However, do not pretend to be dead, as in the case of a bear. The wolf is a very intellectually highly developed creature. If he feels that you are afraid of him, it will immediately make you defenseless.
Pepper spray or a knife will also work to disarm an attacking wolf. If this is not at hand, then any sharp stick will do. The most sensitive thing about a wolf is its head and nose. If you fought off the wolf and he ran into the forest, he will probably attack you again. In this case, we advise you to make a fire or strong smoke (throw leaves into the fire). Wolves are very afraid of smoke. If you are still bitten by a wolf, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to avoid infection with rabies.

When a wolf attacks a person, it will be effective to hide in a deep pond. In such a situation, the wolf will be less likely to attack, since he will not reach the bottom with his paws, and you have a chance to swim far away.


Wild boars inhabit almost all forests of our country and Europe. Especially a lot of wild boars lives in fruit and oak massifs. Therefore, traces of this animal can be found quite often. However, wild pigs go out to feed in the forest only at night, because they are very cautious, and a person can be heard from five hundred meters away. Noticing a person, as a rule, the boar will hide itself. However, if you accidentally come across a wild boar with small cubs (April-May), then the boar may show aggression here. If you meet such animals, it is better to move away from them as soon as possible. If the boar attacks, then the best remedy is to climb a tree. Boars cannot look up, so they will lose sight of you on a tree and quickly move away.


Elk is a rather large wild animal, its weight can reach 600 kg. They live in almost all forests of Central Russia and Europe. IN summer period moose go out into the forest only at night; in the daytime, they escape from the heat in overgrown ponds. In normal times, moose are peaceful and even vice versa, shy, non-aggressive animals. According to Ivan Yutkin, head of the moose biostation in the Moscow region, often people themselves are to blame for the moose attacking them. Many, seeing an elk in the forest, try to approach it, touch it, feed it. This cannot be done, as the animal will begin to defend itself and beat with its hooves.
The only time when moose themselves can attack a person is the rut period from August to October. If you meet an aggressive male or a female with cubs in the forest, then such animals can be very dangerous. If at the same time the elk is excited, his ears are pressed to his neck, and his head is lowered - this means that he is preparing for an attack. Hiding from an elk in the water is pointless, because these animals are very good swimmers.
There are several tips from foresters on how to scare away an approaching elk. Since the elk has poor eyesight, you can simply hide behind a tree trunk, so he will lose sight of the person. And yet, as discussed above, any animal is afraid of an object that is larger than itself. One journalist told the story of how he scared an aggressive elk by opening a large cape in front of him. To frighten off the moose, the option of making a fire or setting fire to the removed clothes is also suitable. Almost all animals are afraid of fire and smoke.


Despite the danger of wild animals in the forest, recently they have begun to talk more and more about the disappearance of some species. So over the past few years, the number of large predators around the world has decreased by 90%, the role of which in the food chain is irreplaceable. Predators often destroy sick animals, thereby preventing the spread of contagious diseases within the species. In countries where large predators have been completely exterminated, there are other problems. For example, in the forests of Lithuania, due to the lack of large animals, the population of roe deer has increased dramatically. As a result, natural food reserves were depleted, and some of the animals simply died. Today, you can often observe that wild animals are freely sold on the Internet, they are kept in city apartments and houses, and you can take pictures with them. Exterminating wild animals or taking them into captivity, first of all, the biological balance inside the forest is disturbed, which can certainly lead to a global environmental catastrophe in the future.


The forest is a complex ecosystem that combines plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms and, the state of drinking water,.

Millennia ago, almost the entire Earth was covered with forests. They spread to North America, occupied a significant proportion Western Europe. The vast territories of Africa, South America and Asia were dense forests. But with the growth in the number of people, their active development of land for economic needs, the process of deforestation and mass deforestation began.

What are the benefits of forests?

People use the forest for many purposes: they get food, medicines, raw materials for the paper industry.

Wood, needles and tree bark are raw materials for many branches of the chemical industry. About half of the extracted wood goes to fuel needs, and a third goes to construction.

