Poisonous snake. African snakes

Poisonous snake

First letter "g"

Second letter "u"

Third letter "r"

The last beech is the letter "a"

Answer for the clue "Venomous snake", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word gyurza

Poisonous snake 2 to 4 meters long, lives in moist forests Africa

Poisonous snake of Asia and Africa

This very poisonous snake of the viper family in Latin is called Vipera Lebetina.

One of the most dangerous snakes

Detective novel by G. Mironov

Large venomous snake of Asia

Word definitions for gyurza in dictionaries

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Vipera lebetina), a snake of the viper genus. Length up to 1.5 m. Coloring gray, with dark spots along the ridge. Distributed in North Africa and Southwest Asia; in the USSR, in Transcaucasia (except for Abkhazia) and in the south of the Central Asian republics. G. prefers stony, ...

encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
venomous snake of the viper family. Length up to 1.6 m. In the North. Africa and Southwest. Asia, as well as in Transcaucasia, in the south of Kazakhstan and in Wed. Asia. The bite can be fatal to humans. Poison is used in medicine. A subspecies that lives on the islands of the Aegean m. - in the Red ...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Gyurza, or Levant viper (, Persian گرزه / gurza / from گرز / gurz / - “iron club, mace, club”) - a type of poisonous snake from the genus of giant vipers of the Viper family.

Examples of the use of the word gyurza in the literature.

The thickness of the snakes did not exceed the thickness of a finger, and therefore, after gyurz vipers looked like pasta.

Our zoo base was offered to supply the poison of three types of snakes - gyurza, steppe viper and common viper.

Yada gyurza doctors ask for five hundred grams of poison steppe viper- one hundred grams and common viper venom - fifty grams.

For trapping gyurza and the steppe viper, we are calm: the centers of these species of snakes have been explored and there is someone to teach beginners.

The second brigade will be engaged in catching the steppe viper in the spring, and in August they will go to trap gyurza the director continued.

Poisonous snake

Alternative descriptions

Black coal shale

natural slate

In Slavic mythology, an evil winged snake (mythical)

Eve listened to him and was expelled from paradise

Vicious, venomous personality

Evil, vicious person

What did Sofya Savvishna Popova call her husband, Lev Ivanovich, in A.P. Chekhov's story "Life's Troubles"?

About a vicious, insidious person

Very venomous snake

Layered black mineral, used for the manufacture of slate (slate) boards and roofing

With this word, the poet's nanny Arina Rodionovna called all the villains

poisonous reptile

Black Mamba

Not a man, but a snake

Poisonous snake

Black shale, bluish-black rock

Say "venomous snake" in Greek

. “A winged snake that has a bird’s nose and two trunks” - what was the ancient name for this monster?

The snake that killed Cleopatra

venomous snake

Black slate

coral snake

poisonous snake

Snake with his family

cobra, mamba

Winged serpent from myths

king cobra, mamba

Venomous snake (gen.)

A poisonous snake or an evil husband

Black mamba like a snake

family of venomous snakes

A snake with an "HIV-infected" name

Mythical creature personifying evil

. "snake" slate

Mamba, cobra or echidna

King Cobra

Head of the family of cobras and mambas

Snake with "HIV-infected." name

Male reptile

A snake that is very afraid of HIV infection

poison man

A snake 'scared' of HIV infection

Black mamba, gyurza

Evil person

vicious reptile

King cobra like a snake

Winged serpent among the Slavs

Cobra or Krait


Ugly, evil person (transl.)

creeping reptile

Rock, black slate

Traitor with a snake soul

Member of the venomous snake family

Kind of venomous snake

General name for snakes

Evil person

Variety of rock slate

. "Snake" slate

. "winged snake, which has a bird's nose and two trunks" - as the ancients called this monster

Evil person (simple)

Serpent epithet for an evil person

snake for cleopatra

Snake with "HIV" name

Snake with "HIV-infected" name

A snake 'scared' of HIV infection

How Sofya Savvishna Popova called her husband, Lev Ivanovich, in A.P. Chekhov's story "Life's Troubles"

M. Greek. poisonous snake; skaz. fabulous serpent, aspic. An evil man, miser, crafty koschey, stingy. Fossil, issera-black slate, going to countertops, writing boards, esp. in schools. Star. jasper, motley limestone: and the walls are painted with asp and herbs, that is, marbled or jasper. Aspid's hole. Aspid malice. Asp board. Aspidnik, slate flagstone or slate, slate plate

Cobra related snake

Say "venomous snake" in Greek

Black rock slate

Poisonous African snake of the asp family

First letter "m"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "m"

The last beech is the letter "a"

Answer for the clue "African venomous snake", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word mamba

Venomous snake with a "dance" name

In the movie Kill Bill, Uma Thurman's character was called Black...

Tropical snake of the asp family

And the snake and the Latin American dance

African snake

Word definitions for mamba in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Dendroaspis), a genus of venomous snakes of the asp family. 4 species, distributed in Africa (south of the Sahara). Body length 2 ≈ 4 m. Coloration green, sometimes with dark spots (except for black M. ≈ D. polylepis). As a rule, they live in trees, meet ...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Mamba: Mamba is a venomous tree snake from the asp family. Mamba is a dating and communication service. Mamba, Samantha is an Irish singer and actress. Mamba - chewy candy.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Poisonous snake of the aspid family, common in Africa.

Examples of the use of the word mamba in the literature.

An angry six-foot green mamba and fell to the ground.

This is the only case known to me when green mamba was the culprit of diplomatic embarrassment.

big black snake mamba, eight feet long and as thick as a man's arm, was crawling through the damp grass towards the cow, and quickly.

He raised his gun, about to shoot, but immediately lowered it again, why - he himself did not know, and continued to sit without moving, watching how mamba approaches the cow, listening to the rustle that she makes, watching how she creeps closer and closer to the cow, and waiting for the attack to occur.

Then mamba She carefully lowered herself to the ground and crawled back across the grass in the same direction she had come from.