A quarter of all medicines used are derived from rainforest plants. Through photosynthesis, forests give us oxygen to breathe while absorbing carbon dioxide.

Trees protect the air from poisonous gases, soot and other pollution, noise. Phytoncides produced by the majority coniferous plants destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Forests are habitats for many animals - they are real storehouses of biological diversity. They are involved in creating a favorable microclimate for agricultural plants.

Forest areas protect the soil from erosion processes by preventing surface runoff of precipitation. The forest is like a sponge that first accumulates and then releases water to streams and rivers, regulates the flow of water from the mountains to the plains, and prevents floods.

The most full-flowing river in the world is the Amazon, and the forests included in its basin are considered the lungs of the Earth.

Damage from deforestation

Despite the fact that forests are a renewable resource, the rate of their deforestation is too high - they simply cannot keep up with us.

Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests are destroyed every year. Tropical forests, which are home to more than 50% of the species that exist on Earth, used to cover 14% of the planet, and now only 6%.

India's forested areas have shrunk from 22% to 10% in the last half century. Are destroyed coniferous forests central regions of Russia, forests in the Far East and Siberia, and swamps appear on the site of clearings. Valuable pine and cedar forests are cut down.

Deforestation is. The deforestation of the planet leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speeds.

Burning forests causes carbon monoxide pollution in the air, more carbon monoxide is emitted than is absorbed. Also, when forests are cleared, carbon is released into the air, which accumulates in the soil under the trees. This contributes about a quarter of the process of creating a greenhouse effect on Earth.

Many areas left without forest as a result of deforestation or fires become deserts, as the loss of trees leads to the fact that a thin fertile layer of soil is easily washed away by precipitation.

Desertification causes a huge number of ecological refugees - ethnic groups for whom the forest was the main or only source of existence. Many inhabitants of the forest territories disappear along with their home.

Plants of irreplaceable species used to obtain medicines, and many biological resources valuable to mankind are being destroyed. More than a million biological species living in tropical forests are under threat of extinction.

Soil erosion that develops after logging leads to floods, since nothing can stop the flow of water. Floods are caused by a violation of the level of groundwater, as the roots of trees that feed on them die.

For example, as a result of extensive deforestation at the foot of the Himalayas, Bangladesh began to suffer from large floods every four years.

Previously, floods occurred no more than twice every hundred years. So, for example, diamond mining in Yakutia became possible only after cutting down and flooding a significant amount of forest.

Why and how are forests cut down?

Forests are cut down for the sake of mining, obtaining timber, clearing the area for pastures, and obtaining agricultural land.

And as the cheapest raw material, it is used in almost all and other products. And it kills rainforests and deprives many animals of their homes.

Forests are divided into three groups:

  1. Forest areas forbidden for deforestation, playing, which are reserves.
  2. Forests of limited exploitation, located in densely populated areas, are strictly controlled for their timely restoration.
  3. The so-called operational forests. They are cut down completely and then re-sown.

There are several types of felling in forestry:

Main felling- this is the harvesting of the so-called ripe forest for wood. They can be selective, gradual and continuous. Clear cuts destroy all trees except seedlings. With gradual cutting process is carried out in several stages. With a selective type, only individual trees are removed according to a certain principle, and in general the territory remains covered with forest.

Plant care cabin. This species includes cutting down plants that are not practical to leave. Destroy plants of the worst quality, while thinning and clearing the forest, improving its lighting and provision nutrients remaining more valuable trees. This allows you to increase the productivity of the forest, its water-regulating properties and aesthetic qualities. Wood from such cuttings is used as a technological raw material.

Complex. These are reshaping fellings, reforestation and reconstructive fellings. They are carried out in cases of loss of forest useful properties in order to restore them, the negative impact on the environment with this type of felling is excluded. Cutting favorably affects the clarification of the territory and eliminates root competition for more valuable tree species.

Sanitary. Such felling is carried out to improve the health of the forest, increase its biological stability. This type includes landscape felling, carried out in order to create forest park landscapes, and felling to create fire breaks.

The strongest intervention clear felling. Negative consequences overcutting of trees, when more of them are destroyed than grows in a year, which causes the depletion of forest resources. In turn, undercutting can cause forest aging and disease of old trees.

Without harm to the environment, cutting down can be carried out if the principle of continuous forest management based on the balance of cutting down and reforestation is observed. Selective logging is characterized by the least environmental damage.

It is preferable to cut down the forest in winter, when the snow cover protects the soil and young growth from damage.

How to repair this damage?

In order to stop the process of deforestation, it is necessary to develop norms for the reasonable use of forest resources. The following directions must be followed:

  1. conservation of forest landscapes and its biological diversity;
  2. conducting uniform forest management without depletion of forest resources;
  3. training the population in the skills of caring for the forest;
  4. strengthening at the state level of control over the conservation and use of forest resources;
  5. creation of forest accounting and monitoring systems;
  6. improvement of forest legislation,

Replanting trees often does not cover the damage caused by logging. IN South America, South Africa and Southeast Asia, forest areas continue to shrink inexorably.

In order to reduce the damage from cutting down, it is necessary:

  • Increase planting areas for new forests
  • Expand existing and create new protected areas, forest reserves.
  • Implement effective measures to prevent forest fires. To carry out measures, including preventive measures, to combat diseases and pests.
  • Conduct selection of tree species that are resistant to environmental stress.
  • Protect forests from the activities of enterprises engaged in the extraction of minerals.
  • To carry out the fight against poachers. Use efficient and least harmful felling techniques.
  • Minimize wood waste and develop ways to use them.
  • Introduce methods of secondary processing of wood.
  • Encourage eco-tourism.

What can anyone do to save the forest?

  1. rational and economical use of paper products; buy recycled products, including paper. (It is marked with a recycled sign)
  2. landscaping around your home
  3. replace trees cut down for firewood with new seedlings
  4. draw public attention to the problem of deforestation.

Man cannot exist outside of nature, he is part of it. And at the same time, it is difficult to imagine our civilization without the products that the forest provides.

In addition to the material component, there is also a spiritual relationship between the forest and man. Under the influence of the forest, the culture and customs of many ethnic groups are formed, and it also serves as a source of livelihood for them.

The forest is one of the cheapest sources of natural wealth, but every minute 20 hectares of forest areas are destroyed. And humanity should already now think about replenishing these natural resources, learn to competently manage forest management and the wonderful ability of the forest to self-renew.

    On hot days it is nice to take a walk in the forest. Feel the cool coniferous air in your lungs and plunge headlong into your dreams. But besides pleasant moments, forest clearings also hide unpleasant surprises.

    Wild animals
    Nobody wants to be scared or even bitten by wild wolves and foxes. Of course, not all animals are evil and want to eat you, but it's better to be on the lookout.

    Even the smallest creeping creatures can be dangerous, if not for life, then for human health. If this still happened, then do not delay the trip to the hospital.

    poisonous plants and fruits
    As a child, we were taught not to eat unfamiliar berries, and we did the right thing. In addition to headaches, problems with the digestive tract and nervous system can take you by surprise.

    inedible mushrooms
    Usually no one eats mushrooms of unknown origin right in the forest. Dangers can lie in wait at home when eating ready-made dishes with mushrooms. But in no case do not eat mushrooms in which you are not sure, consult with experts.

    In unfamiliar areas, you can fall into a hole or a trap. So no need for walks at a late hour.

    It is especially dangerous to walk at night in a thunderstorm. After all, you can not only get caught in a downpour and get sick, but when struck by lightning, you can get a fatal electric shock or get injured from a falling tree.

    Get lost in the forest
    Like an episode from a nightmare, where you can’t get out of a terrible thicket. In fact, getting lost in the forest in the evening can be very cold.

    An accidental injury that is not treated in time can lead to serious problems, such as tetanus.

    Water from a stream
    It can hide various pollutants that cause intestinal infections.

Good afternoon friends. Hunters and fishermen, photographers wildlife, mushroom pickers and berry pickers, tourists, etc. Although, most likely, this article is not for you, but for those who are not familiar with the forest. For those who have been rotten all their lives in a stinking city, they are going to the forest for the first time, and do not know what to expect from it. For those who are familiar with the forest, but use it more as a consumer, without studying it and the inhabitants of the forest. For those who see the forest as the center of evil and danger.

Well, it's good to chatter! Go!

The desire to write such an article and in this form arose long ago. Tired of answering the numerous stupid questions of all sorts of rams of ignorant and little-known people about the danger of the forest. Every time I talk about my trips to the forest, and even with an overnight stay, and even alone (are you finally an asshole?), I hear the same thing. Therefore, I will try to cite here the most common misconceptions regarding the forest, and I will try to clearly explain seemingly understandable things and refute some misconceptions.

Let's immediately make a reservation - everything I write here concerns adults and healthy people. Much that is written here does not apply to the elderly and children - these are people with handicapped and health. But in general, this is more related to the issue of survival in the forest. Also, please note that I am writing here about the middle zone of Russia - not about the jungle or the deaf Siberian taiga (although much that will be written here applies to it too). Let's continue our conversation about the dangers of the forest.

As a rule, only the last ochkonauts are afraid of the forest, people who know little about it. If, even in theory, you know about the main dangers of the forest and how to deal with them, then fear will go away by itself.

So why is the forest dangerous and is it worth it to be afraid of the forest at all?

1) Predators (bears, wolves, lynxes, etc.).

As a rule, those suckers of newcomers who first enter the forest are awed by tales of bears and wolves devouring people. Just tell him such a tale - and now he is already nervous, does not go far from you, looks around. After such a tale, this dristun person would never agree to spend the night in this forest alone. After all, this is certain death! As soon as dusk descends, hungry wolf eyes are already looking at you from under the tree, and somewhere behind the mane, a bear that has fasted for several days is growling. What to do? Probably, it is necessary to climb a tree in the forest, these smart rams will say again. Yeah, come on, come on, Tarzan, you climb ours! How long have you been climbing trees? At the same time, check your physical fitness. And also try to sleep there until the morning, sitting on a tree (it's only Katniss from the Hunger Games who sleeps so confidently and well in trees). And then you will tell the same ignorant people like you how many predators roam the night forest.

Okay, joke and that's enough. And now for the predators. No!!! in our forests there are predators that just like that will attack a person. I ask you to remember one thing - a healthy animal is always afraid (often - afraid of panic) of a person. The bear, as a rule, eats at once never attacks the person. If you don't believe me, try to look for official statistics in the magazines "UFO", "Miracles and Adventures", on REN-TV ministries of ecology or hunting departments. Such cases, as a rule, are extremely rare and they count by a few in a few years. Those exceptions, when a bear nevertheless eats people alive together with a guan attacks a person, usually boil down to: the beast is mortally wounded while hunting, the bear protects the cubs, the clubfoot himself is put in a position where his life is in danger. In the other 99.9% of cases, the bear either walks away unnoticed, or simply warns with a growl or with its actions. If you know about this, then you will protect yourself from eating you by a bear in cases of attack.

The same is with wolves. wolf to the core panic!!!(please remember) afraid of a person! A healthy wolf will never attack a human! Rare exceptions are a beast with rabies or a mortally wounded animal, or a wolf driven mad by hunger in winter. And even in winter, a wildly starving wolf will not attack a person, if only in a pack, and if only on a weak person (child, old man, sick). Do you think I'm healing you here? Don't believe me? Remember the ending of the Soviet movie "Sannikov Land". Still don't believe? Read the official (I repeat - official!!!) statistics in the magazines "UFO", "Miracles and Adventures", on REN-TV official sources. How many people have been eaten by wolves in your area in at least the last ten years? Ah, one and a half hundred people, not a single one! But stubbornly in the villages and newspapers rumors about eaten girls or teachers roam (I think I heard this story when I was five years old). It is always better to trust a neighbor than some unknown Ivan Ivanych from the authorities in the Ministry of Ecology. If you still don’t believe like a sheep and stand your ground to the last, my advice to you is that it’s better not to go into the forest at all. You will definitely be taken there!

2) Overnight stay in the forest. (Are you tired of living?)

I hear this expression very often. “Spending the night in the forest is fucking scary, it’s very dangerous to crap yourself, it’s better not to. As a rule, if you ask a person: “Why”, he will answer meaningfully “ Well, you never know, anything can happen". No specifics. Friends, open the news bulletin for the past 24 hours - “everything” happens every day in the city - people are killed, girls are raped, children disappear, people are crushed by cars, people are on fire, maimed, injured, etc. In the forest, there is no “everything” that can happen to you in the city. I don’t heal, I tell you honestly - spending the night in the forest is many times safer than in the city. I'd even say it's completely safe! If you are not afraid of the forest, you can safely spend the night, nothing will happen to you. The main enemy of a person when spending the night in the forest is a bear, his mother is cold. So the main thing here is to dress warmly. Only and everything. And you can safely send such people who say such nonsense about spending the night in the forest to put them in their place. But nothing is remembered for a lifetime like spending the night alone in the forest, for example, about.

3) You can get lost in the forest and die.

Yes, it's probably true. Already a little like the truth. But, at the beginning of the article, we made a reservation. As a rule, people who got lost and died in the forest are old people and children, as we have already said, people with disabilities and health. It very rarely happens that healthy and healthy people get lost and die in the forest. full of energy People. Rarely! Although they are lost quite often. After all, only the last loshara can get lost in the three pines, even the one with the forest on “you”. But here in the middle part of Russia, as a rule, the forest does not stretch so far in any one direction, as, for example, in the Siberian taiga. Even if you rush like a saiga to go at a speed of 3-4 km / h, in 2-3 days you will reach some settlement. And this is through a continuous forest, without coordinating their actions. And in our forests there are always paths, forest roads, etc. Another thing is that here such problems as thirst, hunger and cold come to the fore. But, again, I do not believe that an adult and healthy ambal person will not be able to cope with these problems in one or two nights in the forest. In spring, summer and autumn, you can find berries and water in the forest, and you can escape from the cold, at least by simply moving. But in general, about that. In the meantime, let's continue talking about the dangers of the forest.

4) Snakes, ticks and other creeping and flying muck.

First, about snakes. Let's remember that in the central part of Russia there is only one species poisonous snakes- common viper. All other snakes are non-venomous. Copperhead not poisonous, remember this is already tired of repeating to stubborn rams, even if there is a stake on your head, it would be all right !!! Very often they mistake a legless spindle lizard for a poisonous copperfish. It happens that the snake is confused with the viper. The only thing to be afraid of is the viper. But! We remember the important! Snake never!!! the first does not attack, does not bite just like that. Why? Everything is simple. The viper needs venom for hunting, and the accumulation of a new portion of venom after a bite takes a long time and takes a lot of energy from the snake. Therefore, the snake does not want to squander it to waste it left and right. Now remember the second important point. The venom of a viper knocks down a bull weighing half a ton from its feet is not fatal! You can easily look at the statistics and see that the number of deaths from viper bites is negligible. But do not piss on a bare wire to tempt fate. Who knows, maybe you are allergic to a snake bite? No need to tease the snake - it’s better to wet it right away and let it crawl away calmly. In general, the common viper is listed in the Red Book in many areas, and do not be barbarians and monsters gone assholes. If the animal does not bother you - do not bother him! If you go to the forest for mushrooms, berries, hunting for squeezing and fucking or a walk - just put on your rubber boots - and that's it! This will solve all your problems.

Now about ticks. Yes, we have got a lot of this nastiness lately from where, the bitches, come from. Contrary to popular belief, there are not so many ticks in a continuous forest. And really, what are they doing there? And more often they are found on paths, edges, field and country roads, parks - in a word, where there are more people and animals. Another tale - ticks fly and jump, yeah, spider-man, aptel on people from trees. To get started, read at least about them on Wikipedia and look at the photos of ticks so as not to look like a stupid asshole. First, mites belong to the arachnid class (spiders don't have wings, do they?). Secondly, why does a tick need to spend so much energy and climb a tree to jump on top of a person, but, missed, loshara with varying degrees of success. It is easier for a tick to sit by the path, waiting for prey. When you walk by, he clings to your ass clothes and looks for an exit to the skin. Everything is simple here - it is better to use deaf clothes or treat clothes with poop repellents before going into the forest. It's a good idea to check yourself often if you know there are a lot of ticks in the area. If you nevertheless “picked up” a tick, cut it out right there with the meat, carefully remove it and hand it over for testing for syphilis borreliosis or encephalitis. And although the probability of infection is very small, it is better to play it safe and sleep peacefully. And even better - get vaccinated in advance and be calm.

By the way, about insects. Do not disturb wasp or bee hives. Well, if you found one, it’s better to run headlong and bypass it. And you are calmer, and insects. And no one bothers them, and you will not be lucky enough to take the sting out of your ass to be bitten.

5) Other hazards.

How else can a forest be dangerous? What do people who usually warn about the numerous dangers of the forest include here? I don't even know what to include in the meaningful phrase " And a little something...". As a rule, these are simply inventions of illiterate and obscure people. Let's not be like those who are afraid of the forest like fire and invent all kinds of bullshit about it. Better yet, let's talk about the real dangers that can warn a person in the forest.

The main enemies of a person in the forest are cold, hunger and dehydration. Therefore, we remember a simple thing - even if you go for a regular walk, do not be too lazy to take with you a backpack full of garbage matches / lighter and something hearty (bread, bacon, a chocolate bar). Let's not forget about the booze water. I don't think a box of matches or a bar of chocolate will take up much space - they can fit in a pocket. But if you suddenly get lost, you can build a fire at night and keep warm, and you can treat the bear to eat for several days with a bar of chocolate. You can also get into the forest in a thunderstorm or hurricane. Do not be afraid - it is better to wait out a thunderstorm or a hurricane by climbing the tallest tree in the forest and lying on the ground (not under old and tall trees) so that you do not crash. When walking through the forest, it is better to avoid meeting windbreaks, blockages and chapyga with a bear, so as not to get injured. If you suddenly get into a forest fire, you should leave as quickly as possible in the direction of the wind, using all sorts of natural barriers to fire - hills, rivers, lakes, etc. When walking through the swamps, you should remember that you can be devoured by a dashing one-eyed or water one; we don’t have quicksands and bogs. But there are peat bogs where you can fall through. Therefore, it is not recommended to cross the ford; it is better to fly over peat bogs. Moss swamps (in the final stage of their development) as a rule can be waded, bypassing the most haunted places "damp" areas. You should also be more careful near rivers or on the borders of the forest and the field - where thickets of nettles or cow parsnip come across, so as not to get burned by these plants. Well, you should not eat anything in the forest, there are unfamiliar plants and berries, so as not to get poisoned.

By the way, if you are going to an unfamiliar forest, be sure to install at least a simple navigator for yourself (I wrote about navigators and), or buy yourself at least a cheap UAZ compass. After all, every first person has a smartphone, which is worth installing an elementary program and just breaking in and not being afraid to get lost. By the way, a very good thing is a GPS tracker. It remembers a dozen and a half points and shows you directions back to the last point. More can be printed satellite map terrain - if you get lost and get lost, it can be useful to you too.

Summing up…

Well, that's all for today, wow, I got tired of writing, friends! Feel free to go into the forest and do not listen to those assholes of people who tell you all sorts of fears about the forest! Do not be afraid of the forest. Spend more time outside the city, drink, relax, breathe fresh air and enjoy unity with nature. Meanwhile, I decided to run new section on your blog. There I will write everything about the forest - a memo to those who have lost their way, I will talk about spending the night and behavior in the forest, about the gifts of the forest and much more. Check out my blog, repost, comment! Health to you and all the best.

P.S. I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone with this article. It was not my intention to offend anyone or make fun of people. I tried to write with humor (well, excuse me, damn it, I’m joking as best I can) in order to convey the essence of my thoughts more clearly. Let's not be serious! Have a good mood everyone!
